STH :: Volume #12

#1114: The Saint Physique clamour is crazy

The Xuan Tuo breastbone was broken 78 by the Ye Fan's golden color fist, as several bulk flesh flew, the azure blood rain sprinkles, keeps ringing in Heavenly Tribulation, sends out intermittent dim light. 宣陀胸骨被叶凡的金色拳头打断七八根,随着几大块血肉飞了出去,青色血雨洒落,在天劫中响个不停,发出一阵阵幽光。 „......” “啊……” The Xuan Tuo pain to the bone, his chest split, lacks several bones, blood gurgling, the whole body is the azure bloodstain, yelling of having hair dishevelled, profound heart. 宣陀痛到骨子中,他胸部裂开,缺少了几根骨头,鲜血汩汩,浑身都是青色血迹,披头散发的大叫,痛彻心扉。 He just shortly after Sanctification, had not realized that with enough time this overlooking all living things and No-One Is Noble But I feeling, is crushed the breastbone by Dao Severing person today, this was a deathblow, the path of cultivation invincible will is almost about to disintegrate. 他刚成圣不久,还没有来得及体会这种俯视众生、惟我独尊的感觉,今日被一个斩道者击碎了胸骨,这是一种致命的打击,修道的无敌意志几乎快瓦解了。 Your Blood Moon Race person god altogether indignant, casts the wine glass by my Human Race ancestor skull, this blood debt first returns some interest today!” Ye Fan is in heavenly punishment, tribulations light ten thousand, various Primal Chaos lightnings interweave, he lifted the fist to clash. “你们血月族人神共愤,以我人族祖先头骨铸酒杯,这笔血债今日先还上一些利息!”叶凡身在天罚中,劫光万道,各种混沌闪电交织,他举拳又冲了过来。 Still is unprecedented Six Paths Reincarnation Fist, if I can't do it who can?, holds this fist intent, the heart has the invincible faith, has to strike 3000 and to traverse the Nine Layers of Heaven will. 依然是一往无前的六道轮回拳,舍我其谁,持此拳意,心有无敌信念,有击遍三千界、横断九重天的意志。 The golden fist wields, the fist wind is enormous and powerful, Ye Fan such as floats the light together, killed another side from this side sky, depending on ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Heavenly Tribulation lightning glow to the near, 'pu' sound pounded down. 金色拳头挥动,拳风浩荡,叶凡如一道浮光在动,从这一边的天空杀到了另一边,挟万丈天劫电芒到了近前,噗的一声砸下。 The blood splash, Xuan Tuo yelled, this shoulders blast out together, two arms become dozens shining whites bone blocks, the flesh flies to the four directions, his whole body is the azure blood. 鲜血飞溅,宣陀大叫,这一次双肩一起炸开,两条手臂成为数十枚莹白的骨块,血肉飞向四方,他浑身都是青色的血。 The vast same lightning chops to fall, various types of tribulation light have, from 95 big Heavenly Tribulation to the Five Elements lightning,...... has everything expected to find to the Chaos Thunder sea again, Xuan Tuo was more pitiful, since the body has light smoke to brave continuously, the meat transmits fragrant. 汪洋一样的闪电劈落,各种劫光都有,从九五大天劫五行闪电,再到混沌雷霆海……应有尽有,宣陀更加凄惨了,身上有一缕缕青烟冒起,肉香传来。 This/Ben is one generation of Saint, above unique all living things, overlooks this mortal world, how could to have this and other pitiful matters? Without a Saint's power and influence. 本为一代圣人,超脱众生之上,俯瞰尘世,何曾会发生这等悲惨之事?没有了一点圣人的威势。 Heavenly Tribulation is vast, the matter of occurrence will all submerge in thunder light, the bystander does not know inside result. 天劫浩大,将所发生之事全都淹没在了雷光中,外人根本不知道里面的结果。 Human Race's Saint Physique......” Xuan Tuo is bellowing, the look hatred, becoming the Saint's first war is so pitiful, he was mad to burn to the liver. 人族圣体……”宣陀大吼着,眼神怨毒,成为圣人的第一战这么凄惨,他气到肝都要燃烧了起来。 You said that in Immemorial years, you treat as the domestic animal to rear in a pen my Human Race's ancestor, is your blood food, today I project on you to explode, let your domestic animal was inferior!” Ye Fan stands erect in Heavenly Tribulation, angrily roars loudly, the full hair silk danced in the air, probably Demonic God. “你说,太古,你们将我人族的祖先当作牲畜来圈养,是你们的血食,今日我打到你爆,让你连牲畜的都不如!”叶凡屹立在天劫中,大声怒吼,满头发丝都飞舞了起来,像是一头魔神 He is Primal Chaos light/only to let fall, baptism slender strong body, whole body unusual brightness sparkling, although will be bruised and lacerated sometimes, but is not affected much, a 'Person' Character Art revolution, the injury can restore quickly. 他任混沌光垂落,洗礼修长强健的躯体,浑身宝光莹莹,尽管有时会皮开肉绽,但是并无大碍,者字诀一运转,伤势很快就能修复。 For these years, he often transcends tribulation, has the rich experience, at the present Thunder Retribution rarely can cause heavy losses to him truly. 这么多年来,他时常渡劫,早已有了丰富的经验,而今雷罚很少可以真正重创他了。 „......” “啊……” Xuan Tuo yelled, the anger launches a psychological attack, the grandfather was killed, at this time Dao Severing person also dares like this to him, making him almost bite the tooth. 宣陀大叫,怒火攻心,祖父被杀,此时一个斩道者也敢这样对他,让他差点咬碎了牙齿。 He knows is more unfortunate than fortunate today, first did not say that a that fist bang explodes his grandfather's old Saint, was that murder Saint also makes him unable to eat to capture sufficiently. 他知晓今日凶多吉少,先不说那个一拳轰爆他的祖父的老圣人,就是那个杀圣也足以让他吃不了兜着走。 Must be killed with it sooner or later, might as well is solemn a war, if can get rid of Human Race's Saint Physique also drew in a pad back, although Primordial Spirit severe pain, but he is going all out to promote cultivation base, and wants to restore the body. 与其早晚都要被杀,还不如堂堂一战,若是能干掉人族圣体也算是拉上了一个垫背的,尽管元神剧痛,但他还是在拼命提升修为,且想修复躯体。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Ye Fan flies, the person has not first descended to Heavenly Tribulation, the fist potential is vast, Xuan Tuo shakes by the astral wind and Heavenly Tribulation stood steadily, almost do not fly horizontally. 叶凡飞来,人未至天劫先降落,拳势浩大,宣陀被罡风与天劫震的的站立不稳,几乎要横飞了出去。 This is......” he changes colors with amazement, the influence of Soul Melting Saber compared with the fearfulness that he imagines, what cuts is the waist, the wound arrives is actually Primordial Spirit, his forehead splits, flows the black blood, at this time is hard to gather the strength, almost a somersault falls to the ground. “这是……”他骇然失色,化神刀的影响远比他想象的可怕,斩中的是腰身,伤到的却是元神,他眉心裂开,流淌黑血,此时难以聚力,几乎一个跟头栽倒在地。 “噗” Ye Fan was vigorous and a quick fist arrived, concentrated on he Holy Force, Essence Qi rushed, hits on the chin of Xuan Tuo, the tooth mixed the azure blood to fly on the hundred zhang (333 m) to be far, was penetrated in the tribulation light. 叶凡又疾又快的一拳到了,贯注了他一身的圣力,精气澎湃,打在宣陀的下巴上,牙齿混合着青色血液飞出去上百丈远,在劫光中被击穿。 ka-cha 喀嚓 Moreover the next quarter of an hour, the chin bone of Xuan Tuo shatters, fell off, the blood scatters, horrible to look. 而且下一刻钟,宣陀的下巴骨震裂,脱落了下来,鲜血四溅,惨不忍睹。 This fight does not have the suspense! 这场战斗已经毫无悬念! great war to this point of scene, no one intervened Xuan Tuo certain death without doubt, world has the miracle, but calls it the miracle, that means that is extremely difficult to happen. 大战到了这一分光景,没有人来干预宣陀必死无疑,世间有奇迹,但之所以称之为奇迹,那意味着极难发生。 “噗” A Ye Fan fist explodes the Xuan Tuo head bang, the white brain fluid and blood splash ten zhang (3.33 m) high, Primal Chaos thunder light chop to fall, burnt a cleanness his body, does not have including residual remaining. 叶凡一拳头将宣陀的头颅轰爆,白色的脑浆与鲜血溅起十丈高,混沌雷光劈落,将他的躯体烧了个干净,连一点残渣都没有剩下。 „......” “啊……” Xuan Tuo alarmed and afraid, angry, terrified and desperate...... Primordial Spirit flashes on and off erratically, various negativities burst out. 宣陀惊惧、愤怒、惶恐、绝望……元神明灭不定,各种负面情绪迸发。 a beam of black light flashes through, Saint Killer Qi Luo take action, that jet black such as the long blade of black ink has swept, slices off his Primordial Spirit, turns into the dust. 一道乌光闪过,杀圣齐罗出手,那柄漆黑如墨的长刀扫过,将他的元神削掉,化成尘埃。 Soul Melting Saber is fearful Holy Artifact, since ancient times has spread the sacrifice to refine the method, but actually some rare people cast, Qi Luo as murder Saint, has such a demon blade coordination again, even more powerful. 化神刀是一种可怕的圣器,古来一直流传有祭炼方法,可是却少见有人铸成,齐罗身为杀圣,再有这样一柄魔刀配合,如虎添翼。 The shadow flashes, Qi Luo vanishes, submerged in Void with Wei Yi old Saint, no longer take action. On them has Heaven Deceiving Formation Marks that Ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree carves dry/does, therefore in Heavenly Tribulation round trip free, had not been pursued by thunder light. 暗影一闪,齐罗消失,与卫易圣人般没入了虚空中,不再出手。他们身上都有悟道古茶树干刻成的欺天阵纹,故此在天劫中来去自如,并未被雷光追击。 Blood Moon King was lord of the clan died, I went to transfer, razed to the ground to consider as finished their places.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. 血月王身为一族之主都死了,我进去转一圈,将他们这个地方夷为平地算了。”叶凡自语。 In his forehead, golden tiny being takes a step to go out, opens the mouth clear roar, starts the whale to attract drinks like a fish, swallows to receive thunder light of space. Meanwhile his cauldron also floated, hangs above the golden tiny being top of the head, seems like, only then one inch big, but actually to have is hard to talk clearly heavily. 在他的眉心,一个金色的小人迈步走出,张口一声清啸,开始鲸吸牛饮,吞收天上的雷光。同时他的鼎亦浮了出来,悬在金色的小人头顶上方,看起来只有一寸大,可是究竟有多么重难以说清。 Because, in some time ago, him gave to take away vast all Origin Qi in Bronze Immortal Palace, melted into the cauldron, let its grade and potential had 因为,就在不久前,他在青铜仙殿将汪洋般的所有母气都给收走了,化入鼎内,让其品阶与潜能等有了更为 Is unparalleled in the world no ball window 独步天下无弹窗 Broad room for improvement. 广阔的提升空间。 So many Origin Qi, if shows, shocks entire Ancient Star sufficiently, once the casting inevitably is Great Artifact! 这么多的母气,若是展现出来,足以震撼整颗古星,一旦铸物必然是大器 Did not say other, only the weight runs over Dao Severing person sufficiently while still alive, if not by Ye Fan refining, had been better than his bloodlines physique also to be hard to lift. 不说其他,单是重量就足以活活压死斩道者,若非早已被叶凡炼化,强如他的血脉体质也难以举起来。 At the present, one inch small cauldron that may really be wants heavy innumerable times compared with Mount Tai, is eternal rare Great Artifact! 而今,一寸小鼎那可真是比泰山都要重无数倍,为万古罕见的“大器”! This was Ferocity to break ultimate Dao Emperor Weapon in the past the preparation?” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “这是狠人当年为震碎极道帝兵而准备的吗?”叶凡自语。 His fleshly body and golden tiny being, one inch high cauldron, among the three forms a mysterious relation, the harmony and unified, imitates, if inborn body. 他的肉身金色小人、一寸高的鼎,三者间形成一股神秘的联系,和谐而统一,仿若天生一体。 fleshly body clear, resembles colored glaze divine gold to cast every inchs, no impurity, after the immersion of strongest bloodlines evolution fluid, his physical body was more powerful, is on par with Ancient Saint sufficiently. 肉身晶莹,每一寸都似琉璃神金铸成,没有一丝杂质,经过最强血脉进化液的浸泡,他的肉体更加强大了,足以与古圣比肩。 golden tiny being was also stronger, that mysterious mineral may also promote him to grow, is indistinct golden light ten thousand, sits cross-legged just like Immortal King, dignified incomparable. 金色小人亦壮大了很多,那神秘的矿物也可促进他成长,隐约间金光万道,宛若一位仙王盘坐,威严无比。 The cauldron, the turnover god splendor, in various Primal Chaos light Heavenly Tribulation swallows crazily, integrates in the cauldron, the brand mark on the cauldron wall, was even more mysterious. 鼎,吞吐神辉,将天劫中各宗混沌光都疯狂吞噬下来,纳入鼎内,烙印在鼎壁上,愈发的玄妙了。 Heavenly Tribulation is fearful, but regarding Ye Fan, so long as is not Ancient Great Emperor appears together attacks his abnormal scene, can deal with, tempers golden body, clear(ly) becomes aware own say/way. 天劫可怕,但对于叶凡来说,只要不是古之大帝一起出现攻伐他的变态场景,便可应付,锤炼金身,明悟自己的道。 Golden light, Ye Fan salvo silk clear, the pupil opens and closes, projects ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) god clouds, the whole body is radiant, exceeds Buddhism Indestructible Vajra Body. 金光点点,叶凡连发丝都晶莹了起来,眸子开阖间,射出万丈神霄,浑身璀璨,胜过佛教金刚不坏身 Just like eternal excessive pair of brother and sister said like that he possibly is in the universe one in strongest physique, if always has the evolution fluid to refine golden body, must be possible to open the complete potential. 正如永恒过度的一对兄妹所说那般,他可能是宇宙中最强体质中的一种,若是总有进化液炼金身,必可开启全部潜能。 Imperishable Golden Body, thoroughly tempered, the divine nature is immortal, casts my Great Dao!” Ye Fan heart hollow clear(ly), the altruism did not have the thing, every crossed Heavenly Tribulation one time is a rare baptism, whether it is fleshly body or Divine Consciousness were a sublimation. 不灭金身,千锤百炼,神性不朽,铸我大道!”叶凡心中空明,无我无物,每一次渡天劫都是一次难得的洗礼,无论是肉身还是神识都是一次升华。 Ye Fan's fleshly body and golden tiny being, one inch high small cauldron entered sky over the blood moon range together, various types of tribulation light blot out the sky, submerged under thoroughly. 叶凡的肉身金色小人、一寸高的小鼎一同进入了血月岭上空,各种劫光铺天盖地而下,将下方彻底淹没了。 This is a Ancient Race lost/carrying ominous big royal family, the overall strength is extremely strong, even if Blood Moon King died, will also have Ancestral King to replace its, although at this time not ancient Holy Lord holds, but retreats still in good order. 这是古族最负凶名的一大王族,整体实力极强,即便血月王死了,还会有祖王接替其位,此时虽然无古圣主持,但撤退也井然有序。 Blood Moon King enters Thunder Tribulation, had not come out, they know that was possible the important matter. 血月王进入雷劫,一直没有出来,他们知道可能出大事了。 Has enslaved Human Race ancestor's Blood Moon Race, your ancestral land give me comprehensive collapse!” Ye Fan stands erect in thunder light to drink the roar. “奴役过人族祖先的血月族,你们的祖地给我全面崩毁吧!”叶凡屹立雷光中喝吼。 On this day, the Northern Region big quake, the Human Race adult inexplicable appearance, rushed to the blood moon range, in this transcends tribulation, was really rampant to peak. 这一日,北域大震,人族成体莫名出现,闯到了血月岭,在此渡劫,实在是嚣张到了极致 The one who makes people more shocking was the result of this service, Blood Moon King died, Xuan Tuo was executed, Blood Moon Race ancestral land was deducted the scorched earth, the abatement had Great Saint ancient formation protection area Foreign Domain, almost performed to destroy. 让人更为震惊的是这一役的结果,血月王死了,宣陀被毙掉了,血月族祖地被劈成了焦土,除却有大圣古阵守护的区域外,差不多尽毁。 That is ominous illustrious Saint King, how possibly on such die, even Human Race's Saint Physique Heavenly Tribulation is fearful, still possibly does to him!” “那可是一个凶名赫赫的圣人王,怎么可能就这样殒落了,即便是人族圣体天劫再可怕,也可能奈何他!” Trim Northern Region piece of chaos, Ancient Race boils noisily, Blood Moon King dies somewhat inexplicable, people do not believe that he was divided by Heavenly Tribulation. 整片北域一片大乱,古族喧沸,血月王死的有些不明不白,人们都不相信他是被天劫劈死的。 Has Human Race Ancient Saint take action, moreover was strong Blood Moon King Ancient Saint take action! 人族古圣出手,而且是远强过血月王古圣出手了! Many people believe like this, how otherwise likely to have this matter? The undercurrent surges, this may evolve is big mighty waves, will have great war between Ancient Saint mostly! 很多人一致这样认为,不然怎么可能会发生这种事情?暗流涌动,这可能会演化为一场大波澜,多半将会发生古圣间的大战 This is a great unrest! 这是一场轩然大波! Since these days, ten big royal families had united, distributes in secret posted a reward the command to put to death Human Race's Saint Physique, anybody learned that must change color, entire world is paying attention, thinks that he is difficult the means of livelihood. 这些日子以来,十大王族联合,暗中发下了悬赏令要诛杀人族圣体,任何人得悉都要变色,全天下都在关注,认为他难有活路。 However, Ye Fan conduct more than people expected, not only has not feared and flinched, instead goes into the blood moon range, killing spree (rampage), destroyed completely Blood Moon King. 然而,叶凡行事超出人们预料,不但没有惧怕与退缩,反而闯入血月岭,大开杀戒,灭掉了血月王 This is a resounding big palm of the hand! 这是一个响亮的大巴掌! Ancient Race does not obey the custom, take action, Ye Fan does not press the common sense to come, to make such a catastrophe secretly, making a big royal family lose seriously. 古族不守规矩,暗自出手,叶凡也不按常理来,闹出这样一场大祸,让一大王族损失惨重。 Human Race's Saint Physique is so unexpectedly crazy, the courage is supreme, Blood Moon King extinguishing, what but also there is he does not dare to do?” 人族圣体竟这么疯狂,胆魄超人,将血月王给灭了,还有什么是他不敢做的?” The solidity that this palm of the hand pulls out, what face making the Ancient Race major radical factions have, feels sad? Saint Physique dares to resist ten big royal families alone!” “这个巴掌抽的结实,让古族各大激进派还有什么脸面,情何以堪?一个圣体敢独自对抗十大王族!” The entire world people somewhat stare blankly, feels about this result incomparably amazed. 全天下人都有些发怔,对这个结果觉得无比惊诧。 But the most radical ten big royal families, many people are dumbstruck, Ye Fan so violent temperament, is never expected that crazier than their clamour. 而最为激进的十大王族,许多人更是一阵发懵,没有想到叶凡这么“暴脾气”,比他们还嚣狂。 Human Race's Ancient Saint, your is declaring war, dares take action to slaughter lord of the big royal family in secret, do you want to let trim Eastern Wilderness become a mountain of skeleton?” 人族的古圣,你们这是在宣战,竟敢暗中出手屠杀一大王族之主,你们想让整片东荒尸骨成山吗?” Ancient Race, had Saint King to jump, roared loudly, spread over Northern Region many mountains, Saint Might was enormous and powerful. 古族,有圣人王跳了出来,大声吼动,传遍北域诸多山川,圣威浩荡。 Blood Moon Race, Cyan Ghost Race and Purple Lightning Race...... you give to be concerned about face, did not speak what custom, felt all right with stepping on the cat of tail jumped generally, some skills killed me to give a try again, extinguished your several Clan Lord again!” 血月族青鬼族紫电族……你们给脸不要脸,不讲什么规矩,也好意思跟踩了尾巴的猫一般跳出来,有本事再来杀我试试看,再灭你们几个族主!” Ye Fan responded, can say that rampant to peak, selected names of the most radical ten big royal family, berated loudly, domineering challenge, slightly fearless. 叶凡回应,可以说嚣张到了极致,点出了最为激进的十大王族之名,大声喝斥,强势叫板,丝毫无惧。 On this day, Ge Jiuyou appears in Northern Region Divine City, but said listlessly several words retreated. 这一日,盖九幽出现在北域神城,只是病恹恹的说了几句话就退走了。 Blood Moon Race is brings upon oneself completely, this Old Man life essence not many, but if has the large clan to insist on shame Human Race, I spell am losing life-force, can destroy completely big Imperial Clan, or the slaughter falls dozens royal families.” 血月族完全是自找的,老朽寿元无多,可若有大族执意辱人族,我拼着损耗生机,还是可以灭掉一大皇族,或者屠掉几十个王族的。” However, even these words that's all, the might is huge, lets the Ancient Race big vibration, the startled many large clans are scared, making some Clan Lord very anxious! 然而,即便是这几句话而已,威力是巨大的,让古族大震动,惊的许多大族发毛,让一些族主无比紧张! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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