STH :: Volume #11

#1052: Using diversionary tactics

Late at night, the star splendor is chilly, silver moon sets in the west, silence reigns, on the mountain peak the mist winds around, a piece of element is pale. 后半夜,星辉清冷,银月西斜,万籁俱寂,山峰上薄雾缭绕,一片素淡。 Ye Fan and in the Saint Sovereign's Son sitting cross-legged blue stone, the look is tranquil, not happy no worries, any inside and outside dozens the army threatens the border, their not point expressed. 叶凡圣皇子都盘坐青石上,神色恬静,无喜无忧,任数十里外大军压境,他们并无一点表示。 This is consuming the Heavenly Sovereign's Son morale, no matter what they clamored, two people were steady like the rock, remained unmoved. Static if virgin, but moves such as the god lion crack shape, blood light ten thousand, the waiting as powerful as a thunderbolt strikes! 这是在消耗天皇子的士气,任他们叫嚣,两人都稳如磐石,不为所动。静若处子,而动则如神狮裂象,血光万道,等待雷霆万钧的一击! So many years pass by, did Heavenly Sovereign's Son achieve what kind of Realm?” Ye Fan inquired, before great war opens naturally must know a thoroughness. “这么多年过去,天皇子到底达到了何等境界?”叶凡询问,在大战开启前自然要了解个透彻。 Saint Sovereign's Son in seclusion, never expected that Ye Fan launched the offensive suddenly, the starry night travels at double speed to arrive at Southern Region, coordinating his thunder to strike, hearing this said: With you in same Realm, stands erect on the Dao Severing sixth small stair.” 圣皇子原本在闭关,没有想到叶凡突然发动攻势,星夜兼程来到南域,配合他的雷霆一击,闻言道:“与你在同一个境界,屹立在斩道第六个小台阶上。” The Ye Fan pupil light flash moves, this Heavenly Sovereign's Son, the advancement was really amazingly quick, no matter what his how year painstaking cultivation, cannot cast off one step it. 叶凡眸光闪动,这个天皇子果然了得,进境神速,任他这么多么年来苦修,都没有能将其甩开一步。 Saint Sovereign's Son sees his expression, said: You were sufficiently proud, he compared with you first Dao Severing, should say that was pursued by you, if were known by him, decides to meet not indignation.” 圣皇子见到他这副表情,道:“你足以自傲了,他比你先斩道,应该说是被你追上来了,若是被他知晓,定会不忿。” Dao Severing is a difficult process, otherwise Ancient Hua, Nine Li and say/way one, Purple Mansion and other Divine Dynasty and Holy Land's successor cannot one after another die. Past Holy Son and Saintess do not have the remaining several people, to be replaced by the later generation at the present, became levy extortionate taxes yellow soil. 斩道是一个艰难的过程,不然古华九黎、道一、紫府神朝圣地的传人也不会相继殒落。昔日的圣子圣女而今没剩下几人了,早已被后辈取代,成为一掊黄土 When Ye Fan returns to Starry Sky another shore, exhausts for three years, is well-prepared Dao Severing , to promote to the third small stair on directly, but each is further full of the tribulation after that. 叶凡回到星空另一岸时,耗去三年时间,厚积薄发才斩道,直接晋升到第三个小台阶上,可是此后每进一步都充满磨难。 At first, he can also one year promote a small stair, but used for eight years successfully to go a step to further him afterward fully again, stands on the sixth small stair from the fifth small stair. 起初,他还能一年晋升一个小台阶,可是到了后来他整整用了八年时间才成功再进一步,从第五个小台阶站到第六个小台阶上。 His actual strength strong?” brother Ye asked that this was his most issue of concern. “他的实际战力有多强?”叶兄问道,这是他最为关心的问题。 Extremely powerful, inestimable.” Saint Sovereign's Son serious saying, he had butchered this archenemy otherwise, how to allow him to live now. “极其强大,不可估量。”圣皇子道郑重的说道,不然的话他早就宰了这个大敌,岂容他活到现在。 Huang Xudao and Huo Qizi led a cheer occasionally is a reason, what was main was Heavenly Sovereign's Son enough, far supernormal person, strength of first in ancient times, matchless in the present bloodlines. 凰虚道火麒子偶尔助阵是一个原因,最主要的是天皇子本身足够强,远超常人,血脉之力冠古绝今 Saint Sovereign's Son hair under moonlight shining eye-catching, probably the gold casts general, his expression grave, said sufficiently shocking secret. 圣皇子一身毛发在月光下灿灿夺目,像是黄金铸成一般,他神色凝重,说出了一则足以惊世的秘辛 His almost raspberry month will have great war, with one inconceivable has the Life and Death showdown, you may know that is who?” “他几乎莓个月都会有一场大战,与一位不可思议的存在生死对决,你可知道是谁?” The Ye Fan doubt, looks to face solemn and respectful Saint Sovereign's Son, inquired to him, earnestly listens attentively. 叶凡狐疑,看向一脸肃穆的圣皇子,向他询问,认真倾听。 He in a year has opportunities with youngster Era the Undying Heavenly Sovereign decisive battle at least ten times!” The Saint Sovereign's Son words are very low and deep. “他一年中有最少十次的机会同少年时代不死天皇决战!”圣皇子的话语很低沉。 What?!” The Ye Fan pupil light rises suddenly, projects two magnificent light like lightning, on the face revealed the look of surprise. “什么?!”叶凡眸光暴涨,射出两道闪电般的光华,脸上露出异色 This news health/guard people hears, Undying Heavenly Sovereign great war with youngster Era, this just like a dream! That is one, is regarded as exceeds existence of gods, Myriad Clans altogether reveres. 这则消息卫人听闻,同少年时代不死天皇大战,这宛如一场梦幻!那可是一个,被视为超越神明的存在,万族共尊。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Undying Heavenly Sovereign was very severe to the only heir, leaves behind many contingency plan to whet him.” 不死天皇对唯一的子嗣很严厉,留下了诸多后手磨砺他。” legends say, Undying Heavenly Sovereign can accomplish all the good fortune, leaves leeway the youngster Era indestructible mark, only his bloodlines can activate, making the mark recover, conduct the showdown. 相传,不死天皇功参造化,留有自己少年时代不灭印记,唯其血脉才能激活,让印记复苏,进行对决。 After Ye Fan hears frowns, this is the guidance way that one and ding to fear, the average man is unable to attain, Myriad Clans Paragon fight in same legend, this is any prove the Dao longs. 叶凡听闻后皱起了眉头,这是一和多么叮怕的教导方式,常人无法企及,同传说中的万族至尊战斗,这是任何一位证道者都渴望的。 He suffered many hardships for these years.” Saint Sovereign's Son ridicules, the corners of the mouth show a wisp of happy expression. “他这么多年来吃了不少苦头。”圣皇子揶揄,嘴角露出一缕笑意。 Ye Fan nods, said: This but actually is also, since Undying Heavenly Sovereign has been very likely is eternal most Powerhouse, even Inheritance his bloodlines and Heavenly Art still not necessarily can compare favorably.” 叶凡点头,道:“这倒也是,不死天皇很有可能是万古以来的最强者,即便传承了他的血脉与天功也不见得可以媲美。” I hope very much youngster Era Undying Heavenly Sovereign projects on remnantly that boy, but wants to take the father is not impossible so.” Saint Sovereign's Son said with a smile. “我很希望少年时代不死天皇将那个小子打到残,不过想来做为父亲不可能如此。”圣皇子笑道。 Ye Fan rolls the eyes, but also really counted on, when I, your father | Laozi hits the remnant son to be inadequate, this is not realistic. 叶凡翻白眼,还真指望当老子打残儿子不成,这不现实。 The mountain moderate fog thunder turns into belt-shaped, circles on the mountain massif, fills the air in the forest lands, blends...... the piece silver white white clothing with the moonlight, two people exchange earnestly, analyze the powerful opponent. 山中雾雷化成带状,绕在山体上,在林地间弥漫,与月光交融……片银白素裹,两人认真交流,分析强大的对手。 „Before Heavenly Sovereign's Son had not been born, is in the stone the immortal, on Fortuitous Source Eye, can make his life source strong prestige, do time in others hundred times fully!” 天皇子未出生前,身在石中仙噜内,位于造化源眼上,足可以让他的生命本源强威于别人百倍、干倍!” Ye Fan has entered Purple Mountain, watches that to locate landform, until now wants to come also to think that was touched deeply, several generations of Heavenly Source Master seek less than Fortuitous Source Eye, that is true counter seizes the immortal eye of Heaven and Earth Good Fortune. 叶凡进过紫山,观看过那处地势,至今想来还觉得深受触动,数代源天师都寻不到一个造化源眼,那是真正逆夺天地造化的仙眼。 Undying Heavenly Sovereign left behind the best environment, making its bloodlines strength matchless, trains step by step, this Heavenly Sovereign's Son thinks that is not powerful cannot, really does not know that also has what heaven defying contingency plan. 不死天皇留下了最好的环境,让其血脉力举世无双,一步一步培养,这个天皇子想不强大都不能,真不知还有什么逆天后手 , their morale not that prestige?” Saint Sovereign's Son smiled. “唔,他们的士气没有那么威了吧?”圣皇子笑了起来。 At this time precisely before daybreak the darkness, soon inundates the Heavenly Star fight to be pale, that night nearly passes. 此时正是黎明前的黑暗,用不了多久漫天星斗都会淡去,这一夜都快过去了。 Drags in lots of people to come, powerful, making the time smooth by grinding their cauldron prestige imposing manner, at the appointed time strikes its deterioration.” Ye Fan also smiles. “兴师动众而来,气势如虹,让时间磨平他们的鼎威气势,到时击其衰败。”叶凡也微笑。 Suddenly, on this main peak presents together gold-edged, a gateway appears, opens, big black dog paces to go out, behind also follows Dragon Horse and not good Daoist Duan De. 突然,这座主峰上出现一道金边,一座门户出现,打开,大黑狗踱步走出,后面还跟着龙马与无良道人段德 When sees these three people of groups, Ye Fan finds it strange, this may really not have a good thing, three bad hold/container Cou in one, looked at more than sixty years old Duan De that dreadful smiling particularly, always makes people not think steadfastly. 当见到这三人组,叶凡觉得怪怪的,这可真是没一个好东西,三个坏包凑在了一起,尤其是看耆段德那猥琐的笑,总让人觉得不踏实。 In the rear area, Ye Tong and Dongfang Ye several people with, each and every one were also ready to fight, seems extremely excited. 在后方,叶瞳东方野几人也跟了出来,一个个摩拳擦掌,似乎极度兴奋。 Ye Fan with hand one stroke, everywhere Heavenly Source Marks winds the appearance, turned into dense and numerous piece of Dao Traces to block this mountain, covered their aura, remote exempted the person to be deduced anything by dozens inside and outside, after all was away from is too near. 叶凡用手一划,漫天源天纹络出现,化成密密麻麻的一片道痕封锁了此山,掩去了他们的气机,遥免被数十里外的人推演出什么,毕竟距离太近了。 Looks at your face villainous smile, certainly has not suppressed the fart.” Ye Fan is staring at big black dog. “看你一脸奸笑,一定没憋好屁。”叶凡盯着大黑狗 motherfucker, this Sovereign I spit your face Immortal Juice Jade Liquid.” big black dog cursed, immediately broke down the face, uncomfortable of face. 妈的,本皇我吐你一脸仙汁玉液。”大黑狗诅咒,当即就垮下了脸,一脸的不爽。 Is the idea of This Poor Daoist, gets a sudden inspiration, wants to do big score.” Duan De smiles. “是贫道的主意,灵机一动,想干一票大的。”段德笑眯眯。 He is glowing with health, sends the silk pitch-black, wears the Purple Gold King Daoist monk's cap, is inserting a real Dragon Wood hairpin. Wears the Sun and Moon Daoist robe, shoulders against Yang Tu, body each thing is the rare treasure. But abandons actually these foreign object, the whole person how, regardless to see does not seem like a good person, making one have to punch a he impulsion. 他红光满面,发丝乌黑,头戴紫金王者道冠,插着一根真龙木簪。身穿日月道袍,背负防阳图,身上每一件东西都是稀世的宝贝。可是舍却这些外物,整个人无论怎么看都不像是一个好人,让人有揍他一顿的冲动。 „Does your god stick, what evil idea want to hit?” Ye Fan vigilant is staring at Fatty Duan, this fellow is not the high-quality goods. “你个神棍,想打什么歪主意?”叶凡警惕的盯着段胖子,这个家伙可不是什么好货。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son drags in lots of people to come, wants to come to that Northern Region den inevitably is a void, we go smashing to consider as finished his nest.” A Duan De face smiles inexpensively. 天皇子兴师动众而来,想来那北域老巢必然是一片空虚,我们去将他的窝给端掉算了。”段德一脸的贱笑。 You may really not be a thing!” Saint Sovereign's Son laughs, although words saying, but obviously is very delighted and appreciation. “你可真不是个东西!”圣皇子哈哈大笑,话虽然这么说,但是明显很欢喜与赞赏。 This idea is really good, Master Dragon I had taken a stand to agree a moment ago, must do makes big score!” Dragon Horse is pleased as punch, in mouth turnover white clouds, an exciting excessive appearance. “这个主意真不错,龙爷我刚才就已经表态同意了,要做就做一票大的!”龙马摇头摆尾,口中吞吐白气,一副兴奋过度的样子。 Your three......” Ye Fan rolls the eyes, he knows, these three bastards collect in do not have the good deed together certainly. “你们三个……”叶凡翻白眼,他就知道,这仨混蛋凑在一块准没好事。 This is a chance of a lifetime, missed this village to be possible not to have that shop.” Sovereign Black said proudly, very discontented Ye Fan's attitude. “这可是一个千载难逢的机会,错过了这村可就没那个店了。”黑皇傲然道,很不满叶凡的态度。 The Ye Fan look is serious, said: First did not say that can seek the Heavenly Sovereign's Son den, even if found the place really to copy? Has Immemorial Ancestral King keeping watch mostly.” 叶凡神色郑重,道:“先不说能不能寻到天皇子的老巢,即便找到地头真能给抄了吗?多半有太古祖王坐镇。” Where I know Undying Heavenly Sovereign Palace.” The Saint Sovereign's Son opens the mouth , said that that region really had Immemorial Ancestral King keeping watch, but that several people were away from that to locate Immemorial Dao Field to have a distance. “我知道不死天皇阙在什么地方。”圣皇子开口,同时说出,那个区域确实有太古祖王坐镇,不过那几人距离那处太古道场有一段距离。 Is distanced specifically far, this Sovereign comes this to ask you, I most care about this problem.” The Sovereign Black bronze bell big eye twinkle, does not crack a joke obviously. “具体相距多远,本皇来此就是想问你,我最关心这个问题。”黑皇铜铃大眼闪烁,显然不是开什么玩笑。 Outside his servant who „ the Undying Heavenly Sovereign Palace abatement god's son as well as serves, in the bystander can not enter, several Immemorial Ancestral Kings in that region slightly is far on main peak seclusion...... 不死乔皇阙除却神之子以及伺候的他奴仆外,外人不得入内,几位太古祖王都在那片地域稍远一些的主峰闭关……。 Saint Sovereign's Son said in detail, delimited to carve some landform charts on the ground, estimated the distance precisely. 圣皇子详细说出,更是在地上划刻出一些地势图,精确估算距离。 Does not have the issue, I can lay out first under the heavens bully day of secret formation, this was may past Great Emperor Without Beginning be used to hide the truth from the day, to deceived several Ancestral King absolutely not to have the issue, can do big score!” Sovereign Black is confident. “没问题,我能布下天下第一欺天秘阵,这是可当年无始大帝用来瞒天的,相距这么远骗过几个祖王绝对没问题,可以干一票大的!”黑皇信心十足。 Haha......” copies the Heavenly Sovereign's Son den, lets him first in the Southern Region jumping ether! ” Dongfang Ye, Li Heishui and the others each and every one is very inspired, is very excited. “哈哈……”去抄天皇子的老巢,让他先在南域蹦醚吧!”东方野李黑水等人一个个都很振奋,无比激动。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son leads Eight Troops Divine General to go south, drags in lots of people, widely-noted, invited Huang Xudao, Huo Qizi and Huo Lin'er, has half-Saint to bring up the rear, if its rear nest end, will make him be mad at this time absolutely spits blood. 天皇子率领八部神将南下,兴师动众,举世瞩目,将凰虚道火觑子火麟儿都请来了,更有半圣压阵,若是这个时候将其后方一窝端,绝对会让他气吐血。 Finally, Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son also nod custom intent, if Northern Region is not steady, Heavenly Sovereign's Son will be definitely breathless, returns in it saves the times happen to can halfway the interception! 最终,叶凡圣皇子也都点头习意,若是北域不稳,天皇子肯定会气急败坏,在其回救时正好可以半路截杀! By that time, Ancient Sovereign's Son alliance, Eight Troops Divine General army and other metropolis/can chaos, took advantage of opportunity to disintegrate, cuts its seven cuns (2.5 cm)!” Ye Fan said. “到了那个时候,古皇子联盟、八部神将大军等都会大乱,顺势瓦解,斩其七寸!”叶凡道。 Saint Sovereign's Son narrowed its eye to be clear, opens and closes divine light move, said: Play must make the foot, at the present is must first divert them in Southern Region, under our also this/should activity the physique, accompanied them to step onto several times. Then, goes to the Northern Region harvesting spoils of war, heard that Undying Heavenly Sovereign leaves leeway several shocking immortal treasure.” 圣皇子眯其了眼晴,开阖间神光招姆,道:“戏要做足,而今自是先要将他们牵制在南域,我们也该活动下筋骨了,陪他们走上几遭。然后,去北域收割战利品,听说不死天皇留有几件惊世仙珍。” Duan De, Sovereign Black and Dragon Horse three scoundrels coordinate, open Domain Portal to directly soar Northern Region to go, Ye Tong, Dongfang Ye, Li Tian, Li Heishui and the others cry out strangely, on the each and every one face wrote all over excitedly, pursued. 段德黑皇龙马三个混账牵头,开启域门直奔北域而去,叶瞳东方野厉天李黑水等人嗷嗷怪叫,一个个脸上写满了兴奋,追了下去。 In the morning, outside the Azure-red Clouds city, discussed the Ancient Race look is indifferent, each and every one such as the Immemorial idol is motionless, their armies go south, finally comes up empty-handed, no one accepts a challenge, making them have powerless feeling of a boxing in air, the anger is unable to vent. 清晨,青霞城外,一谈古族神色冷漠,一个个太古神像般一动不动,他们大军南下,结果扑了个空,根本无人应战,让他们有一拳击在空气中的无力感,怒火无法发泄。 Do not challenge Heavenly Sovereign's Son, True Body came, why does not dare to fight, the useless thing, coming many to kill many!” “你不是要挑战天皇子吗,真身来了,为何不敢一战,没用的东西,来多少杀多少!” From now henceforth, the Heavenly Sovereign's Son place visited you best put, forever hides, otherwise dies without the burial ground!” “从今以后,天皇子所过之处你最好夹起尾巴,永远躲起来,不然死无葬身之地!” Clumsy mischief-doer that's all, dares to fight with Heavenly Sovereign's Son depending on you, but is the useless ants, is not always god's son's opponent.” “跳梁小丑而已,凭你们也敢与天皇子争锋,不过是无用的蝼蚁,永世都不是神之子的对手。” Eight Troops Divine General descendant is shouting out much, the sound surges, lets the hills of distant place in rumble shaking. 八部神将后人不少都在呼喝,声音激荡,让远处的群山都在隆隆摇动。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son who with fighting? After today, that and other entire can only kneel to bend down, does not match for god's son's opponent.” 天皇子一出谁与争锋?自今日后,那等全等只能跪伏,根本不配为神之子的对手。” You dare to come out now, if appears, my toe grinds the dust you, you calculate anything!” “你们现在敢出来吗,若是出现,我一个脚趾头就将你们碾成尘埃,你们算的了什么!” The eastern responsibility wipes the rosy-colored clouds at dawn deep place, brand-new starting from one day, outside the Azure-red Clouds city light smoke winds around, fog li fills the air. 东责一抹朝霞深处,全新的一天开始,青霞城外薄烟缭绕,雾雳弥漫。 „” “哧” Suddenly, blazing the prestige immortal light to project together, Saint Sovereign's Son rips open Void, breaks in this group of people, in the hand the big stick sweeps away, these human bones that shouted propaganda at a moment ago break the muscle booklet, the brain fluid jump the class/flow, died a big piece. 突然,一道炽威的仙光射出,圣皇子撕开虚空,冲入这群人中,手中大棍横扫,刚才喊话的这些人骨断筋折,脑浆迸流,死了一大片。 What, Saint Sovereign's Son came, blocks him, executes summarily!” Has expert shouts out. “什么,圣皇子来了,拦住他,格杀勿论!”有高手大喝 However, Monkey comes quickly goes also quick, the brave world, Blood Qi is certainly dreadful, in the hand the big stick sweeps, the broken bone, flesh blasted out together, he makes a bloody road, crosses, behind leaves behind over a hundred corpses, he disappears in the horizon. 然而,猴子来的快去的也快,勇绝天下,血气滔天,手中大棍一扫,碎骨、血肉等一起炸开,他生生打出一条血路,横穿而过,后面留下上百具尸体,他消失在天际。 Outside Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land fights a decisive battle!” This is the words that Saint Sovereign's Son leaves behind, many person both ears severe pain of shaking, overflow the mark. 荒古禁地外决战!”这是圣皇子留下的话语,震的许多人双耳剧痛,溢出起迹。 Outside Azure-red Clouds city boiling, people waited fully for night, finally saw the result, some people of take action, decided the great war place. 青霞城外沸腾,人们整整等了一夜,终于见到了结果,有人出手,约定了大战的地点。 On ancient war chariot, the Heavenly Sovereign's Son complexion is gloomy, he prevented, to see with own eyes Monkey to kill his a group of subordinates without enough time, swaggered away, heavenly blade in hand sent out the bright as snow dazzling light, traversed the universe. 古老的战车上,天皇子脸色阴沉,他来不及阻止,眼见猴子打杀了他一批手下,扬长而去,手中的天刀发出了雪亮刺目的光,横断了天宇。 Damn!” Some Ancient Race curses bitterly. “该死!”有古族恨恨的诅咒。 However, the unrest and wailing sound did not have to be tranquil, has blazing the prestige immortal light to appear together, a dark gold spear hole tears Heaven and Earth, probably opened a Primal Chaos channel. 然而,骚乱与哀嚎声还没有平静下来,有一道炽威的仙光出现,一杆暗金长枪洞撕裂天地,像是开辟出了一条混沌通道。 The sharp incomparable spear/gun glow puts out, is several miles, sweeps away, Ancient Race called out pitifully, the flesh and blood flying in all directions, Ye Fan held a gun, killed the four directions greatly! 锋锐无比的枪芒吐出,长达十几里,横扫而下,古族惨叫,血肉横飞,叶凡持枪而下,大杀四方! “噗” The blood light presently, sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell together for the first time, King of Great Accomplishment was pierced the frontal bone by him, blasts open in Void. 一道血光乍现,发出一声凄厉的惨叫,一名大成王者被他刺穿额骨,炸裂在虚空中。 Where walks!” “哪里走!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son is furious, when its killing spree (rampage), this truncates its face ruthlessly, making him have what face countenance? 天皇子震怒,当其面大开杀戒,这是狠削其脸面,让他有何颜面? Undying Heavenly Saber in his hand, turns into a bright as snow and wild flaminging light, lets fall under like the Nine Heavens Milky Way, falls in torrents everywhere dazzling blade light, stands chops Ye Fan. 他手中的不死天刀,化成一条雪亮而狂暴的炽光,有如九天银河垂落,倾泻下漫天刺目的刀光,立劈叶凡 dang! 当! Ye Fan treats as the big stick use black dark gold spear, swing gets up, the vault of heaven that pounds directly cracks, Four directions some Ancient Race all disintegrate, flesh and blood flying in all directions. The spear shaft black light bright eye, hits all of a sudden on Undying Heavenly Saber, between both sends out an acoustic shock huge sound, everyone who shakes called out pitifully, covered the ear. 叶凡将黑色的暗金长枪当作大棍使用,轮动起来,直接砸的天穹崩裂,四野的一些古族全都解体,血肉横飞。枪杆乌光烁目,一下子撞击在不死天刀上,两者间发出一声震天大响,震的所有人都惨叫,捂住了耳朵。 „Very strong!” “很强!” Ye Fan has to voice such opinions, this Heavenly Sovereign's Son really has the bloodlines of first in ancient times, matchless in the present, worthily is Undying Heavenly Sovereign, supernaturally brave certainly world. 叶凡不得不发出这样的感叹,这个天皇子果然有冠古绝今的血脉,不愧为不死天皇子,神勇绝天下。 But at this time, the Heavenly Sovereign's Son look is callous, a blade that he chops, the big Dao Traces mark gave to cut to break to pieces continually, Primal Chaos Qi filled the air, but was actually struck by the opposite party gives to block. 而此时,天皇子神色冷酷,他劈出的一刀,连大道痕迹都给斩碎了,混沌气弥漫,可是却被对方一击就给挡住了。 Ye Fan will not prolong contact, this is a powerful rival, for these years with the youngster Undying Heavenly Sovereign showdown, cultivation base has been immeasurably deep. 叶凡自不会恋战,这是一个强大敌手,这么多年来一直在与少年不死天皇对决,修为深不可测。 Outside Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land a war!” 荒古禁地外一战!” He leaves behind such words, but the back and spear/gun unite, turn into a Daoist Priest rainbow, pierces a King of Great Accomplishment body, its being split up of shaking, vanished in the expansive sky. 他留下这样一句话语,而后身与枪合一,化成一道长虹,刺穿一位大成王者躯体,将其震的四分五裂,消失在了长空中。 In its place of disappearance, four terrifying Dao Traces appear, strikes the annihilation that there, what a pity cannot hit. 在其消失的地方,四道恐怖的道痕出现,将那里击的湮灭,可惜未能打中。 Outside the Azure-red Clouds city a piece boils noisily, people overwhelmed by emotions, anticipation great war finally started, piece of clamour noisy. 青霞城外一片喧沸,人们心潮澎湃,期待的大战终于开始了,一片嚣嘈。 Beyond several thousand li (0.5 km), Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son smile, they can want to see, certainly when according to the Heavenly Sovereign's Son personality, goes to outside Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land must first find out the condition, this then left their enough time. 数千里外,叶凡圣皇子相视一笑,他们可以想见,依天皇子的性情,去荒古禁地外时肯定是要先摸清状况,这样便留给了他们足够的时间。 Walks, copies his native place!” Two people open Domain Portal, crosses to go, goes to Northern Region. “走,抄他老家去!”两人开启域门,横渡而去,前往北域
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