STH :: Volume #11

#1053: plough up the enemy's court and destroy his hideouts (annihilate)

Compares the spring and blossom southern place, Northern Region were many on dejected. Infertile, 1 million li (0.5 km) , are hard to look at the end scarlet surely. 相比春暖花开的南地,北域萧索多了.寸草不生,赤地百万里、千万里,难以望到尽头。 Among the Immemorial years, this lands are in the world the place of life-force most prosperous prestige, the vegetation abundant prestige, ancient medicine everywhere, spiritual energy thick being able to melt, Myriad Clans rise greatly. What a pity, the prestige must fade extremely, this is the rule that the myriad things comply with.” Saint Sovereign's Son sighed. 太古年间,这片土地是世上生机最为旺威之地,草木丰威,古药遍地,灵气浓的化不开,万族大兴。可惜,威极必衰,这是万物遵从的规律。”圣皇子感叹。 Ye Fan arrived at Northern Region with him, catches up directly to forbidden land that a life halts, this is an ancient mountain, grand boundless. 叶凡与他到了北域,径直赶向一处生灵止步的禁土,这是一片古老的山岳,壮阔无边。 From landform, this is one piece rises the dragon place, is indistinct obviously, mountain range same occupy like the dragon, the mountain ridge fluctuates, major powers is extraordinary, male towering be continuous, corresponds with Sun, Moon and Stars, has probably the life to breathe. 地势上来说,这是一片升龙地,隐约间可见,一条条山脉如龙一样盘踞,山脊起伏,大势奇伟,雄峻绵延,与日月星辰对应,像是有生命在呼吸。 In Pre-immemorial, this place has many ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) waterfalls, resembles the Milky Way to drop, boundless boundless, like miracle. But all are dry at the present, weeds do not have, bare piece. 太古前,这个地方有许多万丈瀑布,似天河飞泻,茫茫无边,如同神迹。可是而今一切都干涸了,一株野草都没有,光秃秃一片。 Saint Sovereign's Son and Ye Fan thorough hundreds of thousands li (0.5 km), arrive at this ancient vein most deep place, has saying that this dwelling place of the immortals is extremely vigorous, rare being on par. 圣皇子叶凡深入十几万里,才来到这片古脉最深处,不得不说这片道山极其雄浑,少有比肩者。 Seeks. “牟。 The front has the deafening sound of water to transmit, is pregnant life-force, the ancient wood wolf forest, had Immemorial Powerhouse to restore here all in the heaven defying method forcefully. 前方有震耳欲聋的水声传来,孕有生机,古木狼林,有太古强者逆天手段强行恢复了这里的一切。 Was about dozens years of that's all, the vegetation and ancient medicine wait/etc. experienced ten thousand years of probably, blocking the sky, naturally also many adult plants were they transplant forcefully from other place. 才不过几十年而已,草木与古药等像是经历了万年之久,遮天蔽日,当然也有许多植株是他们强行从别的地方移栽过来的。 The dead ahead has nine tea Grand Falls to drop from the clouds, white, has water vapor boiling, hangs controls in the number by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high great mountain on. 正前方有九茶大瀑布从天而降,白茫茫,有水汽沸腾,垂控在数以万丈高的大岳上。 „......”Ye Fan has had to gasp in admiration, the appearance of the mountain of this place is really grand and rose! beautiful, going all over the world is also difficult to seek several comparing favorably places. “过……””叶凡不得不叹服,这个地方的山势果然壮阔与瑰!丽,走遍天下也难寻出几个媲美的地方。 Ten thousand article waterfall column former Sichuan, sent out sound with landslide tsunami, such as the mighty force is galloping, vast momentum. 万文瀑布柱前川,发出的声音跟山崩海啸似的,又如千军万马在奔腾,声势浩大。 On over ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high mountain wall, takes root has rare medicine, is different , the rhizome that belongs quickly vanishes is thick, the leaf blade is emerald green. 在上万丈高的山壁上,扎根有一株株奇药,都是属于快绝迹的异和,根茎粗大,叶片翠绿剔透。 Here......” “这里……” Duan De they one step has first arrived, is revolving the giant mountain massif to observe landform, Sovereign Black is busy at work wait/etc. transmitted many formation flag outward, wants lay out to bully day of Grand Array. 段德他们早已先一步就到了,正在围绕着巨大的山体观察地势,黑皇最为忙活,将许多阵旗等向外发送,要布下欺天大阵 Really must surround this place, regardless of inside has anything, will be over ten thousand people of transcends tribulation, the outside world does not know together, we can feel relieved will smash this den.” “真要将此地困住,无论里面发生什么,就是上万人一同渡劫,外界也不会知道,我们可以放心的端掉这处老巢。” Four directions of this place, several very special appearances of the mountain, are far from this place, on each main peak has Immemorial Ancestral King keeping watch. 这个地方的四野,还有几处很特别的山势,距离此地较远,每一座主峰上都有一位太古祖王坐镇 That is existence of current world most peak, one day for Saint one day is not that and other ant insects in Powerhouse eye, they do not dare to alarm. 那是当今天下最巅峰的存在,一日不为圣一日便是那等强者眼中的蚁虫,他们这些人自不敢惊动。 Each, the human have the jade block that Sovereign Black sends out, above inscribes various and rune, but the chaotic secret, can hidden go to the aura, in the past when Ye Fan by the disciple deduction of Divine Predictor, had once hoodwinked by this. 每一个,人身上都有黑皇送出的玉块,上面刻有各和符文,可混乱天机,更能隐去自身气息,当年叶凡神算子弟子推演时,就曾以此蒙蔽过。 But after Ye Fan to here, takes exceedingly high penetrating place Source Art to cover up the aura as them, making everyone bring several Source Stone, inscribes Dao Traces that he understood. 叶凡到了这里后,更是以通天彻地的源术为他们遮掩气息,让每人都带了几块源石,刻有他所悟出的道痕 Has saying that this mountain side potential is very open, the position that they are is entrance that's all, the trim region mountain Large expanse, palatial precipitous. 不得不说,这片山势很开阔,他们所在的位置不过是山门而已,整片区域大山成片,巍峨险峻。 Fell my half short remaining life tired, you are careful, must be good the formation flag layout surely.” Sovereign Black urging. “累掉了我半条老命,你们要小心,千万要将阵旗布局好。”黑皇叮嘱。 On this day, a clansman goes into action together, raspberry one is to deter big expert of side, the set up formation is naturally a cinch. 在这一日,一族人齐行动起来,莓一个都是威慑一方的大高手,布阵自然不在话下。 And, Ye Tong is most excited, long such mostly is the good child, at the present starts the confiscating family's property check, is one and different experience. 其中,叶瞳最为兴奋,长这么大都是好孩子,而今做起了抄家的勾,是一和全新的体验。 Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, fine!” Duan De smiles, glowing with health, shoulders both hands to look into the entrance deep place, this time is he proposed that the people confiscate family's property. 无量天尊,善哉善哉!”段德笑眯眯,红光满面,背负着双手眺望山门深处,这次就是他提议众人才来抄家的。 After 1 hour, big black dog inspects personally, for fear that presents anything to leak purely, because this is concerning their Life and Death, if by Ancestral King in inside, could not be eaten to capture. 半个时辰后,大黑狗亲自去检查,生怕出现什么纯漏,因为这关乎着他们的生死,万一被祖王堵在里面,吃不了兜着走。 Then, Ye Fan also sent out, to be cautious, the arrangement, carves the next movie source day scheme personally, provides against contingencies, guarantees absolutely safe. 而后,叶凡也出动了,为了稳妥起见,亲自布置,刻下一片源天迷阵,以防万一,确保万无一失。 Ok, should not have the issue, drew back 10,000 steps saying that really must annoy Ancestral King to come, we can also jump in Domain Portal to run away immediately, therefore don't worry.” Sovereign Black said. “好了,应该没问题了,退一万步说,真要惹出一头祖王来,我们也能立刻跳进域门逃走,所以不用担心。”黑皇道。 This they prepare time sufficiently, ancient Formation Altar, whether it is when where, may guarantee that every first escapes this place, drives ten thousand years of ship carefully. 这一次他们准备充足,人手一个古阵台,无论是何时何地,都可确保第一时间遁出此地,小心驶得万年船。 Everyone prepared to walk into the mountain, prepared Holy Artifact, if jumped out of only big executed directly.” Black yellow reminder people. “各位准备进山了,将圣器也准备好,万一跳出只大个的直接毙掉。”黑黄提醒众人。 Saint Sovereign's Son also stands, told them to be careful, after all here was the Heavenly Sovereign's Son den, is a temporary palace that his father left behind, called it dragon's pool and tiger's den is not overrated. 圣皇子也站出来,告诉他们小心,毕竟这里是天皇子的老巢,是他父亲留下的一处行宫,称之为龙潭虎穴也不为过。 The entrance is open, nine ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) waterfall is the marvelous sight, after walking, Immortal Qi winds around, Immortal Crane dances in the air, various and magnificent scenery is innumerable. 山门开阔,九条万丈瀑布为奇景,走进去后仙气缭绕,仙鹤飞舞,各和瑰丽景色数不胜数。 The mountain one after another, the Five Colors dense rosy cloud air/Qi cedar moves, the palace tower is hanging, like a myth world. 青山一座又一座,五色氤氲霞气楠动,殿宇楼台悬空,如同一片神话世界。 „Who are you?!” “你们是什么人?!” The entrance place, naturally some people protect, immediately to/clashes more than ten Ancient Race, each and every one cultivation base is uncommon, however such master of Chuanglai one group of oppressor who can block? 山门处,自然有人守护,当即就冲过来十几名古族,一个个修为不凡,然而这样一群虎狼之师闯来谁能拦得住? Li Tian Jie Jie smiles evilly, works as one, the Goddess Furnace cover is lifted, the turnover Sun and Moon essence, the all around spiritual energy wells up, more than ten Ancient Race struggle more than sixty years old, all was received. 厉天桀桀邪笑,哐当一声,神女炉的盖子被掀开,吞吐日月精华,四面八方的灵气涌来,十几名古族挣扎耆,全都被收了进去。 Why clamored, had what?” The distant place, on a ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) peak, hands down from generation to generation a powerful fluctuation, there Blood Qi transpiration, there is super Powerhouse in seclusion. “为何喧哗,发生了什么?”远处,一座万丈高峰上,传下来一阵强大的波动,那里血气蒸腾,有一个超级强者闭关 Dao Severing, has not thought in person who unexpectedly leaves behind many Powerhouse, making me come.” Ye Fan goes forward, within the body joint flip-flop makes noise, in an instant he turned into a delicate and pretty peerless youth, not the slightest difference from Heavenly Sovereign's Son. “竟斩道了,没有想到留下的人中不乏强者,让我来吧。”叶凡上前,体内骨节僻啪作响,转眼间他就变成了一个俊美绝伦的青年,与天皇子一般无二。 Sees your face, I want to punch.” Dongfang Ye said, can say looked like, is extremely similar to the gods from the shape. “看到你这张脸,我想揍一顿。”东方野道,可以说太像了,从形到神都极其相似。 The Ye Fan smile, displays Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth again, changed everyone's appearance, all becomes Eight Troops Divine General descendant, with is almost consistent in that group of people who the Azure-red Clouds city presents. 叶凡微笑,再一次施展改天换地,将所有人的模样都变了,全都成为了八部神将后人,与在青霞城出现的那批人几乎一致。 Becoming a multitudious Qilin giant beast including too the black dog, but the Dragon Horse incarnation is a scarlet flood dragon , is fiercer than an appearance, the aura compels the person. 连太黑狗都成为了一条庶麟巨兽,而龙马则化身为一头赤蛟,一个,比一个长相凶猛,气息迫人。 Ye Fan's Source Art is superb, regardless of uses on whom, is hard to seek the flaw, all completes in the flash. 叶凡的源术出神入化,无论用在谁身上,都难以寻出破绽来,全都在一瞬间完成。 He works as first stand forth, descends on that mountain peak. The protection in this's Dao Severing person left seclusion, sees immediately their is in a daze instantly immediately. 他当先向前走去,降落在那座山峰上.守护在此的斩道者立刻出关,见到他们的刹那顿时一阵发呆。 God's son...... came back quickly.” This Ancient Race somewhat feels helpless. “神之子……这么快就回来了。”这名古族有些不知所措。 Works as “哐当” Saint Sovereign's Son take action stimulates to movement Goddess Furnace personally, he received to fire flood Heavenly General, refining becomes pile of ashes. 圣皇子亲自出手催动神女炉,离火滔天将他收了进去,炼化成一堆灰烬。 This place remaining several people, really have not been a void, a looting cleanness.” Dragon Horse hideous saying. “此地没有剩下几人,真的是一片空虚,洗劫个干净。”龙马恶形恶状的说道。 They come in smoothly, on the halfway does not have many Ancient Race strictly, arrived at important location directly, is really a void. 他们顺利进来,半路上严无多少古族,径直就来到了重地,果然是一片空虚。 Hehe, Dao Grandpa I passed through in coming, this may compared with robbing a Saint da big grave also has the sense of achievement “嘿嘿,道爷我经于进来了,这可比盗一座圣人龘大墓还有成就感 Really the hope can fish out several immortal treasure. ” Duan De rubs hands, smiled is a little inexpensive. 真希望能摸出几件仙珍。”段德搓手,笑的有点贱。 Center da Yang has several main peak, each attacks the clouds, probably several Immortal Sword invert here, above has heavenly palace respectively, is grand and huge, there are good luck radiate all around. 正中龘央有几座主峰,每一座都直插云霄,像是几把仙剑倒插在这里,上面各有一座天宫,宏伟而巨大,有一条条瑞气四射 This is treasured land, first from first start.” big black dog boils discusses a throat, rushes. “这是宝地,先从第一座开始。”大黑狗熬唠一嗓子,冲了上去。 This place has the battle formation, but Sovereign Black disintegrated is not difficult it to unify Without Beginning Killing Formation and various and Dao Runes quarter over a hundred jade blocks, by to break formation. 这个地方有阵势,但是黑皇瓦解起来并不难它结合无始杀阵与各和道纹刻出了上百枚玉块,以阵破阵 The group have rushed smoothly, enters in Ancient Palace, carves Australian picture, resplendent in gold and jade green, everywhere is the treasure, many decorations are the Divine Source quarter. 一行人顺利闯过,进入古宫中,雕澳画栋,金碧辉煌,到处都是宝贝,许多装饰都是神源刻成的。 Separates the search!” “分开搜寻!” One group of people crash in the deep place, Duan De and Sovereign Black obviously are experts, struggles to charge into a position, suddenly did not have the shadow. 一群人冲进深处,段德黑皇显然是行家里手,争着冲向一个方位,眨眼间就没影了。 Bang “轰” The sudden powerful fluctuation transmits, palace ruptured, the barbarian was sneak attacked one blow, the entire left arm blasted out, fresh blood dripping, the white bones stubble is dense. 突然一股强大的波动传来,有一间殿宇崩开了,野蛮人被偷袭了一记,整条左臂都炸开了,鲜血淋淋,白骨茬森森。 Be careful, here has Dao Severing person!” “小心,这里有一个斩道者!” Ye Fan hears the news to rush immediately, this is three eyed Ancient Race, saw that he is not convinced to kill on the bang for the Heavenly Sovereign's Son appearance. 叶凡闻讯在第一时间赶到,这是一个三眼古族,见到他为天皇子的样子也不买账上来就轰杀。 Bang “砰” The Ye Fan slap racket falls, spits the blood to crash its dozen of mouths in the place at the scene. 叶凡一巴掌拍落,当场将其打的口吐鲜血坠落在地。 „Who you are, dares to pretend to be god's son.” His third vertical eye anger opens the eyes, he cannot see the flaw, but the intuition told him these people are not True Body. “你们是什么人,竟敢冒充神之子。”他的第三只竖眼怒睁,他看不出破绽,但是直觉却告诉他这些人并非真身 Bang. “砰。 Dongfang Ye gives birth to a new arm by ancient Xuanfa, wielding great mace hit this person to be difficult to keep off Holy Artifact, 'pu' sound turned into one group of blood mist. 东方野以蛮古玄法生出一条新的手臂,挥动狼牙大棒就打了过去此人难挡圣器,噗的一声化成了一团血雾 This is only an interlude, others are smooth, Dragon Horse attacks in ancient tower, the horse treads the palace, quarry stone collapse cloud, the ancient tower avalanche, tossed about. 这只是一个插曲,其他人都还算顺利,龙马古阙中冲击,马踏殿宇,乱石崩云,古阙崩塌,折腾的了一个遍。 How to see including Holy Artifact?” Its mouth spits the white smoke, wholeheartedly wants to seek Holy Weapon. “怎么连件圣器都见不到?”它口吐白烟,一心想寻件圣兵 Suddenly, Saint Sovereign's Son exudes the screams, some fantastic big discovery, a clansman all overtook. 突然,圣皇子发出惊呼声,有了惊人的大发现,一族人全都赶了过去。 This checkerboard is not simple!” After Duan De rushes, immediately made such lesson to break. “这张棋盘不简单!”段德赶到后立时做出了这样的训断。 The stone checkerboard is very rough, no light law, above has vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered dozens lines, historical site stained, shakes looks cannot withstand crudely, not elsewhere ji. 石棋盘很粗糙,没有什么光法,上面有纵横数十道线条,古迹斑斑,晃一看简陋不堪,并无犄别处。 However sizes up carefully, this checkerboard seems like piece of Archaic battlefield murderous aura to be steaming, accumulated sends heaven shaking to kill the potential, such as Immemorial great war reappears Human World. 然而细细打量,这张棋盘像是一片远古战场般杀气腾腾,蕴发惊天杀势,如太古大战重现人世间 Has the strangeness, grasps Ancient Race to ask.” Yan Yixi take action, hides the Ancient Race servant in ancient well one absorbs, searches for its Sea of Consciousness, must clarify. “有古怪,抓个古族来问一问。”燕一夕出手,将一个躲在古井中的古族奴仆摄来,搜其识海,要弄个清楚。 Really is not ordinary, Heavenly Sovereign's Son will come this place to organize the chessgame, sometimes sits is one day and one night.” “果然不一般,天皇子偏尔会来此地摆布棋局,有时一坐就是一天一夜。” so that's how it is.” Saint Sovereign's Son nods, looking pensive, said: legends say, Undying Heavenly Sovereign is skilled in the deduction, likes to play chess, this mostly is a stone checkerboard that he keeps.” 原来如此。”圣皇子点头,若有所思,道:“相传,不死天皇精于推演,喜好下棋,这多半是他所留的一个石棋盘。” People da is startled, if so, this checkerboard was too precious, perhaps inside has what Dao Traces. 众人龘大吃一惊,若真是这样,这个棋盘就太珍贵了,说不定里面有什么道痕 Without a doubt this is divine treasure, otherwise Heavenly Sovereign's Son is impossible often to come this to manipulate the chessgame.” Duan De said, very earnest chitchatted with Monkey, wants to exchange. “毫无疑问这是一宗神宝,不然天皇子也不可能常来此摆弄棋局。”段德道,非常热切与猴子攀谈,想要交换过来。 Several people attempt, reposes in Divine Consciousness the rough checkerboard, immediately felt kills the tribulation to be boundless, just like placing oneself in Immemorial, experienced great war. 几人都尝试,将神识寄托粗糙的棋盘中,顿时感觉杀劫无边,宛如置身于太古,经历了一场又一场大战 Really is the good treasure, Undying Heavenly Sovereign true Immemorial will kill the tribulation to turn into the mark, carved in the slate, the pill was worth comprehending Saint!” “果然是好宝贝,不死天皇将真正的太古杀劫化成印记,刻在了石盘中,丸于圣人来说都值得参悟!” This treasure value was too big, must receive, goes back to become aware slowly.” Saint Sovereign's Son prudent put away. “这个宝贝价值太大了,一定要收好,回去慢慢悟。”圣皇子慎重的收起 Soon, they sweep this great palace, without other special things, withdrew, rushes to the next place. 不多时,他们将这座巨宫扫荡一空,没有其他特别的东西了,就此退出,赶往下一个地方。 Second main peak is especially big, the great palace is also more boundless, grand such as in Immemorial Celestial Court's da Yang heavenly palace, coercion is fearful, stands has to overlook the potential of entire world here, various and auspicious omen appears, tens of thousands of wisp of Immortal Qi such as the waterfall falls. 第二座主峰格外高大,巨宫也更为磅礴,宏伟如太古天庭的中龘央天宫,威压慑人,站在这里有俯视全天下之势,各和祥瑞出现,成千上万缕仙气如瀑布落下。 Sovereign Black breaks open the battle formation, several people smooth to main peak on, after all as dwelling to use, and has no extremely terrifying giant Grand Array. 黑皇破开阵势,几人顺利到了主峰上,毕竟是作为栖居所用,并没有什么太过恐怖的巨型大阵 This place ancient medicine Large expanse, obviously has never dried up eternally, takes root before heavenly palace, Saint Qi is dense, greets the nostrils fragrantly, leaf blue spooky and scarlet sparkling and purple sparkling of medicinal herbs wait/etc., various. 这个地方古药成片,显然万古来从未枯竭过,扎根于天宫道前,圣气氤氲,芬芳扑鼻,药草的叶子碧幽幽、赤烁烁、紫莹莹等,各不相同。 That is......” ”, when marches into this heavenly palace, their all petrify. “那是……””当步入这座天宫中,他们全都石化 The rich Immortal Qi front surface throws, various and Great Dao fluctuates, if boundless Star Domain is fluctuating, astonishing heart and soul, dumbstruck, probably is facing a piece of ancient universe. 浓郁的仙气迎面扑来,各和大道波动如无垠的星域在起伏,惊人心魄,让人发懵,像是在面对一片古老的宇宙。 Even if Ye Fan, Saint Sovereign's Son, Duan De, Sovereign Black wait/etc. saw the oversized world, at this time still one excitement, has a parched mouth. 即便叶凡圣皇子段德黑皇等都见过大世面,此时也都一阵激动,口干舌燥。 Thump “咕咚” Can clear hearing, many of them swallow the saliva, really by thing scared stiff that sees at present. 可以清晰的听到,他们当中不少人都在咽口水,实在是被眼前所见的东西惊住了。 motherfucker, only has Undying Heavenly Sovereign to make this and matter comes, he may be really willing to start, peerless immortal object!” 妈的,也唯有不死天皇能做出这和事情来,他可真舍得下手,绝世仙物啊!” Made the person shock, one crowd of Saint came to bow to request that has not really thought that the thing in legend keeps the present age!” “太让人震撼了,一群圣人来了都得折腰相求啊,真没想到传说中的这宗东西留到了当世来!” Shocking immortal fate, it is also living in Divine Spring. Never expected that we have like this big Good Fortune, Heavenly Sovereign's Son, if knows Dao Self certainly to be air/Qi to here spitting blood.” “惊世仙缘,它在神泉中还活着。没有想到我们有这样的大造化,天皇子要是知道我们在这里肯定要气到吐血。” Even the Ye Fan eye was straight, this plough up the enemy's court and destroy his hideouts (annihilate) harvest was too big, only this immortal object on trip has not been made in vain, has a dream must smile. 叶凡眼睛都直了,这次犁庭扫穴收获太大了,仅此一宗仙物就不虚此行,做梦都要笑。
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