STH :: Volume #11

#1051: Ancient Sovereign's Son arrive together

the turbulent wind precedes the mountain storm (foreshadowing), trim Eastern Wilderness one anxiety, in spot Southern Region, this type of atmosphere makes one almost probably suffocate particularly! 山雨欲来风满楼,整片东荒都一片紧张,尤其是在事发地南域,这种气氛让人几乎要窒息! That night is doomed sleepless, does not know that many cultivator are paying attention, constrains such as the dam to burst a dike, in the heart of people pressed a mountain probably. 这一夜注定无眠,也不知有多少修士在关注,压抑如大坝将决堤,人们的心中像是压了一座大山。 „Did Heavenly Sovereign's Son come?” 天皇子来了吗?” Since the news comes, every other moment people will ask like this, looks out the north, that moment that static and other violent storms approached! 自从消息传来,每隔片刻都会有人这样问道,遥望北方,静等暴风骤雨来临的那一刻! This is one and suffering, particularly with Ancient Race inharmonious Major Sect, feels alarmed and anxious, for fear that Heavenly Sovereign's Son leads Eight Troops Divine General to give level flat them while convenient. 这是一和煎熬,尤其是许多与古族不睦的大教,更是担惊受怕,生怕天皇子率领八部神将顺带将他们给平掉 Is more inexpensive than the grass in such a big world human life, even immortal Inheritance from to endanger, let alone is others. 在这样一个大世人命比草贱,连许多不朽的传承都自危,更何况是其他人。 Late at night, the moonlight appeared somewhat chilly, however various ancient city were still brilliantly illuminated, some Teleportation Formation stages often glittered, handed over the latest news in the wound. 后半夜,月光都显得有些清冷了,然而各座古城依然是灯火通明,一些传送阵台不时闪烁,在伤递最新的消息。 Came, really came, Heavenly Sovereign's Son entered Southern Region!” “来了,真的来了,天皇子南域了!” This news, constrains, but the depressed expansive sky blasted out, many places with boiling, one piece boiled noisily, people knew the hurricane. 这则消息一出,压抑而沉闷的长空都炸开了,许多地方跟开锅了般,一片喧沸,人们知道飓风到了。 Late at night, a super great gate appears in Southern Region, the troops come out one after another, the dense big piece, light/only looks that makes the person heart and gall all cold, especially heavy. 后半夜,一个超级巨门出现在南域,一队又一队人马出来,黑压压一大片,光看着就让人心胆皆寒,格外的沉重。 Injures my troops dead, today wants the horse to tread Southern Region, uncovers the murderer/culprit!” The indifferent dense sound resounds through the expansive sky together, the vault of heaven rocks, Void twisted, stars that shook must crash. “伤我部众者死,今日要马踏南域,揪出真凶!”一道冷漠森然的声音响彻长空,天穹晃动,虚空扭曲,震的星辰似都要坠落了下来。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son overlooks Southern Region, stands erect in ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high main peak, in the pupil ice-cold incomparable, two light beam left, penetrated trim Heaven and Earth. 天皇子俯视南域,屹立在一座万丈高的主峰,眸子中冰冷无比,两道光束射出,穿透了整片天地 He commanded Eight Troops Divine General descendant to rush to this stretch of uneasy static land finally, is going to clean the rival, pulled open an unprecedented great war foreword evening. 他统率八部神将后人终于赶到了这片不宁静的大地,将要清洗敌手,拉开一场前所未有的大战序暮。 Arrived, Heavenly Sovereign's Son really Jane/simple to come, trod my Southern Region land!” “到了,天皇子真简来了,踏了我南域的土地!” Eight Troops Divine General experts as common as the clouds, Powerhouse like the forest, may subjugate any ancient sect.” 八部神将高手如云,强者如林,可征讨任何一个古教。” „The heaven shaking war clouds appear, war opening!” 惊天战云出现,战局开启!” Noisy language, boiling Southern Region, vibration cultivator, people cannot be tranquil, many people bellow to make noise after constraining, static and other great war started. 嘈杂的人语,沸腾南域,震动的修士,人们不能宁静,许多人在压抑后大吼出声,静等大战开始。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son commands south the army, the power and influence is dreadful, at that night not only Southern Region earthquake, and had spread to Central Province, Western Desert, Northern Plains and other places, has a great influence. 天皇子统率大军南来,威势滔天,在这一夜不仅南域大地震,且早已传入了中州西漠北原等地,影响极大。 Horse treads Southern Region, is really the big tone!” “马踏南域,真是好大的口气!” Southern Region has many people to feel suffocated, is extremely discontented, is not willing to hear such words, cannot bear sneer again and again. 南域自有不少人憋了一口气,非常不满,不愿听到这样的话语,忍不住冷笑连连。 Hopes that mysterious Powerhouse is powerful enough, gives to kill the powder Eight Troops Divine General, best give to break the leg of Heavenly Sovereign's Son, making him not dare to visit this lands lifelong.” “希望那位神秘强者足够强大,将八部神将都给杀散,最好将天皇子的腿给打断,让他终身不敢踏足这片土地。” Some people hope very much leaves says the foul odor, like this said. 一些人很希望出一口出恶气,这样说道。 People know, Heavenly Sovereign's Son was too powerful, is the talent of having god-given wisdom comes eternally, within the body drips not dead the blood of i Heavenly Sovereign, the Innate aptitude good letting person is speechless. 人们知晓,天皇子太强大了,是万古来的天纵之才,体内淌有不死i天皇的血液,先天资质好的让人无话可说。 If announced in the world its and potential, absolutely was the song person, perhaps many so-called rare talents wanted shamefacedly until death, his flesh root bone was fearful. 如果将其各和潜能公布于世,绝对是悚人的,恐怕诸多所谓的奇才都要羞愧至死,其血肉根骨过于可怕。 Therefore, although many people wish one could him to leave accidentally/surprisingly, but actually few person thinks that he will rout, because his terrifying is boundless, once passed through the sky by Blood Qi, submerged the entire mountain side river, the opens the mouth had swallowed half-Saint. 故此,虽然不少人恨不得他出意外,但却少有人认为他将大败,因为他恐怖无边,曾经以一口血气贯霄汉,淹没了整片山河,张口吞掉过一尊半圣 This grade of character powerful is really scared, whether or not has really swallowed half-Saint, explained its vigorous fights the energy like the sea! 这等人物的强大实在是让人胆寒,不管是否真的一口吞过半圣,都说明了其浑厚如海般的战能! Late at night, the horse treads vault of heaven sound to be thunderous, has delimited spatial of Southern Region, clan Ancient Race Powerhouse with lightning speed, is driving the dreadful wind and cloud, marches to the Azure-red Clouds city. 后半夜,马踏天穹声似雷鸣,划过南域的空,一族古族强者风驰电掣,带动着滔天的风云,向青霞城进军。 Because, mysterious Human Race Powerhouse precisely here take action, Heavenly Sovereign's Son leads the army to kill to this place, fighting the air/Qi is full. 因为,神秘的人族强者正是于这里出手的,天皇子带领大军杀向此地,战气盈野。 This they maintain total silence, the sound that but various and barbarian beast sound leaps actually such as Mountains and Rivers collapses, rumble ear-spitting, such as the great river sweeps across the nighttime sky. 这一路他们一语不发,但是各和蛮兽声腾的声响却如山河坍塌,隆隆震耳,如大江席卷夜空。 „ Is front the Azure-red Clouds city? “前方就是青霞城吗?、。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son stands is in ancient war chariot, the chassis that the metal casts is flowing great changes and atmosphere, one and ancient indestructible fighting intent, nine wild beasts pull a cart, step on the universe, such as thunderous ear-spitting. 天皇子立身在一辆古战车,金属铸成的车体流动着沧桑与大气,有一和亘古不灭战意,九头荒兽拉车,踩踏天宇,如雷鸣震耳。 Who regardless of he is, these must die time, conquers by killing a cleanness!” Eight Troops Divine General descendant da shouts out. “无论他是谁,这一次都要死,血洗个干净!”八部神将后人大喝 In this moment, the ten directions wind and cloud was defeated and dispersed, many mountain peaks shook, the boundless land, the grand landscape was overlooked in the under foot. 在这一刻,十方风云都溃散了,诸多山峰都摇动了起来,苍茫大地、壮阔河山等都被俯视于脚下。 Their painstaking care rushes, as if returned to Immemorial, probably Undying Heavenly Sovereign ruled the land, but they changed into like ancestor existence, became true Divine General, struck Nine Heavens Deity, below fights Nine Nethers Demon King, showed disdain for Nine Heavens and Ten Earths! 他们心血澎湃,仿佛回到了太古,像是不死天皇重新君临大地了,而他们则化为了如祖先般的存在,成为真正的神将,击九天神灵,下战九幽魔王,傲视九天十地 That was the years that war air/Qi soared to the heavens, Undying Heavenly Sovereign founded one with his Eight Troops Divine General, immortal Mythological Era, the later generation altogether revered, this and glory makes their descendant think of warm-blooded boiling until now. 那是一个战气冲霄的年月,不死天皇与他的八部神将开创了一个,不朽的神话时代,后世共尊,这和荣耀让他们的后人至今思来都热血沸腾 A Azure-red Clouds city tranquility, when is brilliantly illuminated, shines like the daytime, many people have not rested, even mortal still so, because has known, here will become the wind and cloud place. 青霞城一片宁静,当却灯火通明,亮如白昼,许多人都没有睡,即便是凡人也如此,因为都早已知晓,这里将成为风云地。 Really, late at night when the distant men shouting and horses neighing, the dense army kills, various and Mutant Beast steps on the expansive sky, such as may picking the stars and seizing the moon one crowd of Demonic God. 果然,后半夜时远方人喊马嘶,黑压压的大军杀来,各和异兽踩踏长空,如可摘星捉月的一群魔神 Sinful subjects come out, Heavenly Sovereign's Son arrives at Southern Region, stretches out the neck to treat unites!” “罪民出来,天皇子亲临南域,引颈待戮!” Fights the air/Qi to rush, is separated by dozens li (0.5 km), turbulent, fills entire ancient city, making people scared. 战气澎湃,相隔数十里,就已经汹涌了过来,弥漫整座古城,让人胆寒。 Near, the army approaches, barbarian beast long hiss, almost must roar to break to pieces the vault of heaven, the flag flap flap, with the wind however unfolds, such as one steel mighty current impacts eat. 近了,大军逼近,蛮兽长嘶,几乎要吼碎了天穹,大旗猎猎,随风而展,如一片钢铁洪流冲击而吃。 Each barbarian beast is different, world is rare, has Nine-tailed Qilin Beast, has Heaven Devouring Divine Ape, ancient Golden Peng, is carrying one after another powerful Ancient Race soldier, arrival Southern Region. 每一头蛮兽是异和,世间罕见,有九尾麟兽,有吞天神猿,还有古金鹏,载着一位又一位强大的古族战士,驾临南域 Everyone puts on the mail-armor and helmet, the metal cold Ce gloss flashes, has intermittent killing intent to compel, cold light according to armor, weapon fearful mortal form, this is one group of invincible Divine General descendants. 每一个人都穿着甲胄,金属冷测的光泽闪动,有阵阵杀意逼来,寒光照铁衣,兵器慑人魄,这是一群不可战胜的神将后代。 Their arrivals, let Southern Region many major powers aphonias, the people were none who does not scared, no one dares to say the sound, fast peaceful. 他们的到来,让南域诸多大势力都失音了,众人莫不胆寒,没有一个人敢言声,都快速安静了下来。 In this late at night, Eastern Wilderness does not know that many ancient sect act, all crosses to this place, must observe calmly this war, this is for more than ten years the war of most prestige. 在这后半夜,东荒也不知有多少古教行动,全都横渡到此地,要静观这一战,这是十几年来最威之战事。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son, who with striving for hegemony, all sea altogether reveres, the evildoer comes out be beheaded!” 天皇子一出,谁与争雄,四海共尊,贼子出来授首!” The deafening shouts out sound disrupted the Heaven and Earth order, making the expansive sky crash, spread over Four directions, this was King of Great Accomplishment is roaring. 震耳欲聋的大喝声扰乱了天地的秩序,让长空都崩塌了,传遍四野,这是一位大成王者在吼动。 How many troops came?” “到底来了多少人马?” People were startled to regret, general Ancient Race Powerhouse, in these people obviously many King of Great Accomplishment and half-Saint, this is at the present apex strength, any enter the world was incomparable. 人们惊憾了,一般的古族强者也就罢了,这些人中显然不乏大成王者半圣,这可是而今的绝顶战力,任何一着出世都是无匹的。 The people heart trembles, this is must confiscate family's property to exterminate the clan, such masters of one group of oppressor, the elite troops in Ancient Race, put down aloof Major Sect sufficiently, who can block? 众人心颤,这是要抄家灭族吗,这样一群虎狼之师,古族中的精英人马,足以扫平一个超然的大教,谁能挡住? Many Human Race cultivator have to sigh, the Ancient Race potential is big, Guangxi originally having no way ratio, in such a big world, really everybody feels insecure, this is the fact that is unable to change. 诸多人族修士不得不叹,古族势大,桂本就没法比,在这样一个大世,真可谓人人自危,这是一个无法改变的事实。 Ancient war chariot hangs high sky, covered entirely the slash sword hole, this experiences the Saint car(riage) that Immemorial has fought! Heavenly Sovereign's Son wears the Undying Sovereign crown, stands is in the side, overlooks, he waved all troops to stop, no longer advance. 一辆古老的战车高天,布满了刀痕剑孔,这是经历过太古一战的圣车!天皇子头戴不死皇冠,立身在方,俯视下方,他一挥手所有人马都停了下来,不再前进。 This and does not have the power and influence, many Divine General descendant live to obey his verbal command, so long as orders, can shovel to put down Southern Region innumerable Major Sect, has the deterrent force of Yuan enemy. 这和无威势,诸多神将后人生听从他的号令,只要一声令下,可以铲平南域数不清的大教,有元敌的威慑力。 This King came, who wants to take my head/number of people, comes a war!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son drinks the roar, makes a sound the vault of heaven next many regions, deafening. 本座来了,谁想取我项人头,过来一战!”天皇子一声喝吼,响遍天穹下诸多地域,震耳欲聋。 People with amazement! 人们骇然! He such as the jade carves, bearing Saint bone, graceful bearing haughty, is called the first under the heavens handsome man is not overrated, its appearance also exceeded past exiling immortal Hua Yunfei. 他如玉石刻成,神姿圣骨,风姿傲世,被称作天下第一美男子也不为过,其容貌还胜过昔日的谪仙华云飞 However, he has the invincible prestige, with his abundant god like the jade, the delicate and pretty unparalleled bearing compares, the strength makes one pay attention and be afraid. 但是,他却有无敌之威,与其丰神如玉,俊美无双的神姿比起来,战力更为让人关注、害怕。 The Azure-red Clouds city, no one leaves ranks, a tranquility, entire city probably spatial general, the lights of abatement twinkle, many cultivator people turned very quiet, anxiously to peak. 青霞城,没有人出列,一片宁静,整个城池像是空的一般,除却闪烁的灯火,许多修士人都屏住了呼吸,紧张到极致 What's wrong, this Sovereign came, don't you dare to accept a challenge?!” His indifferent saying, the pupil has swept the horizon. “怎么,本皇子来了,你倒不敢应战了吗?!”他冷漠的说道,眸子扫过天际。 God's son Invincible Under the Starry Sky!” “神之子星空下无敌!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son present age first!” 天皇子当世第一!” Around ancient war chariot, discussed Ancient Race to bellow, on this day arched is asking, this land in the crack, this ten directions wind and cloud collapsed, can probably under the roar Sun, Moon and Stars. 在古老的战车周围,一谈古族大吼,这天穹在求动,这大地在龟裂,这十方风云都崩溃了,像是可以吼下日月星辰来。 In this moment, their imposing manner incomparable cauldron prestige, the god came to be able the slaughter to fall probably, any keeps off in front rival is cut to kill. 在这一刻,他们的气势都无比鼎威,像是神来了都可以屠掉,任何挡在面前的敌手被将被斩杀。 Their Blood Qi a piece, the boundless vast drop, submerged this landscape continually, is born just like celestial troops and generals, the light is this and sharp qi and overbearing then irresistible, arrived at the peak high-spirited! 他们的血气连成了一片,磅礴浩滴,淹没了这片河山,宛如天兵天将降世,光是这和锐气与霸道便不可阻挡,士气高昂到了顶峰! Clang!” “锵!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son draws out heavenly blade from the back, bright as snow magnificent light illuminated the mountains land, making the trim nighttime sky shine like the daytime, making Sun, Moon and Stars gloomily plain. 天皇子自背后拔出一口天刀,雪亮光华照亮了山川大地,让整片夜空都亮如白昼,令日月星辰都暗淡无华了。 Who with fighting?!” “谁与争锋?!” All Ancient Race shouted, coordinates the imposing manner of this blade, rumble called, Undying Heavenly Saber cut open big Daoist Priest to be spatial, cuts the path that cleared the way. 所有古族一齐大喊,配合这一刀的气势,隆隆而鸣,不死天刀剖开了大道长空,斩开道的轨迹。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son such as Demonic God same stands erect in ancient war chariot, the handsome busy face, wrote all over callously, in the hand heavenly blade passes through the past and present. 天皇子如一尊魔神一样屹立在古老的战车,英俊无暇的面庞,写满了冷酷,手中天刀贯穿古今。 What kind of?” Inside and outside dozens, a mountain peak, Saint Sovereign's Son grasps Black Gold Staff, is situated in a blue stone. “怎么样?”数十里外,一座山峰,圣皇子手持一根乌金大棍,立于一块青石。 Another side, the same mountain peak, Ye Fan stands in the cliff wall, nods, said: „Very powerful!” 另一边,同样一座山峰,叶凡站在崖壁,点了点头,道:“很强大!” In their under feet, active day Dao Traces, covered up the secret, no one can deduce to be in this place. 在他们的脚下,都有源天道痕,藉此遮掩去了天机,没有人可以推演到身在此地。 „A person did not fear, I am worried about several opponents.” Saint Sovereign's Son said, within the body Blood Qi thunders, he has wanted to cut Heavenly Sovereign's Son this archenemy. “一个人不怕,我是担心来了数位对手。”圣皇子说道,体内血气轰鸣,他一直想斩掉天皇子这位大敌。 With his personality, this time went south definitely to make the safe arrangement, wants to give to execute your me.” Ye Fan said. “以他性格来说,这次南下肯定是做了稳妥的安排,想将你我都给毙掉。”叶凡道。 Makes me look that who came, making him so self-confident.” Saint Sovereign's Son golden eyes partly narrowed the eyes, sits cross-legged to sit, induced by the Saint Ape sky overhead. “让我看一看都谁来了,让他如此自信满满。”圣皇子金睛半眯,盘膝坐在了地,以圣猿天心去感应。 Rouses the sky overhead, is adopted by us, shrinks does, universe to become Cun, trim Heaven and Earth in heart, after Saint Sovereign's Son silent moment, talked to oneself: „ Huang Xudao came, there is a Huo Qizi aura, 勾动天心,为我所用,缩地干里,乾坤成寸,整片天地都在心中,圣皇子沉默片刻后,自语道:“凰虚道来了,也有火觑子的气息,还有 Ye Fan hearing this shakes, side according to their guesses, three Ancient Sovereign's Son killed also to arrive, has not thought that also had the fourth person! 叶凡闻言一震,依照他们的猜测,有三位古皇子杀来也就到边了,没有想到还有第四人! Huo Lin'er also came.” Saint Sovereign's Son reveals grave expression for the first time. 火麟儿也来了。”圣皇子第一次露出凝重之色 Fire Qilin Cave was most terrifying, left behind Huo Qizi and Huo Lin'er this brother and sister comes together to this world, they were the Ancient Sovereign's bloodlines, anyone was invincible. 火麟洞最为恐怖,留下了火熟子火麟儿这兄妹二人同来到这个世,他们本身都是古皇的血脉,任何一人都是无敌的。 But has the rumor, if two people about in the same place, the strength meet the growth of several times, unmatched in the world! 而更有传言,两人若是合在一起,战力会数倍的增长,天下无敌! This fought difficultly......” “这一战艰难了……” Huang Xudao profound immeasurable, had once said the life is only prove the Dao lives, this is the lord who cannot be annoyed, he comes take action to definitely seek opponent great war comprehending dao. 凰虚道高深莫测,曾说过此生只为证道而活,这是一个不可惹的主,他来出手肯定是为了寻对手大战悟道 Heavenly Sovereign's Son adds Fire Qilin Cave's pair of brother and sister again, this fight may really be too difficult, lets Ye Fan and Saint Sovereign's Son frowns. 天皇子再加火麟洞的一对兄妹,这场战斗可真是太艰难了,让叶凡圣皇子都皱起了眉头。 No matter what his mighty force, only kills Heavenly Sovereign's Son!” Two people also said suddenly, smiled all of a sudden. “任他千军万马,只杀一个天皇子!”两人忽然同时说道,一下子又笑了。 great war will get up, please in beginning of the month this critical moment insurance bottom monthly ticket intense, summoning everyone dear to drop the brothers and sisters. 大战将起,也请在月初这关键时刻投保底月票激烈下,呼唤各位亲爱滴兄弟姐妹。 . . . To be continued. 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