STH :: Volume #12

#1112: Evolution

bo!” “啵!” Often has the air bubble to break open by the pool that in the rock builds, sends out the light sound, turns into a dense multi-colored sunlight to spurt comes out thinly, resembles the spring breeze to circle the body, warm, making the person whole body comfortable. 以岩石筑的池子内不时有气泡破开,发出轻响,化成一片氤氲霞光喷薄出来,似春风绕体,暖洋洋,令人浑身舒泰。 What is this?” Ye Fan inquired the purple pupil female. “这是什么?”叶凡询问紫瞳女子。 He is staring at a front basin astonishment, this dense spiritual energy binds him, precisely its existence makes him may want transcends tribulation, is very marvelous. 他盯着前方的水池一阵惊异,这种氤氲灵气将他裹住,正是它的存在而让他可能要渡劫,很是奇妙。 The purple pupil female shot a look at a basin, many somewhat disdains, leading to taunt, said: manifestation water that's all, can quenching metal lump, making it have spirituality, your native have not naturally seen.” 紫瞳女子瞥了一眼水池,多少有些不屑,带着一丝嘲讽,道:“一池化生而已,可以淬炼金属块,让其更具有灵性,你们这种土著自然没有见过。” Then, she does not look at one, but is wrinkling the fine jade nose, watches the spaceship inner wall of breakage, the appearance that loves dearly very much, resembles to this spaceship treasures extremely. 说完,她再也不看一眼,而是皱着琼鼻,观看破损的飞船内壁,一副很心疼的样子,似对这飞船极其爱惜。 Originally is quenchings the metallic material the basin, I also think that is what immortal pill spirit pool.” Ye Fan careless saying, walked two around the pool. “原来是淬炼金属材料的水池,我还以为是什么仙丹灵池呢。”叶凡漫不经心的说道,绕着池子走了两圈。 He strikes an attitude to metal lump throw the clean, moreover inquired how the purple pupil female quenchings, what kind of effect can have, finally was actually disregarded, only gave him a back of the head bucket. 他作势要将一个金属块扔进去清洗,而且询问紫瞳女子如何淬炼,能有怎样的效果,结果却被无视了,只给了他一个后脑勺。 The purple hair man sees him really to waste some pools of water, loves dearly must die, the corners of the mouth uncontrolled twitching, is wanting to say anything, but was suppressed, turning the head with no trace looks to another side, wants to come to what the eyes don't see the heart isn't troubled about. 紫发男子见他真要浪费掉部分池水,心疼的要死,嘴角都在不受控制的抽搐,想要说什么,但被强忍住了,不着痕迹的转头看向另一边,想来个眼不见心不烦。 The Ye Fan corners of the mouth curl upwards, said: You think that I have Imperishable Golden Body in legend, depending upon the blood fleshly body ratio relies upon these scrap copper and iron to be better, I quenching myself to consider as finished by this pool liquid simply.” 叶凡嘴角微翘,道:“你们一致认为我具有传说中的不灭金身,依靠血肉身比仰仗那些废铜烂铁更好,那我干脆以此池液淬炼自己算了。” Then, he unties battlesuit, then must enter in the pond, appearance that must act unreasonably. 说罢,他解开战衣,便要进入池中,一副要乱来的样子。 The purple pupil female with was broken the youth of many bone to change color by Ye Fan immediately, cannot be tranquil, they know, the opposite party affirmation has detected, all throws recklessly to the pond. 紫瞳女子与被叶凡打断很多骨头的青年顿时变色,再也不能平静,他们知道,对方肯定早已发觉了,皆不顾一切向池中扑去。 Ye Fan laughs, shakes glittering and translucent Divine Chain gently, all locks in them, cannot move, decided in the one side. 叶凡大笑,轻轻一抖晶莹剔透神链,将他们二人全都锁住,不能动弹一下,定在了一旁。 Here is the most important place on spaceship, by the metal wall seal, inscribes the mysterious divine marks protection, presents the pool that a rock builds in this central main laboratory, appears with various mysterious instruments of exhibition is incompatible, possibly is not every. 这里是飞船上的最重要之地,以金属壁密封,刻有玄奥神纹守护,在这中心主实验室内出现一个岩石筑成的池子,与陈列的各种神秘仪器显得格格不入,不可能是凡品。 The rock becomes the silver-gray color, embodiment mysterious mineral, sends out very gentle light, arrives near around has a fresh aura that lets person shedding body, exchanging bones, in the pond the dense multi-colored sunlight is mobile, may have no smell. 岩石成银灰色,内蕴神秘矿物,散发出很柔和的光,来到近前后有一种让人脱胎换骨的清新气息,池内氤氲霞光流动,可却没有什么气味。 However, this Five Colors Divine Liquid extremely mysterious immeasurable, Ye Fan just extended the hand, golden Holy Blood in within the body galloped, and body surface interweaves the lightning and thunderous sound. 然而,这种五色神液太过神秘莫测,叶凡刚将手伸进去,体内的金色圣血就奔腾了起来,且体表交织出闪电与雷鸣声。 What thing is this?” He received an electric shock to receive the hand probably fast, having to expect this is the rare treasure treasure fluid, however as if compared with imagination must. “这是什么东西?”他像是触电般快速将手收了回来,不是没有料到这是稀珍宝液,然而似乎比想象的还要甚。 Purple pupil female complexion snow white, the look is excited, wants to prevent Ye Fan vigorously, however this time as a captive, is impossible to succeed, is very unwilling. 紫瞳女子脸色雪白,神色激动,极力想阻止叶凡,然而此时身为俘虏,根本不可能成功,十分不甘。 It seems like this is really immortal pill spirit pool fluid, making you care about......” the Ye Fan chuckle. “看来这真的是一池仙丹灵池液,让你们这么在意……”叶凡轻笑。 The blue vein on purple hair men's forehead breaks out, they floating so many years in dark and ice-cold universe, after thousand tribulations hundred difficult, blasts out many withered planet, has the heaven defying chance to seek various types of minerals, he does not know whether the latter half of one's life can also refine this type of immortal fluid. 紫发男子额头上的青筋突起,他们在黑暗与冰冷的宇宙中漂度这么多年,历经千劫百难,炸开诸多枯星,拥有逆天机缘才寻到各种矿物,他不知道后半生还能否提炼出这种仙液。 You cannot waste like this, this is strongest bloodlines evolution Divine Liquid, but refining up initially, has not achieved best, the mineral in rock coming out few parts, had not just deputed.” The purple pupil female knows, could not conceal, could not prevent, so might as well explain with it. “你不能这样浪费掉,这是一池最强血脉进化神液,只是初步炼成,远还没有达到最佳,岩石中的矿物刚出来少部分,还没有提纯完毕。”紫瞳女子知道,根本隐瞒不了,也阻止不了,与其如此不如说个明白。 On the Ye Fan face is hanging the happy expression, searches in the hand the pond for the second time, the rare treasure treasure medicine at present, him naturally cannot miss anything, when the finger submerges in the pool of water, clouds and mist boiling, distils off colorful immortal light, gave to cover his entire arm, making its skeleton clang clang make noise, the flesh is also shivering, probably in shedding body, exchanging bones. 叶凡脸上挂着笑意,第二次将手探进池中,稀珍宝药就在眼前,他自然不会错过什么当手指没入池水中,烟霞沸腾,蒸出一道道艳艳仙光,将他整条臂膀都给覆盖住了,让其骨骼锵锵作响,血肉亦在颤动,像是在脱胎换骨 And, his Divine Consciousness vibrates, detected unexpectedly the World's source fragment, turned into brand marks, mixes with among Divine Liquid, ups and downs in auspicious light. 且,他神识震动,竟察觉到了世界本源碎片,化成一条条烙印,夹杂神液间,于瑞光中沉浮。 This makes him be startled, no wonder the purple pupil female said that this is strongest bloodlines evolution Divine Liquid, this is can let fleshly body and Primordial Spirit simultaneously the powerful mysterious medicament, has undying divine medicine some characteristics. 这让他吃惊,难怪紫瞳女子说这是最强血脉进化神液,这是能够让肉身元神同时强大的神秘药剂,有不死神药的某种特性。 Although it cannot extend person life essence, but can actually the domineering and overbearing activation human body potential, making the bloodlines strength of person to close up most, realizes the super evolution! 它虽然不能延人寿元,但却能强势而霸道的激活人体潜能,让人的血脉力向最强靠拢,实现超级进化! Really is a mysterious mineral, this material too rare treasure, no wonder you blast out so many withered planet, floating so many years in the universe, collects a little.” Ye Fan said. “真是一种神秘的矿物,这种物质太稀珍了,难怪你们炸开那么多枯星,在宇宙中漂度这么多年,才收集到这么一点。”叶凡道。 The purple hair man heard these words to cry, their is heaven defying, Everlasting Country many people went to the universe deep place to collect, spend one's last years dead, was difficult the harvest. 紫发男子听到这些话都要哭了,他们这已经算是逆天了,永恒国度多少人去宇宙深处采集,终老到死,都难有收获。 You want the patience on dozens years, in the silver-gray rock most rare treasure mineral refines completely, this Divine Liquid can compare immortal pill!” The purple pupil female said. “你只要耐心等上几十年,待银灰色的岩石中最稀珍的矿物全部提炼出来,这池神液堪比仙丹!”紫瞳女子道。 According to these two said, this is only the primary strongest bloodlines evolution fluid, like this uses up, really pitifully, gain does not equal the loss, even it can be said that an ignominious waste. 按照这两人所说,这只是初级的最强血脉进化液,这样用掉,实在可惜,得不偿失,甚至可以说是一种可耻的浪费。 Right, making me study.” Ye Fan has not thought, this harvest is so huge, opened Immortal Depository simply, obtained such divine object, was too important. “是吗,让我自己来研究一下。”叶凡没有想到,这一次收获如此巨大,简直是开启了一道仙藏,得到了这样一池神物,太重要了。 Northern Region, the undercurrent surges, so many days are not tranquil, ten big royal families post a reward, so long as can provide the Ye Fan's clue, grants Holy Artifact, it may be said that shocking monetary reward. 北域,暗流涌动,这么多日子来都不平静,十大王族悬赏,只要能提供叶凡的线索,就赐予一件圣器,可谓惊世赏金。 Naturally, this is not public, but spreads in Ancient Race, on outwardly, they even more dread to Human Race until now, feared that annoys anything to trouble. 当然,这不是公开的,只是在古族内部流传,上不得了明面,时至今日他们对人族越发的忌惮了,也怕惹出什么麻烦来。 Who, if can execute Human Race's Saint Physique, Saint King for its Dao Protector, regardless of makes how big mistake, can amnesty its big crime, “谁若是能将人族圣体毙掉,圣人王将会为其护道,无论犯下多么大的过错,都可以赦其大罪,恕 Is unparalleled in the world no ball window 独步天下无弹窗 Nine times do not die. ” 九次不死。” It is said that Ancient Race has a peerless Dao Book present world, will bestow as the ultimate reward, are not related in detail the name of this book, but absolutely is surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries ancient scripture. 据说,古族有一部绝世道书现世,将作为终极奖励赐下,没有细说此书之名,但绝对是一部震古烁今古经 Moreover, another secret , if really cuts Human Race's Saint Physique, mysterious Great Saint meet left seclusion, receives it to close door disciple. 而且,另有一则秘闻,谁如果真的斩掉人族圣体,有一位神秘的大圣出关,收其为闭门弟子 In Ancient Race presents all sorts of views, making many will of the people move, simultaneously shocks very much, the Ancient Saint attention that Human Race's Saint Physique annoys unexpectedly, is determined to execute its life, obviously the potential of its growth was terrifying, making all parties anxious. 古族内出现种种说法,让很多人心动,同时很震撼,人族圣体竟然惹的古圣关注,决心毙其性命,可见其成长的潜能多么恐怖,让各方都不安了。 Human Race's Saint Physique has thought this ridge is a little difficult, even Ancient Saint sent out, who can save him, once makes an appearance certain death without doubt!” 人族圣体想过这道坎有点难,连古圣都出动了,谁能救得了他,一旦露面必死无疑!” If not for the heart dreaded, may have supreme Great Saint personally to act to solve Human Race's Saint Physique......” “若不是心有忌惮,可能会有无上大圣亲自出面解决人族圣体……” In Ancient Race some well-informed people were discussing, mentioned Ge Jiuyou this name, lets Ancient Race Great Saint deep dreading. 古族内一些消息灵通的人士在议论,提到了盖九幽这个名字,让古族大圣都深深的忌惮不已。 „What person is this?” “这是一个什么样的人?” „An immeasurably deep old fogy, reached as high as it is said 9000 years old, once had gone to other Ancient Star, on the prove the Dao road extremely remote, if not the body could not shoulder the years, Realm dropped, will be more terrifying!” “一个深不可测的老家伙,据说高达九千岁了,曾去过别的古星,在证道路上走的极其遥远,若非身体扛不住岁月,境界跌落了,将会更为恐怖!” Village of Celestial Court, Saint Sovereign's Son appears, sends the news, wants to tell Ye Fan recently do not appear, because the situation was too tense, many royal families want to remove him in secret. 天之村,圣皇子出现,送来消息,想告诉叶凡最近不要出现,因为局势太紧张了,有不少王族想暗中除掉他。 Even if Victorious Battle Buddha stands in Mt. Xumi, overlooks the world, cannot shock completely all Ancient Race, some people are going to take risks, and Ancient Saint take action is very difficult to leave what trace, assassination Dao Severing person will be very clean, is difficult to seek the clue. 即便斗战胜佛站在须弥山上,俯视天下,也不能将所有古族全部震慑住,有人将要铤而走险,且古圣出手很难留下什么痕迹,暗杀一个斩道者会很干净,难寻线索。 These days came, even Monkey was lower-key, because of it is reported that some people also wants to be disadvantageous to him. 这些日子来,连猴子都低调了很多,因为据悉,有人也想对他不利。 Undying Heavenly Sovereign lineage/vein and a Kun Zhou Great Saint clan would leaving behind some strong people, escaped the previous great misfortune time, this is the inevitable matter. 不死天皇一脉、昆宙大圣一族总会有留下一些强人,逃过了上一次的大劫,这是无可避免的事。 Sovereign Black spoke frankly, they do not know where now Ye Fan was, could not find, is unable to give the message effectively. 黑皇坦言,他们现在也不知叶凡身在何方,根本找不到,无法有效的传递消息。 Others said fortunately, but must pay attention to Blood Moon Race, is in the most radical and cruel ten big royal families, the Immemorial period uses Human Race as the blood food, once ruled the oversized piece area, that period, Human Race's was born some Ancient Saint had half to be ripped the food by them.” “别人还好说,但一定要注意血月族,位列最为激进与残忍的十大王族内,太古时期以人族为血食,曾统治过大片疆域,那个时期,人族的诞生过的一些古圣有半数都被他们撕食了。” Blood Moon Race, a name of cruel race, in Ancient Race is also ominous clear, no one is willing to provoke, offends them frequently to exterminate the clan the big trouble. 血月族,一个残忍种族的名称,在古族中也是凶名昭著,没有人愿意招惹,得罪他们动辄就会有灭族大患。 Huo Tan that the Ye Fan slaughter falls is this/should clan branch vein Saint, the subgroup is very powerful, although already no longer Immemorial magnificent power, but actually also the no small matter, is the illustrious Blood Moon King lineage/vein. 叶凡屠掉的霍坦就是该族一个支脉的圣人,主族很强大,虽然早已不复太古盛势,但却也非同小可,是赫赫有名的血月王脉。 This time must kill Ye Fan, is this/should clan first initiates, and Holy Artifact that must provide also has by them, blood moon Ancient King is powerful, is in Saint King. 这一次要杀叶凡,就是该族首先发起的,且要提供的圣器也由他们出,血月古王实力强大,位列圣人王内。 And, his grandson also in recent Sanctification, only have several hundred years old, is a peerless rare talent, with the Huo Tan peer, relates the sworn friend. 且,其孙也在近期成圣了,只有数百岁,是一个绝世奇才,与霍坦同辈,关系莫逆。 Human Race is the blood food that we rear in a pen!” This is this/should clan some ominous offense Ancient Saint had once spoken the words. 人族是我们圈养的血食!”这是该族一些凶戾古圣曾说过的话语。 Ye Fan does not know to these, at this time cannot attend to other, takes off battlesuit, reveals the slender healthy body, flashes brilliant appearance, enters into silver-gray rock pond within/inner. 叶凡对这些不知,此时顾不上其他,脱去战衣,露出修长健美的躯体,闪动宝辉,迈入银灰色的岩石池内。 The purple hair man shouts, the eye is red, probably was gouged the bottom of the heart, the profound heart, so many years efforts were won the achievement like this. 紫发男子嘶吼,眼睛通红,像是被人剜去了心尖,痛彻心扉,这么多年的努力就这样被人夺走了成果。 The strongest bloodlines evolution fluid, seizes Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, exhausted their endless painstaking care, in every possible way diligently, the refinement, just became, exchanged ownerships, was enjoyed by the foe. 最强血脉进化液,夺天地造化,耗去了他们无尽的心血,百般努力,万般提炼,才刚刚有所成,就易主了,被仇敌享用。 „......” He is hard to accept this fact, if can throw, he wants to peel Ye Fan exactly, swallows. “啊……”他难以接受这个事实,如果能扑过去,他想活剥了叶凡,一口吞食下去。 Do not call, is you first annoys my, wants to catch me to go, when combat pet, must have the counterattacked consciousness, starting today, this spaceship, you, had this evolution fluid are my.” Ye Fan judged to them, firmly all these are his private thing. “别叫,是你们先惹我的,想抓我去当战宠,就要有被反制的觉悟,从今天开始,这艘飞船、你们、还有这池进化液都是我的了。”叶凡对他们宣判,确这一切都是他的私有物。 Side, the purple pupil female also does wink visits him, naturally not for its strong and slender body, she is pale, filled was unwilling indignantly with. 旁边,紫瞳女子也是一眨不眨的看着他,自然不是为其强健与修长的肌体所动,她脸色苍白,充满了不甘与气愤。 Good comfortable......” Ye Fan immersion in liquid, Five Colors Divine Liquid brilliant lights and vibrant colors, gurgling wells up, clouds and mist buried him in middle. “好舒服……”叶凡浸泡在液体中,五色神液流光溢彩,汩汩而涌,烟霞将他埋在了当中。 He thought that whole body each cell is splitting, reorganizes, might lift the rosy cloud to fly upwards, was covered by dense immortal light, in the pores various divine glow turnovers are uncertain. 他觉得浑身每一个细胞都在分裂,进行重组,像是要举霞飞升了,被氤氲仙光覆盖,毛孔间各种神芒吞吐不定。 This is the strongest bloodlines evolution fluid, even Divine Consciousness can expand, a physique and strength of all-around promotion person, will otherwise not give such a name. 这是最强血脉进化液,连神识都能壮大,全方位的提升一个人的体质与战力,不然也不会起这样一个名字。 At this time, even the skeleton is disintegrating, then the reorganization, glitters the clear gloss, makes noise sonorously. 此时,连骨骼都在瓦解,而后重组,闪烁晶莹的的光泽,铿锵作响。 Ye Fan comfortable almost snort/hum makes noise, graceful, the flesh was being purified, he is Saint Physique, is limited to the so-called strongest bloodlines evolution, but is actually changing slowly. 叶凡舒服的差点哼出声来,飘飘欲仙,血肉在被净化,他本身是圣体,向所谓的最强血脉进化有限,但却缓慢变化着。 After comfortable, suddenly is a severe pain, the body god splendor overflows every inchs, such as a dagger scurries about in within the body. 舒服后,突然是一阵剧痛,每一寸身体神辉四溢,如一把尖刀在体内乱窜。 The mysterious mineral property is too overbearing, wants to realize the bloodlines evolution, needs various auxiliary medicament secret recipes, the person of this spaceship has not refined. 神秘矿物药性太霸道,想实现血脉进化,需要各种辅助药剂秘方,这艘飞船的人还没有提炼好。 Luckily, Ye Fan has 'Person' Character Art, immediately restores the blood vessel and skeleton that burst, the fearless overbearing property, persists in continuing. 幸好,叶凡者字诀,在第一时间修复破裂的血管与骨骼,无惧霸道药性,坚持继续。 The purple pupil female has been anticipating and cursed with its Elder Brother, but sees Ye Fan to tough it out, the body even attacked blood crossflow, is not affected much, sighs woefully, Imperishable Golden Body was too strong! 紫瞳女子与其哥哥一直在期待与诅咒,可是见到叶凡硬挺着,身体即便被冲击的鲜血横流,也无大碍,不禁哀叹,不灭金身太强了! In this period, that batch of person several controls of running away six zhang golden body made a harassing attack, the result stole the captives as well as some appliances of various clans, cannot approach the main laboratory. 期间,逃走的那批人几次驾驭“丈六金身”来袭扰,结果只是劫走了各族的俘虏以及一些器具,根本靠近不了主实验室。 Finally, the Ye Fan comfortable length breathes a sigh of relief, suppresses itself, avoids Heavenly Tribulation arriving, then opens Domain Portal, bringing this giant flying saucer to return to Village of Celestial Court. 最终,叶凡舒服的长舒了一口气,压制自身,避免天劫降临,而后开启域门,带着这艘巨大的飞碟回到了天之村 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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