STH :: Volume #11

#1067: Immemorial long hatred

Heavenly Domain endless- only the azure big hand searches...... the racket from five clouds to Saint Sovereign's Son, the Primal Chaos air/Qi winds around, Absolute Beginning Immortal Light radiate all around. 天域无疆-只青色的大手从五霄上探下……拍向圣皇子,混沌气缭绕,太初仙光四射 Ended, Eastern Wilderness will have the big disaster, Saint Sovereign's Son, if dies, Heaven and Earth will tilt!” “完了,东荒将有大祸事,圣皇子若死,天地都将倾覆!” Do not say is Human Race, even Immemorial Royal Clan Mountain Lord wait/etc. were fearful and apprehensive, resembled to see the mountains of corpses & seas of blood picture, a big trouble approached. 不要说是人族,即便是太古王族山主等都心惊肉跳,似看到了尸山血海的画面,一场大患来临。 Saint is aloof person category, the strength by far world of mortals, is unchallengeable, that azure big hand one, is the calamity, in Great Wilderness large expanse of mountain range becomes fine powder. “圣”超脱出“人”的范畴,远胜凡间之力,不可挑战,那青色的大手一出,已是天塌地陷,大荒中成片的山脉成为齑粉 If the tragedy really performs, Ancient Race will have the chaos, can this should do?” Even Mountain Lord of Immemorial Sovereign clan frowns. “若悲剧真的上演,古族定将会有大乱,这可如何是好?”连太古皇族的一位山主都皱起了眉头。 Zheng!” “铮!” The voiceless sound resounds together, sacrifices for the rotten green light to sweep that together only big hand, pierces it unexpectedly directly, blood drop sprinkles, annihilated Void. 一道清音响起,一道徇烂的绿光扫过那只大手,竟然将其直接洞穿,一片血滴洒出,湮灭了虚空 Ancient Race Saint stuffy yin, a azure big hand spasm, backs up fast, above being hidden vault of heaven, belongs to the sky again. 古族圣人一声闷吲,青色大手一阵痉孪,快速倒退,重新隐没天穹上方,归于苍空。 Good tragedy has not happened!” “还好悲剧没有发生!” Saint Sovereign's Son has not died, lets many Ancient Race released a long breath, the ethnic group that even is hostile to human also so, their apprehension Western Desert that exists to go crazy fearfully. 圣皇子未死,让许多古族长出了一口气,即便是敌视人类的族群亦如此,他们忧惧西漠那位可怕存在发狂。 What person dares to block me?” On the vault of heaven hands down one to shout angrily. “什么人敢拦吾?”天穹上传下一阵怒喝。 I rescued your life, haven't you thanked, do not know good from bad?” The horizon end, powerful Immemorial Ancestral King appears, does not need to doubt his identity, because stands there still makes one unable to withstand. “我救了你一命,你不曾感谢,不知好歹吗?”天际尽头,一名强大的太古祖王出现,无需怀疑他的身份,因为即便站在那里也让人承受不住。 Wears green gold/metal battlesuit in him, wears the cerulean gold helmet, clear, but his all around Void distortion, the big Dao Traces mark becomes the Qian mountain ten thousand wisps, majestic. 在他身穿绿金战衣,戴着碧金头盔,一身的晶莹,而他四周的虚空扭曲,大道痕迹成千山万缕,大气磅礴。 Even if he stands there still makes person one be scared, the terrifying is boundless, his vitality can sweep away Heaven and Earth...... immeasurably infinite...... to be angry absolutely to swallow the potential of Mountains and Rivers. 他即便只是站在那里也让人一阵发毛,恐怖无边,他的气血绝对可以横扫天地……无量无穷……有气吞山河之势。 You are strong over, from which clan?” The indifferent words arched handed down from that day. “你这是强出头,来自哪一族?”冷漠的话语自那天穹传下。 I am itinerant cultivator that's all, cannot compare your Eight Troops Divine General, but cannot get used to seeing this grade of matter.” Wears Ancestral King of cerulean gold games show/unfolds to say. “我不过是一介散修而已,比不上你们八部神将,只是看不惯这等事。”身穿碧金展的祖王道。 He killed the heir of god, doesn't kill his natural justice intolerably...... you to shelter him?” On vault of heaven, dense/woods cold sound rumble. “他害死了神的子嗣,不杀他天理难容……你想庇护他吗?”天穹上,森寒声音隆隆。 Perhaps was I am meddlesome.” Wears cerulean gold battle armour Ancestral King one to sigh lightly, perceived anything. “也许是我多事了。”身穿碧金战甲祖王一声轻叹,觉察到了什么。 Saint Sovereign's Son said: What kills, was cut by me in the fair war, oneself good-for-nothing resentment who? You do not want to retaliate, so many of saying do.” 圣皇子道:“什么害死,在公平一战中被我斩掉,自己不成器怨的了谁?你不就是想报复吗,说的那么多作甚。” Dissolute, disrespects to the god, murders to kill divine son, kneels to apologize!” In the sky shouted at...... makes the hills rumble the avalanche, rubble piercing the clouds, the mist and dust block out the sun, making the watcher none who does not scared. “放肆,对神不敬,弑杀神子,跪下来谢罪!”天空中一声断喝……让群山隆隆崩塌,乱石穿云,烟尘蔽日,令观者莫不胆寒。 Mouth. “嘴。 A greatest coercion landing, pressed to Saint Sovereign's Son, Ye Fan and the others, wants to make them kneel down in the presence of everyone, loses face in front of Myriad Clans, this is the Saint power and influence, heavy boundless, such as a Star Domain pressure falls. 一片莫大的威压降落,向圣皇子叶凡等人压来,想让他们当众跪下,于万族面前丢丑,这是圣者威势,沉重无边,如一片星域压落。 Has not thought, I am dragged into a dispute unexpectedly, but there are me...... not to accommodate your shame Saint Sovereign's Son in this!” The body pulls out cerulean gold battlesuit Ancestral King to shout. “不曾想,我竟卷入一场是非中,但有我在此……就不容你们辱圣皇子!”身拔碧金战衣祖王喝道。 Bang!” “轰!” He snaps fingers to strike the day, five green marks such as Azure Dragon flies across, sweeps all Holy Force completely, blocked on the vault of heaven that Ancestral King coercion. 他弹指击天,五道绿痕如青龙横越,将所有圣力扫尽,挡住了天穹上那位祖王的的威压 Many thanks senior aid.” Saint Sovereign's Son executes gift...... to extend appreciation earnestly. “多谢前辈援手。”圣皇子认真施大礼……表达谢意。 Does not need so. In the past Saint Sovereign ruled Immemorial, swept away Nine Heavens, our generation all respects, his child collapsed difficult, how can ignore. Furthermore, even my not take action, some people will still manage this matter.” “无需如此。当年圣皇君临太古,横扫九天,我辈皆敬仰,他的子崩有难,怎能置之不理。再者,即便我不出手,也会有人管这件事。” Obviously, although Battle Saint Sovereign already[ hundred degrees celsius post first round] died during meditation, but also one group of faithful followers, are only among the ordinary days not manifest that's all. 显然,斗战圣皇虽然已经[百度贴吧首发]坐化,但是也有一批忠实的追随者,只是平日间不显化而已 You may know with me and others are an enemy, already[ hundred degrees celsius post first round] took a road of no return? This time matter who came no matter uses!” The sky trembling ticket, five fearful silhouette arrive, all covers divine halo, a beginning appearance, the myriad things is collapsing, in Great Wilderness life-force does not reveal. “你可知与我等为敌,已经[百度贴吧首发]走上了一条不归路?这次的事谁来了都不管用!”天空颤票,共有五道可怕的身影降临,全都笼罩着神环,始一出现,万物崩溃,大荒生机不显。 Each of them was submerged by holy light, silhouette is dim, each one powerful like the gods, trim Heaven and Earth cannot allow their True Body, Void to twist unceasingly. 他们每一个人都被圣光所淹没,身影朦胧,个个强大如神明,整片天地似容不下他们的真身,虚空不断扭曲。 This is Immemorial Ancestral King, the Sanctification many years, usually not manifest, in the event, light/only that type of aura must let the person spasm, must kneel to bend down on the ground. 这就是太古祖王,早已成圣多年,平日不显化,一旦出现,光那种气息都要让人痉孪,要跪伏在地上。 Does not achieve this Realm, will never know them to be fearful, overlooks all living things, just like facing the ants. 不达到这一个境界,永远不知他们有多么可怕,俯视众生,犹如面对蝼蚁。 Wears cerulean gold battlesuit Ancestral King, after all only then a person, cannot contend, the body shakes, almost must spit blood to back up. 身穿碧金战衣祖王,毕竟只有一个人,不能抗衡,身体摇动,几乎就要吐血倒退。 Suddenly, another vast divine might appears, blocked five big Ancestral King instantaneously, then piece of magical cloud lowers, walks several Old Daoist. 突然,另一股浩大的神威出现,瞬间挡住了五大祖王,而后一片祥云降下,走来几位老道人 I consider anyone, the Di­vine Silk­worm Ridge's person arrived, do you really want to meddle this matter?” Several Ancestral King in Eight Troops Divine General indifferent relative. “我当是谁,神蚕岭的人到了,你们真要插手这件事吗?”八部神将中的几位祖王冷漠相对。 Nature.” Old Daoist replied calmly, wears the scarlet gold crown, wore the ancient Daoist robe. “自然。”一位老道人平静答道,头戴赤金冠,身穿古旧道袍。 Di­vine Silk­worm Ridge's person actually take action, how I did not feel right, in this has the matter?” Some Ancient Race are surprised. 神蚕岭的人竟然出手了,我怎么觉得不对劲,这里面是不是有事?”一些古族惊疑不定。 Divine Silkworm Ridge, apex major powers in Ancient Race, does Myriad Clans altogether awe, how many people there are to dare to provoke? Is Immemorial big Imperial Clan, has presented true Ancient Sovereign. 神蚕岭,古族中的绝顶大势力,万族共敬畏,有几个人敢招惹?是太古的一大皇族,出现过真正的古皇 In some sense, the Eight Troops Divine General position is also very high, the ancestor has followed Undying Heavenly Sovereign a number of Divine General, merit tall Zhenshi, to pull Mi. 从某种意义上来说,八部神将的地位也很高,祖上是追随过不死天皇的一批神将,功高震世,所向拔靡。 The past that but Undying Heavenly Sovereign elapses was too remote, Ancient Sovereign Weapon never obviously, but Divine Silkworm Ridge is rising, has emperor level battlesuit to stay behind, the world altogether reveres. 可是不死天皇逝去的年代太久远了,古皇兵始终不可见,而神蚕岭却如日中天,有帝级战衣留下,天下共尊。 Your Divine Silkworm Ridge is not overbearing, this wild ape killed the heir of god, should pay with a life, why do you stop?” Eight Troops Divine General here Saint level Ancient King said densely. “你神蚕岭莫要霸道,这只泼猴杀了神的子嗣,就该偿命,你们凭什么阻拦?”八部神将这边一位圣人古王森然说道。 Big world appears, the hundred boats competing to win, Myriad Clans competes, on the prove the Dao road the multi- skeletons, Ancient Sovereign's Son collapses i is also unavoidable, Heavenly Sovereign's Son is not as skillful as others is executed at the scene, cannot complain about others.” Divine Silkworm Ridge Old Daoist Priest said. “大世出现,百舸争流,万族共竞,证道路上多尸骨,古皇子崩死i去也在所难免,天皇子技不如人被当场格杀,怨不得别人。”神蚕岭一位老道士说道。 He is the only heir of god, how can die like this in vain? Do not think your Divine Silkworm Ridge monarch overlooking the world unrivaled !” Ancestral King in Eight Troops Divine General sneers again and again. “他是神的唯一子嗣,怎能这样白白死去?不要以为你神蚕岭君临天下、无人可敌!”八部神将中的一位祖王冷笑连连。 How even the Undying Heavenly Sovereign heir, in the fair war were killed, but also does the important person pay with a life inadequately? The view of where coming.” Old Daoist Priest said. “即便是不死天皇的子嗣又如何,公平一战中被击毙,还要人偿命不成?哪来的说法。”一位老道士说道。 No matter what said, Saint Sovereign's Son must die today, whose he could not save him!- Position Ancestral King bellows, holy light rushes...... embezzles Mountains and Rivers. “不管怎样说,圣皇子今日要死,谁他救不了他!-位祖王大吼,圣光澎湃……吞没山河 Really is the big power and prestige!” Together euphonious sneers to transmit, in the sky nine color magical cloud float, a peerless beautiful woman appears, landing under. “真是好大的威风!”一道银铃般的冷笑传来,天空中九彩祥云飘来,一个绝代丽人出现,降落而下。 Her seemingly shibajiu-year-old appearance, flesh snow white exquisite...... makings elusive- a purple long hair flutters, the ultra dust is refined, Divine Silkworm Princess arrival. 她看起来不过十八九岁的样子,肌肤雪白细腻……气质空灵-头紫色的长发飘动,超尘脱俗,神蚕公主驾临。 In his shoulder, palm of the hand big small Divine Silkworm, turns into a snow white small tiger...... the big eye to be bright at the present, darling. 在其肩头,有一个巴掌大的小神蚕,而今化成了一只雪白的小老虎……大眼有神,憨态可掬。 Backing up that „ Divine Silkworm Princess......, everyone is startled, each and every one is terrified, observing in distant place is scared, in the Mountain Lord hearts of major Ancient Race palpitates. 神蚕公主……,所有人都惊的倒退,一个个悚然,远处的观战者更是发毛,各大古族山主都心中悸动。 Person the shadow of famous tree, this talent Princess peerless grace and talent, the domineering, once fought all over Immemorial all along, being hard to seek many rivals...... is a true wonderful female. 人的名树的影,这位天骄公主绝代风华,一贯强势,曾经打遍太古,难以寻到多少敌手……是一个真正的奇女子。 Divine Silkworm Princess, can you to oppress others poorly?” In Eight Troops Divine General Ancestral King cold sound said. 神蚕公主,你要以劣压人吗?”八部神将中一名祖王冷声说道。 Ugly countenance, rolls to me!” Divine Silkworm Princess is very sharp, disregards another's feelings, calls several Ancestral King. “丑恶的嘴脸,都给我滚!”神蚕公主无比犀利,毫不留情面,直斥几位祖王 This sound said drinks, universe ruptured, land severe tremor. Although she is a female, but air/Qi of field to shiver, opposite several Ancient King cannot bear backs up backward. 这一声道喝,天宇崩开,大地剧震。她虽为一个女子,但是气场之强让人颤抖,对面的几位古王都忍不住向后倒退。 Divine Silkworm Princess, you want to provode the Myriad Clans chaos, the heir of gods cannot die in vain, cannot press this matter depending on you!” Another Ancestral King called out. 神蚕公主,你想引发万族大乱吗,神明的子嗣绝不能白死,凭你压不下来这件事!”另一位祖王叫道。 Good-for-nothing Heavenly Sovereign's Son that's all...... killed also killed, calculated anything ., Divine Silkworm Princess indifferent saying. “一个不成器的天皇子而已……杀也就杀了,算的了什么,.,神蚕公主冷漠的说道。 Your truculent and unreasonable, must meet the bamboo to pay the price!” Ancestral King cold sound said. “你蛮横无理,必会竹出代价!”一个祖王冷声说道。 pā! 啪! Divine Silkworm Princess simple and direct...... the white hands wield, big slap on the fan in the past, making on the face of this Ancestral King present the clear fingerprint, the corners of the mouth bleeds together, the body flew horizontally. 神蚕公主简单而直接……玉手一挥,一个大耳光就扇了过去,让这位祖王的脸上出现一道清晰的指印,嘴角淌血,身子横飞了出去。 Everyone shocks, Divine Silkworm Princess came up even Ancestral King to give the direct fan slap...... to be dumbfounded stunning, really such as in hearsay like that domineering, fearless world. 所有人都震撼,神蚕公主上来连祖王都给直接扇了一巴掌……让人瞠目结舌,果然如传闻中那般强势,无惧天下。 I and you were reasonable, you spoke the bloodlines and influence of gods to me, I used the palm of the hand to you, you also said that I was mindless, you said that wanted me to do?” Divine Silkworm Princess said, the voice has the magnetism, refers to stroking Little White Tiger that on the shoulder that only Divine Silkworm turns into by the slender jade. “我与你们讲道理,你们给我讲神明的血脉与势力,我用巴掌对你,你又说我不讲理,你说要我如何是好?”神蚕公主道,嗓音带着磁性,以纤纤玉指抚摸肩上那只神蚕化成的小白虎 whether it is Human Race, Immemorial major royal family all hearts startled, does not dare the multi- languages, all in observing calmly, today the gratitude and grudges between matter incessantly Ancient Sovereign's Son are so definitely simple. 无论是人族、还是太古各大王族全都心惊,不敢多语,皆在静观,今日事肯定不止古皇子间的恩怨那么简单。 You...... really under the same day can no one receive you?!” This Ancestral King startled anger happened simultaneously, strokes the fingerprint on face. “你……真当天下无人可收你了吗?!”这位祖王惊怒交加,抚摸脸上的指印。 The Divine Silkworm Princess corners of the mouth hold one to sneer, said: You, when Saint Sovereign's Son is a pitiful crying baby? He is Battle Saint Sovereign's jumps, the Heavenly Sovereign of not child jumping position is bad, the shame he in shame old Saint Sovereign, you should kill!” 神蚕公主嘴角噙着一丝冷笑,道:“你们当圣皇子是一个可怜的鼻涕虫?他是斗战圣皇的子蹦,不比古之天皇的子蹦地位差,辱他就是在辱老圣皇,你们都该杀!” You...... will regret that the heir of god cannot die in vain, must return the blood by the blood, pays with the life the price!” A Ancestral King loud say/way. “你……会后悔的,神的子嗣不能白死,必须要以血还血,付出生命的代价!”一位祖王大声道。 everyone you said that Undying Heavenly Sovereign that Myriad Clans altogether reveres broke bloodlines Inheritance, can uncover like this?” A Ancient King sound cuts the expansive sky, inquired various clan Powerhouse. 诸位你们说,万族共尊的不死天皇断了血脉传承,能这样揭过吗?”一位古王声音划破长空,询问各族强者 „The heir of god cannot die in vain!” In his behind, is the Eight Troops Divine General army, naturally not indignation, bellows together, acoustic shock Heaven and Earth. “神的子嗣不能白死!”在他的身后,是八部神将大军,自然都不忿,一起大吼,声震天地 Similar words, I also want to ask, the shame Saint Sovereign's person can live?” Divine Silkworm Princess said. “同样的话语,我也想问,辱圣皇的人能活吗?”神蚕公主道。 How Battle Saint Sovereign can compare with Undying Heavenly Sovereign!” In Eight Troops Divine General, some people have the endless hatred to whisper. 斗战圣皇怎能与不死天皇比!”在八部神将中,有人带着无尽的仇恨低语。 I said, your shame old Saint Sovereign, when really I am decorate ping Divine Silkworm Princess to extend the white hands to whisk off forward, in an instant the blood light spatters in all directions. “我才说完,你就辱老圣皇,真当我是摆设乒”神蚕公主伸玉手向前拂去,刹那间血光迸溅。 „...... “啊……。 Front, exudes a pitiful yell sound, Eight Troops Divine General army rows of blasts, the shining white bone block and assorted blood, spurts together, becomes requiem. 前方,发出一片惨叫声,八部神将大军一排排的炸开,莹白的骨块、各色的血液,一起飞洒,成为一首死亡哀曲 You...... stop!” Several Ancestral King shock. “你……住手!”几位祖王震惊。 Far spatial, people were shocked, Divine Silkworm Princess was extremely swift and fierce, handles gently bat, then wrote off the Eight Troops Divine General entire troops, from now can only be called seven Divine General. 远空,人们惊呆了,神蚕公主太过凌厉了,一只手轻蝙,便抹杀了八部神将整整一部的人马,从此以后只能称为七部神将了。 The people atmosphere does not dare to leave, this talent goddess is seemingly spatial clearly attractive, but kills people the eye does not wink, powerful lets the person of trembling ticket. 众人大气都不敢出,这位天骄神女看似空明灵秀,但是杀起人来连眼睛都不眨,强大的让人颤票。 Divine Silkworm Princess is calm and composed even in press of work, gathered together with pure white such as the finger of jade beautiful hair, said: I imitate your that's all, whom rules by force to fear compared with the domineering and ratio who!” 神蚕公主好整以暇,用洁白如玉的手指拢了拢秀发,道:“我不过是效仿你们而已,比强势、比霸道谁怕谁!” Your Eight Troops Divine General is not domineering overbearing, was in front of your to write off one, Divine Silkworm Princess made the annotation and response with practical action. 你们八部神将不是强势霸道吗,就当着你们的面抹杀一部,神蚕公主以实际行动做出了诠释与回应。 Divine Silkworm Princess you were too rampant , in this world can suppress your person also live!” The callous sound conveys together, falls from the highest heaven. 神蚕公主你太嚣张了,要知道,这个世上能镇龘压你的人都还活着!”一道冷酷的声音传来,自九霄落下。 A white hair such as the male landing of snow, the face seems like can have thirty -year-old appearance, is the eye pupil profound with great changes, looks is fearful Ancient King! 一个白发如雪的男子降落,面庞看起来能有三十几岁的样子,可是眼眸深邃与沧桑,一看就是一个是可怕的古王 He is...... silver moon Heavenly King, among the Immemorial years become one of the Great Saint's outstanding talent hopefully!” “他是……银月天王,太古年间最有希望成为大圣的盖代天骄之一!” He and Nine Phoenix King, Qilin Heavenly King and Divine Silkworm Princess wait/etc. were similar, had once been commended by Battle Saint Sovereign personally!” “他与九凰王、麟天王神蚕公主等相仿,都曾被斗战圣皇亲口称赞过!” Various Ancient Race in an uproar, then frightened, matter really gets bigger and bigger, compared with complex that the person imagines. 古族各部哗然,而后一阵惊悚,事情果然越闹越大,远比人想象的复杂。 Haha......” the Divine Silkworm Duke jade tablet had a good laugh suddenly, has the magnetic sound, although is interesting to listen to like the sounds of nature, no matter what who can hear a anger. “哈哈……”神蚕公圭突然仰天大笑了起来,带着磁性的声音虽然如天籁般动听,但任谁都能听到一股怒。 What Ancient Sovereign Great Saint installs, did your teacher come? This makes him kill me to give a try again!” The Divine Silkworm Princess cold sound said, then beckons to Saint Sovereign's Son, absorbed the black iron rod in his hand, sewed on the ground, said: This is his weapon!” “装什么古皇大圣,你师尊来了吗?这一世再让他来杀我试试看!”神蚕公主寒声道,而后冲圣皇子一招手,将其手中的黑色铁棍摄了过去,钉在了地上,道:“这是他的兵器!” Everyone all over the body icy cold, thinks past events, Immemorial last years, after Battle Saint Sovereign died during meditation, Divine Silkworm Princess was once nailed tight by black divine spear, Battle Saint King gets angry fights Eastern Wilderness, howls sadly Heaven and Earth, recedes Western Desert. 所有人都通体冰凉,想到了一则往事,太古末年,斗战圣皇坐化后,神蚕公主曾被人以一杆黑色的神矛钉死,斗战圣王则怒战东荒,悲啸天地,远走西漠 In recent years, Heavenly Sovereign's Son commanded Eight Troops Divine General to dare unscrupulous chasing down Saint Sovereign's Son, it seems like it was far from the surface is so simple, the doping had the long hatred between Immemorial giants. 近年来,天皇子统率八部神将敢肆无忌惮的追杀圣皇子,看来远非表面那么简单,掺杂有太古巨头间的宿怨。
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