STH :: Volume #11

#1054: heaven defying Good Fortune

Feared that place heavenly palace 〖Central〗 Yang has an artificial pond, good luck thousand, multi-colored sunlight ten thousand, gushes out. Looks is Divine Pond, spiritual energy rich being able to melt. 怕座天宫〖中〗央有一口泉池,瑞气千条,霞光万道,喷薄而出。一看就是神池,灵气浓郁的化不开。 Naturally, this is not the noticeable place, truly those who make the person mind vibrate and unable to move to the eyeball is middle a Yun's thing, interweaves the big Dao Traces mark, dazzling. 当然,这不是引人瞩目的地方,真正让人心神震动、移不开眼球的是当中蕴的一物,交织万般大道痕迹,璀璨夺目。 This is a valuable tree, Immortal Qi is dense, the transpiration, making it dreamlike, probably takes root in Immortal Domain, lives the show/unfolds to the world, passes through two. 这是一株宝树,仙气氤氲,蒸腾而起,让它如梦似幻,像是扎根于仙域,生展到人间,贯穿两界。 It has several branches, old skin is rough, may examine carefully actually the discovery already Dao Fusion, but these slender branch glittering and translucent, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, is mystical and mysterious. 它有几条主干,老皮粗糙,可细看却发现已合道,而那些纤细的枝条则晶莹剔透,流光溢彩,神秘而玄奥。 Has and a big Dao Traces mark continuously in its surroundings, blends with Heaven and Earth, occasionally sends out with the whining noise, the Great Dao sound vibrates, making one almost probably in an instant comprehending dao. 在其周围有一条条、一缕缕的大道痕迹,与天地交融,偶尔发出和鸣声,大道伦音震动,让人几乎要在刹那间悟道 Naturally, most noticeable is in nèn non-stop, does not know that is vowing mo anything. 当然,最为引人瞩目的则是nèn枝上的个不停,不知在誓mo什么。 Hurries.” Ye Fan urged, this place cannot stay for a long time, alarming several Ancestral King was big on the trouble. “赶紧走啦。”叶凡催促,这个地方不能久留,惊动几位祖王就麻烦大了。 This Poor Daoist looked that this place appearance of the mountain is good, Bishan circles the spirit water, for burying, I thinks wonderfully the Heavenly Sovereign's Son ancestor buries mostly here, but finally really disappointing.” 贫道看此地山势不错,璧山绕灵水,是为下葬之妙地,我想天皇子的祖上多半都埋在这里,可结果着实让人失望。” One group of people roll the eyes, this fatty place visited is really anything cannot be left over, the treasure in divine tower also even, but the grave mound was even being kept thinking, is a little terrifying. 一群人都翻白眼,这胖子所过之处真是什么都剩不下,神阙中的宝贝等也就算了,可连坟头都在被惦记,有点恐怖。 Cultivates the behavior cannot too Duan De!” “做人不能太段德!” Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate.” 无量天尊。” One group of people leave the entrance, winds as well as bullies day of Grand Array Heavenly Source Marks to give to draw out, according to the Dragon Horse simple fire considers as finished here fever cleanly. 一群人离开山门,将源天纹络以及欺天大阵都给拔出,依照龙马的干脆一把火将这里烧个干净算了。 Sovereign Black puts on airs, color/look of face sorrow, said: „ Everything keeps the frontline. 黑皇装模作样,一脸悲苦之sè,道:“凡事留一线。 Even root hair not remaining, but also keeps any frontline!” Dragon Horse disdains. “连根毛都没给剩下,还留什么一线!”龙马不屑。 Temporarily keeps the frontline, otherwise several Ancestral King jump immediately.” Ye Fan said, one group of people return home with a full load, disappear in the mountain range deep place. “暂时留一线,不然几位祖王会立刻跳出来的。”叶凡道,一群人满载而归,消失在山脉深处。 Southern Region, Heavenly Sovereign's Son is built in Immemorial war chariot, the black hair is thick, the appearance is delicate and pretty, the eye is an excellent likeness two cold stars, shoulders Undying Heavenly Saber, is angry to swallow the potential of Mountains and Rivers. 南域,天皇子立于太古战车上,黑发浓密,容貌俊美,眼神似两颗寒星,背负不死天刀,有气吞山河之势。 He leads Eight Troops Divine General to rule Southern Region, no one dares to block, the place visited, ten directions entirely silent/solitary, no one seed l language, Southern Region cultivator keeps silent. 他率领八部神将君临南域,无人敢阻,所过之处,十方俱寂,没有一人籽l语,南域修士噤若寒蝉。 Saint Sovereign's Son calculates anything, that mysterious Human Race Powerhouse is also the ants, in front of invincible Heavenly Sovereign's Son is clay chickens and pottery dogs, collapses at the first blow! „ Such remarks, entire Eastern Wilderness vibrates, the words are rampant, cannot execute half-Saint Powerhouse to place in the eye two completely, performs despises. 圣皇子算的了什么,那个神秘人族强者亦是蝼蚁,在无敌的天皇子面前不过是土鸡瓦狗,不堪一击!“此话一出,全东荒都震动,话语嚣张霸道,完全没有将两位可以毙半圣强者放在眼中,尽是蔑视。 People know, Heavenly Sovereign's Son and Saint Sovereign's Son this is tears to pieces the facial skin, or died conducts to fight a decisive battle continuous, otherwise its troops was impossible to say like this. 人们知道,天皇子圣皇子这是撕破脸皮、要不死不休进行决战了,不然其部众不可能这样说。 On the same day, the Southern Region major auction rooms issued suddenly a news, will have the shocking goods auction. 当天,南域各大拍卖行突然发布了一则消息,将有惊世的物品拍卖。 God's son is not good!” Ancient Race flies on Southern Region main peak. “神之子不好了!”一名古族飞到南域一座主峰上。 What to be flustered, what matter exactly had?” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son sinking sound asked. “慌张什么,到底发生了何事?”天皇子沉声问道。 Some people are auctioning the Undying Heavenly Sovereign temporary palaces as well as various treasure divine material.” “有人在拍卖不死天皇的行宫以及各种奇珍神料等。” Heavenly Sovereign's Son the eye stood at that time, god color/look callous to the extreme. 天皇子当时眼睛就立了起来,神sè冷酷到了极点。 Side, has Eight Troops Divine General to command scolds loudly, said: Dissolute, evil words huo numerous, who is this is speaking irresponsibly?!” 旁边,有八部神将统领大声呵斥,道:“放肆,妖言huo众,这是什么人在乱说?!” Did not speak irresponsibly, I personally saw, Heavenly Sovereign's Son drank enlightenment tea the special-purpose jade cup also in auction.” Kneels the Ancient Race trembling with fear on mountain peak. “不是乱说,我亲眼所见,还有天皇子悟道茶所专用的玉杯也在拍卖之列。”跪在山峰上的这名古族战战兢兢 What?!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son changes color/look finally, the full black hair is calm, the hysterical/frenzy dances in the air, the eye is an excellent likeness two lightnings. “什么?!”天皇子终于变sè,满头黑发无风自动,狂乱飞舞,眼神似两道闪电。 „” Kneels in ground Ancient Race is shivering, suddenly does not dare to say. “还有”跪在地上的古族颤抖着,一时间不敢说出来。 What also has?” Commands to shout a question. “还有什么?”一位统领喝问。 Some people also in bottom ku that the auction god's son post wears.” “有人亦在拍卖神之子贴身穿的底ku等。” “噗” The blood of Heavenly Sovereign's Son hearing this air/Qi runs out, almost falls down on the ground, he knows that temporary palace made one copying, this was shames him in sharp opposition. 天皇子闻言气的一口血冲出,差点一头栽倒在地上,他知道那处行宫让人给抄了,这是在针锋相对羞辱他。 clear and bright, swept the graves. golden-winged little Peng King, Hua Yunfei, Qin Yao and fifth-generation Heavenly Source Master, Yuan Gu and other each and every one are waving, please sprinkle the next monthly ticket. Summoned one monthly ticket to obstruct the day. 清明了,扫墓。金翅小鹏王华云飞秦瑶、第五代源天师元古一个个在挥手,请洒下一枚月票。呼唤一张月票支遮天。 . .!. 。!。
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