STH :: Volume #11

#1049: Cuts Flickering Light

Chapter 1047 cuts Flickering Light 第1047章斩摇光 Under Starry Sky, magnificent, Ye Fan each wisp sends the silk to dance in the air, presents Dao Traces, he bathes in Star Sea, stands erect Between Heaven and Earth. 星空下,光辉灿烂,叶凡每一缕发丝都在飞舞,出现道痕,他沐浴星海中,屹立天地间 Holy Furnace blasts out, is split up, a Between Heaven and Earth silence, no one can say the words to come, Flickering Light King losses? Many people cannot believe. 圣炉炸开,四分五裂,天地间一片寂静,没有一个人能说出话来,摇光王了吗?许多人都不敢相信。 Master!” Li Qingzhou yelled, although knows that is a holy light body, is not the genuine flesh, but cannot bear sad cry. “师傅!”李轻舟大叫,尽管知道那是一具圣光身,并非真正的血肉,但还是忍不住悲呼 Defeated, Flickering Light King defeated unexpectedly, this person was too powerful.” “败了,摇光王竟然败了,这个人真的太强大了。” King of enter the world having god-given wisdom, the rank of Human Race Dao Severing no.1 expert must change across the sky!” “天纵之王横空出世,人族斩道第一高手的排位要变动了!” Until this moment, people said the words to come, shock of face, all wrote all over startled accommodated, this result was more than people expected. 直到这一刻,人们才说出话来,一脸的震撼,全都写满了惊容,这个结果超出众人的预料。 For these years, Flickering Light King monarch overlooking the world, has set up the invincible prestige, has never had a defeat in the fair showdown, at the present the myth of this undefeated is broken! 这么多年来,摇光王君临天下,早已树立起无敌的威望,在公平对决中从未有过一次败绩,而今这不败的神话被破! A moment ago, Flickering Light King by body Dao Fusion, turned into Holy Furnace that towers Between Heaven and Earth received that person obviously, must turn into tribulation ash, how on the contrary defeat?” “刚才,摇光王以身合道,化成一口耸立天地间圣炉明明将那人收了进去,要化成劫灰,怎么反倒败了?” Flickering Light looks at boldly Eastern Wilderness so many years, naturally some people to its incomparable respect, see this result, is hard to accept. 摇光雄视东荒这么多年,自然有人对其无比崇敬,见到这一结果,难以接受。 This Between Heaven and Earth, the huge mighty currents, are that Holy Furnace fragment, cut off the large expanse of palatial mountain peak, Desolate is razed to the ground quickly. 天地间,有一片巨大的洪流,是那圣炉碎片所化,斩断了成片巍峨的山峰,莽荒都快被夷为平地了。 Between Heaven and Earth, holy light and mist transpiration, Four directions everywhere is divine ability | energy aftermath, people chill down the spine. 天地间,圣光云气蒸腾,四野到处都是神能余波,众人毛骨发寒 Spear/Gun cracks Flickering Light King, this score vibrates Five Regions necessary, the whole world all startled!” “枪裂摇光王,这一战绩必要震动五域,举世皆惊!” Clang “锵” In the noise of people, Between Heaven and Earth expresses the trembling cry, puts on the sound of gold splitting stone to resound through the vault of heaven, Holy Furnace fragment flying upside down that blasts out returned, reorganizes in one. 在人们的嘈杂声中,天地间发出颤鸣,穿金裂石之音响彻苍穹,那炸开的圣炉碎块倒飞而回,重组在了一起。 The naked eye of fissure on Holy Furnace wall by the speed that can see heals, suddenly vanished a cleanness, Blood Qi and holy light soars to the heavens once again, is angry to swallow the potential of Mountains and Rivers. 圣炉壁上的裂痕以肉眼能见到的速度愈合,眨眼消失了个干净,血气圣光又一次冲霄而起,有气吞山河之势。 The people are astonished however, many people are then encouraged, Flickering Light King method heaven defying, it seems like definitely also the dragon wars, the tiger battles, making them anticipate. 众人讶然,而后许多人振奋,摇光王手段逆天,看来肯定还有一场龙争虎斗,让他们更加期待了。 My master will not defeat!” Li Qingzhou got hold of the fist anxiously, the innermost feelings especially. “吾师是不会败的!”李轻舟握紧了拳头,内心格外的紧张。 Ye Fan True Body watches critically, he fully realizes Flick­er­ing Light's to be fearful, because has not shown Ferocity's Inheritance, a moment ago was not manifestation of its true strength. 叶凡真身冷眼旁观,他深知摇光的可怕,因为根本就未曾展现狠人的传承,刚才不是其真正实力的体现。 Naturally, Ye Fan have not used the counter world various Secret Technique, has retained, nature fearless. 当然,叶凡自己也还没有动用逆世的各种秘术,也有所保留,自然无惧。 Goes to Fallen God Battlefield to conduct the showdown.” Flickering Light is not as everyone expected, has not begun immediately, but turned into holy light to fly away together, charged into the horizon. “去殒神战场进行对决。”摇光出乎所有人的预料,并没有立刻动手,而是化成一道圣光飞走了,冲向天际。 Ye Fan cold Smile, the foot steps on together Star River, crosses the expansive sky, vanished under the boundless nighttime sky all of a sudden, charged into the distant place. 叶凡冷哂,脚踩一道星河,横贯长空,一下子消失在了茫茫夜空下,冲向远方。 Fallen God Battlefield, is extremely remote to here, the ordinary person cannot go, it is said once had Deity dead in battle there, the condition is bad, year to year has the war soul wail.” 殒神战场,离这里极其遥远,一般的人根本进不去,据说曾有神灵战死在那里,条件恶劣可怕,常年有战魂哭嚎。” People heart startled, but all with, but how they can compare favorably with Flickering Light and Ye Fan, all distant was flung in rear area. 人们心惊,但全都跟了下去,可是他们怎能比得上摇光叶凡,全都远远的被甩在了后方。 Roar......” “嗷吼……” Demonic God is roaring, fearful phantom are taking a walk, that is Archaic indestructible fighting intent, never disperses. 魔神在咆哮,有一道道可怕的虚影在走动,那是远古不灭战意,始终不散。 The Fallen God Battlefield star moon/month is gloomy, in land a piece blood red and deeply worried, this place infertile, is together a barren land. 殒神战场星月暗淡,大地上一片血红与焦灼,这个地方寸草不生,是一块不毛之地。 At this time, Flickering Light and Ye Fan flushed, felt powerful murderous intention, Archaic Powerhouse indestructible Law was interweaving, turns into the demon earth that a piece of living person halted. 此时,摇光叶凡先后冲了进来,感受到了强大的杀机,远古强者不灭法则在交织,化成了一片生人止步的魔土。 Generally, no one dares to come this place, do not say penetrated, because frequently has the Change into Dao danger. 一般情况下,根本就没有人敢来此地,就更不要说深入了,因为动辄就有化道的危险。 legends say, Archaic Sages and Foreign Domain Deity once in this great war, startling the universe, moving the gods (extremely surprising), finally frigid incomparable, various all die. 相传,远古诸贤域外神灵曾于此大战,惊天地泣鬼神,最终惨烈无比,诸强皆殒落 Divine Blood incarnadine this place, their ultimate Law are not loose, interweaves here, every can hear the sound that the Fiendgod roar howls late. 神血染红了此地,他们的终极法则不散,交织在这里,每一晚都可以听到神魔吼啸的声音。 Ye Fan and Flickering Light actually evade Ancient Law, crashed in the restricted area, will launch great war in this, definitely Life and Death. 叶凡摇光却避过上古法则,冲进了禁地中,在此将展开大战,决一生死 Flickering Light was changed into the person by Holy Furnace, restored, cannot see the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, the pupil is very profound, might look to put on the Ye Fan's soul. 摇光圣炉化为了人身,恢复了过来,看不出喜怒哀乐,眸子很深邃,像是要望穿叶凡的灵魂。 don't tell me...... was really you comes back.” His tranquil opens the mouth, presents a sword in his hands, such as deep pool autumn waters under the moonlight is bright. 难道说……真是你回来了。”他平静的开口,在其手中出现一口剑,在月光下如一潭秋水般明亮。 I think that you must use Ferocity Secret Technique, originally wants to fight out by Holy Artifact, how I accompany.” Ye Fan said, two black ancient arrows appear. “我以为你要动用狠人秘术,原来是想以圣器决胜负,无论怎样我都奉陪。”叶凡说道,两支黑色的古箭浮现。 He is very powerful by Dao Body that One Qi Becomes Three Purities Secret Technique casts, may have the time limit, two people take action was quick a moment ago, although without consuming how long, but cannot continue to delay again, needs to mediate immediately. 他以一气化三清秘术铸成的道身很强大,可却有时间限制,刚才两人出手很快,虽然没有耗掉多长时间,但也不能再继续耽搁了,需要立刻了断。 Compared with the significance of this showdown, I wants to confirm your status.” Flickering Light said that the long sword in hand is bright, resembles the bright moonlight according to thousand lakes, the wave light is clear. “比起这场对决的意义,我更想证实你的身份。”摇光说道,手中的长剑灿烂无比,似明月照千湖,波光粼粼。 Bang “轰” The flaming light submerged Heaven and Earth directly, this was Holy Artifact, the terrifying fluctuation filled Four directions, gave to wash out many Archaic Law in this restricted area. 炽盛的光直接淹没了天地,这是一件圣器,恐怖波动弥漫了四野,将这禁地中的不少远古法则都给冲散了。 This is destructive, one day not Sanctification, cannot resist Saint Might, this is a tyrant certainly Heaven and Earth power and influence! 这是毁灭性的,一日不成圣,便不可对抗圣威,这是一种霸绝天地的威势! Even half-Saint is not good, because after all is not true Saint, the Holy Domain barrier is cut off all, but makes them display several wisps of Saint Might reluctantly. 即便是半圣也不行,因为毕竟不是真正的圣人,圣域壁垒阻隔一切,只是勉强让他们发挥出几缕圣威 Ye Fan has Eight Restrictions, breaks through the Holy Domain barrier, same kept off with half-Saint under true Saint, is naturally hard to resist directly. 叶凡拥有八禁,也只是堪堪突破圣域壁垒,与半圣一样被挡在真正的圣人之下,自然难以直接对抗。 „” “哧” He picks up a black arrow, makes an effort to delimit, black light is dreadful, such as mountain flooding , submerged the Heaven and Earth sword light to hit with that immediately in one. 他拈住一支黑箭,用力划出,乌光滔天,如山洪暴发,顿时冲起,与那淹没天地的剑光撞在了一起。 Meanwhile he holds another black arrow to protect the body, avoids the Holy Artifact excessively fierce wound to the body, the offense and defense has both, calm nature. 同时他持另一支黑箭护体,避免圣器过猛伤到躯体,攻守兼备,镇定自然。 Heaven and Earth entire was detonated, this is the resistance of Holy Domain, frightened world, shock and awe entire world, if some people will certainly tremble in this, kneels to bend down. 天地整个被引爆,这是圣域的对抗,惊悚人间,震慑寰宇,若是有人在此一定会颤栗,跪伏下去。 Saint kept aloof, went beyond the category of human, invincible, the weapon of their casting from nevertheless so, once resurrected, killed all horizontally. 圣人高高在上,超出了人类的范畴,不可战胜,他们铸造的兵器自然亦如此,一旦复活,横杀一切。 The Ye Fan's black arrow is the rare treasure, after Han Valley closes, after the big decimal/small number ten campaigns is examined, resists Holy Artifact sufficiently, therefore is not worried to damage. 叶凡的黑箭是秘宝,西出函谷关后,历经大小数十场战役早已得到检验,足以对抗圣器,因此根本不担心损毁。 Black arrow showdown Holy Artifact, this piece of Land of Fallen Gods was cut, rips piece by piece black Void Abyss, traverses the whole wide world! 黑箭对决圣器,这片殒神之地被斩开,撕出一片片黑色的虚空深渊,横断八荒! In this moment, what Secret Art and Forbidden Technique are useless, only has Holy Force to be eternal, this is the reason that Sages keeps aloof, only this strength on sufficiently suppress all living things. 在这一刻,什么秘法禁术都无用,唯有圣力是永恒的,这就是诸贤高高在上的原因,单凭这种力量就足以镇压众生。 Therefore had under Via Sacra all the muck to say. 故此才有了圣道之下皆粪土之说。 Saint bracelet has person the category, to these step had the qualification that crosses the universe, can struggle to cross in the universe, is an qualitative transforms. “圣”跳脱出“人”的范畴,到了这一步才有横渡天宇的本钱,才能在宇宙中争渡,是一个质的蜕变。 Is just like Leaping Fish Transforming Into True Dragons! 好比鱼跃化真龙 At this time anything is fabricated, only has Holy Ar­ti­fact's to spelling to let perceive that eternal strength, both fierce confrontation, stimulates to movement the whole body divine force and cultivation. 此时什么都是虚妄的,唯有圣器的对拼才能让觉察到永恒的力量,两者激烈对抗,催动浑身的神力道行 Without a doubt, Holy Ar­ti­fact's resurrecting needs the boundless strength beyond comparison, if cultivation base is insufficient, may be consumed while still alive, the body becomes the dead wood. 毫无疑问,圣器的复活需要无以伦比的磅礴的力量,若是修为不够,可能会被活活耗死,身体成为枯木。 The Ye Fan One Qi Becomes Three Purities wonderful technique obtained invincible manifestation in this moment, because this Dao Body and main body are equally strong, is almost another, the source of Human Race's Saint Physique like sea! 叶凡一气化三清的妙术在这一刻得到了无敌的体现,因为这具道身与本体一样强,几乎就是另一个自己,人族圣体之源如海! Really is you!” Flickering Light shouts out, he understands clearly immediately, Ye Fan came back! Also appeared in this stretch of land. “果然是你!”摇光大喝,他在第一时间了然,叶凡回来了!又出现在了这片大地上。 Good, is I, comes with you mediate fourteen years ago unsuccessful to fight with the gratitude and grudges!” In the Ye Fan mouth sends out clear roar, held the black arrow to meet the approaching enemy. “不错,是我,来与你了断十四年前未果的一战与恩怨!”叶凡口中发出一声清啸,持黑箭迎击了上去。 Flickering Light learned that the status of opponent, received very big touching, a pupil deep place terrifying, Sun, Moon and Stars rotated, has the scene that Milky Way destroyed to reappear. 摇光得悉对手的身份,受到了很大的触动,眸子深处一片恐怖,日月星辰轮转,有银河毁灭的场景浮现。 He stimulates to movement this sacred sword vigorously, cut to break Heaven and Earth, oneself almost turned into Dao Spirit to be bright, however his holy light body was not the main body, cultivation cannot display after all completely. 他极力催动这柄圣剑,斩破了天地,自身几乎化成了一道神明,但是他的圣光身毕竟不是主体,道行不能全部展出。 But Ye Fan after this moment does not care about the status, within the body *** golden blood energy submerged Heaven and Earth, immediately as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, stimulating to movement the black arrow does not have the thing broken, nothing can prevent him. 叶凡在这一刻不顾及身份后,体内***般的黄金血气淹没了天地,顿时摧枯拉朽,催动黑箭无物不破,没什么能阻挡他。 Bang “轰” Black arrow Dao Fusion, pierces dark green deep, turned into a beam of black light to shoot, pierced to the front, probably black *** is turbulent. 黑箭合道,刺穿苍冥,化成一道乌光射了出去,洞穿向前方,像是一片黑色的***在汹涌。 Works as “当” The black arrow feather strikes on sacred sword, has the heavenshaking loud sound, aftermath as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, traversed the vault of heaven, ten directions entirely to extinguish! 黑色箭羽击在圣剑上,发出震天巨响,余波摧枯拉朽,横断了天穹,十方俱灭! Flickering Light flew horizontally, the corners of the mouth overflow a continuously bloodstain, is not True Blood, is manifestation that an essence is defeated and dispersed. If not sacred sword magnificent light protects the body, his skeleton not saves, even the bone dregs cannot be left over. 摇光横飞了出去,嘴角溢出一缕缕血迹,不是真血,是道精溃散的体现。若非圣剑光华护体,他尸骨无存,连骨头渣都剩不下。 He turns around to walk, True Body is not, could not use the strength of real Taboo. But Dao Body of opposite party is very strange, probably True Body stands erect here, within the body blood landslide tsunami, the sent out sound is deafening, is supernaturally brave irreversible! 他转身就走,真身不在,根本动用不了真实的禁忌之力。而对方的道身无比古怪,像是真身屹立在此,体内血液山崩海啸般,发出的声响震耳欲聋,神勇不可挡! Where walks!” “哪里走!” Ye Fan is in hot pursuit, does not want to let off this holy light body, must cut to kill it in this. 叶凡紧追不舍,自不想放过这具圣光身,要将其斩杀在此。 The distant place, people just arrived at this place to see that two people went across the sky, charged into the place of distant place, all startled regretted inexplicably. 远处,人们刚来到达此地就见到两人横空而去,冲向了更远处的地方,全都惊憾莫名。 What a pity, is away from piece of Fallen God Battlefield, without the means with, Archaic Sages Law blocks this place immediately. 可惜,隔着一片殒神战场,没有办法立刻跟下去,远古诸贤法则阻断了此地。 However, although does not have the means first to follow up, but people actually saw pursues the fact that escapes. 然而,虽然没有办法第一时间跟进,但是人们却看到了一追一逃的事实。 What, Flickering Light King losses, were being chased down by that person!” “什么,摇光王了,在被那人追杀!” How like this, this person is, invincible will Flickering Light King defeat?!” “怎么会这样,此人到底是谁,将无敌的摇光王战败?!” Everyone petrify, inconceivable looks at all these, thinking Flickering Light can change the course of events, finally defeats the opponent, does not want actually to rout to escape. 所有人都石化了,不可思议的看着这一切,以为摇光可以扭转乾坤,最终击败对手,不曾想却大败而逃。 No, how will my teacher how defeat?!” Li Qingzhou breathing rapidly. “不,我的老师怎怎么会败?!”李轻舟呼吸急促。 Flickering Light controls Holy Artifact the line, will draw near peak, is almost crossing the universe, however Ye Fan will grasp the black arrow also to break open Void, without any scruples Travel Character Secret, will approach rapidly. 摇光驾驭圣器而行,快到了极致,几乎是在横渡天宇,然而叶凡手持黑箭也可以破开虚空,毫无顾忌的施出行字秘,迅疾逼近。 Massacring this holy light body significance is not big, the Ye Fan main goal is to capture this sacred sword, this is Legacy Holy Weapon! 杀掉这具圣光身意义不大,叶凡最主要的目的是要夺得这把圣剑,这可是一件传世圣兵 But Flickering Light flees, to protect this soldier, does not want to fall in the enemy, otherwise discards one also to have all alone why not? 摇光之所以遁走,也是为了护住此兵,不想落于敌人,不然舍弃一具光身又有何妨? You cannot get away, is impossible to make you return to the True Body bank!” Ye Fan to Heavenly Sovereign's Son, has not wanted to know him to come back. “你走不了,不可能让你回到真身畔!”叶凡还没有对上天皇子,还不想让人知晓他回来了。 „” “哧” Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, two black arrows project in this, is flying to sacred sword, inundated the Heavenly Star fight to shake probably, as if will crash. 天崩地裂,两支黑箭在此射出,全都对着圣剑飞去,漫天星斗都像是摇颤了起来,仿佛会坠落。 100,000 mountains, as long as the peak enters clouds, on the half becomes the dust none who does not, the black arrow place visited, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, anything cannot be left over. 十万大山,但凡耸入云霄者,上半截莫不成尘埃,黑箭所过之处,摧枯拉朽,什么都剩不下。 This sacred sword is holier than the star moon/month of space, brilliance radiate all around, is Nine Heavens divine jade is silver moon divine jade, clear bright, rose beautiful is boundless. 这口圣剑比天上的星月都要圣洁,光辉四射,是九天神玉系中的银月神玉,晶莹灿烂,瑰美无边。 dang! 当! The black arrow collided with it again and again, makes the ear-spitting sound, Flickering Light could not wield finally, entire arm ruptured, the body ripped open Void, the mouth spits the blood, flew horizontally. 黑箭与之连连碰撞,发出了震耳的声响,摇光终于执掌不住了,整条手臂崩开,身子撕开虚空,口吐鲜血,横飞了出去。 Clang!” “锵!” The Ye Fan rapid as lightning, 'Travel' Character Secret Art is matchless, suppresses this silvery brilliance bright Holy Artifact with two black arrows, lets its Divinity deep sleep. 叶凡迅疾似闪电,行字诀举世无双,以两杆黑箭压制此银辉灿烂的圣器,让其神祇沉睡。 Holy Artifact is difficult to seize, unlike black arrow such rare treasure, once Divinity resurrecting of embodiment will be the huge disaster!” 圣器难夺,与黑箭这样的秘宝不同,一旦内蕴的神祇复活将是天大的灾难!” Ye Fan felt, should suppress be first safest in Green Cauldron, the short time did not utilize mostly. 叶凡觉得,应该先镇压绿鼎中才最为保险,短时间多半运用不了。 Where Flickering Light you walk!” 摇光你哪里走!” Ye Fan took away sacred sword, the foot steps on 'Travel' Character Secret Art to pursue, the blockade suffered the heavily damaged Flickering Light King, forced into the hopeless situation it. 叶凡收走圣剑,脚踩行字诀追了上去,阻击遭遇重创的摇光王,将其逼入绝境。 When people rush to here, only sees such a picture, under Ye Fan independent Starry Sky, both hands pull, rips that Flickering Light King for two halves, the blood that the say/way purifies sprinkles, incarnadine expansive sky! 当人们赶到这里时,只见到这样一幅画面,叶凡独立星空下,双手一扯,将那摇光王撕为了两半,道精化成的血液洒落,染红长空! What, he bare-handed...... executed Flickering Light King Dao Body!” “什么,他徒手……格杀了摇光王道身!” The people are shocked, for 14 years Flickering Light King of defeat, its Dao Body has not been stood today unexpectedly chops for two halves, under trim Starry Sky one deathly stillness, everyone dumbfounded. 众人震惊,十四年来未尝一败的摇光王,今日其道身竟然被人立劈为两半,整片星空下都一片死寂,所有人都呆住了。
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