STH :: Volume #11

#1048: Under the expansive sky strikes Flickering Light

Under Chapter 1046 expansive sky strikes Flickering Light 第1046章长空下击摇光 Above Nine Heavens, Star River is radiant, such as boundless silver-colored waterfall falls in torrents, Ye Fan is situated in under Starry Sky solitarily, wound around by the star splendor. 九天之上,星河璀璨,如茫茫银瀑倾泻下来,叶凡只身立于星空下,被星辉缭绕。 He grasps dark gold spear only, punctures thoroughly the half-Saint forehead, nails tight it in Void, bloodstain drips a continuously along black spear shaft, shocking. 他单手持暗金长枪,刺透半圣的眉心,将其钉死在虚空中,一缕缕血迹沿着黑色的枪杆淌出,触目惊心。 This is a shocking picture, everyone such as clay sculpture woodcarving, regardless of many years pass by, as long as saw tonight this person is unforgetable, the brand mark heart, is hard to obliterate. 这是一幅震撼的画面,所有人都如泥塑木雕,无论多少年过去,但凡今夜见到这一幕的人都难以忘怀,烙印心头,难以磨灭。 The Ye Fan black hair is thick, such as being an excellent likeness demon, Star River washes the body, star glow is bright, stands erect under Nine Heavens, fell to the slaughter a half Saint, shocks world. 叶凡黑发浓密,如神似魔,星河洗体,星芒烁空,屹立在九天下,将一位半圣给屠掉了,震惊世间 Everyone petrify, inconceivable and looks at that the time frames probably in this flash, making people be about to forget the breath. 所有人都石化,不可思议及看着那一幕,时间像是定格在了这一瞬间,让人都快忘记了呼吸。 Smashes the Holy Domain barrier, defeats ten thousand years of myth, heaven defying cuts down half-Saint, this is Dao Severing person achieves, holds up the head to stand, under Starry Sky reveres alone! 打破圣域壁垒,击破万年神话,逆天半圣,这是一位斩道者做到的,昂首而立,星空下独尊! What I see is real? His slaughter fell a half Saint!” “我所见到的是真的吗?他屠掉了一位半圣啊!” This is a miracle, how can fall a half Saint by the Dao Severing Realm slaughter?” “这是一个奇迹,怎么能以斩道境屠掉一位半圣?” What is his Dao, so swift and fierce aggressive, how I feel like must step on trim Heaven and Earth Great Dao in the under foot......” 他的道是什么,如此凌厉霸气,我怎么觉得像是要将整片天地大道都踩在脚下……” Also has not known how long, people call out in alarm like this make noise, all looks up to the sky nearly miracle the victory, in the each and every one eye reveals the exciting color. 也不知道过了多久,人们才这样惊呼出声,全都仰望天空中近乎神迹般的战果,一个个眼中露出激动的色彩。 Ye Fan makes an effort to shake, the half-Saint forehead fast crack on sharp lance point, is body one sound changed becomes one group of blood light, destroy both body and soul, removes from this world forever. 叶凡用力一震,锋锐枪尖上的半圣眉心快速龟裂,而后是身体“噗”的一声化成一团血光,形神俱灭,永远从这个世上除名。 Very powerful!” Ye Tong is excited, but actually very good to restrain own mood, without displaying exceptionally. 好强大!”叶瞳兴奋不已,但是却很好的克制了自己的情绪,没有表现出异常。 big black dog cursed several, talked to oneself by the sound that the average man cannot hear, said: motherfucker, when repays a debt, this Sovereign wants Innate Saint Physique Dao Embryo enter the world, earlier arrives at the world.” 大黑狗诅咒了几句,以常人根本听不到的声音自语,道:“妈的,什么时候还债啊,本皇想要先天圣体道胎出世,早点来到人间。” Died, a half Saint becomes tribulation ash thoroughly, even blood mist melted completely!” “死了,一位半圣彻底成为劫灰,连血雾都化尽了!” Many people muttered, in the heart surged up, from being startled to song, all does not know that said what was good. 许多人喃喃,心中波澜起伏,由惊到悚,全都不知道说什么好了。 The distant place, Feng Huang heart severe tremor, stares at Ye Fan to keep watching, this person by the Star River slaughter Saint, take action fierce tyranny, making her feel to seem to have met before. 远处,风凰心头剧震不已,盯着叶凡看个不停,此人以星河屠圣,出手霸烈,让她觉得似曾相识。 Inconceivable!” Ji Biyue talked to oneself, is raising the snow white lower jaw, rubbed the Sun hole, reveals look that ponders over, said: Was that person of past comes back?” She shot a look at Feng Huang unknowingly. “不可思议!”姬碧月自语,扬着雪白的下颌,揉了揉太阳穴,露出思忖的神色,道:“难道是昔日的那个人回来了?”她不经意间瞥了一眼风凰 Feng Huang turns around, does not pay attention, does not want to bicker with her, opposite party repeatedly not salty not pale stirs up her mood, making her dark air/Qi live secretly. 风凰转过身去,不予理会,不想与她斗嘴,对方屡次不咸不淡的挑动她的情绪,让她暗气暗生。 Azure-red Clouds city, landslide tsunami, this is the noise that the earliest possible time erupts, people will shock to discuss from now on. 青霞城,山崩海啸,这是第一时间爆发出来的嘈杂声,人们震撼过后全都议论了起来。 Actually is this where sacred? Can say powerful was odd! 这究竟是何方神圣?可以说强大的离谱了! Even Flickering Light King, he can achieve this, although many people feel not to have the issue, he may enemy half-Saint, but has not seen after all with own eyes. 即便是摇光王,他能做到这一步吗,虽然很多人觉得没问题,他可敌半圣,但毕竟没有亲眼见到过。 This Ancient war-god comes back to life simply, is really supernaturally brave, strength pull up mountain the air/Qi is unparalleled, gave to make the fissure with the fist half Holy Artifact.” “这简直上古战神复生,实在神勇,力拔山兮气盖世,用拳头将半圣器都给打出了裂痕。” Many people sighed, this achievement they are also hard to achieve for a lifetime, can only look, is just like the king in person, is impassable. 许多人叹道,这种成就他们一辈子也难以达到,只能仰望,好比人中的王,不可超越。 Ye Fan receives the spear/gun to stand, dark gold spear turnover Star River is glorious, winds around Nine Heavens star glow, after being very long, is gloomy, he arrives under. 叶凡收枪而立,暗金长枪吞吐星河光辉,缭绕九天星芒,很久后才暗淡下去,他降临而下。 Bang “轰” At this moment, people felt that a powerful fluctuation transmitted from that land end, probably two Immemorial ferocious beast are confronting and fighting. 就在这时,人们感觉到了一股强大的波动自那大地尽头传来,像是有两尊太古凶兽在对峙与抗击。 Master!” Li Qingzhou yells makes noise, turns into a band of light to cross the nighttime sky, flew to the distant place, on the face to write all over the worried look. “师傅!”李轻舟喊叫出声,化成一条光带横贯夜空,飞向远方,脸上写满了忧色。 The people see that all recovers, leaves in abundance, leaves this islands, charges into the horizon end outside Azure-red Clouds city, because there has a more fearful showdown. 众人见状,全都回过神来,纷纷动身,离开这座岛屿,冲向青霞城外的地平线尽头,因为那里有一场更为可怕的对决。 Flickering Light King showdown mysterious Human Race Powerhouse, cannot miss!” 摇光王对决神秘人族强者,绝不能错过!” Before then people also think that Flickering Light King can win without doubt, which kind of expert has to be able with him to strive for hegemony at the present? But was different at this time, here has solved a half Saint. 在此之前人们还一致认为摇光王必胜无疑,而今有哪个类高手能与他争雄?可此时不同了,这边已经解决了一位半圣 Peak showdown, Flickering Light King can great war the slaughter half-Saint king among men, who is weak and who is strong?” “巅峰对决,摇光王大战可屠半圣的人中之王,孰弱孰强?” Many person overwhelmed by emotions, ten thousand have not thought that at this night, will have this exciting matter, feels trip has not been made in vain. 许多人心潮澎湃,万没有想到在这个夜晚,会发生这种激动人心的事,觉得不虚此行。 Actually, Ye Fan is first leaves, as soon as the fight ended lowers high sky, the sling arms walk toward the distant place. But the people follow in his rear area, no matter what Li Qingzhou exhausts the method, the show/unfolds moves the holy light technique unable to exceed. 其实,叶凡是第一个动身的,战斗一结束就降下高天,背枪向远方走去。而众人都是跟随在他的后方,任李轻舟用尽手段,展动圣光术也无法超越过去。 Went bad, on the lord the holy light body, this person of True Body hurries to together at the present, can have the big problem?” Young lad complexion snow white. “坏了,主上只是一道圣光身,而今此人真身赶去了,会不会出大问题?”一个童子脸色雪白。 Hurries to hurry back to Holy Land, invites Holy Lord True Body left seclusion, otherwise likely will have the accident/surprise tonight.” Another young lad turns around to walk. “赶紧赶回圣地,去请圣主真身出关,不然今晚可能会发生意外。”另一个童子转身就走。 Li Qingzhou cried loud and long, said: Since is the showdown, but also please fairly!” His heart has the concealed worry, is worried about the major problem. 李轻舟长啸,道:“既然是对决,还请公平到底!”他心有隐忧,担心出大问题。 Shocking great war!” “惊世大战!” People rushed to here finally, front Primal Chaos Qi hit, to the four directions, the terrifying was turbulently boundless. Only can see that two ray of light shades are moving, cannot see clearly their Secret Technique and moves, no one dares to approach, otherwise touches certain death. 人们终于赶到了这里,前方混沌气都打出来了,汹涌向四方,恐怖无边。只能见到两道光影在移动,根本看不清他们的秘术与招法,没有一个人敢过于靠近,不然触之必死 Here is far from the Azure-red Clouds city enough, Ye Fan's Dao Body and Flick­er­ing Light's holy light body has entered in 100,000 mountains, occupies far away from human, will otherwise certainly meet loss of life, Rivers of Blood. 这里距离青霞城足够远,叶凡的道身摇光的圣光身已经打进了十万大山中,远离人类居地,不然必将会生灵涂炭,血流成河 great war had arrived at intensified, two people entered in large field to unshackle, has not retained, Daoist magic heaven shaking, that counted by thousand zhang (3.33 m) high mountain one after another with general that the paper stuck, connected the disintegration under two people attacks. 大战已经到了白热化,二人杀入大野中全都放开了手脚,并没有保留,道法惊天,那一座又一座数以千丈高的大山就跟纸糊的一般,在两人的攻击下接连崩碎。 In this place, the quarry stone puts on spatially, raging waves strikes the shore, in the energy desert volume high sky, two people fought boiling, as if the star moon/month must shake down. 在这个地方,乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,能量瀚海卷上了高天,二人战到了沸腾,仿佛星月都要摇落下来了。 Eastern Wilderness, as the name implies, has the large field Arasawa, the ancient wood wolf forest, the primitive region is endless. 东荒,顾名思意,多有大野荒泽等,古木狼林,原始地域无疆。 Ye Fan with kills in Great Wilderness with Flick­er­ing Light's Dao Body, is startled not to know that many ominous birds and beasts, many are Ancient Variation, is very rare. 叶凡与与摇光的道身杀进大荒中,惊起也不知多少凶禽猛兽,许多都是上古异种,十分罕见。 Often will run out of several Sect Master levels barbarian beast to come, their angry bellowing, but actually cannot stand to strike. People clear sight , an ancient Golden Peng show/unfolds moves the number to explode by the golden body of hundred zhang (333 m) breaks to pieces on the vault of heaven, turns into blood mist. 不时会冲出几头教主级的蛮兽来,它们愤怒的大吼,但却禁受不住一击。人们清晰的见到,一头古金鹏展动数以百丈的金色躯体爆碎在天穹上,化成血雾 The Ye Fan True Body first appearance, naturally does not have take action, watches critically, others hold in awe and veneration to him, does not dare to approach, observes in the distant place. 叶凡真身第一个到场,自然没有出手,冷眼旁观,其他人对他又敬又畏,不敢靠近,都在远处观战。 This is...... really has the person who may strive for hegemony with Flickering Light King appeared outstandingly!” “这是……竟然有可与摇光王争雄的人杰出现了!” Doing not rely on hearsay seeing is believing, in people heart palpitates to tremble, the each and every one whole body breaks into sweat, is this what kind of powerful existence?! 耳听为虚眼见为实,人们心中悸颤,一个个浑身冒冷汗,这是何等的强大的存在啊?! Two people great war, killed the Great Wilderness deep place, left behind place in confusion, in large field sores all over the eye, many mountain range broke, many main peak all vanished. 两人一路大战,杀进了大荒深处,留下一地狼藉,大野中满目疮痍,许多山脉都断了,诸多主峰皆消失。 Ye Fan and Flickering Light open to divide huge valley ravine, enters in Desolate, fierce great war to intensified. 叶凡摇光开劈出一条巨大的谷壑,进入莽荒中,剧烈大战到了白热化 You said who is weak and who is strong, finally who can win?” People discussed in secret, this and other shocking great war concerned every people. “你们说孰弱孰强,最终谁能胜出?”人们私下里议论起来,这等惊世大战牵动了每一人的心。 I thought that Flickering Light King can win, even if that person killed half-Saint, but Flickering Light King overlooks Five Regions for these years, cultivate successfully supreme had passed unreliably.” “我觉得还是摇光王能胜吧,即便那人杀了半圣,但是这么多年来摇光王可是俯视五域,早已修成无上玄通。” Was difficult to say.” Also some people shake the head. “难说。”也有人摇头。 My teacher would certainly win!”, Li Qingzhou said, he is situated in under Starry Sky, gripped tightens the fist, the knuckle turned green, demonstrated his anxious. 我师必胜!”,李轻舟说道,他立于星空下,攥紧了拳头,指节都发青了,显示出了他内心的紧张。 People saw him to say like this, many people followed to nod. 人们见他这样说,有不少人都跟着点头。 Clang!” “锵!” Suddenly, in Desolate spreads intermittent murderous intention, many *** startled changes colors, Flickering Light King fell on unexpectedly leeward. 突然,莽荒中传出阵阵杀机,许多***惊失色,摇光王竟然落在了下风。 The Ye Fan's Dao Body mouth spits the immeasurable light, turns into a say/way sword, cuts to kill ten directions, probably a lightning is equally radiant, cuts the black expansive sky, incomparable dazzling. 叶凡的道身口吐无量光,化成一柄道剑,斩杀十方,像是一道闪电一样璀璨,划破黑色的长空,无比的刺目。 Flickering Light coldly shouted, divine light boiling outside his body, he seems like a Holy Furnace flaming combustion, sent out magnanimous Blood Qi and boundless divine force. 摇光冷喝,在其躯体外神光沸腾,他像是一座圣炉般熊熊燃烧,发出了海量的血气与磅礴的神力 Kills!” “杀!” Flickering Light King shouts out, he nearly suffered a loss a moment ago, at this time revealed murderous intention, the matchless holy light technique display, Myriad Laws does not invade in an instant! 摇光王大喝,刚才他险些吃大亏,此时露出了杀机,举世无双的圣光术展出,刹那间万法不侵! This is Flickering Light invincible one big depends on, this technique, Innate is in an impregnable position!” “这是摇光无敌的一大倚仗,此术一出,先天立于不败之地!” „The holy light technique for the world one certainly, evolved endless Secret Art, can shake any expert, Flickering Light King is compelled this unexpectedly?” 圣光术为天下一绝,藉此演化出了无尽秘法,可撼动任何高手,摇光王竟被逼到了这一步吗?” People were startled, turn very quiet, the atmosphere do not dare to leave, observed anxiously. 人们吃惊,屏住了呼吸,大气都不敢出,紧张观战。 Bang “轰隆” Flickering Light body eternal Holy Furnace, the air/Qi swallows Mountains and Rivers, the full black hair dances in the air, puts the path that makes a debut, even more mysterious immeasurable. 摇光身化永恒圣炉,气吞山河,满头黑发飞舞,划出道的轨迹,越发神秘莫测了。 At this time, he raises hand to lift becomes the natural justice fully, coincides with the say/way, clear roar, the large expanse of palatial mountain peak turns into fine powder, brave crown world. 此时,他举手抬足都自成天理,与道相合,一声清啸,成片的巍峨山峰化成齑粉,勇冠天下。 His arm shakes, this Mountains and Rivers is all bad, the river flows backwards to the day, holy light sweeps, this universe all trembles, the star moon/month does not have up. 他臂膀一震,这山河皆坏,长河倒流向天,圣光一扫,这乾坤皆颤,星月无光。 He is strong, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, this piece of Great Wilderness was almost destroyed by him thoroughly, razes to the ground, wants forcing Ye Fan's Dao Body. 他强势起来,摧枯拉朽,这片大荒都差点被他彻底毁灭,夷为平地,想要力压叶凡的道身 Ye Fan cried loud and long, did not drop the wind, he inundated the Heavenly Star splendor to fight in the hauling unexpectedly, everywhere Star River let fall, let around him the white piece. 叶凡长啸,不落下风,他竟然在牵引漫天星辉而战,漫天星河垂落而下,让他周围白茫茫一片。 And finally, can see Sun and Moon revolves around him, the big star is boundless, innumerable Ancient Star presents the four directions, surrounds the center him. 到了最后,可以看到在他周围日月转动,大星磅礴,数不清的古星出现四方,将他环绕中央。 This seems like piece of universe Star Domain, he is situated in the center, condenses various types of light, casts silver divine spear that stars turned into, destroys the hardest defenses, thorn to Flickering Light. 这像是一片宇宙星域,他立于中心,凝聚各种光,铸成了一把星辰化成的银色神枪,无坚不摧,刺向摇光 great war to intensified, Ye Fan by the spear pierces that the stars cast to the enemy, sparks ra­di­ate all around, because Flick­er­ing Light's holy light turned into Holy Furnace, prevented the attack, sonorous ear-spitting. 大战到了白热化,叶凡以星辰铸成的枪刺向敌人,火星四射,因为摇光的圣光化成了一座圣炉,阻挡攻击,铿锵震耳。 dang! 当! This 13,008 th time is Ye Fan punctured divine spear, strikes before the Flick­er­ing Light's forehead, there has Holy Furnace to block, being hard little advance, dazzling sparks ra­di­ate all around. 这是叶凡第一万三千零八次刺出神枪,击在摇光的眉心前,那里有一个圣炉挡住,难以寸进,只有耀眼的火星四射 Bang!” “轰!” Flickering Light promotes the imposing manner again, oneself melted in Holy Furnace quickly, Blood Qi and holy light were dreadful, probably splitting heaven and earth apart eternal copper furnace, the extrusion filled Great Wilderness. 摇光再一次提升气势,自身都快融于圣炉中了,血气圣光滔天,像是开天辟地的永恒铜炉,挤压满了大荒 The distant place, everyone trembles, many people crash in the place directly, cannot bear scared, is hard to move, probably stared by Immemorial Ferocious Beast. 远处,所有人都颤栗,许多人直接坠落在地,忍不住胆寒,难以动弹一下,像是被一头太古凶兽盯上了。 Was too terrifying, no wonder will swing light king one, who with fighting said!” “太恐怖了,难怪会有摇‘光王一出,谁与争锋’之说!” People were all scared. 人们全都发毛了。 At this time the Flickering Light body and holy light furnace coincide , to promote into the boundary of One with the Heaven unexpectedly, blends with Heaven and Earth Great Dao, raising hand to lift fully is Dao Principle. 此时摇光身与圣光炉相合,竟晋升入天人合一之境,与天地大道交融,举手抬足都是道则 One with the Heaven, Daoist magic nature.” Flickering Light clear roar, forward suppress. 天人合一,道法自然。”摇光清啸,向前镇压 Ye Fan is also shouts out, is entirely different from him, the Essence, Qi and Spirit extremely fast promotion, wants to break through all fetters of this world, each drop of blood turned into life-bearing ancient planet, Dao Bone becomes Star River! 叶凡也是一声大喝,与他截然不同,精气神极速提升,想要突破这个世界的一切束缚,每一滴血都化成了生命古星,道骨成为了星河 But in the under foot, presents a continuously big Dao Traces mark, he is situated in there fearlessly, all steps on these big Dao Traces marks in the under foot, grasps strikes by divine spear that the stars cast goes forward. 而在脚下,出现一缕缕大道痕迹,他昂然立于那里,将这些大道痕迹全部踩在脚下,手持以星辰铸成的神枪击向前去。 Two people collide fiercely, divine force affects Six Directions and Eight Desolates, had the big collapse, rips Yue Lietian, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. 两人剧烈碰撞,神力波及六合八荒,发生了大崩溃,撕岳裂天,摧枯拉朽 Flickering Light King One with the Heaven, Myriad Laws does not invade, the body splits the immeasurable light! 摇光王天人合一,万法不侵,身绽无量光! He resembled Dao Fusion in this moment, oneself turned into metallic feel brilliant Holy Furnace , when turned on the cover, the turnover Sun and Moon essence, spurted thin colorful immortal rosy clouds, then fast received Ye Fan. 在这一刻他似合道了,自身化成一座金属质感的绚烂圣炉,哐当一声打开了盖子,吞吐日月菁华,喷薄艳艳仙霞,而后快速将叶凡收了进去。 In this process, 100,000 mountains are shaking, Sun, Moon and Stars must crash, the terrifying is boundless. 在这个过程中,十万大山都在摇动,日月星辰都要坠落了下来,恐怖无边。 People are shocked! 人们震惊! I had said that no one is the rival of my master, Saint, my master is the person lord!” Li Qingzhou cannot bear say. “我早就说了,没有人是我师的敌手,圣人不出,我师便是人主!”李轻舟忍不住说道。 even/including Tudiao doesn't the half-Saint king among men beat?” The people all call out in alarm. “连屠掉半圣的人中之王都不敌吗?”众人皆惊呼。 My master is invincible!” Li Qingzhou said proudly. “吾师无敌!”李轻舟傲然道。 Flickering Light King is really matchless, the profound merit is unparalleled, unmatched in the world, who can offend the front?!” People startled regretted, many trembling said. 摇光王真的是举世无双啊,玄功盖世,天下无敌,谁可撄锋?!”人们都惊憾了,许多人都颤声道。 Bang!” “砰!” Suddenly, the huge sound spreads, that suppress is shaking in Between Heaven and Earth Holy Furnace fiercely, the furnace lid almost must be raised flies. 突然,巨大的声响传出,那口镇压天地间圣炉在剧烈摇动,炉盖几乎要被掀飞。 ka-cha 喀嚓 The Holy Furnace wall crack, a section of sharp lance point punctured thoroughly, was under the nighttime sky so dazzling. 圣炉壁龟裂,一截锋锐的枪尖刺透了出来,是夜空下是如此的刺目。 The Holy Furnace whole body is the crack, the comprehensive crack, then sends out deafening thundering, blasts out thoroughly, Ye Fan long body. 圣炉满身都是裂纹,全面龟裂,而后发出一阵震耳欲聋的轰鸣,彻底炸开,叶凡长身而出。 On Nine Heavens, Star River let fall, white piece, holy incomparable, he bathes in the radiant star splendor! 九天上,一道道星河垂落,白茫茫一片,圣洁无比,他沐浴在璀璨星辉当中! The scene is completely silent! 现场鸦雀无声! On April 1, the size is also a holiday, actually I want to come in the sentence history the strongest joke, but after being afraid of getting into trouble, by everyone suppress. Ok, strove for honestly ***, needed everyone's one to guarantee a minimum *** support. 四月 1 日,大小也是个节日,其实我很想来句史上最强玩笑的,但怕事后被大家镇压。算了,还是老老实实求***吧,需要大家的一张保底***支持。 . . .
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