STH :: Volume #12

#1118: To the truth of Saint lecture of fist

Eccentric Mansion most deep place, large expanse of light in twinkle......,- wisp of Lou Yu Si the flaws, were the black hole group, Saint will be encountering on that day everywhere! 寄士府最深处,成片的光在闪烁……条条、—缕镂将那天宇撕的千疮百孔,到处都是黑洞群,圣人在交锋! This fight entered intensified, if there is a light porter certainly to make Central Province cave in a bulk on the ground, purple Spiritual Mountain that at least Eccentric Mansion is at could not preserve. 这场战斗进入了白热化,若是有光波打在地上一定会让中州沉陷一大块,最起码奇士府所在的紫色灵山保不住了。 However, the shouting out sound transmits, the holy light splash, this place actually never destroyed, preserved. 然而,呼喝声传来,圣光飞溅,这个地方却始终不毁,保存了下来。 Eccentric Mansion worthily is Human Race's important location, eternal rare landform and Dao Runes unify, making here the immortal place!” Ancient Saint talked to oneself, the offensive was fiercer, started peerless attack that belonged to Saint King. 奇士府不愧是人族的重地,万古罕见的地势道纹结合,让这里成为了不朽之地!”一位古圣自语道,攻势更猛了,发动了属于圣人王的绝世攻击。 Great Dao thunders, immortal light tens of thousands of wisps, the steamroll from space of that day, must turn into scorched earth this place. 大道轰鸣,仙光成千上万缕,从那天宇中碾压而下,要将这个地方化成一片焦土。 People of observing all change color, they saw boundless Starry Sky in this moment, has radiant Star River to fall in torrents, bright ten thousand, crush the universe, must tilt this place. 观战的人们全都变色,在这一刻他们见到了无垠的星空,有璀璨星河倾泻下来,光明万道,压毁乾坤,要将此地倾覆。 Eccentric Mansion's Master you are still resisting stubbornly, wants to wait to exterminate the clan, was killed cleanly?” Another Ancient Saint very overbearing, cold spooky saying. 奇士府的主人你还在负隅顽抗吗,想等着被灭族,被杀个干净吗?”另一位古圣非常的霸道,冷幽幽的说道。 The universe is ruined, boundless, various types of light dance in the air, but also the have several unclear black hole appears intermittently, turned into broken spatial. 天宇破败,一片茫茫,各种光飞舞,还有数不清的黑洞隐现,化成了碎空。 Your these royal families really go too far, really didn't speak a custom?!” Eccentric Mansion old Mansion Lord shouted, a gray uncombed hair was but actually vertical. “你们这些王族实在欺人太甚,真的不讲一点规矩了吗?!”奇士府府主喝道,一头花白的乱发倒竖。 How are we go too far you to be able?” A Ancient Saint tone is horizontal, an indifference of face, brings the lawless indifferent laughter, can say unscrupulously, its sound makes people think especially grating. “我们就是欺人太甚你又能怎样?”一位古圣语气横傲,一脸的冷漠,带着无法无天的冷漠笑声,可以说肆无忌惮,其声让人觉得格外刺耳。 The distant place, the Eccentric Mansion's famous elder all changed the color, all grips tightens Ancient Saint that the fist invaded one's territory to really be secure, making one explode with rage the lung, wishes one could to execute them immediately. 远处,奇士府的名宿皆变了颜色,全都攥紧了拳头来犯的古圣可真是有恃无恐,让人气炸了肺,恨不得立刻毙掉他们。 What a pity, these people were too powerful, how many Powerhouse present age can Human Race have to be a worthy opponent with them? 可惜,这些人太强大了,当世的人族能有几个强者与他们匹敌? Went too far, these Ancient Race really should be cut to pieces, bullies my Human Race to lack Saint rampantly domineering to the extreme!” A whole body of Eccentric Mansion old popularity trembles. “太过分了,这些古族真该被千刀万剐,欺我人族缺少圣人吗嚣张跋扈到了极点!”奇士府一位老人气的浑身哆嗦。 Ye Tong, Li Tian, Dongfang Ye and the others the angry frown but is actually also vertical, looks angrily at the expansive sky, only those who make in their hearts comfort, Ye Fan is well, sees him tranquilly to speculate, Eccentric Mansion's old Saint should be prepared. 叶瞳厉天东方野等人也都愤慨双眉倒竖,怒视长空,唯一让他们心中安慰的是,叶凡无恙,见他很平静可以推测出,奇士府的圣人应该有准备。 That piece of secret land, great war even more intense old Mansion Lord can accomplish all the good fortune, a person resisted six Saint great war to intensified unexpectedly. 那片密土,大战越发的激烈了老府主功参造化,一个人竟然抵住了六位圣人大战到了白热化 Eccentric Mansion's Master you why so, for Saint Physique is really unworthy, if builds your own life, that may be too late to regret.” 奇士府的主人你何必如此,为了一个圣体实在不值,若是将你自己的性命搭进来,那可就悔之晚矣。” Hehe, the old fogy was truly strong, stemmed from our pre- essence, but you went all out to insist that to several quarters like this, must be driven to death after suffering an injustice eventually.” “呵呵,老家伙确实很强,出乎了我们的预粹,不过你这样拼命又能坚持到几刻呢,终究是要枉死。” Six Ancient Saint great war old Mansion Lord, fought the air/Qi to rush, camouflaged that wheel dazzling Sun, but Ancient Saint summons crowd of star holy splendor, changed into piece of Starry Sky here. 六位古圣大战府主,战气澎湃,遮蔽了那轮刺目的太阳,而一位古圣更是召唤来了群星圣辉,将这里化为了一片星空 The meteor dances in the air, the comet across the sky, the ray of light glow submerges, the strength of stars this place summoned together is terrifying, submerged Central Province this region. 流星飞舞,彗星横空,一道道光芒将这个地方淹没,召唤来的星辰之力非常恐怖,淹没了中州这片地域。 You rely on bravely, bullies to visit, may once think, some day will perhaps have Powerhouse also to project on your clans, kills your soul to extinguish!” Old Mansion Lord shouted. “你们自恃勇武,欺上门来,可曾想过,有朝一日也许会有更强者也打到你们的族中,杀到你们魂灭!”老府主喝道。 You are chatting, depends on your Eccentric Mansion, counts on Human Race's Saint Physique prove the Dao? What a pity we to him the opportunity, today do not let his blood splashing hundred zhang (333 m)!” “你在说笑吗,就凭你们奇士府吗,还是指望人族圣体证道?可惜我们不会给他机会,今日要让他血溅百丈!” Six Ancient Saint, suppress Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord, this place is across the sky bright with many colors simultaneously, each wisp is destructive, the Saints group war, this grade of scene is extremely frigid. 六位古圣横空,同时镇垩压奇士府的府主,这个地方五光十色,每一缕都是毁灭性的,诸圣群战,这等景象太过惨烈。 If not Eccentric Mansion is special place, trim Purple Mountain densely covered Dao Traces, the afterglow that even if Saint makes sprinkled still to let this place destruction dozens times sufficiently. 若非奇士府是一处特别之地,整片紫山都密布道痕,即便是圣人打出的余辉洒落下来也足以让这个地方覆灭数十次了。 Had a few words you to say a moment ago right, today we bully your Human Race, can you my what? Not only need put to death your Human Race's Saint Physique, but must rob Five Colored Alter, you could not prevent!” “刚才有一句话你说对了,今日我们就是欺你人族,你们又能我何?不仅要诛杀你们人族的圣体,还要抢走五色祭坛,你阻止不了!” Ancient Race Saint sees protracted battle, one of them 's rampant laughing said, he wants to make old Saint fly into a rage, making its mind not static. 古族圣人见久战不下,其中一人嚣张的大笑道,他想让老圣人大动肝火,让其心神不静。 Since you were so rampant, the words spoke in this share, this Old Man must go all out, left behind your several!” The old Mansion Lord long and loud cry said. “既然你们都如此嚣张了,话都说到这个份上了,老朽也要拼命了,留下你们几个!”老府主长啸道。 Old fogy, we eats to decide you today, bullies your Human Race no one, how you can!?” Ancient Saint domineering and overbearing sneering. “老家伙,今天我们吃定你了,就是欺你人族无人,你能怎样!?”一位古圣跋扈而又霸道的冷笑。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Suddenly, sword qi soar to the heavens on, departs from Eccentric Mansion , is Primal Chaos sword glow, the cut square universe avalanche, turned into a stretch of deathtrap. 突然,一道道剑气冲霄而上,自奇士府内飞出,全都是混沌剑芒,斩的四方天宇崩塌,化成了一片死地。 What, that Primal Chaos Killing Formation closed obviously, starts to require the long time, how to resurrect?!” “什么,那混沌杀阵明明关闭了,启动起来需要漫长的时间,怎么又复活了?!” Draws back quickly, hurries to leave here, is separated from Killing Formation!” “快退,赶紧离开这里,脱离杀阵!” On several Ancient Saint faces writes all over the startled color, presented one wisp to fear intent, all flying on, submerged the clouds, wants peerless Killing Formation that got rid of the ancient times to leave behind cut down sleepily. 几位古圣脸上写满惊色,出现了一缕惧意,全都飞天而上,没入云端,想要摆脱古时遗留的绝世杀阵的困伐。 “噗” The Primal Chaos sword light has swept together, the blood splashes dozens zhang (3.33 m) away on high sky, has delimited a chest and belly of Ancient Saint, cuts open it, chops for two halves at the scene. 一道混沌剑光扫过,鲜血在高天上溅起数十丈远,划过一位古圣的胸腹,将其剖开,当场劈为了两半。 „......” “呢……” He is calling out pitifully, the blood rain is dreadful, the Guangda of prestige Primordial Spirit, soared vigorously, ripped open Void, wanted to flee. 他惨叫着,血雨滔天,元神之光大威,极力飞腾,撕开了虚空,想要遁走。 However, this piece of Primal Chaos Killing Formation is extremely strange and fearful, seizes every opportunity, and imprisons Void, he does not have the means to cross to walk. Especially the blood sprinkles instantly, entire Ancient Killing Formation resurrected, locked this Ancient Saint, all Primal Chaos sword glow strongly to here. 然而,这片混沌杀阵太过诡异与可怕,无孔不入,且禁锢虚空,他没有办法横渡而走。尤其是鲜血洒落的刹那,整座上古杀阵复活,锁定了这位古圣,所有混沌剑芒一齐集中向这里。 !” “噗!” Tens of thousands of said that the Primal Chaos light chops, looking awful that this Ancient Saint Primordial Spirit chops, the fire of life is fast, is uncertain to flashing on and off from the radiance, but in a flash. 成千上万道混沌光劈来,将这位古圣元神劈的不成样子,生命之火快速干枯,从璀璨到明灭不定,不过一瞬间。 This piece of Primal Chaos Killing Formation can be inferred fearfully, even Saint may cut, broke in several Ancient Saint complexions in cloud layer to be all difficult to see the extreme. 这片混沌杀阵的可怕可见一斑,连圣人都可斩掉,冲入云层上的几位古圣全都脸色难看到了极点。 Not......” “不……” This person sends out last unwilling yelling, by the Primal Chaos sword light deducts dust, died a cleanness, one generation of Ancient Saint die. 此人发出最后一声不甘的大叫,被混沌剑光劈成的了尘埃,死了个干净,一代古圣殒落 The distant place, the big black dog bronze bell big eye twinkle dim light, said: Really worthily is Eccentric Mansion, this Killing Formation was very fearful, endures compared favorably with some Ancient Great Emperor's formation marks, but had not heard that this place has had Emperor Sovereign.” Its eye suddenly one bright, opens the eyes very greatly, thought of Nine Secrets. 远处,大黑狗铜铃大眼闪烁幽光,道:“真不愧是奇士府,这座杀阵很可怕,堪与古之大帝的部分阵纹媲美了,可是并未听说此地出过帝皇啊。”它眼睛突然一亮,睁得很大,想到了九秘 Your good method, the pestle to decide us to want to bury alive me in this and others!” In the cloud layer Ancient Saint angrily roars. “你好手段,杵定我们会来想在此坑杀我等!”云层上一位古圣怒吼。 Pitifully, your plan is doomed the turns into air, today must write off your old ordinary man!” Several Ancient Race Ancestral King escaped, only then a person was strangled to death by the sword light. “可惜,你的打算注定成空,今日一定要抹杀了你这个老匹夫!”几位古族祖王逃了出去,只有一人被剑光绞杀。 At this time, they stand erect in the upper air, the eye seems like the ten thousand years not cold ice, cold and gloomy and brutally wants killing spree (rampage). 此时,他们屹立在高空,眼睛像是万载不化的寒冰般,森冷而无情想要大开杀戒 Old Mansion Lord tranquil saying: Since you get the gate to think that my Human Race is weak, then , can only nothing more to be said by blood sacrifice, the truth by killing.” 府主平静的说道:“既然你们打上门来认为我人族可欺,那么也没有什么好说的,只能以血祭阵,以杀来讲道理了。” Ye Tong, Yao Yuekong, Li Heishui wait/etc. all got hold of the fist, excited old Mansion Lord activates Primal Chaos Killing Formation, destroyed completely Ancient Race Saint to make them feel that Ran one breath, oppressed was a moment ago bad. 叶瞳妖月空李黑水等全都握紧了拳头,非常的激动老府主激活混沌杀阵,灭掉了一位古族圣人让他们都觉得冉了一口气,刚才憋闷坏了。 At the present is only left over five Ancient Saint, old Mansion Lord can spelling mostly will not look like like that was a moment ago passive. 而今只剩下了五位古圣,老府主多半可以对拼了不会像刚才那般被动了。 However, they have not relaxed the moment, the great fluctuation wells up together, from the horizon to/clashes to fast. 然而,他们还没有放松片刻,一道宏大的波动涌来,快速从天际冲至。 Good that „ you said that today by blood sacrifice, to kill to be reasonable, I and others also was really eats to decide your Human Race, how was to bully you to be able!-- “你说的不错,今日以血祭阵,以杀讲道理,我等还真就是吃定你人族了,就是要欺负你们又能怎样!-- As this sound to/clashes, seventh Ancient Race Saint appeared, the power and influence is dreadful, blood cloud Yaluo, like the sea, the fishy smell greets the nostrils sincerely, suffocating, the probably 1 million blood-color mountains fly. 随着这道声音冲来,第七位古族圣人出现了,威势滔天,血云压落,厚重如海,腥味扑鼻,让人窒息,像是有一百万座血色大山飞来。 People change color, seventh Ancient Saint appeared, Ancient Race wages a war, how this also hits, living that Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord can also support? 人们变色,第七位古圣出现了,古族大动干戈,这还怎么打,奇士府的府主还能支撑的住吗? Ancient Race drags in lots of people, does not reach the goal not to give up, even if prepared, to have the countermeasure, but does not have the absolute strength is not good! 古族兴师动众,不达目的不罢休,即便有准备、有对策,可是没有绝对的实力也不行! Everyone was full of the anxiety, this eventually is one by the world that the strength spoke, in front of many Ancient Saint, what strategy was useless, only needed a fist smashing! 所有人都充满了忧虑,这终究是一个靠实力来说话的世界,在诸多古圣面前,什么策略都无用,只需一拳粉碎! All right.” Ye Fan calm saying, touches Huahua Little Baldy by the hand, told the people not to need to be worried. “没事。”叶凡镇定的说道,以手摸花花小光头,告诉众人不用担心。 „...... Won't really have the total destruction?” Eccentric Mansion's elite disciple asked. “真的……不会有灭顶之灾?”奇士府的的一位精英弟子问道。 Ye Fan had not said, today situation is old Mansion Lord half years ago sets, Five Colored Alter was too dazzling, Ancient Race some people have stared, must implement cicada sheds its shell (crafty escape plan) today the idea. 叶凡没有多说,今日之局是老府主年前就定下的,五色祭坛太耀眼了,古族早就有人盯上了,要在今日实行“金蝉脱壳”之计。 Old Saint with him when the small wineshop meets for the first time, says a half year of evacuation he to enter ancient Heavenly Road, emitted the wind intentionally, taking advantage of today ruining Five Colored Alter, must put the blame on the other person a Ancient Race rake simultaneously. 圣人第一次与他在小酒肆见面时,就说出半年后送他进入古天路,故意放出了风,借今日“毁掉”五色祭坛,同时要倒打古族一耙。 Old fogy this is bringing about own destruction, Human Race's Saint Physique certain death Eccentric Mansion will also be extinguished, this Five Colored Alter will also belong to us.” Saying of Ancient Saint gloomy dense/woods. “老家伙所这是在自寻死路,人族圣体必死奇士府也将被灭,这座五色祭坛也将归我们所有。”一名古圣冷森森的说道。 Depending on strength speech, incorrect words, your Human Race even has what truth to be useless, can only bow to us!” Saint King said. “凭实力说话吧,不行的话,你人族即便有什么道理都无用,只能向我们低头!”一位圣人王说道。 People are indignant, the Eccentric Mansion's famous elders were about to stamp one's foot, did not have the strength to help how. 人们气愤,奇士府的名宿都快跳脚了,奈何没有实力去帮忙。 These Ancient Saint were impossible to reenter Primal Chaos Killing Formation, side cut Ancient Saint also to arrive, tempted them to penetrate very much difficultly again. 这几位古圣不可能再入混沌杀阵了,斩掉一名古圣也就到边了,很难再诱他们深入。 Right, the fist greatly is the truth, that is also good, decays and you reasonable.” At this moment, an old sound conveys. “是吗,拳头大就是道理吗,那也好,拉朽来与你们讲一讲道理。”就在这时,一个苍老的声音传来。 On that Five Colored Alter, the Ye Fan's body turned into strand of Purity Qi to dissipate, but was presenting a listless old person same place, turned into another person! 在那五色祭坛上,叶凡的身体化成了一缕清气消散,而在原地出现了一个病恹恹的老人,化成了另外一个人! What, is he...... Ge Jiuyou!” “什么,是他……盖九幽!” How he...... came, when?” “他……怎么来了,什么时候到的?” Walks quickly!” “快走!” Ancient Race several Ancestral King complexions were pale, filled anxiously, anything does not dare saying that turned around to walk. 古族几位祖王脸色铁青,充满了不安,什么也不敢多说了,转身就要走。 Several came, according to you said that we come to speak a truth with the fist.” “几位来都来了,按照你们说的,我们来用拳头讲一道理吧。” A Ge Jiuyou face sickly appearance, the sound is gentle, no smoke and fire smell, is his one finger points out, makes the wind and cloud fluctuate immediately! 盖九幽一脸病容,声音平缓,没有一点烟火气,可是他一指点出,却让风云立时变幻! Refers to the glow soaring to the heavens together on, probably Sun fell from the sky, has delimited the universe, shines the eternal immortal splendor! 一道指芒冲天而上,像是太阳陨落了,划过宇宙,照耀出永恒的仙辉! ! 噗! Ancient Saint exploded at the scene, the bloody water spurted, incarnadine Heaven and Earth, including snort/hum no snort/hum one, becomes a broken corpse. 一名古圣当场就爆开了,血水飞洒,染红了天地,连哼都没有哼一声,就成为了一具碎尸。 Other five Ancient Saint souls frightened to fly quickly, were they what kind of characters? Ancient Saint made a person finger give the point to break to pieces unexpectedly, making everyone frightened to trembling. 其余五位古圣魂都快吓飞了,他们是何等的人物?当中一位古圣居然让人一根指头就给点碎了,让每一个人惊悚到战栗。 Do not follow, we continue to be reasonable, said in this place, this Old Man will also go to your clans, careful and earnest spoke the morning.” Ge Jiuyou selected one finger/refers, the 'pu' sound light sound, second Ancient Saint turned into beach bloody water, destroy both body and soul. “不要走啊,我们来继续讲道理,在这个地方讲完,老朽还会去你们各族,仔细而认真的讲上半天。”盖九幽又点出了一指,噗的一声轻响,第二位古圣化成了一滩血水,形神俱灭 The old cover middle finger selects, said: Last more than day, sought under the double monthly ticket support!” 老盖第三指点出,道:“最后一天多一些,求双倍月票支持下!”
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