STH :: Volume #12

#1195: Earth ancient

Azure Ox comes gradually, fur / superficial knowledge meter bright, with azure silk fabrics, the physique is sturdy, on the vigorous powerful, gigantic head horn is thickly long, the coarse nature is unpolished. 一头青牛缓步而来,皮毛米亮,跟青绸缎子似的,体格粗壮,雄健有力,硕大的头颅上犄角粗长,糙质无光泽。 It walks leisurely from the Starry Sky deep place, making many people be startled, this appearances and calm 3 people pay attention, how to see that is not mediocre. 它从星空深处悠悠走来,让许多人都大吃了一惊,这副卖相与从容三人关注,怎么看都非凡俗。 Has an old man above, the look clear lump, the forehead is full, the eye pupil is limpid, but the inactivity enter the world, the body does not dye the mortal world air/Qi. 在上面有一个老者,相貌清瘤,额头饱满,眼眸清澈,无为而出世,身躯不染红尘气。 Sages is very difficult to see its cultivation base, only had Blood Phoenix Mountain old clan head and other pupils to open and close divine light one continuously, saw anything profoundly. 诸贤都很难看出其修为,唯有血凰山的老族长等眸子开阖间神光一缕缕,深刻看出了什么。 expert! 高手! Moreover is peerless expert that makes one not dare easily to provoke! 而且是一个让人不敢轻易招惹的绝世高手! General cultivator cannot see the depth of old man, but can actually judge 12 through its mount, all observed closely that well-built Azure Ox. 一般的修士看不出老者的深浅,但却能通过其坐骑判断出一二,全都盯住了那头体格健壮的青牛 „A Saint cow!” “一头圣牛!” The people deeply inhaled the cold air, the riding instead of walking mount achieved Saint-level, this may really shock everybody, Sages revealed the look of surprise on the scene. 众人深吸凉气,代步坐骑达到了圣级,这可真是惊世骇俗,在场的诸贤露出异色 The mount so, can the jade tablet person be weak? The absolute background is astonishing, is not Great Saint is also similar, how otherwise the Saint cow will submit. 坐骑都如此了,圭人能弱吗?绝对来头惊人,不是大圣也差不多,要不然圣牛岂会屈服。 You are..., Niu Yi, really...... is righteousness!?” Suddenly, a Vigorous Demonic Ox Race old Saint body trembles, is swinging the gigantic ox head, opens the eye, reveals the inconceivable color to stare at the front. “你是...,牛义,真的......是义儿吗!?”突然,大力牛魔族一位老圣人身躯一颤,摇着硕大的牛头,睁开眼睛,露出不可思议之色盯着前方。 Cow such as is he, vanished in 2000, became Saint unexpectedly! ” Vigorous Demonic Ox Race another person cries out strangely, obviously is very surprised. “牛如”是他,消失了两千年,竟成为圣人了!”大力牛魔族另一人怪叫,显然很吃惊。 Two Old Ox are so rude, naturally let trigger the stir, Foreign Domain all cultivator to open the eye, is staring from a person of cow that the Starry Sky deep place came. 两头老牛如此失态,自然让引发轰动,域外所有修士都睁大了眼睛,盯着自星空深处而来的一人一牛。 Who this is, more than 2000 years ago Ancient Race did not have enter the world, will he surrender Demonic Ox Race Powerhouse? 这是什么人,两千多年前古族还没有出世,他怎么会降服走了牛魔族的一位强者? Spat......” Azure Ox to send out crying sound, shook by Divine Consciousness, the Desolate aura swept across Starry Sky. “啐......”青牛发出鸣音,透过神识震出,莽荒气息席卷星空 Has seen the grand-uncle.” Azure Ox nods to salute upon meeting to here, is somewhat excited. “见过叔祖。”青牛向这边点头见礼,也有些激动。 Who he is, why you become its mount, where did these years go to?” Two Old Ox looks are bad, are staring at that old man, inquired to Niu Yi, the vicious tendencies are strong, has a meaning of word not at earliest convenience take action greatly. “他是谁,你为何成为了其坐骑,这些年去了哪里?”两头老牛神色不善,盯着那位老者,向牛义询问,戾气浓重,大有一言不合就出手的意思。 Two thousand years ago, after I recover, left the Demon Ox hole...... Niu Yi explained, making them do not get angry. “两千年前,我复苏后离开了牛魔洞......。”牛义解释,让他们不要发怒。 Past, Niu Yi was very small and weak, can only be small, calf.” Cannot bear lonely and ahead of time enter the world, met a person of high skill, at the present comes back is actually Saint. 昔日,牛义还很弱小,只能算是一个“小、牛犊子。”忍不住寂寞而提前出世,相遇了一位高人,而今回来却已是圣人 After a code, two Old Ox demon murderous aura collect, but looked that is the look is still bad to that clear lump old man, no matter what because they persuaded Niu Yi not to turn over to the clan. 经过一番密语,两头老牛杀气敛去,但看向那个清瘤老者依然是神色不善,因为任他们劝说牛义也不想归族。 Where does Fellow Daoist come from, how calls?” A Fire Qilin Cave's old Saint King opens the mouth, is narrowing the eye, heartfelt feeling at present the great strength of this person. 道友来自何方,怎么称呼?”火麟洞的一位老圣人王开口,眯缝着眼睛,真切感受到了眼前此人的强大。 this Old Man Yin Xi, way place, not his intent.” The old men have the smile saying that is genial and calm. 老朽尹喜,路径此地,并无他意。”老者带着微笑说道,和善而从容。 If Ye Fan will certainly be startled in this, this is the ancient of not to have country Spring and Autumn Period period, at the present True Body appears in Big Dip­per Star Domain unexpectedly. 若是叶凡在此一定会大吃一惊,这是中冇国春秋时期的一位古人,而今真身竟然出现在了北斗星域 Yin Xi harnesses the cow to come, came under his teacher's influence, this lineage/vein are indifferent to fame or gain, stand aloof from the world, are fastidious about the Daoist magic nature, calm inactivity. 尹喜驾牛而来,自是受到了其师的影响,这一脉恬淡超然,与世无争,讲究道法自然,心静无为。 Many cultivator are astonished, this absolutely is powerful Human Race expert, from Foreign Domain, Starry Sky deep place Human Race is not it seems like small and weak, making one dread. 诸多修士惊异,这绝对是一位强大的人族高手,来自域外,看来星空深处人族一点也不弱小,让人忌惮。 „Does Fellow Daoist also come for Immortal Ascension Road?” Blood Phoenix Mountain old Saint asked. 道友也是为成仙路而来吗?”血凰山的一位老圣人问道。 Treads broken Heavenly Road, our generation cultivator only to become an immortal, this Old Man from also has this intent.” Yin Xi does not conceal, is very sincere. “踏破天路,我辈修士只为成仙,老朽自也有此意。”尹喜并不隐瞒,很是率真。 In fact, has which from the person who Foreign Domain comes not for Immortal Ascension Road, but, clearly, will be more by afterward person. 事实上,自域外来的人有哪个不是为成仙路而至,很是明显,想必以后来的人会更多。 whether it is Human Race, is Ancient Race, is not willing to split with Foreign Domain cultivator for no reason, some people will not provoke, particularly such uncommon Ancient Saint. 无论是人族,还是古族,都不愿无故与域外修士交恶,自不会有人挑衅,尤其是这样一位不凡的古圣 Immortal Road, if opens, Heaven and Earth must be chaotic, Saints rises together simultaneously, this Old Man this place matter, must return to the native land to step onto one time, protects the Han Valley pass/test, everyone said goodbye.” Yin Xi said, harnesses the cow to go far away, slowly vanishes under the star splendor, enters below life source area. 仙路若开,天地必乱,诸圣并起,老朽此地事了,亦要回故土走上一遭,守护函谷关,各位告辞。”尹喜说罢,驾牛远去,慢慢消失在星辉下,进入下方的生命源地。 After Ye Fan hears dumbfounded, first charges into Foreign Domain, latter pursues into Great Wilderness, looks for the ancient in Yin Xi this Starry Sky opposite shore. 叶凡听闻后目瞪口呆,第一时间冲向域外,后又追入大荒中,寻找尹喜这位星空对岸的古人。 Regardless of how he has not thought, this expert will appear in this time, past guarded the sage who Han Valley closed/pass, came in Big Dip­per Star Domain unexpectedly. 他无论如何也没有想到,这位牛人会于此时出现,昔日镇守函谷关的贤者,竟然在北斗星域现身了。 Immortal Ascension Road is going to open, whether other ancients will also appear?” Ye Fan talked to oneself. 成仙路将要开启,其他古人是否也会出现?”叶凡自语。 He looks everywhere the land, without discovering the Yin Xi trace, does not know where, cannot find out by secret inquiry. 他遍寻大地,也没有发现尹喜的踪影,不知道去了哪里,不能探知。 Ye Fan knows, the great misfortune, Immortal Ascension Road may really exist, will otherwise Yin Xi this grade of character appear? 叶凡知道,大劫将至,成仙路真的可能存在,不然尹喜这等人物怎会出现? He said that in the future must guard the Han Valley pass/test, what exactly will have, Immortal Ascension Road appears, will have unprecedented great war?” “他说未来要去镇守函谷关,到底会发生什么,成仙路出现,将有前所未有的大战吗?” Ye Fan had known in the past, had once attacked in ancient from other Flying Immortal Star and lives from ancient territory along Ancient Road the not to have country, in the future will reappear? 叶凡过去就已知晓,来自飞仙星、来自其他古域的生灵曾沿着一条古路攻打过古中冇国,将来会再现吗? Immortal Gate vanished, does not reveal, one kills the tribulation to drop the curtain, making many Saint fearful and apprehensive. 仙门消失了,就此不显,一场杀劫落下帷幕,让许多圣人都心惊肉跳。 People deeply realized, competing for Immortal Ascension Road's is brutal, Foreign Domain expert appeared had the so big disturbance, what kind of murdering in the future will have!? 人们深刻意识到,争夺成仙路的残酷,一位域外高手出现就闹出了如此大的风波,将来会有怎样的杀伐!? Immortal Ascension Road has not opened, but Saints as if has seen blood stream to become Chai, skeleton such as the picture of mountain, will certainly the incomparable brutality. 成仙路还未开启,但是诸圣仿佛已经看到血流成豺、尸骨如山的画面,必将无比的残酷。 Some people want to clear now, how many people in the future can live? Perhaps Big Dip­per Star Domain will therefore be destroyed, does not exist.” “有人现在就想清场了,将来能活下几人?北斗星域说不定都会因此而被打碎,不复存在。” Road ahead unknown, making one pace back and forth, the heart has the apprehension, the fearful big world of eternally seeing arrives, is the human life is inevitably more inexpensive than the grass, Immortal Road will be dyed by the blood. 前路未知,让人彷徨,心有忧惧,万古一见的可怕大世到来,必然是人命比草贱,仙路会被血染。 These days, undercurrent angular motion. 这段时间来,暗流角动。 Fire Mulberry Star's Golden Crow Race, Heavenspan Star God Race......, many Foreign Domain's itinerant cultivator wait/etc. came, making Big Dipper even more complex and turbulent. 火桑星的金乌族,通天星神族......,还有许多域外的散修等先后现身,让北斗都越发的复杂与动荡。 And, Foreign Domain has the inexplicable historical site to appear, has Powerhouse to catch up, places own temporary palace in Starry Sky, True Body has not arrived. 且,域外有莫名古迹出现,有强者赶来,将自己的行宫安置在星空中,并未真身降临。 The Big Dipper atmosphere was getting more and more tight, letting the person must suffocate, this time seems tranquility before that storm! 北斗的气氛越来越紧张了,让人要窒息,这个时间段仿佛是那暴风雨前的宁静! Various clans are very intense, as long as Dao Severing person thinks Sanctification none who does not, because will only have so can have the space in the future Heaven and Earth general situation, can turning point that will struggle that to become an immortal. 各族都很紧张,但凡斩道者莫不想成圣,因为唯有如此才能在未来的天地大局中有一席之地,可以争那成仙的契机。 How like this, two old ancestors will disappear...... “怎么会这样,两位老祖就这么消失了......。” The palace that in Small Spiritual World, piece of white bones build asked, in the most ancient palace spread shouts, fills being unwilling, murderous aura broke through Nine Layers of Heaven. 神灵小界中,一片白骨筑成的殿宇问,最为古老的殿堂内传出嘶吼,充满了不甘,杀气冲破九重天 „, Will not kill the ancestor not dead, must reappear, even Great Saint unable to cope with they!” “不会的,杀祖不死,必会再现,连大圣奈何不了他们!” The bone palace shakes, the skull and Saint's of withered bone special characteristics physique sends out the clear gloss, two murder Saint murderous intention reveal completely, is turbulent just like the vastness. 骨殿摇动,特质体质的头骨、圣人的枯骨发出晶莹的光泽,两尊杀圣杀机毕露,宛若汪洋汹涌。 Southern Mountains, before Monster Sovereign Temple, a Dao Body shadow turns away from ancient palace, looks up to Starry Sky, said: Immortal Ascension Road will really appear, in several years, are several hundred years later, how many people will the only bloody road general die?” 南岭,妖皇殿前,一道身影背对古殿,仰望星空,道:“成仙路真的会出现吗,几年内,还是几百年后,唯一的血路上将会死去多少人?” Western Desert, in Mt. Xumi, has the old monk to look at the day, asked by the heart, entire Great Thunderclap Temple one solemn silence, sacred auspicious. 西漠,须弥山上,亦有老僧望天,以心问道,整座大雷音寺都一片庄严肃穆,神圣祥和。 The situation was even more complex, making cultivator worry, people do not know the road ahead, cannot the wise judgment in the future, in the Saints heart very be even disturbed. 局势越发的复杂了,让修士担忧,人们不知前路,不能明断未来,连诸圣心中都很忐忑。 Since this days, Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones has been very tranquil, there is no special matter to happen, to more to be this gentle more is to make people think that the atmosphere is heavy. 这段日子以来,七大生命禁区很宁静,没有什么特别的事发生,可越是这种平和越是让人觉得气氛沉重。 Haha, must succeed, finally must refine!” big black dog big mouth, the white shining big tooth is giving a tongue-lashing the root of the ear place, a face deceitful together joyful. “哈哈,要成功了,终于要提炼出来了!”大黑狗咧着大嘴,白灿灿的大牙呲到了耳根处,一脸的奸相与喜悦。 Dragon Horse is also the big eye staring is very round, the whole body sends out the auspicious light of auspicious beast, the dragon scales twinkle, the flame is dreadful, here waits. 龙马也是大眼瞪的很圆,浑身散发瑞兽的祥光,龙鳞闪烁,火焰滔天,在此等候。 Village of Celestial Court very type, people have not felt the outside world the anxiety, filled the joy of harvest, because the valuable medicine is going to refine. 天之村很样和,人们并未感受到外界的紧张,充满了收获的喜悦,因为宝药将要炼成了。 Did not need to be worried to be defeated, can wait/etc. extinguish Dragon Vein fire essence, the nourish final two days, the evolution fluid can come out.” “不用担心失败了,可以将龙脉火精等熄灭了,温养最后的两天,进化液就可以出炉了。” Saint Killer Qi Luo said, brow open up opened, several -month long protection, can grow the one breath at the present finally. 杀圣齐罗说道,眉头舒张开了,长达数月之久的守护,而今终于可以长出一口气了。 This carrying/sustaining the Celestial Court future hope, may make young later generation shedding body, exchanging bones, the strength rise dramatically, making their strengths promote a big truncation, he had seen the scene of Celestial Court resurgence. 这承载了天庭未来的希望,可让年轻的后辈脱胎换骨,战力飙升,让他们的实力提升一大截,他已经看到了天庭中兴的场景。 The cauldron is fluctuating, Immortal Qi wraps it, various visions numerous, spectacular, nearly heaven defying, is surrounding it just like the myth life. 鼎在起伏,仙气将它包裹,各种异象纷呈,气象万千,近乎逆天,都是宛若神话般的生灵在环绕它。 Dragon and Phoenix and cry, White Tiger leaps the day, Black Tortoise goes to sea, the god only flies on Nine Heavens, human form creatures lifts the rosy cloud to fly upwards......, the auspicious light one piece by piece, auspicious color, submerged the cauldron completely, crowds around in not to have Yang. 龙凤和鸣,白虎跃天,玄武出海,神只翱于九天上,人形生物举霞飞升......,祥光一片片,瑞彩一道道,完全将鼎淹没了,簇拥于中冇央。 Only takes final can turn on the medicine furnace on the 2nd, takes out the evolution treasure fluid! 仅需最后的两日就可以开启药炉,取出进化宝液! Some Village of Celestial Court old people's age were very big, but if , if living ancient scripture, full was on the fold face reveals smiling at this time, in the mouth muttered, probably was praying. 天之村有些老人的年岁很大了,可若等若活着的古经,此时满是褶皱的脸上露出了笑,口中喃喃自语,像是在祈祷。 They waited for many years, anticipates the Celestial Court strengthen, restored the glory, the life nearly passes past, the body was weak, at the present finally sees the dawn. 他们等了很多年,期待天庭变强,恢复昔日荣耀,一生都快过去了,身体都不支了,而今终于看到了曙光。 Revelation grandfather, in your eye brought the tears.” Xiao Qiao'er said, cleans for the old person. “天启爷爷,你眼中都带泪了。”小雀儿说道,为老人擦拭。 Grandfather was very happy, finally arrived at this day.” The revelation old person said. “爷爷很高兴,终于盼到了这一天。”天启老人说道。 Several other old people are also so, they such as Qi Luo like that Sanctification, has not been the last years of life, the hair fell quickly up. 其他几位老人也是如此,他们未如齐罗那般成圣,早已是风烛残年,头发都快落光了。 Yan Yixi in also the field, holds two old people, is very respectable to them, after he arrives at Village of Celestial Court, originally often plays chess with several old people, has obtained the direction, profits quite a lot. 燕一夕在也场,扶着两位老人,对他们很尊敬,他自来到天之村后常与几位老人下棋,得到过指点,受益颇多。 Celestial Court turns round to stand, will certainly rise greatly. Vertical was the present died, we also died content.” Several old people are trembling, the voice is excited, the old tears almost fall. 天庭复立,必将大兴。纵是现在死去,我们也瞑目了。”几位老人颤颤巍巍,语音激动,老泪差点落下。 Hey, right, I thought that you die with injustice unredressed to consider as finished, This King delivers all of you to start off!” “嘿,是吗,我看你们还是死不瞑目算了,本座送你们所有人上路!” murderous aura arrived suddenly, swept across trim Village of Celestial Court, the ancient Saint Might potential was dreadful, arrives under. 杀气突然降临,席卷了整片天之村,古圣威势滔天,降临而下。 Several old people, Xiao Qiao'er, Yan Yixi and others the big mouth coughs up blood immediately, the five internal organs cracked, the body the disintegration, backed up unceasingly. 几位老人、小雀儿燕一夕等顿时大口咳血,五脏都裂了,身体将崩碎,不断倒退。 Bang! 轰! In the time it takes a spark to fly off of a piece of flint, the Saint Killer Qi Luo foot steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art, the time seems like flowing backwards, changes into the electric light to keep off before together horizontally, blocked Ancient Saint coercion. 电火石花间,杀圣齐罗脚踩行字诀,时间像是在倒流,化为一道电光横挡在前,阻住了古圣威压 Really is big Good Fortune, you were busy at for a long time building up the evolution treasure fluid finally, I and others gathered especially, you can start off!” “真是一场大造化,你们忙了这么久终于炼成了进化宝液,我等特来收取,你们可以上路了!” Another murder Saint appears, callous laughing, the sound ice is cold, finds out one big hand to grasp toward Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron. 另一尊杀圣出现,冷酷的大笑,声音冰寒刺骨,探出一只大手向着万物母气鼎抓去。
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