STH :: Volume #11

#1066: Pierced the day

Being insufferably arrogant Heavenly Sovereign's Son...... was known as that the physique of first under the heavens bloodlines...... shows disdain for many colleagues, at the present unexpectedly destroy both body and soul, letting the person only a sigh. 不可一世的天皇子……号称天下第一血脉的体质……傲视群伦,而今竟形神俱灭,让人只能一阵感叹。 Any bloodlines, what physique, does not have the corresponding heart, in the end is a weed.” “什么血脉,什么体质,没有相应的心,到头来还是一根杂草。” At present was not the time of staring blankly, Saint Might is enormous and powerful, spreads in the entire mountain side lineage/vein, situation critical to the extreme. 眼下可不是发怔的时刻,圣威浩荡,蔓延到了整片山脉中,形势危急到了极点。 Rumble!” “隆隆!” In True Sage City another Saint Might to/clashes, turns into round black great sun, the shining universe, blocked that powerful Ancient Race Saint, interrupts its road ahead. 真贤城内另一道圣威冲起,化成一轮黑色的大日,照耀天宇,将那位强大的古族圣人挡住了,截断其前路。 Black Tortoise Monster Saint take action.” The long-drawn-out ding resounds through Mt. Xumi, enormous and powerful does not know that many ten thousand li (0.5 km)...... entire Great Thunderclap Temple sends out the glorious beams, Buddha’s radiance shines...... the ten directions life to kotow, all various illnesses all disappear. 玄龟妖圣出手了。”悠钟声响彻须弥山,浩荡也不知多少万里……整座大雷音寺都散发灿烂光辉,佛光普照……十方生灵叩首,百病皆消。 Ding finally sound.” Saint Sovereign's Son obtains the news, state of mind absent-minded. “钟声终于响了。”圣皇子得到消息,神思一阵恍惚。 gift that you prepare could not use, hurried to receive, otherwise let person chill down the spine.” Sovereign Black said to Ye Fan, released a long breath. “你备的大礼用不上了,赶紧收好,不然让人毛骨发寒。”黑皇叶凡道,长出了一口气 The mountain range deep place outside True Sage City, the person's shadow is ample, everywhere is cultivator, Myriad Clans to. 真贤城外的山脉深处,人影绰绰,到处都是修士,万族皆至。 Today had such big matter, can say that the day was pierced, no clan does not pay attention, come is big expert, the situation is quite stern. 今日发生了这么大的事,可以说天被捅破了,没有一族不关注,来的都是大高手,事态极为严峻。 Violent storm, this is day of collapse before short tranquil, will then have anything, no one knows. 暴风骤雨将至,这是天崩前的短暂宁静,接下来将会发生什么,谁也不知。 What, Saint Sovereign's Son came, that mysterious Human Race Powerhouse also arrived, do they...... really dare to appear?!” “什么,圣皇子来了,那个神秘的人族强者也到了,他们……真的敢出现?!” Whish.. “哗.。 Central Region in an uproar, the people startled regret none who does not, the noise heaven, never expected that Ye Fan and the others really dare to come this. 中域一片哗然,众人莫不惊憾,喧嚣上天,没有想到叶凡等人真的敢来此。 The Great Wilderness that True Sage City is at a babel of voices, various clans all startled, is indistinct thought that this matter is very complex, absolutely does not have the surface to look that simple. 真贤城所在的这处大荒人声鼎沸,各族皆惊,隐约间觉得这件事很复杂,绝对没有表面看起来那么简单。 Perhaps...... involved among the Immemorial years the gratitude and grudges of several big giants!” Some Ancient Race Mountain Lord are sensitive. “恐怕……涉及到了太古年间几大巨头的恩怨!”有些古族山主非常敏感。 Saint Sovereign's Son, Ji Zi wait/etc. came in waves, appears outside True Sage City, the look is light, no mighty waves. 圣皇子姬子等联袂而来,出现在真贤城外,神色平淡,没有一丝波澜。 „Do you also really dare to appear?!” A fearful sound resounded, delimits sky, the trim vault of heaven had blasted out, Primal Chaos Qi was hazy, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends. “你还真敢出现?!”一个可怕的声音响起,划过苍宇,整片天穹都炸开了,混沌气迷蒙,天崩地裂 All living things trembling ticket, even again far of avoidance, cannot bear want to kneel to bend down to kotow pays homage, this is true Saint Might.” Was aloof person category. 众生颤票,即便躲避的再远,都忍不住想跪伏下去叩首膜拜,这是真正的“圣威.”超脱了“人”的范畴。 I have what do not dare, the big zhang (3.33 m) walk greatly in the world, has a clear conscience, where this piece of Heaven and Earth can I not?” Saint Sovereign's Son holds up the head, the body such as divine gold casts general, still fearless, holds a big iron rod to stand. “我有何不敢,大丈大行走于世,问心无愧,这片天地我哪里去不得?”圣皇子昂首,躯体如神金铸成一般,依然无惧,持一杆大铁棍而立。 You killed the god only heir, is the person condemned for all time, even if died to be hard to make reparations 10,000 times!” Is together sound that's all, makes this Void crash, sky blasts out, pressed Heaven and Earth entirely silent/solitary, the myriad things tremble to ask. “你害死了神唯一的子嗣,是千古罪人,即便是死去一万次都难以赎罪!”仅仅是一道声音而已,就让这虚空崩塌,苍宇炸开,压的天地俱寂,万物颤求。 Saint Sovereign's Son has a good laugh, said: Good-for-nothing Heavenly Sovereign's Son that's all, is not as skillful as others, was executed here, pulls so many to do really?” 圣皇子仰天大笑,道:“一个不成器的天皇子而已,技不如人,被格杀在此,扯这么多作甚?” A dignified sound shouted: Dissolute, he is the heir of god, Myriad Clans altogether reveres, you are his people, needs to kotow, has not knelt to apologize!” 一声威严的声音喝道:“放肆,他是神的子嗣,万族共尊,你是他的子民,需要叩首,还不跪下来请罪!” „The nonsense god's heir, only this much that's all, the alone war is not my opponent, had not been killed by me!” Saint Sovereign's Son does not submit, berated Ancestral King unexpectedly loudly. “狗屁的神之子嗣,不过如此而已,独战都不是我的对手,还不是被我杀了!”圣皇子根本不屈服,竟大声喝斥祖王 The distant place, people do not dare to leave the atmosphere, major Ancient Race so, anxious looks at all these. 远处,人们连大气都不敢出,各大古族都如此,紧张的看着这一切。 „A reckless thing, dares to blaspheme Deity, today does not kill your natural justice not to accommodate!” Big searches from arched deep place of that day, bang, the myriad things all extinguish, Primal Chaos is turbulent, might extinguish the world generally, the direct racket to Saint Sovereign's Son, wants to change into the meat sauce him. “一个不知死活的东西,敢亵渎神灵,今日不杀你天理不容!”一只大手自那天穹深处探下,轰隆一声,万物皆灭,混沌汹涌,像是要灭世了一般,直接拍向圣皇子,想将他化为肉酱。 Really dares to start? Everyone scalp tingles with numbness, even major Immemorial Royal Clan intermittent terrified, has the Ancient Race leader keen obtaining conclusion, today the matter is not the surface looks that simple. 真敢下手?所有人头皮都发麻,即便是各大太古王族都阵阵悚然,有古族头领敏锐的得出结论,今日事绝非表面看起来那么简单。
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