STH :: Volume #11

#1055: Strikes Heavenly Sovereign's Son horizontally

Southern Region...... blustery, a piece moves Guo Dang unable to withstand...... various hearsay to get up. 南域……风起云涌,一片动圌荡不堪……各种传闻皆起。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son great war Human Race Powerhouse, can fight a decisive battle with Saint Sovereign's Son, at the present is not the secret, most xi does not direct the place of eyeball.[ Bsp ; Said in now, spread 天皇子大战人族强者,更会与圣皇子决战,而今已不是什么秘密,更不是最xi引眼球的地方。[bsp;就在今曰,传出了更为 person that outside ào the news, shakes stares dāi, many people find it hard to believe. ào外性的消息,震的人目瞪口dāi,许多人都觉得不可思议。 You heard, some people pat mài ancient tower in the cloud peak main city, legends say is one in not si Heavenly Sovereign temporary palace, is grand and magnificent, does not know whether true or false.” “你们听说了没,有人在云峰主城拍mài一座古阙,相传为不si天皇行宫中的一座,宏伟而瑰丽,不知是真是假。” This is nothing, the Azure-red Clouds city maximum racket mài line continued a transaction, a mysterious person Guo Shi has a Guo shou Azure Dragon cup, is among the antiques Immemorial years, for from god Object that Myriad Clans altogether reveres.” “这算什么,青霞城最大的拍mài行承接了一个交易,一位神秘人圌士出圌shou一枚青龙杯,为太古年间的古物,为自万族共尊的神所用器物。” These that you said were obsolete, knows that the continent some people are patting mài anything, a Divine Clothes mail-armor and helmet, has anything...... „ golden bottom Guo Ku, belongs to Heavenly Sovereign's Son.” “你们所说的这些都过时了,知道洲才有人在拍mài什么吗,一副神衣甲胄,更有什么……“黄金底圌裤,都属于天皇子。” “噗” Nearby person hears, tea boils the Guo Chuqu more than two meters far, making the neighboring table cross wet, he quickly apologized, conceals oneself loss of self-control. 旁边的人听到,一口茶水烹圌出去两米多远,让邻桌湿渡渡,他急忙道歉,掩饰自己的失态。 I said, the brothers words cannot speak irresponsibly, does the matter that is unsure how likely happen?” “我说,兄弟话可不能乱说,这么没谱的事怎么可能发生?” oneself can my grandfather's name take an oath, this news without doubt, has obtained the qiu card conclusively, now Cloud Peak City who doesn't know? Has Ancient Race to confirm with Secret Technique.” “本人可以我祖父的名义起誓,这则消息确凿无疑,早已得到过qiu证,现在云峰城谁不知道?已有古族秘术验证过。” Trim Southern Region caused a stir, on this day all cultivator are discussing this issue, no one has thought before the decisive battle approaches, had/left such a vigor 整片南域都轰动了,这一天所有修士都在谈论这个问题,谁也没有想到在决战来临前,出了这样一则劲 ào news. ào的消息。 One group of people have the firing in bursts to sprinkle, thought that by thunder in burnt outside nèn, inconceivable, this matter really with the myth, what exactly had, was the Heavenly Sovereign's Son den carried? 一群人都有点发洒,觉得被雷了个里焦外nèn,不可思议,这种事情真跟神话般,到底发生了什么,天皇子的老巢被人端了吗? In gold Guo Ku, a kuai value 1 million jin (0.5 kg) source...... in has Dao Runes that Heavenly Sovereign's Son qin delimits to carve...... impregnable iron wall, the dāo sword does not enter, to protect body ultimate defends Divine Artifact.” “黄金内圌裤,侩值百万斤源……内有天皇子qin手划刻的道纹……铜墙铁壁,dāo剑不入,是为护体的终极防御神器。” Everyone has to spit the impulsion of xuè, this also damaged, is shaming Heavenly Sovereign's Son purely, replies in kind. 所有人都有吐xuè的冲动,这也太损了,纯粹是在羞辱天皇子,以其人之道还治其人之身。 Some time ago, after Eight Troops Divine General, nurtured was still saying, must strike shā Saint Sovereign's Son and Human Race mysterious Powerhouse, may have such matter in an instant, this may really be words resounding slap. 不久前,八部神将后育还在放话,要击shā圣皇子人族神秘强者,可转眼间出了这样的事情,这可真是一话响亮的耳光 Said that...... almost falls into enlightenment state at the scene. “说哉……几乎当场都陷入悟道境 Checks a thoroughness to me!” “给我查个透彻!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son forehead blue vein 天皇子额头青筋 ào jumps, at this time he left left the anger, since makes a debut also not by such humiliation, made him bite the full mouth tooth simply quickly. ào跳,此时他出离了愤怒,自从出道至今还没有受过这样的屈辱,简直快让他咬碎了满口牙齿。 I looked that whose mǎi pats these things, my miè his ten clans!” “我看谁mǎi拍那些东西,我miè他十族!” His really air/Qi spat xuè, in eye ray 他真的气吐xuè了,眼中光芒 ào Guo fierce...... shoots the light beam that Guo has is several miles, pierces the vault of heaven, such as two heavenly sword are dividing to cut, the body has the fearsome flame to burn Guo Shao. ào圌烈……射圌出的光束长达数十里,刺穿天穹,如两道天剑在劈斩,躯体有可怖的火焰在燃圌烧。 Giant wind 一场巨大的风 ào performs in Southern Region, Heavenly Sovereign's Son almost will be crazy, wishes one could person in secret to catch Guo to live immediately...... pulls out the soul to dig up the bone, checking broke to pieces was difficult to disappear hate of his heart. ào在南域上演,天皇子几乎疯狂,恨不得立刻将暗中的人抓圌住……抽魂扒骨,刹碎了都难消他的心头之恨。 Imperial prince what to do?” Ancient Race commands god color/look embarrassed asking. “皇子怎么办?”一名古族统领神sè难堪的问道。 Without a doubt, not si Heavenly Sovereign temporary palace was copied, perhaps root cǎo has not even given them remaining...... this loss is no estimate. 毫无疑问,不si天皇的行宫被人抄了,恐怕连根cǎo都没有给他们剩下……这种损失是无fǎ估量的。 Stone checkerboard also wants Enlightenment Tea Tree to pursue, cannot fall in their hands!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son more wants more to spit xuè, the air/Qi whole body is trembling. “石棋盘还要悟道茶树一定要追回来,决不能落在他们的手中!”天皇子越想越想吐xuè,气的浑身都在哆嗦。 The person courage in secret was also too big, that temporary palace gathered round by several Immemorial Ancestral King, in eight center main peak that passes Guo heaven da Yang. 暗中的人胆子也太大了,那处行宫可是被几位太古祖王所围着,地处八座通圌天的主峰正中龘央。 In the palace has the Dao Severing person protection, so long as there is a change...... to send out Dao Spirit to know the fluctuation to alarm Ancestral King, the intruder scratches the wing to be difficult to escape! 宫中有斩道者守护,只要有异动……发出一道神识波动就可惊动祖王,入侵者擦翅难逃! When Guo world who dares is so bold, moved to tow to encounter the Ancestral King steamroll, the god comes unable to rescue, must si without doubt. 在当圌世有谁敢这么胆大包天,动拖就会遭遇祖王的碾压,神来了也救不了,必si无疑。 Only if there are to grasp Great Emperor formation marks, sealed up that temporary palace, practices trickery, cannot Ancestral King induce.” “除非有掌握有大帝阵纹,封住了那处行宫,瞒天过海,未能祖王感应到。” Heavenly Sovereign's Son grips the tight fist, divine light is fearful, although this is a small loophole, but there is Immemorial Ancestral King to observe the situation, even theoretically the feasible average person will not take risk by the life. 天皇子攥紧拳头,神光慑人,虽然这是一个小漏洞,但是有太古祖王环视,即便理论上可行一般人也绝不会以性命去冒险的。 This is not a news of glow, express that but actually passes on, passes Guo to cross the Domain Portal powder to each region, trim Eastern Wilderness knew, is startled a place eyeball. 这可不是一件辉光的消息,但却传的特别快,通圌过域门散向各地,整片东荒都知晓了,惊掉一地眼球。 Hey, heard, Ancient Race Heavenly Sovereign's Son as disgraced went as Southern Region, it is said the rear den was carried a nest, really made one not know whether to laugh or cry.” “嘿,听说了吗,古族天皇子丢人到南域去了,据说后方的老巢被人一窝端了,真是让人啼笑皆非。” He threatens to go south, in the space six directions about whole wide world No-One Is Noble But I, rules the southern place, how to have this and matter, was a somersault fell down simply in the latrine pit.” “他气势汹汹南下,宇内六圌合八荒惟我独尊,君临南地,怎么发生了这和事情,简直是一个跟头栽倒了茅坑中。” Many people are ridiculing, for these years the Heavenly Sovereign's Son too strong Guo potential, its hated Guo Guo of Ruguo bone to be not infrequent, but no one dares to touch its tiger to for these years. 很多人都在讥笑,这么多年来天皇子太强圌势了,将其恨圌之圌入圌骨者不在少数,不过这么多年来无人敢触其虎须。 In Ancient Race also many people sneer, not all large clans stand in its one side, many people are watching critically, calmly looks at the development of situation. 就连古族内也有不少人冷笑,并非所有大族都站在其一边,许多人都在冷眼旁观,静看事态的发展。 Haha...... „ own temporary palace made one give the end, this was so-called not si Heavenly Sovereign child collapsed, in the future also wants to control Myriad Clans? Has a dream!” “哈哈……“自己的行宫都让人给端了,这就是所谓的不si天皇的子崩,将来也想统驭万族?做梦去吧!” On this day, the whole world all pays attention to Eastern Wilderness, this was a fantastic farce makes Heavenly Sovereign's Son fall into unprecedented passive, was inestimable to the attack of its prestige. 这一天,举世皆关注东荒,这是一场荒诞不经的闹剧让天皇子陷入了前所未有的被动,对其威望的打击是不可估量的。 This fact in strange, making many people endure handsome not jin, even the elder characters can only say that the instigator was extremely lacking virtue, golden bottom Guo trousers that's all, ruined Guo of Zi the god the outstanding image. 这件事实在离奇,让很多人都忍俊不jin,连老辈人物都只能说始作俑者太过缺德了,一个黄金底圌裤而已,毁掉了一位神之圌子的英伟形象。 ............, “啊…………, Heavenly Sovereign's Son bristles with anger, face upwards the long and loud cry, the large expanse of mountain peak drops down, turns into the dust in the rumble, pushes 800 li (0.5 km) horizontally, in Southern Region Great Wilderness does not know many mountain range collapse. 天皇子怒发冲冠,仰天长啸,成片的山峰倒下,在隆隆声中化成尘埃,横推八百里,南域大荒中也不知有多少条山脉崩毁 Being driven beyond the limits of forbearance, not shā you vowed are not the person!” “忍无可忍,不shā你们誓不为人!” Even if sweeps away Eastern Wilderness, turns inside out the land, he still avenges a grievance, this type is strange Guo Chiguo greatly Guo Ru, proud such as his said air/Qi several times spat xuè. 即便是横扫东荒,将大地翻过来,他也更报仇雪恨,这种是一种奇圌齿圌大圌辱,骄傲如他这一曰气的数次吐xuè。 His handsome face is slightly fierce, bearing Saint bone, but nearly bedevilment, top of the skull overshoots together the xuè light at this time, links up under Guo Tianshang Guo, in Great Wilderness whether it is birds and beasts all trembling with fear, kneels crouches/submits Guo in the place, toward this direction kotows. 他英俊的面庞略显狰狞,神姿圣骨,可此时近乎入魔,天灵盖上冲起一道xuè光,贯通圌天上地圌下,大荒无论是飞禽走兽全都战战兢兢,跪伏圌在地,朝这个方向叩首。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son stands erect on ancient war chariot, arrival ancient city, Human Race cultivator all had the feeling one after another, is none who does not terrified, does not dare to despise, strength of terrifying character of xuè lineage/vein that god scary...... surpassing the ancients and dazzling contemporaries, just like the Divine Sea four days. 天皇子屹立在古战车上,先后驾临一座一座古城,人族修士皆有感,莫不悚然,再也不敢轻视,那个神之字xuè脉之力恐怖的吓人……震古烁今,宛如神海肆天。 What, hasn't patted the mài line to dare to receive these business? Doesn't matter, we go to mài. “什么,没有拍mài行敢接收这些生意?没关系,我们自己去mài。 After one group of no common people Guo Shi drink up enlightenment tea has studied the stone checkerboard, is laughs, their each and every one god fresh air shuǎng, self-poise, not anxiously decisive battle. 一群无良人圌士喝完悟道茶研究过石棋盘后又是一阵大笑,他们一个个神清气shuǎng,镇定自若,一点也不急着决战。 Southern Region various pats the mài line to fail to explode greatly, finally some people follow the avenue to put on calling mài of alley mài Gou Pigao yào, ten copper child mài gold divine marks bottom Guo Ku. 南域各大拍mài行哑火,终于有人跟mài苟皮膏yào般走大街穿小巷的叫mài,十个铜子mài一件黄金神纹底圌裤。 No one dares mǎi, did not say other, light/only the Deity runic patterns of material quality as well as embodiment is priceless, but actually and no one dares to participate. 没有一个人敢mǎi,不说其他,光材质以及内蕴的神灵纹络就是是无价的,可是却并无一人敢参与。 Naturally, one side no common people Guo Shi has not planned mài to go out, wants to make a noise, scarlet Guo Luoluo truncates Heavenly Sovereign's Son slap, must make the whole city wind and rain to be renown. 当然,一旁无良人圌士也没有打算mài出去,就是想闹出一番动静,赤圌倮倮的削天皇子耳光,要闹个满城风雨举世皆知。 Enters Central Region!” “入中域!” In Southern Region mountain side lineage/vein, pull a Guo of Heavenly Sovereign's Son clang has not si day dāo, immediately divided day of Guo Yu, a piece of meteorite crashed in the land. 南域片山脉中,天皇子锵的一声的拔圌出不si天dāo,顿时劈断了天圌宇,一片陨石坠落在大地上。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son divine ability was even more immeasurably deep, may easily summon the stars fragment, sooner or later can picking the stars and seizing the moon.” A Ancient Race Great Commander startled say/way. 天皇子神通越发深不可测了,可轻易召唤星辰碎片,早晚有一天能摘星捉月。”古族一位大统领惊道。 One crowd of big jun enter a giant gateway enormously and powerful, vanishes in Void, goes north to go. 一群大jun浩浩荡荡进入一座巨大的门户,消失在虚空,北上而去。 Central Region is no longer tranquil, the Heavenly Sovereign's Son trend whole world is all paying attention, every action and every movement concern the Eastern Wilderness wind and cloud important matter, feels period all parties is very anxious in this keen Guo. 中域不再宁静,天皇子的动向举世皆在关注,一举一动都关乎到东荒风云大事,在这敏圌感时期各方都很紧张。 Reported Heavenly Sovereign's Son, that mài gold bottom Guo Ku person in porch mound ancient city.” Some person of your letter consider, god color/look is terrified, for fear that under the Heavenly Sovereign's Son prestige anger dāo divided him. “报天皇子,那mài黄金底圌裤的人在轩丘古城。”有人来禀告,神sè惶恐,生怕天皇子威怒之下一dāo劈了他。 Shā!” “shā!” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son eye pupil is callous, grasps not si day dāo to point at to forward, immediately kao leaf of mountain withered and yellow, the falling gently austere shā atmosphere, such as the late autumn approaches completely. 天皇子眼眸冷酷,手持不si天dāo遥指向前,顿时满山的栲叶都枯黄了,全部飘落肃shā气氛,如深秋来临。 When they rush, such as the person of mài Gou Pigao yào has disappeared, not in this place. 然而等到他们赶到时,如mài苟皮膏yào的人已经消失,不在此地。 Reported Heavenly Sovereign's Son, that person appeared in Ancient City Nether Moon.” “报天皇子,那人出现在幽月古城。” Sentry post. “哨。 The Heavenly Sovereign's Son black hair dances in the air, the pupil light is fearful, dāo cuts, the xuè light number was long by hundred li (0.5 km), making the front piece of no cable the great lake evaporate a cleanness, same hour ten land end that broke the mountain to present. 天皇子黑发飞舞,眸光慑人,一dāo斩下,xuè光数以百里长,让前方一片无缆的大湖蒸发了个干净,同时数十座断山出现的大地尽头。 Eight Troops Divine General throws nine big ancient city continually, finally all comes to naught, has not pursued the rival, gets angry resentfully boundless, this big jun rolling up and pushing along dreadful shā tribulation, place visited all living things trembling ticket. 八部神将连扑九大古城,结果全都是一场空,并没有追到敌手,怒怨无边,这股大jun卷动滔天shā劫,所过之处众生颤票。 They seem like one crowd of days 他们像是一群天 ing Heavenly General, the ten directions wind and cloud moves Guo Dang, hills ten thousand ravine in the trembling ticket, birds headstrong beast submit and fall, the prestige of imposing manner beyond comparison. ing天将,十方风云动圌荡,群山万壑都在颤票,飞禽莽兽伏倒,气势之威无以伦比。 Deduced, they will definitely appear in True Sage Ancient City, I and others may ambush, shā cleanness.” “推演出了,他们必然会出现在真贤古城,我等可去伏击,shā个干净。” Some Ancient Race people are also skilled and calculate, but the divination in the future, must peep a wisp of secret, especially when puts self to trouble the xuè computation, accurate many. 古族亦有人精通与演算,可占卜未来,得窥一缕天机,尤其耗心xuè计算时,更会精准不少。 Only if on him has the emperor “除非他身上有帝 ing, or the strength of xuè lineage/vein the day cares, strong prestige in the Guo of Zi god, otherwise cannot escape my deduction! ” ing,或者xuè脉之力更得天眷顾,强威于神之圌子,不然逃不过我的推演!” Good!” The day tows the child to nod, making few people continue to capture, then has some people of secrets to go to True Sage Ancient City, prepares to ambush the archenemy. “好!”天曳子点头,让一部分人继续追捕,而后带着部分人秘密前往真贤古城,准备伏击大敌。 By the present, who knows, the enemy intentionally, asking mài so-called gold bottom Guo Ku to shame him, was to the earth Chiva's careless alternative response that he said. 到了现在,谁都知道,敌人故意如此,叫mài所谓的黄金底圌裤是在羞辱他,是对他所说的土基瓦苟的另类回应。 True Sage City, was Eastern Wilderness middle region city of the sage, among the Ancient Desolate years Guo in this city had/left incessantly Sage, therefore however acquired fame. 真贤城,是东荒中部地域的一座贤者之城,荒古年间在这一城中圌出了不止一位圣贤,因此而得名。 At this time in the city the atmosphere constrains, falls tastes to hear, the whether it is teahouse or the restaurant, no one da loud discussion, the depressed aura makes one probably obstruct Guo breath. 此时城中气氛压抑之极,落尝可闻,无论是茶馆还是酒楼,没有人龘大声议论,沉闷的气息让人要窒圌息。 Because, a person of mài Gou Pigao yào is calling mài gold bottom Guo Ku, making everyone keep silent, walks around him. 因为,一个mài苟皮膏yào的人在叫mài一个黄金底圌裤,让所有人都噤若寒蝉,绕着他走。 Now said, I thought you walk to there!” “今曰,我看你向那里走!” Suddenly, berated the sound to get up together, lets entire city almost ruptured, one crowd of big jun appeared, the dense piece, was filled with the vault of heaven. 突然,一道喝斥声响起,让整座城池都差点崩开,一群大jun出现,黑压压一片,挤满了天穹。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son stands is on ancient war chariot, face color/look against sinks dropped Guo to have Guo Shuilai quickly, the hand was possessed by a demon dāo to point under, the powerful aura such as Ancient Star shook. 天皇子立身在古战车上,脸sè防沉的快滴圌出圌水来了,手中魔dāo遥指下方,强大的气息如一颗颗古星摇动。 Shā!” “shā!” silhouette in one crowd of Ancient Race direct impact cities goes, the shā air/Qi fills Four directions, they want to capture alive this person in the most brutal method, leaves the Guo of child god to punish. 一群古族直冲城中的身影而去,shā气弥漫四野,他们想以最残酷的手段活捉此人,留给神之圌子发落。 Suddenly, the ancient war chariot above multi-colored sunlight blooms in Void, probably Immortal Flying Over The Heavens, shakes bursts Nine Heavens, defeats the lead saying that changes into together the immortal god rainbow. 突然,古战车上方一道霞光在虚空中绽放,像是天外飞仙,震溃九天,击破铅云,化为一道不朽的神虹而来。 Ye Fan grasps god qiāng, the body Guo child but across the sky, strikes to the Heavenly Sovereign's Son skull. Shocking qiāng, the shining past and present in the future, the thorn broke to pieces the vault of heaven! 叶凡手持一杆神qiāng,身圌子横空而至,击向天皇子头盖骨。惊艳一qiāng,照耀古今未来,刺碎了天穹! Immortal brilliant light, auspicious red clouds boils thinly, in the past, the present and future seemed penetrated by this qiāng, Primal Chaos radiate all around, has the mighty force that opens the world shakes. 光艳艳,瑞霞烹薄,过去、现在、未来仿佛都被这一qiāng击穿,混沌四射,有开辟世界的伟力震出。 “噗” On vault of heaven, that outstanding body that grasps demon dāo, top of the skull zhà opens, the xuè wave to/clashes several meters high, sishi falls on war chariot. 天穹上,那个手持魔dāo的英伟躯体,天灵盖zhà开,xuè浪冲起几米高,sishi倒在战车上。 „When already waited for you to be many, knew you to be able so!” Unexpectedly, another direction cold Pei voice resounds, grasps day dāo that blazing the prestige cuts to come horizontally, another Heavenly Sovereign's Son appears, continent not for. “早就等你多时了,就知道你会如此!”蓦地,另一个方向冷醅的声音响起,手持一口炽威的天dāo横斩而来,又一个天皇子出现,洲才的不为真。 At the same time, the phoenix called the sky, Immortal Phoenix danced in the air, spreads the wings to strike Nine Heavens! 同一时间,凰鸣动霄汉,一头仙凰飞舞,展翅击九天 Roar......” “吼……” Qilin roar Mountains and Rivers is broken, in another outstanding male subfield Guo xuè fluid liu moves probably thunderously, shuǎng, is reprimanding one 麒麟一吼山河碎,另一个英伟的男子体圌内xuè液liu动像是雷鸣,shuǎng,斥着一股 the ào Guo zhà strength, strikes to the front. ào圌zhà性的力量,击向前方。 But sends the female in his there is still one blue, bright-colored moving, the energy of but sending out such as the gods are actually born, one step falls, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends! 而在他的身旁还有一个蓝发女子,明艳动人,可是散发出的能量却如神明降世,一步落下,天崩地裂 Four big Ancient Sovereign's Son take action, locks simultaneously sleepily this place, does not give to puncture the striking life the opportunity, must surround him. 四大古皇子同时出手,将这个地方锁困,不给刺击者活命的机会,要将他困住。 „” “哧” However, was encircled in middle person turned into fresh air at the scene, dispersed in Heaven and Earth, no matter what their seal and trap also no helped. 然而,被围在当中的人当场就化成了一道清气,散在了天地中,任他们封困也于事无补。 The horizon end, Ye Fan's True Body opened the eye, shoots Guo to have two torch light beams, leapt stood. 天际尽头,叶凡的真身睁开了眼睛,射圌出两道火炬般的光束,腾的站了起来。 Saint Sovereign's Son grasps black color/look wu gold/metal big gun, said: I have locked Heavenly Sovereign's Son, must strike shā he in Central Region!” 圣皇子手持黑sè的wu金大gun,道:“我已锁定了天皇子,必击shā他于中域!”
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