STH :: Volume #12

#1115: Dialogue- desolate

Ge Jiuyou these three characters have strange demonic power probably, lets some Ancient Race many elder chill down the spine, really feared that does not know the the immensity of heaven and earth later generation provoked at this time, stirs up this cultivation base immeasurable Sick Oldman killing spree (rampage), that will be a catastrophe! 盖九幽这三个字像是有一种奇异的魔力,让古族许多宿老都有些毛骨发寒,真怕有不知天高地厚的后辈在这个时候去挑衅,惹得这位修为莫测病老人大开杀戒,那将是一场大祸! Ge Jiuyou only said several words that's all, but the might is huge, in the future, even the most radical ten big royal families were still much honest, at least does not dare to say visibly must let Human Race become a mountain of skeleton and Rivers of Blood, low-key. 盖九幽只说了几句话而已,可威力是巨大的,在接下来的日子里,即便是最为激进的十大王族也老实了不少,最起码不敢明着说要让人族尸骨成山血流成河了,低调了下来。 „, The Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land terrifying aura powerful several times did not continue, this way, no one can go.” Ye Fan arrived at Southern Region, far view life-forbidden zone. “唔,荒古禁地恐怖气息强盛了数倍不止,照这样下去,没有人能进去了。”叶凡来到了南域,远观这处生命禁区。 This he is time controls a Saint-level spaceship, the twinkle metallic luster, was named as Immortal Ascension 12,580 th by him all over the body, appoints two captive purple pupil females and her Elder Brother is vice- captain, but has not helped him drive, at the present is accepting interrogating and torturing of Sovereign Black in Village of Celestial Court, gaining the core is secret. 这一次他是驾驭一艘圣级飞船到的,通体闪烁金属光泽,被他命名为飞仙一二五八零号,任命两个俘虏紫瞳女子与她的哥哥为副船长,不过并没有帮他驾驶,而今正在天之村接受黑皇的拷问,获取核心机密。 This spaceship , lost internal breeding six zhang golden body, is this/should Holy Ar­ti­fact's Divinity, the function is not obviously good, although also has extremely fast, but missed compared with before far. 这艘飞船,、失去了内部孕育的丈六金身,也就是该圣器的神祇,功能等明显不行了,虽然也拥有极速,但是与以前相比还是差远了。 Such a spaceship of twinkle silvery brilliance arrives at outside the life-forbidden zone, making many people be startled, perplexed, however Ye Fan's appears is more noticeable. 这样一艘闪烁银辉的飞船降临生命禁区外,让很多人都大吃一惊,不明所以,然而叶凡的出现则更为引人瞩目。 He comes here swayed incense table, oneself do not pay respect, lets from Lesser monk Huahua who Earth comes, earnest ritual respect, a jibber jabber appearance. 他来这里摆香案,自己不参拜,却让自地球而来的小和尚-花花,认真礼敬,一副神神叨叨的样子。 At the present this place has become God Domain, experienced previous Bronze Immortal Palace one post-war, Human Race common cultivator paid homage, thinks that this was Ancient Great Emperor's Dao Field, the desolate should be Human Race's Great Emperor in marvelous condition, hopes for that she can shelter Human Race. 而今这个地方早已成为了一处神域,经历上次青铜仙殿一战后,人族常有修士来膜拜,认为这是古之大帝的道场,荒应该是一位处在奇妙状态中的人族大帝,希冀她能庇护人族 Ye Fan lets the young disciple in this ritual respect, oneself also jibber jabber, whispered to keep, said: Human Race's Great Emperor please awaken, Ancient Race goes too far, the Human Race's shame, needs Ancient Great Emperor to scrub, please one day return early!” 叶凡让幼徒在此礼敬,自己也神神叨叨,低语个不停,道:“人族的大帝请觉醒吧,古族欺人太甚,人族的耻辱,需要古之大帝来洗刷,请早一日归来吧!” In years past, beginning me this world, must hoodwink Great Emperor's to concern, bestows the next nine wonderful holy fruit change physicals, at the present bestows my Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron...... not to think the report.” “昔年,我初来这个世界,就得蒙大帝的关乎,赐下九妙圣果改变体质,而今又赐我万物母气鼎……无以为报。” In this period, I once left this world twice, departs from Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, with the aid of Great Emperor your Five Colored Alter, appreciates.” “期间,我曾两次离开这个世界,都是自荒古禁地离去,借助大帝你的五色祭坛,不胜感激。” Thinks that Bronze Immortal Palace, bloody immortal character how shocked, making my insight quite deep, annotated Great Dao true meaning.” “想那青铜仙殿,一个血淋淋的‘仙’字怎一个震撼了得,让我感悟颇深,诠释了大道真义。” I saw your several coffins, the merit ginseng/partake seized Good Fortune, the strength shake the past and present, the talent shocking first person......” “我见到了你的数口棺,功参夺造化,战力震古今,才情惊艳第一人……” Ye Fan is chatty, listened people thought that some round of to terrify, thought he in Great Emperor with this Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land as if has greatest karma and relation, more listened to him saying that more thought the whole body was not comfortable. 叶凡唧唧歪歪,听的人们觉得有些发瘆,觉得他与这荒古禁地内的大帝似乎有着莫大的因果与联系,越听他说越觉得浑身不自在。 He left this world two times, this is well-known, every with the aid of Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land's Five Colored Alter, departs under being a focus of public attention one time, personally was seen by many people. 他先后两次离开这个世界,这已是人尽皆知,每一次都是借助荒古禁地的五色祭坛,都是在万众瞩目之下离去,被许多人亲眼所见。 Listened to him to say like this, Human Race many cultivator were scared, did this fellow really have what to relate inadequately with the desolate? At the present in the prayer, invited this person emperor enter the world? 听他这样说,人族不少修士都发毛,难道这个家伙真与荒有什么联系不成?而今在祷告,请这位人帝出世 Outside since Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, these days some people appeared and disappeared recently, many incense tables, naturally some people saw him, heard his words. 荒古禁地外,最近这些日子以来都有人出没,有不少香案,自然有部分人见到了他,也听到了他的话。 What does he want to make?” “他想做什么?” Wants to have Human Race's Great Emperor to come suppress Ancient Race, this may not be a little realistic.” “难道想请出人族大帝镇压古族吗,这可有点不现实啊。” I thought that he is very dishonest, in mysterious, is frightening Ancient Race mostly.” “我觉得吧,他很不老实,在故弄玄虚,多半是在吓唬古族。” Ye Fan traces bald of lesser monk Huahua he tonsures personally, said: Good apprentice, by your organ of wisdom multi- loading should regarding this, the earnest ritual respect.” 叶凡摸了摸他亲自剃度的小和尚花花的光头,道:“好徒弟,以你的慧根对此多加感应,认真礼敬。” Yes, Master! I am very reverent and earnest, strive for dry/does big score, summoning Human Race's Great Emperor to come, destroyed completely Ancient Race that group of grandsons.” The Huahua person is not big, is only several years old, an appearance of ancient spirit demon, the speech has the bandit air/Qi, seriously gave pollution by Sovereign Black and Dragon Horse. “是,师傅!我很虔诚与认真,争取干一票大的,呼唤出人族大帝来,将古族那帮孙子都灭掉。”花花人不大,只有几岁,一副古灵精怪的样子,说话带有匪气,严重被黑皇龙马给“污染”了。 Ye Fan one dumbness, must trace his Little Baldy, sincere saying: Later is short with that black dog walks in the same place, or I deliver to Wei Yi old Saint there you.” 叶凡都一阵无言,只得摸了摸他的小光头,语重心长的说道:“以后少跟那条黑狗走在一起,要不我还是把你送到卫易圣人那里去吧。” Black dog that his very unscrupulous, I have wanted to pull, mysterious mineral pool liquid that the master brings, it snatches endlessly with us, presses together hardly soaks, despises its 100.” Huahua said. “黑狗那丫忒不地道了,我早就想扯乎了,师傅带回来的神秘矿物池液,它跟我们抢个没完,硬挤在一起泡,鄙视它一百遍。”花花说道。 How Ye Fan saw that he does not feel right, this is a very fresh-faced child, the eyelash is very clearly long, did the big eye sparkling rotation, with porcelain doll, how speak this taste? All day long fools around together with the black dog and Duan De such person, really could not become the good person. 叶凡怎么看他都觉得不对劲,这分明是个很粉嫩的孩子,睫毛很长,大眼睛乌溜溜的转动,跟个瓷娃娃似的,怎么说话这个味儿?成天跟黑狗与段德这样的人厮混,果然成不了好人。 Actually, what is worst is my Ye Tong First Senior Brother, is all right always frightens me, is he is doing the misdemeanor obviously, finally makes me take the rap.” The Huahua grievance, blinks the big eye to consider the black shape. “其实,最坏的是我叶瞳大师兄,没事老吓唬我,明明是他在做坏事,最后都让我背黑锅。”花花委屈,眨巴着大眼告黑状。 A Ye Fan forehead heavy line, said: motherfucker, my apprentice made them teach people bad things, Little Pine has not brought luckily, otherwise really does not know that became what appearance.” 叶凡一脑门子黑线,道:“妈的,我徒弟都让他们教坏了,幸好小松没带来,不然真不知道成什么样子。” Master, Master, I am very chaste, these scoundrel matters are not I do, I do not have to resell enlightenment tea secretly, is Duan De compels me to trade, I have not drunk the Saint Killer Qi Luo god liquor secretly, was did not pass by carefully, after smelling the liquor air/Qi, keeled over drunk in the wine.......” The Little Baldy Huahua big eye is in sharp contrast, earnest saying. “师傅,师傅,我很纯洁,那些混账事都不是我干的,我没有偷偷倒卖悟道茶,是段德逼我交易的,我也没偷喝杀圣齐罗的神酒,是不小心路过,闻到酒气后醉倒在酒缸里的。还有……”小光头花花大眼黑白分明,认真的说道。 Fart, had investigated thoroughly, is you do!” Ye Fan tapped in the head, said: Hurries to give me to induce carefully, summoned attentively.” “屁,早就查清了,都是你干的!”叶凡在头上轻敲了一下,道:“赶紧给我仔细感应,用心去呼唤。” Yes, Master, compliant!” Huahua small wainscot very straight, recited True Scripture, mumbled, an appearance of young god stick. “是,师傅,遵命!”花花小腰板挺的笔直,口诵真经,念念有词,一副小神棍的样子。 Ye Fan is really not a good master, whether it is Ye Tong, Little Pine, or at the present Huahua, has not gone to teach devotedly, when for a long time arm-flinging shopkeeper. 叶凡真的不是一个好师傅,无论是叶瞳、还是小松、亦或是而今的花花,都没有怎么去悉心教导,长时间当甩手掌柜 Does this can indeed the maximum display their instinct, will not limit under the Ye Fan's achievement and influence, but does this to be without a doubt easy to raise several wild horse, but frisking and scampering of vigor, god knows will be turning into what appearance in the future. 这样做的确可以最大限度的发挥他们的天性,不会局限在叶凡的成就与影响力之下,但是这样做毫无疑问容易养出几头野马来,可着劲的撒欢,天知道将来会变成什么样子。 Recently, Ye Fan is staying in Village of Celestial Court, 最近,叶凡天之村呆着, Being unparalleled in the world unabridged book novel downloading 独步天下全本小说下载 The accident/surprise knew from the Saint Killer Qi Luo mouth, this little guy unexpectedly inborn spiritual wisdom, in the extremely remote distance, can directly conduct the mind to talk, this is mysterious talent divine ability is one in human body unknown Treasure Depository, he naturally opened inborn. 意外从杀圣齐罗口中得知,这个小萝卜头竟然天生通灵,在极其遥远的距离内,可以直接与人进行心灵对话,这是神秘的天赋神通属于人体未知宝藏中的一种,他天生自然打开了。 This also made Ye Fan understand, why this child can have in Buddhism Knowledge Depository phenomenon, obtained Buddhism’s supreme Inheritance, the mind divine sense strength super terrifying, the trouble-maker level. 这也让叶凡明白了,为何这个孩童能够发生佛教中的“识藏”现象,得到了佛门的无上传承,心灵神念力超级恐怖,是非人级的。 He comes this to confirm that under the desolate is Human Race's Great Emperor, wants to drape oneself in the flag in order to overawe others, frightens and shocks Ancient Race, making them suspect and be afraid. 他来此想确认下荒到底是不是人族大帝,也想藉此拉大旗作虎皮,吓唬与震慑一下古族,让他们去猜疑与害怕。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, under Ancient Desolate Abyss runs out of terrifying aura, the black fog was dreadful, camouflaged the high noon sunlight, let trim life-forbidden zone one vibration. 突然,荒古深渊下冲出一股恐怖的气机,黑雾滔天,遮蔽了正午的阳光,让整片生命禁区都一阵抖动。 Everyone revealed must be possible to imagine the color, looked to Ye Fan their priest and disciple there, was in a daze, was really they triggered what? 所有人都露出了必可思议之色,一齐望向叶凡他们师徒二人那里,一阵发呆,难道真是他们触发了什么? He crosses Starry Sky to go twice since then, if said that are not related with the desolate, kills does not believe that otherwise others who can achieve, who dares to go in?” “他两次从此地横渡星空而去,若说与荒没有关系,打死也不相信,不然别人谁能做到,谁敢进去?” Really is their priest and disciple prayed sound that evidently makes, fearful!” “看样子真是他们师徒二人祈祷弄出来的动静,可怕!” One group of people are scared, all withdraws, far away from this region, although with is Human Race, but actually a little fears to them, does not know that must annoy what accident. 一群人都发毛,全都退后,远离这个区域,虽然同为人族,但是对他们却有点惧怕,不知要惹出什么变故。 Master, I induced, under that Abyss had the strong divine sense strength, was very scary, is stronger than everyone who I saw, wanted the terrifying innumerable multiple compared with Grandpa murder Saint.” Huahua said. “师傅,我感应到了,那个深渊下面有强大的神念力,很吓人,比我所见到的所有人都强,比杀圣爷爷都要恐怖数不清的倍数。”花花说道。 The look on Ye Fan face is difficult to decide, he does not know that continues whether will surpass the control, if really presents the catastrophe, that was the god comes unable to save them. 叶凡脸上的神色难定,他不知道继续下去是否会超出掌控,若是真的出现大祸,那就是神来了也救不了他们。 Spoke my sect your slowly to her listens.” Finally, he made such decision. “将我教你的那些慢慢讲给她听。”最终,他做出了这样的决定。 Ancient Great Emperor on, Huahua saluted upon meeting to you, Human Race has the disaster......” immature infant voice through the mind transmission to jet black Abyss, devout prayer. 古之大帝在上,花花给您见礼了,人族有大难……”稚嫩的童音通过心灵传递向漆黑的深渊中,虔诚祷告。 When the strength of Huahua use mind, on his head present silver white vortex, probably a wheel returned home to open, and on that scalp presented Dao Runes to wind together, proliferation. 花花动用心灵之力时,其头颅上现一个银白的漩涡,像是一个轮回门打开了,且那块头皮上出现一道道纹络,扩散而出。 Ye Fan is surprised, the human body is really mysterious, flesh accumulated has Treasure Depository every inchs, have several not Gate of the Gods waits to open, even if many people are cultivate until Saint Realm not necessarily can open many. 叶凡惊讶,人体果真是神秘,每一寸血肉都蕴有一个宝藏,有数不尽的神之门等着去打开,许多人纵然是修到圣人境界都不见得能打开多少个。 But some people are inborn different reported that when some all sorts of special divine ability | energy, from birth has, has not passed through practices, inherent, this is revelation Treasure Depository. 而有些人却天生异禀,有种种特异神能,自出生时就有,未经过修行,与生俱来,这是天启宝藏 Came out several person's shadows......” distant place, hears screams, had to open all that Heavenly Eye cultivator will see to tell the people. “出来了几道人影……”远处,传来一片惊呼声,有开启天眼修士将所见到的一切告诉了众人。 Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land most deep place, on Nine Holy Mountains the black fog is turbulent, from Abyss billowing on, several Dao Body shades stand are among the black fog, precisely Desolate Slave. 荒古禁地最深处,九座圣山上黑雾汹涌,从深渊中滚滚而上,几道身影立身在黑雾间,正是荒奴 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, another special aura sweeps across, this Between Heaven and Earth opened a gap probably, flows in backward the gods strength on Nine Heavens, making one be able help kneeling to bend down. 突然,另一股特别的气息席卷,这天地间像是打开了一个缺口,倒灌九天上的神明力量,让人忍不住要跪伏下去。 Young boy Huahua complexion snow white, the lip trembles, said: Master, this Human Race's Great Emperor was too powerful, no, she should be gods, the strength of mind I induce seems like one entire to have fleshly body, but not its conscience.” 幼童花花脸色雪白,嘴唇打颤,道:“师傅,这个人族大帝太强大了,不,她应该是神明,我所感应到的心灵之力像是一整具肉身,而并非其本心。” Ye Fan expression grave, opens the Heavenly Eye, looks out Nine Holy Mountains, sizes up there all carefully. 叶凡神色凝重,睁开天目,遥望九座圣山,仔细打量那里的一切。 The desolate, is really she, appeared on Abyss, by the black fog, is gazing at this place. Young boy Huahua, indeed gave to summon her! 荒,真的是她,出现在了深渊上,透过黑雾,正在注视此地。幼童花花,的确将她给呼唤了出来! Human Race's Great Emperor, please accept my prayer, time flies, after Ancient Desolate, Human Race......” Huahua mumbled, the Ye Fan of earnest transmission when Village of Celestial Court taught his these words with others, told for these years the Human Race's situation. 人族大帝,请接受我的祷告,岁月如梭,自荒古后,人族……”花花念念有词,认真的传递在天之村叶凡与其他人教他的那些话,诉说这么多年来人族的处境。 The desolate appeared, shocked everyone, cultivator back up, such as fantasy looks to Ye Fan and young boy Huahua, stares dumbfounded, was really summoned by them? 荒出现了,震惊了所有人,修士们倒退,如活见了鬼般看向叶凡与幼童花花,瞠目结舌,真被他们呼唤出来了? Human Race's Saint Physique outside Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, is summoning the desolate, it is said Abyss is Human Race's Great Emperor Dao Field, wants to invite her leave the mountain?” 人族圣体荒古禁地外,正在召唤荒,据说深渊人族大帝道场,想请她出山?” Ancient Race obtained the news, some people are amazed, feel extremely anxious, other people sneer again and again, prepares to cross Void to intercept Ye Fan, kills it. 古族得到了消息,一些人惊诧,深感不安,另有一些人冷笑连连,准备横渡虚空去截击叶凡,将其击毙。 Ancient Great Emperor, please take action......” the young boy Huahua pray say. 古之大帝,请您出手吧……”幼童花花祈祷道。 Ye Fan frowns, a falling decoration in his hand shone , indicating that has Ancient Saint to appear, he has to retreat. 叶凡蹙眉,他手中的一件坠饰亮了起来,表明有古圣出现,他不得不退走了。 He once gave some Wei Yi old Saint enlightenment tea, the old person gave him this thing, this is Magical Artifact that the Heavenly Jade Holy Land Archaic founder refining up, when is very mystical, is far away can induce to Saint aura, even if it in crossing the Void process, according to different colors that it flashes, can judge that the distance is much far. 他曾送给卫易圣人一些悟道茶,老人将这件东西给了他,这是天璇圣地远古祖师炼的法器,很是神秘,相距很远时就能感应到圣人气机,即便其在横渡虚空过程中,根据它闪动的不同颜色,能判断距离多远。 Ye Fan just wants to bring Huahua to retreat, suddenly Ancient Saint of distant place is frightened, discovered that the desolate really appears on Abyss, turns around then to start to run away! 叶凡刚想带着花花退走,突然远处的古圣惊悚,发现荒真的出现在深渊上,转身便开始逃遁! Desolate, was summoned by them, Human Race's Saint Physique really has some unknown relation with her!” “荒,被他们呼唤了出来,人族圣体真的与她有某种未知的联系!” This news fast travels in Ancient Race, this rushed out of the nest probably, making various Northern Region clan one pieces boil noisily, the feeling is intermittent. 这则消息快速在古族间传开,这像是炸窝了般,让北域各族一片喧沸,感觉阵阵惊恐。 Obtains Ancient Race that the news catches up with, just made an appearance, after seeing that say/way fearful silhouette in life-forbidden zone, all frightens the earliest possible time to flee. 得到消息赶来的古族,刚一露面,见到生命禁区中的那道可怕的身影后,全都吓得第一时间遁走。 The Ancient Race people no one have thought, Ye Fan really summoned the desolate! 古族众人谁也没有想到,叶凡真将荒呼唤了出来! earth-shattering, the world vibrates! 石破天惊,天下震动! Master, this...... is gods, I close the eye, can see together the bright of human form, but our luminous spot and compared with her, such as the dust is generally tiny.” Little Baldy Huahua is afraid very much, small face snow white, bald translucent. “师傅,这……是一个神明,我闭上眼睛,能见到一道人形的亮光,而我们自身的光点与她相比,如尘埃一般渺小。”小光头花花很害怕,小脸雪白,光头透亮。 Ye Fan fixes one's gaze on, looks forward. 叶凡凝眸,向前望去。 At this moment, on Ancient Desolate Abyss, hidden slender silhouette in black fog actually spoke, said: Immortal......” 就在这时,荒古深渊上,隐在黑雾中的修长身影竟然说话了,道:“仙……” Desolate speech! 荒说话了! Ye Fan shocks, he believes that oneself has not misunderstood, this is a voice of female, such as the sounds of nature are interesting to listen, but has a supreme dignity! 叶凡震撼,他相信自己没有听错,这是一个女子的声音,如天籁般动听,但却有一种无上的威严! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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