STH :: Volume #11

#1047: Star River slaughter Saint

Chapter 1045 Star River slaughter Saint 第1045章星河屠圣 In the nighttime sky, two Dao Body shades spell in the strength, the Black Gold long spear/gun to blood-color Battle Spear, makes noise sonorously, every collides one time the bright spark, they pass the lightning quickly. 夜空中,两道身影在力拼,黑金长枪对血色战矛,铿锵作响,每一次都碰撞出灿烂的火花,他们快逾闪电。 Two people fly the boundless vault of heaven, flickers to transfer to another place from a place, probably is crossing the space and time, is splitting brilliant appearance all over the body, powerful aura is fearful. 两人飞上苍茫天穹,从一个地方瞬移到另一地方,像是在横穿时空,通体都在绽宝辉,强大气机慑人。 Ye Fan great war half-Saint, does not drop the wind, the incarnation is the lightning, launched the Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering big showdown, this is the collision of cultivation, follows thunderously rumble! 叶凡大战半圣,不落下风,化身为闪电,展开了惊天动地的大对决,这是道行的碰撞,伴随隆隆雷鸣! Two people have to flaming the light to fly to shoot, making the star moon/month change colors gloomily, powerful fluctuation like one piece *** fluctuating, vast boundless! 两人身上有炽光在飞射,让星月都暗淡失色,强大的波动如一片***起伏,浩瀚无边! The people shock, although two lift-off number at ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, but divine ability | energy can by the sensation, many people be moved cannot move, weak on the ground. 众人震撼,尽管那两人离地数以万丈高,但是神能还是可以被感知,很多人一动不能动,瘫软在了地上。 Buzz “嗡” The dazzling light departs, the Ye Fan horizontal spear/gun comes, the Black Gold long spear/gun sweeps piece, making Sun, Moon and Stars as if shake, brilliance everywhere. 刺目的光飞出,叶凡横枪而来,黑金长枪扫出一片乌芒,让日月星辰都仿佛摇颤了起来,光辉漫天。 „” And „”...... “哧”、“哧”…… ray of light projects together, each thick like the mountain, the Black Gold long spear/gun spurts the thin everywhere spear/gun glow, flaws that the arched color will puncture on this day! 一道道光射出,每一条都粗大如岳,黑金长枪喷薄漫天枪芒,将这天穹色刺的千疮百孔! Half Holy Force resists, he was really shocked, this person of strength compares favorably with him sufficiently, in the hand dark gold spear every penetrates the universe one time, the energy is incomparable, making him unable to ventilate quickly. 圣力抗,他真的震惊了,此人战力足以媲美他,手中一杆暗金长枪每一次都击穿天宇,能量无匹,让他都快透不过气来。 Eight Restrictions! 八禁 This is inevitable, only has Eight Restrictions Dao Severing person to resist half-Saint, otherwise comes up to die! 这是必然的,也唯有八禁斩道者才能抵住半圣,不然上来就得死! dark gold spear spurts thin Qiangmang, crashes just like Milky Way, boundless piece, endless, murderous aura rolls up and pushes along Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, startled regrets Human World. 暗金长枪喷薄枪芒,宛如银河坠落,茫茫一片,无边无沿,杀气卷动九天十地,惊憾人世间 dang! 当! The metal hands over engine knock in Er, that shield of half-Saint left hand sends out certainly puts on the sound of gold splitting stone intermittently, above various rune all glitter, resists spear/gun glow. 金属交击声绝于耳,半圣左手的那口盾牌发出阵阵穿金裂石之音,上面的各种符文全都闪烁,抵住一道道枪芒。 Ye Fan punctures 937 spears/guns continually, sharp Black Gold lance point turnover point, flaming dazzling, winds around Great Dao ripples, although every was resisted by that ancient shield one time, but Dao Traces actually succeeds to proliferate. 叶凡连刺九百三十七枪,锋锐的黑金枪尖吞吐锋芒,炽盛刺目,缭绕一圈大道涟漪,尽管每一次都被那口古盾抵住,但是道痕却成功扩散出。 half-Saint body severe tremor, the fingers/tiger mouth collapses a bloodstain, the blood long class/flow, incarnadine hand that holds the shield, and after saying the wave spreads, makes him entire have the body to shiver. 半圣身体剧震,虎口崩出一道血痕,鲜血长流,染红了持盾的手,且道波扩散后让他整具躯体都在颤动。 He shows the inconceivable look, this opponent was too strong, almost breaks through the Holy Domain barrier, enters another Realm to come, making him a little scared. 他露出不可思议的神色,这个对手太强了,差点突破圣域壁垒,打进另一个境界来,让他都有点胆寒。 Sufficed!” “够了!” half-Saint shouts out, after having kept off the attack of this round of violent storm, both eyes seem like two Divine Lantern to be equally radiant, projects the torch same light beam, shoots through Void. 半圣大喝,挡过这一轮狂风暴雨的攻击后,双目像是两盏神灯一样璀璨,射出火炬一样的光束,射穿虚空 His supernatural might is incomparable, the full hair silk dances in the air, the arm shakes trillion strength, the blood-color lance turnover scarlet rosy cloud in right hand, probably Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold casts, fluctuation that the sending out selling person soul trembles! 他神武无比,满头发丝飞舞,手臂一震有亿万均之力,右手中的血色长矛吞吐赤霞,像是凰血赤金铸成,散发出让人灵魂颤栗的波动! Clang “锵” half-Saint launched the swift and fierce counter-attack, in the hand this bright red Battle Spear seemed like bleeding, had a life, point thorns to the Ye Fan's strategic point. 半圣展开了凌厉的反击,手中这杆鲜红的战矛像是在淌血,有了一种生命,锋芒一次次刺向叶凡的要害。 The trim nighttime sky becomes the scarlet red, wound around by half-Saint Blood Qi, his swift and fierce attack is peerless, a lance punctures, the myriad things all destroy, cannot withstand. 整片夜空都成为了赤红色,被半圣血气所缭绕,他的凌厉攻击绝世无比,一矛刺出,万物皆毁,根本承受不住。 In the Ye Fan pupil twinkle magnificent light, meets the approaching enemy furiously, with the spear/gun to the lance, both collides unceasingly, shakes flaming lightnings, tears the universe. 叶凡眸子中闪烁光华,奋力迎击,以枪对矛,两者不断碰撞,震出一道道炽盛的闪电,撕裂天宇。 „” “哧” Blood-color divine glow projects together, delimits the expansive sky more radiant than the comet, scratches the Ye Fan's ear bank to fly, the thick air/Qi glow hit in the far mountain, the large expanse of palatial mountain peak vanishes in a puff of smoke, becomes a stretch of flat land. 一道血色神芒射出,比彗星划过长空还璀璨,擦着叶凡的耳畔飞过,粗大的气芒撞击在远山,成片的巍峨山峰灰飞烟灭,成为一片平地。 Buzz “嗡” Scarlet blood Battle Spear trembles lightly, divine glow one after another projects from the lance front, is angry to swallow the potential of Mountains and Rivers, making Ye Fan change color, has to contend full power. 赤血战矛轻颤,一道又一道的神芒自矛锋射出,有气吞山河之势,让叶凡都变色,不得不全力抗衡。 „” “咻” Also the blood-color spear/gun glow pastes the Ye Fan's body to fly together to the distant place, falls on land end ancient city, 'pu' sound, sent out a piece of blazing light, the half-Saint lance light turned into tribulation ash a city. 又一道血色的枪芒贴着叶凡的身体飞向远方,落在大地尽头的一座古城,噗的一声,发出一片炽烈的光,半圣的矛光将一座城池化成了劫灰 Everyone changed the color, the attack of half-Saint is peerless, was too sharp, this is only overflow wisp of lance front divine light that's all, will ruin a city, does not know that many innocent lives were driven to death after suffering an injustice. 所有人都变了颜色,半圣的攻击绝世无匹,太犀利了,这仅是溢出的一缕矛锋神光而已,就会毁掉了一座城池,也不知有多少无辜的生命枉死。 You damn!” The Ye Fan eye stood, in the mouth gets angry shouts, the opposite party is unscrupulous, did not fear that the blood dyes Southern Region, dying many Human Race is impossible to love dearly. “你该死!”叶凡眼睛立了起来,口中怒喝道,对方肆无忌惮,根本就不怕血染南域,死多少人族都不可能心疼。 One crowd of ants that's all, die pities insufficient.” half-Saint only then such a few words. “一群蝼蚁而已,死不足惜。”半圣只有这样一句话。 To/Clashes your words, I must your spear/gun crack!” In the Ye Fan mouth shouted, the body lifted off 20,000 zhang (3.33 m) high, avoided aftermath touching the land again, the light shock and awe will of the people in eye pupil, “就冲你这句话,我也要将你枪裂!”叶凡口中喝道,躯体升空两万丈高,避免余波再次触及大地,眼眸中的光震慑人心, half-Saint sneers, the black shield of left hand held to refer to with him continually in one, just like having the life, right hand blood-color Battle Spear blended in the nighttime sky, swallowed Heaven and Earth. 半圣只是冷笑,左手的黑盾与他掌指连在了一起,宛如有生命,右手血色战矛交融于夜空中,吞噬天地 Bang “轰” He had a side universe to press, true Saint Might appeared, so-called half-Saint was one foot treads into the Saint domain, can sometimes show Saint Might! 他带着一方天宇压了下来,真正的圣威出现,所谓半圣是一只脚踏入了圣人领域,有时能展现出圣威 At this moment, he deducts incisively this power and influence, the greatest display, oppresses others by the potential, wants to be killed by shock Ye Fan while still alive in Void. 此刻,他将这种威势演绎到淋漓尽致,最大程度的发挥出来,以势压人,想将叶凡活活震死在虚空中。 Ye Fan whole body powerful aura is reserved, the pore absorbs ten directions Essence Qi, Eight Restrictions promotes to the limit domain, opens the Holy Domain barrier, the whole body, although blooms without magnificent light, fills the air without Blood Qi, but actually as strong as the extreme. 叶凡浑身强大的气机内敛,毛孔吸收十方精气,八禁提升到极限领域,堪堪撑开圣域壁垒,浑身虽无光华绽放,无血气弥漫,但却强到极点。 half-Saint will put in order the blood lance to treat as big stick swing to get down, brings dreadful Saint Might, but the Ye Fan eye pupil writes all over to be unyielding and unwilling, the horizontal spear/gun on, meets by spear shaft hardly. 半圣将整条血矛当作大棍轮动下来,带着滔天的圣威,而叶凡眼眸写满不屈与不甘,横枪而上,以枪杆硬接。 Works as “当” This strikes, demons weeping, spirits crying, the metal vibrato the disruption that this piece of vault of heaven shakes, then annihilation, even two people rose the number at ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, in the land the hills were affected, above the halfway up the mountainside changes into the dust in dazzling magnificent light. 这一击,鬼哭神嚎,金属颤音将这片天穹震的碎裂,而后湮灭,即便两人上升了数以万丈高,大地上还是有一片群山受到波及,半山腰以上在刺目的光华中化为尘埃。 „......” “啊……” Some expert called out pitifully, these people for clear witness half Saint-level great war, rose the upper air, although had not been affected by divine ability | energy, but this metal handed over the engine knock actually to pierce their ear bones, the both ears blood flowed. 一些高手惨叫,这些人为了清晰的目睹半圣级大战,上升到了高空,虽未被神能波及,但是这种金属交击声却刺穿了他们的耳骨,双耳鲜血流淌。 The Ye Fan within the body vitality turns wells up, probably the Yangtze River wild waves flow generally, exude the intermittent thunderous sound, the body surface and Kong hair have a flaming light reserved, almost attacks. 叶凡体内气血翻涌,像是长江骇浪一般流动,发出阵阵雷鸣声,体表与孔毛内敛有一种炽盛的光,差点冲击出来。 „Is this Saint Might?” In his heart shocks, was really aloof the category of human, powerful such as his physique was almost shattered by this Dao Traces fluctuation. “这就是圣威吗?”他心中震撼,果然是超脱了人类的范畴,强大如他的体质都都差点被这种道痕波动震裂。 However, he blocked eventually, successfully receives shockingly this strikes. 但是,他终究是挡住了,成功接下这惊世一击。 Eight Restrictions Boundary in legend!” Feng Huang, Ji Biyue, Li Qingzhou wait/etc. all shocked, this person was too powerful, really resisted half-Saint! “传说中的八禁领域!”风凰姬碧月李轻舟等全都震撼,此人太强大了,真的抵住了半圣 Bang “轰” In this moment, the half-Saint corners of the mouth sneered, bringing endless killing intent to launch a more terrifying attack, the black shield and Heaven and Earth that then originally used as the defense blended, there are tens of thousands of wisp of say/way waves to shake, divided the day to cover under. 在这一刻,半圣嘴角冷笑,带着无尽的杀意展开了更为恐怖的攻击,原本那作为防御用的黑盾与天地交融,有成千上万缕道波震出,劈天盖地而下。 This shield turned into a black mountain, is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, and there are innumerable Divine Order Chain, the blood lance is pressing dark gold spear, at this time he took out this weapon, Saint Might is also unapproachable. 此盾化成了一座黑色的大山,高有万丈,且有无数条秩序神链,血矛压着暗金长枪,此时他又祭出这件兵器,圣威无可匹敌。 The Ye Fan pupil light is fearful, in this time his swing fist, welcomed unexpectedly directly black shield mountain that brings Holy Might overflowing the Heavens, magnificent light was reserved, invincible fist intent tyrant certainly Heaven and Earth. 叶凡眸光慑人,在这一时刻他竟轮动拳头,径直迎上了带着滔天圣威的黑色盾山,光华内敛,无敌拳意霸绝天地 „Was he insane?!” “他疯了吗?!” Meets the approaching enemy the half-Saint weapon by the fist, isn't this courts death?!” “以拳头迎击半圣的兵器,这不是找死吗?!” Everyone calls out in alarm, is incomprehensible, if this hits in the same place, the fist must become bloody pulp, how can block half Holy Artifact! 所有人都惊呼,不能理解,这要是撞在一起,拳头必成血泥,怎么能挡住半圣器 Many people do not endure to witness, this is shocking person, may intercept half-Saint in the expansive sky, the strength shakes the prestige of Holy Domain, like this melted the bone to be really a pity. 许多人都不忍目睹,这是一个惊艳的人杰,可于长空拦击半圣,力撼圣域之威,这样化骨实在太可惜了。 half-Saint the corners of the mouth have the callous happy expression, has he been able to foresee the picture that this inconceivable Human Race Powerhouse bleeds, how Eight Restrictions? Must die! 半圣的的嘴角带着冷酷的笑意,他已能预见这名不可思议的人族强者喋血的画面,八禁又如何?还是得死! Thump “咚” However, in a Divine Court day drum bellow, the Ye Fan's fist has not turned into bloody pulp, unexpectedly flying upside down that this black shield mountain hit. 然而,在一声神庭天鼓般的轰鸣声中,叶凡的拳头没有化成血泥,竟将这黑色的盾山打的倒飞了起来。 ka-cha!” 喀嚓!” On the shield mountain presented several fissures unexpectedly, the body of half-Saint left half side shakes tingles with numbness, the look that a face cannot believe that the corners of the mouth overflow a wisp of blood, flew horizontally. 盾山上面竟然出现了几道裂痕,震的半圣左半侧的身子发麻,一脸不敢相信的神色,嘴角溢出一缕鲜血,横飞了出去。 The flesh and blood shakes half Holy Artifact wins to leave hardly, this is what kind of overbearing, startled people like petrify, each and every one are dumbfounded. 血肉之躯硬撼半圣器出,这是何等的霸道,惊的人们如同石化,一个个目瞪口呆。 This is possible, can the flesh and blood shake half Holy Artifact? Simply like fantasy story!” “这怎么可能,血肉之躯可撼半圣器?简直如同天方夜谭般!” However, the fact puts at present, people have to believe that this real occurrence. 然而,事实摆在眼前,人们不得不相信,这真实的发生了。 How he resisted a moment ago, must know that shield mountain Keshi brings Holy Might overflowing the Heavens, what physique he is, dares by the fist to the bang?” “刚才他是怎么抗住的,要知道那盾山可是带着滔天圣威啊,他到底是什么体质,敢以拳头对轰?” „Is this...... second Human Race's Saint Physique?!” “这……难道是第二具人族圣体?!” Saying that people shock, this result really heaven defying. Feng Huang brow slightly pressed, stared at Ye Fan to look at a care. Ji Biyue is also heart severe tremor, talked to oneself: Was that person of past comes back?” 人们震撼的说道,这个结果实在逆天风凰眉头微蹙,盯着叶凡看了个仔细。姬碧月也是心头剧震,自语道:“难道是昔日的那个人回来了?” Some cultivator made such association, abatement Human Race's Saint Physique had beyond 10% hopes, but also who can was the physique so terrifying? 有部分修士都做出了这样的联想,除却人族圣体有10%希望外,还有谁能的体质如此恐怖? „It is not right, is Human Race's Saint Physique cannot catch Saint Might.” “不对,就是人族圣体也不能接住圣威。” Many people are surprised uncertain, has not seen dreadful golden blood energy, does not have the familiar Saint Physique strength to rush, does not tally. 许多人都惊疑不定,并没有见到滔天的黄金血气,也没有熟悉的圣体战力澎湃,根本不相符。 half-Saint clear roar, the sound wave thunders, collapsing Void, making Ye Fan fall into among black holes, gloomy dense/woods say/way: „The ants of acting recklessly, ended all!” 半圣一声清啸,音波轰鸣,震塌虚空,让叶凡陷入一片黑洞间,冷森森的道:“不知死活的蝼蚁,一切到此结束吧!” His comprehensive show/unfolds moves Holy Domain Law, the whole body is connected with over ten thousand rate/lead Great Dao current ripple marks, probably is driving over ten thousand great mountain, the Heaven and Earth collapse of oppression. 他全面展动圣域法则,周身与上万率大道波痕相连,像是带动着上万座大岳,压迫的天地崩坏。 This is the Saint's initial approach, is one foot treads in the strongest attack that this Realm's half-Saint can show!” “这是圣人的初步手段,是一只脚踏在这一境界的半圣所能展现的最强攻击!” Holy Domain Law! 圣域法则 Bang “轰” Between Heaven and Earth blazing up to interweave, constructs the brand-new order, this is a new world, in splitting heaven and earth apart, endless Primal Chaos Qi is filling the air! 天地间炽光交织,构筑全新的秩序,这是一个新世界,正在开天辟地,无尽混沌气弥漫! The midpoint only has a half Saint to revere alone, the show/unfolds moves the both legs, wields the both arms, the myriad things are all bad, he is opening side Small World, wants to turn into tribulation ash Ye Fan. 正中央唯有一位半圣独尊,展动双腿,挥动双臂,万物皆坏,他在开辟一方小世界,想把叶凡化成劫灰 In this Small World, he opens the day only control, such as immortal Deity, whole body flowing brilliant appearance, suppress Ye Fan. 在这个小世界中,他是开天的唯一主宰,如一尊不朽的神灵,浑身流动宝辉,镇压叶凡 The great axe chops, 33 Saint tower suppress, Heaven and Earth initial large bell thunders...... 巨斧劈来,三十三层圣塔镇压而下,天地初始的大钟轰鸣…… In this side world, Primal Chaos is turbulent, when various Heaven and Earth inaugurate the magic weapon all presently, was the half-Saint sacrifice refining up the lifetime painstaking care to crystallize, when it opened Small World, with Holy Domain Law about in the same place, killed. 这方世界内,混沌汹涌,各种天地初开时的法宝皆现,是半圣祭炼了一生的心血结晶,在其开辟小世界时,与圣域法则合在一起,射杀过来。 This is a fearful scene! 这是一片可怕的景象! Under Holy Domain is the ants, in my eyes you are base and low insect, send you off!” half-Saint shouts out. 圣域之下皆是蝼蚁,在我眼中你不过是一只卑微的虫子,送你上路!”半圣大喝 Bang!” “轰!” Heaven and Earth thunders, splitting heaven and earth apart aura fills the air, various ancient weapon vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, twisted to break to pieces this piece of Heaven and Earth, half-Saint Divine Order Chain pierced every inchs the space. 天地轰鸣,开天辟地气机弥漫而出,各种古兵纵横,绞碎了这片天地,半圣秩序神链刺穿了每一寸空间。 People dumbfounded, this cannot contend, Holy Domain separated Saint and person, huge difference, this existence is unable to defeat, Ye Fan certain death without doubt. 人们都呆住了,这根本不能抗衡,圣域隔开了“圣”与“人”,天壤之别,这种存在无法战胜,叶凡必死无疑。 Roar......” “吼……” Ye Fan cried loud and long, holds dark gold spear on to strike Nine Heavens, under to puncture Nine Nethers in Primal Chaos Qi, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth, broke out Primal Chaos vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered unexpectedly! 叶凡长啸,持暗金长枪混沌气中上击九天、下刺九幽,纵横天上地下,竟劈开了混沌 His each pore in the turnover essence, in that Starry Sky, all star splendors lets fall, waters his within the body, lets fall just like the Nine Heavens Milky Way waterfall. 他的每一个毛孔都在吞吐精华,在那星空中,所有星辉都垂落下来,浇灌进他的体内,宛如九天银河瀑布垂落。 His fleshly body, bone and blood turned into Ancient Star, the number are also countless, having Star River is radiant, having the big star is boundless, becomes a beautiful scenery! 恍惚间,他的肉身、骨头、血液化成了一颗颗古星,数也数不尽,有星河璀璨,有大星磅礴,成为一种胜景! In his within the body, each drop of blood is life-bearing ancient planet, has Sun and Moon to rotate, having Star Domain is vast, in the stars with universe corresponds, passes is sending the air/Qi of eternal great changes. 在他的体内,每一滴血都是一颗生命古星,有日月轮转,有星域浩瀚,与天宇中的繁星对应起来,透发着万古沧桑之气。 Bang “轰” Thunders, Ye Fan brandishes dark gold spear, ruptured that half-Saint Small World selects, black spear body bathes in the star light, punctures thoroughly to prevent. 一声轰鸣,叶凡抡动暗金长枪,将半圣小世界挑的崩开了,黑色枪体沐浴在星光中,刺透一切阻挡。 His flesh stars, Dao Bone becomes Star River, evolves myriad things initial aura. His say/way is revolving, Carrying Heaven and holding Earth, comprehensive, the essence of accumulated universe. 他血肉化星辰,道骨星河,演化万物初始的气机。他的道在运转,承天载地,包罗万有,蕴宇宙之精。 Ye Fan wields the long spear/gun, immediately Star River gallop, oneself body raises hundred to pass through in a furnace, accommodates ten thousand in one body, at this time his spear/gun seems like can puncture the next quarter stars! 叶凡挥动长枪,顿时有一条条星河奔腾出,己身养百经于一炉,容万道于一身,此时他一枪像是可以刺下一刻星辰来! A Ye Fan spear pierces leaves, half-Saint flew horizontally, the black shield and a blood lance all cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, in the mouth spurts the blood, is hard to resist. 叶凡一枪刺出,半圣横飞了出去,黑盾与血矛全都寸寸碎裂,口中喷血,难以抵抗。 half-Saint is very terrified, Small World ruined, but his body was also pierced, life-force is withered, this makes him be hard to accept, solemn half-Saint defeated unexpectedly. 半圣无比悚然,小世界毁掉了,而他的肌体亦被洞穿,生机干枯,这让他难以接受,堂堂半圣竟然败了。 “噗” Ye Fan within the body Dao Bone turns into Star River, flows the bright light, is indistinct obvious life big stars to rotate, his spear pierces enters the half-Saint forehead, nails tight it in Void. 叶凡体内道骨化成星河,流动出灿烂的光,隐约间可见一颗颗生命大星在转动,他一枪刺进半圣的眉心,将其钉死在虚空中。 half-Saint also only this much!” The indifferent words reverberate in the expansive sky, let under Starry Sky beside shed this silence. 半圣不过如此!”冷漠的话语在长空中回响,让星空下舍此之外一片寂静。
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