STH :: Volume #12

#1110: Foreign land clan

In the laboratory that the metal casts various types of instruments are glittering, is especially most radiant with that giant screen, after Ye Fan difficulty-relief, in the entire metal palace exudes the grating alarm sound. 金属铸成的实验室内中各种仪器在闪烁,尤以那巨大的屏幕最为璀璨,叶凡脱困后,整座金属殿宇中发出刺耳的警报声。 Simultaneously on the ground and metal wall the each and every one ancient symbol twinkle, graceful lines shine, probably a calligrapher entire life most favorite masterpiece, was full of a forceful aesthetic sense, condenses the big Dao Spirit rhyme. 同时地面与金属壁上一个个古符闪烁,一条条优美的线条亮起,像是一个书法家生平最得意的杰作,充满了一种遒劲的美感,凝聚大道神韵。 Without a doubt, this is the strength of Divine Principle order, has the physique that Great Dao condenses, civilization that the science and technology and Law blend, becomes a fearful system. 毫无疑问,这是神则秩序的力量,是大道凝聚成的有形体,科技与法则交融的文明,自成一个可怕的体系。 In the metal palace, grand fireworks rain blooms probably, gorgeous and multi- colors, all look rune resurrected, interweaves piece of fearful runic patterns, covers Ye Fan. 金属殿宇内,像是一场盛大的烟花雨绽放,绚丽而多彩,所有神色符文都复活了,交织成一片可怕的纹络,将叶凡覆盖。 Holy Ar­ti­fact's strength! 圣器的力量! Ye Fan changes color, finally saw the fearfulness of spaceship, this is not Starry Sky another shore legend flying saucer, is one by Holy Artifact that divine material casts. 叶凡变色,终于见到了飞船的可怕,这可不是星空另一岸传说的中的飞碟,是一个以神料铸成的圣器 „” “哧” In his hands outside abatement broken Green Cauldron, presented a pitch-black arrow feather, makes an effort a stroke, Holy Domain Law that various types clash all disintegrates. 在其手中除却残破的绿鼎外,又出现了一支乌黑的箭羽,用力一划,各种冲过来的圣域法则全都瓦解。 The people in laboratory changed the color, berated loudly, on the metal wall line hovered a continuously, sparkles the immortal divine nature brilliance, more powerful Law is interweaving. 实验室中的人都变了颜色,大声喝斥,金属壁上一缕缕线条游动,闪耀不朽的神性光辉,更加强大的法则在交织。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Ye Fan discards that to is the men and women of head, 'Travel' Character Secret Art launches, one step arrived at the edge in laboratory, grasped Green Copper Cauldron to treat as beating a drum jar golden hammer it, made an effort to pound. 叶凡舍弃那对为首的男女,行字诀展开,一步就来到了实验室的边缘,手持绿铜鼎把它当作了擂鼓瓮金锤,用力砸了过去。 „” “啪” The metal palace that even if divine material casts cannot support green copper to scratch, kā bā sound resounds one after another, upfront several-ten feet wall ruptured, becomes metal lump, hits to other regions. 即便是神料铸成的金属殿宇也架不住绿铜一擦,“咔吧”声接连响起,正面厚达数丈的墙壁崩开,成为金属块,撞向其他区域。 Quickly, preventing him to act!” The purple hair man called out, the pupil projects two purple light, turns into Divine Principle to divide to Ye Fan. “快,阻止他行动!”紫发男子叫道,瞳孔射出两道紫光,化成神则劈向叶凡 This is not a pure technical civilized race, they took an alternative path, has the science and technology, grasps big Dao Spirit, two supplementary, reaches to perfectly. 这不是一个纯粹的科技文明种族,他们走上了一条另类的道路,拥有科技,也掌握有大道神则,两相互补,臻至完美。 Clang “锵” The Ye Fan forehead flashes, Primeval Sovereign's Dao Sword chops, turns into a about 1 inch long golden small sword, chops into pieces its Divine Principle. 叶凡眉心闪动,元皇道剑劈出,化成一枚寸许长的金色小剑,将其神则劈碎。 Full power suppress, if cannot guarantee to leave behind the living specimen, so long as collects enough blood also to might as well!” That purple pupil female called out, the suet beautiful jade flesh mobile immortal splendor, she takes off a shiny bracelet, was Great Overarching Silver Essence casts unexpectedly, pounded. “全力镇压,若是不能保证留下活体,只要采集到足够的血液也无妨!”那个紫瞳女子叫道,羊脂美玉般的肌肤流动仙辉,她摘下一个锃亮的手镯,竟是大罗银精铸成,砸了过来。 Works as “当” Ye Fan kept off with the black arrow, pokes above, sent out one string of sparks/Mars, burst out a dreadful power and influence, this bracelet silver light a big magnificence burst, unexpectedly was Saint Might! 叶凡以黑箭一挡,戳在了上面,发出一串火星,迸发出一种滔天的威势,此镯银光大盛,竟然是圣威 He held breath cold air, what people are this one group of? This large-scale flight Magical Artifact is Holy Artifact , the bracelet that even that female protects oneself is Holy Weapon! 他倒吸了一口凉气,这是一群什么样的人?这个大型的飞行法器圣器也就罢了,连那个女子护身的手镯都是圣兵 The metal wall gloss is mobile, sparkles a dim brilliance, reduces and solves this dreadful holy war fluctuation, has not ruined this region. 金属墙壁光泽流动,闪耀出一片朦胧的光辉,将这滔天的圣战波动化解,并未毁掉这片区域。 Whiz “嗖” The silver bracelet flew, sends out continuously silver magnificent light, lets fall, if still the moonlight, just that covers like the elf purple pupil female under. 银色的手镯飞了回去,发出一缕缕银色光华,垂落而下,犹若月光,将将那个如精灵般的紫瞳女子覆盖在下方。 „” “哧” Ye Fan washed one's hands to throw the black arrow, took that female, turned into a beam of black light, the Saint-level fluctuation makes the trim space unstable, is going to crash. 叶凡抖手将黑箭投了出去,直取那个女子,化成一道乌光,圣级波动让整片空间都不稳固了,将要崩塌。 Meanwhile, he also turns into together the golden lightning, rushes over, must capture alive them. 与此同时,他也化成一道金色的闪电,冲了过去,要生擒他们。 Works as “当” Also is a metal vibrato transmits, the silver white shiny bracelet and black arrow hit in the same place, the respective surges, lets fall next big Dao Spirit splendors, covers respective Master. 又是一声金属颤音传来,银白锃亮的手镯与黑箭撞在一起,各自一个翻腾,垂落下一条条大道神辉,将各自的主人笼罩。 Vajra Cutter! 金刚琢 Ye Fan vibrates, this female Holy Artifact is very special, like I, your father | Laozi Vajra Cutter, although is not Quasi-Emperor Magical Artifact, but actually also surpasses the general Ancient Saint weapon, may resist his black arrow fully. 叶凡震动,此女的圣器很特别,像极了老子金刚琢,虽然不是准帝法器,但却也超过一般古圣的兵器,足可对抗他的黑箭。 „Has the old man who rides Azure Ox gone to your Ancient Star?” Ye Fan shouts a question, looks straight ahead her pupil. “是不是有一个骑青牛的老者去过你们的古星?”叶凡喝问,直视她的眸子。 Bang!” “轰!” Another side, the thick light beam bang comes together, on the purple hair man silver white battlesuit twinkle, with the entire spaceship resonance, another region shoots together holy light, is just like Saint to strike. 另一边,一道粗大的光束轰来,紫发男子身上的银白战衣闪烁,与整座飞船共鸣,另一片区域射来一道圣光,好比圣人一击。 This is divine light of flying saucer embodiment, the striking power very powerful, was equivalent to Holy Artifact to resurrect, if others stood the inevitable skeleton not to save here. 这是飞碟内蕴的神光,攻击力非常的强大,相当于一件圣器复活了,若是其他人站在这里必然尸骨无存。 Ye Fan sees that this time has not used the black arrow, brandishes Green Copper Cauldron in this directly, pounded on this ray of light bunch, let its collapse at the scene. 叶凡见状,这一次没有动用黑箭,直接在此抡动绿铜鼎,砸在了这道光束上,当场让其崩溃。 Fast draws back, this native is above the imagination, his body had in the ancient times remnant of gods, exceeded the equivalent of this Saint-level spaceship!” An old man called out. “速退,这名土著超乎想象,他身上有古代神明的残器,超越这艘圣级飞船的等阶!”一名老者叫道。 The purple pupil female protects the body by Vajra Cutter, magnificent light flashes, from vanished same place, however that purple hair man is not lucky, just moved to be compelled with the black arrow by Ye Fan. 紫瞳女子以金刚琢护体,光华一闪,从原地消失了,然而那个紫发男子却没有那么幸运,刚一动就被叶凡以黑箭逼了回来。 Isolates him!” Some people called out. “隔离他!”有人叫道。 Void Law interweaves, various holy light dance in the air, the Dao Traces arrangement in Void, forms piece of special Divine Principle. 虚空法则交织,各种圣光飞舞,道痕排列在虚空中,形成一片特殊的神则 Bang!” “轰隆!” Ye Fan stimulates to movement Green Copper Cauldron, regards the deity it the hammer, a strength falls ten meetings, hits hard on the mysterious complex Divine Principle order trace, this place has the collapse, the isolation failure. 叶凡催动绿铜鼎,将其当成天神的锤子,一力降十会,重击在玄奥复杂的神则秩序痕迹上,这个地方发生崩溃,隔离失败。 As soon as he leaps the hundred zhang (333 m), appears side that purple hair man, close quarter combat, protects the body with the black Saint arrow, hangs in the head, lets fall black light, before finding out the golden palm direction, grasps. 他一跃百丈,出现在那个紫发男子身边,近身搏杀,以黑色圣箭护体,悬在头上,垂落乌光,探出金色的掌指向前抓去。 Bang “砰” The purple hair man whole body Dao Traces twinkle, becomes the Divine Principle incarnation, with Ye Fan to striking a palm, the result mouth spits the blood to fly horizontally. 紫发男子浑身道痕闪烁,成为了神则的化身,与叶凡对击了一掌,结果口吐鲜血横飞。 Ye Fan is astonished, he strikes full power, this man is only the arm breaks off, in the mouth spurts blood that's all, has not turned into a beach broken bone, it can be imagined the uncommonness of its body and spirit. 叶凡惊异,他可是全力一击啊,这个男子只是手臂折断,口中喷血而已,并未化成一滩碎骨,可想而知其体魄的不凡。 What, smelted many body and spirit the King Physique arm bone fractures to break certainly, collapsed at the first blow!?” The rear person look big change, they are more surprised than Ye Fan. “什么,熔炼多种强绝体魄的王体都臂骨折断了,不堪一击!?”后方的人神色大变,他们比叶凡更吃惊。 Their systems are very special, is also very terrifying, fleshly body of purple hair man has tempered a shocking situation by Secret Art, is known as immortal King Physique, ties actually such as the scarecrow to be struck to fly generally. 他们的体系很特别,亦很恐怖,紫发男子的肉身早已以秘法锤炼到了一个骇人听闻的地步,号称不朽王体,结过却如稻草人一般被击飞。 This is Imperishable Golden Body in legend, has not thought that here met, this prey priceless, must capture alive him, do not make him run away!” The purple pupil female appears in another region, said through the huge screen order. “这是传说中的一具不灭金身,没有想到在这里遇到了,这个猎物是无价的,一定要活捉他,不要让他跑掉!”紫瞳女子在另一个区域出现,通过巨大的屏幕命令道。 You strove for fortunately!” The Ye Fan corners of the mouth hold one wisp to sneer, a direction broke to pieces the bright screen, making that side lose the signal. “你还是自求多福吧!”叶凡嘴角噙着一缕冷笑,一指点碎了灿烂的屏幕,让那边失去了信号。 He is leaving behind together afterimages same place, approaches the purple hair man, a palm covered, ka-cha patted on his body, dozens bones broke, this life purple blood departed, was different from the bright red bloodstain. 他在原地留下一道残影,逼近紫发男子,一掌覆盖了下来,喀嚓一声拍在了他的身上,数十根骨头断裂,一口本命紫血飞出,不同于刚才的鲜红血迹。 Although one group of people are controlling various Dao Traces, but is still not able to prevent, various rune are bright, shines a piece of bright light, actually slow one step. 尽管一群人在控制各种道痕,但是依然无法阻挡,各种符文明亮,照耀出一片灿烂的光,却慢了一步。 Ye Fan raised the purple hair man, golden finger in his forehead, so long as holds gently forward, may break his Immortal Altar. 叶凡一把将紫发男子提了起来,金色的指头点在了他的眉心,只要轻轻向前一捅,就可破掉他的仙台 However, his gloom, various types of light vanished, he discovered that appeared in nihilities, probably arrived in the dark universe, limitless, without end. 然而,他脚下一阵暗淡,各种光都消失了,他发现出现在了一片虚无间,像是来到了黑暗的宇宙中,无边无际,没有尽头。 This is the black prison in spaceship, space Law that these people grasp is superb, the ground everywhere is formation marks, transmitted here him and purple hair man, implemented separation 这是飞船内的黑狱,这些人掌握的空间法则出神入化,地上到处都是阵纹,将他与紫发男子传送到了这里,实施了隔 Is unparalleled in the world downloading 独步天下下载 Certainly. 绝。 Ye Fan raised this status very not simple man, said: You what, when I am, wild animal? To refine my blood, thinks who oneself are, when you my combat pet also almost.” 叶凡提起这个身份很不简单的男子,道:“你当我是什么,野兽吗?想提炼我的血液,以为自己是谁,你当我的战宠还差不多。” The purple hair man is very delicate and pretty, physique thoroughly tempered is very powerful, however in front of Ye Fan, its immortal King Physique also insufficiently looked, knocks gently, is a bone breaks, painful he had/left mildew perspiration. 紫发男子很俊美,体质千锤百炼很强大,但是在叶凡面前,其不朽王体也不够看,轻轻一敲,就是一根骨头断裂,痛的他出了一层白毛汗。 I have to acknowledge that underestimated you, had your such different kind in these native unexpectedly, grasped in the ancient times Magical Artifact of gods, went beyond my expectation.” The purple hair man said. “我不得不承认低估你了,在这些土著中竟有你这样异类,掌握古代神明的法器,超出了我的预料。”紫发男子道。 ka-cha! 咔嚓 Ye Fan slap pats, shook his section of small leg bone, said: You think to be a cut above others, thought that we are low native, what a pity your also only this much, no special place.” 叶凡一巴掌拍下,震断了他一截小腿骨,道:“你们自以为高人一等,觉得我们是低下的土著,可惜你也不过如此,没什么特别之处。” In the purple hair man eyes the color of disdaining flashes past, that is one type proudly with being proud, but actually very good to restrain, feared that Ye Fan the suffering eats to him. 紫发男子眼中不屑之色一闪而过,那是一种傲然与自负,不过却很好的收敛了起来,怕叶凡给他苦头吃。 What a pity, Ye Fan cultivate successfully Souce Heavenly Eye, this flashing past look could not escape his eye, falls by the golden fist thump directly, gave to knock his femur. 可惜,叶凡修成源天眼,这种一闪而过的神色也逃不过他的眼睛,直接以金色的拳头捶落,将其大腿骨也给敲断了。 I should look for a bar iron chain hitch on your neck, so as to avoid you always think oneself infallible, is not the technical civilization and Law blends, this system has anything to be proud.” “我应该找一条铁链子栓在你的脖子上,免得你总是自以为是,不就是科技文明与法则交融吗,这种体系有什么自傲的。” The whole body of purple hair man pain breaks into sweat, the bone almost broke, in his heart very not indignation, compared to the close quarter combat body technique, what they cultivate/repair is Divine Principle, although can the alternative method transform the physique unceasingly, but by own cultivate successfully, is not convinced at this time very much. 紫发男子痛的浑身冒冷汗,骨头几乎都断了,他心中很不忿,相对于近身搏杀的体术,他们修的是神则,虽然可以另类手段不断蜕变体质,但并不是靠自己修成的,此时很不服气。 Your these low native, if entered our Everlasting Country, can only be captured, at all is not an opponent.” He is enduring suffering, desolate saying. “你们这些低下的土著,若是进了我们永恒的国度,只能被俘,根本不是对手。”他强忍着痛,冷淡的说道。 Crash-bang “哗啦” Ye Fan takes out a iron chain, was on his neck, really locking, regarded combat pet to treat. 叶凡取出一条铁链,系在了他的脖子上,真的给锁了起来,当成战宠对待。 You......” the blowout purple blood of purple hair masculinity, usually keep aloof, thinks can overlook various clans, finally was actually treated by this native like this. “你……”紫发男子气的喷出一口紫血,平日高高在上,自认为可以俯视各族,结果却被这个土著这样对待。 Your what you, enjoy your pot-sticker, wants to seize me to go, when combat pet, when own god or immortal?” Ye Fan gave him slap, lets his corners of the mouth overflowing blood. “你什么你,赏你一个锅贴,想掳我去当战宠,当自己的神还是仙?”叶凡给了他一巴掌,让他嘴角溢血。 This is one Imperishable Golden Body in legend, might train to fight the body body most, how regardless of must obtain his blood, as for my elder brother, careful rescue!” If the elf equally beautiful purple pupil female said in another metal palace, looks at all in black prison through the screen. “这是传说中的一种不灭金身,有可能会培养出来最强战体体,无论如何也要得到他的血液,至于我兄长,小心营救!”如精灵一样美丽的紫瞳女子在另一个金属殿宇中说道,通过屏幕看着黑狱中的一切。 „......” “嘀嘀……” Not far away, broadcasts the sound of instrument scanning, fed in Green Copper Cauldron some data, after billion hundred million calculations, is still hard to determine its equivalent, warns the red line to rise dramatically unceasingly. 不远处,传来仪器扫描的声音,传回了绿铜鼎的一些数据,经过千百万亿次的演算,依然难以确定其等阶,警示红线不断飙升。 Bang “砰” Light smoke emits, this piece of appliance all collapses, blasted out thoroughly, this place piece in confusion. 一股青烟冒出,这片器具全都崩坏,彻底炸开了,此地一片狼藉。 youngster of silver hair said to purple pupil young girl to report: Green Copper Cauldron is hard to simulate, light/only its superficial runic patterns structure on complex to unreadable situation, now can believe firmly, was really Magical Artifact of ancient gods, if were complete, possibly was under Starry Sky one of the most powerful weapons!” 一个银发的年轻人向紫瞳少女禀报道:“绿铜鼎难以模拟,光其表面的纹络结构就复杂到了难以理解的地步,现在可以确信了,真的是古代神明的法器,若是完好,可能是星空下最强大的兵器之一!” This native grasps damaging Divine Artifact, went beyond the range of this Saint-level spaceship control, best give up, will otherwise possibly invite trouble.” Another golden color sends the Middle-Aged person who the silk hangs loose to suggest. “这个土著掌握有一件残损的神器,超出了我们这艘圣级飞船掌控的范围,最好放弃,不然可能会惹祸上身。”另一个金色发丝披散的中年人建议道。 Purple pupil female beautiful woman slightly pressed, said: But...... do you know his value? Can be on par our Everlasting Country's several to fight the body most, can build most fighting by his precious blood, can fight with several other people. Even, some day, after growing, can compare favorably with the ancient gods blood that in the Immortal Depository treasure house seals, must seize, I hope that he can become my combat pet.” 紫瞳女子娥眉微蹙,道:“可是……你们知道他的价值吗?可以比肩我们永恒国度的几个最强战体,能以他的宝血打造出最强战者,能与另外几人争锋。甚至,有朝一日,成长起来后,能媲美仙藏宝库中封存的古代神明血,必须要擒下,我希望他能成为我的战宠。” But...... the difficulty was too big, is hard to make the trip mostly, although that Divine Artifact damaged, but is actually not Holy Artifact can resist.” The blonde Middle-Aged person deeply frowns, the serious suggestion, making her give up. “可是……难度太大了,多半难以成行,那个神器虽然破损了,但却也不是圣器所能对抗的。”金发中年人眉头紧锁,郑重建议,让她放弃。 Although others are very excited, saw Imperishable Golden Body in legend, but also has to face sanely, after the sigh, advised to the purple pupil female, thinks that the feasibility was very low. 其他人虽然很激动,见到了传说中的不灭金身,但是也不得不理智面对,叹息后对紫瞳女子进言,认为可行性很低。 Good, wants completely all means to wound this native, is unable to capture alive him, must obtain his golden Holy Blood!” The purple pupil female made the final decision, issued such an order. “好吧,想尽一切办法将这个土著击伤,无法活捉他,就一定要得到他的金色圣血!”紫瞳女子做出了最后的决定,下了这样一道命令。 Bang!” “轰隆!” A loud sound, entire spaceship one shaking, the black prison blasted out, Ye Fan held Green Copper Cauldron to clash, another carries with the hand the purple hair man, killing spree (rampage), the direct impact main control room. 一声巨响,整艘飞船都一阵摇动,黑狱炸开了,叶凡绿铜鼎冲了上来,另一只手提着紫发男子,大开杀戒,直冲主控室而来。 „It is not good, various types of instruments malfunctioned, these are inscribe Law secret artifact, the bystander are hard to shake, how can this appearance? He grasps special Divine Principle, can disturb!” These Foreign Domain guest chaos. “不好,各种仪器怎么都失灵了,这些都是刻有法则秘器,外人难以撼动,怎么会这个样子?他掌握有一种特殊的神则,能够进行干扰!”这些域外来客一阵大乱。 'Weapon' Character Art, transfers to me!” In the Ye Fan mouth scolds lightly, the stride the line, by various Weapon Character Secret control spaceship interior Object, lets its disorder. 兵字诀,给我转!”叶凡口中轻叱,大步而行,以兵字秘控制飞船内部各种器物,让它紊乱。 Bang!” “轰!” He holds Green Copper Cauldron with irresistible force, directly soars the main control room to come, all metal walls are divine material cast, inscribes the big Dao Spirit mark, but actually cannot block his footsteps. 他持绿铜鼎势如破竹,一路直奔主控室而来,所有金属壁都是神料铸成的,刻有大道神纹,但是却挡不住他的脚步。 Eternal Killing Formation, interception!” “永恒杀阵,截杀!” An old man shouted, both hands paddled, various rune appeared in the metal wall and ground, turned into piece of peerless Killing Formation! 一个老者喝道,双手划动,各种符文在金属壁与地面上出现,化成了一片绝世杀阵 xiū! 咻! Ye Fan bends the bow the arrow, a black arrow projects, Saint Might rumble, thump shot on several -ten feet metal wall, the metallic luster scrap, was split up at the scene, Great Dao's rune all ruptured. 叶凡弯弓开箭,一支黑箭射出,圣威隆隆,咚的一声射在了厚达数丈的金属壁上,当场金属光泽炸碎,四分五裂,大道符文全都崩开了。 “噗” Meanwhile, this powerful old man was pierced by an arrow, blood gurgling, then becomes bloody pulp in breaths, was shaken by Holy Force disperses in Void. 与此同时,这个强大的老者被一箭洞穿,鲜血汩汩,而后于一息间成为血泥,被圣力震散在虚空中。 Prevents him!” Silver-haired youngster is one commands, called out loudly. “阻挡住他!”银发年轻人是一个统领,大声叫道。 However, dozens people clash, stimulates to movement Saint-level spaceship various Dao Traces to attack actually radically invalid, Ye Fan will break the cauldron to buckle directly in the head, the two black arrows in hand was also sending out Saint Might. 然而,数十人冲过来,催动圣级飞船内部的各种道痕攻伐却根本无效,叶凡直接将破鼎扣在了头上,手中的两支黑箭亦在散发圣威 Clang “锵” The black arrow departs, front metal lump four broken, even if Great Overarching Silver Essence, Azure Gold and White Jade Iron mix divine material that casts unable to block piercing of these two arrow feathers. 黑箭飞出,前方金属块四碎,即便是大罗银精青金羊脂玉铁混铸的神料也挡不住这两支箭羽的洞穿。 Quickly, sweeps him by divine light, expels the Saint ship, temporarily gives up golden Holy Blood!” The purple pupil female called out. “快,以神光将他扫出去,赶出圣船,暂时放弃金色圣血!”紫瞳女子叫道。 Stands the blonde Middle-Aged person in not far away controls personally, this Saint ship sends out the radiant brilliance, a streak of divine light brushes to Ye Fan, precisely detains that light on ship him, is hard to avoid. 站在不远处的金发中年人亲自操控,这艘圣船发出璀璨的光辉,一道神光刷向叶凡,正是将他拘禁到船上的那种光,难以躲避。 However, his tiny bit has not moved time, cannot send off him, because his is screwing on Green Copper Cauldron, invalid of divine light restraint. 然而,这一次他纹丝未动,不能将他送走,因为他头上扣着一个绿铜鼎,将神光克制的无效。 shuā! 刷! Ye Fan approaches fast, the close combat is invincible, crash-bang, shake-out Divine Chain, twines on the snow white exquisite neck of this purple pupil young girl, its volume. 叶凡快速逼近,近战无敌,哗啦一声,将一根神链抖出,缠绕在了这个紫瞳少女的雪白细腻的颈项上,将其卷了过来。 You......” purple pupil young girl send the silk to dance in the breeze, she air/Qi to the immortal body shivers, Vajra Cutter in wrist/skill departs, the silvery brilliance rises suddenly, sends out supreme Saint Might, an acoustic shock that but was actually bitten by the black arrow flew. “你……”紫瞳少女发丝飘舞,她气到仙躯颤抖,手腕上的金刚琢飞出,银辉暴涨,发出无上圣威,但是却被黑箭叮的一声击飞了。 You very like raising combat pet, you thought how I do raise you?” The Ye Fan corners of the mouth curl upwards to say. “你挺喜欢豢养战宠,你觉得我把你养起来如何?”叶凡嘴角微翘道。 Obstructs the day of surging forward with great momentum big map to open comprehensively, this/Ben book also arrived at various types of lead wires and other echoing stages continuously, in such bright in May/five months, fellow brothers and sisters, please let our monthly tickets also brightly, summon monthly ticket! Please support! 遮天波澜壮阔的大地图全面开启,本书也到了各种引线等此起彼伏的呼应阶段了,在这么灿烂的五月,各位兄弟姐妹,请让俺们的月票也灿烂点吧,呼唤月票!请你们的支持!
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