STH :: Volume #12

#1111: Strongest bloodlines evolution fluid

You...... dissolute!” The purple pupil female willow eyebrows are but actually vertical, open wide the eyes, on semi-transparent jade clear body has a flushed, this is completely the air/Qi, native locks in her, regarded combat pet her. “你……放肆!”紫瞳女子柳眉倒竖,杏眼圆睁,羊脂玉般的晶莹肌体上生出一片红潮,这完全是气的,一个土著将她锁住,把她当成了战宠 Ding dang! “叮当! Divine Chain bright such as one string of red agates, circles on the swan neck, Ye Fan makes an effort, led her, became the captive, said: Dissolute also in behind.” 神链灿烂如一串红玛瑙,绕在天鹅般的颈项上,叶凡用力一拉,将她带了过来,成为俘虏,道:“放肆的还在后面。” Purple pupil young girl staggers, almost falls down on the ground, this is an embarrassment that is inconceivable, was instead seized by own prey, moreover so treats, making her shame and get angry. 紫瞳少女一个趔趄,差点栽倒在地上,这是一种难以想象的难堪,被自己的猎物反捉,而且这般对待,让她又羞又怒。 Bang!” “轰!” Is reversed to return by Vajra Cutter that the black arrow misses the goal, turning into the grinding pan was big, the shining white is brightly burnished, shakes gently makes Void annihilate, this is worthy of the reputation Holy Artifact. 被黑箭射飞的金刚琢倒转而回,化成了磨盘大,莹白锃亮,轻轻一震就让虚空湮灭,这是名副其实的圣器 Ding “叮” Ye Fan by black arrow one stroke, black light everywhere, struck to fly Vajra Cutter, however its terrifying power and influence actually won, in the ring turned into black hole, swallowed the myriad things, must receive Ye Fan, in the spaceship various types of instruments became the dust, submerged. 叶凡以黑箭一划,乌光漫天,将金刚琢击飞了出去,然而它的恐怖威势却更胜了,圆环内化成一口黑洞,吞噬万物,要将叶凡收进去,飞船内各种仪器等成尘埃,没入到当中。 In the Ye Fan heart jumps, this may really be is ordinary with I, your father | Laozi Vajra Cutter divine might, the does Quasi-Emperor of ancient China appear in Everlasting Country? 叶凡心中一跳,这可真是与老子金刚琢神威一般,难道古中国的这位准帝出现在过永恒的国度 He has a mind to shoot the black arrow, but feared that was really swallowed by that black hole, the Holy Artifact showdown, a collapse region, extremely will be frequently frigid. 他有心将黑箭射进去,但又怕真的被那口黑洞吞噬了,圣器对决,动辄就会崩毁一片地域,太过惨烈。 Bang!” “轰隆!” He fills to that black hole Green Copper Cauldron, does not believe that it can swallow this Immortal Cauldron, Vajra Cutter mostly from broken, really Vajra Cutter knows fiercely, twinkling avoidance in the past. 他将绿铜鼎向那口黑洞填去,不相信它能吞掉这个仙鼎,金刚琢多半会自碎,果然金刚琢知道厉害,瞬息躲避过去。 Clank......” “铮铮……” A delightful metal vibrato sends out, Vajra Cutter decomposed suddenly, turned into a piece of brilliant light, submerged by the purple pupil female who on Ye Fan seized. 一阵悦耳的金属颤音发出,金刚琢突然分解,化成了一片绚烂的光,没入被叶凡擒到的紫瞳女子身上。 Her body surface gloss, after Vajra Cutter decomposes unexpectedly reorganizes, changes into a piece of mysterious mail-armor and helmet, wraps her in middle, becomes a silver white metal person. 她体表光泽点点,金刚琢竟然分解后重组,化为一片神秘的甲胄,将她包裹在当中,成为了一个银白的金属人。 Vajra Cutter seems like very small, the volume of but at this time reorganizing with differed so much as to be beyond comparison, this is a metal person of human form, compared with general battle armour thick many times. 金刚琢看似很小,但是此时重组的体积与原来不成比例,这是一具人形的金属人,比一般的战甲厚很多倍。 Bang “轰” The strength of purple pupil female does not know that many times, shook off the Ye Fan's fetter powerful, wields the silver fist to hit forward, endures compares favorably with the Holy Ar­ti­fact's strength. 紫瞳女子的力量也不知道强大了多少倍,挣脱了叶凡的束缚,挥动银色拳头向前打来,堪与圣器的力道媲美。 What is this? Holy Artifact can also distort, becomes Saint Raiment? Ye Fan is amazed, revealed the look of surprise, cultivator of this system also really makes one somewhat touch airtight. 这是什么?圣器还能变形,成为圣衣叶凡惊诧,露出异色,这个体系的修士还真是让人有些摸不透。 He blocks the light of Saint Raiment sending out with the black arrow, counter-attacks, at the present his fleshly body can compare Saint, even if the opposite party puts on Saint Raiment fearless, the silver white metal person who the golden fist hits makes noise sonorously. 他以黑箭挡住圣衣散发的光,进行反击,而今他的肉身堪比圣人,即便对方穿上圣衣都无惧,金色拳头打的银白金属人铿锵作响。 Distant place everyone is scared, this is fleshly body, the can compare Saint-level metal soldier, the firm degree went to the shocking situation. 远处所有人都发毛,这还是一具肉身吗,堪比圣级金属兵人了,坚固的程度达到了骇人听闻的地步。 Bang!” “轰隆!” The purple pupil female wears metal Saint Raiment, temporarily protects oneself, starts the revolution big Dao Spirit mark, various holy light send out, wants to execute Ye Fan, this is the prestige of Holy Artifact! 紫瞳女子身着金属圣衣,暂时自保,开始运转大道神痕,各种圣光发出,想要毙掉叶凡,这是圣器之威! Ye Fan just caught it, does not think she overturns immediately, felt that frightened aura, did not have other movement, grasps Green Copper Cauldron to pound to her, immediately disintegrates it. 叶凡刚将其擒住,可不想她立刻就翻盘,感觉到了一股惊悚的气息,没有别的动作,手持绿铜鼎向她身上砸去,在第一时间将其瓦解。 Bang “砰” Too near, must be possible not to be possible to evade! 太近了,必可无可避! Green Cauldron falls, silver white Saint Raiment presents the fissure, then disintegrates, shook the purple pupil young girl, silver light flashes, a bitten light sound, turned into complete Vajra Cutter. 绿鼎落下,银白圣衣出现裂痕,而后瓦解,将紫瞳少女震了出来,银光闪动,叮的一声轻响,重新化成了一个无缺的金刚琢 Bright magnificent light flashes, it submerges purple pupil female within the body, vanishes does not see. 灿烂光华一闪,它没入紫瞳女子体内,就此消失不见。 Not far away, the terrifying aura is dreadful, a colossus to/clashes, wants to rescue the purple pupil female, this is a ten-ten feet metal giant, grasps the big sword, stands chops Ye Fan. 不远处,恐怖气息滔天,一个庞然大物冲来,想要营救紫瞳女子,这是一个高达十丈的金属巨人,手持大剑,立劈叶凡 Ye Fan is astonished, in within the body of this metal giant, sits a silver-haired youth, is he is controlling this metal giant who is sending out wisp of Saint Might. 叶凡讶异,在这金属巨人的体内,坐着一个银发青年,是他在操控这个散发着一缕圣威的金属巨人。 Works as “当” The great sword chops, Ye Fan keeps off in the fist standard, sends out one string of sparks/Mars, backing up that ten zhang (3.33 m) giant shakes. Then, before he bullies the body, wields the fist continually, curve and collapsing that great sword hits. 巨剑劈来,叶凡以拳头格挡,发出一串火星,将十丈巨人震的倒退。而后,他欺身上前,连挥拳头,将那巨剑打的弯曲、崩断 This is Artifact Refining to half-Saint battle armour that peak and science and technology unify to cast, how can't block the moment?” “这是炼器极致与科技相结合而铸成的半圣战甲,怎么会连片刻都不能挡住?” Was Imperishable Golden Body in legend, the strength of fleshly body was too worthily fearful, golden body strong any Divine Clothes and machine armor, was in itself the most powerful weapon!” The distant place, that golden color sends the Middle-Aged person who the silk hangs loose to be shocking. “不愧是传说中的不灭金身,肉身之力太可怕了,金身强过任何神衣与机甲,本身就是最强大的武器!”远处,那个金色发丝披散的中年人震惊。 Bang “砰” As Ye Fan shakes the fist, this ten zhang (3.33 m) high metal person by bumpy that he hits, the radical breakage, the disintegration, is then split up. 随着叶凡挥拳,这个十丈高的金属人被他打的坑坑洼洼,彻底破损,而后解体,四分五裂。 Half Saint-level metal battle armour cannot block his fleshly body, Ye Fan as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, made into place metal lump it, a piece in confusion. 圣级的金属战甲也挡不住他的肉身,叶凡摧枯拉朽,将它打成了一地金属块,一片狼藉。 Bang “轰隆” The blonde Middle-Aged person controls most battle armour in spaceship to appear, this is the wisdom crystallization of Dao Artifact and science and technology, the metal person is equivalent to Divinity of spaceship Holy Artifact embodiment, powerful incomparable. 金发中年人驾驭飞船内的最战甲出现,这是道器与科技的智慧结晶,金属人相当与飞船圣器内蕴的神祇,强大无匹。 It has six zhang high, is not very big, all over the body golden yellow bright, is from the righteousness of six zhang golden body, but is actually not mercy Buddha, the right hand holds golden Battle Spear, the left hand holds golden ancient shield, Saint Might is enormous and powerful, sweeps across ten directions. 它高有丈六,不是很高大,通体金黄灿烂,取自丈六金身之义,不过却不是慈悲的佛,右手持一杆黄金战矛,左手持黄金古盾,圣威浩荡,席卷十方 This is Transcending Holy Armor that my Everlasting Country develops, looked how you decode!” “这是我永恒国度研制出的通天圣甲,看你如何破解!” The blonde Middle-Aged person controls six zhang golden body, holds golden Battle Spear to puncture Void, kills forward, but in the hand golden ancient shield is not used to defend, but is used to attack. 金发中年人驾驭丈六金身,持金色战矛刺破虚空,向前杀来,而手中黄金古盾也不是用来防御,而是用来攻击。 He believes that even if Ye Fan fleshly body is powerful, and grasped remnant of ancient gods, was not his opponent, because through observing him had seen, broken Magical Artifact not Divine Principle that this ancient gods left behind sent out, this, if announced, it was only firm cold weapon, was not the most terrifying immortal treasure! 他坚信,叶凡即便肉身再强大,且掌握有古代神明的残器,也不是他的对手,因为通过观察他已经看出,这个古代神明遗下的残破法器并无神则发出,这等若宣告,它只是一件坚固的冷兵器,不是最恐怖的仙宝! I wear Transcending Holy Armor, may send out Saint Might, has the big Dao Spirit mark, looked how you resist!” “我身穿通天圣甲,可发出圣威,拥有大道神痕,看你如何抵挡!” Golden Battle Spear pierces Heaven and Earth, golden ancient shield collapses by pressure ten directions, six zhang golden body, although is huger than the average man, but the movement is rapid and flexible, quickly to dazzling. 金色战矛洞穿天地,黄金古盾压塌十方,丈六金身的虽然比常人庞大不少,但是动作迅疾而灵活,快到让人眼花缭乱。 Ye Fan takes out Holy Spirit stone embryo , if put on Saint Raiment, not Holy Armor that he fears, but is Saint Law that it evolves, therefore True Body is in charge in Holy Spirit stone embryo. 叶凡取出圣灵石胎,也等若穿上了圣衣,他所惧的不圣甲,而是其演化出的圣人法则,故此真身入主圣灵石胎内。 The blonde Middle-Aged person changed the color at the scene, never expected that the opposite party also has the Saint level mail-armor and helmet, was too dangerous in spaceship interior this, he cannot use the method. 金发中年人当场就变了颜色,没有想到对方亦有圣人级甲胄,在飞船内部这实在太危险了,他施展不开手脚。 Bang!” “轰!” Make him feel what terrifying is, Ye Fan carried Green Copper Cauldron to pound, this may compared with his golden Battle Spear and many of golden ancient shield terrifying. 让他更为觉得恐怖的是,叶凡拎着绿铜鼎砸了过来,这可比他的金色战矛与黄金古盾恐怖的多。 Fights in the spaceship, waits, if in close quarter combat, the result does not have the suspense, six zhang golden body almost by Ye Fan pounding the collapse, the blonde Middle-Aged person controlled the spaceship Holy Artifact embodiment " Divinityto run away distressedly. 在飞船内部战斗,等若是在近身搏杀,结果是毫无悬念的,丈六金身差点被叶凡给砸的崩溃,金发中年人驾驭飞船圣器内蕴的这个“神祇”狼狈逃走了。 Escaping that the death and wound that wound others die, escapes, is resistless. 其他人死的死、伤的伤、逃的逃,再也不能抵抗。 Lets loose me!” The purple pupil female struggles fiercely, the whole body is shining, the slender luster of the skin seems like by the moonlight is covered, a piece is pure white and gentle, Divine Principle radiate all around. “放开我!”紫瞳女子剧烈挣扎,浑身都在发光,修长的玉体像是被月华笼罩,一片洁白与柔和,神则四射 Their world World Lord cultivate/repair Law, has the originality to the Great Dao's understanding, the striking power is super 他们的世界主法则,对大道的理解有独到之处,攻击力超级强大 Is unparalleled in the world txt 独步天下txt , After the science and technology unifies becomes an inobservable system. ,与科技结合后成为了一个不可测的体系。 Clang!” “锵!” However, is almost invincible in Dao Severing Realm Ye Fan, no one can do to him, particularly near body to the wartime, anybody must cherish hatred. 然而,在斩道境叶凡几乎是无敌的,没有人能奈何他,尤其是近身对战时,任何人都得饮恨。 The purple pupil female just moved, he pulled Divine Chain, she tender snort/hum, the body became tender at that time immediately, fell down, various Divine Principle completely collect. 紫瞳女子刚一动,他只是扯了一把神链,她当时就娇哼了一声,身子顿时发软,栽倒了下去,各种神则尽敛。 „” “啪” Ye Fan entrains, raised her but actually, lost in the side of purple hair man, both heads become the captive. 叶凡一拽,将她倒提了出来,丢在了紫发男子的身旁,两个首脑都成为了俘虏。 Big spaceship main control room spacious, outside abatement these two, others did not run away are extinguished, Ye Fan is staring at them, prepared to search their Divine Consciousness. 偌大的飞船主控室一片空旷,除却这两人外,其他人不是逃走就是被灭了,叶凡盯着他们,准备搜索他们的神识 The Void end, in six zhang golden body, the blonde Middle-Aged people and some people facial color blanches, Imperishable Golden Body is so powerful, thinks that is good fortune, finally by this grade of calamity. 虚空尽头,丈六金身内,金发中年人与一些人面色发白,不灭金身这么强大,原以为是一场福缘,结果遭了这等厄难。 Dozens years ago, they encountered terrifying creatures in Foreign Domain, great war to the Star Domain avalanche, Saint-level spaceship internal six zhang gold Divinity caused heavy losses, crash on this Ancient Star, restored the spaceship with great difficulty, at the present cannot think and encounters a disaster. 数十年前,他们在域外遭遇了一个恐怖生物,大战星域崩塌,圣级飞船内部的丈六黄金神祇都被重创,坠落在这颗古星上,好不容易修复了飞船,而今想不到又遭遇一场大难。 This native, was just like in years past that Gu Xinao, the disaster one step happened luckily ahead of time, otherwise must have a catastrophe in the future!” A person flutters to say. “这个土著,好比昔年的那个孤心傲,幸好灾难提前一步发生,不然将来必会有一场浩劫!”一个人颤声说道。 Other person looks snow white, raised Gu Xinao these three characters in Everlasting Country, many people wanted the look changes, native that this was grasped, was one of the universe strongest physicals, took advantage of their resources to progress by leaps and bounds, finally heaven defying, killed greatly, provoded a Everlasting Country cataclysm. 其他的人都神色雪白,在永恒的国度提起孤心傲这三个字,许多人都要色变,这个被抓回去的土著,亦是宇宙最强体质之一,利用他们的资源突飞猛进,最终逆天,大杀了出去,引发了永恒国度一场大动乱。 „, The Divinity this damage of Saint-level spaceship embodiment is not luckily big, not like previous time like that. At the present, even if discarded that giant hull, cannot be regarded desperately.” Some people sighed. “幸好,圣级飞船内蕴的神祇这一次损坏不大,不像上次那般。而今,即便丢掉了那巨大的船体,也算不得绝望。”有人叹道。 This six zhang gold giant is on the spaceship the most precious thing, so long as there are it in all well, seeks the suitable material then to build another Saint-level spaceship, the core Dao Traces embodiment in golden Divinity. 这个丈六黄金巨人是飞船上最珍贵的东西,只要有它在就一切安好,寻到适合的材料便能打造出另一艘圣级飞船,核心道痕都内蕴在黄金神祇内部。 Do not visit him to only have 20 meter tall, but there is most fearful space Law, so many people who can mustard seed storing Mt. Xumi, escape all in interior, is still very spacious. 别看他只有丈六高,但是有最为可怕的空间法则,能够芥子纳须弥,逃出来的这么多人全都在内部,依然很空旷。 But, two your highness were seized by them, troubled in a big way, how can we rescue?” Sends the man to frown blue. “可是,两位殿下被他们捉住了,麻烦大了,我们怎么才能营救回来?”一个蓝发男子蹙眉。 They fully realized, Heavenly Martial King is strong in Everlasting Country's, if his pair of children have the accident, their whole life do not count on, otherwise must be executed. 他们深知,天武王永恒国度的强势,他的一对儿女若是有闪失,他们这辈子就别指望回去了,不然必被处死。 Might as well, two your highness are not early young, so long as Primordial Spirit is well, can duplicate fleshly body at any time.” The blonde Middle-Aged man said. “无妨,两位殿下不是早夭之相,只要元神无恙,可以随时复制出一具肉身。”金发中年男子说道。 Suddenly, he changes color instantly, probably remembered anything, said: Went bad, on the spaceship the most precious thing lost, without the belt/bring comes out!” 突然,他刹那变色,像是想起了什么,道:“坏了,飞船上最珍贵的东西遗落了,没有带出来!” He made an effort to hold oneself hair, roared in a low voice, appeared the incomparable pain, then weak there, probably by draw off soul. 他用力抓住了自己的头发,低声咆哮,显得无比痛苦,而后瘫软在了那里,像是被抽去了灵魂。 Others are also in a daze, then yelled together, all filled deeply regretted the color, regretted constantly, beat the breast and stamped the feet, looks grief-stricken. 其他人也都发呆,而后一起大叫,全都充满了痛惜之色,后悔不迭,捶胸顿足,如丧考妣。 We with difficulty, floating so many years in the dark and dry lonesome universe, collected various types of minerals and mysterious ancient medicine finally, finally refine the strongest bloodlines evolution fluid, finally...... actually lost!” “我们千辛万苦,在黑暗与枯寂的宇宙中漂度这么多年,终于凑齐了各种矿物与神秘的古药,终于炼出了最强血脉进化液,最终……却失落掉了!” „......” “啊……” One group of people yelled, is anxious and angry, if two your highness died, at the worst they do not return to Everlasting Country and that's the end, but this type of strongest bloodlines evolution fluid, if lost to fear this whole life is not impossible to refine again. 一群人都大叫,焦虑而愤怒,两位殿下若是死掉,大不了他们不回永恒国度就是了,可是这种最强血脉进化液若是丢失恐怕这辈子都不可能再提炼出来了。 They wander so many years in the dark universe, attempts what is? Blasted out dry lonesome planet, seeks for the mineral in that legend. 他们在黑暗的宇宙中漂流这么多年,所图的到底是什么?炸开了一颗又一颗枯寂的星球,寻找那传说中的矿物。 These immortal treasure minerals as rare as an unacceptable situation, vast Starry Sky endless, but true accumulated has these minerals Ancient Star to be actually hard to search several. 要知道,那些仙珍般的矿物稀有到了一个让人无法接受的地步,浩瀚星空无尽,可是真正蕴有这些矿物的古星却难以寻觅到几颗。 Occasionally can some discoveries, can excavate tip that's all, has a view in Everlasting Country, rather seeks for these to be able the casting gods Magical Artifact material quality, is not willing to seek these minerals. 偶尔能有发现,也不过是能采掘到点滴而已,在永恒国度有一种说法,宁愿去寻找那些能铸造神明法器的材质,也不愿去寻这些矿物。 Because, was really scarce! 因为,实在稀少了! Moreover, needs these minerals is not one type, but is several types! Searches for the endless years to be difficult to attain in the dry lonesome universe, accidentally obtained one type to be good luck. 而且,所需这些矿物不是一种,而是数种!在枯寂的宇宙中搜寻无尽岁月都难有所获,偶然幸运得到一种就不错了。 Their this journeys, can say Heaven and Earth Good Fortune, in recent years, mining of unexpectedly unusual heaven defying several types, almost complete collection entire. 他们这次出行,可以说得到了天地造化,这些年来,竟然非常逆天的开采到了数种,几乎全部集全。 In this period, encountered various dangers, when blasted out some withered planet, sometimes will meet the immeasurable thing, had the destructive strength. 期间,遭遇到了各种危险,因为炸开某一些枯星时,有时会遇到莫测的东西,有毁灭性的力量。 They with difficulty, a narrow escape, the last time excavation, seeks the clue of immortal pill residual the ancient gods left behind in life-bearing ancient planet. 他们千辛万苦,九死一生,最后一次采掘,在一颗生命古星更是寻到了古代神明留下的仙丹残渣的线索。 In there, they conducted very brutal great war with that crowd of fearful native, that is a very terrifying race, paid homage to the ancient gods, grasps a ultimate Dao weapon! 在那里,他们与那群可怕的土著进行了一场非常残酷的大战,那是一个很恐怖的种族,对古代神明进行膜拜,掌握有一种极道兵器! These native conduct pays homage to primitively, can summon the strength of gods, in addition own practicing and cultivation, making them almost meet with the big calamity, if not the moment adopts the special method finally, stole, absolutely does not have the means. 这些土著进行原始膜拜,可以召唤神明的力,再加上自身的修行与道行,让他们差一点遭逢大厄难,若非最后关头采取特别手段,盗取了出来,根本就没有办法。 Nevertheless, they also discarded about 70% troops in that Ancient Star, ruined another Saint-level Ancient Ship. 尽管这样,他们在那颗古星也丢掉了将近70%的人马,毁掉了另外一艘圣级古船 But harvests is huge, finally the immortal pill residual of gods will steal in the ancient times, caused all need perfection solutions. 但收获是巨大的,终于将古代神明的仙丹残渣盗取了出来,致使一切需要都圆满解决了。 After crashing this Ancient Star, they refine for several years, just succeeded, actually met with this big change! 坠落这颗古星后,他们数十年如一日的提炼,刚刚成功,却遭逢了这场大变! Blonde Middle-Aged person Huo lifted the head, the eye is red, said: Walks, has not known while him, hurries the central lab, seizes, I think that he had not perceived the so-called strongest bloodlines evolution fluid is anything!” 金发中年人霍的抬起了头,眼睛通红,道:“走,趁他还不知道,赶紧回中央实验室,夺回来,我想他还没有觉察所谓的最强血脉进化液是什么!” six zhang golden body returns rapidly, it controls space Divine Principle, first enters the giant spaceship, projects a streak of divine light, can detain all objects, wants the entire laboratory moving away. 丈六金身迅速返回,它掌控空间神则,第一时间进入巨大的飞船内部,射出一道神光,可以拘禁一切物体,想把整座实验室给移走。 However, waits for their is actually a black arrow feather, Saint Might is enormous and powerful, six zhang golden body was projected large hole, their grief and indignation, was driven back. 然而,等待他们的却是一支黑色的箭羽,圣威浩荡,丈六金身被射出一个大洞,他们悲愤,被逼退了。 What liquid is this?” Ye Fan is detaining the purple hair man, another hand is pushing that like the elf equally beautiful purple pupil female, enters the main laboratory. “这是什么液体?”叶凡押着紫发男子,另一只手则推着那个如精灵一样美丽的紫瞳女子,进入主实验室。 The front has a pool, builds by the rock, in central lab that in this technical ray sparkles and various types of mysterious instruments exhibit, sees such return to a natural state and return natural rock pool, making him feel the surprise. 前方有一个池子,是以岩石筑成,在这科技光芒闪耀、各种神秘仪器陈列的中心实验室中,见到这样一个返璞归真、回归自然的岩石池子,让他觉得诧异。 How did I want transcends tribulation probably?” Suddenly, in Ye Fan heart one startled, in the pond the water vapor transpiration on, wells up to him, making him feel that must break through unexpectedly. “我怎么像是要渡劫了?”突然,叶凡心中一惊,池中水汽蒸腾而上,向他涌来,让他觉得竟然要破关了。 How to be bent on having in this time transcends tribulation, making me think, which bastard Ancient Saint recently had to kill me, which several big Ancient Race had to post a reward to me, ran up to their main house gate transcends tribulation to consider as finished simply.” “怎么偏要在这个时候渡劫,让我想想,最近都有哪些王八蛋古圣要杀我,都有哪几大古族在对我悬赏,干脆跑到他们家门口渡劫去算了。” Ye Fan thought it is necessary to relate Wei Yi, Saint Killer Qi Luo wait/etc., let them in secret Dharma Protector, needs to relate big black dog, making it go to xue to touch some scoundrel Ancient Saint. 叶凡觉得有必要联系卫易杀圣齐罗等,让他们在暗中护法,更有必要联系大黑狗,让它去踅摸一些混账古圣 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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