STH :: Volume #12

#1113: Heavenly Jade Saint take action

„, Is quite comfortable, must be steamed......” Ye Fan whole body sparkle brilliance, in pool that the silver-gray rock builds, evolution fluid gurgling surges, the sound rare point that he called made one indulge in fantasy. “呜,好舒服,要被蒸熟了……”叶凡浑身闪耀光辉,银灰色的岩石筑成的池子中,进化液汩汩涌动,他叫的声音都少有点让人想入非非。 This pool of water embodiment mysterious mineral, the divine nature strength was astonishing one time, making his skeleton obtain to comb, golden blood slating galloping, in the basin the multi-colored sunlight sprinkled. 这池水内蕴神秘矿物,神性力量惊人,让他的胎骨得到了一次梳理,金色血液雷鸣般奔腾,水池内霞光洒出。 If purple pupil female elf general beautiful transcend worldly affairs, but at this time actually got hold of the show fist angrily, looks grief-stricken as for the purple hair man, great pain and grief, this evolution fluid Ye Fan absorbed half of drug efficacies. 紫瞳女子若精灵一般美丽出尘,而此时却愤怒的握紧了秀拳,至于紫发男子则如丧考妣,肝肠寸断,这池进化液叶凡吸收了一半药效。 Village of Celestial Court, one group of people were alarmed, azure gold disc flew, such a colossus is really noticeable. 天之村,一群人被惊动,一个青金圆盘飞了进来,这样一个庞然大物实在惹人注目。 The Ye Fan long body, takes a step to go out from the basin, delays him to unable to insist that again, soon must cross Heavenly Tribulation, detains two captives to present in the village. 叶凡长身而起,从水池中迈步走出,再耽搁下去他就要坚持不住了,即将要渡天劫,押着两个俘虏出现村中。 God, Buddha......” from Earth with Child Huahua, rubs the Sun hole while surprised talking to oneself, said: Master robbed a flying saucer, kidnapped the alien, did big score!” “上帝,佛爷……”从地球跟来的孩童-花花,一边揉太阳穴一边吃惊的自语,道:“师傅抢劫了一艘飞碟,绑架了外星人,干了一票大的!” Was gradually influenced by Sovereign Black and Dragon Horse such person for a long time, this was also mad to the little fellow a little bandit of Buddha wholeheartedly, when such total chaos in environment, speech naturally took some special glossaries. 长期受黑皇龙马这样的人熏陶,这个一心向佛的小家伙也有点匪气了,在这么“乌烟瘴气”的环境中,说话时自然带上了一些特别的词汇。 This is what Magical Artifact, so to be how big, words saying that the material is really good, can be used to refine Grand Array.” Sovereign Black said, knocked the metallic luster cold flying saucer by the big claw, to the appreciation tone say. “这是何种法器,怎么这么大,话说材料真不错,可以用来炼大阵。”黑皇说道,以大爪子敲了敲金属光泽冷冽的飞碟,以非常赞赏的口气说道。 Do not hit the attention randomly, this is a Saint-level spaceship, I have named as Immortal Ascension 12,580 th, in the future will have the big use!” Ye Fan said. “别乱打注意,这是一艘圣级飞船,我已经命名为飞仙一二五八零号,日后有大用场!”叶凡道。 Saint Sovereign's Son goes forward, telling his situation is stern, has Ancient Saint to remove him in secret, he possibly the disaster, these days ten thousand may not go out. 圣皇子上前,告诉他形势严峻,有古圣想要暗中除掉他,他可能将有一场大难,这些日子万不可出去。 I am just about to look for Sovereign Black, making him help me seek son of a bitch Ancient Saint, has not thought that really has so many not to enlarge ones vision, I wanted transcends tribulation, stops up their main house gate.” Ye Fan said. “我正要找黑皇呢,让他帮我寻一个王八羔子古圣,没有想到真有这么多不开眼的,我要渡劫了,去堵他们家门口。”叶凡道。 He lets Sovereign Black quarter most complicated mysterious checkerboard Grand Array, and requests to use in most fearful Heavenly Tribulation, no one may track down, wears actually big black dog to pose a difficult problem. 他让黑皇刻最繁奥的棋盘大阵,且要求在最可怕的天劫中能用,无人可追寻,着实为大黑狗出了一个难题。 The blood moon range, piece of mysterious mountain range , the fog raises at night, hangs the bright moonlight mapping a set blood-color in sky, no one dares to be close. 血月岭,一片神秘的山脉,每到夜晚,雾霭升起,悬在天空中的明月都会映成血色,没有人敢接近。 This is an ominous clear, may frighten race ancestral land that three -year-old young child stops crying aloud in Immemorial, all day has one type to constrain and let the fluctuation of person palpitation. 这是一个凶名昭著、在太古间可吓得三岁小儿停止啼哭的种族的祖地,整日都有一种压抑与让人心悸的波动。 Blood Moon Race, without having Ancient Sovereign, but the same reputation is prominent, this/should clan is extremely flagitious, the small clan that destroys is completely innumerable, it is said the entire mountain side range was the blood red to fully suffer the result of blood irrigation from ancient to present. 血月族,没有出过古皇,但是一样名声显赫,该族太过凶残,灭掉的小族数不胜数,据说整片山岭之所以呈血红色就是自古至今饱受鲜血浇灌的结果。 Although already to noontime, but this place the Yin Qi transpiration, is actually still covering a gloomy and piercing chill in the air, even the high noon sunlight cannot scatter. 虽然已到了午时,但这个地方却依然阴气蒸腾,笼罩着一股阴森与刺骨的寒意,即便是正午的阳光也不能驱散。 The mountain range deep place has a piece of building, is ancient and broad, constructs by blood pool, in a grandest great palace, magnificently decorated building, resplendent in gold and jade green. 山脉深处有一片建筑物,古老而恢宏,建在一个血池旁,在一座最为宏伟的巨宫中,雕梁画栋,金碧辉煌。 Blood Moon King sits well on the main hall throne, body is withered, hair such as withered and yellow weed, sparse, but few, but the strength has achieved Saint King Realm, prestige in Ancient Saint illustrious. 血月王端坐在大殿上方的宝座上,肌体干枯,头发如枯黄的杂草,稀疏而没有几根,可实力早已达到圣人王境,在古圣中威名赫赫。 „The world said that our Blood Moon Race bloodthirsty, the instinct is brutal, as everyone knows we are leading a pious life, derive in ten thousand spirits the essence of blood implication, expands oneself body.” “世人都说我们血月族嗜杀,天性残酷,殊不知我们是在藉此修行,汲取万灵中血液蕴含的菁华,壮大己身。” Blood Moon King hoarse saying, reverberates in the trim spacious main hall, probably Malicious Ghost escapes from Hell, is indifferent and brutal, in a eyes hole, resembling is accumulated has two edible tulips, the pupil light is sparkling, the ancient Saint Qi breath is astonishing. 血月王嘶哑的说道,在整片空旷的大殿内回荡,像是一个厉鬼地狱中逃出,冷漠而无情,一双眼洞内,似是蕴有两盏金灯,眸光烁烁,古圣气息惊人。 The Blood Moon Race bloodthirsty like the life, can gain divine ability | energy from the blood of others, particularly the person of special physique, or Saint, that to them, if still world treasure medicine! 血月族嗜血如命,能够从其他人的血液中获取神能,尤其是特殊体质的人,或者圣人,那对于他们来说,犹若人世宝药! I anticipated to Human Race's Saint Physique very much, does not know whether to let on my again big stair.” Side, Saint-level Ancestral King licked own lips, looked that the age is not very ancient, he is the Blood Moon King grandson, named Xuan Tuo. “我对人族圣体很期待,不知能否让我再上一个大台阶。”旁边,一个圣级祖王舔了舔自己的双唇,看年岁并不是很古老,他是血月王的孙子,名为宣陀 In his hands has a pure white clear skull, middle hold has the liquor water, the wine and blood mixes in together, forms beautiful blood-color. 在他的手中持有一个洁白晶莹的头骨,当中盛有酒水,酒香与鲜血混合在一起,形成一股妖艳的血色。 This unexpectedly is a Saint's skull, became a wine glass by refining, Blood Moon Race fearfully and can be inferred cruelly. 这竟是一颗圣人的头骨,被炼化成了一个酒杯,血月族的可怕与残忍可见一斑。 Grandfather, hears in my hand this wine glass is a skull of Human Race's Ancient Saint, in our clan also some collections?” Xuan Tuo asked. “祖父,听说我手中这个酒杯是人族的一位古圣的头骨,我们族内还有一些收藏是吗?”宣陀笑问。 Blood Moon King swung waved the hand a common white wine glass, the sound such as the night owlet, said: This is also one, is the Human Race's skull. At that time they were very weak, are forced to attach in the major royal families, but to go on living. In my hand this cup is a skull of female Saint King, presents one...... her blood flavor to be very pleasant and tasty rarely, is my grandfather executes personally. At that time, a Human Race branch vein is our slaves, had absolute power over somebody, along with our intention decided that that Era made one taste. So many years pass by, could not think of them unexpectedly powerfully to this step.” 血月王摇了摇手中一个毫不起眼的白色酒杯,声音如夜枭,道:“这也是一个,属于人族的颅骨。那个时候他们很弱,被迫依附于各大王族,只是为了活下去。我手中此杯是一个女圣人王的头骨,难得出现一个……她的血液味道很甘美,是我的祖父亲手格杀的。那时,人族一个支脉是我们的奴隶,生杀予夺,随我们心意而定,那个时代让人回味啊。这么多年过去,想不到他们竟强盛到了这一步。” „The Human Race's Saint Physique physique is very special, his golden Holy Blood is the rare valuable medicine, I really anticipated very much, but can never discover his whereabouts.” Xuan Tuo said that in eye strange monster ray twinkle. 人族圣体的体质很特殊,他的金色圣血是稀世宝药,我真的很期待,可是始终不能发现他的行踪。”宣陀说道,眼中妖异光芒闪烁。 You must diligently, my life essence the not many, probably in several years want died during meditation quite, was good because of your Sanctification. Morning that your father dies, in the recent several years you, if cannot make the breakthrough again, is unable to inherit my clan imperial throne mostly, Ancient Saint continues your.” Blood Moon King said. “你要好生努力,我寿元已经无多,也许几年内就要坐化了,好在你成圣了。你父亲死的早,近几年内你若不能再做突破,多半无法继承我族大位,古圣不止你一人。”血月王说道。 I understand, so long as can seek Human Race's Saint Physique, I must be possible on again a yet higher goal, what a pity at the present is not Immemorial, is unable to rear in a pen them.” Xuan Tuo pupil light sinister and vicious. “我明白,只要能寻到人族圣体,我必可再上一层楼,可惜而今不是太古,无法圈养他们。”宣陀眸光阴鸷。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Suddenly, grand palace shaking, the entire mountain side lineage/vein are getting malaria, might throw off, the distant place mountain peak blasts out, quarry stone collapse cloud. 突然,宏伟的殿宇摇动,整片山脉都在打摆子,像是要被掀翻了过来,远处山峰炸开,乱石崩云。 What had, who dares to create a disturbance my Blood Moon Race ancestral land?” That Xuan Tuo leaps stood. “发生了什么,何人敢搅闹我血月族祖地?”宣陀腾的一声站了起来。 In the old Blood Moon King eye hole two edible tulip same divine glow are flaming, brutal saying: Looks, perhaps you set up the prestige time arrived.” 血月王眼洞中两盏金灯一样的神芒炽盛,无情的说道:“去看一看,也许你立威的时候到了。” Outside entrance, a Ye Fan fist two mountain peaks hitting avalanche, is impolite a mountain lifting, threw into the blood moon range, is battered to death piece of Ancient Race troops. 山门外,叶凡一拳将两座山峰给打的崩塌,更是毫不客气的将一座大山给举了起来,掷入血月岭中,砸死一片古族人马。 Where comes does not know that the the immensity of heaven and earth boy, dares to arrive at my Blood Moon King clan to provoke, dislikes the life long unable to commit suicide, making you live to might as well die.” “哪来的不不知天高地厚的小子,敢到我血月王族挑衅,嫌命长也不能这么寻短见,让你生不如死。” They are in the Immemorial ten big bloodthirsty royal families, each clansman uses the blood as the food, in the eye does not have the anger with fearing, all excited incomparable, flushed. 他们位列太古十大嗜杀王族内,每一个族人都是以鲜血为食,眼中没有愤怒与惧怕,全都兴奋无比,冲了过来。 To them, this provocation is the blood food! 对于他们来说,这个挑衅者就是血食! Bang “轰” Ye Fan lifts the hand, gave to pull out mountain range, more than 20 mountain tops, he made an effort to pound fully. 叶凡一抬手,将一条山脉生生给拔了起来,足有二十多个山头,他用力砸了下来。 „......” Immediately called out pitifully a piece, not every Ancient Race was very powerful. “啊……”顿时惨叫一片,并非每一个古族都很强大。 Who are you?” Ancient Race Powerhouse shouts out, consciousness arrival person not same commonplace. “你是谁?”一名古族强者大喝,意识到来人非同等闲。 Human Race's Saint Physique Ye Fan, lets your clan head Blood Moon King, makes that grandson Xuan Tuo come out to suffer to death!” Ye Fan shouts out, the sound passes on dozens over a hundred li (0.5 km). 人族圣体叶凡,让你们族长血月王,还有让那个孙子宣陀出来受死!”叶凡一声大喝,声传数十上百里。 One crowd of person complexions send green, Xuan Tuo is the clan head grandson is not false, is not the grandson of everyone, this lord finds fault intentionally, must be popular the wind to rebel. 一群人脸色发绿,宣陀族长的孙子不假,可不是每一个人的孙子,这主成心来找茬,要兴风作乱。 Being unparalleled in the world unabridged book novel downloading 独步天下全本小说下载 Ye Fan...... Human Race's Saint Physique came unexpectedly!” The news travels, in Blood Moon Race many Powerhouse are excited excessively, rushes to be first, is nearly mouth-watering. 叶凡……人族圣体竟然来了!”消息传开,血月族内不少强者兴奋过度,争先恐后冲来,近乎流口水。 Because Blood Moon King has said that once seeks Human Race's Saint Physique, will execute personally at the scene, tastes the golden Holy Blood fluid to them the flavor. 因为血月王说过,一旦寻到人族圣体,会亲自当场格杀,给他们尝金色圣血液的味道。 Cannot think that you delivered......” Xuan Tuo to cry loud and long, on the face wrote all over the pleasant surprise, approached fast. “想不到你送上门来了……”宣陀长啸,脸上写满了惊喜,飞快逼近。 Blood Moon King brow slightly pressed, Human Race's Saint Physique dares to visit on own initiative, this does not conform to the common sense, he feared that has the accident/surprise to happen, follows up fast. 血月王眉头微蹙,人族圣体敢自己主动上门,这不符合常理,他怕有意外发生,快速跟进。 Blood Moon King, you send out to post a reward the command to want in Ancient Race to kill me, today I came, you two wooden club suffers to death!” Ye Fan shouts out. 血月王,你们在古族中发出悬赏令欲杀我,今日我来了,你们两个棒槌过来受死!”叶凡大喝 Crazy, to side, does not dare to speak with two Ancient Saint rampantly like this, but Saint King of rare rival, outside abatement Great Saint who dares to berate? 狂,嚣张到没边了,敢与两位古圣这样说话,其中一位可是少有敌手的圣人王,除却大圣外谁敢喝斥? Among the Immemorial years, Human Race is the domestic animal that my clan rears in a pen, has absolute power over somebody, has one's wish, one crowd of blood eat that's all.” Xuan Tuo cold spooky saying. 太古年间,人族不过是我族圈养的牲畜,生杀予夺,随心所欲,一群血食而已。”宣陀冷幽幽的说道。 Then, he is calm and composed even in press of work, took a step forward, selected one finger/refers, said: Makes me think how to eat you, starts from the head, is from the heart.” 而后,他好整以暇,向前迈步,点了一指,道:“让我想想怎么来吃掉你,从头部开始,还是从心脏。” In Xuan Tuo shaking hand pure white such as the wine glass of jade, sipped bright red bloody water, said: This wine glass makes by a skull of your Human Race's female Saint King, originally is my grandfather, at the present bestows me, nowadays I think your skull is more perfect, I can also refine a better drinking vessel.” 宣陀摇动手中洁白如玉的酒杯,抿了一口鲜红的血水,道:“这个酒杯就是以你们人族的一位女圣人王的头骨做成的,本来属于我的祖父,而今赐给了我,现如今我觉得你的头骨更完美一些,我也可以炼一个更好的酒器了。” ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” The lightning is so sudden, all over, the probably boundless vastness fell in torrents from the sky, seizes every opportunity, lightning glow covered entirely every inchs the space. 闪电是如此突然,漫山遍野,像是茫茫汪洋从天空中倾泻了下来,无孔不入,电芒布满了每一寸空间。 The silver snake chaotic dance, gold/metal dragon leaping is spatial, Primal Chaos Qi fills the air, each electric arc contaminates some Primal Chaos light, terrifying scary! 银蛇乱舞,金龙跃空,混沌气弥漫,每一道电弧都沾染有些许混沌光,恐怖的吓人! Even if Saint saw, is still somewhat scared, such vast battle formation, compared their big Heavenly Tribulation sufficiently, how did Dao Severing person pass? 即便是圣人见了,也有些发毛,这么浩大的阵势,足以比拟他们的大天劫了,一个斩道者怎么度过? His Sanctification, such huge Primal Chaos electric arc......” Xuan Tuo was a little dumbstruck, even when he spent most fearful Saint Tribulation has not encountered so the scene. “他成圣了吗,这么巨大的混沌电弧……”宣陀有点发懵,连他度最为可怕的圣人劫时都没有遭遇过这般景象。 Walks quickly!” Blood Moon King shouted, he knows finally, how dare Ye Fan was secure, hid malicious intent under a fair countenance. “快走!”血月王大喊,他终于知道,叶凡为何敢有恃无恐了,包藏祸心而来。 Ye Fan's Heavenly Tribulation is one by one terrifying, when did not seem like just Dao Severing that fearsome, Ancient Great Emperor not presently, but actually also inspired the Primal Chaos tribulation, wrapped him, compared with Saint's Heavenly Tribulation also fearsome. 叶凡的天劫一次比一次恐怖,虽然不像是刚斩道时那么可怖,古之大帝未现,但却也引动了混沌劫,将他包裹住了,比圣人的天劫还可怖。 This is also his fleshly body endures with the reason that Saint is on par with is at! 这也是他的肉身堪与圣人比肩的原因所在! His foot steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art, pursued to Xuan Tuo, this is the Blood Moon King lifeblood, in view of one, could injure to two! 他脚踩行字诀,冲着宣陀就追了过去,这是血月王的命根子,针对一个,说不定能伤到俩! In the sky, various Palace appear, that is the shape like the Ancient Celestial Court Primal Chaos lightning, having human form Emperor Sovereign is partly visible, is conducting suppress! 天空中,各种宫阙浮现,那是形如古天庭般的混沌闪电,有人形帝皇若隐若现,在进行镇压 This heavenly punishment can injure to Xuan Tuo fleshly body absolutely, is not good, not being able to support ten thousand and 100,000 and 1 million...... boy you are tender, in Saint unique this mortal world, is not your such ants analogous, kills you, if steps on the stinking insect!” Blood Moon King flushed, rescues own grandson. 这种天罚绝对可以伤到宣陀肉身,一道不行,架不住万道、十万道、百万道……“小子你还嫩,圣人超脱尘世上,远不是你这样的蝼蚁可比拟的,杀你如踩踏臭虫!”血月王冲了回来,解救自己的孙子。 However, his words have not fallen finish, Dao Spirit glow seems like from eternal unknown sentences to beheading, 'pu' sound, cut his right arm and shoulder slantingly, only almost sets up him chops! 然而,他话语未落毕,一道神芒像是从永恒未知处斩来,噗的一声,将他右臂与肩头斜斩了下去,仅差一点就将他立劈! Holy Blood sprinkles, turned into blood mist in Heavenly Tribulation, dissipates in the Primal Chaos light slowly, making his startled anger happen simultaneously, he knew to go bad, Ancient Saint that was skilled in the assassination was hidden in this. 圣血洒落,在天劫中被化成血雾,在混沌光中慢慢消散,让他惊怒交加,他知道坏了,一个精通暗杀的古圣在此隐没。 In secret, Saint Killer Qi Luo grasps the Heaven Deceiving Formation stage that Ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree carves dry/does to flash not to have, has probably not appeared. 暗中,杀圣齐罗手持悟道古茶树干刻成的欺天阵台一闪而没,像是从来没有出现过。 Blood Moon King you want to press me by the potential, posts a reward by Holy Artifact, mobilizing the Ancient Race numerous to kill me, today I make you reap what has been sown.” Ye Fan carries under the arm the lightning to approach. 血月王你想以势压我,以圣器悬赏,动员古族众强杀我,今天我让你自食其果。”叶凡挟带闪电逼近。 Assassination technique unparalleled in the world, what a pity is Saint that's all, from my Realm is far, I look at him to be able my what!” Blood Moon King said proudly, breaks the arm rebirth, and grasps a shining white the Saint bone wine glass, drinks the next cup of bloody water. “刺杀术天下无双,可惜不过是一个圣人而已,距离的我的境界还远,我看他能奈我何!”血月王傲然道,断臂重生,且手持一个莹白的圣人骨头酒杯,饮下一杯血水。 Xuan Tuo stands is in side own grandfather, calm, grasps the pure white skull of female Saint King, made an effort to fill blood good wine to the mouth, said: „To come my Blood Moon Race to cause trouble, you are not good!” 宣陀立身在自己的祖父身边,镇静了下来,手持女圣人王的洁白头骨,用力向口中灌了一口鲜血美酒,道:“想来我血月族闹事,你们还不行!” Right?” An old sound conveys. “是吗?”一个苍老的声音传来。 Bang!” “轰!” In this Thunder Tribulation, a giant fist strikes, links up dozens heads, Primal Chaos Qi fills the air, prestige of the fist, startled immortal sobbing ghost! 在这雷劫中,一个巨大的拳头击来,贯通数十里长,混沌气弥漫,一拳之威,惊仙泣鬼! Heavenly Jade Holy Land Stone Plaza Wei Yi old Saint appears, first take action, Tyrant Heaven danger zone, after a boxing comes, Blood Moon King cannot block, the arm bone breaks off at the scene, then the body is split up, entire had the body to blast out! 天璇圣地石坊卫易圣人出现,第一次出手,霸天绝地,一拳击来后血月王也挡不住,臂骨当场折断,而后身体四分五裂,整具躯体炸开了! The outside world, no one can see clearly, all these conceal in the Heavenly Tribulation ray. 外界,无人能看清,所有这些都掩饰在天劫光芒中。 You...... want to shoulder Human Race and Immemorial Royal Clan great war, Ancient Saint does take action, dare to cope with me like this and others?” The Blood Moon King startled anger, feels the incomparable fear simultaneously. “你们……想挑起人族太古王族大战吗,古圣出手了,敢这样对付我等?”血月王惊怒,同时感觉无比的恐惧。 „Did you have a face to say? As Ancient Saint, actually posts a reward to my Dao Severing person, ten big royal families join up to kill me, when really my Ye Fan is the fruit cake is good to bully, thinks that was eaten by you?” Ye Fan sneers saying: Oppresses others by the potential, Ancient Saint also several that I can also, I know, although are not many, but extinguished you to be enough! Since does not obey the custom, then everyone acts unreasonably together, first removed you to say again!” “你也有脸说?身为古圣,却对我一个斩道者悬赏,十大王族联合起来要杀我,真当我叶凡是软柿子好欺负吗,以为被你们吃定了?”叶凡冷笑道:“以势压人,我也会,我认识的古圣也有几位,虽然不多,但灭你们足够了!既然不守规矩,那么大家就一起乱来吧,先除掉你们再说!” You......” “你……” Blood Moon King is furious, wants to say anything, what a pity did not have the opportunity, because Saint Killer Qi Luo moved, did not wait for his body reorganization, one blow cold blade silent dividing to fall, standing divided his head for two halves. 血月王震怒,想说什么,可惜没有机会了,因为杀圣齐罗动了,不等他身体重组,一记冷刀无声无息的劈落,将其头颅给立劈为两半。 Soul Melting Saber......” Blood Moon King yelled panic-stricken, Primordial Spirit cannot escape, in the murder Saint hand that under Primordial Spirit turn into ash jet black such as the long blade of black ink, was absorbed a cleanness by the blade. 化神刀……”血月王惊恐大叫,元神都跑不了,在杀圣手中那把漆黑如墨的长刀下元神成灰,被刀吸收了个干净。 Xuan Tuo frightened ignorant, complexion snow white, he just shortly after Sanctification, how to resist established Ancient Saint? Now his grandfather was Saint King is beaten a fist, it can be imagined the person was terrifying. 宣陀吓懵了,脸色雪白,他可是刚成圣不久,怎么去对抗老牌古圣?现在他祖父身为圣人王都被人一拳打烂了,可想而知来的人多么恐怖。 You want to shoulder Myriad Clans great war, when the time comes various clans will ruin Human Race jointly!” He escapes while intimidates, blusters. “你们想挑起万族大战吗,到时候各族会联手毁掉人族!”他一边逃一边恫吓,虚张声势。 What a pity, thunder light submerged all, his sound is unable to pass on. 可惜,雷光淹没了一切,他的声音无法传出去。 Is you first breaks the rule, the hand extends was too long, wants to kill me, drinks my golden Holy Blood, you give a try!” Ye Fan shouted densely: This time my transcends tribulation, even your Great Saint cannot deduce, kills you also to kill white/in vain!” “是你们自己先破坏规矩的,手伸的太长了,想杀我,饮我的金色圣血,你来试试看!”叶凡森然喝道:“这一次我渡劫,即便是你们大圣也推演不出来,杀死你们也是白杀!” “噗” Front, is flying Xuan Tuo that in thunder light escapes, on the half body and lower half body separate suddenly, a black demon blade towering emergence, cuts in two at the waist him, is Saint Killer Qi Luo take action. 前方,正在雷光中飞遁的宣陀,上半截身子与下半截身子突然分离,一口黑色的魔刀突兀出现,将他腰斩,又是杀圣齐罗出手 The Xuan Tuo pain yelled, discarded in the hand the shining white female Saint King skull wine glass, rending wailing, Soul Melting Saber, although cut his body, but that Blade Qi also had the lethality injury to Primordial Spirit, its forehead split, is flowing the black blood. 宣陀痛苦大叫,扔掉了手中莹白的女圣人王头骨酒杯,撕心裂肺的哀嚎,化神刀虽然只是砍中了他的身子,但是那种刀气元神亦有致命性的伤害,其眉心裂开,在流淌黑血。 You have today, you said that your this clan rears in a pen my Human Race ancestor, regards as the domestic animal, treats as the blood food, today my one by one position they wash off the shame, first female Saint King that passes from the low-spirited war casualty starts!” “你也有今日,你说你们这一族圈养我人族祖先,视作牲畜,当作血食,今日我一一位他们洗刷耻辱,先从黯然殇逝的女圣人王开始!” Ye Fan bellowed, wields the golden fist to clash, is driving ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), fought with the fists, penetrated the chest of Xuan Tuo, his flesh and Saint bone that shook flew horizontally more than ten jin (0.5 kg)! 叶凡大吼,挥动金色的拳头冲了过来,带动着万丈雷芒,一拳打了出去,击穿了宣陀的胸膛,震的他血肉与圣骨横飞出去十几斤!
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