STH :: Volume #11

#1069: Kun Zhou Great Saint

silver moon Heavenly King god bone Saint myo-...... Ancient Saint that moves Immemorial...... is posture of the having god-given wisdom, blade clan awe, shocking world. 银月天王神骨圣肌……名动太古……是一名天纵之姿的古圣,刀族敬畏,惊艳天下。 His cultivation is profound, perhaps a dynasty sudden enlightenment, can go out of Great Saint path to come, however was actually torn to pieces by the bone at this time, corners of the mouth overflowing blood, almost a Guo Huacheng meat patty. 道行精深,也许一朝顿悟,就能走出大圣路来,然而此时却被骨头寸断,嘴角溢血,差点圌化成一块肉饼。 The silver white long hair stains the bloodstain, he was almost killed by a palm, difficult stands, holy light circles the body, the joint ka-beng makes noise, is very difficult to continue on, complexion snow white, feels indignant but not daring to speak out. 银白长发沾满血迹,他差点就被一掌打死,艰难的站起来,圣光绕体,骨节嘎嘣作响,很难接续上,脸色雪白,敢怒不敢言。 Because, the front is standing is not others, famous Battle Saint King, overawes Immemorial, the air/Qi swallows Mountains and Rivers, a anger eradicates dozens over a hundred clans not to have the issue! 因为,前方站着的可不是别人,大名鼎鼎的斗战圣王,威震太古,气吞山河,一怒连根拔起数十上百族都没问题! At this time, with his challenge, that absolutely was live is impatient, moved resolute to take his life. 在这个时候,同他叫板,那绝对是活的不耐烦了,动毅就可取他性命。 silver moon Heavenly King fully realized, even oneself are shocking, fame greatly is not again good, at all is not a magnitude, outside abatement Immemorial several giants, anybody in the face of this, is the dragon also the plate, is being the tiger must lie, does not refuse to accept good! 银月天王深知,即便自己再惊艳、名气再大也不行,根本不是一个数量级的,除却太古几位巨头外,任何人在这位面前,是龙也得盘着、是虎也得卧着,不服不行! Battle Saint King, one like the past, the elegant demeanor has not changed, he is such aggressive!” 斗战圣王,一如过去,风采未变,他还是这么的霸气!” Many years, just liked a dream, a peak of Battle Saint King broad enemy, he is this appearance, but also remembers that fights in the whole wide world the unparalleled graceful bearing!” “多少年了,恍若一梦啊,斗战圣王一座广敌的高峰,他还是这个样子,还记得转战八荒的盖世风姿!” Various clans all startled, all vibrates. 各族皆惊,全都震动。 The whether it is major royal families, are several big ancient Imperial Clan, all Clan Lord wait/etc. shocks extremely, after this is Immemorial elapses, they first time see Battle Saint King. 无论是各大王族,还是几大古皇族,所有族主等都极为震撼,这是太古逝去后,他们头一次见到斗战圣王 Years urge the person to be old, past one generation of Saint King god bones clank, the years hydrogen prestige, the looking disdainfully world, a cavity fought the blood to sweep six directions to gather, at the present also has great changes unexpectedly, engraved very heavy year Moon Seal to record in its corner of the eye brow tips.” “岁月催人老,当年的一代圣王神骨铮铮,年轻气威,睥睨天下,一腔战血扫六圌合,而今竟也有了一丝沧桑,在其眼角眉梢间刻上了很重的岁月印记。” Time like the water, retreats in a flash, although he becomes Victorious Buddha, but its character has not changed!” “时间如水,转瞬退去,他虽然成为了胜佛,但是其风骨未变!” Many people are very excited, in that Era...... Battle Saint King absolutely is a legend, is invincible war in many young Ancient Race hearts, looks up to its unattainable physique. 许多人都很激动,在那个时代……斗战圣王绝对是一个传奇,是许多年轻古族心中的无敌战者,都在后仰望其高不可攀的身姿。 So many years passed by, the past children have grown up, particularly from Divine Source broken seals ahead of time, but Powerhouse...... is gradually old. 这么多年过去了,昔日的孩童都已长大,尤其是很多提前从神源中破封而出的强者……更是垂垂老矣。 Now sees Battle Saint King again, people heart within grows endless feeling, even if this invincible milestone character cultivation is exceedingly high, extends the life unceasingly, still had a senile. 现在再次见到斗战圣王,人们心中生起无尽的感慨,这个无敌的丰碑人物即便道行通天,不断延命,也有了一丝老态。 See Saint King!” “参见圣王!” That wears the cerulean gold fighting intent Ancestral King incomparable excitement, walked with stride, line of gift pay respect, his body because of excited also has one to shiver. 那名身穿碧金战意祖王无比的激动,大步走了过来,行大礼参拜,他的身体因激动还带着一丝颤抖。 „In the past, your vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered world, I...... am a young child.” “当年,您纵横天下时,我……还是一个稚童。” Even if he has become Saint, various clans altogether revere, but sees at the present heart big hero is hard to self-restrain stimulated. 他即便已成为一个圣者,各族共尊,但而今见到心中的“大英雄”还是难以自抑的亢奋了起来。 See Saint King!” “参见圣王!” In the hills of distant place, departs seven eight Dao Body shades all of a sudden, is Ancestral King of clan, each color of wear a look of respect...... incomparable excitement. 远处的群山中,一下子飞出七八道身影,全都是一族的祖王,各个面带敬仰之色……无比的激动。 They to wearing cerulean gold battle armour Ancestral King are the same, incomparably worships this Battle Saint in childhood, oneself enough shocking, at the present becomes the lord of respective Dao Lineage, that state of mind and complex still have not loved 他们与身穿碧金战甲祖王一样,在幼时就无比崇拜这位斗战圣者,自身足够惊艳,而今成为各自道统之主,那种心绪与情结依然未恋 In the past, Battle Saint King was fearless...... its character to be known to everybody, once swept away six directions to gather by one's effort, the anger fought the whole wide world, the whole world all trembles. 当年,斗战圣王天不怕、地不怕……其性格无人不知,曾以一己之力横扫六圌合,怒战八荒,举世皆颤。 You get up.” Old Monkey said. “你们都起来。”老猴子说道。 His whole body gold hair clear...... lives the splendor shiningly, does not get angry, but the prestige, fights to fight the gods reincarnation probably, only stands here...... all troops then trembling ticket. 他浑身黄金毛发晶莹……灿灿生辉,不怒而威,像是一尊斗战神明转生,单是在这里一站……各方人马便颤票不已。 The distant place, Eight Troops Divine General each complexion snow white...... no one dares to speak, even that several Saint-level Ancient King are the atmosphere does not dare to leave, this is a power and influence beyond comparison. 远处,八部神将各个脸色雪白……没有一个人敢说话,连那几位圣级古王都是大气都不敢出,这是一种无以伦比的威势。 silver moon Heavenly King domineering how, the continent is what kind of being proud, but actually can only support the wound body to stand in the one side at present, does not dare to say a character! 银月天王多么的强势,洲才是何等的自负,可是眼下却只能撑着伤体站在一旁,根本就不敢多说一个字! Saint King......, some Ancient Race people have the tears to tumble out unexpectedly, one other Immemorial 1 million years, get out of trouble from Divine Source for the first time, arrive at this big world, Battle Saint King make an appearance in them at present. 圣王……,一些古族人竟有泪水滚出,一别太古百万年,自神源中脱困,来到这个大世,斗战圣王第一次在他们眼前露面。 Uncle assigned/life......” Monkey also to sob, for these years had not seen this uncle, he fully realized that oneself close life essence was not so many, put at front only had a road, that broke through, otherwise is not far from died during meditation! “叔命……”猴子也哽咽了,这几年来都没有见到这位叔叔,他深知自己的这位至亲寿元不是那么多了,摆在面前的只有一条路,那就是突破,不然离坐化不远了! Because, Victorious Battle Buddha one step thinks Guo awakens compared with other Ancient Race early, in two thousand years ago from Divine Source gets out of trouble, but left, until now the age may really be possible to be very astonishing. 因为,斗战胜佛比其他古族都早一步觉圌醒,于两千年前就从神源中脱困而出了,至今年岁可真的可很惊人了。 Ye Fan is also the heart has the respect to this Victorious Buddha, to its salutes with Saint Sovereign's Son and Ji Zi together, only has Sovereign Black not to move, nod that's all. 叶凡对这位胜佛也是心有敬意,同圣皇子姬子一起对其施了一礼,唯有黑皇没动,点头而已 Battle Saint King is one living the myth, many criticism/human language said in the past, if not with his elder brother syngenesis age, possibly also meets prove the Dao. 斗战圣王是一个活着的神话,当年都有许多人言称,若非与其兄长同生一个年代,可能也会证道 With the sovereign same world, this influence is extremely serious, the Heaven and Earth cross coupling, Great Dao suppresses, even if sealed in Divine Source afterward, evaded this, in its body some marks, after all being together time was too long, making its prove the Dao road exceptionally difficult. 与皇同世,这种影响是极其严重的,天地交感,大道压制,即便后来封于神源,避到了这一世,在其身上还是有一些道迹,毕竟相处时间太长了,让其证道路异常艰难。 Battle Saint Sovereign controls Immemorial, Heaven and Earth altogether reveres, Myriad Clans respect. But his younger brother is also so shocking, fights the world, to sweep six directions to gather by oneself, the nature is praiseworthy, becomes the heroes in many Ancient Race hearts. 斗战圣皇统驭太古,天地共尊,万族敬仰。而其弟也是如此惊艳,靠自己战天下、扫六圌合,自然让人钦佩,成为许多古族心中的英雄。 Gets up.” Old Monkey Golden Fire Eyes, the speaking voice such as golden bell thunders, forceful, the eye looks at Void, said: So many years passed by, something should have to settle.” “都起来。”老猴子火眼金睛,说话声如金钟轰鸣,铿锵有力,眼望虚空,道:“这么多年过去了,有些事该有个了结了。” A Divine Silkworm Princess face is tranquil, in the eye has the tears, is looking at some seniles backs, she did not have a domineering again, unexpectedly a rare temperateness and gentleness. 神蚕公主一脸恬静,眼中有泪,望着这道有些老态的背影,她再也没有了一丝强势,竟了一丝罕见的温和与轻柔。 Her shoulder that only then Divine Silkworm turns into, palm of the hand big little white Guo Husou a body that fell on Battle Saint King, was not afraid, pulled the group of his sending silk, to express own existence. 她肩头那只有神蚕化成、巴掌大的小白圌虎嗖的一声落在了斗战圣王的身上,一点都不害怕,扯了批他的发丝,以表示自己的存在。 Old Monkey has turned around slowly, looks at god many Princess, said: „ Today whoever comes, I must want the justice! 猴子慢慢转过身,看着神多公主,道:“今天无论谁来,我都要讨回公道! This is a pledge, is announcement, Battle Saint King wanted take action, settled among all gratitude and grudges Immemorial years, making some followers warm-blooded rush, from head to foot trembled to ask, was very excited. 这是一个誓言,也是一种宣告,斗战圣王出手了,了结太古年间的所有恩怨,让一些追随者热血澎湃,混身颤求,无比激动。 The Divine Silkworm Princess eye holds the tears, without the speech, is only the nod, she knows in the Battle Saint King heart to feel suffocated, must fight for her. 神蚕公主眼噙着泪水,没有说话,只是点头,她知道斗战圣王心中一直在憋着一口气,要为她一战。 Distant place, various clan all trembling tickets, people know that huge storm is going to open, after no one will forget Saint Sovereign died during meditation, happened that moves Guo Luan greatly. 远处,各族全都颤票,人们知道一场天大的风暴将要开启了,谁都不会忘记圣皇坐化后,发生的那场大动圌乱。 Divine Silkworm Princess was nailed tight, Battle Saint King howls sadly Heaven and Earth, the anger fights Eastern Wilderness, finally is actually unable to save the situation, cries three to recede Western Desert in Divine Silkworm Princess die. 神蚕公主被人钉死,斗战圣王悲啸天地,怒战东荒,最终却无力回天,在神蚕公主殒落地大哭三声远走西漠 This, so long as I am also living, no one can injure you one with the finger.” Old Monkey said that transfers the body, in the eyes has shot Guo to have two dazzling light, the air/Qi to/clashes the bullfight. “这一世只要我还活着,谁都不能伤你一跟指头。”老猴子说完转过身躯,双目中射圌出两道刺目的光,气冲斗牛。 Many Ancient Race each and every one overwhelmed by emotions, all King not grand silhouette all wants to shout. 许多古族一个个心潮澎湃,全都王者一条并不雄伟的身影全都想嘶吼出来。 Battle Saint Sovereign died during meditation, but the influence is still huge, many Ancient Race are willing to follow, perhaps Saint Sovereign's Son did not have that power and influence, but old Monkey stands, immediately the wind and cloud swings Eastern Wilderness! 斗战圣皇坐化了,但是影响力依然巨大,有很多古族愿意追随,圣皇子也许还没有那种威势,但是老猴子一站出来,立刻间风云荡东荒 This influence, beyond comparison, was the illustrious military exploits made it so in years past, was an iron rod sweeps away the world to hit completely. 这种影响力,无以伦比,是昔年赫赫战功使然,完全是一条铁棍横扫天下打出来的。 „A Battle Saint Ape lineage/vein person is thin, actually stands erect throughout not but actually, any clansman jumps to turn the hand for the cloud turning over the palm is the rain, controls Immemorial by several people of clans, pouring is not also lucky.” 斗战圣猿一脉人丁稀薄,却始终屹立不倒,任何一个族人跳出来都可翻手为云覆手为雨,以数人之族统驭太古,倒也并非侥幸。” The distant place, old sound transmitting makes the vault of heaven rumble make noise, all sea boiling, sky thunders, 100,000 mountains resonate together. 远处,一个苍老的声音传来让天穹隆隆作响,四海沸腾,苍宇轰鸣,十万大山都一起共振。 Kun Zhou you come out to me!” Divine Silkworm Princess shouted , the eye shot Guo to have two light that flaminged the prestige, looked to horizon moth Jane/simple Nushu. 昆宙你给我出来!”神蚕公主断喝,眼睛射圌出两道炽威的光,望向天际蛾简怒竖。 Divine Silkworm clan nine change, legends say has nine diving lives, it seems like it is not really false, in the past that lance wanted your life not to think Immemorial to elapse sufficiently, you entrusted in the present land.” 神蚕族一身九变,相传有九条潜命,看来果真不假,当年那一矛足以要了你的命不曾想太古逝去,你又委现大地上了。” An old man appears, wears the Emperor Sovereign crown, the grey hair pull Sanlian eyes pupil is gray, the pupil light, makes major Ancestral King fight the ticket fearful, wants to kneel to bend down. 一个老者出现,头戴帝皇冠,灰发拔散连眼眸都是灰色的,眸光,慑人让各大祖王都战票,想要跪伏下去。 He wears the pale blue battle dress, inlays the divine gold fragment, protects the body strategic point, its forehead protects Immortal Altar Black Gold, is true Great Emperor divine material, becomes round Black Sun to keep off there. 他身穿月白战袍,嵌有神金碎片,护住身体要害,其眉心更是护仙台黑金,是真正的大帝神料,成为一轮黑日挡在那里。 His body is tall, eye pupil great changes, although whether there is completely terrifying Blood Qi, but also is actually hard to hide the senile, its life essence will not be many, on a lonely prove the Dao road is very far, descendant is unable to look out! 他身体颀长,眼眸沧桑,虽有无尽恐怖的血气,但却也难以掩去老态,其寿元绝不会很多,在一条孤独的证道路上走的很远,后人根本无法遥望! Kun Zhou.” Golden hair clear Victorious Buddha narrowed the eye, golden eyes opened and closed, magnificent light sacrificed for rottenly. 昆宙。”金色毛发晶莹的胜佛眯起了眼睛,金睛开合间,光华徇烂。 The dish is wild, quiet, people almost must suffocate, between two Great Saint Immemorial years had a reunion like this, then definitely wants earth-shattering! 皿野,一片静悄悄,人们几乎要窒息了,太古年间的两位大圣就这样重逢了,接下来必然要石破天惊 The Ye Fan state of mind fluctuates, existence that present age two stand erect in most peak confronted, making him look at Immortal Road aura, within the body yellow Golden Blood fluid galloped continuously fiercely, is hard to be tranquil. 叶凡心绪起伏,当世两尊屹立在最巅峰的存在对峙,让他望到了一缕缕仙路气机,体内黄金血液剧烈奔腾,难以宁静。 Battle Saint King, Immemorial leaves, is still-elegant, this life meets again, making one sigh with regret.” Kun Zhou stands there, grey hair scatters, gray pupil profound such as two pieces of Star Domain, in have splitting heaven and earth apart and myriad things newborn scene. 斗战圣王,太古一别,风采依旧,今世再相见,让人慨叹啊。”昆宙立在那里,灰发飘散,灰色眸子深邃的如两片星域般,内有开天辟地、万物初生的景象。 Teacher!” silver moon Heavenly King salutes respectfully. “师尊!”银月天王恭敬行礼。 Kun Zhou strokes with the hand, immortal light departs together, submerges its within the body, that is hard the bone on connection, as well as break body and other fast cicatrizations, the vitality full, restores in a flash such as beginning. 昆宙用手一拂,一道仙光飞出,没入其体内,那难以接续上的骨头、以及断裂的肌体等快速愈合,转瞬气血充盈,恢复如初。 Pays a visit Kun Zhou Great Saint!” Behind, Eight Troops Divine General salutes together, did obeisance including several Ancestral King, is very earnest, their energy all of a sudden on foot. “拜见昆宙大圣!”后方,八部神将一起行礼,连几位祖王都拜了下去,很是认真,他们的底气一下子就足了。 Gets up.” The Kun Zhou words are young, but makes one not allow to revolt, the heart such as is pressing mountain-like, even is hard raises head to watch its True Body. “起来吧。”昆宙话语年轻,但却让人不容反抗,心头如压着一座山般,甚至难以抬头观看其真身 This deliberately for it, outstanding Powerhouse naturally does not stand erect in this, has this type to revere the Between Heaven and Earth imposing manner alone, all living things must pay homage. 这并不是刻意为之,一位盖代强者自然屹立于此,就有这种独尊天地间的气势,众生都要膜拜。 Congratulations, took the crucial half step on this road, Battle Saint Ape lineage/vein natural talent really heaven defying.” Kun Zhou Great Saint sighed. “恭喜,在这条路上又迈出了关键性的半步,斗战圣猿一脉的天资果然逆天。”昆宙大圣叹道。 You are not bad.” The old Monkey nod said. “你也不差。”老猴子点头道。 In the past a service, has not forgotten, although you severe wound dying, recedes Western Desert, was actually at risk of life i my great uncle, the chaos as soon as just finished, in a while his died during meditation.” “当年一役,至今未忘,你虽然重伤垂死,远走西漠,可是却拼死i了我的那位族叔,大乱刚一结束,没过多久他就坐化了。” Kun Zhou said, grey hair pulled out to disperse with the wind. 昆宙道,灰发随风拔散了开来。 I think that you will come in waves with him, never expected that he died, is really regrettable.” Victorious Battle Buddha said. “我以为你将与他联袂而至,没有想到他死了,真是遗憾。”斗战胜佛道。 Wool Guo Guguo song Guo correct/however who the people listen, Kun Zhou this lineage/vein in Immemorial years absolutely fearful boundless, two Great Saint, making entire Ancient Star want the trembling ticket, leaves Saint Sovereign lineage/vein, is unmatched. 众人都听的毛圌骨圌悚圌然,昆宙这一脉太古绝对可怕无边,一门两位大圣,让整颗古星都要颤票,舍去圣皇一脉,无人可比。 legends say, Kun Zhou that little uncle is the terrifying, once was in the Battle Saint Sovereign life the most powerful rival, shocking eternal, exceeded in the past all ancient virtuous person! 相传,昆宙的那位小叔叔最是恐怖,曾经是斗战圣皇一生中最为强大的敌手,惊艳万古,超越以往一切古贤 His that brother-in-law...... lived second!” “他的那位小叔……活出了第二世!” In the views of many people, he exceeded Immemorial during the same period is prove the Dao Ancient Sovereign, but finally still Saint Sovereign heaven defying on, hard victory but prove the Dao.” “在许多人看来,他超越了太古同时期为证道古皇,可最终依然圣皇逆天而上,惨胜而证道了。” „ After that service, Kun Zhou Uncle Great Saint's cultivation base as if...... “那一役后,昆宙大圣的叔叔修为似乎……。 People will not forget that is with a character of Battle Saint Sovereign age, supernaturally brave crown world, on the prove the Dao road once with Saint Sovereign competing many years! 人们不会忘记,那是与斗战圣皇一个年代的人物,神勇冠天下,在证道路上曾与圣皇一争高下很多年! My father only lived first, is related with that person.” Saint Sovereign's Son moved saying. “我父亲之所以只活了一世,就是与那个人有关。”圣皇子略带伤感的说道。 The Ye Fan shock, he once heard these matters before, Battle Saint Sovereign has exercised martial arts to have problems, before not prove the Dao , when once nearly died, has the secret facts unexpectedly greatly. ( to be continued ) 叶凡震惊,他以前曾听闻过这些事,斗战圣皇练功出了问题,未证道前时曾险些死掉,竟大有隐情。(未完待续)
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