STH :: Volume #12

#1108: Flying saucer

This Poor Daoist by 1.8 million years of cultivation Divination, in addition my many years tests ancient scripture to examine the collateral evidence, the big grave under Flickering Light must be the desolate is also Ferocity without doubt!” Duan De said. 贫道以一百八十万年的道行卜算,再加上我多年的考古经验来旁证,摇光下的大坟必属于荒亦是狠人无疑!”段德说道。 Uncle Master Duan, Human Ancestor arrives at Big Dipper Ancient Star also 1 million years of that's all, being far from 1.8 million years is so remote.” Ye Tong said low voice. 段师伯,人祖降临北斗古星也才一百万年而已,远没有一百八十万年那么久远。”叶瞳小声说道。 Duan De hit, said: Who is This Poor Daoist? A dream is 1 million falls, becomes an immortal to build in Immemorial.” 段德打了个哈哈,道:“贫道是谁?一梦就是百万秋,成仙筑道在太古。” Ye Tong rolled the eyes, pays no attention to him. 叶瞳翻白眼,不理他了。 The Great Empress Ferocity four characters make in the Ye Fan heart palpitate, his line, produced many karma with this shocking female. 狠人大帝四个字让叶凡心中一阵悸动,他一路行来,与这位惊艳的女子产生了很多因果 Boy you troubled in a big way, did not say that Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, Immortal Treasure Chart wait/etc., when was you just rode beginning the nine dragons copper coffin Big Dipper holy fruit that picked was nine wonderful divine medicine that Ferocity planted, owed a she huge benevolence from you from the beginning.” Sovereign Black bare teeth said. “小子你麻烦大了,不说万物母气鼎仙珍图等,就是你刚乘九龙铜棺初来北斗时摘的圣果都是狠人栽种的九妙神药,自一开始你就欠下了她一个天大的恩情。”黑皇呲牙道。 Ye Fan sudden headache, if goes into seriously, comes up Immortal Ascension Land to take out Green Cauldron in Earth, with the Ferocity past all sorts of related. 叶凡一阵头大,若去深究,在地球上去成仙地取出绿鼎,也与狠人昔日的种种有关。 Is impossible, how can a person live for more than 200,000 years? I do not believe that even if she is Human Race's Great Emperor is not good!” Dragon Horse shakes the gigantic head. “不可能,一个人怎能活二十几万年?我不太相信,即便是她是人族大帝也不行!”龙马摇动硕大的头颅。 You do not believe also uselessly, all sorts of signs showed that the desolate possibly is a meat shell that Ferocity sheds!” Sovereign Black sneers to say. “你不相信也没用,种种迹象表明荒可能是狠人蜕下的一具肉壳!”黑皇冷笑道。 This does not conform to the common sense, she became an immortal, lost sheds the immortal to be immortal, can turn into the restricted area, what did she have unable to achieve?” Dragon Horse stared the circle the eye. “这不符合常理,她成仙了吗,一具遗蜕长生不朽,能化成禁地,她还有什么做不到?”龙马瞪圆了眼睛。 this Sovereign does not believe in the past, but Flick­er­ing Light's Black Gold Emperor Cauldron, as well as this big grave, the desolate immortal strength, making me realize what kind of one true meaning when past Great Emperor Without Beginning stared at Nine Holy Mountains, to review Flickering Light, looked into Northern Region old revealed that Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land was Human Race's Great Emperor turns into mostly!” Sovereign Black looks out the southern earth. 本皇过去也不相信,但是摇光的黑金帝鼎,以及这座大坟,还有荒的长生力量等,让我意识到了当年无始大帝凝视九座圣山、回眸摇光旧地、眺望北域时露出了怎样的一种真意,荒古禁地多半就是一位人族大帝化成的!”黑皇遥望南土。 If passes on, without doubt is a great unrest, is a shocking news, in Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones has one to belong to Human Race to found, how shocked. 若是传出去,无疑是一场轩然大波,是一则惊世的消息,七大生命禁区中有一个属于人族开创,怎一个震撼了得。 How can she heaven defying, be able to achieve all these like this unexpectedly?” Dragon Horse from Starry Sky another shore, knows about Ancient Great Emperor few, is unreadable. “她怎能这样逆天,竟能做到这一切?”龙马来自星空另一岸,对古之大帝了解较少,难以理解。 Because she is Ferocity!” Duan De said. The implied meaning is obvious, does not need to want other reasons, because only she is Ferocity, this was enough, nothing is she cannot achieve! “因为她是狠人!”段德道。言下之意明显,无需要其他原因,只因为她是狠人,这就足够了,没有什么是她做不到的! Chilly wind blows, Flickering Light former home grounds sores all over the eye, in surrounding Great Wilderness the white bones everywhere, various birds and beasts nearly all extinguish. 一阵清冷的风吹来,摇光故地满目疮痍,周围的大荒中白骨遍地,各种飞禽走兽近乎全灭。 Once the desolate enter the world, Heaven Swallowing accepts, various lives can the plenary session be won by her, fearful boundless. 荒一旦出世,吞天纳地,各种生命能全会被她夺走,可怕无边。 Ye Fan they returned to Northern Region, entered Village of Celestial Court, Dongfang Ye, Yan Yixi, Li Heishui and other group of people often to meet together, talked about Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land to shock none who does not. 叶凡他们回到了北域,进入了天之村,东方野燕一夕李黑水等一群人不时相聚,谈到荒古禁地莫不震撼。 At the present, they also can only guess correctly that is related with Ferocity, possibly is she, but no solid evidence, what kind of origin don't another six big life restricted areas have? 而今,他们也只能猜到与狠人有关,可能是她,但根本不没有确凿的证据,另外六大生命禁地又有怎样的来历? Immortal Ascension Road is going to open, does not know that day, supreme existence in these restricted areas whether will jump, what kind of mighty waves is very difficult to imagine can initiate. 成仙路将要开启了,不知到了那一天,这些禁地中的无上存在是否会跳出来,很难想象会引发怎样的波澜。 Most magnificent golden prosperous times arrived, the surging forward with great momentum war tune has played, does not know that must die many people......” Saint Killer Qi Luo to narrow the eye to say. “最为辉煌的黄金盛世到了,波澜壮阔的战曲已奏响,不知要死掉多少人……”杀圣齐罗眯缝着眼睛说道。 Ye Fan is very in the future low-key, has to be low-key, first cuts Heavenly Sovereign's Son, the golden celestial female light ass that also pursued escaped, finally the slaughter fell Ancient Saint Huo Tan, the performance was extremely garish. 在接下来的日子里叶凡很低调,也不得不低调,先是斩死了天皇子,又追的黄金天女光腚逃生,最后又屠掉了古圣霍坦,表现太过扎眼。 Some Ancient Race person in secret initial prices , if can massacre Ye Fan having the astonishing reward, many large clans want to eliminate him to be then quick, the undercurrent is turbulent, the radical faction no one is willing to see Ye Fan Sanctification. 古族一些人暗中开价,谁如果能杀掉叶凡会将有惊人的奖励,不少大族欲除他而后快,暗流汹涌,激进派没有人愿意见到叶凡成圣 Tolerates a possibility prove the Dao person to grow smoothly, to them will be a disaster, strangling in the cradle will be the best choice. 容忍一个可能证道的人顺利成长起来,对于他们来说将会是一场灾难,扼杀在摇篮中是最好的选择。 In nearly two months, Ye Fan continuously in seclusion, even if some people are skilled in the divination and deduce divine technique, cannot survey, because on him has Green Copper Cauldron. 近两个月里,叶凡一直在闭关,即便有人精通占卜与推演神术,也不能测算,因为他身上有绿铜鼎 Since these days, he had stood erect on the Immortal Altar's Three Dao Severing sixth small stair, can step the seventh small stair momentarily, but actually misses the point, is hard the promote step. 在这些日子以来,他屹立在仙三斩道第六个小台阶上,随时能迈上第七个小台阶,但却始终不得要领,难以晋阶。 Dry seclusion could not have solved the problem, 34 months will then leave this world again, Ye Fan sighed lightly, the long body, decided that went out to step onto walks, finally look. 坐关已经解决不了问题,再有三四个月便将离开这个世界了,叶凡一声轻叹,长身而起,决定出去走上一走,最后看一看。 Once steps into Heavenly Road, steps onto travel of the strongest Smelting Trial, possibly did not come back forever, perhaps will become levy extortionate taxes yellow soil to sprinkle in Foreign Domain. 一旦踏入天路,走上最强的试炼之旅,就可能永远回不来了,也许会成为一掊黄土洒在域外 Understanding that Eccentric Mansion's old Mansion Lord said that even Human Race's Saint Physique died in battle three people, the blood dyed Starry Sky, buries bone another region, that may be his senior, has the similar physique with him, perhaps is not weak in him. 奇士府的府主说的明白,连人族圣体都战死了三人,血染星空,埋骨他乡,那可都是他的前辈,与他拥有同样的体质,也许并不弱于他。 Since these days the world had been turbulent, difficult to be calm, Foreign Domain has come three ancient virtuous person, arrives in this Ancient Star, causes flustered. 这些日子以来天下动荡,一直难以平静,域外又来了三位古贤,降临在这颗古星,引得人心惶惶。 This indicates, the date that Immortal Ascension Road opens was near, people not only anticipation and is afraid, wants to enter the Immortal Domain quota to be limited, will project on Ancient Star collapse to damage mostly. 这预示着,成仙路开启的日期近了,人们既期待又害怕,想进入仙域名额有限,多半会打到古星崩损。 After Ye Fan comes out, discovered that each region is not tranquil, he finds from the secret channels, if who can provide about his clue, may obtain Holy Artifact to reward. 叶凡出来后,发现各地都不平静,他从秘密渠道了解到,谁若能提供关于他的线索,就可得到一件圣器奖励。 Is this what kind of shocking? Most Ancient Saint do not even have divine material to refine the weapon, only then the small number of people have Legacy Holy Weapon! 这是何等的让人震惊?要知道,连大多数古圣都没有神料炼制兵器,只有少数人拥有传世圣兵 In addition, Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land becomes Immortal Earth that people worship, every day the cigarette curls, many Human Race cultivator go to the ritual respect, treated as Human Race's Great Emperor the desolate thoroughly. 此外,荒古禁地成为了人们朝拜的仙土,每日香烟袅袅,诸多人族修士去礼敬,将荒彻底当作了人族大帝 West to the Han Valley pass/test, small-scale Five Colored Alter of unidirectional transmission continues, appears on numerous Ancient Star, can where?” Ye Fan talked to oneself. “西出函谷关,单向传送的小型五色祭坛一路延续,出现在众多古星上,到底要通向哪里?”叶凡自语。 On the same day, he and Dragon Horse and others descended outside Undying Mountain, has not sought that Five Colored Alter that should present, according to their speculations, possibly in Undying Mountain 当日,他与龙马等降落在不死山外,并未寻到应出现的那座五色祭坛,按照他们的推测,可能在不死山 Is unparalleled in the world 独步天下吧 But is not really able to go to seek. 中,可是实在无法进去寻找。 Perhaps outside Undying Mountain also perhaps......” “也许在不死山外也说不定……” Ye Fan arrived at Central Region once again, stands outside Undying Mountain, watches this black palatial mountains, grand, is the king and sovereign in mountain! 叶凡又一次来到了中域,站在不死山外,观看这片黑色巍峨的大山,座座宏伟,是山中的王与皇! Whiz!” “嗖!” Suddenly, the aurora broke through together, was too quick, making people be hard to see clearly, scratches Undying Mountain to submerge in Great Wilderness of distant place. 突然,一道极光冲过,太快了,让人难以看清,擦着不死山没入远方的大荒中。 What is this?” Ye Fan was surprised, feels somewhat to look familiar, pursued. What a pity, searched big 1 hour to have achieved nothing, afterward one crowd of cultivator pursued, in mountain range disorderly. “这是什么?”叶凡惊讶,觉得有些眼熟,追了下去。可惜,搜索了大半个时辰一无所获,后来一群修士追了下来,山脉中一片杂乱。 „Did Dao Brother, what have?” Ye Fan consults. 道兄,发生了什么?”叶凡向人请教。 You are the Central Region person, does not know matter that recently has?” Some people stop strangely is looking at him. “你是中域的人吗,不知近来发生的事吗?”有人停下来怪异的望着他。 I passed by see that's all by chance, has what secret facts?” Ye Fan asked. “我只是路过碰巧看到而已,难道有什么隐情吗?”叶凡问道。 Nearby Undying Mountain presented strange Magical Artifact, since this days were getting more and more ominous, often grab cultivator, collect their blood, a famous elder was taken prisoner a moment ago.” 不死山附近出现了一件诡异的法器,这段日子以来越来越凶了,常去劫掠修士,采集他们的血液,刚才一位名宿都被掳走了。” What, has this grade of matter?” The Ye Fan surprise, beyond the abatement minority special rows, is Holy Artifact can generally birth Divinity, produces spiritual wisdom, at the present has such rare treasure enter the world unexpectedly. “什么,有这等事?”叶凡诧异,除却少数特列外,一般都是圣器才能诞生神祇,产生灵智,而今竟有这样的秘宝出世 Finally, the search lets it go, people have no discovery. Ye Fan also sought for several days outside Undying Mountain, still has not sought small-scale Five Colored Alter , can only choose to depart. 最终,搜索不了了之,人们没有什么发现。叶凡亦在不死山外寻找了几日,依然没有寻到小型的五色祭坛,也只能选择离去。 Well......” when departure, Ye Fan to one silver flies Magical Artifact to flash not to have, with tears the expansive sky like lightning, the twinkling escapes. “咦……”在离开时,叶凡到了一道银色的飞起法器一闪而没,跟闪电般撕裂长空,瞬息远遁。 Is...... it!” “是……它!” The Ye Fan shock, recognized it, before is several days, Magical Artifact that sees, is dozens years ago in Central Region looks at ancient city to see that mysterious Aircraft spatially. 叶凡震惊,认出了它,是几日前见到的法器,也是几十年前中域的“望空”古城见到那个神秘飞行器 Skygaze City is one of the Central Region ten big ancient city, in the city has clear stone platform, legends say ancient times Great Emperor Without Beginning often looks out Foreign Domain there together. 望空城中域十大古城之一,城中有一块晶莹的石台,相传古时无始大帝时常在那里遥望域外 Dozens years ago, Ye Fan, Pang Bo and Sovereign Black once witnessed Aircraft to descend from beyond the Heavens, cause the Central Region cultivator crazy pursuit, finally fell into Undying Mountain. 数十年前,叶凡庞博黑皇曾亲眼目睹一个飞行器天外降落,引得中域修士疯狂追击,结果落入了不死山中。 In that remote Ancient years, often has the legend, under that vast boundless Starry Sky, will crash occasionally powerful divine object. 在那遥远的上古年间,时常有传说,在那浩瀚无垠的星空中,偶尔会坠落下强大的神物 On the same day, people naturally think that is Foreign Domain Divine Artifact. The clarity that but Ye Fan actually looks, it looked like the flying saucer! 当日,人们自然认为那是域外神器。可是叶凡却看的清楚,它像极了飞碟! Really seems like the flying saucer......” at this moment he to see once again, in the heart shocks immediately, with saw in years past exactly the same. “真的像是飞碟……”此刻他又一次见到,心中顿时震撼,与昔年所见一模一样。 That is a giant luminophor, the speed is extremely fast, such as silver light same dives together to the mountain range deep place, it takes the form of a huge disc, is glittering cold metal pass/test Ze. 那是一个巨大的发光体,速度极快,如一道银光一样俯冲向山脉深处,它形似一个庞大的圆盘,闪烁着冷冽的金属关泽。 The Ye Fan show/unfolds moves Travel Character Secret, pursued, however still has achieved nothing, has not checked the clue. 叶凡展动行字秘,追了下去,然而依然一无所获,并没有查到线索。 It...... he was very amazed from Undying Mountain, what place is Undying Mountain? No one is clearer than him, because had once rushed, if not there is Little Baby, even if there is Sovereign Black this formation marks Great Grandmaster, still has died in inside absolutely. “它从不死山中出来了……”他很是惊诧,不死山是一个什么样的地方?没有人比他更更清楚,因为曾亲身闯过,若非有小囡囡在,即便有黑皇这个阵纹大宗师,也绝对早已死在了里面。 Ye Fan re-enters Skygaze City, understood in detail in Central Region matter that had recently, believes firmly that is that Aircraft that past Foreign Domain crashed, because many people also remembered. 叶凡重入望空城,在中域详细了解到了近来发生的事情,确信就是当年域外坠落的那个飞行器,因为许多人同样记忆起了。 Its past years damaged, at the present restores, starts unscrupulously, to many cultivator take action.” “它当年似破损了,而今修复了,开始肆无忌惮,对诸多修士出手。” So long as a ray of light has swept, any expert cannot block, will be taken prisoner, at the present is flustered.” “只要一道光扫过,任何高手都挡不住,会被掳走,而今人心惶惶。” Ye Fan is surprised, this Aircraft in the collection blood, a group of people who abducted earliest died unexpectedly, put the part, therefore people can understand. 叶凡惊讶,这个飞行器竟在采集血液,最早掳走的一批人死了一些,放了部分,故此人们才能了解到。 Is the powerful life, it more is interested, from Mutant Beast to human to Ancient Race, the short half a month time it plundered several hundred over a thousand people again at least.” “越是强大的生灵,它越是感兴趣,从异兽到人类再到古族,短短的半个月时间它最起码掠走了数百上千人了。” You made a mistake, is counting years ago it to act, but this days are getting more and more unscrupulous, were learned about by the increasing number of people, I suspected it possibly served the purpose, wanted to leave, therefore is not hiding.” “你错了,早在数年前它就行动了,只不过这段日子越来越肆无忌惮,才被越来越多的人得悉,我猜想它可能达到目的了,想要离开了吧,故此不在掩藏。” Really, in the following several days, this shape, if Aircraft of disc appears repeatedly, finally unexpectedly remarkable hearsay startled emergence. 果然,在接下来的数日里,这个状若圆盘的飞行器频频出现,最终竟有一则惊人的传闻惊出现。 Ancient Race several Dao Severing person...... were swept by divine light, was seized!” 古族数位斩道者……被神光扫中,也被抓走了!” What, started to begin to Dao Severing person, even more has not had scruples!” “什么,开始对斩道者动手了,越发没有顾忌了!” People are dumbfounded, simultaneously sends coldly, what weapon this is, why must do this, always in view of cultivator? 人们目瞪口呆,同时发寒,这是什么兵器,为何要这样做,总是针对修士 In following several days, this silvery brilliance twinkle, resembles god Secret Art that pale divine gold casts often to appear and disappear all over the body, attacked Monster Race's ancient Inheritance Holy Land Ten Thousand Monsters Hall unexpectedly. 在接下来的几日里,这件银辉闪烁、通体似青白神金铸成的神秘法器时常出没,竟袭击了妖族的古老传承圣地-万妖殿 And, was also attacked in Central Region several important location in same day Human Race and Ancient Race respectively, was missing many expert. 且,在同一日人族古族中域的几个重地也分别受到侵袭,失踪了不少高手 Was insane, a weapon dares to handle affairs like this, must draw out Ancient Saint to come mostly, because definitely is extraordinary Holy Artifact!” “疯了,一件兵器敢这样行事,多半要引出古圣来了,因为肯定是一件了不得的圣器!” Everyone is dumbfounded. 所有人都目瞪口呆。 Buzz “嗡” Void thunders, no one has thought, it presented Skygaze City, is seeking for the powerful target. 虚空轰鸣,谁也没有想到,它出现了望空城,在寻找强大的目标。 Ye Fan frowns, Aircraft of this disc shape is very huge, polishing that the speed pursues quickly, is really astonishing, but the material quality is very special, can compare casting Holy Ar­ti­fact's divine material. 叶凡蹙眉,这个圆盘状的飞行器很巨大,速度快追的上光了,实在惊人,而材质更是很特别,堪比铸造圣器的神料 shuā! 刷! a streak of divine light sweeps, unexpectedly to him. The Ye Fan show/unfolds moves 'Travel' Character Secret Art, but one step, this ray of light column was extremely giant late, few half city will cover. 一道神光扫下,竟冲着他而来。叶凡展动行字诀,但还是晚了一步,这道光柱极其巨大,将少半座城池都覆盖住了。 Your grandfather, to my take action!” Ye Fan discovered, he cannot help but, as the light beam soars, has not gone to azure gold disc directly. “你爷爷的,对我出手了!”叶凡发现,他不由自主,随着光柱腾空而起,径直没向青金圆盘而去。
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