STH :: Volume #12

#1109: Foreign Domain civilization

This is the orange light beam, covers Ye Fan, clouds and mist are dense, making him jump on, has not gone to that huge azure gold disc. 这是橘黄色的光束,将叶凡覆盖,烟霞氤氲,让他腾身而上,向那巨大的青金圆盘内没去。 Space Dao Traces! 空间道痕 Ye Fan discovered that this type of light is Void Law, one continuously and is becoming this type of strange light together, the Aircraft sending out silvery brilliance, Heaven Swallowing accepts. 叶凡发现这种光是虚空法则,一缕缕并在一起成为了这种奇异的光,飞行器散发银辉,吞天纳地。 When he after azure gold disc is more definite, this is compound divine material, since available has built up Holy Artifact, including Great Overarching Silver Essence, Azure Gold, White Jade Iron. 当他临近青金圆盘后更加确定,此器是一种复合神料,可用以来炼圣器,其中有大罗银精青金羊脂玉铁等。 xiū! 咻! Light Law was too rapid, Ye Fan nearly light. The disc flashes the cold metallic luster, the bottom opens, presents a light hole, inhales him, then the bottom closes. 光的法则太迅疾了,叶凡近乎光之化。圆盘闪动冷冽的金属光泽,底部打开,出现一个光洞,将他吸入,而后底部闭合。 This is a giant golden palace, can call it the shackles, spacious silent, probably arrived in the universe. 这是一个巨大的金色殿宇,或者可以称之为牢笼,空旷寂静,像是来到了宇宙中。 Four walls are the metals, inscribes many rune, has flowers, birds, fish, insects and birds and beasts, flashed a gloss, just like the stars in nighttime sky, but in the circular arc crown various runic patterns are densely covered, mysterious complex. 四壁都是金属,刻有许多符文,亦有花鸟鱼虫与飞禽走兽等,闪动点点光泽,犹如夜空中的繁星,而圆弧顶部上各种纹络密布,玄奥复杂。 Ye Fan is startled, is really this flying saucer? How to see seems like powerful Space Artifact, received him, this is in Small World. 叶凡一怔,这真是一个飞碟吗?怎么看都像是一个强大的空间法器,将他收了进来,这是器内小世界 These runic patterns are...... Dao Traces!” “这些纹络是……道痕!” He drew out the brow pressed, further realized, is far from the imagination is so simple, otherwise impossible to detain him, just like Holy Artifact internal Law to interweave. 他蹙起了眉头,进一步意识到,远非想象中那么简单,不然也不可能将他拘禁上来,犹如圣器内部的法则交织。 This with some differences that he expects, not necessarily is the flying saucer, really may be strange Magical Artifact, was born Divinity, therefore some all sorts of visions. 这与他料想的有些出入,并不一定是飞碟,真有可能是一件奇异的法器,诞生了神祇,故此有种种异象 Bang!” “轰!” Ye Fan extends the take action palm, the golden fist flashes the flaming light, hits to the metal wall, at the present he destroys half-Saint Magical Artifact by the strength of pure physical body sufficiently. 叶凡出手掌,金色的拳头闪动炽盛的光,向金属壁打去,而今他以纯粹的肉体之力足以打碎半圣法器 However the fact is not as he expected, the golden wall called, buzzed, has not damaged, the Dao Runes roads and graceful lines seemed like silver snake swinging together. 然而事实出乎他的意料,金色壁鸣动,嗡嗡作响,并没有损毁,一道道纹路、一条条优美的线条像是银蛇般摆动。 „It is not the flying saucer, is Holy Artifact!?” Ye Fan is surprised. “不是飞碟,是一件圣器!?”叶凡惊讶。 Bang!” “轰!” His again revolution divine force, golden fleshly body bright like colored glaze, whole body pore in turnover multi-colored sunlight, blooms the bright glow. Ye Fan this fist striking power is huge, crushes the vacuum, hit on the inner wall, still sent out a huge metal vibrato, floating the mark was lossless. 他再次运转神力,金色肉身明净如琉璃,浑身毛孔都在吞吐霞光,绽放灿烂的芒。叶凡这一拳攻击力巨大无匹,粉碎真空,打在了内壁上,依然只是发出了一阵巨大的金属颤音,浮痕无损。 Very powerful fleshly body, with the strength of powerful bloodlines, seeks absolute grade golden body most purely, may be the candidate of strongest bloodlines body, this is together the treasure!” 好强大肉身,最为纯粹与强大的血脉之力,寻到绝品金身,可作为最强血脉体的候选,这是一块瑰宝!” A spiritual fluctuation transmits, resembles is appraising to Ye Fan, is disclosing an excitement, at the same time a metal wall transparent, this spacious fine metal palace and outside can mutually see through. 一股精神波动传来,似是在对叶凡评价,透露着一种兴奋,与此同时一块金属壁透明了起来,这个空旷的纯金属殿宇与外面可以相互透视了。 Ye Fan discovered, this giant metal disc is divine material, inscribes Dao Traces is not fake, but has not completely removed is not a flying saucer, at present seeing makes his state of mind quite not tranquil. 叶凡发现,这个巨大的金属圆盘是神料、刻有道痕不假,但也并没有完全排除不是飞碟,眼前所见让他心绪颇不平静。 Outside is broader, some metal palaces, each clear transparent, does not know that is what material quality casts, middle detains various creatures. 外面更为广阔,有一个又一个金属殿宇,每一座都晶莹透明,不知是何材质铸成,当中关押有各种生物 Monster Race, human, Ancient Race and various different kind......” 妖族、人类、古族、各种异类……” Ye Fan discovered was closed in this is the extremely powerful race, even the bird of prey and barbarian beast are still Ancient Desolate Variation, Golden Winged Peng that for example the whole body such as the gold casts, is several hundreds of zhang (333 m), dazzling, raging flames Three-legged Golden Crow. 叶凡发现被关在此的都是极其强大的种族,即便是猛禽与蛮兽也都是荒古异种,比如浑身如黄金铸成的金翅大鹏,长达几百丈,璀璨夺目,还有烈焰腾腾的三足金乌等。 Space Law of this place was too fierce, counts the hundred zhang (333 m) Mutant Beast to hold in a small metal palace.” “这个地方的空间法则太厉害了,数百丈的异兽全都容纳在一座小小的金属殿宇中。” Ye Fan is astonished, conceivable, this giant metal disc consumes divine material so many that is far from imagining, but interweaves to have peak space Dao Traces all over the body. 叶凡惊异,可以想象,这块巨大的金属圆盘所耗神料远没有想象的那么多,只不过通体交织有极致的空间道痕 But in, separates so many small palaces, can therefore accept various clan Powerhouse, is not chaotic. 而在其内部,分隔出这么多小殿宇,故此能收容各族强者,并不混乱。 That several Dao Severing person also.” Ye Fan discovered Ancient Race several Dao Severing person, the spirit is dispirited, the body has the bloodstain to drip to fall, probably had been extracted the blood sample. “那几个斩道者也在。”叶凡发现了古族的几位斩道者,精神萎靡不振,身上有血迹淌落,像是被抽取过血样。 This is a prison, fully over ten thousand small metal palaces, completely clear transparent, almost closes the powerful race most probably. 这是一片囚牢,足有上万座小的金属殿宇,全部晶莹透明,几乎大半都关有强大的种族。 Even, Ye Fan discovered Stoneman, just incomplete fierce, only has Dao Severing Realm, is not true Holy Spirit. 甚至,叶凡发现了一个石人,只不过残缺的厉害,只有斩道境,并非真正的圣灵 In addition, he also saw the race that some do not know, doubtful does not belong to this Ancient Star, the whole body flesh becomes the dark green, does not have the human form, may control the lightning unexpectedly inborn, is dividing the palace, wants rush out. 此外,他还看到了一些根本不认识的种族,疑似不属于这颗古星,浑身肌肤成墨绿色,不具有人形,竟天生可操控闪电,在劈殿宇,想要冲出去 Obviously, the spacious great palace that Ye Fan stays has not been the shackles, when seizes the cultivator entrance. A strange sound transmits, a Fire Phoenix whole body is bright, blood red such as scarlet rosy cloud, towering appearance in not far away. 显然,叶凡所呆的这座空旷的巨殿还算不上牢笼,只是抓捕修士时的入口。一声奇异的声响传来,一头火凤凰浑身灿烂,血红如赤霞,突兀的出现在不远处。 This possibly is not True Phoenix, but a descendant who has his blood . Moreover the purity is very high, otherwise is impossible is so an excellent likeness, the Five Colors auspicious glittering, it cast just like Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold, killed. 这不可能是真凰,只是一头拥有其血液的后裔,而且纯度很高,不然也不可能如此神似,五色祥光闪烁,它宛若凰血赤金铸成,扑杀了过来。 Clang “锵” It spreads the wings to move will separate Void, whole body every inchs flesh powerful fearful, the mobile blood makes the lightning flash slating sound, its body and spirit can be inferred powerful. 它展翅一动就会割裂虚空,浑身每一寸血肉都强大的慑人,流动的血液发出电闪雷鸣般的声音,其体魄之强大可见一斑。 Chī! 哧! The phoenix of being worthy of the reputation spreads the wings, Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold multi-colored sunlight dazzling, cuts the nihility, stands chops the Ye Fan's head, and a pair of phoenix claw raises to his top of the skull. 名副其实的凤凰展翅,凰血赤金霞光刺目,划破虚无,立劈叶凡的头颅,且一对凰爪掀向他的天灵盖 Dao Severing phoenix blood Mutant Beast!” 斩道的凰血异兽!” Ye Fan is startled, in the metal disc detained so many powerful Ancient divine seed, simply is a treasure house, puts one casually so. 叶凡吃惊,金属圆盘内关押了这么多强大的上古神种,简直就是一座宝库,随便放出来一只都如此。 If the average man, were attacked certain death by this phoenix bird descendant without doubt, only the strength of enemy its fleshly body, the bloodlines are not powerful, wields the wing to crack Void! 若是常人,被这只凰鸟后裔袭击必死无疑,单是它的肉身之力就不可敌,血脉强大,挥翅裂虚空 Who however is Ye Fan? Is solemn Human Race's Saint Physique, who dares to fight in Dao Severing Realm with him by fleshly body only, if shakes hardly, can only suffer a defeat and flee. 不过叶凡是谁?是堂堂的人族圣体,单以肉身来说在斩道境界谁敢与他争锋,若硬撼,只能败亡。 Bang “砰” When Ye Fan stretches the body, the movement looks very slow, but this is only an misconception, if the fist the golden color wields like lightning, pounded on this only Dao Severing phoenix bird. 叶凡舒展躯体时,动作看起来很缓慢,但这只是一种错觉,拳头若金色闪电般挥出,砸在了这只斩道的凰鸟身上。 The sound that the skeleton splits sends out, brings big clouds and mist blood rain, sprinkles in the golden main hall, this mystical phoenix bird somersault planted, the pure gold plume feather falls gently. 骨骼裂开的声响发出,同时带着一大片烟霞般的血雨,洒落在金色大殿中,这种神异的凰鸟一个跟头就栽了出去,赤金翎羽飘落。 Ye Fan frowns, the meat of this phoenix bird 叶凡蹙眉,这只凰鸟的肉 The monster crystal records free novel downloading 妖晶记免费小说下载 Body powerful excess, if other Dao Severing person became bloody pulp at this moment mostly, even/including Gukuai could not be left over. 身强大的过分,若是其他斩道者此刻多半成为血泥了,连骨块都剩不下。 Worthily is the treasure level species, the prey that this time catches called on was absolute grade, his blood was priceless, is worth having!” “不愧是瑰宝级物种,这次捕捉到的猎物称的上是绝品,其血液价值连城,值得拥有!” The sound that some people clap conveys, resembles is acclaiming. In that over ten thousand metal palaces, the jade channel, the flashing bright gloss, walks a man and a woman, is the purple long hair, luminous mild-mannered, all has the beautiful appearance, is similar to human. 有人拍手的声音传来,似是在赞叹。在那上万金属殿宇间,有一个玉石通道,闪动灿烂光泽,走来一男一女,全都是紫色的长发,光亮柔顺,皆拥有绝美的容颜,与人类相仿。 Had said that does not need to probe, this prey is perfect, you do not believe that almost wastes the most powerful Variation phoenix bird.” That man said, is handsome, the body puts on the silver-white brilliance sparkle battlesuit, interweaves to have powerful Dao Traces. “早就说了,无需试探,这个猎物非常完美,你偏偏不信,几乎浪费一只最强大的异种凰鸟。”那个男子说道,非常英俊,身上穿着银白色光辉闪耀的战衣,交织有强大的道痕 Female purple hair, body pure white like semi-transparent jade, pupil flashing purple light, the beautiful elf, the body also puts on Divine Clothes likely, the metallic luster flows, says with a smile: Cannot think before departure can have such big harvest.” 女子紫发齐腰,肌体洁白如羊脂玉,瞳孔闪动紫光,美的像个精灵,身上也穿着神衣,金属光泽流淌,笑道:“想不到在离开前能有这么大的收获。” Ye Fan through has become the transparent metal wall indifferently to visit them, without a doubt, these two regard him for the prey, like facing one is not a wild animal of the world. 叶凡通过已经变得透明的金属壁冷漠的看着他们,毫无疑问,这两人视他为猎物,如同在面对一只不属于一个世界的野兽。 These two under foot Dao Runes twinkle, various symbol emergence, Ye Fan vibrates with the giant metal palace that is, bright with many colors, divine marks is continuously densely covered. 这两人的脚下道纹闪烁,各种符号出现,叶凡与所在的巨大金属殿宇抖动,五光十色,一缕缕神纹密布。 Brushes “刷” He was transmitted in another airtight metal room, is far away that stretch of palace area that saw a moment ago, here seems like a laboratory, can see outside by the clear transparent jail wall is various types of instruments. 他被传送到了另一个密闭的金属室中,远离了刚才所见的那片殿宇区,这里像是一个实验室,透过晶莹透明的牢壁可以见到外面是各种仪器。 Ye Fan reveals the color of being astonished, here not only has Dao Traces to be densely covered, and has the nowadays science and technology, is really somewhat alternative, probably two civilizations blended. 叶凡露出讶异之色,这里既有道痕密布,又有现今的科技,真的是有些另类,像是两种文明交融到了一起。 However, he is not very shocking, because he himself then technical civilized place from Starry Sky another shore, although there is not on the other hand is prosperous and developed. 不过,他也不是很震惊,因为他自己便是来自星空另一岸的科技文明地,尽管那里相对来说算不上繁盛与发达。 Through your pupil, I saw astonishedly, very strangely?” The purple hair man crosses the hands behind the back to stand, the corners of the mouth have one to ridicule, probably is carefully examining own slave, high and low takes a look at him, said: Universe is above the imagination of your native vastly, although is almost the dead star, few life-bearing ancient planet, but actually also sufficiently birth different civilizations.” “通过你的眸子,我看出了惊异,很奇怪是吗?”紫发男子负手而立,嘴角带着一丝揶揄,像是在审视自己的奴隶,上下打量他,道:“宇宙的浩瀚超乎你们这些土著的想象,尽管几乎都是死星,只有为数不多的生命古星,但却也足以诞生不同的文明了。” The purple pupil female sends the silk to be sharp, nimble and resourceful, her whole body twinkle clear brilliance, watched Ye Fan for a long time, seems satisfied, said: Extracts the blood of this prey, can be used to make mostly fights the body most, could compare favorably with several other cases of Divine Blood in our Everlasting Country, the ancient gods blood that even and treasure with the Immortal Depository treasure house in may seal compares favorably.” 紫瞳女子发丝亮丽,有一种灵动,她浑身闪烁晶莹光辉,也观看了叶凡很长时间,似乎非常满意,道:“提取这个猎物的血液,多半可以用来制造最强战体,也许能比得上我们永恒国度中的另外几例神血,甚至可与仙藏宝库中密封与珍存的的古代神明血媲美。” They in by spirit fluctuation exchange, otherwise Ye Fan is impossible to understand, obviously from the Foreign Domain's civilization, has the unique language. 他们都是在以精神波动交流,不然叶凡不可能听得懂,显然是来自域外的文明,拥有独特的语言。 Who you are, from where, in the universe has several life-bearing ancient planet, why to here, had what goal?” Ye Fan does not have to be a consciousness of captive, is an issue meets an issue on the contrary, asked the opposite party. “你们是何人,来自哪里,宇宙中有几颗生命古星,为何到了这里,有什么目的?”叶凡丝毫没有身为一个俘虏的觉悟,反倒是一个问题接一个问题,问起了对方。 Who is a captive?” purple hair man faint smiled, silver battlesuit flowing divine shine, then the violent force steps on the ground piece of formation marks, in this densely covered metal the thunder and lightning interweaves immediately, is as good as Heavenly Tribulation, is Killing Formation! “到底谁是俘虏?”紫发男子淡漠的笑了,身上的银色战衣流动神华,而后猛力一踩地上的一片阵纹,这个密布的金属室内顿时雷电交织,不亚于一场天劫,是杀阵所化! However, what makes his astonished is, Ye Fan tiny bit has not moved, lightning glow adds the body, his whole body pore open up, quenches the body by the lightning, the golden ripples spreads on body, like a golden war-god. 然而,让他惊异的是,叶凡纹丝未动,电芒加身,他浑身毛孔舒张,以闪电淬体,金色涟漪在肌体上扩散,如同一尊金色的战神。 Very powerful!” The men have to nod, he wants to make Ye Fan suffer some hardships, the result has not thought that is invalid. 好强大!”男子不得不点头,他原本想让叶凡吃些苦头,结果没有想到雷芒无效。 „The blood that his within the body does not flow, should really not be possible to compare favorably with the ancient gods blood, immediately conducts the blood sample analysis!” Purple pupil female look is fiery, spills over the extraordinary splendor, obviously the earnest in beautiful pupil anticipation to prey uncommon performance, but has nothing to do other. “唔,他体内流淌的血液,该不会真的可与古代的神明血媲美吧,立刻进行血样分析!”紫瞳女子眼神火热,泛出异彩,显然美眸中的这种热切只是对猎物不凡表现的期待,而无关其他。 One group of people walked, enters in the laboratory, turns on various types of technical instruments, often talked, is discussing anything, what a pity language barrier, Ye Fan could not understand, when these people looked to him seemed like facing the species that the prehistoric most treasured, look scorching. 一群人走了过来,进入实验室内,打开各种科技仪器,不时交谈,议论着什么,可惜语言不通,叶凡听不懂,这些人看向他时像是在面对史前最珍惜的物种,眼神火辣辣 Ye Fan looked, these people indeed from another civilized world, grasped Dao Traces Law wait/etc., the same technical civilization unified, formed a very fearful system. 叶凡看出来了,这些人的确是来自另一个文明世界,掌握有道痕法则等,同科技文明相结合,形成了一种非常可怕的体系。 You are more careful, the biggest harvest of this hunting is he, is the most perfect individual, when extracting blood and Divine Principle fragment is certainly careful, do not make him be unable to recover.” The purple hair man told seriously. “你们小心一些,这次狩猎的最大收获就是他,是一个最完美的个体,抽取血液与神则碎片时一定要小心,千万不要让他一蹶不振。”紫发男子严肃的吩咐道。 Right, this prey I must raise, will collect in the Heaven-class immortal garden, must fight to use with that several Princess and Uncle Wang's divine pet.” Saying that the purple pupil female is in high spirits. “没错,这个猎物我要豢养起来,将珍藏在天字号仙园中,要与那几位郡主、王叔的神宠争锋用。”紫瞳女子神采飞扬的说道。 Ye Fan indifferent relative, static visits them, these people also really regarded a low species him, even are the wild animals. 叶凡冷漠相对,静静的看着他们,这些人还真将他当成了一个低等物种、甚至是野兽了。 A giant screen is glittering, flying saucer many photo sources shone, shines together to Ye Fan, the metal indoor Dao Traces recoveries, interweaves silver snakes, is going to link on his body, through that huge screen calculation and analysis. 一个巨大的屏幕在闪烁,飞碟内部的很多光源亮了起来,一起照射向叶凡,金属室内各种道痕复苏,交织出一道道银蛇,将要连在他的身上,通过那个巨大的屏幕演算与分析。 Bang!” “轰!” Suddenly, Ye Fan perceived that the danger, over ten thousand silver snakes turned into the entity, the thorn to his body, must derive the blood, cannot be tranquil at this moment to him. 突然,叶凡觉察到了危险,上万条银蛇化成实体,刺向他的肌体,要汲取血液,到了这一刻他不能再平静下去了。 This metal room is very firm, can compare Holy Artifact, with divine material refining, he does not want to delay the time, fears to have the accident/surprise, took out Green Copper Cauldron from within the body directly. 这个金属室无比坚固,堪比圣器,是用神料炼化而成的,他不想耽搁时间,怕出现意外,直接自体内取出了绿铜鼎 At the present, he does not have the means to stimulate to movement this Immortal Cauldron, but can actually carry with the hand, treats as the treasure to tamper to pound directly! 而今,他没有办法催动这个仙鼎,但是却可以用手拎着,直接当做重器夯砸! dang! 当! The Ye Fan's strength is how big, holds Green Cauldron swing to open the arm, hits hard on the metal wall, merely one, the green light flashes through together, the entire airtight metal wall is split up, was broken. 叶凡的力气何其大,持着绿鼎轮动开手臂,重击在金属壁上,仅仅一下,一道绿光闪过,整个密闭的金属墙壁就四分五裂,被砸碎了。 Quickly, prevents him!” These people have a big shock immediately, this has never had the matter, had previously evaluated to this prey, thinks that he is impossible to shake flies Holy Artifact, at the present actually has this and other fearful matters. “快,阻止他!”这些人顿时大惊失色,这是从未有过之事,此前对这个猎物进行过评估,认为他不可能撼动飞行圣器,而今却发生了这等可怕的事。 „To raise me, I look at you, when my pet also almost, in addition this spaceship was also me!” After Ye Fan difficulty-relief, is the men and women of head throws to that. “想豢养我,我看你们当我的宠物还差不多,此外这艘飞船也属于我了!”叶凡脱困后,向那为首的一对男女扑去。
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