STH :: Volume #12

#1116: A half year of time

Immortal!” “仙!” Only this character puts out, making the vault of heaven crash, Great Dao is dormant, the group star shakes, the star space thunders. 仅这一个字吐出,让天穹崩塌,大道蛰伏,群星摇颤,星宇轰鸣。 Mysterious strengths soar to the heavens on, swept across the Foreign Domain battlefield, Ancient Saint that startled two linger in beyond the Heavens has a big shock, turns around to fly to escape. 有一种神秘的力量冲霄而上,席卷了域外战场,惊的两位盘桓在天外古圣大惊失色,转身飞遁。 But a distant place zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang metal boat rips open Void immediately, entered in the dark universe, avoids this Dao Spirit sound, probably received enormous touching. 而远处一艘丈许长的金属小船更是在第一时间撕开虚空,进入了黑暗的宇宙中,躲避这道神音,像是受到了极大的触动。 On this Ancient Star also has Human Race's Great Emperor to live?” “这颗古星上还有人族大帝活着吗?” This is a shock and awe, let come this's several Ancient Sage from other Star Domain to be terrified, this may really be earth-shattering, shocked trim Starry Sky. 这是一种震慑,让从其他星域来此的几位上古圣贤都悚然了,这可真是石破天惊,震撼整片星空 In the present age, should not have Great Emperor to be right, ten thousand years ago final Great Emperor will died during meditation, how also have the aura of this progression?” “在当世,应该没有一位大帝才对,一万年前最后的一位大帝坐化了,怎么还会有这个级数的气息?” Foreign Domain Sage whispered, appeared in this piece of Star Domain altogether has 34 people, but had not descended in comes up that's all to the land, these days has observed in Foreign Domain. 域外圣贤低语,出现在这片星域的共有三四人了,只是一直没有降落在到大地上去而已,这些日子一直在域外观察。 It is reported that in current Heaven and Earth, in the universe does not have Great Emperor, how to brave such a person suddenly, if some people in this prove the Dao, being away from can see that this Ancient Star to stand out from the masses is right.” “据传,当下的天地中,宇宙中已经没有大帝了,怎么会突然冒出来这样一个人,若是有人在这一世证道,隔着很远就能看出这颗古星与众不同才对。” Very the star however, these person of one have not been the weak ones, how otherwise can conduct the interstellar travel? This is some may roam through super Sage of universe. 很星然,这些人没有一个是弱者,不然怎能进行星际旅行?这是一些可遨游天宇的超级圣贤 Under trim Starry Sky did not have emperor many years, will continue, this was the prediction that greatest Sage made, the credibility was very high, why this can Ancient Star like this?” “整片星空下无帝很多年了,而且还将继续下去,这是一个最伟大的圣贤做出的预测,可信度很高,这颗古星为何会这样?” At the present, to compete for Immortal Domain enters the power, great in Saints will exist to catch up, why will present the Great Emperor's aura?” “而今,为了争夺仙域进入权,诸圣中的伟大存在都会赶来,为何会出现大帝的气息?” If the Immortal Ascension Road turns into air, in future a long time, ancient virtuous person in trim universe will compete for first become Emperor turning point, must have a big collision of surging forward with great momentum.” “若是成仙路成空,在未来很长一段时间内,整片宇宙中的古贤将会争夺先成帝的契机,必有一番波澜壮阔的大碰撞。” Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land merely one character spread, shocked Foreign Domain Starry Sky, making several Sage all surprised uncertain, does not dare to descend. 荒古禁地仅仅一个字传出,震撼了域外星空,让几位圣贤全都惊疑不定,不敢降落下去。 A Ye Fan face is startled to accommodate, the desolate appeared, why only said such a character, until now, was confirmed finally, she is a female, the sound of sounds of nature moves the will of the people ancient banner, has an inviolable dignity! 叶凡一脸惊容,荒出现了,为何只说了这样一个字,时至今日,终于得到了证实,她是一个女子,天籁之音动人心旌,却有一种不可侵犯的威严! By dim mist, as long as the cultivate successfully Heavenly Eye people can see together slender silhouette, hangs on Abyss, the pupil light is indifferent, has an indifferent and ultra dust. 透过朦胧的雾气,但凡修成天眼的人都能见到一道修长的身影,悬在深渊上,眸光冷漠,却也有一种淡然与超尘。 Human Race cultivator came much, each and every one all knelt to bend down, in the mouth mountainous cry the Great Emperor two characters, asking her to have the restricted area, sheltered Human Race. 人族修士来了不少,一个个全都跪伏了下去,口中山呼大帝二字,请她出禁地,庇护人族 Has not appeared as for Ancient Race one, ran away immediately, does not dare to make an appearance Ancient Saint, because Bronze Immortal Palace fought to them left behind too profound profound. 至于古族一个都没有出现,都在第一时间逃走了,连古圣都不敢露面,因为青铜仙殿一战给他们留下了太深刻的深刻。 The desolate destroyed completely one team of Ancient Saint in that war, even three Great Saint keeping watch, even has ultimate Dao Ancient Sovereign Weapon to be useless, can only flee to the wilderness. 荒在那一战中灭掉了一队古圣,即便有三位大圣坐镇,即便持有极道古皇兵都无用,只能落荒而逃。 It looks like in numerous Ancient Race, the desolate seems intent in view of them, does not have a favorable impression, oneself deliver comes to court death at present, therefore Ancient Saint does not dare to appear. 在众多古族看来,荒似有意针对他们,无一点好感,自己送到眼前来是在找死,故此一个古圣都不敢出现。 supreme Great Emperor......” Huahua small face snow white, by the strength of communication mind, making his whole body unable to bear shiver, after all was too small, saw that such exists, is not how alarmed. 无上大帝……”花花小脸雪白,以心灵之力沟通,让他浑身都忍不住颤抖,毕竟太小了,见到这样一个存在,怎不惊心。 Very pitifully, no matter what his any recounted, the desolate has not sent a language again, but gazes at Ye Fan silently, looks to put on his body, does not know that is thinking anything. 很可惜,任他任何述说,荒都没有再发一语,只是默默注视叶凡,望穿其体,不知在想些什么。 The Ye Fan body ice is cold, in the cold pore the cold sweat braves, he by desolate observing closely! 叶凡身体冰寒,寒毛孔中冷汗直冒,他被荒给盯住了! The desolate, the pupil light from Green Copper Cauldron and to Myriad Things Origin Energy of his within the body, to Immortal Treasure Chart, one by one has swept again, has, if the essence, two swords have delimited probably, making his skeleton painful. 荒,眸光从他体内的绿铜鼎、到万物母气、再到仙珍图,一一扫过,有若实质,像是两道剑划过般,让他胎骨生疼。 Ye Fan wants to drape oneself in the flag in order to overawe others, frightens Ancient Race, will be really wild annoying, actually observed closely him, this makes him feel that some are not wonderful, quite some feelings of drawing fire to oneself. 叶凡想拉大旗作虎皮,吓唬古族,真将荒给惹出来了,却是盯住了他,这让他觉得有些不妙,颇有些引火烧身的感觉。 Immortal Road......” after is very long, the desolate puts aside the vision, puts out such two characters, delightful interesting to listen, such as the immortal sound on Nine Heavens has delimited, making everyone raise up the ear, wanted to know as follows. 仙路……”直到很久后,荒才移开目光,又吐出这样两个字,悦耳动听,如九天上的仙音划过,让每一个人都竖起了耳朵,想要知道下文。 The desolate mentioned Immortal Road, this is astonishing! A forbidden area control of Great Emperor level, her any a few words can initiate Star Domain to vibrate. 荒提到了仙路,这是惊人的!一位大帝级的禁区主宰,她的任何一句话都能引发星域震动。 However, many people have not waited till as follows, has not heard her to say anything, the smoke cloud turns into the belt-shaped black fog, winds around on Nine Holy Mountains, serves as contrast that Dao Body shadow was slenderer and unattainable. 然而,许多人都没有等到下文,未听到她说什么,烟云化成带状黑雾,缭绕在九座圣山上,将那道身影衬托的更加修长与高不可攀了。 She descended slowly, submerged in the eternal darkness, entered under Abyss, no longer manifest. 她缓缓降落,没入了永恒的黑暗中,进入了深渊下,不再显化 Huahua Little Baldy was translucent, sees the desolate to sink, immediately restored in the past natural disposition, looked very fresh-faced, was actually a ghost elf, unceasing talking irresponsibly. 花花小光头透亮,见荒沉下去了,顿时恢复了往昔的禀性,看起来很粉嫩,其实是一个鬼精灵,不断的瞎掰。 supreme Great Emperor you walk, I respect about you extremely......” 无上大帝你走好,我对你敬仰万分……” Suddenly, his small face pain, on face pale, pair of big eye staring perfectly round, the startled sound said to Ye Fan: Master she spoke to me, do you listen to Finally?” 突然,他小脸一苦,脸上苍白,一双大眼瞪的溜圆,惊声对叶凡道:“师傅她对我说话了,你听到了吗?” No, your mind reading what?” Ye Fan reveals startled allows, to look to others , does not have any unusually, obviously has not heard. “没有,你的心灵感应到了什么?”叶凡露出惊容,看向其他人,也都没有什么异常,显然都未听到。 She sighed spookily, moved, only said three charactersdid make a mistake what do you mean? ” Huahua muttered low voice, sound by the Ye Fan's Golden Holy Domain interruption in middle. “她幽幽叹息了一声,怅然若失,只说了三个字‘都错了”什么意思呀?”花花小声咕哝,声音被叶凡的黄金圣域截断在当中。 Made a mistake......” Ye Fan to talk to oneself, in the heart turned the dreadful wild waves, what did this mean? “都错了……”叶凡自语,心中翻起滔天骇浪,这意味了什么? We walk!” Ye Fan pulls up Huahua, boards the shiny spaceship decisively, first enters Domain Portal, vanished from this place. “我们走!”叶凡拉起花花,果断登上锃亮的飞船,第一时间进入域门,从这个地方消失了。 On the same day, the day leeward da wave rose from all directions, all cloud Dong, the desolate was summoned by the Ye Fan masters and disciples, as if proved indirectly he really had the responsibility with the desolate, Ancient Race was anxious. 当日,天下风龘波四起,各方云动,荒被叶凡师徒呼唤了出来,似乎间接证明了他与荒真的有干系,古族不安了。 He really can summon the desolate, then encroaches upon from there twice, has the reason, this......” “他真能呼唤荒,这么说来两次从那里借道,不是没有原因,这……” Many people are in a daze, all parties are amazed. 许多人发呆,各方惊诧。 Especially Ancient Race, in the heart feels weak, once again showed indirectly that possibly is Human Race's Great Emperor, lived this, if were discontented with them, will be a disaster. 尤其是古族,心中发虚,又一次间接证明那可能是一位人族大帝,活到了这一世,若是对他们不满,将是一场大难。 Ye Fan returned to Village of Celestial Court, will obtain news one by one to mention, making one group of people stare blankly, she said that what made a mistake represented? 叶凡回到了天之村,将所得到消息一一讲出,让一群人都发怔,她说“都错了”意指什么? She really possibly is Ferocity, thinks that Great Emperor is also living, my small heart and liver plop plop keeps jumping, later did not go to Southern Region!” Duan De is afraid. “她真的可能是狠人,想到一位大帝还活着,我的小心肝扑通扑通跳个不停,以后再也不去南域了!”段德心虚。 Your matter lacking virtue did, dares to dig her Dao Field, was then good, Heaven Swallowing Demonic Pot you remain well, when perhaps gave to tidy up you.” Saying that Sovereign Black takes pleasure in others' misfortunes. “你缺德事做多了,敢挖她的道场,这下好了,吞天魔罐你好好留着吧,说不定什么时候就把你给收拾了。”黑皇幸灾乐祸的说道。 Uncle Master Duan, Nephew-Apprentice I am willing to share sorrow for you, gives me that jar, I do not shut out!” Huahua big eyes sparkling, is going against Little Baldy, a hot appearance, gathers up to come. 段师伯,师侄我愿为你分忧,把那罐子送给我吧,我不嫌弃!”花花眼亮晶晶,顶着小光头,一副热乎的样子,凑上前来。 „The live mud plays at the same time!” Duan De waves. “一边活泥巴玩去!”段德挥手。 Uncle Master Duan, I do not take something for free, we are the old rules, carries out the transaction, enlightenment tea, Old Master murder Saint Soul Melting Saber, which did you have a liking for?” Huahua to chip away at a task and not abandon it. 段师伯,我不白要,咱们还是老规矩,进行交易吧,悟道茶、还是杀圣老爷子的化神刀,你看上哪个了?”花花锲而不舍 One group of people look to Duan De, all the look is bad. 一群人看向段德,全都神色不善。 motherfucker, do not listen to him to talk nonsense, this little thing person little rascal is big, I have not traded with him, when previous time while I drink, to is self- here along two good things.” Duan De said. 妈的,别听他瞎说,这小东西人小鬼大,我从没跟他交易过,上次趁我喝酒时,到是自我这里顺走了两件好东西。”段德道。 Village of Celestial Court, one group of people considered were very long, thinks that in the future may have any big accident, all the word must be mentally prepared. 天之村,一群人思量了很久,一致认为将来可能会有什么大变故,皆言要做好心理准备。 Duan De is afraid, starting from this day, no longer enters Southern Region, he really somewhat feared. 段德心虚,自这一日开始,不再进南域,他是真的有些怕了。 Ancient Race was peaceful, without other movements, they is very anxious, some people do everything possible to send out the person ready dead to enter Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine, the innermost feelings fill anxiously. 古族安静了,没有其他动作,他们真的很不安,一些人想方设法派出死士进太初古矿,内心充满焦虑。 The day passes by day-by-day, is very tranquil in following a long time, no great war erupts, was only many several ancient virtuous person, from beyond the Heavens came, was Immortal Ascension Road, but. 日子一天天过去,在接下来的很长一段时间里都很平静,没有什么大战爆发,只是又多了几位古贤,从天外而来,为成仙路而至。 In an instant approached a half year of time, Ye Fan has been leading a pious life, to the time of wielding other Big Dipper, for this reason he went to Ji Family specially, inquired about Ji Ziyue and Ji Haoyue matter. 转眼临近了半年期,叶凡一直在修行,到了挥别北斗的时候,为此他特意去了一次姬家,询问关于姬紫月姬皓月的事。 The big Little Moon father outstanding ability and grand vision, are outstanding Middle-Aged person, the black hair hang loose a very much, the eye pupil like the electricity, received him in the Ji Family ancestor palace personally. 小月亮的父亲雄才大略,是一个很英伟中年人,黑发披散,眼眸如电,在姬家祖殿中亲自接见了他。 This is piece of broad ancient palace, legends say is Great Emperor Void constructs, including piece of boundless Void, has the Star Domain brilliance twinkle. 这是一片恢宏的古殿,相传虚空大帝所建,连着一片无垠的虚空,有星域光辉闪烁。 It is said that in the past Great Emperor Void buried in the universe from this place, has not appeared again, has not left behind Coffin. 据说,当年虚空大帝就是从这个地方葬进宇宙中的,再也没有出现,未曾留下棺椁 The big Little Moon father, regards as important to Ye Fan very much, can lead into this place him is also an approval, in this period Ji Zi also this came, spoke some words. 小月亮的父亲,对叶凡很看重,能够将他带入这个地方也算是一种认可,期间姬子也此来了,说了一些话。 This is the road that Great Emperor takes, in universe Starry Sky has Great Emperor Void's and......” “这是大帝走的路,宇宙星空中有虚空大帝的及……” Finally, Ye Fan left Ji Family, rushes to Eccentric Mansion directly, because of a half year of time, is going to leave this world! 最后,叶凡离开了姬家,径直赶往奇士府,因为半年期到,将要离开这个世界了! motherfucker, purple pupil that girl ran, purple hair that scoundrel also escaped, irritated this Sovereign!” When Sovereign Black sees off, brought such news. 妈的,紫瞳那丫头跑了,紫发那个混账也逃了,气死本皇了!”黑皇来送行时,带来了这样的消息。 Ye Fan gave it the matter of spaceship, wants to count on that it studies an insight, has not thought happened accidentally/surprisingly, the two when taught one time Sovereign Black driving spaceship, discards fleshly body, fled Primordial Spirit. 叶凡将飞船的事交给了它,原本想指望它研究个通透,没有想到意外发生,那两人在一次教导黑皇驾驶飞船时,舍弃肉身,遁走了元神 Body is the foundation of god, they become the no root floating duckweed at the present, even body possession will still have the considerable long repel period, I do not believe them to escape from this world.” Sovereign Black not indignation. “身是神之本,他们而今成为了无根的飘萍,即便夺舍也会有相当漫长的排斥期,我不信他们能逃出这个世界。”黑皇不忿。 But, its words just fell dumbfounded, two soul lamps in his hand all exuberant, then blasts out. 可是,它话语刚落就呆住了,他手中的两盏魂灯全都旺盛了起来,而后炸开。 They found the appropriate body, moreover not in this world!” Sovereign Black yelled, shows the surprised look. “他们找到了合适的身体,而且不在这个世界了!”黑皇大叫,露出吃惊的神色。 At this time, six zhang golden body this Holy Artifact Divinity, the illumination, cuts the expansive sky all over the body, vanished from Eastern Wilderness directly, submerges the dark universe. 此时,“丈六金身”这件圣器神袛,通体发光,划破长空,直接从东荒消失了,没入黑暗的宇宙。 The body that in the cabin, the purple pupil female look is indifferent, adapts to itself to leave behind the blood that duplicates previously, said: This Ancient Star was too strange, native is above the imagination powerful, if we certainly want the means to return to mother star, goes back the news belt/bring.” 舱内,紫瞳女子神色冷漠,适应了自己早先留下的血复制出的身体,道:“这颗古星太怪了,土著的强大超乎想象,我们一定要想办法回到母星,将消息带回去。” Does not know that can also find that several nature production the Space Jump point, at the present our spaceships have the big problem, the difficulty was too big!” The blonde Middle-Aged man said. “不知道还能不能找到那几个自然生成的空间跳跃点,而今我们的飞船出了大问题,难度太大了!”金发中年男子说道。 six zhang golden body turns into stream of light, submerges in the universe, vanishes does not see. 丈六金身”化成一道流光,没入宇宙中,就此消失不见。 Central Province, Eccentric Mansion. 中州,奇士府 Sovereign Black, Dongfang Ye, Saint Sovereign's Son, Li Heishui, Yan Yixi, Li Tian wait/etc. sees off. 黑皇东方野圣皇子李黑水燕一夕厉天等都来送行。 Today leaves, does not know when met again, since the ancient times, the person who walks from this road does not know many, is for hundreds of thousands years, actually only comes back 35 people of that's all, takes care.” “今日一别,不知何年何月再相见了,自古以来,从这条路走的人也不知有多少,可是十几万年来,却只回来三五人而已,保重啊。” Master you must walk......” Ye Tong to be moved. “师傅你又要走了……”叶瞳伤感。 Master, Master, I was chastest, you also lead me to walk, I feared that also had Duan De they to teach people bad things by Sovereign Black.” Huahua this lesser monk pulls his trouser legs coverings, is raising head to blink the big eye to say. “师傅,师傅,我最纯洁了,你也带我走吧,我怕被黑皇还有段德他们教坏。”花花这个小和尚扯他的裤腿,仰着头眨巴着大眼说道。 motherfucker, this clever boy was wicked, is not the bystander teaches people bad things.” Duan De said. 妈的,这个贼小子性本恶,根本就不是外人教坏的。”段德道。 Daoist Priest Duan, or you start off with me together, I think that this whether there is completely big grave you will definitely rob all the way.” The Ye Fan smile said. 段道长要不你跟我一起上路吧,我想这一路上肯定会有无尽的大墓等你去盗。”叶凡微笑道。 Which This Poor Daoist does not go, becomes an immortal to build in Immemorial, missed the Immortal Ascension Road's opening instant previous time, this I want first to clash, cannot make a mistake!” Saying of his very god stick. 贫道哪也不去,成仙筑道在太古,上一次错过了成仙路的开启时间,这一世我要第一个冲进去,再也不能出错了!”他很神棍的说道。 In history most Smelting Trial, this is one makes the innumerable heroes sprinkle the road of blood, died in battle three people including strongest Saint Physique, the incomparable brutality, you may, if wants, once goes, again also road back!” Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord said to Ye Fan. “史上最试炼,这是一条让无数英杰洒血的路,连最强的圣体都战死了三人,无比的残酷,你可要想好了,一旦进去,就再也回头路了!”奇士府的府主叶凡说道。
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