STH :: Volume #11

#1056: The blood stream anger gets up

Kneels to ask to me, if you do not appear, my then slaughter falls entire True Sage City! Heavenly Sovereign's Son is handsome, was this time look is fearful, grasps the demon blade to strike an attitude to chop below city. 给我跪讨来,你们若不出现,我便屠掉整座真贤城天皇子英俊非凡,可是此时却神色慑人,手持魔刀作势要劈了下方的城池。 Whish “哗” True Sage City blasted out probably, cultivator such as the chaotic bird escapes to all around, lived the racket to be driven to death after suffering an injustice in this place, the mortal was more terrified, weeps and wails is firing into the city gate. 真贤城像是炸开了,修士如乱鸟逃向四面八方,生拍枉死于此地,凡人更是惶恐,哭喊着冲向城门。 Acting out of desperation, his was thoroughly tears down the face to compel us to go out, perhaps thinks that you were Human Race, could not let loose all these.” Saint Sovereign's Son said to Ye Fan. “狗急跳墙,他这是彻底撕下脸要逼我们出去了,或许认为你是人族,放不开这一切。”圣皇子叶凡道。 You dare!” “你敢!” Suddenly, in True Sage City to/clashes a drop day air/Qi back, powerful Monster Saint aura fills the air, lets Four directions severe tremor, probably piece of Star Domain stepped. 突然,真贤城内冲起一股滴天的气背,一股强大的妖圣气机弥漫而出,让四野剧震,像是一片星域跨了下来。 What, Saint aura, does the Monster Saint conceals practice in this place?” Everyone scared stiff. “什么,圣人气机,有一位妖圣藏于此地修行吗?”所有人都惊住了。 Is Black Tortoise Saint.” Dongfang Ye has hair dishevelled, a savage said with a smile likely, revealed a mouth snow white tooth. “是玄龟圣人。”东方野披头散发,像个野人般笑道,露出一嘴雪白的牙齿。 They choose this city, carving is hears Southern Mountains Barbarian Race guardian spirit Black Tortoise to come this to remember past times to visit antiquities, therefore the last station will elect in this place. 他们之所以选择此城,刻是听闻南岭蛮族守护神玄龟来此怀旧访古,因此将最后一站地选在了这个地方。 Also dares to boast shamelessly depending on you small Dao Severing person, wants to extinguish a human great city, dares to move me to blow you exactly!” The indifferent sound spreads from True Sage City. “凭你一个小小的斩道者也敢大言不惭,想灭一座人类巨城,敢动一下我活刮了你!”冷漠的声音自真贤城中传出。 No one has expected, True Sage City has Monster Saint keeping watch, the people of running away were peaceful, no longer fears. 谁也没有料到,真贤城有一尊妖圣坐镇,逃遁的人都安静了下来,不再惧怕。 Even the Heavenly Sovereign's Son strong thunder does not dare to enrage Saint Might again, otherwise a finger can be run over and die heSaint was aloof person the category, that heavenly moat gap is insurmountable. 即便天皇子再强雷也不敢触怒圣威,不然一个指头就可以碾死他”“圣”超脱了“人”的范畴,那种天堑鸿沟不可逾越。 Although said that Saint does not get take action, but that has the condition limit, the premise is you do not provoke, if dares the slaughter to fall the city that Monster Saint is at like this, extinguished you ten also no one to dare to say anything. 虽然说圣人不得出手,但那是有条件限制的,前提是你不要招惹,若是敢这样屠掉一位妖圣所在的城池,灭你十遍也没人敢多说什么。 Chī! 哧! Heavenly Sovereign's Son clenches teeth, the complexion is gloomy, a blade cut the vault of heaven, delimited together over a hundred li (0.5 km) long Abyss, turned into black holes to swallow the myriad things. 天皇子咬牙,脸色阴沉无比,一刀斩开了苍穹,划出一道上百里长的深渊,化成一片黑洞吞噬万物。 In his heart suppressed one group of anger, but actually does not dare really to ruin this city, otherwise Immemorial Ancestral King could not save him to be executed at the scene. 他心中憋了一团火气,可是却不敢真的毁掉此城不然太古祖王也救不了他会被当场毙掉。 secure!” “安!” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son thick sending silk dances in the air, raises heavenly blade to go far away, ancient war chariot cuts the expansive sky rumble to make noise, Eight Troops Divine General follows closely. 天皇子浓密的发丝飞舞,提着天刀远去,古战车划破长空隆隆作响,八部神将紧密跟随。 But Huang Xudao, Huo Qizi and Huo Lin'er vanished on the vault of heaven, their cultivation heaven defying, no one could block, round trip free, does not know where concealed body. 凰虚道火麒子火麟儿则都消失在了天穹上,他们道行逆天,谁也拦不住,来去自如,不知匿身何地。 This city slaughter, I do not extinguish another ten cities, making in the land Rivers of Blood, the skeleton look at you to come out surely or not!” cold Lao the words resound through the expansive sky. “此城不可屠,我去灭另外十城,让大地上血流成河,尸骨千万看你出来与否!”冷酪的话语响彻长空。 Everyone had once expected, Heavenly Sovereign's Son drags in lots of people to come, will go south definitely to bleed the floating trough, the skeleton several thousands, has not thought imagination will be more ruthless. 所有人都曾预料过,天皇子兴师动众而来,一路南下肯定会流血漂槽,尸骨数万,没有想到比想象的还要狠。 Ancient war chariot rumble makes noise, Heavenly Sovereign's Son stands to be, shoulders heavenly blade sharply, the pupil hole like the electricity, the black hair blocks from half face murderous aura to shake Nine Heavens. 古老的战车隆隆作响,天皇子立身在上,背负天刀,眸孔犀利如电,黑发遮住半张脸杀气九天 A leader Mutant Beast itself leaps, Eight Troops Divine General changes into one steel mighty currents, on the steamroll from the vault of heaven, Void that the hoofbeat rumble steps on has been vibrating. 一头头异兽本腾,八部神将化为一片钢铁洪流,自天穹上碾压而过,蹄声隆隆踩踏的虚空都在抖动。 Flags flap flap make noise, this batch of army murderous aura fill the air, the cold light filled the air/Qi of withering according to the armor, wanted to put down dozens cities they to endure at one fell swoop enough! 一杆杆大旗猎猎作响,这批大军杀气弥漫,寒光照铁衣充满了肃杀之气,想要一举扫平数十城他们已经忍够了! Came, big pocket of this Sovereign careful preparation outside True Sage City had opened wide, these looked where time you to walk!” Sovereign Black sneers to say. “来了,本皇真贤城外精心准备的大口袋早就敞开了,这一次看你向哪里走!”黑皇冷笑道。 The distant place, Heavenly Sovereign's Son is cold the face, said: Can silent enter the person in my not dead temporary palace, outside abatement Saint all over the world only then that dog!” 远处,天皇子冷着脸,道:“能无声入我不死行宫的人,除却圣人外普天之下只有那只狗!” Old servant is ashamed, is hard to deduce the trend of that dog.” Nearby Ancient Race old man bows saying that he understands the divining, may deduce the secret. “老仆羞愧,难以推演出那只狗的动向。”旁边一名古族老者躬身道,他懂得占卜术,可推演天机。 In recent years, perhaps others do not dare with Heavenly Sovereign's Son challenge, this to be possible this dog is not one of them, the arrange/cloth had once had the Grand Array anti- deicide's son, although to be defeated, but finally, but has actually also vibrated the world. 这些年来,别人也许不敢与天皇子叫板,这可这只狗不在此列,曾布出过大阵阻杀神之子,虽然以失败而终,但却也着实震动过天下。 Hopes that it do not appear, otherwise I made the dwelling unable to eat to capture!” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son pupil light is dense, looks far to spatial. “希望它不要出现,不然我让宅吃不了兜着走!”天皇子眸光森然,望向远空。 Far away from True Sage City, Eight Troops Divine General just entered sky over mountain side lineage/vein, shocking murderous intention appears suddenly, on dozens over a hundred mountain peaks under that passes the heavenly sword air/Qi to traverse sky. 远离真贤城,八部神将刚进入一片山脉上空,突然间惊世杀机出现,在那下方数十上百座山峰上,一道道通天剑气横断苍宇 What, some people dare to block kill Heavenly Sovereign's Son!” “什么,有人敢阻杀天皇子!” Several hundred mountain peaks resurrected, turned into big Dao Traces marks, spread across, became piece of Star Sea, can clear sight, Ancient Star appear, revolved there, here as if becomes piece of Star Domain. 数百座山峰复活,化成了一条条大道痕迹,纵横交错,成为一片星海,可以清晰的见到,有一颗颗古星出现,在那里旋转,这里仿佛成为了一片星域 „...... “啊……。” Ancient Race yelled, piece of person ruptured, turned into blood mist at the scene, the snow white bone is contaminating blood threads radiate all around quickly, no one has thought that kills the bureau to open suddenly. 古族大叫,一片人当场崩开,化成了血雾,雪白的骨头快沾染着血丝四射,谁也没有想到杀局突然开启。 „It is not good, Heavenly Sovereign's Son our fall into a trap, fell into the conclusion, this is piece of vast Grand Array, obviously has prepared.” “不好,天皇子我们中计了,落入了局中,这是一片浩瀚的大阵,显然早就准备好了。” Eight Troops Divine General in great surprise, various Ancient Beast in long hiss, this place piece of chaos, in Star Sea have piece of Ancient Star to rotate, every has the strength of grinding world to curl one time. 八部神将大惊,各头古兽都在长嘶,这个地方一片大乱,星海中有一片古星在转动,每一次都有磨世之力卷出。 “噗” Suddenly, more than ten very powerful Ancient Race turn into the blood light, probably by a big grinding pan steamroll, had become the blood plasma and broken bone, is hard to contend. 眨眼间,十几位很强大的古族化成血光,像是被一个大磨盘碾压过,成为了血浆与碎骨,难以抗衡。 Does not use, I know that it will jump, gives me arrange/cloth formation flag, instead kills to break formation!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son washes one's hands , the entire 8 flags depart, each has runic patterns of complicated mystery. “不用慌,我就知道它会跳出来,给我布阵旗,反杀破阵!”天皇子一抖手,整整一把零八杆大旗飞出,每一个都有繁复奥秘的纹络 Immemorial magic formation flag.” The distant place, in the Sovereign Black heart jumps, these formation marks are very powerful, must cut broken Ancient Star unexpectedly. 太古法阵大旗。”远处,黑皇心中一跳,这些阵纹很强大,竟是要斩碎古星 Bang!” “轰!” A 108 pole flag shakes, this piece of Star Sea ruptured, many Ancient Star blasted open, probably a piece of universe ruins, becomes fearful black holes and nihilities. 百零八杆大旗摇动,这片星海崩开了,许多古星炸裂,像是一片宇宙毁掉,成为一片可怕的黑洞与虚无。 Gets up!” “起!” Sovereign Black shouts out, 49 Formation Altar depart, each gloss was gentle, revolves the path of say/way, town/subdues not to have was pressing the killing bureau of this place. 黑皇大喝,四十九座阵台飞出,每一个都光泽柔和,运转着道的轨迹,镇冇压了此地的杀局。 Carves the insect small technique ear, I have been waiting for today, wants to execute together you.” Saying of Heavenly Sovereign's Son quiet dense/woods, the opens the mouth spits, departs day, place and person three special ancient flag, town/subdues not to have presses this place. “雕虫小技耳,我一直在等待今日,想将你们一起诛掉呢。”天皇子幽森的说道,张口一吐,飞出天、地、人三杆特别的古旗,镇冇压此地。 „It is not good, counts years ago this Sovereign to ambush him, almost makes him cherish hatred, this specifically aims at my lay out formation flag.” Sovereign Black said solemnly. “不好,数年前本皇伏击他,差点让他饮恨,这是专门针对我布下阵旗。”黑皇沉声道 Should not by his counter- restraint?” Li Tian asked. “该不会被他反克制吧?”厉天问道。 The big black dog say/way this is several Immemorial Ancestral King helps him refine, this Sovereign has the multiple preparations luckily, hurries True Sage City another three directions, moves to other Formation Altar, besieges together!” 大黑狗道“这是几位太古祖王帮他炼制的,幸好本皇有多重准备,赶紧去真贤城另外三个方向,将其他阵台移来,一起围攻!” They play a trick, making Heavenly Sovereign's Son come Southern Region, making him enter True Sage City, Four directions has to kill the bureau, at the present opens side Grand Array that's all. 他们设局,让天皇子南域,引他进真贤城,四野都有杀局,而今只是开启了一方大阵而已 I move Formation Altar.” Yao Yuekong and swallow sword and the others go together, how their known Grand Array distributes early, can achieve. “我去移动阵台。”妖月空、燕一剑等人一起前去,他们早已知大阵如何排布,可以做到。 The time is not long, Grand Array overlay four directions Formation Altar revolution nose bad Star Sea appears simultaneously again, the grinding world aura is obvious. Sovereign Black these made the painstaking effort time, many years of accumulation used to want Heavenly Sovereign's Son and a it Eight Troops Divine General slaughter cleanness hand/subordinate. 时间不长,大阵叠加四方阵台同时运转鼻坏的星海再次出现,磨世气息明显。黑皇这一次是下了苦功,多年的积累都用上了想将天皇子与其手下的八部神将屠个干净。 Bang!” “轰!” However, a Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering loud sound, Heavenly Sovereign's Son lay out all flag all scraps, burnt not to have to burn, ripped open a path, killed. 然而,一声惊天动地的巨响,天皇子布下的所有大旗全都炸碎,燃冇烧了起来,生生撕开一条道路,杀了出去。 Eight Troops Divine General follows on the heels, fluttering of flags, thousand army threaten the border, was enormous and powerful they to break open, attacked, the cavalry trod the broken vault of heaven., 八部神将跟在后面,旌旗招展,千军压境,浩浩荡荡他们破开,冲击了出来,铁骑踏破苍穹。, Hateful, several Immemorial Ancestral King refer to magic formation that Undying Heavenly Sovereign left behind, the pointed layout, making this Sovereign not have the means.” big black dog sighed. “可恨,几位太古祖王参考了不死天皇留下的法阵,针对性的布局,让本皇也没有办法。”大黑狗叹道。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son formation flag all ruined, but Sovereign Black Formation Altar also becomes the clever powder, big jun runs out lossless, the main force is not affected. 天皇子阵旗全都毁掉了,可是黑皇阵台也都成为了乖粉,大jun无损冲出,主力不受影响。 Walks, shā enters Southern Region, will give me with Ye Fan related all level flat!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son issued a certainly shā command. “走,shā进南域,将与叶凡有关的一切都给我平掉!”天皇子下了一道绝shā令。 He opens Heavenly Eye unable to discover that Sovereign Black and the others, the cold cream is incomparable, must put down the place that Ye Fan makes a debut, has Southern Region because of the source, wants to give to erase some traces. 他睁开天眼也发现不了黑皇等人,冷酪无比,要扫平叶凡出道的地方,因源起南域,想将一些痕迹都给抹除。 Although is zhēn comes to this Sovereign, but he suspected evidently you did come back?” Greatly black careless said to Ye Fan. “虽然是zhēn对本皇来的,但是看样子他怀疑你回来了?”大黑苟对叶凡道。 „Very difficult saying that because Sovereign Black and Ye Fan related significantly, his Gou Ji jumped the wall, did not hesitate to probably eradicating me and others, therefore was crazy.” Li Tian Guo say/way. “很难说,因为黑皇叶凡关系匪浅,他苟急跳墙,不惜一切要将铲除我等,故此疯狂了。”厉天圌道。 Then troubled, although lay out shāju, but he really has flag to break formation.” Sovereign Black said. “这下麻烦了,虽布下了shāju,但他竟然有大旗破阵。”黑皇道。 That hits!” Saint Sovereign's Son said solemnly, making it open Domain Portal, goes to Southern Region. “那就打吧!”圣皇子沉声道,让它开启域门,前往南域 Walks!” Ye Fan also nods. “走!”叶凡也点头。 Southern Region boiling, Heavenly Sovereign's Son went to return once again, arranges in order was ready for any sacrifice in him thoroughly, in any case disgraced proficient, even the golden bottom Guo trousers took to pat mài, this he did not hesitate to vent anger time many innocent people. 南域又一次沸腾,天皇子去而复返,列在他是彻底豁出去了,反正丢人到家,连黄金底圌裤都被人拿出来拍mài了,这一次他不惜迁怒众多无辜的人。 I once heard, Ye Fan had once led a pious life in small sect Spirit Ruins Sanctuary of region in Ancient Desolate jin, then says that now then makes it tribulation ash, everyone does not want remaining.” “我曾听闻,叶凡曾在荒古jin地所在区域的一个小教灵墟洞天修行过,那么今曰便让它成为劫灰,所有人都不要剩下。” Heavenly Sovereign's Son face color/look is indifferent, no mood fluctuates, eyes with ice cube, the cold air/Qi is dense. 天皇子脸sè冷漠,没有一点情绪波动,双眼冰块般,冷气森森。 Never placed in my eye in the past these ants, but says that now I got angry, must make Human Race si of that place not have the burial ground!” “在过去这些蝼蚁从不放在我的眼中,但是今曰我怒了,要让那个地方的人族都si无葬身之地!” That region named Land of Yan, is small guo, Ancient Desolate jin situated in not to have Yang, Spirit Ruins Sanctuary and other small faction encirclements in the mountain range surrounding. 那个区域名为燕地,是一个小囯,荒古jin地位于中冇央,灵墟洞天等六个小派环绕在山脉外围。 Bang!” “轰!” The Southern Region chaos, Heavenly Sovereign's Son leads the cavalry to go south, unscrupulous, teaches the series to tread several human for the flat land, fresh xuè long liu, breaks the arm stump residual limb to depart, dwelling place of the immortals razing to the ground. 南域大乱,天皇子率领铁骑南下,肆无忌惮,将几个人类教统踏为平地,鲜xuè长liu,断臂残肢飞出,道山给夷为了平地。 They crash in the Southern Region center, did not fear that causes Human Race altogether indignant, opens the shā abstention greatly, broken miè more than ten Sect, iron xuè went on a punitive expedition against continuously. 他们冲进南域腹地,不怕引起人族共愤,大开shā戒,连续破miè了十几个教门,铁xuè征伐。 All because only these entrances blocked his road ahead, when so, Heavenly Sovereign's Son and Eight Troops Divine General wield dāo directly, stands chops the front great mountain. 一切都只因为这些山门挡住了他的前路,每当如此时,天皇子八部神将都是直接挥dāo,立劈前方巨山。 Fresh xuè long liu, lamentable these teach by xuè Guo Xi, only because of appearing in the position that in the cavalry went south that's all, large quantities of cultivator by shā Guo Lu, the large expanse of shi bone and xuè lie. 鲜xuè长liu,可叹这些教们被xuè圌洗,只因出现在了铁骑南下的方位上而已,大批的修士被shā圌戮,成片的shi骨与xuè横陈。 The Southern Region resentment soars to the heavens, however many people feel indignant but not daring to speak out, this batch of big jun too strong Guo potentials, although miè more than ten taught, actually no one dares to stand. 南域怨气冲天,然而许多人敢怒不敢言,这批大jun太强圌势了,尽管miè了十几教,却无一人敢站出来。 „... Master!” Resounds coldly howlingly, on road that the cavalry goes south medium Sect by miè. One, young male loudly sad howl, the whole body is xuè, stands on the mountain, the anger wields the long halberd, welcomed to Eight Troops Divine General. “啊…师傅!”寒嚎响起,在铁骑南下的路上一个中型教门被miè。一个,年轻的男子放声悲吼,满身是xuè,站在断山上,愤怒挥动长戟,迎向八部神将 “噗” However, Eight Troops Divine General howls, a person grasped Battle Spear easily to pierce him, fresh xuè Guo Linguo drenched, was scratched by Guo at the lance front, is selecting his line of business dozens li (0.5 km) away. 然而,八部神将呼啸而过,一个人手持战矛轻易就将他洞穿了,鲜xuè圌淋圌淋,被圌擦在矛锋上,挑着他本行数十里远。 No matter what he struggles, is useless, his chest fresh xuè long liu, si does not die content finally. 任他挣扎,却都没有用,他的胸口鲜xuè长liu,最终si不瞑目。 Livestock Guo health/life!” “畜圌生!” The back side of the mountain , old man left seclusion, welcomed to high sky, but on Ancient Race Powerhouse slap by Mutant Beast was actually patted, the breastbone caved , the big mouth coughed xuè, the full snow white sending Guo silk was been incarnadine by fresh xuè, xièfǎ eyes was gradually gloomy. 后山,一个,老者出关,迎向高天,可却被一头异兽上的古族强者一巴掌就拍了下来,胸骨塌陷,大口咳xuè,满头雪白的发圌丝都被鲜xuè染红了,xièfǎ的双眼逐渐暗淡。 Yéyé!” White Clothed few Guo woman desperate is calling, staggers along, runs over, grasps old person's shi body, the sorrowful cry loses one's voice. “yéyé!”一个,白衣少圌女绝望的叫着,跌跌撞撞,跑了过来,抱住老人的shi体,恸哭失声。 You are è Guo demon, the heaven will not let off your!” Few Guo Nvqing tears tumble, are holding the shi body helpless sob of old person. “你们是è圌魔,老天不会放过你们的!”少圌女清泪滚落,抱着老人的shi体无助的哭泣。 The sneering sound transmits, rides the line of business to come, in the Ancient Race Powerhouse hand long dāo wields, bright as snow light flashed, this huá young White Clothed few Guo females are incapable of contending, a head of also slightly young Guo nèn brings big piece xuè, flew up at angle, the headless shi body pours by old person's body. 冷笑声传来,一骑本行而来,古族强者手中长dāo挥下,雪亮的光芒一闪,这huá年轻的白衣少圌女无力抗衡,一颗还略显稚圌nèn的头颅带着大片的xuè,斜飞了出去,无头的shi体倒在老人的躯体旁。 Now said, whether it is anyone, being in the way all wants si!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son stands on ancient war chariot, looks at all these cold Lao saying. “今曰,无论是谁,挡路者皆要si!”天皇子站在古老的战车上,看着这一切冷酪的说道。 Eight Troops Divine General is more unscrupulous, charges into Southern Region directly, must have the one breath for Heavenly Sovereign's Son, miè falls Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, on road is convenient, but is, there is they destroys miè the ultimate objective. 八部神将更加肆无忌惮,径直冲向南域,要为天皇子出一口气,miè掉灵墟洞天,路上的不过是顺手而为,那里才是他们毁miè的最终目标。 The Southern Region resentment drop day, more than ten teach the series to be destroyed, many Human Race cultivator by shā Guo Lu, the fresh xuè long liu , shi bone became the hill, making Eastern Wilderness tremble. 南域怨气滴天,十几个教统被毁,很多人族修士被shā圌戮,鲜xuè长liu,shi骨成为小山,让东荒都震颤了。 Finally, Land of Yan was near, Heavenly Sovereign's Son looked at a front, suddenly qin from take action, in the palm Guo to appear radiant divine spear, washed one's hands to throw. 终于,燕地近了,天皇子看了一眼前方,突然qin自出手,掌心中圌出现一杆璀璨的神矛,抖手掷了出去。 Bang!” “轰!” No one has thought, Heavenly Sovereign's Son so cold xuè, a lance punctured the city that thoroughly a mortal occupied, the swallow guo capital city in an instant ruptured! 谁也没有想到,天皇子如此冷xuè,一矛刺透了一座凡人居住的城池,燕囯都城刹那间崩开了! „”,... ” “啊”,…” If end Guo said approaches, the countless panic-stricken Human Race bodies split, fresh xuè flew Guo splash, the whole city person changes into the shi bone completely, entire ancient city crushed, mixes the xuè mark to turn into stretch of ruins. 如末圌曰来临,数不尽的惊恐的人族躯体裂开,鲜xuè飞圌溅,满城人全部化为shi骨,整座古城粉碎,混合着xuè迹化成一片废墟。 My goal is Spirit Ruins Sanctuary, but on the road keeps off my field of vision also to shovel evenly!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son callous saying. “我的目标是灵墟洞天,但路上挡我视野者也都要铲平!”天皇子冷酷的说道。 Xuè Guo washes a cleanness!” The Eight Troops Divine General men shouting and horses neighing, when is all yelling, on each is contaminating xuè of human, goes south miè teaches to splash. “xuè圌洗个干净!”八部神将人喊马嘶,全都在嗷嗷大叫着,他们每一个身上沾染着人类的xuè,都是一路南下时miè教所溅上的。 Livestock Guo health/life!” “畜圌生!” Ye Fan and the others pursued, Sovereign Black arrange/cloth Grand Array is invalid, cannot miè fall Heavenly Sovereign's Son and Eight Troops Divine General, instead went by guo suddenly, they with, saw too many xuè. 叶凡等人追了下来,黑皇所布大阵无效,没有能miè掉天皇子八部神将,反被突囯而去,他们跟了下来,一路见到了太多的xuè。 Ye Fan first take action, in the hand dark gold/metal long qiāng sweeps away thousand jun, sharp qiāng sharp such as like dāo, cuts off piece of Ancient Race troops, xuèhuā splashes 3000 chi (0.33 m)! 叶凡第一个出手,手中暗金长qiāng横扫千jun,锋锐qiāng尖如如dāo,将一片古族人马斩断,xuèhuā溅起三千尺! Buzz “嗡” Saint Sovereign's Son take action, swing wu black big iron gunzá to the skull of Heavenly Sovereign's Son, the brave crown world, the black sègun body makes the vault of heaven crack, exudes wū wū the sound. 圣皇子出手,轮动wu黑的大铁gunzá向天皇子的头盖骨,勇冠天下,黑sègun体让天穹崩裂,发出呜呜声。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son meets head-on, not si day dāo in hand sends out the dazzling light, curls up ten thousand heavy dāo light, Great Dao pressed Guo made/system below, the striking power is matchless. 天皇子迎战,手中的不si天dāo发出刺目的光,卷起万重dāo光,大道都被压圌制在下,攻击力举世无匹。 dang! 当! the dāogun junction strikes, deafening, probably two stars collide, ten directions mountain range collapses, the land caves in the hundred zhang (333 m) depth, shā cuts down the strength beyond comparison. dāogun交击,震耳欲聋,像是两颗星辰碰撞,十方山脉崩溃,大地沉陷上百丈深,shā伐力无以伦比。 The phoenix called Nine Heavens, another side great man appeared, such as Immortal Phoenix near Nine Heavens, one step stepped, Huang Xudao manifest, the whole person wound around by Dao Traces, looked very fuzzy, a not really not to have solid feeling. 凰鸣动九天,另一边一个伟岸的男子出现,如仙凰九天,一步就迈了过来,凰虚道显化,整个人被道痕缭绕,看起来很模糊,有一种不真冇实的感觉。 Bang “轰” Ye Fan welcomed, a fist rumbled, blocked his way. 叶凡迎上,一拳轰出,挡住了他的去路。 However, another side Huo Lin'er and Huo Qizi also came, straight this/Ben Saint Sovereign's Son goes, is going take action. 然而,另一边火麟儿火麒子也都现身了,直本圣皇子而去,将要出手 Scary of these two terrifying, sends to dance in the air blue, body seems like the god body, drop of xuè fluid selects, may pierce this world, the Ancient Sovereign's supreme xuè strength shows. 这两人恐怖的吓人,蓝发飞舞,肌体像是神躯,一滴xuè液点出,可洞穿这片世界,古皇的无上xuè力展现。 You also come!” The Ye Fan head fresh air appears, turns into itself another, interrupts the road ahead, blocked two people. “你们也过来吧!”叶凡头上清气浮现,化成另一尊自己,截断前路,拦住了两人。 Fights, qiu monthly ticket! 战起,qiu月票!
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