STH :: Volume #12

#1119: Ge Jiuyou divine might

Snaps fingers Saint to extinguish, this is a how terrifying strength, do not say that in present age, takes a broad view at the eternity, in the fierce people with river of history will compare will not be inferior. PSI hundred degrees celsius searches: PSI Sui PSI dream PSI small PSI said PSI net PSI 弹指圣人灭,这是一种多么恐怖的战力,不要说是在当世,就是放眼千古,与历史长河中的猛人比也不会逊色。Ψ百度搜索:Ψ隋Ψ梦Ψ小Ψ说Ψ网Ψ Ge Jiuyou, divine might shakes the world, was on par sufficiently since ancient times most peak person, was outstanding worthy of the reputation! 盖九幽一出,神威震世,足以比肩古来最顶峰的人,是一个名符其实的盖代经者! Only had/left two fingers, broke to pieces two Ancient Saint on the ball, even divine soul has not escaped from one wisp, blood mist that on that day in the air scattered, that scarlet flavor, that dazzling light, stirring. 仅出了两指,就弹碎了两位古圣,连神魂都没有逃出一缕,那天空中飘散的血雾,那猩红的味道,那刺目的光,震撼人心。 Several other Ancient Race Saint each and every one complexions snow white, hands and feet numb soft, as cool as the foot, the scalp sent to explode from the beginning, soul in rustle vibration. 剩余的几位古族圣人一个个脸色雪白,手脚都麻软了,从头凉到脚,头皮发炸,灵魂在簌簌抖动。 It is not they cannot withstand, but is front that old person within the body that seems like the deterioration unable to withstand has a thing to make them frightened, from trembling of instinct. 不是他们不堪,而是前方那个看起来衰败不堪的老人体内有一种东西让他们惊悚,发自本能的颤栗。 Perhaps others cannot see, but as Ancient Saint, the distinction that Life and Death affected these step actually looks at, that senile and inept and in nearly decayed fleshly body has one like the Sun radiant soul, made clear to his outstanding powerful. 别人也许看不出,但身为古圣,到了生死攸关的这一步却看的分明,那老迈不堪、近乎腐朽的肉身内有一个如太阳般璀璨的魂魄,昭示了他的盖代强大。 Freely, in that divine soul has covered entirely the slash of years, was hard to get down immortally, but tidied up them simply is easy as pie, was enough! 尽管,那神魂中已布满了岁月的刀痕,难以不朽下去了,但是收拾他们简直是易如反掌,足够了! Ge Jiuyou you cannot......” several Ancient Saint be like this terrified, front that old person vitality dry defeat, so feeble, but let them alarmed and afraid to the extreme. 盖九幽你不能这样……”几位古圣惶恐,前方那个老人气血枯败,是如此的衰迈,可是却让他们惊惧到了极点。 Why I cannot like this, you not say a moment ago, depending on strength speech and by fist reasonable? I am talking with you very much earnestly.” Ge Jiuyou has the sickly appearance, in the mouth to put out together the fresh air, turns into a piece of Primal Chaos light to rush. “我为何不能这样,刚才你们不是说,凭实力说话、以拳头讲道理吗?我很认真地在与你们交谈。”盖九幽带着病容,口中吐出一道清气,化成一片混沌光冲了上去。 “噗” A Ancient Saint body is tattered, probably had been pounded by a great hammer, whether it is bone or flesh rotten looked awful, even Primordial Spirit is so, then the whole blasts out. 一位古圣身体破烂,像是被一柄巨锤砸过,无论是骨头还是血肉都烂的不成样子了,连元神都是如此,而后整体炸开。 Died, another Ancient Saint died, but this person to defend Ancient Race Saint King that is famous, by Essence Qi breaking!” “死了,又一位古圣了死了,而此人可是以防御著称的一位古族圣人王啊,被一口精气给震碎了!” In Eccentric Mansion, felt a moment ago is very aggrieved one group of famous elders who and are filled with righteous indignation to think put out sulks, vanished depressed, starts the division sentiment to have several Ancient Saint to come. 奇士府内,刚才感觉无比憋屈、义愤填膺的一群名宿都觉得吐出了一口闷气,郁闷消失,开始司情起几位古圣来了。 To such immeasurably deep Ge Jiuyou, simply is a sorrow, solemn Ancient Saint lost strength of the war, suppress and kill, became three -year-old young child conveniently weakly. 对上这样一个深不可测的盖九幽,简直就是一种悲哀,堂堂古圣都失去了一战之力,被人随手镇杀,弱成了三岁稚童。 Ge Jiuyou, you are true unparalleled Powerhouse, but also remembers that the agreement of Jade Lake congress, you kill our these Ancient Saint like this unscrupulously, did not fear that annoys several Great Saint to come, please show mercy, we knew wrong.” Ancestral King complexion snow white, terrified is yelling. 盖九幽,你是真正的盖世强者,还记得瑶池大会的约定吗,你这样肆无忌惮的杀我们这些古圣,就不怕惹出几尊大圣来吗,请手下留情,我们知道错了。”一位祖王脸色雪白,惶恐的大叫着。 Sanctification for these years, they like this are how could alarmed and afraid, always keeps aloof, but at this time is actually color severe Neichi, feared in the bone. 成圣这么多年来,他们何曾这样惊惧过,从来都是高高在上,而此时却是色厉内茌,怕到了骨子中。 My Human Race spoke the custom with you, you said that whose wanting fist was hard who was the truth, I discuss the truth of fist with you now, you actually proposed the past agreement and custom, you said that made me should do?” Ge Jiuyou sighed lightly. “我人族与你们讲规矩,你们说谁的要拳头硬谁就是道理,我现在与你们论拳头的道理,你们却又提昔日的约定与规矩,你说让我如何是好?”盖九幽一声轻叹。 He stands on Five Colored Alter like this, ancient day said the clothes flap flap, with the wind however moved, the body was withered, the facial expression was unsatisfactory, but had the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering strength, a person made Saints dread sufficiently, in a terrified way, such as to gods! 他就这样站在五色祭坛上,古日道衣猎猎,随风而动,身体干枯,气色不佳,可是却有惊天动地的战力,一个人足以让诸圣畏惧、惶恐,如对神明! xiū! 咻! Ancient Saint took out heritage Holy Artifact, holy light was dreadful, ripped open the vault of heaven, makes a Primal Chaos channel, wants to go directly to Northern Region, escapes this tribulation. 一位古圣祭出了一柄传世圣器,圣光滔天,撕开了天穹,生生打出一条混沌通道,想要直达北域,逃过这一劫。 This holy light was flaming, illuminated eternal, he one step stepped, on the face revealed a happy expression, so long as the closing of fracture, were far the day high ground , without the mark may seek, can escape. 这道圣光非常炽盛,照亮了永恒,他一步就迈了进去,脸上露出一丝喜色,只要裂缝闭合,将天高地远,无迹可寻,就能逃生。 However, this naturally cannot become the reality, only because at present this person named Ge Jiuyou! 然而,这自然不能成为现实,只因眼前这个人名为盖九幽 whether it is in the past, will be now, or in the future, this was wrote down in the cultivation history sufficiently unparalleled character, if not the age that because he was born is away from Azure Emperor is too near, definitely will have that prove the Dao opportunity! 无论是过去,还是现在,亦或是将来,这都是一个足以载入修炼史中的的盖世人物,若非因为他出生的年代距离青帝太近,绝对会有那一线证道的机会! Bang “轰隆” Ge Jiuyou stands on Five Colored Alter, in the eye not none, seems like even also a little muddy, but a hand searches is actually Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, grasped that Ancient Saint with his weapon among the nihilities directly. 盖九幽站在五色祭坛上,眼中并无精光,看起来甚至还有点浑浊,可是一只手探出去却是天崩地裂,直接自虚无间将那位古圣与他的兵器抓了出来。 Was too terrifying!” “太恐怖了!” Not is only Ye Fan, Duan De and Saint Sovereign's Son they, is Saint-level has scalp tingles, the remaining two Ancient Saint flesh in the convulsion, were afraid the extreme every inchs. 不光是叶凡段德圣皇子他们,就是圣级存在都头皮发麻,剩下的两位古圣每一寸血肉都在痉挛,害怕到了极点。 They are Saint, may take off the meteor, may hit to explode moon, under a war, may make the Central Province land probably cave in a length and breadth boundless big piece! 他们是圣人,可摘下陨星来,可打爆月亮,一战之下,可让中州大地都要沉陷广袤无垠的一大片! However, at this time when facing Ge Jiuyou they become the sick person, does not have including the courage of going putting together, because lifts the hand to be able the destruction they. 然而,此时面对盖九幽时他们成为了病夫,连去一拼的勇气都没有,因为抬手就能覆灭他们。 “噗” The palm of wrinkle stack closes up slowly, a that Ancient Saint pitiful yell, becomes blood mist at the scene, but Divinity of that Holy Weapon embodiment struggles panic-stricken, actually is also an cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, turned into piece of gorgeous holy splendor, sprinkles the universe, such as the fireworks blooms. 皱纹堆积的手掌慢慢合拢,那位古圣一声惨叫,当场成为了血雾,而那圣兵内蕴的神袛则惊恐挣扎,却也是寸寸碎裂,化成了一片绚丽的圣辉,洒满天宇,如烟花绽放。 This...... is powerful, that is immortal Legacy Holy Weapon, was lit as the fireworks, luxurious terrifying, brilliant fearfulness!” big black dog muttered. “这……到底有多么强大,那可是不朽的传世圣兵,被点燃为烟花,奢侈的恐怖,绚烂的可怕!”大黑狗咕哝。 Such strength lets everyone nearly petrify, absolutely does not have the means to estimate that Ge Jiuyou real Realm, people can only look up. 这样的战力让每一个人都近乎石化,根本就没有办法揣度盖九幽的真实境界,人们只能仰望。 Ge Jiuyou said: For these years, you handle affairs domineeringly, is your descendants places visited, the young children does not dare to cry aloud, it can be imagined rampant to what kind of situation. this Old Man does not want to be meddlesome, the Myriad Clans equality, the peaceful coexistence, waits for Immortal Ascension Road opening together. But you extremely, unscrupulous, at the present runs up to Divine Soil of my clan unexpectedly, must kill Human Race's Saint Physique, must seize Five Colored Alter, thinks my clan weakly? Could not say that under this Old Man must move the physique, to fight to stop the dagger-axe, the light is some reasonable words people are ignorant of the proper action to take.” 盖九幽道:“这么多年来,你们跋扈行事,就是你们的子孙所过之处,小儿都不敢啼哭,可想而知嚣张到了何等的地步。老朽本不想多事,万族平等,和平共处,共同等待成仙路开启。可是你们太过了,肆无忌惮,而今竟跑到我族的神土,要杀人族圣体,要夺五色祭坛,认为我族可欺是吗?说不得老朽要活动下筋骨了,以战止戈,光是讲道理的话有些人不知进退。” Forgives us, does not dare, lets off my time, never enter the world, cannot with Human Race for the enemy.” Ancient Saint executes gift, nearly must kneel there, the full sweat, moves does not dare to move. “饶过我们吧,再也不敢了,放过我这一次,将会永不出世,绝不会与人族为敌。”一位古圣大礼,近乎要跪在了那里,满头汗水,一动不敢动。 Too late, I, since take action, how has been able to cease.” Ge Jiuyou shakes the head. “太迟了,我既然已出手,怎能就此停息。”盖九幽摇头。 Obviously, this he must set up the prestige time, projecting on Ancient Race is scared, killing these Saint is catalyst, certainly must issue the most fearful warning. 显然,这一次他是要立威,打到古族胆寒,杀这几位圣人不过是一个引子,肯定要藉此发出最可怕的警告。 You are existence of supreme, we are the ants, do not lower oneself to the same level with us, we pledged to never meet Human Race to split, please spare and not punish too severely.” “您是无上的存在,我们是蝼蚁,不要跟我们一般见识,我们发誓永远不会人族交恶,请高抬贵手。” Anybody has the fear time, facing Ge Jiuyou, these two Ancient Saint was all scared, to maintain a livelihood, knelt there entreaty. 任何人都有恐惧的时刻,面对盖九幽,这两位古圣全都胆寒了,为了活命,跪在了那里哀求。 This is Ancestral King in most radical ten big royal family, usually keeps aloof, how could to have had such trembling with fear time, kneels seeks the life, cannot give birth the thought of fighting, passes on the necessary startled world to stare. 这可是最为最为激进的十大王族中的祖王,平日间高高在上,何曾有过这样战战兢兢的时刻,跪地求活命,生不出一战的念头,传出去必要惊的世人瞠目。 What a pity, the final confession and desire also enemy changed their destiny, Ge Jiuyou shakes the robe sleeve, their cuns (2.5 cm) break, turned into bloody pulp. 可惜,最后的忏悔与乞求也敌变了不了他们的命运,盖九幽一抖袍袖,他们寸寸断裂,化成了血泥 Now said, some Northern Region royal families break a promise for no reason, kills Human Race's Saint Physique, wants Five Colored Alter that seizes my Human Race's Great Emperor to leave behind, compelling this Old Man only to go to Northern Region to step onto one time.” Ge Jiuyou said. “今曰,北域一些王族无故毁约,来杀人族圣体,更是欲夺我人族大帝留下的五色祭坛,逼得老朽只能去北域走上一遭了。”盖九幽说道。 Five Colored Alter was ruined by Ancient Race.” Eccentric Mansion's old Saint said, the word, shakes the robe sleeve, Five Colors divine light flashes, this altar/jar changes is small, was received. 五色祭坛古族毁掉了。”奇士府的圣人说道,言罢,一抖袍袖,五色神光一闪,此坛变小,被收了进去。 „, Really ruined to lead to Foreign Domain's Ancient Road, was destroyed by that several Ancient Saint?” In Eccentric Mansion, straightforward Supreme Being is in a daze, puts on a long face to ask. “啊,通向域外的古路真的毁掉了吗,被那几位古圣打坏了?”奇士府内,一位性情耿直的大能发呆,哭丧着脸问道。 Is stupid you, this naturally was Mansion Lord that old fox said that intentionally, wants to put the blame on victim, hid Five Colored Alter. Ge Jiuyou is peerless invincible existence, will not such say, what person but our old are Mansion Lord? Is greedy, the cockerel that wished one could to pass by must give birth to an egg to him, this time is to pursue is covering goes to Northern Region invincibly, put the bite on behind.” Another understood that the old Mansion Lord's person said low voice. “笨死你,这自然是府主那个老狐狸故意说的,想倒打一耙,就此隐藏五色祭坛盖九幽是一位绝代无敌的存在,不会那样说,可是我们的老府主是什么样的人?雁过拔毛,恨不得路过的公鸡都要给他生出个蛋来,这次是要追着盖无敌去北域,在后面敲竹杠。”另一位了解老府主的人小声说道。 formation marks interwove, turns into Formation Altar, Ge Jiuyou, old Mansion Lord and Ye Fan trod together, rushed to Northern Region directly. 阵纹交织,化成了一个阵台,盖九幽、老府主叶凡一起踏了进去,径直赶往北域 Awoo......” big black dog sends out a wolf to call, the incomparable excitement, said: This time will have the gale da wave, got sick old wants take action listless, entire world must be frightened, should Northern Region not turning inside out, catches up to follow close on to look at an outcome.” 嗷呜……”大黑狗发出一声狼叫,无比的兴奋,道:“这次将有大风龘波了,病老蔫要出手了,全天下都得要惊悚,该不会要将北域给翻过来吧,赶紧跟下去看个究竟。” Walks quickly, looked how they do big score!” Little Baldy Huahua also exciting saying. “快走呀,看他们如何去干一票大的!”小光头花花也兴奋的说道。 One group of people were enormous and powerful, opened second Formation Altar, killed to Northern Region, naturally impossible with Ye Fan their three litigants, but was only watches the fun. 一群人浩浩荡荡,开启了第二座阵台,杀向北域,当然不可能与叶凡他们三位当事人一路,而只是去看热闹。 On this day, four directions cloud Dong, seven Ancient Saint attacked the Eccentric Mansion's matter rapidly to spread over the world hand in hand, conceals the truth unable to conceal the truth, initiated great billows! 这一日,四方云动,七位古圣联袂攻打奇士府的事迅速传遍了天下,相瞒都瞒不住,引发了一场巨澜! Ancient Race domineeringly to this situation? The world people are anxiously intermittent. 古族跋扈到这种地步了吗?天下众人都阵阵不安。 But seven Ancient Saint died, this news and makes people one unable to believe, blows to dedicate the haze. 可是七位古圣都死了,这则消息一出又让人们一阵不敢相信,吹尽了心中的阴霾。 Ge Jiuyou take action, eight thousand years ago Paragon of invincible world had begun finally!” 盖九幽出手了,八千年前就已经无敌天下的至尊终于动手了!” This senior ancient virtuous person that is considered can prove the Dao, finally showed his peerless point again, was compelled the bright sword, cut to Ancient Race!” “这个被认为可以证道的前辈古贤,终于是再次露出了他的绝世锋芒,被逼亮剑,斩向了古族!” After people learned vibrates none who does not, many elder characters arrive excitedly shiver, although Ge Jiuyou the age is oversized, the bloodlines are withered, was senile, but can also fight! 当人们得悉后莫不震动,许多老辈人物激动到颤抖,盖九幽虽然年岁过大,血脉干枯,过于衰老了,可是还能一战! Do not say that is Central Province and other places, is most remote Western Desert, old silhouette on Mt. Xumi could not sit still, stands erect in the summit of Xumi, looks out Eastern Wilderness. 不要说是中州等地,就是最为遥远的西漠,须弥山上的一道苍老身影都坐不住了,屹立在须弥之巅,遥望东荒 Ge Jiuyou came Northern Region, 8000 years later again bright sword! 盖九幽北域了,时隔8000年再次亮剑! Shocking, this old person brings Human Race's Saint Physique to Northern Region, must ask for an explanation, wants to ask how Ancient Race dares again and again does not obey the custom, the preparation begins. 举世震惊,这位老人带着人族圣体到了北域,要讨个说法,想问一问古族何以敢一而再、再而三的不守规矩,准备动手。 Ancient Race many large clans were terrified, lived in 9000 existence, this time is to send a punitive expedition to come, does not know how must annoy one piece to slaughter. 古族不少大族都惶恐了,一位活了九千年的的存在,这一次是兴师问罪而来,不知要惹出怎样一片杀戮。 For these years, has never seen this Human Race Paragon take action, many Ancient Race think that he is not good, Realm dropped a big truncation, no longer in the past grand occasion. 这么多年来,从未见过这位人族至尊出手,许多古族一致认为他不行了,境界跌落了一大截,不复当年盛况。 Anybody, even is Great Emperor, has aged a day, Primordial Spirit decays, fleshly body is withered, the strength will sharply fall. 要知道,任何人,甚至是大帝,都有老迈的一天,元神朽掉,肉身干枯,战力会锐减。 In history has many examples obvious, when such as that Saint Cliff Saint Body great accomplishment, maturity, is how grand, the air/Qi swallows Mountains and Rivers, howls Between Heaven and Earth, may pick the star crack day, roar stars are broken. 史上有很多例子可见,如那圣崖大成圣体,壮年时,何其雄伟,气吞山河,呼啸天地间,可摘星裂日,一吼星辰碎。 But final result? 可是最终的结果呢? After its old age arrives, the Blood Qi dry defeat, the body got older, did not have the peak Era strength, finally was struck to kill, dies on Saint Cliff, blood of Saint Body great accomplishment incarnadine that black great mountain, after clears Essence Qi, bloodstains. 当其晚年到来后,血气枯败,身体老化,没有了巅峰时代的战力,最终被人击杀,死在了圣崖上,大成圣体的鲜血染红了那座黑色的大岳,至今还有散尽精气后所余的血迹。 Pitiful duplicate/restores lamentable! 可悲复可叹! At the present, Ge Jiuyou lifted the hand on the destruction seven Ancient Saint, middle many Saint King, making one see his Blood Qi vigor, past point. 而今,盖九幽抬手就覆灭了七位古圣,当中不乏圣人王,让人看到了他的血气活力,还有昔日的锋芒。 Ge Jiuyou sent out, to bring Ye Fan to Northern Region, is going to reveal that the most shocking sword, the whole world is all awaiting calmly, Human Race roused, Ancient Race feared, entire world is focusing attention on.( To be continued 盖九幽出动,带着叶凡到了北域,将要亮出最为惊艳的一剑,举世皆在静待,人族振奋,古族恐惧,全天下都在注目。(未完待续
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