STH :: Volume #11

#1065: Heavenly Sovereign's Son is killed violently

If, said in the past no one believes that was in today's actually real occurrence, Ye Fan, Ji Zi and Saint Sovereign's Son to become Yijiao he will sphere certainly, including next heavy hand. 若是在过去,说出去谁也不会相信,可是在今天却真实的发生了,叶凡姬子圣皇子成椅角之势将他围住,连下重手。 Bang. “砰。 The black iron rod in Saint Sovereign's Son hand looks like black ink dragon-like to clash, pulls out Heavenly Sovereign's Son flies, back almost collapsing, sends out a pain, flew horizontally.[ Bsp ; Thump!” 圣皇子手中的黑铁棍像一条墨龙般冲起,将天皇子抽飞,脊背几乎崩断,发出一声痛哼,横飞了出去。[bsp;“咚!” Ye Fan wields the golden fist, swing gets up, hits hard on the body of Heavenly Sovereign's Son, making him fly once again, the big mouth spouted Five Colors Divine Blood. 叶凡挥动金色的拳头,轮动起来,重击在天皇子的身子上,让他又一次飞了起来,大口喷出五色神血 Ji Zi is also very direct, lifts in the hands Void Divine Tablet to appear together, suppress, almost Heavenly Sovereign's Son making into one mud, woof body blood splash. 姬子也很直接,抬手间一块虚空神碑出现,镇龘压而下,差点将天皇子给打成一团烂泥,汪身鲜血飞溅。 Three Emperor's Child level character take action, even if god child jumps cannot bear, was ganged up to surround and beaten up, the whole body many bone fractures, the whole body bloodstain, looks awful. 三位帝子级人物出手,即便是神的子蹦也受不了,惨遭围殴,全身多处骨折,满身血迹,不成样子。 Hit good, this dog imperial prince kills the civilians, a mortal blood Guo Land of Yan city washed a cleanness, his blood cold? Dies to be hard to make reparations 100 times.” Li Heishui said. “打的好,这个狗皇子连平民都杀,将燕地一城的凡人血圌洗了个干净,他的血有多冷?死一百次都难以赎罪。”李黑水道。 Dongfang Ye, Li Tian wait/etc. encircled, each and every one is excited, in the eye braves the green light, has not thought that can capture alive Heavenly Sovereign's Son, is eager to try, wants the pain to punch his personally. 东方野厉天等都围了上来,一个个兴奋无比,眼中冒绿光,没有想到能活捉天皇子,全都跃跃欲试,想亲手痛揍他一顿。 The Heavenly Sovereign's Son look is cold, the whole body spasm, almost hit by Ye Fan and orchid the imperial prince three people quickly remnantly, the bone broke many, did not have a strength to hit back, was hard to resist. 天皇子眼神冷冽,浑身痉孪,被叶凡与兰皇子三人几乎快打残了,骨头断折多处,无一丝还手之力,难以对抗。 You chased down us in the past also even, at the present is more unscrupulous, destroys completely many Human Race to teach the series, even the civilians kill, really does not have a human nature.” “你当年追杀我们也就算了,而今更加肆无忌惮,灭掉了不少人族教统,连平民都杀,真是没有一点人性。” Dongfang Ye is Barbarian Race games body, his palm of the hand with grinding pan, the air current that swing presses blasts out, sends out to thunder, the Heavenly Sovereign's Son big mouth that shakes coughs up blood. 东方野蛮族体,他的巴掌跟磨盘似的,轮动起来压的气流炸开,发出轰鸣,震的天皇子大口咳血。 Side...... a Li Tian also fist wields, hits on the chin of Heavenly Sovereign's Son, one string of Divine Blood splash, flies several meters away. 旁边……厉天也一拳挥出,打在天皇子的下巴上,一串神血溅起,飞出去几米远。 Dog imperial prince, you thinks that oneself is a god, can monarch overlooking the world...... overlook the common people, whom wants to kill to kill who? You are unqualified!” “狗皇子,你以为自己是神,可以君临天下……俯视苍生,想杀谁就杀谁?你还不够格!” Li Heishui, Dongfang Ye, Li Tian wait/etc. encircled, beats, a pain beats, in the mouth berated non-stop. 李黑水东方野厉天等围上来,拳打脚踢,一顿痛殴,口中喝斥不停。 Sovereign Black was not feeling well, said: Any dog imperial prince, is an egg yolk, do not give him crown that number, who is speaking at a venture this Sovereign to be anxious with him.” 黑皇不爽了,道:“什么狗皇子,就是个鸡蛋黄,别给他冠那个号,谁在乱说话本皇跟他急。” One crowd of person take action...... lamentable Heavenly Sovereign's Son the running amuck world, actually becomes the sandbag for these years in the end, gathered round by one group of people beats savagely. 一群人出手……可叹天皇子这么多年来横行天下,到头来却成为了沙包,被一群人围着暴打。 Dog imperial prince, calling you to be rampant, but also dared slaughter Guo city!” Dragon Horse comes, kicks the rising sun to leave, almost gives the tread to be broken the Heavenly Sovereign's Son skull. “狗皇子,叫你嚣张,还敢屠圌城!”龙马过来,一蹶子旭出,差点将天皇子头骨给蹬碎。 Said, cannot say that to him crown that number......, a Sovereign Black claw patted, naturally does not hit the people, but is ruthless fan Heavenly Sovereign's Son, at that time gave to hit more than ten big somersaults. “都说了,不许说给他冠那个号……,黑皇一爪子拍了过去,当然不是打众人,而是狠扇天皇子,当时就给打出去十几个大跟头。 „Do you have today?” The Ye Fan corners of the mouth lead cold intent, a foot treads him on the ground. “你也有今日?”叶凡嘴角带着一丝冷意,一脚将他踏在地上。 Lowly Human Race ............, in the Heavenly Sovereign's Son pupil is full of cold intent. “卑贱的人族…………,天皇子瞳孔中充满冷意。 Also obstinate argumentative...... peeled you by the present exactly!” Dragon Horse lifts the bowl mouth big hoof, according to his face, had no time and be possible be called Heavenly Sovereign's Son of first under the heavens handsome man directly delicately and prettily, black and blue...... swells Guo Zhang at the scene likely pig head. “到现在还嘴硬……活剥了你!”龙马抬起碗口大的蹄子,直接按在了他的脸上,俊美无暇、堪称天下第一美男子的天皇子,当场鼻青脸肿……肿圌胀的像个猪头。 I, if died, none of you can go on living.” Heavenly Sovereign's Son is very calm, in the eye pupil is glittering the ruthless spicy ray. “我若是死了,你们没有一个人能活下去。”天皇子很冷静,眼眸中闪烁着狠辣的光芒。 You thought that we don't dare to kill you?” Ye Fan laughs, a foot pedal, played soccer probably sweeps him flies. “你觉得我们不敢杀你?”叶凡大笑,一脚蹬了出去,像是踢球般将他扫飞。 Another side, Saint Sovereign's Son had waited there for some time...... the black iron rod to remain to lift up high, then made an effort to pull out horizontally, hit on the body of Heavenly Sovereign's Son. 另一边,圣皇子早已就等候多时了……黑色铁棍留高举起,而后用力横抽了过来,打在天皇子的身上。 ka-cha 喀嚓 The sound of bone disruption keeps ringing, in this flash, his more than 100 bones broke from head to foot, fresh blood dripping, was pounded by the big stick on the ground, is hard to move. 骨头碎裂的声音响个不停,在这一瞬间,他混身有一百多根骨头都断了,鲜血淋淋,被大棍砸在地上,难以动弹一下。 Your group fights in me, is what skill, really works as is Emperor's Child with my alone war, I can massacre you to be complete!” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son words dense/woods are cold, cold Pei of face, did not admit defeat. “你们群战于我,算什么本事,真当自己是帝子就与我独战,我能杀掉你们全部!”天皇子话语森寒,一脸的冷醅,根本就不服软。 You did not match to speak this words.” Saint Sovereign's Son said. “你不配说这种话。”圣皇子道。 You were almost first killed by Saint Sovereign's Son, was nearly executed by Ji Zi, finally was almost hit to explode by Ye Fan, what qualifications but also there is to speak this words?” Li Tiandao. “你先是被圣皇子差点打死,而后又险些被姬子格杀,最后更是被叶凡几乎打爆,还有什么资格说这种话?”厉天道 Comes depending on Eight Troops Divine General, please have Huang Xudao, Huo Qizi and the others to besiege my master and Saint Sovereign's Son, did you also feel all right to say the alone war? From beginning to end you do not dare!” Ye Tong said. “挟八部神将而来,请出凰虚道火麒子等人围攻我师与圣皇子,你也好意思说独战?自始至终都你不敢!”叶瞳道。 „When you have Eight Troops Divine General as well as several Ancient Sovereign's Son behind is not good, now also discusses what alone war, laughable.” even/including Xingqing very good Yan Yixi cannot bear cold Smile. “你身后有八部神将以及几位古皇子时都不行,现在还谈什么独战,可笑。”连性情很好的燕一夕都忍不住冷哂。 To avoid a long delay usually means many problems, butchered earlier, perhaps has Immemorial Ancestral King to chase down.” Sovereign Black said. “为避免夜长梦多,早点宰了吧,说不定有太古祖王会追杀下来。”黑皇道。 Good.” Ye Fan nods, rumbled by the golden fist directly, hit Heavenly Sovereign's Son flew the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be far horizontally, fresh blood dripping. “不错。”叶凡点头,直接以金色的拳头轰了出去,打的天皇子横飞出去数百丈远,鲜血淋淋 However, he and to turn into meat paste, although the bone is torn to pieces, but the body has not broken, and joint in the sound , to continue fast on. 然而,他并为化成肉泥,尽管骨头寸断,但身子并未散架,且骨节在响,快速继续上。 People look at each other in blank dis­may, the secret exclamation, worthily is the heir of gods Myriad Clans altogether reveres, has the first under the heavens bloodlines physique not to have unearned reputation. 众人面面相觑,暗暗惊叹,不愧为万族共尊的神明的子嗣,拥有天下第一血脉体质并非浪得虚名。 In the present age, can contend with a person of Ye Fan fist is too few by meat Guo body, Heavenly Sovereign's Son withstood, moreover can recover immediately, terrifying excess. 在当世,能以肉圌身抗衡叶凡一拳的人太少了,天皇子承受了下来,而且能在第一时间复原,恐怖的过分。 This dog imperial prince the strength of bloodlines was too powerful, you look, his whole body illumination, Great Dao sound qie, such heavy wound was about to recover.” Dongfang Ye sighed. “这狗皇子的血脉之力真的太强大了,你们看,他浑身发光,大道伦音响趄,这么重的伤都快复原了。”东方野叹道。 Bang.. “轰.。 Saint Sovereign's Son take action, the black iron rod pounds down, again makes the Heavenly Sovereign's Son skeleton separate completely, the five main internal organs (entrails) all cracks, is his physique is still not loose, divine light radiate all around, heals once again fast. 圣皇子出手,黑色铁棍砸下,再度让天皇子骨骼全部断开,五脏六腑皆裂,可是他形体依然不散,神光四射,又一次快速愈合。 People heart startled, although Heavenly Sovereign's Son the cold blood is cruel, is not one good kind, but has to result in acknowledged, its bloodlines potential is infinite, rare. 众人心惊,天皇子虽然冷血残忍,不是一个善类,但是不得不得承认,其血脉潜能无穷无量,举世罕见。 Pitifully, he becomes the bean sprouts in greenhouse, otherwise the achievement is not the present can resemble. „ Ye Fan said. “可惜,他成为了温室中的豆芽菜,不然的话成就远不是现在可以似的。“叶凡道。 Clang!” “锵!” He arrested Undying Heavenly Saber, wields the bright as snow long blade downward detachment, the 'pu' sound blood glittering, the half body of Heavenly Sovereign's Son is cut open, sends out a pitiful yell, the look is fierce, Five Colors Divine Blood dripped place. 他将不死天刀拘了过来,挥动雪亮的长刀向下劈去,噗的一声血光闪烁,天皇子的半边身子被剖开,发出一声惨叫,神色狰狞无比,五色神血淌了一地。 Bang. “砰。 Amazing matter happened, almost heals in flash his two halves body fast, changed into a body, Five Colors immortal light fills the air, the Great Dao sound is unceasing. 让人惊异的事情发生了,几乎在一瞬间其两半身子快速愈合,又化为了一体,五色仙光弥漫,大道伦音不绝。 Oh!” People suck in a cold breath, hates him no matter what, has to acknowledge, the physique of this fellow is eternal, is not the average person can compare. “嗳!”众人都倒吸冷气,不管怎样恨他,都不得不承认,这个家伙的体质万古少见,根本就不是一般人能比拟的。 This physique really no words saying.” Sovereign Black sighed like this. “这体质真没的话说了。”黑皇都这样叹道。 Lets blood the fluid to go with him to compare to look whether to suppress him comprehensively.” Dragon Horse said to Ye Fan “放点血液去跟他比一比看能否全面压制他。”龙马叶凡 Innermost feelings Eight Trigrams (gossip) aflame combustion. 内心八卦之火熊熊燃烧。 You may be really bored.” Ye Fan disregards it, grasps Undying Heavenly Saber, prepared setting up Heavenly Sovereign's Son chops. “你可真无聊。”叶凡无视它,手持不死天刀,准备将天皇子给立劈了。 Saint Sovereign's Son you let blood with him compare.” Dragon Horse urges Monkey. 圣皇子你放点血跟他比一比。”龙马又撺掇猴子 Does not need, he does not have an invincible heart, has immortal physique also to defeat.” Saint Sovereign's Son said. “没有必要,他没有一颗无敌的心,就是拥有仙体也得败。”圣皇子道。 Ji Zi said: „ Physical is not complete 姬子道:“体质并不是全部 Before Great Empress Ferocity has not become enlightened, is mortal flesh, may sweep away Nine Heavens and Ten Earths finally, surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries. ” 狠人大帝未成道前不过是一介凡胎,可最终横扫九天十地,震古烁今。” People hearing this all nods. 众人闻言皆点头。 “噗” A Ye Fan blade cut open the head of Heavenly Sovereign's Son, making him give out unwilling angry roaring, Primordial Spirit wants to clash, finally actually by a Saint Sovereign's Son stick hitting. 叶凡一刀剖开了天皇子的头颅,让他发出一声不甘的怒吼,元神想要冲起,结果却被圣皇子一棍子给打了回去。 On this king Guo eight eggs had Deity ancient scripture, Undying Heavenly Sovereign leaves his good thing is too many, today gives to dig.” Sovereign Black said. “这王圌八蛋身上有神灵古经,不死天皇留给他的好东西太多了,今天都给挖出来。”黑皇道。 Sentry post. “哨。 The Heavenly Sovereign's Son head return encephalic, the crack is shining for two halves frontal bone healing whole body once again, restores meat Guo body, he goes all out to revolt, wants to cut the people horizontally. 天皇子的头颅回归颅内,裂为两半的额骨又一次愈合浑身都在发光,修复肉圌身,他拼命反抗,想要横斩众人。 Ye Fan and Ji Zi take action, scatters his cultivation together, cannot counter-attack pours there softly. 叶凡姬子一起出手,将他一身道行打散,不能反击又软倒在了那里。 Six Bo Xindian, his within the body good thing to be many, do not spoil, one each article digs! ” Dragon Horse said. 六卜心点,他体内好东西不少,别弄坏了,都一件件挖出来!”龙马道。 What a pity Duan De is not, otherwise this will rob a grave Grandmaster certainly to be interested in this human body Treasure Depository greatly. 可惜段德不在,不然的话这位盗墓宗师一定会对这个人体宝藏大感兴趣。 „” “啪” A Sovereign Black claw lays out, takes out the shield to send out Saint Might from Heavenly Sovereign's Son Wheel and Sea together, silver white shiny, unadorned mysterious. 黑皇一爪子拍出,从天皇子轮海中取出一块盾牌散发着圣威,银白锃亮,古拙神秘。 This Holy Artifact is extraordinary, the Ye Fan's black arrow when great war has not even shot through it.” “这件圣器了不得,在大战时连叶凡的黑箭都没有将其射穿。” Sovereign Black is also an expert, causes jade bottle to come, to pull out the decap stopper neatly and quickly, the delicate fragrance fills Four directions to lift the rosy cloud to fly upwards. 黑皇也算是个行家,三下五除二又弄出一个玉瓶来,拔开瓶塞,清香弥漫四野让人要举霞飞升。 This is undying divine liquid, can the Life and Death flesh white bones.” Saint Sovereign's Son said “这是不死神液,可以生死人肉白骨。”圣皇子 He drank a big mouth, then gives Ji Zi, two people damaged severely the vitality, at this time Divine Liquid enters the body, from head to foot the overflowing light recovers fast. 他喝了一大口,而后递给姬子,两人都大伤了元气,此时神液入体,混身溢光快速复原。 immortal treasure!” Sovereign Black called out in alarm once again, carries Jade Pendant, immortal rosy clouds radiate all around, magnificent light soars to the heavens. 仙珍!”黑皇又一次惊叫了起来,拎出一枚玉坠,仙霞四射,光华冲霄。 This is a charm amulet that Immemorial Sovereign refining up, has it to be equal to that a life, may be called rare divine treasure. 这是太古皇炼成的一枚护身符,持有它就等于多了一条命,堪称稀世神珍 The Heavenly Sovereign's Son eye is torching, these people regarded Treasure Depository him, takes out divine object from his within the body one after another, he wants to revolt, but actually did not work loose. 天皇子眼睛都在喷火,这些人将他当成了一个宝藏,接连从他体内取出神物,他想反抗,但却挣脱不了。 Ye Fan, Saint Sovereign's Son and Ji Zi together take action, compelling Guo to compel his Primordial Spirit, compared to these foreign object, the Deity ancient scripture value that Undying Heavenly Sovereign leaves behind is higher, is an eternal god book. 叶凡圣皇子姬子一起出手,逼圌迫他的元神,相对于这些外物而言,不死天皇所留下的神灵古经价值更高,为一万古神书。 I die will not make you obtain this!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son makes a determined effort, rather combustion Sea of Consciousness, does not investigate to them. “我是就死也不会让你们得到此经!”天皇子发狠,宁可燃烧识海,也不给他们探查。 The Ye Fan three people compelled Guo Po layer upon layer again, Heavenly Sovereign's Son Immortal Altar turn into the light to roll quickly, his look was fierce, is not willing to obey. 叶凡三人层层重压逼圌迫,天皇子仙台都快化成光团了,他神色狰狞无比,不肯就范。 Limelight, do not let him from exploding!” Dragon Horse ferocious saying. “注意点,别让他自爆掉!”龙马“穷凶极恶”的说道。 Solemn Undying Heavenly Sovereign, was known as the gods who Myriad Clans altogether reveres, have certainly true Ancient Sovereign Weapon to preserve world, but had not been grasped by him evidently, actually where?” Sovereign Black plunders while said. “堂堂不死天皇,号称万族共尊的神明,一定有真正的古皇兵留存世间,可看样子根本就没被他掌握,究竟在哪里?”黑皇一边搜刮一边说道。 Did not need him saying that the people also knew Heavenly Sovereign's Son not to grasp Emperor Weapon, otherwise had come on took out, how to go so far as to so. 无需他说,众人也知天皇子没有掌握帝兵,不然早已就祭出来了,何至于如此。 „The Undying Heavenly Sovereign weapon absolute terrifying is boundless, actually to bury in the dust of history, said that had the person to grasp?” Ye Fan compels Guo Po, Heavenly Sovereign's Son to clench teeth, wants to burning out Sea of Consciousness. 不死天皇的兵器绝对恐怖无边,究竟是埋在了历史的尘埃中,还是说另有人掌握?”叶凡逼圌迫,天皇子咬牙,想要烧尽识海 Bang “轰” Suddenly, the horizon end experiences a very fearful fluctuation, has Archaic Saint Might to sweep away the entire mountain side lineage/vein, lets all living things trembling ticket! 突然,天际尽头出现一股非常可怕的波动,有远古圣威横扫过整片山脉,让众生颤票! Was bad!” Those present change color. “坏了!”在场的人都变色。 I, if died, anyone of you do not want to live, wants coexistent, only had to put me!” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son pupil ice is cold, on the face was full of the color of cold unfiltered wine, in the heart the apprehension went most probably. “我若死去,你们谁也别想活,想要共存,唯有放了我!”天皇子眸子冰寒,脸上充满了冷醅之色,心中忧惧去了大半。 “噗” However, he delimits to relax, Ye Fan then wielded heavenly blade to cut, Divine Blood spattered in all directions, not only this time divided his meat Guo Shenli for two halves, was it cuts open its Primordial Spirit. 然而,他才划放松,叶凡便挥动天刀斩了下去,神血迸溅,这一次不仅将他的肉圌身立劈为两半,更是其将其元神切开。 „......” He yelled sad and shrill, incomparable panic-stricken, Immemorial Ancestral King came, immediately can rescue him, only needs the moment to be possible. “啊……”他凄厉大叫,无比的惊恐,太古祖王来了,马上就能援救他了,只需片刻就可。 You cannot kill me!” He flutters saying that filled was unwilling desperately with. “你们不能杀我!”他颤声说道,充满了不甘与绝望。 Buzz “嗡” The Saint Sovereign's Son swing black big iron rod, the pressed hills vibration, the Void cry trembles, bang pulls out on its Primordial Spirit, making the sound smelly, however stops, Divine Consciousness turns into air. 圣皇子轮动黑色的大铁棍,压的群山抖动,虚空鸣颤,砰的一声抽在其元神上,让声音臭然而止,神识成空。 The Ye Fan opens the mouth howls, spouts wisp of ray of light Divine Flame, turned into tribulation ash the Heavenly Sovereign's Son corpse and bloodstain instantly, burnt clean, anything does not have remaining. 叶凡张口一啸,喷出一缕道光神焰,将天皇子的尸体与血迹刹那化成了劫灰,烧了个一干二净,什么都没有剩下。 piercing the Heavens!” Sovereign Black said. 捅破天了!”黑皇道。
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