STH :: Volume #11

#1050: The hurricane curls Eastern Wilderness

Chapter 1048 hurricane curls Eastern Wilderness 第1048章飓风卷东荒 Flickering Light King losses! 摇光王了! I saw anything, Flickering Light King was struck to kill, was stood chops for two halves......” “我看到了什么,摇光王被人击杀了,被立劈为两半……” Under Starry Sky, under bright red shedding the blood, that is a Flick­er­ing Light's essence, scatters in the four directions, the command annual bonus trembling heart chestnut. 星空下,一片鲜红的血洒下,那是摇光的道精所化,散落在四方,令人股颤心栗。 The moonlight like the water, star light, Ye Fan stands in the vault of heaven, made an effort to tear the Flick­er­ing Light's body, was especially alarmed under the silver white moon/month splendor. 月华如水,星光点点,叶凡站在苍穹上,用力扯开了摇光的躯体,在银白月辉下格外触目惊心。 People all dumbfounded, Flickering Light King was killed, such as the vault of heaven crashes, everyone who shakes is similar to petrify, unbelievable. 人们全都呆住了,摇光王被人击毙,如天穹坠落,震的每一个人都如同石化,难以置信。 The myth of undefeated was broken! 不败的神话被打破! In several years, Flickering Light King sweeps Six Directions and fear whole wide world, the age in this Saint difficult with a anti- hand, at the present by a mysterious person to tearing, the blood is actually dyed the expansive sky, such as a dream. 这十几年来,摇光王六合、慑八荒,在这圣人不出的年代难遇一抗手,而今却被一个神秘人给撕裂,血染长空,如一场梦幻。 „...... Master!” Li Qingzhou yelled, the heart and gall all trembles, cold air raises from his back, lets him such as the falling icehouse. “啊……师父!”李轻舟大叫,心胆皆颤,一股凉气从他的脊背升起,让他如坠冰窖。 For these years, when Flickering Light King sets up a undefeated the milestone, the journey does not dare to provoke Ancient Race, at the present is actually killed, waits, if pierced the day! 这么多年来,摇光王树立起一座不败的丰碑,出行时连古族都不敢招惹,而今却被人击毙,等若捅破了天! The bright moonlight overhangs, the moonlight like the water, winds around light smoke, Ye Fan seems like gods to stand under the expansive sky, body clear, resembles colored glaze divine gold to cast, double pupil sharp like lightning. 明月高挂,月光如水,缭绕薄烟,叶凡像是一尊神明般立在长空下,肌体晶莹,似琉璃神金铸成,双眸犀利如闪电。 He takes a fast look around the four directions, the people does not dare with it facing, lowers the head, in people opinion, this is just like young Deity, even Flickering Light King gave to kill, who wasn't fearful and apprehensive? 他扫视四方,众人不敢与之正视,纷纷低头,在人们看来,这好比一个年轻的神灵,连摇光王都给杀了,谁不心惊肉跳? Brushes “刷” Ye Fan's Dao Body turns into fresh air, is binding two black arrow and a Flickering Light lineage/vein Holy Artifact return main body, vanishes does not see, in Heaven and Earth is only left over Ye Fan. 叶凡的道身化成一股清气,裹着两只黑箭与摇光一脉的圣器回归本体,就此消失不见,天地中只剩下一个叶凡 Li Qingzhou gripped tightened the fist, clenched teeth to whisper, actually does not dare to be angry, Powerhouse that even his master can cut, if contradicted, could not be left over including the ash mostly. 李轻舟攥紧了拳头,咬牙低语,却不敢大怒,连他的师傅都能斩的强者,若是顶撞,连灰多半都剩不下。 Flickering Light Master is holy light body that's all, True Body still unmatched in the world, tonight many divine ability cannot display, cannot be regarded anything.” A young lad said. 摇光主人所出不过是一具圣光而已,真身依然天下无敌,今夜许多神通都不能施展,算不得什么。”一个童子道。 The blazing light flashes, Ye Fan rips open Void, left this piece of Great Wilderness, hence people released a long breath, the pressure was too big, almost must suffocate. 炽烈的光一闪,叶凡撕开虚空,离开了这片大荒,至此人们才长出了一口气,刚才的压力太大了,几乎要窒息。 „Is Very powerful...... he? Similar makings.” Feng Huang is surprised, in the beautiful pupil the bright splendor projects, the Five Colors mask twinkle, the auspicious light inundates, twines on the immortal body. 好强大……是他吗?有一种相似的气质。”风凰惊疑不定,美眸中有神辉射出,五色面具闪烁,祥光漫出,缠绕仙躯上。 don't tell me...... was really that person came back, did not look like, the flesh changed into Ancient Star, was not his method.” Ji Biyue was also talking to oneself. 难道说……真是那个人回来了,又不太像,血肉化为一颗颗古星,并不是他的手段。”姬碧月也在自语。 As long as Powerhouse was pondering over none who does not, such enter the world character is doomed to shock the world a across the sky, all was guessing that his status, leaves is what Inheritance. 但凡强者莫不在思忖,这样一个横空出世的人物注定要震撼天下,全都在猜测他的身份,到底出是什么传承 Should be the Foreign Domain guest!” Suddenly, a living fossil opens the mouth, said such a conclusion. “应是域外来客!”突然,一个活化石开口,说出这样一个结论。 This...... has the possibility very much!” Nod that in many hearts the big quake, then does not control self. “这……很有可能!”许多人心中大震,而后不自禁的点头。 Great Saint Hun Tuo had once said in ten years ago, had Foreign Domain Powerhouse to catch up, if one day, their disciple wait/etc. appeared in this world, could not be regarded what accident/surprise. 浑拓大圣早在十年前就曾说过,有域外强者赶来了,若是有一天,他们的弟子等出现在这个世界,算不得什么意外。 Starry Sky next piece of boiling, this piece of Great Wilderness ancient wood was towering, the wild animal runs amuck, ancient Golden Peng, Heaven Devouring Ape, Scarlet Golden Crow wait/etc. appeared and disappeared, at the present actually one piece in confusion, breaking the mountain, the big rift valley and Abyss everywhere are. 星空下一片沸腾,这片大荒原本古木参天,野兽横行,古金鹏吞天猿赤金乌等出没,而今却一片狼藉,断山、大裂谷、深渊到处都是。 After great war, various birds Ancient Beast were startled, escapes the Desolate deep place, was only left over sores all over the eye. 一场大战过后,各种飞禽古兽都被惊走了,远遁莽荒深处,只剩下了满目疮痍。 That night is doomed difficult to be calm, had so many matter, Ye Fan True Body slaughter half-Saint, Dao Body cracked Flickering Light King, initiated the great wave, swept across Eastern Wilderness. 这一夜注定难以平静,发生了这么多的事情,叶凡真身半圣,道身摇光王,引发巨波,席卷东荒 Also has not known how long, people clear from 100,000 mountains, most people return to the Azure-red Clouds city, everywhere is the cultivator's hot theories. 也不知过了多久,人们才从十万大山中散尽,大部分人重回青霞城,到处都是修士的热论。 Holy Lord True Body goes into action, can definitely suppress this person.” Flick­er­ing Light's young lad indignantly, unusual is not convinced, because Flick­er­ing Light's rises, in recent years, even their these disciple places visited are subject to the person of ritual respect, now the first time tastes this type of taste. 圣主真身出马,肯定能镇压此人。”摇光的童子愤愤不已,非常的不服气,因摇光的崛起,这些年来,连他们这些门人所过之处都倍受人礼敬,如今头一次尝到这种滋味。 True Body of master really also on Flickering Light main peak?” Li Qingzhou talked to oneself, looks to radiant Starry Sky. “师傅的真身真的还在摇光主峰上吗?”李轻舟自语,望向璀璨的星空 Northern Region, Heavenly Sovereign's Son obtained the news immediately, stands is on Ancient Mountain, in the double pupil projects two to flaming the electricity, cuts off the nighttime sky, the front mountain was bevelled by its pupil light, quarry stone collapse cloud. 北域,天皇子在第一时间得到了消息,立身在一座古岳上,双眸中射出两道炽电,斩断夜空,前方一座大山被其眸光削平,乱石崩云。 a half Saint...... by south that person killing?” 一位半圣……被南面的那个人给杀了?” His mood is very bad, in the Eight Troops Divine General descendant several powerful half-Saint are his left and right arms, dying any was an unquantifiable loss. 他的心情很差,八部神将后裔中几位强大的半圣是他的左膀右臂,死去任何一个都是一种难以估量的损失。 In the near future, that is existence of hopeful Sanctification, can be possible to follow him to go on an expedition the world, like this died, making one grasp the wrists to deeply regret. 在不久的将来,那是有望成圣的存在,可以一路可追随他征战天下,这样死掉,让人扼腕痛惜。 The Heavenly Sovereign's Son look is callous, one and sending silk of waist dances in the air, although pretty peerless, graceful bearing haughty, but the look somewhat is scary, head Purple Gold imperial crown presents fissures, then blasts out! 天皇子神色冷酷,一头及腰的发丝飞舞,虽然俊秀绝伦,风姿傲世,但神色却有些吓人,头上的紫金皇冠出现一道道裂痕,而后炸开! In its rear area, stands row of Ancient Race Powerhouse, each and every one Divine Flame is beating, murderous aura soars to the heavens, was only inferior his to order, will dispatch troops into battle to go south. 在其后方,站着一排古族强者,一个个神焰跳动,杀气冲霄,只差等他一道命令了,就将起兵南下。 These person of appearances are various, from eight big God Race, some lives to have divine wings, the lightning circles the body, flip-flop makes noise, some demon light shade moon/month, the strength pull up mountain river...... comes back to life just like one crowd of Divine General. 这些人长相各不相同,来自八大神族,有的生具神翅,闪电绕体,噼啪作响,有的魔光蔽月,力拔山河……宛如一群神将复生。 God's son, Blood Phoenix Mountain and Fire Qilin Cave did not comply, only missed your a few words, may go south, tramples flat these clay chickens and pottery dogs, conquered by killing a cleanness.” “神之子,血凰山火麟洞不都是答应了吗,只差您一句话了,就可南下,踏平那些土鸡瓦狗,血洗个干净。” Divine General descendant said, the words buzz, the mountain side peak of front shakes are shaking, it can be imagined his strength is tyrannical. 一个神将后人说道,话语嗡嗡作响,震的前方的一片山峰都在摇动,可想而知他的实力多么强横。 I dispatch several groups of clansmen, lets several half-Saint Namtu, actually wants to find out that person is, never expected that the troops just arrived on the buckle.” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son look is indifferent, shoulders both hands, looks to the horizon, might penetrate Void, looks straight ahead Southern Region. “我遣出几路族人,更是让几位半圣南渡,是想摸清那个人究竟是谁,没有想到人马刚一到就折损了。”天皇子神色冷漠,背负双手,望向天际,像是要透过虚空,直视南域 Wants him to be attractive, defeats the bone to raise the ash him!” “一定要他好看,将他挫骨扬灰!” Imperial prince leaves, regardless of anyone jumps, all extinguishes them!” “皇子动身吧,无论什么人跳出来,都将他们全灭!” Eight Troops Divine General descendant each and every one magical power like the sea, the bloodlines is pure, the strength is strong. 八部神将的后代一个个法力如海,血脉纯净,力量强大无匹。 I will execute him personally, the person but who this time must kill may, Saint Sovereign's Son definitely jump incessantly, this I must tidy up a cleanness time!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son dense say/way. “我会亲手毙他,不过这一次要杀的人可不止一个,圣皇子肯定会跳出来的,这一次我都要收拾个干净!”天皇子森然道。 But, what to do if Mt. Xumi that is furious, Princess of Divine Silkworm clan is not affable!” Some Eight Troops Divine General descendant people reveal the worried look. “可是,万一须弥山那位震怒怎么办,神蚕族的公主也不好惹啊!”八部神将后代有人露出忧色。 Might as well, Mt. Xumi has Great Saint is not false, but my Ancient Race is not only then he!” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son look is callous, spreads out the palm, gripped a pulp ancient weapon, said: I want to kill them, cannot escape from my palm!” “无妨,须弥山有一尊大圣不假,可我古族又不是只有他!”天皇子神色冷酷,摊开手掌心,将一枚古兵攥了个稀烂,道:“我想杀他们,逃不出我的掌心!” Eight Troops Divine General descendant some are anxious, some rouse, they know, huge storm is going to start, god's son is going swift and fierce take action. 八部神将后代有的忧虑,有的振奋,他们知道,一场天大的风暴将要开始了,神之子将要凌厉出手了。 Suddenly, the distant place transmits a long and loud cry, a Dao Body shadow such as the meteor is common, transmits a violent fluctuation. 突然,远处传来一声长啸,一道身影如流星一般迫近,传来一阵剧烈的波动。 God's son, the important matter is not good, enters Southern Region several route armies, there is killed a cleanness, moreover......” came person on one knee to kneel on the ground, peeped Heavenly Sovereign's Son, somewhat hesitated, does not dare to say. “神之子,大事不好了,进入南域的几路军,又有一路被杀了个干净,而且……”来人单膝跪在地上,偷看了一眼天皇子,有些犹豫,不敢说出口。 And what?” Heavenly Sovereign's Son indifferent asking. “而且什么?”天皇子冷漠的问道。 Second...... half-Saint was cut!” This person trembling with fear said this news. “第二位……半圣被斩!”这个人战战兢兢的说出这则消息。 What, a half Saint was killed, is actually under whose hand?” “什么,又一位半圣被杀了,究竟是谁下的手?” How like this, even Ancient Sovereign's Son to half-Saint, still the waste hands and feet, how Eight Troops Divine General just did rush to Southern Region to be killed?” Some people cannot bear say. “怎么会这样,即便是古皇子对上半圣,也得废一番手脚,怎么八部神将刚赶到南域就被人杀了?”有人忍不住道。 In the Heavenly Sovereign's Son back, one group of Divine General descendants all change color, each and every one is clenching teeth, grasps the fist to refer , the joint ka-beng ka-beng makes noise. 天皇子的背后,一群神将后代全都变色,一个个都在咬牙,抓紧了拳指,骨节嘎嘣嘎嘣作响。 Is the hand that...... Saint Sovereign's Son has!” Ancient Race that this comes to notify said, looked at Heavenly Sovereign's Son complexion secretly. “是……圣皇子出的手!”这名前来报信的古族说道,偷偷看了一眼天皇子的脸色。 I know, he will definitely jump, he died!” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son look chill/yin cold, then turn around to look to one ancient black mountains, told the subordinate, said: Reported Blood Phoenix Mountain and Fire Qilin Cave, in tonight, went south together!” “我就知道,他肯定会跳出来,他死定了!”天皇子神色阴寒,而后转身望向一片古老的黑色山岳,吩咐手下,道:“去禀告血凰山火麟洞,就在今夜,共同南下!” That night, is trouble-ridden, Southern Region boils noisily, under Starry Sky launched decisive battles, the victory is astonishing, vibrates the whole wide world. 这一夜,风波不断,南域喧沸,星空下展开了一场场决战,战果惊人,震动八荒。 Dongfang Ye, Yan Yixi, Li Tian, Li Heishui and the others sent out, to intercept Heavenly Sovereign's Son a group of troops together, being relentless used Goddess Furnace, stimulated to movement this Great Saint Artifact, rumbled to kill a cleanness everyone. 东方野燕一夕厉天李黑水等人一起出动,截住了天皇子的一批人马,毫不留情的动用了神女炉,催动这件大圣器,将所有人轰杀了个干净。 The Dragon Horse first participation plants the matter, yelled again and again happily, was shouting must go to do big score again, killed and torched refreshedly, simply smashing to consider as finished the Ancient Race den. 龙马第一次参与种事情,连连大叫痛快,叫嚷着要去再干一票大的,杀人放火最爽快,干脆将古族老巢给端掉算了。 One group of people roll the eyes, this fellow anxious to stir up trouble simply, is a disaster. 一群人翻白眼,这家伙简直就是唯恐天下不乱,是一个祸害。 Li Tian cannot bear say: I said Brother Horse, you are the auspicious beast, is really mount that Ancient Saint Sovereign can have? So to be how flagitious.” 厉天忍不住说道:“我说马哥,你是瑞兽吗,真是上古圣皇才能拥有的坐骑?怎么这么凶残啊。” Any Brother Horse, later called Master Dragon!” Dragon Horse big thorn correction, the whole body winding around flame, the scale is clear, horse hair mixed wool, has not resembled Divine Flame to beat. “什么马哥,以后叫龙爷!”龙马大刺刺的纠正,浑身缭绕火光,鳞片晶莹璀璨,马鬃没有一根杂毛,似神焰跳动。 Dragon your Sir!” One group of people gave him slap. “龙你大爷!”一群人都给了他一巴掌 Meanwhile, Saint Sovereign's Son also arrived at Southern Region, in another ancient city, his Golden Fire Eyes, discovered a half Saint, recognizing is Heavenly Sovereign's Son troops. 与此同时,圣皇子也到了南域,就在另一座古城中,他火眼金睛,发现了一位半圣,认出是天皇子部众 This war, the earth-shattering day, hundred li (0.5 km) wind and cloud is greatly turbulent, Monkey was too fierce, no matter what half-Saint angrily roars, is unable to save the situation, got in ten thousand peach blossoms to open the head by a stick, the brain fluid scatters. 这一战,石破天惊天,百里风云大动荡,猴子太勇猛了,任半圣怒吼,也无力回天,被一棍子将脑袋打了万朵桃花开,脑浆四溅。 The sound when Battle Clan brave crown Immemorial, Saint Sovereign's Son within the body flows has the Ancient Sovereign's blood, flowing makes such as the thunder tsunami, is naturally without a peer. 斗战一族勇冠太古,圣皇子体内流淌有古皇的血液,流动时发出的声音如雷霆海啸般,自然不可匹敌。 Southern Region boiling, is a sleepless night, some people are discussing everywhere, all the development of intense attention situation, people know that great war is going to launch. 南域沸腾,是一个不眠之夜,四处都有人在谈论,全都紧张的关注局势的发展,人们知道一场大战将要展开。 Mysterious person kills half-Saint, executing Flickering Light Dao Body...... that night may really be the wind and cloud happened repeatedly!” “神秘人杀半圣,毙摇光道身……这一夜可真是风云迭起!” At the present, Saint Sovereign's Son came, killed a half Saint, will have the huge mighty waves!” “而今,圣皇子都来了,又杀了一位半圣,将有天大的波澜!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son has three groups of armies to destroy, all just entered Southern Region to be slaughtered, may really be in sharp opposition, this is pulling out Heavenly Sovereign's Son slap.” 天皇子已有三路大军溃灭,全都是刚进南域就被人屠戮,可真是针锋相对,这是在抽天皇子耳光。” Southern Region is blustery, the star all over the sky, numerous cultivator do not have a sleepiness, is paying close attention, they know that hurricane came! 南域风起云涌,星斗满天,众多修士却没有一点睡意,全都在密切关注,他们知道一场飓风来了! In that night, the rumor rises from all directions, various news all leave, including makes everyone pay attention. 在这一夜,谣言四起,各种消息皆出,其中有一条让所有人都在关注。 Flickering Light King True Body may want left seclusion!” 摇光王真身可能要出关了!” He must put down a rebellion, wants to fight to the death with that mysterious person?” “他是要平乱,还是想与那神秘人决一死战?” Flickering Light True Body many years not presently, people are very tense, does not know whether true or false, this was more chaotic at night. 摇光真身多年未现,人们都很紧张,不知是真是假,这个夜晚更乱了。 Big event erupted! Heavenly Sovereign's Son went south, commands on Eight Troops Divine Horse to kill Southern Region!” Bigger storm performance, the news comes, shocks Southern Region. “大事件爆发了!天皇子南下,统率八部神马上就杀到南域了!”更大的风暴上演,消息传来,震撼南域 Hurricane sweeps across Eastern Wilderness! 一场飓风席卷东荒 The hurricane came, fights valiantly, Chen Dong asked ***! 飓风来了,彪悍战起,辰东求***! . . .
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