STH :: Volume #12

#1199: Blood night

~ date: ~ September 18 ~ ~日期:~09月18日~ Many attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ «» ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~《》~ ~ aoye ~aoye Is contaminating blood fluid the broken bone block is splashing, meat dirty mud, this is an scene of carnage, the bloody aura greets the nostrils, making one tremble. 沾染着血『液』的碎骨块在飞溅,肉脏化泥,这是一个修罗场,血腥气息扑鼻,让人打颤。 Wailing sound Large expanse, in picture that the blood dyes, the bodies pour in the corpse pile, the slaughter is in progress, no one can prevent the Ye Fan's footsteps. 哀嚎声成片,血染的画面中,一具又一具身体倒在尸堆中,屠杀在进行,没有人能阻挡叶凡的脚步。 Finally strikes, he ripped open this decayed dimension small by the fist of golden, lets all skeleton and blood mist ash. 最后一击,他以金『色』的拳头撕开了这个腐朽的次元小界,让所有的骸骨与血雾化灰。 Obstructs day 1197 遮天1197 This is fourth dimension small that his slaughter falls, without the sympathy, without the mercy, he seems like one from Evil Spirit that the death state walked, unceasing take action, stained the blood. 这是他屠掉的第四个次元小界,没有同情,没有慈悲,他像是一个自死亡国度走来的恶灵,不断的出手,沾满了鲜血。 Past, the Two Great Divine Dynasties running amuck world, the killer made one, all sea was all cold, torments Eastern Wilderness, making one be panic at the news. 昔日,两大神朝横行天下,杀手令一出,四海皆寒,荼毒东荒,让人闻风丧胆。 At the present oneself also arrived at Life and Death time in peril, suffered destruction nature attack, their foundations in collapse, were swept away. 而今自身也到了生死危亡的时刻,遭受了毁灭『性』的打击,他们的根基在崩毁,被人横扫。 The Ye Fan's heart is very cold is very hard, no sympathy, looked lives, in his golden fist refers to dissipates, even the brow has not wrinkled. 叶凡的心很冷很硬,没有一点同情,看着的一条条的生命在他的金『色』拳指间消逝,连眉头都没有皱下。 Takes revenge for the old friend, draws out the malignant tumor, he does not have the bearing a sense of guilt heart, the body manifestation together golden light, across the sky however goes, rushes to next. 为故人复仇,拔出毒瘤,他没有一点负疚之心,身体化生一道金光,横空而去,赶往下一处。 This is a bleeding night, Human World and Hell most important several places suffered destruction nature the attack. 这是一个流血的夜晚,人世间地狱最重要的几个地方遭受了毁灭『性』的打击。 In the Old Hilt hand an demon blade sound of sword, the black blade glow broken 3000 zhang (3.33 m), the murderous aura volume universe, inspires the star splendor to fill the body horizontally, divided small while still alive, made here loss of life. 老刀把子手中一口魔刀霍霍,黑『色』的刀芒横碎三千丈,杀气卷乾坤,引动星辉灌体,活活劈掉了一个小界,令这里生灵涂炭 He is the Celestial Court descendant, in the heart has the big enmity, endures humiliation for many years, at the present facing this group of foes, a tooth for a tooth by the blood returns the blood, slaughters. 他是天庭后裔,心中有大仇,忍辱负重多年,而今面对这群仇敌,以牙还牙以血还血,杀戮而过。 The mortal world ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), the world world were known as that may measure the mortal world 9000 zhang (3.33 m), when is most magnificent, overlooks the world, rules Nine Heavens, they have nine small profound, at the present actually collapse one by one. 红尘万丈,人间世号称可丈量红尘九千丈,最辉煌时,俯瞰天下,君临九天,他们有九个小玄界,而今却逐一的崩毁 When Hell, is most powerful can compare one crowd of degenerating Deity, hold Blood-dripping Divine Sword, cuts world Saint, the terrifying and bloodiness, there are 18, namely 18 Small World. 地狱,最强大时堪比一群堕落的神灵,持滴血的神剑,斩世间圣人,恐怖而血腥,共有十八层,亦即十八个小世界 The time river flows, they are not at the present in peak condition, came small profound to ruin one batch eternally, but left behind some most reliable foundation. 时间长河流淌,而今他们远不在巅峰状态了,万古来小玄界毁掉了一批,但还是留下了一些最牢固的根基。 But at this moment, the foundation avalanche, ten directions all kills, across Eastern Wilderness some people are cutting two Great Divine Dynasty's lives. 而这一刻,根基崩塌,十方皆杀,东荒各地都有人在斩两大神朝的命脉。 Dongfang Ye, Old Hilt, Li Tian, Yan Yixi and Yao Yuekong these five big expert, oneself strength achieved Dao Severing Eighth Layer Heaven, at the present controls the Ancient Saint war tool, sweeps away all obstacles, a person kills the broken side. 东方野老刀把子厉天燕一夕妖月空这五大高手,自身实力达到了斩道八层天,而今驾驭古圣战争工具,所向披靡,一人杀破一方。 Especially Li Tian, grasps Goddess Furnace this Ancient Great Saint's Magical Artifact, has cut two small profound. 尤其是厉天,手持神女炉这宗古之大圣的法器,独自一人已经斩掉两个小玄界了。 In the face of the absolute strength, all are fabricated, Ancient Great Saint's Divine Furnace strikes, is dreadful to the fire, the essence of Sun overflows, burns down the world myriad things. 在绝对的实力面前,一切都是虚妄的,古之大圣的神炉一击,离火滔天,太阳之精四溢,焚毁世间万物。 The blood evaporation, the bone becomes the scorched earth. 鲜血都被蒸干了,骨头都成为了焦土。 The Celestial Court people kill a side respectively, joins forces to Central Region together, because the Two Great Divine Dynasties most ancient palace in that position, will become the final decisive battle place. 天庭众人各杀一方,一起向中域会师,因为两大神朝最古老的殿堂都在那个方位,将成为最后的决战地。 Three Mother Ship rumble, Li Heishui, Xiao Qiao'er, Wu Zhongtian, Ye Tong wait/etc. is also bursting into tears, takes revenge for the family member, killing spree (rampage). 三艘母船隆隆,李黑水小雀儿吴中天叶瞳等亦是流着泪,为亲人复仇,大开杀戒 The Dao Spirit light emits together, Great Dao's rune covers piece by piece, that shouts the sound, that begging for mercy sound, the skeleton of that death, interwined, played the town/subdues soul tune. 一道道神光喷吐,一片片大道符文笼罩,那嘶吼声,那求饶声,还有那死亡的尸骨,交织在一起,奏响了镇魂曲。 Obstructs day 1197 遮天1197 The sleepless night, the blood bone night, the shocking night, is doomed to go down in history, because this was a conclusion of Era! 不眠夜,血骨夜,惊世夜,注定被载入史册中,因为这是一个时代的结束! Kills the tribulation, bleeds is continuing, two big Archaic Divine Dynasty's killers angry roar, resists unceasingly, kills the long sword to break, the body collapses, change result. 杀劫在进行,流血在继续,两大远古神朝的杀手们怒吼,不断对抗,杀到长剑断,身体崩,也改变不了结局。 Ruined others foundation on such as them in the past, tonight was near in their head/number of people, this was a samsara. 就如过去他们毁掉他人根基般,今夜临到了他们的人头上,这是一个轮回。 Kills!” Shouted " kill " heavenshaking. “杀!”喊杀震天。 Without the killer can run away, this is a destruction nature the attack, having made up mind of Celestial Court people are to extinguish two Divine Dynasty's completely high-level. 没有杀手可以逃走,这是一次毁灭『性』的打击,天庭众人的决意就是要灭两神朝的全部高层。 Flames of war, the blood dyes the land, from Southern Region to Northern Region, gathered Central Region again, trim Eastern Wilderness is swept across. 烽火连天,血染大地,从南域北域,再汇聚到中域,整片东荒都被席卷了。 Ancestor dies content, today greatly broken Hell and Human World, will welcome your skulls, making you rest!” “先祖瞑目吧,今日将大破地狱人世间,迎回你们的头骨,让你们安息!” The expedition Celestial Court people, Ji Family, Jade Lake Holy Land, Heavenly Monster Palace, Flickering Light Holy Land, Jiang Family, Solitary Dao Holy Land wait/etc. received the notice incessantly at the final moment, and enters the war. 征战者不止天庭众人,姬家瑶池圣地天妖宫摇光圣地姜家道一圣地等都在最后时刻接到了通知,并来参战。 These people have to come, their older generation withered bone exhibit in most ancient palace hall in killer world, the news comes, waits, if compelling they took a stand and act. 这些人不得不来,他们的先辈枯骨陈列在杀手世界的最古殿堂中,消息传来,等若『逼』他们表态与行动。 Kills, the 49 th generation of founders, please the waiting, I and others welcome you to return, bury in the family tomb!” “杀,第四十九代祖师,请您等待,我等将迎请您归来,葬于家族墓地!” Kills, takes revenge for the ancestor, cuts completely this groups of executioners, washes off the shame, welcomed the Grandmaster skeleton!” “杀啊,为先祖复仇,斩尽这群群刽子手,洗刷耻辱,迎回师祖骸骨!” The war cries are shocking, the mortal world 9000 zhang (3.33 m) and Hell 18 are disintegrating, is collapsing, how can resist such army. 杀声震天,红尘九千丈、地狱十八层在瓦解,在崩溃,怎能抵挡这样的大军。 This piece of land trembling ticket, the mighty force is galloping, oversteps the expansive sky, such as ten ten thousand celestial troops and generals rushes, fall in the world. 这片大地都颤票了,千军万马在奔腾,踏过长空,如十万天兵天将冲杀,降于世间 No matter goes out in the sincerity, was in the helplessness under face, mulberry desolate Saints dispatches to send the troops, this was a unignorable strength, some people carried Holy Artifact, killed in tonight greatly! 不管走出于真心,还是迫于面子上的无奈,桑荒诸圣地都遣派来了人马,这是一股不可忽视的战力,有的人拎来了圣器,在今夜大杀! The Ye Fan corners of the mouth exude one to sneer, a person walks in the ice-cold and infertile Northern Region land, ruined fifth Small World. 叶凡嘴角泛起一丝冷笑,一个人行走在冰冷与寸草不生的北域大地上,只身毁掉了第五个小世界 The bright moonlight overhangs, cold and dreary, he stands on a cliff looks into the distance, Human World and Hell were erased by him in the Northern Region foundation thoroughly. 明月高挂,一片凄冷,他站在一座悬崖上眺望,人世间地狱北域的根基被他彻底抹除了。 Buzz! 嗡! Void trembles, he enters into Domain Portal in the moonlight, joins forces to Central Region, will start final going on a punitive expedition against. 虚空一颤,他在月光中迈入域门,向中域会师,将开始最后的征伐。 This is tranquil place, in the night, the distant place hears the cry of wild dog occasionally, crying of night of owlet, making here appear quieter cold. 这是一处宁静之地,在深夜中,远处偶尔传来野狗的叫声,还有夜枭的啼鸣,让这里显得更为幽冷。 Buries the post randomly, no one will pay attention, at the present several corpses, by brutal throwing in the wilderness, several wild dogs are gnawed. 『乱』葬岗,没有人会理会,而今还有几具死尸呢,被无情的扔在野地间,几只野狗才啃噬。 No one thinks, this is the Hell Divine Dynasty's ancient palace hall entrance, firmest cannot shake Zucchi in this place. 谁也不会想到,这就是地狱神朝的古殿堂入口,最牢不可撼动祖基就在此地。 Dirty and chaotic, close to a backward small town, very common, the carrion of deceased person and animal were thrown here. Who can think, Hell will tolerate, always disregards, at dirty chaotic among burial land. 又脏又『乱』,临近一个落后的小城,非常的不起眼,死人、动物的腐尸等被抛在这里。谁能想到,地狱会容忍,从来都无视,处在肮脏的『乱』葬地间。 Obstructs day 1197 遮天1197 Many for ten thousand years, this Small Spiritual World had never been discovered, the order is stable, the world does not know. 多少万年来,这个神灵小界从未被人发现过,秩序稳定,世人不知。 big black dog had transferred dozens in this place, murder Saint, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son stand still motionless, but perhaps in the darkness also has Saint to bring up the rear. 大黑狗早已在这个地方转了数十遭了,杀圣姬子圣皇子静立不动,而黑暗中也许还有圣人在压阵。 They want a destruction, first arrived at the Hell immortal demon earth, but Ji Family's Saint also had Wei Yi to go to Human World's Small Spiritual World to wait, guarded and blocks for them. 他们要一界一界的毁灭,先来到了地狱的不朽魔土,而姬家的一位圣人还有卫易已经去人世间的神灵小界守候了,替他们防范与封锁。 On everyone has Heaven Deceiving Formation Marks, avoids disclosing the aura, alerting the enemy, everyone is very discrete, will start the final attack. 每个人身上都有欺天阵纹,避免走漏气息,打草惊蛇,所有人都很谨慎,将开始最后的进攻。 Told various Great Holy Land's people to come this.” “告诉各大圣地的人都来此吧。” Domain Portal opens, the news passed on, shortly after troops one after another clash, the dense big piece, some people brought Holy Artifact. 域门打开,消息传了出去,不久后一队又一队的人马冲来,黑压压一大片,有人带来了圣器 Flickering Light Holy Land, Jiang Family, Jade Lake Holy Land, Ji Family wait/etc., war chariot rumble, the flag flap flap, has itself to hide the aura method. 摇光圣地姜家瑶池圣地姬家等,战车隆隆,大旗猎猎,都有自己掩藏气机的方法。 However at present actually does not need to be secret, the final decisive battle arrival, big black dog first flushed went to decode magic formation, was Qi Luo, Ye Fan, Ji Zi, Saint Sovereign's Son and Dragon Horse, again latter was each region army. 不过眼下却不需要隐秘了,最后的决战到来,大黑狗第一个冲了进去破解法阵,而后是齐罗叶凡姬子圣皇子龙马,再后是各地大军。 great war towering eruption! 大战突兀的爆发! Across the imaginary entrance, inside is a stretch of open field, the vegetation abundant prestige, stone cliff rises together simultaneously, the purple fog curls, the appearance of the mountain is extraordinary. 穿过幻阵入口,里面是片开阔地,草木丰威,石崖并起,紫雾袅袅,山势奇伟。 Enemy raids!” “敌袭!” The grating scream resounds, the unexpectedly King of Great Accomplishment protection outside the entrance, first sounds the warning, but this is unproductive. 刺耳的尖叫响起,竟有一位大成王者守护在山门外,第一时间发出警报,但这是徒劳的。 Ye Fan pushes to the front, the direct impact, such as True Dragon across the sky, the fist fierce potential has sunk, suspends the leg instantly, the tread collapses Void, will draw near peak. 叶凡一马当先,直冲而过,如一头真龙横空,拳猛势沉,一摆腿的刹那,蹬塌虚空,快到了极致 He is evolving 'Travel' Character Secret Art, regards front magic formation , if no thing, golden blood energy like the sea, billowing boiling, his foot trod the defense of King of Great Accomplishment, ruins the light screen. 他在演化行字诀,视前方法阵如无物,黄金血气如海,滚滚沸腾,他一脚就踏碎了大成王者的防御,毁掉光幕。 This person of cultivation base is profound, originally concealment in Void, but does not have to hide in front of Ye Fan, holds the King saying that panic-stricken the soldier strikes. 此人修为高深,原本隐匿在虚空中,可是在叶凡面前却无所遁形,惊恐的持王者道兵击来。 Kā! 喀! In Ye Fan this under foot, King of Great Accomplishment, although the supernatural might, magical power is profound, expensive/noble is to kill the king, but actually still cannot defend, said that the soldier breaks. 叶凡这一脚下,大成王者虽然神武,法力高深,贵为杀王,但却依然防不住,道兵破碎。 The blood light to/clashes, Ye Fan quite cruel, a foot treads to put from his chest, knee curving instantly, cracked-up his frontal bone, killed his Primordial Spirit. 血光冲起,叶凡相当的暴戾,一只脚自其胸膛踏穿而过,膝盖弯曲的刹那,又撞碎了他的额骨,杀了他的元神 shuā! 刷! This quick electrical fire Shi Hua, Ye Fan has almost flushed, has not stayed, King of Great Accomplishment explodes broken, the blood splash scatters, is killed violently. 这快过电火石花,叶凡几乎是一冲而过,根本就没有停留,一位大成王者爆碎,血花四溅,就此毙命。 Bang “砰” Ye Fan falls instantly, a fist broke front Purple Mountain, this is the target of attack, making all magic formation of entrance place become completely useless, wrecked formation flag head sect. 叶凡落下的刹那,一拳震碎了前方的紫山,这才是攻击的目标,让山门处的所有法阵全部失效,击毁了阵旗总门 Kills!” “杀!” Kills......” “杀啊……” Destroys completely Hell, welcomed the older generation god bone, the snow completely shame and shame!” “灭掉地狱,迎回先辈神骨,雪尽耻与辱!” Angrily roars to resound, no matter rear several Great Holy Land's people sincerity walks the process, after here, was aroused the state of mind by this Blood Qi, shouted "kill" heavenshaking. 怒吼响起,后方几大圣地的人不管是真心的还是走过程,到了这里后都被这种血气激起了心绪,喊杀震天。 Everyone flushes away together forward, various war chariot rumble make noise, barbarian beast treads the expansive sky, the Dao Spirit arrow shooting, flies together to these restrictions. 所有人都一起向前冲去,各种战车隆隆作响,蛮兽踏碎长空,一道道神箭『射』出,飞向那些禁制 Bang! 轰! divine light flies piece by piece, Dao Traces appears piece by piece, had destruction nature the explosion, the energy is dreadful, brilliant dazzling. 一片片神光飞起,一片片道痕浮现,发生了毁灭『性』的爆炸,能量滔天,绚烂刺目。 This is Small Spiritual World, legends say is the Immemorial gods leaves behind, searched for and seized by the Hell person, as Zucchi important location. 这是一处神灵小界,相传太古的神明所遗留下来的,被地狱的人寻获,作为了祖基重地 precisely because, this small is so firm, is hard to ruin, regarding various major powers is together divine land. 正是因为如此,这个小界坚固不朽,难以毁掉,对于各大势力来说是一块神地 This is treasured land, if my Celestial Court established Sect on this ruins, may multiply throughout the ages, this is difficult broken!” Saint Killer Qi Luo said. “这是宝地,我天庭若是在此废墟上立教,将可繁衍万代,此界难破!”杀圣齐罗说道。 Who dares to rush to Hell, Deity will therefore be angry, everyone will make reparations by the blood, complete die!” “何人敢闯地狱,神灵将因此而愤怒,所有人都将以血赎罪,全部殒落!” Huge shouts resounds, is roaring, many vitality surges that just like a Immemorial deuteroscopy shakes, many people blast out directly, dies a violent death instantly. 巨大的嘶吼响起,宛若一个太古神视在咆哮,震的许多人气血翻腾,更有不少人直接炸开,刹那死于非命。 This is dreadful Saint Might! 这是一股滔天的圣威 In the front stretch of open field, a bedstone beast is roaring, powerful Saint Might is it sends out, opened the blood pupil. 就在前方一片开阔地,一座石兽在咆哮,强大的圣威是它散发出的,睁开了血眸。 This is mountain protecting stone beast, is a statue, is placed before the Hell gate, if shape stone dragon, however it actually recovered, probably an ancient life body, comes back to life from Archaic. 这是护山石兽,为一尊雕像,摆在地狱门前,状若石龙,然而它却复苏了,像是一种古老的生命体,从远古还魂。 This is the Saint-level puppet, cannot think that Hell also has this type of thing to stay behind, was too precious, what a pity in the brand mark their wills and souls recorded cannot use the mouth...... Qi Luo to shake the head for us. “这是圣级傀儡,想不到地狱还有这种东西留下,实在太珍贵了,可惜烙印上了他们的意志与魂记不能为我们所用口……”齐罗摇头。 That kills, is shattered a cleanness!” “那就杀,破灭个干净!” Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son take action, treads the day together the line, across the sky however crosses, takes out Holy Artifact respectively, fights this stone dragon together. 叶凡姬子圣皇子一起出手,踏天而行,横空而过,各自取出圣器,一起战这头石龙。 People with amazement, their strengths already promote step, although transcends tribulation, has not verified to Heaven and Earth, but the body and Primordial Spirit actually completed the transformation, may fight Saint. 众人骇然,他们的实力早已晋阶了,虽然未渡劫,没有向天地印证,但是身体与元神却完成了蜕变,可战圣人 Clang!” “锵!” Void cracks Heavenly Dao! 虚空天道 Zheng!” “铮!” Saint Sovereign fights the immortal! 圣皇化战仙! Bang!” “轰!” Saint Physique counter bang day! 圣体逆轰天! Three big Emperor's Child level character take action, each one may fight Saint together at the present, the might naturally arrived at peak certainly, deafening. 三大帝子级人物一起出手,而今各自可战圣人了,威力自然强绝到了极致,震耳欲聋。 In the fearful light screen, Shilong angrily roars, roars and struggles, finally wailed, crack, the Saint-level body blasts out!( To be continued.)!. 在可怕的光幕中,石龙怒吼、咆哮、挣扎,最后哀嚎、龟裂,圣级身体炸开了!(未完待续。)!。 Many attractive novels, txt downloading ~ on please ~ «» ~ 更多好看的小说,txt下载~请上~《》~ ~ aoye ~aoye
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