STH :: Volume #11

#1068: Under Victorious Buddha Mt. Xumi

The thick iron rod inserts in a blue stone, said that is black gold casts does not look like, staunch fearful, has some garnets, has probably soaked in the blood. 粗大的铁棍插入一块青石中,说是乌金铸成又不太像,刚烈慑人,带着一些暗红色,像是在血中浸过。 This is Immemorial ominous weapon, although in the past so many years, but still makes one make the heart tremble a chestnut, the back gives birth to cold air. 这是一条太古凶兵,虽然过去这么多年了,但是依然让人让心颤股栗,脊背生出一层寒气。 In the past, does not know that was actually who to kill Divine Silkworm Princess, that was a complicated legal case without a clue. Immemorial last years, after Battle Saint Sovereign died during meditation the worldwide chaos, some matchless character take action, project on Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, demons weeping, spirits crying, randomly to the extreme. 当年,不知究竟是谁杀了神蚕公主,那是一桩无头公案。太古末年,斗战圣皇坐化后天下大乱,一些不世人物出手,打到天崩地裂,鬼哭神嚎,乱到极点。 In the past, was the silver moon Heavenly King teacher to Divine Silkworm Princess take action?” People suck in a cold breath, all the heart feels cold. “当年,是银月天王的师尊对神蚕公主出手?”人们倒吸冷气,全都心头发冷。 Among the silver moon Heavenly King shocking Immemorial years, are honored as become one of the Great Saint's existences hopefully, went out on this road were very far, perhaps in the near future will tread that step. 银月天王惊艳太古年间,被誉为最有希望成为大圣的存在之一,在这条路上走出了很远,也许不久的将来就会踏出那一步。 Will cultivation of his master be profound, achieved what kind of Realm? Only thinks to make the person scalp send to explode, cold air from the beginning as cool as foot. 他师傅的道行会有多么高深,达到了何等的境界?光想一想就让人头皮发炸,寒气从头凉到脚。 „The silver moon Heavenly King teacher is...... Kun Zhou Great Saint!” Some person of words shiver, breathe out. 银月天王的师尊是……昆宙大圣!”有人话语颤抖,低声说出。 Unexpectedly is he...... supreme Kun Zhou Great Saint, sweeps away Immemorial, Nine Heavens reveres alone, who leaves outside Saint Sovereign to press him?” “竟然是他……无上昆宙大圣,横扫太古,九天独尊,舍去圣皇外谁能压他?” Kun Zhou Great Saint is a Immemorial last years live god, is one of the most powerful existences, is in several big giants, can overlook entire Ancient Star, the strength terrifying to is unable to estimate. 昆宙大圣太古末年的一尊活神,是最强大的存在之一,位列几大巨头内,可以俯视整颗古星,战力恐怖到无法估量。 No one has thought, in years past was this person to Divine Silkworm Princess take action, people suck in a cold breath, no one dares to rashly criticize, because will frequently have the extermination of the clan catastrophe. 谁也没有想到,昔年是这个人对神蚕公主出手,众人倒吸冷气,没有一个人敢妄评,因为动辄会有灭族大祸。 In the past, he offered a sacrifice to refine divine iron, 100000 miles away shoots together, sewed me before Desolate sacred temple monarch overlooking the world, big power and prestige.” The Divine Silkworm Princess eye pupil looks at a day of calm, said the process of dying. “当年,他祭炼完一块神铁,于100000里外掷出,将我钉在莽荒圣庙君临天下,好大的威风。”神蚕公主眼眸望天波澜不惊,说出了死的经过。 100000 miles away shoots divine spear, nailed tight powerful Divine Silkworm Princess? People at the scene whole body ice-cold, this is what concept, the powerful oddness, some are not real! 于100000里外掷出一杆神矛,就钉死了强大的神蚕公主?人们当场浑身冰冷,这是什么概念,强大的离谱,有些不真实! Unexpectedly like this died......” “竟是这样死去的……” Was too terrifying!” “太恐怖了!” People whispered, alarmed and afraid that all was from the heart, Kun Zhou Great Saint's fearful being hard common sense powerful to boundless! 人们低语,全都发自内心的惊惧,昆宙大圣的可怕难以常理度之强大到无边! Divine Silkworm Princess is among one generation of talent goddess Immemorial years, becomes one of the Great Saint's several people hopefully, was lifted the hand to give to nail tight unexpectedly, this secret startled fear will of the people. 神蚕公主太古年间的一代天骄神女,是最有希望成为大圣的几人之一,竟被人抬手就给钉死了,此秘辛惊慑人心。 Battle Saint Sovereign dies, worldwide chaos, this is the matter that who knows, but gratitude and grudges not everyone between giants was clear, even if indistinct clear(ly) to understand, is hard completely to know. 斗战圣皇一死,天下大乱,这是谁都知道的事情,但是巨头间的恩怨并不是每一个人都清楚,纵然隐约间明晓,也难以尽知。 In years past Battle Saint Sovereign monarch overlooking the world, Myriad Clans bowed the head, the world altogether reveres. However he died, Era was different, some Law naturally must change.” silver moon Heavenly King light saying. “昔年斗战圣皇君临天下,万族俯首,天下共尊。但是他死去了,时代不同了,有些规则自然要变一变。”银月天王平淡的说道。 Pitifully Kun Zhou his prove the Dao to become Sovereign has not wanted to set up own order Law also early, but also does not have the monarch overlooking the world power and influence and bearing , can only eradicate different already that's all!” The Divine Silkworm Princess pupil light rises suddenly, the peerless grace and talent, one step goes forward, the imposing manner compels the person. “可惜昆宙他并未证道成皇想要立自己的秩序规则还早了点,还没有君临天下的威势与气度,也只能铲除异已而已!”神蚕公主眸光暴涨,绝代风华,一步上前,气势迫人。 By the present, people understood, how Heavenly Sovereign's Son dares, in view of the Battle Saint Sovereign's heir, secure behind to have Kun Zhou Great Saint to support for these years unexpectedly. 到了现在,人们明白了,天皇子何以敢如此,这么多年来针对斗战圣皇的子嗣,有恃无恐背后竟有昆宙大圣在撑腰。 This matter is very fearful, related to supreme existence among Immemorial long hatred! 这件事很可怕,涉及到了无上存在间的太古宿怨! Heavenly Sovereign's Son does that is Kun Zhou Great Saint is inciting the probe mostly, looks that Western Desert that Victorious Buddha achieves what Realm to have anything to respond at the present. 天皇子这么做多半就是昆宙大圣在授意试探,看一看西漠那尊胜佛而今到底达到了什么境界会有什么反应。 In some sense, this is not the contest between Ancient Sovereign's Son is invincible Great Saint is confronting from beginning to end, is one preview that sweeps across the entire Ancient Star storm! 从某种意义上来说,这根本就不是古皇子间的较量自始至终都是无敌的大圣在对峙,是一场席卷整颗古星风暴的预演! So many years passed by, god knows Kun Zhou Great Saint achieved what kind of Realm, whether took one step, light/only thinks scared. 这么多年过去了,天知道昆宙大圣达到了何等境界,是否又迈出了一步,光想一想就让人胆寒。 Pitifully Heavenly Sovereign's Son, even again good-for-nothing, still has the first under the heavens bloodlines physique, even cannot prove the Dao, the achievement be still limitless, died.” The Divine Silkworm Princess taunt said. “可惜了天皇子,即便再不成器,也拥有天下第一的血脉体质,即便不能证道,成就也不可限量,就这么死去了。”神蚕公主嘲讽道。 Divine Silkworm Princess, you, since knows that Kun Zhou Great Saint is also living, should have the consciousness, you have not been able to run amuck in this world!” Ancestral King in Eight Troops Divine General said. 神蚕公主,你既然知道昆宙大圣还活着,就应该有觉悟,在这个世上你还不能横行!”八部神将中的一位祖王说道。 pā! 啪! The Divine Silkworm Princess eye does not have the belt/bring to wink, the white hands wields, resounding slap pulled out on his face, made his chin fall at the scene broken, the body flew the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be far horizontally. 神蚕公主眼睛都没带眨一下,玉手挥出,一个响亮的耳光就抽在了他的脸上,当场让其下巴碎掉,身子横飞出去数百丈远。 A hills ten thousand Hejian deathly stillness, no one dares to say anything, everyone exclaimed in surprise in the heart, this talent Princess was too strong, whether it is in the past or now throughout has not changed. 群山万壑间一片死寂,没有一个人敢多说什么,每一个人都在心中惊叹,这位天骄公主太强势了,无论是过去还是现在始终未变过。 This is one generation of Ancestral King, said that hits hits, moreover pulled out a big mouth of heavenshaking sound, whom passes on to believe? fantasy story! 这可是一代祖王啊,说打就打,而且是抽了一个震天响的大嘴巴,传出去谁能相信?天方夜谭般! You......” that Ancestral King violent anger-, but actually also has a powerless feeling, is really not an opponent. “你……”那位祖王暴怒—但是却也生出一股无力感,真的不是对手。 Depending on a you little Eight Troops Divine General descendant, dares three to gesticulate to me repeatedly, if real Divine General comes back to life but actually, what a pity, does not have imposing attitude and strengths of your ancestor.” Saying that Divine Silkworm Princess is relentless. “凭你一个小小的八部神将后裔,也敢屡次三番对我指手画脚,若是真的神将复生倒也罢了,可惜啊,早已没有了你们先祖的气魄与战力。”神蚕公主毫不留情的说道。 Divine Silkworm Princess you went too far, be careful always can not turn over/stand up!” silver moon Heavenly King said, takes a step to compel forward. 神蚕公主你太过分了,当心永世不得翻身!”银月天王说道,向前迈步逼来。 Divine Silkworm Princess has not responded him, takes a fast look around the Eight Troops Divine General army directly, said: You think that has Kun Zhou Great Saint to support, can shake the power and prestige, believes me to extinguish your eight clans!” 神蚕公主没有搭理他,直接扫视八部神将大军,道:“你们以为有昆宙大圣撑腰,就可以抖起威风了吗,信不信我一个人灭你们八族!” whether it is Human Race, various Immemorial kings lord the meat to jump none who does not, the Divine Silkworm Princess conduct may really be ka-beng brittle, the pressed person did not have the words to say, has to lower the head. 无论是人族,还是太古各大王主等莫不肉跳,神蚕公主行事可真是“嘎嘣脆”,压的人没话可说,不得不低头。 silver moon Heavenly King can't you see with own eyes Heavenly Sovereign's Son to be driven to death after suffering an injustice?” In Eight Troops Divine General Ancestral King said that in the heart had the disaffection. 银月天王你总不能眼见天皇子枉死吧?”八部神将中一位祖王说道,心中生出了不满。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son die, making one sigh with regret, he is the gods only bloodlines , the physique is matchless, Myriad Clans is the unquantifiable loss, cannot die in vain.” silver moon Heavenly King said walks forward, watches intently Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son, the pupil light such as two sharp blade shoots. 天皇子殒落,让人扼腕叹息,他是神明唯一的血脉,体质举世无双,于万族来说都是难以估量的损失,自不能白死。”银月天王边说边向前走来,逼视叶凡圣皇子,眸光如两道利刃般射来。 Clang!” “锵!” Divine Silkworm Princess waves, impolite disintegrated his powerful imposing manner, blocks the way, sneers saying: Is really ordinary with your teacher, the big power and prestige, has not suspended the peerless expert style to the Sanctification later generation. Some day, after Saint Sovereign's Son reaches this altitude, can you somewhat the guts face?” 神蚕公主一挥手,毫不客气的瓦解了他强大的气势,挡住去路,冷笑道:“真跟你师尊一般,好大的威风,对未成圣的后辈摆绝代高手的风范。有朝一日,圣皇子达到这一高度后,你能有几分胆量面对?” Divine Silkworm Princess, I do not want to speak what idle talk, only said that Heavenly Sovereign's Son cannot die in vain, this time wind da wave does not blow by you!” silver moon Heavenly King cold sound said. 神蚕公主,我也不想多说什么废话,只说一点,天皇子不能白死,这次的风龘波靠你镇不住!”银月天王寒声道。 The Divine Silkworm Princess imposing manner is fearful, you did not place on the face to fill disdaining them quite the same as, said: „Do you want to handle Saint Sovereign's Son?” 神蚕公主气势慑人,浑然你不将他们放在眼中脸上充满了不屑,道:“你想处置圣皇子?” At least first massacres his side that Human Race cultivator, because I know, Heavenly Sovereign's Son should die in his hand.” The silver moon Heavenly King pupil light was cold, observed closely Ye Fan, said: First massacres this person, sits the possibility of discussing, how as to handle Saint Sovereign's Son, can discuss actually.” “最起码先杀掉他身边的那个人族修士因为我知道,天皇子应该是死在了他的手中。”银月天王眸光冷冽,盯住了叶凡,道:“先杀掉此人,还有坐下来一谈的可能,至于怎么处置圣皇子,倒是可以商量。” Good, first killed that Human Race cultivator to offer a sacrifice to the Heavenly Sovereign's Son hero's soul possibly to let off certainly!” Eight Troops Divine General many people angry roar. “不错,先杀了那个人族修士以祭天皇子英魂绝可能放过!”八部神将许多人怒吼。 Ha haha......” Divine Silkworm Princess laughs, but how to listen somewhat to be cold, she such as one generation of empress monarch overlooking the world, said: Really is laughable, I have not said anything, you put forward the condition but actually. It can be said that...... stands in the person who in front of me, is hostile to indifferently, under you think over, oneself all are difficult insurance!” “哈哈哈……”神蚕公主大笑,不过怎么听都有些冷,她如一代女皇君临天下,道:“真是可笑,我还没说什么,你们倒提条件了。可以说……站在我面前、冷漠敌视的人啊,你们都掂量下吧,自身全都难保!” She thinks that...... puts down so many archenemies?” “她想……扫平这么多大敌?” People were all shocked, has not thought that this talent wonderful female is so strong must kill ten directions greatly? 人们皆惊呆了,没有想到这位天骄奇女子这么强势要大杀十方吗? „Did you...... the big tone, really work as are the Di­vine Silk­worm Ridge's Ancient Sovereign reincarnation?” Opposite several Ancient King not indignation. “你……好大的口气,真当自己是神蚕岭的古皇转世了吗?”对面几位古王不忿。 The silver moon Heavenly King complexion is very cold, stares at her saying: Your Saint Sovereign's Son not necessarily can preserve!” 银月天王脸色很冷,盯着她道:“你连圣皇子都不见得能保住!” „When Battle Saint Sovereign looks at boldly the world, overlooks Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, don't you where, how dare to jump? His only child by own skill killed good-for-nothing Heavenly Sovereign's Son that's all your each and every one unbearably anxious jumps to come out the skill!” Divine Silkworm Princess takes a fast look around everyone. 斗战圣皇雄视天下、俯瞰九天十地时,你们在哪里,怎么不敢跳出来?他唯一的亲子凭借自己的本事杀了一个不成器的天皇子而已你们一个个就都急不可耐的跳了出来好本事!”神蚕公主扫视所有人。 No matter how said, you cannot change anything, do not think in the world, only then Victorious Battle Buddha, in Myriad Clans also has other matchless expert!” silver moon Heavenly King callous saying. “不管怎么说,你改变不了什么,不要以为世上只有一个斗战胜佛,万族中还有其他不世高手!”银月天王冷酷的说道。 Right, returns the blood by the blood, the slayer dies!” In Eight Troops Divine General has the radicals to yell. “没错,以血还血,杀人者死!”八部神将中有激进分子大叫。 Said was too right, your for many years has run amuck, pursues and exterminates Saint Sovereign's Son, today dies to consider as finished cleanly, returns the blood by the blood!” Divine Silkworm Princess brutal said that a hand pats forward. Little White Tiger that her shoulder that Divine Silkworm turns into hurried to cover the sparkling big eye. “说的太对了,你们这多年来横行惯了,追剿圣皇子,今日都死个干净算了,以血还血!”神蚕公主无情的说道一只手向前拍去。她肩头那个神蚕化成的小白虎赶紧捂上了乌溜溜的大眼睛。 “噗” A piece of blood light blasts out, large expanse of Eight Troops Divine General died. silver moon Heavenly King hurried take action stops, several Ancestral King also execute Secret Technique to stop her attacking. 一片血光炸开,成片的八部神将死去。银月天王急忙出手阻拦,几位祖王也施秘术阻拦她的攻伐。 No one has thought of sudden of such fight, although Divine Silkworm Princess is seemingly elusive **, but the conduct is decisive and callous, killed, covers Ancestral King in one group of holy light, in the mouth exudes one to scold lightly, unfolds to kill strikes! 谁也没有想到战斗发生的这么突然,神蚕公主虽然看起来空灵**但是行事果断而冷酷,只身就杀了过去,将一位祖王笼罩在一团圣光中,口中发出一声轻叱,展动必杀一击! „......” “啊……” The sad and shrill cry resounds through the universe, this Immemorial Ancestral King struggles fiercely has not escaped, was broken livingly, in the Holy Blood crash hills, the landslide subsidence of the earth, such as end the world approaches. 凄厉的叫声响彻天宇,这位太古祖王剧烈挣扎都没有逃过一劫,被活生生震碎,圣血坠落群山中,山崩地陷,如末世来临。 „” “哧” silver moon Heavenly King turns into together silver light, directly soars Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son goes, wants the good extinction method, writes off a cleanness them. 银月天王化成一道银光,直奔叶凡圣皇子而去,想要行绝灭手段,将他们抹杀个干净。 Bang “砰” However, the Divine Silkworm Princess speed was too fast, almost in the flash in the front, the white hands laid out horizontally, shakes it draws back, shouts: „The solemn Saint Sovereign's heir, occupies completely in the situation of truth also some people to dare to kill, but can also 't compare a good-for-nothing death imperial prince? I looked that who dares to move Saint Sovereign's Son with his friend finger, I kill his ten clans greatly!” 然而,神蚕公主的速度太快了,几乎在一瞬间横在了前方,玉手拍出,将其震退,喝道:“堂堂圣皇的子嗣,占尽道理的情况下还有人敢杀,还比不上一个不成器的死皇子吗?我看谁敢动圣皇子与他的朋友一个手指头,我大杀他十族!” Divine Silkworm Princess, among you executed Saint level Ancient King, but must understand oneself made anything, all take responsibility for the consequences!” Brilliance incomparable coldness that in the silver moon Heavenly King pupil projects. 神蚕公主,你当中格杀了一位圣人古王,可要明白自己做了什么,一切后果自负!”银月天王瞳孔中射出的光彩无比的冷冽。 Killed killed, you can my what, not only that I must make Eight Troops Divine General remove forever, since then became the history!” Divine Silkworm Princess aggressive saying. “杀就杀了,你能奈我何,不仅如此,我还要让八部神将都永远除名,从此成为历史!”神蚕公主霸气的说道。 Everyone one is scared, Di­vine Silk­worm Ridge's this Princess is really fearful, wants a nest end, destroys completely Eight Troops Divine General various clans? Shocks entire Ancient Star sufficiently! 所有人都一阵发毛,神蚕岭的这位公主真是可怕,想要一窝端,灭掉八部神将诸族?足以震撼整颗古星 You......” in Eight Troops Divine General several Ancestral King startled anger happen simultaneously. “你……”八部神将中几位祖王惊怒交加。 Your anything you, shame Battle Saint Sovereign, this tent/account calculates for these years together, you do not have one to live, even Kun Zhou could not guarantee you, has wanted to calculate the old debt with him!” Divine Silkworm Princess shouted. “你什么你,这么多年来辱斗战圣皇,这笔帐一起算,你们没有一个能活下来,即便是昆宙也保不了你们,早就想与他算旧账了!”神蚕公主喝道。 She full light and lively purple hair dances in the air, the nimble and resourceful big eye projects two fearful light beams, one step goes forward, once again take action! 她满头轻灵的紫发飞舞,灵动的大眼射出两道可怕的光束,一步上前,又一次出手 Dissolute!” silver moon Heavenly King take action stop. “放肆!”银月天王出手阻拦。 I looked that is you are dissolute, is not Kun Zhou Great Saint, probed so many years, making him roll!” Divine Silkworm Princess reprimanded. “我看是你放肆,不就是一个昆宙大圣吗,试探了这么多年,让他滚出来吧!”神蚕公主斥道。 Before my master take action, I first receives Saint Sovereign's Son with that Human Race cultivator, making you know there is human beyond the human there is Heaven beyond the Heaven!” silver moon Heavenly King shouted, grasped to Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son. “在我师出手前,我先收掉圣皇子与那个人族修士,让你知道人外有人天外有天!”银月天王喝道,向叶凡圣皇子抓去。 Bang!” “砰!” Suddenly, racket of a golden big hand above from the universe falls, the silver moon Heavenly King whole person flew horizontally, the whole body joint flip-flop makes noise, the whole body bone broke. 突然,一只金色的大手自天宇上方拍落,银月天王整个人横飞了出去,浑身骨节噼啪作响,全身骨头都断裂了。 My elder brother, although already died during meditation in the Immemorial years, but Battle Saint Ape lineage/vein have not reduced to the situation that who can insult, making Kun Zhou see me!” A whole body gold hair twinkle, imposing manner Tyrant Heaven danger zone old Monkey appears on the scene.( To be continued. If you like this work, welcome you to cast the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket, your support, is I biggest power.) “我兄长虽然早已坐化太古年间,但斗战圣猿一脉还没有沦落到谁都可以欺辱的地步,让昆宙来见我!”一只浑身黄金毛发闪烁,气势霸天绝地的老猴子出现在场中。(未完待续。如果您喜欢这部作品,欢迎您来投推荐票、月票,您的支持,就是我最大的动力。)
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