STH :: Volume #12

#1107: Fights the world to be cold

The desolate, enters heavenly pit, this is a disaster, may not withstand regarding Ancient Saint, both Ancient Sovereign Weapon were wasted. 荒,进入天坑,这是一场灾难,对于古圣来说都不可承受,两件古皇兵都被打飞。 Only fortunately, golden sword truncheon and Divinity of Myriad Dragons Bell embodiment recovered, flushed from Foreign Domain independently, otherwise two big Imperial Clan possibly lost Immortal Weapon. 唯一值得庆幸的是,黄金锏万龙铃内蕴的神祇复苏了,从域外自主冲了回来,不然两大皇族可能就丢失了仙兵 Even this still no one can change anything, to them, only has a character now- Escape! 即便这样也没有人能改变什么,对于他们来说,现在只有一个字--逃! Human Race's Great Emperor ancient grave not movable, cannot move, this place first has Bronze Immortal Palace to guard, at the present comes one several to be possible the life of being on par emperor boundary, making them lose seriously. 人族大帝的古坟不可动,不能动,此地先有青铜仙殿镇守,而今又来了一个几可比肩帝境的生灵,让他们损失惨重。 “噗” Some Ancient Saint the appearance fissures of forehead, the blood drips, the life can the extremely fast leak, the fire of Primordial Spirit extinguish, the whole person is dispirited, probably all of a sudden old number thousand years. 一些古圣的眉心的出现裂痕,鲜血淌下,生命之能极速外泄,元神之火将熄,整个人萎靡不振,像是一下子苍老了数千载。 „......” “啊……” Sad and shrill pitiful yells send out, once the desolate is close, powerful such as Ancient Saint cannot withstand, body is senile, will move toward the life the end point. 一声声凄厉的惨叫发出,荒一旦接近,强大如古圣也承受不住,肌体衰老,将走向生命的终点。 Far spatial, on Ye Fan gave birth to goosebumps, the whole body fine body hair is but actually vertical, this is what kind of Realm, enters in the Ancient Saint group solitarily alone, lets the Saints corpse on the ground. 远空,叶凡身上都生出了一层小疙瘩,浑身寒毛倒竖,这是何等的境界,只身独入古圣群中,让诸圣伏尸。 Kills!” “杀!” Ancient Saint yelled, finally in the sky a palm of the hand falls, he then becomes the meat patty, then Essence Qi disappearing, destroy both body and soul. 一位古圣大叫,结果天空中一个巴掌落下,他便成为了肉饼,而后精气散失,形神俱灭 The small numbers of people have heritage Holy Artifact, but such as the rags waste paper, the desolate strokes gently all becomes the powder dust, in its front, the people including three -year-old child to be inferior, is the ant insect of being worthy of the reputation. 少数人有传世圣器,但如破布烂纸般,荒轻轻一拂皆成碎末,在其面前,众人连三岁孩童都不如,是名副其实的蚁虫。 Walks!” “走!” Great Saint Qian Lun, Golden King and Great Saint Hun Tuo hold Ancient Sovereign Weapon to break through outward, does not want to stay, in the big grave leaves behind immortal undying medicine they not to want. 乾仑大圣黄金王浑拓大圣古皇兵向外突围,一刻也不想停留,大坟中就是留下了长生不死药他们也不想要了。 Clang!” “锵!” golden sword truncheon and Myriad Dragons Bell all together vibrates, cut open the black fog finally, opens a way out, three people run away distressedly, behind only then four Saint King with. 黄金锏万龙铃齐震,总算是剖开了黑雾,开辟出一条生路,三人狼狈逃遁,后面只有四位圣人王跟了出来。 the remainders sends out a pitiful yell, desolate slap pats, all becomes meat paste, Essence Qi clears, changes to the dust, does not have remaining. 余者发出一片惨叫,荒一巴掌拍下,全都成为了肉泥,精气散尽,化作尘埃,一个都没有剩下。 Beyond seven people that in heavenly pit a silence, the abatement escapes, this batch of Ancient Saint died a cleanness, regarding Ancient Race this is a massive loss. 天坑中一片寂静,除却逃掉的七人外,这批古圣死了个干净,对于古族来说这是一种巨大的损失。 Then how long, a person drops from the clouds, so many expert slaughters up, only had her here, spooky independent, facing Bronze Immortal Palace. 这才多长时间,一人从天而降,将这么多高手都屠光了,唯有她一个人在此,幽幽独立,面对青铜仙殿 So many days, a Southern Region piece boils noisily, whether it is Ancient Race or human cultivator is paying attention to this big grave none who does not, gathered the vision of entire world person. 这么多天来,南域一片喧沸,无论是古族还是人类修士莫不在关注这座大坟,集聚了全天下人的目光。 But at the present, an desolate emergence, the four directions are all static, made this noise and chaos tranquil thoroughly, no one dares to hit this place again the idea. 可是而今,荒一出现,四方皆静,彻底让这种喧嚣与大乱宁静了下来,再也没有一人敢打此地的主意。 The desolate, walked one time around Bronze Immortal Palace, then with a hand request, this palace flies, hung in the midair, multi-colored sunlight ten thousand, auspicious color thousand, let fall, that blood-color immortal character was reserved. 荒,绕着青铜仙殿走了一遭,而后用手一托,此殿飞起,悬在了半空中,霞光万道,瑞彩千条,垂落而下,那个血色的“仙”字内敛。 She enters Primal Chaos Immortal Earth solitarily, the time is not long, various types of immortal glow depart, turn into dense color fog, clank makes noise, submerges in the copper palace. 她只身进入混沌仙土,时间不长,各种仙芒飞出,化成一道道氤氲彩雾,铮铮作响,没入铜殿内。 The desolate came out, resembles moved, Primal Chaos Immortal Earth starts to collapse, can clear sight, piece of Object all fly into the copper palace. 荒出来了,似一阵怅然若失,混沌仙土开始崩溃,可以清晰的见到,一片器物全都飞进了铜殿内。 Bang!” “轰!” The next quarter of an hour, the black fog is dreadful, the desolate shoots up to the sky, she holds Bronze Immortal Palace by the hand the line, left the Flickering Light former home grounds. 下一刻钟,黑雾滔天,荒冲天而起,她以手托着青铜仙殿而行,离开了摇光故地。 Primal Chaos immortal ruptured, becomes clouds and mist, forever vanishes, does not exist. 混沌仙地崩开,成为了一片烟霞,永远消失,不复存在。 „Her is......” Duan De frowns. “她这是……”段德蹙眉。 Sovereign Black is at a loss for words, wants to say anything, discovered that can only sob saliva, is hard to speak. 黑皇张口结舌,想说什么,发现只能干咽一口唾沫,难以出言。 Like this simple, the easy, big grave to be razed to the ground by her, she holds grand Bronze Immortal Palace single-handedly, flies to the Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land position, world no one to dare to keep off. 这样的简单,这么的容易,大坟被她夷为平地,她一手托着宏伟的青铜仙殿,飞向荒古禁地方位,世间无人敢挡。 Only walked......” Ye Fan to talk to oneself. “就这样走了……”叶凡自语。 Yo feeds, we missed a huge chance, Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land was void a moment ago, no one protects, can go to steal nine wonderful divine medicine, looks how while convenient Immortal Ascension Road walks.” Dragon Horse regrets constantly. “诶呦喂,我们错过了一场天大的机缘,刚才荒古禁地空虚,没有人守护,可以进去盗走九妙神药,顺便看一看成仙路到底怎么走。”龙马后悔不迭。 Others stare to it simultaneously, the desolate is so terrifying, who dares to copy her restricted area, really lives is impatient, even is really successful not to live for several days. 其他人同时对它瞪眼,荒这么恐怖,谁敢抄她的禁地,真是活得不耐烦了,即便真成功的话也活不上几天。 The far off went, one step counts by ten thousand li (0.5 km), passed over gently and swiftly from the vault of heaven above, as long as the bird and cultivator meet, becomes the dust none who does not, life-force entirely to extinguish. 荒远去了,一步就是数以万里,自天穹上方掠过,但凡飞鸟与修士遇上,莫不成为尘土,生机俱灭。 Fortunately, she has not walked in the land, otherwise anything cannot be left over, life-force entirely to extinguish, deathtrap hundreds of thousands of li (0.5 km). 值得庆幸的是,她没有行走在大地上,不然什么都剩不下,将生机俱灭,死地数十万里。 Rumble “轰隆隆” Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, black fog ten thousand heavy, the desolate is almost one step steps Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land's, this piece of Heaven and Earth as if cannot accommodate his body. 天崩地裂,黑雾万重,荒几乎是一步迈回荒古禁地的,这片天地似乎都不能容下其躯体。 Her hand holds Bronze Immortal Palace, on Abyss spooky independent long time, then the landing, vanished slowly silhouette, sinks to the darkness. 她手托青铜仙殿,在深渊上幽幽独立了很长时间,而后缓缓降落,消失了身影,沉入黑暗中。 Four directions was quiet, restored peacefully, on Nine Holy Mountains, Divine Spring gurgling, nine wonderful divine medicine sending out delicate fragrance, were luxuriant-growing, the gloss flashed. 四野静悄悄,恢复了安宁,九座圣山上,神泉汩汩,九妙神药散发幽香,长势旺盛,光泽闪动。 Southern Region tranquil was very long, people are fearful and apprehensive, desolate enter the world, but the free journey life restricted area, lets this/should territory all cultivator deep fears, wants to move. 南域宁静了很久,人们心惊胆颤,荒出世了,可自由出行生命禁地,让该域所有修士都深深恐惧,想要搬离。 supreme existence of life-forbidden zone, who can resist? In Ancient years, all dark turmoils stem from Seven Great Life Forbidden Zones! 一个生命禁区的无上存在,谁能相抗?上古,所有黑暗动乱都是起源于七大生命禁地 This fights Ancient Saint die to be many, spreads over Five Regions, world altogether startled, no one is not terrified. 这一战古圣殒落很多,传遍五域,天下共惊,没有人不悚然。 Desolate, who she is, can unexpectedly enter the world, in the event, who with fighting?” “荒,她是谁,竟能出世,一旦出现,谁与争锋?” Ancient Race employed professional mourners, this loss is serious, one crowd of Ancient Saint, all extinguishing before Emperor Tomb, beyond abatement have several several people, others cannot run away!” 古族哭丧了,这次损失惨重,一群古圣啊,全都给灭在了帝坟前,除却有数几人外,其他人都未能逃走!” This is the chronicle that splitting heaven and earth apart comes, control can take action of life-forbidden zone, have several times since ancient times?” “这是开天辟地来的大事记,生命禁区的主宰出手了,古来能有几次?” entire world boiling, desolate enter the world, affected big, beyond comparison, world much discussion. 全天下沸腾了,荒出世,影响之大,无以伦比,世人纷纷议论。 Ancient Race remnant clouds are dreary, this time 古族一片残云惨淡,这一次 Is unparalleled in the world txt novel downloading 独步天下txt小说下载 Destroys the tooth to hold the blood to swallow to the stomach, was too miserable, one crowd of Ancient Saint were scattered and perished by one person, does not dare to resist. 打碎牙齿含着血向肚里咽,太惨了,一群古圣被一人打散、灭亡,不敢对抗。 Why can like this? 为什么会这样? ultimate Dao Ancient Sovereign Weapon cannot resist, was wasted by slap, recovery ancient Sovereign Qi breath suppress is not occupied by her, is this what kind of existence? 极道古皇兵都抵不住,被一巴掌打飞,复苏的古皇气息都镇压不住她,这是何等的存在? She has not lent the Great Emperor aura, but its fleshly body achieved this Realm absolutely, how otherwise to have this grade of method......” this is the words that returning alive Saint King said. “她没有散发出大帝气息,但是其肉身绝对达到了这一境界,不然怎么会有这等手段……”这是一位生还的圣人王说出的话。 Emperor boundary fleshly body? This is a conclusion that makes one have to think deeply and be scared. 帝境肉身?这是一个让人不得不深思与发毛的结论。 This Between Heaven and Earth, only should Ancient Sovereign or Great Emperor is alive is right, 22 do not meet, otherwise others are unable prove the Dao. 这个天地间,只应有一位古皇或者大帝在世才对,两两不相见,不然其他人无法证道 „......” “啊呜……” A Ancient Race piece of white mourning garment, died many Ancient Saint, many people cry loudly. Can become Ancient Saint, which isn't ancestor of the clan? At the present actually ends like this. 古族一片缟素,死了很多位古圣,很多人嚎哭。能成为古圣,哪一个不是一族之祖?而今却这样收场。 Northern Region, sorrowful weeping sound, four directions Imperial Clan, the ten directions royal family and other gloomy cloud and sorrowful fog, big of loss, is hard to make up, really had a fracture. 北域,一片哀哭声,四方皇族,十方王族等一片愁云惨雾,损失之大,难以弥补,真的是伤筋动骨了。 Who is she? 她是谁? The entire world people were discussing, wants to know none who does not. 全天下人都在议论,莫不想知道。 On Holy Mountain has nine wonderful divine medicine, is divided into nine, waters by nine Dao Spirit springs daily, nourishes not dead Immortal Qi, don't tell me is...... Divine Silkworm Ancient Sovereign!” 圣山上有九妙神药,一株分成九株,以九道神泉日日浇灌,滋养不死仙气,难道说是……神蚕古皇!” In Ancient Race, some people dished out such a conclusion, because nine wonderful divine medicine belong to Di­vine Silk­worm Ridge's Ancient Sovereign, and legend Divine Silkworm is aloof tenth changes, investigates extremely the boundary, is hard to lose plant. 古族内,有人抛出了这样一个结论,因为九妙神药属于神蚕岭的古皇,且传说神蚕超脱第十变,究极之境,难以枯死。 Is impossible, too long ago, Divine Silkworm Ancient Sovereign is among the character Immemorial years, from the present 12 million years, how possibly to live now!” “不可能,太久远了,神蚕古皇太古年间的人物,距离现在一两百万年了,怎么可能活到现在!” Moreover, Divine Silkworm Ridge has the record, this/should clan Quasi-Sovereign fed in Deity ancient coffin its Imperial Father personally, buried beside Nine Heavens, was impossible to live is appearing. 而且,神蚕岭有记载,该族一位准皇亲自将其父皇送进了神灵古棺,葬在了九天之外,不可能活着出现了。 Is Great Empress Ferocity, she is possibly also living!” “是狠人大帝,她可能还活着!” Some Human Race records have ancient sect of Ancient secret history, some living fossil make such deduction, but is actually hard to give any strong evidence. 人族一些记载有上古秘史的古教,有一些活化石做出这样的推论,但是却难以给出什么有力的证据。 Right, Flickering Light underground big grave belongs to Ferocity, the desolate passing that if she, can say.” “没错,摇光地下的大坟似属于狠人,荒若是她,就能说的通了。” But who can live was so remote, Great Empress Ferocity dated back more than 200,000 years, she startled could not resist the years even again certainly colorfully, was really she? 可是谁能活的了这么久远,狠人大帝距今已有二十几万年了,她即便再惊才绝艳也抵抗不住岁月,真是她吗? Swallows life-force, this resembles her Heaven Devouring Demonic Art, exactly said that is sublimation Heavenly Art!” Some people make the association. “吞噬生机,这像极了她的吞天魔功,确切的说是升华的天功!”有人做出联想。 Found, finally found a record, before very ancient years, Nine Holy Mountains is a Human Race source area, it is said Human Ancestor came from Foreign Domain, lands on there. Afterward was occupied...... her by Holy Spirit possibly is Holy Spirit!” “找到了,终于找到了一篇记载,在很古老的岁月前,九座圣山原本是人族一个起源地,据说人祖是从域外而来,就降落在那里。后来被一个圣灵占据了……她可能是一个圣灵!” entire world in an uproar, people guessed, but does not have a conclusion, Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones supreme existence, each background is scary, from ancient to present, outside abatement Great Emperor, no one can know to have what origin truly. 全天下都哗然,人们纷纷猜测,但却没有一个定论,七大生命禁区无上存在,各个来头吓人,自古至今,除却大帝外,没有人能真正知晓有何来历。 Ancient Race, cold and dreary, died so many Ancient Saint, injured their basis, that Dao Body shadow makes them be afraid. 古族内部,一片凄冷,死了这么多古圣,伤了他们的根本,那道身影让他们不寒而栗。 If this person Great Emperor, she is what clan? Various Immemorial clans are all scared, because desolate slap patted such Ancient Saint, those who aimed was they! 此人若是一位大帝,她属于何族?太古各族全都发毛,因为荒一巴掌就拍死了这么古圣,针对的是他们! She...... is a human, I can see, is not my Ancient Race sovereign!” “她……是一个人类,我能看出,绝不是我古族的皇!” A to escape Saint King opens the mouth, draws such a conclusion, making Ancient Race Sages all shock. 逃出生天的一位圣人王开口,得出这样一个结论,让古族诸贤全都震惊。 As for three Great Saint, after coming back maintains total silence, went to seclusion directly, anything had not said. 至于三位大圣,回来后一语不发,直接去闭关了,什么都没有说。 What, living Human Race's Great Emperor?” The people who Ancient Race attended the meeting dumbfounded, everyone from the beginning as cool as foot, this is a shock and awe of supreme. “什么,一位活着的人族大帝?”古族参会的人都呆住了,每一个人都从头凉到脚,这是一种无上的震慑。 Who goes to...... Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine, delivers the news.” Very senile Ancestral King flutters to say. “谁去……太初古矿,将消息送进去。”一位很衰老的祖王颤声说道。 Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine, who can enter, bursts in rashly, must kill the body catastrophe.” Another Ancient Saint said. 太初古矿,谁人能进,贸然乱闯,必有杀身大祸。”另一位古圣说道。 I think that she does not aim at us, but goes for Bronze Immortal Palace, perhaps we...... move the thing that should not move.” “我想她并不是针对我们,只是为青铜仙殿而去,我们也许……动了不该动的东西。” This Ancient Saint words fall, the people are all startled, then thought that the body was cold, some scalp rounds explode, in bone seam cold air/Qi invasion. 这位古圣话语一落,众人全都一怔,而后更加觉得身体寒冷了,头皮都有些发炸,骨头缝内冷气侵入。 That place...... is a Human Race's Great Emperor ancient grave, the desolate prevents, the slaughter falls Saints, meant anything, it can be imagined! 那个地方……可是一位人族大帝古坟啊,荒去阻挡,屠掉诸圣,意味了什么,可想而知! With the Human Race peaceful coexistence, do not presumptuously think to treat as the blood to eat them, at the present Heaven and Earth changed, has not been Immemorial, Human Race has had Great Emperor are not less than Ancient Sovereign!” Old Saint said. “与人族和平共处,再也不要妄想将他们当作血食了,而今天地变了,早已不是太古,人族出过的大帝不比古皇少!”一位老圣人说道。 Many people are silent. 许多人都默然。 From beginning to end, is their mentality cannot transform, always feels Human Race to be small and weak, should such as the Immemorial period, attach in the major royal families, submit and fall in their under feet, has absolute power over somebody, has one's wish. 自始至终,都是他们心态转变不过来,总觉得人族弱小,应该如太古时期般,依附于各大王族,伏倒在他们的脚下,生杀予夺,随心所欲。 But if pondered, Human Race has had incessantly Great Emperor, surpasses any ancient Imperial Clan, dominates on all large clans! 可若是细想,人族出过不止一位大帝,超过任何一个古皇族,凌驾所有大族上! Extermination of the clan, that is the delusion, if really has Human Race's Great Emperor to live, all extinguishes can be we. If attacks, but only the partial war, knows when to stop, for example strikes Human Race's Saint Physique horizontally, cannot make him grow, now has been able the slaughter Saint, this will be the future may one indication and indication of prove the Dao!” Some people said. “灭族,那是妄想,万一真有人族大帝活着,全灭的会是我们自己。若是攻伐,只可是局部战,适可而止,比如横击人族圣体,绝不能让他成长起来,现在就已能屠圣了,这是将来可证道的一种的预示与征兆!”有人说道。 Desolate enter the world, killed Ancient Race trembling with fear, they do not dare to enrage, but some radical Ancestral King realized, cannot let some Human Race again person of become Emperor, should strangle in the cradle. 出世了,杀的古族战战兢兢,他们不敢触怒,但是部分激进的祖王更加意识到,绝不能让人族再有人成帝了,应该扼杀摇篮中。 Desolate, doubtful Human Race's Great Emperor, but some people believe, she is Great Empress Ferocity, is in history most startled certainly the colorful person! 荒,疑似人族大帝,而更有人相信,她就是狠人大帝,是史上最惊才绝艳的人! After this day, outside Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, often some people kotow, prayed the Human Race's Great Emperor asylum, the big world that suppress this Myriad Clans had/left, but also a Human Race peace. 自这一日后,荒古禁地外,常有人叩首,祈祷人族大帝庇护,镇压这个万族同出的大世,还人族一个太平。 Also precisely after this day, a surging forward with great momentum war tune played, on the prove the Dao road the multi- skeletons, Immortal Ascension Road will open, Ye Fan is going to ascend Heavenly Road, treads the battle song the line. 正是自这一日后,一首更加波澜壮阔的战曲奏响了,证道路上多尸骨,成仙路将开启,叶凡将要登天路,踏战歌而行。
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