STH :: Volume #12

#1117: ten directions Ancient Saint all attacks

My sixth branch consideration is early clear , there is nothing to regret that is willing to join in history in most Smelting Trial!” Ye Fan very simple saying. “我早巳考虑清楚,没有什么可后悔的,愿意加入史上最试炼中!”叶凡很干脆的说道。 Good, the road is you chooses, in the future will have no regret to be good.” Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord nods. “好,路是你自己选择的,将来没有什么遗憾就好。”奇士府的府主点头。 Before departure, Ye Fan and Eccentric Mansion old Mansion Lord went to an airtight stone chamber, isolates with the outside world, wants some Inheritance Starry Sky Coordinate, anybody is unapproachable. 在离去前,叶凡奇士府府主去了一间密闭的石室,与外界隔绝,要传承一些星空坐标,任何人都不能接近。 For a long time later Ye Fan comes out, left with Ye Tong, Saint Sovereign's Son, Sovereign Black, Li Heishui, Duan De, Yan Yixi and other humanity, must mount Heavenly Road, enters in Star Domain. 许久之后叶凡才出来,跟叶瞳圣皇子黑皇李黑水段德燕一夕等人道别,要就此登上天路,进入星域中。 Leaving is without doubt moved, comes back to meet from Starry Sky another shore finally, but Ye Fan actually must set off the journey again, this is his life choice, must conduct in history most Smelting Trial. 离别无疑是伤感的,从星空另一岸回来终于相见,可叶凡却又要再次踏上征程,这是他的人生选择,要进行史上最试炼 obsession of Starry Sky another shore does not have, the parents outside, abatement these old friends and friends, practicing, obtained enlightenment and become an immortal are not he biggest goals. 星空另一岸的执念已没有了,父母不在了,除却这些故人与朋友外,修行、得道、成仙是他最大的目标了。 Meets again, to meet together, I will be living again!” Ye Fan waves, the pupil light passed over gently and swiftly everyone. “再相见,再相聚,我会活着回来的!”叶凡挥手,眸光掠过每一个人。 Ye Fan takes care!” 叶凡保重!” Must take care, lives is meeting again, has the Pang Bo belt/bring to come back big Little Moon!” “一定要保重,活着再相见,将大小月亮还有庞博带回来!” They know, Ye Fan steps onto most Smelting Trial, to rescue these people are the principal factor, the temperance oneself body also in next. 他们知道,叶凡走上最试炼,为营救这几人是主因,锤炼己身还在其次。 This road was too dangerous, ten thousand years reopen one time, every is one time this world gentleman most shocking person departs, enters in the boundless universe, however comes eternally only then 35 people return alive, others shed the blood the foreign land, died in battle in Starry Sky. 这条路太危险了,万年才重开一次,每一次都是这个世士最惊艳的人离去,进入无垠宇宙内,然而万古来只有三五人生还,其他人都是血洒异域,战死在了星空中。 Ye Fan is very strong, but actually also not necessarily can return alive, the precedent that have several Saint Physique died in battle early, these left time, does not know whether this life also to meet again. 叶凡很强,但是却也不见得能生还,早有数圣体战死的前例了,这一次离别,不知今生还能否再相见。 Bye!” Ye Fan turns around, goes far away resolutely. “再见!”叶凡转身,毅然远去。 Master, you must live!” Ye Tong loudly shouted, in the eye contains the tears. “师傅,你一定要活着回来啊!”叶瞳大呼,眼中蕴含着泪水。 „...... Master you no matter really I, we came from the same place, how can throw down me.” Ghost elf Huahua cries to say. “哇呜……师傅你真不管我了,我们来自同一个地方呀,怎么能丢下我。”鬼精灵花花大哭道。 Boy, you also miss my Innate Saint Physique Dao Embryo, if you died, I make your soul not probably be peaceful, must live the return!” Sovereign Black exclaimed. “小子,你还差我一个先天圣体道胎呢,你要是死了,我让你灵魂都不得安生,一定要活着归来!”黑皇吼道。 I and others your prove the Dao to become Emperor, this This Poor Daoist, if was unable to enter Immortal Domain, awakens after the ignorance next time digs your big grave, remembers puts a treasure.” Duan De also said. “我等你证道成帝,这次贫道若是还不能进入仙域,下一次从浑噩中觉醒后去挖你的大坟,记住多放点宝贝。”段德也道。 Saint Sovereign's Son, Li Tian, Li Heishui, Yan Yixi, Dongfang Ye, Yao Yuekong wait/etc. made an effort to wave, in the mouth shouts taking care, the gaze he is going far away. 圣皇子厉天李黑水燕一夕东方野妖月空等用力挥手,口中大喊着保重,注视他远去。 Eccentric Mansion most deep place is a restricted area, the bystander is unapproachable, cannot come here, inscribes Innate Primal Chaos Grand Array, murderous intention is infinite, because here has this/should mansion most important secret. 奇士府最深处是一处禁地,外人不能接近,也根本走不到这里,刻有先天混沌大阵,杀机无限,因为这里有该府最重要的秘密。 Ye Fan and Eccentric Mansion's old Saint entered this piece of secret land together, is obvious in this place Grand Array trace, interweaves Large expanse, dense and numerous. 叶凡奇士府的圣人一起进入了这片密土,在这个地方大阵痕迹明显,交织成片,密密麻麻。 Primal Chaos Qi glitter, protected here solid, most frightened Killing Formation densely covered in this, changed into a piece of earth, few person may attack certainly. 一道道混沌气闪烁,将这里护了个严严实实,最为惊悚的杀阵密布于此,化为了一片绝土,少有人可攻进来。 Before that Ancient Desolate, Mansion Lord obtained a remnant secret art in Nine Secrets, about Dao Runes, what a pity, fierce of defect, otherwise this piece of magic formation will be more terrifying.” Old Mansion Lord sighed. “在那荒古前,有一位府主得到了九秘中的一道残诀,都是关于道纹的,可惜啊,缺失的厉害,不然这片法阵将会更恐怖。”老府主叹道。 He spoke frankly, so many years in the past, Grand Array damages seriously, no longer in the past grand occasion, otherwise any Ancient Saint comes to probably die, now may not say. 他坦言,这么多年过去后大阵损坏严重,不复往昔盛况了,不然任何古圣进来都得死,现在可就不好说了。 Ye Fan is flabbergasted, in Nine Secrets that first secretary unexpectedly some remnant secret arts about Dao Runes in Eccentric Mansion, if makes Sovereign Black know that certainly joyful crazy, the black dog will have a dream wants to obtain, for these years has been looking for the clue. 叶凡咋舌,九秘中关于道纹的那一秘竟然有部分残诀在奇士府,若是让黑皇知道一定会欣喜的疯狂,黑狗做梦都想得到,这么多年来一直在寻找线索。 „, I have not closed Primal Chaos Killing Formation, now this local security, otherwise whether it is who comes to probably come under the undifferentiated attack, we go.” Old Saint said. “唔,我已经关闭了混沌杀阵,现在这个地方安全了,不然无论是谁进来都要受到无差别的攻击,我们进去吧。”老圣人说道。 The Ye Fan associative compound, in the eye surprise look flashed not to have, to enter this secret location most deep place, the front colorless altar was situated there, plain, but the atmosphere, cut the space and time to crash probably from Archaic. 叶凡会意,眼中异色一闪而没,进入了这片密地最深处,前方一个无色祭坛坐落在那里,古朴而大气,像是从远古划破时空坠落出来的。 Goes, steps your own road, hopes that you will become in history to be strongest!” Old Saint halts. “去吧,就此踏上你自己的路,希望你会成为史上最强!”老圣人止步。 Ye Fan salutes to him, expressed gratitude, then mounted Five Colored Alter step by step. 叶凡对他施了一礼,表示感谢,而后一步一步登上了五色祭坛 This altar is very special, this Old Man is going to stimulate to movement, were you ready that crossed to go to?” Old Mansion Lord asked. “这个祭坛很特别,老朽将要催动了,你做好横渡而去的准备了吗?”老府主问道。 Prepared!” Ye Fan nods. “准备好了!”叶凡点头。 Bang!” “轰!” Void ruptured, a brown big hand drops from the clouds suddenly, pats toward the altar and Ye Fan, the speed achieved peak, Saint Might is enormous and powerful. 突然间虚空崩开,一只土黄色的大手从天而降,向着祭坛与叶凡拍去,速度达到了极致,圣威浩荡。 The old Saint startled anger, shouts out said: You dare!” 圣人惊怒,大喝道:“你敢!” The body of his rickets straightened up all of a sudden, the palm enlarges, turns into a silver big tablet, seal to the sky, first blocked that only big hand. 他原本佝偻的身躯一下子挺直了,手掌放大,化成一座银色的大碑,印向天空中,第一时间挡住了那只大手。 Bang “轰” Saint Might is enormous and powerful, turns into storms in the sky, each wisp of wind can rip open black holes, fearful boundless, this is the strongest Ancient Saint showdown. 圣威浩荡,在天空中化成一片暴风,每一缕风都能撕开一片黑洞,可怕无边,这是至强古圣的对决。 Another scoffs to transmit coldly, another Ancient Saint appeared, the azure big claw was covered with the scales, covered the half universe, grasps to Ye Fan and Five Colored Alter. 另一声冷嗤传来,又一位古圣出现了,青色的大爪子长满了鳞甲,覆盖了半边天宇,抓向叶凡五色祭坛 „Do you want to make war with Human Race?” Eccentric Mansion's old Saint bristles with anger, another big hand lays out, turns into the second silver tablet, above rune twinkle, carved completely divine marks. “你们想与人族开战吗?”奇士府的圣人怒发冲冠,另一只大手拍出,化成第二座银碑,上面符文闪烁,刻满了神纹 Bang “砰” He with the second person right a palm, prevents it in the space. 他与第二人对了一掌,将其阻挡在天上。 However, third aura appeared, the towering, incomparable great strength, a black big claw finds out from the clouds, does not know that Daoist Priest is many li (0.5 km), the demon prestige blocks out the sun. 然而,第三股气机出现了,非常的突兀,无比的强大,一只黑色的大爪子从云端探出,也不知道长达多少里,魔威蔽日。 Is away from several hundred li (0.5 km) to see this horror, extremely the to terrify person, such big claw seemed like the hand of Heaven, can obliterate all of the world. 隔着数百里都能见到这一恐怖景象,太过瘆人了,这么大的爪子真像是上苍之手,可以磨灭人世的一切。 Eccentric Mansion's old Saint angrily roars, a opens the mouth long and loud cry, four directions cloud Dong, in the oronasals spouts silver-white True Dragon, this is his Innate source Essence Qi, submerges in the clouds, cuts to that black big hand. 奇士府的圣人怒吼,张口一声长啸,四方云动,口鼻间喷出一条银白色的真龙,这是他的先天本源精气,没入云朵上,斩向那只黑色的大手。 Very powerful, it seems like your cultivation base is immeasurably deep, blocked three Ancient Saint, but I thought that you can insist to several quarters!” 好强大,看来你的修为深不可测,将三位古圣都拦住了,但我看你能坚持到几刻!” This is Saint King, indifferent saying in Void, Great Dao that shakes thunders, Heaven and Earth shivers all over, his body to the dim light, one step step together, racket to Ye Fan and Five Colored Alter. 这是一个圣人王,在虚空中冷漠的说道,震的大道轰鸣,天地乱抖,他的身体为一道朦胧的光,一步迈了过来,拍向叶凡五色祭坛 „......” The Eccentric Mansion old Saint anger sends but actually vertically, yelled, the forehead opens to present vertical eye- projects a streak of divine light to pierce to this Saint King. “啊……”奇士府圣人怒发倒竖,一声大叫,眉心张开出现一只竖眼—射出一道神光洞穿向这位圣人王 Bang!” “轰隆!” Most dreadful matter happened, fifth Ancient Saint appears, came a person, although is not Saint King is also but intrepid enough, a foot stamped, treads to Ye Fan, wants his being run over and dying while still alive. 最为可怕的事情发生了,第五位古圣出现,又来了一个人,虽然不是圣人王但也足够强悍,一脚就跺了下来,踏向叶凡,想将他活活的碾死。 You go too far, rush to my Eccentric Mansion to commit murder wantonly, wants to shoulder Ancient Race and Human Race comprehensive great war?” Old Saint such as an old lion, on the face wrote all over the indignant color. “你们欺人太甚,闯我奇士府大肆行凶,想挑起古族人族全面的大战吗?”老圣人如一头老狮子般,脸上写满了愤色。 Without a doubt, these people come to Ye Fan, must his suppress and kill, want to win this Five Colored Alter, turning over to Ancient Race to use. 毫无疑问,这些人是冲着叶凡来的,要将他镇杀,更想夺走这个五色祭坛,归古族使用。 Hey, Human Race's Saint Physique today, the old fogy do not protect him exactly are being deceased person going all out unworthy. Moreover, could not protect this Five Colors Formation Altar depending on your Eccentric Mansion.” “嘿,人族圣体活不过今日,老家伙你就别护着他了为一个死人拼命不值得。而且,凭你们奇士府也守护不住这座五色阵台了。” Saint indifferent saying of Ancient Race, filled brutal killing intent. 古族圣者冷漠的说道,充满了无情的杀意 Always dealt with you to spell!” The Eccentric Mansion's old Saint eye was red, in the heart seems endless depression, wants to go all out with these people. “老相与你们拼了!”奇士府的圣人眼睛都红了,心中似有无尽的郁气,欲与这些人拼命。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Void breaks open sixth Ancient Saint to appeared covering over ten thousand Dao Spirit links, on the back grows divine wings, is very radiant, this is Saint King! 虚空破开第六位古圣出现身上笼罩着上万道神环,背生神翅,无比璀璨,这是一位圣人王 Is unable to save the situation depending on your one person radically, like this struggled to be driven to death after suffering an injustice!” This emergying Saint King light saying. “凭你一个人根本无力回天,这样挣扎下去不过是枉死!”这位新出现的圣人王平淡的说道。 Ye Fan stands in the altar, said to six Ancient Saint shouts out: One crowd of despicable Ancient Saint, do not know the sense of honor, for I small Dao Severing person, so drags in lots of people unexpectedly, six Saint arrive together only for me, but take action, don't you dislike disgraced?!” 叶凡站在祭坛上,对六位古圣大喝道:“一群卑劣的古圣,不知廉耻,为了我一个小小的斩道者,竟然如此兴师动众,六圣齐至只为我一人而出手,你们不嫌丢人吗?!” Ants that's all, if not Great Saint deduced a future wisp of secret to think that you possibly were a character, how I and others will move for you.” Ancient Saint coldly said. “一只蝼蚁而已,若非一位大圣推演到了未来的一缕天机觉得你可能是个人物,我等岂会为你而动。”一个古圣冷冷的说道 You feared has anything to come to me!” Ye Fan exclaimed. “你们到底还是怕了有什么冲着我一个人来吧!”叶凡吼道。 Kills you, if butchers the range chicken, effortless.” A Ancient Saint cold sound said, a purple big hand searched from that lead in the clouds, strikes to his fleshly body. “杀你如宰土鸡,不费吹灰之力。”一位古圣冷声道,一只紫色的大手自那铅云中探了下来,拍击向他的肉身 This hand was too big, bang makes noise, the ten directions universe seemed like must crash, above each purple scale have several zhang (3.33 m), very terrifying scary. 这只手太大了,轰隆作响,十方天宇都像是要崩塌了,上面的每一片紫鳞都有数丈长,十分恐怖吓人。 Master!” Ye Tong and the others the distinction that looks in the distant place, all yelled frightened, they knew! Ancient Saint take action, many Saint King, how a Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord person can block, is hard to shelter Ye Fan. “师傅!”叶瞳等人在远处看的分明,全都惊悚大叫,他们知道完了!这么都古圣出手,不乏圣人王,奇士府的府主一个人怎能挡住,难以庇护叶凡 Damn, Ancient Race Saint take action, moreover came so many all of a sudden, Ye Fan was difficult the way out, what to do can this?!” “该死的,古族圣人出手了,而且一下子来了这么多,叶凡难有生路了,这可怎么办?!” Really shameless, some unexpectedly so many Ancient Saint take action, come in waves, no human nature, wants to remove my Human Race's Saint Physique, reckless custom, hateful!” “真的无耻,竟然有这么多古圣出手,联袂而至,没有一点人性,想除掉我人族圣体,不顾一切规矩,可恨啊!” whether it is Ye Fan, Li Tian and the others, are the Eccentric Mansion's famous elder and others, is angry roaring, fills being unwilling, each and every one bristled with anger. 无论是叶凡厉天等人,还是奇士府的名宿等,全都在怒吼,充满了不甘,一个个怒发冲冠。 So many Ancient Saint arrive, clarifying does not give a Ye Fan way out, can see to Human Race's Saint Physique dreading how, feared that his growth, feared he takes the road of earth most Smelting Trial, finally prove the Dao turns over. 这么多古圣驾临,摆明是不给叶凡一丝生路,同时也可以看出对人族圣体多么的忌惮,怕他的成长起来,怕他走土最试炼之路,最终证道而归。 At the present, they attack strongly, unscrupulous, wants to erase it, is to strangle thoroughly in the cradle of growth. 而今,他们强势出击,肆无忌惮,想要将其抹除,是要彻底扼杀在成长的摇篮中。 „To take the strongest Smelting Trial road, the next generation, throw a good embryo, this life you to have no chance!” “想走上最强的试炼路,下辈子吧,去投一个好胎,今世你没有希望了!” These months, Ancient Race has had no movement, because cannot seek the Ye Fan's trail, but had actually learned that he will step onto this ancient Heavenly Road, therefore attacks. 这几个月来,古族一直没有什么动作,因为寻不到叶凡的踪迹,可却是早已得悉他会走上这条古天路,故此来袭。 Saint Physique is one in universe strongest physique, lets the Ancient Race deep scruples, some radical royal families cannot tolerate his Sanctification, will not hope him in the future great accomplishment. 圣体为宇宙最强体质中的一种,让古族深深顾忌,一些激进的王族不能容忍他成圣,更不希望他日后大成 Damn!” A Eccentric Mansion famous elder gripped tightens the fist, in the air/Qi mouth the big mouth spurted the blood, this result let he depressed and aggrieved being able to bear. “该死啊!”奇士府一位名宿攥紧了拳头,气的口中大口喷血,这个结局让他郁闷与憋屈的受不了。 Master!” In the Ye Tong eye contains the tears, cannot bear angry roar, wants to overrun, actually held down by Sovereign Black stubbornly, making him probably bear, in the future will revenge. “师傅!”叶瞳眼中蕴含热泪,忍不住怒啸,想要冲过去,却被黑皇死死的按住了,让他要忍住,日后去报仇。 Ye Fan , if there is sickness, the day of my Sanctification, will go to one by one to visit these Ancient Saint!” Li Tian cold sound said. 叶凡若有恙,我成圣之日,会去一一拜访这些古圣!”厉天寒声道。 Master, do not die......” Little Baldy to cry. “师傅,你不要死啊……”小光头大哭。 These people despaired thoroughly, Ancient Saint arrive together, first is so many, how to keep off?! 这些人彻底绝望了,古圣齐至,一来就是这么多,怎么去挡?! Don't worry.” “不用担心。” Suddenly, the familiar sound conveys together, silhouette goes out from distant place that airtight stone chamber. 突然,一道熟悉的声音传来,一条身影从远处那间密闭的石室中走出。 He arrives at the near, traces Huahua Little Baldy, said: Does not cry.” Helped him scour on the face the cluster teardrops. 他来到近前,摸了摸花花小光头,道:“不哭。”帮其擦净了脸上成串的泪珠。 One group of people are in a daze, come person precisely Ye Fan, but that stone chamber was some time ago he with old Mansion Lord had once gone in that. 一群人都发呆,来人正是叶凡,而那个石室则是不久前他与老府主曾进去过的那间。 This is...... what's the matter, you are Ye Fan, but who on Five Colored Alter is that person?” Some Eccentric Mansion's famous elders some dumbstruck “这是……怎么回事,你是叶凡,可五色祭坛上那个人又是谁?”奇士府的一些名宿都有一些发懵 I need an explanation!” Sovereign Black bare teeth said. “我需要一个解释!”黑皇呲牙道。 Now, we see a play on the line by all means.” The Ye Fan smile, looks to Eccentric Mansion most deep place, there great war is performing. “现在,我们只管看戏就行了。”叶凡微笑,看向奇士府最深处,那里的大战正在上演。 They know, since Ye Fan here, and no danger, then obviously, these Ancient Saint all by the pit, must certainly but actually big mildew! 他们知道,既然叶凡在此,并无任何危险,那么显而易见,那些古圣全都被坑了,肯定要倒大霉了! Asked the final bullet, the double monthly tickets were also left over final two days. 求下最后的子弹,双倍月票还剩下最后两天了。 . . . ( to be continued ) 。(未完待续)
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