STH :: Volume #11

#1046: half-Saint

Chapter 1044 half-Saint 第1044章半圣 In islands completely silent, actually he is , must strike half-Saint by True Body, by another Dao Body to Flickering Light King, said that who can believe?! 岛屿上鸦雀无声,他究竟是是何人,要以真身半圣,以另一具道身摇光王,说出去谁能相信?! This was what kind of, but at present this person makes such choice, was dumbfounded stunning, could not speak. 这是何等了得,而眼前此人就是做出了这样的选择,让人瞠目结舌,都说不出话来。 The atmosphere is somewhat strange, after short dreariness, people open the mouth finally, each and every one is especially excited, all gripped tightened the fist. 现场气氛有些诡异,短暂的沉寂后,人们才终于开口,一个个情绪格外激动,全都攥紧了拳头。 Was too strong, dares a person alone to Flickering Light King and a half Saint, is really inconceivable.” “太强势了,竟敢一人独对摇光王一位半圣,真是不可思议。” But he has such strength, Dao Body will strike Flickering Light King, True Body will fight half-Saint, really like fantasy story!” “可他有这样的实力吗,道身摇光王,真身将战半圣,真如天方夜谭般!” I thought to misunderstand, he dared to do that really thinks were one person lord the reincarnation?” “我以为听错了,他竟敢这么做,真以为自己是人主转世吗?” I was mistaken that Saint Physique came back, but is he also not necessarily has this strength, this person may really be air/Qi swallows Mountains and Rivers, big imposing attitude!” “我误以为圣体回来了,可就是他也不见得有这种战力,此人可真是气吞山河,好大的气魄!” People shock, Ye Fan is strong and aggressive, did not bluster, but really dares to do this, really made people unable to believe. 人们震撼,叶凡强势而霸气,并非虚张声势,而是真的敢这样做,实在让人们不敢相信。 However, Flickering Light King has not accepted a challenge, shakes the head, said: I and you am not acquainted, does not have the gratitude and grudges, why can begin?” 然而,摇光王并未应战,摇了摇头,道:“我与你并不相识,也无恩怨,为何要动手呢?” Compares notes that's all.” Ye Fan only then these four characters. “切磋而已。”叶凡只有这四个字。 My family Holy Lord can it be that is casual a person to challenge, you are not good, nameless airless, but also far of difference, if that Saint Physique returns also reluctantly.” “我家圣主岂是随便一个人就能挑战的,你根本不行,无名无气,还差的远,若是那圣体归来还勉强可以。” A Flickering Light behind young lad opens the mouth, is rousing the cheek help/gang, felt that a Ye Fan person must fight from Family Lord on alone with a half Saint, is to bringing disgrace on Flickering Light lineage/vein, spoke the taunt. 摇光身后的一名童子开口,鼓着腮帮,感觉叶凡一人要独战自家主上与一位半圣,是对摇光一脉的辱没,出言嘲讽。 I and your Family Lord person spoke, you best be more peaceful.” The Ye Fan's Dao Body smile, with a hand point, clear splendor projects together, the mouth of young lad opened, immediately could not speak. “我与你家主人说话,你最好还是安静一些。”叶凡的道身微笑,用手一点,一道清辉射出,童子的嘴巴张了张,顿时说不出话来。 You......” another young lad startled anger, in the eye slightly has the fear, but actually does not dare to say anything. “你……”另一名童子惊怒,眼中略有恐惧,但却不敢多说什么了。 Actually you are, dares to offend the dignity of my master? Dissolute!” Outside eight hundreds of zhang (333 m), Li Qingzhou shouted, until this time his body also in convulsion. “你究竟是谁,敢冒犯我师之尊严?过于放肆!”八百丈外,李轻舟断喝,直到此时他的身体还在痉挛。 Boisterous.” Ye Fan waves again, sweeps off forward. “聒噪。”叶凡再次挥手,向前扫去。 The Flickering Light pupil light is flaming, said: This Dao Brother was rather strong!” 摇光眸光炽盛,道:“这位道兄未免过于强势了!” His right arm show/unfolds moves, the five fingers pinch seal, just like Heju, having one type saying that unclear Dao Traces, has delimited a laminar flow light, the pecking to the Ye Fan's wrist/skill. 他右臂展动,五指捏印,犹如鹤嘴,带着一种说不明的道痕,划过一片流光,啄向叶凡的手腕。 Although the Martial Artist movement in taking the form of mortal, but is really manifestation of Dao Fruit, return to a natural state, refers to Immortal Crane, has the Dao Fusion meteorology unexpectedly, ten thousand silk threads let fall. 虽形似凡人中的武者动作,但确是一种道果的体现,返璞归真,指化仙鹤,竟有合道的气象,万道丝缕垂落。 Bang “砰” The Ye Fan's hand signal has not changed, just like turning into Golden Winged Peng, had swift and fierce of YJ expansive sky, hits with that crane shape seal in the same place sends out round divine halo to fluctuate. 叶凡的手势未变,宛若化成了一头金翅大鹏,有鹰击长空的凌厉,与那鹤形印撞在一起发出一轮神环波动。 Bang “轰” In this moment, circumference in thousand zhang (3.33 m) Dao Traces interweaves, and Divine Order Chain windings, probably beautiful phoenix plume alternations in sky. 在这一刻,方圆千丈内道痕交织,一条条、一道道的秩序神链缠绕,像是一根根美丽的凤翎穿插在天空中。 Two people control as wonderful as the summit, although may cut to kill various Kings, but actually only then wisp of cool breeze strokes, otherwise the entire islands will become fine powder, cannot live several people. 两人控制的妙到毫巅,虽可斩杀诸王,但却只有一缕清风拂出,不然整座岛屿都会成齑粉,活不下来几人。 The body of Li Qingzhou shakes, again the convulsion, being nothing more or less to fly eight hundreds of zhang (333 m) to be far horizontally, this makes his complexion snow white, ugly incomparable. 李轻舟的身体一震,再次痉挛,不多不少又横飞出去八百丈远,这让他脸色雪白,难看无比。 Flickering Light crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is staring at Ye Fan, wanting the present person to look at an outcome, has not continued take action. 摇光负手而立,盯着叶凡,想要将眼前的人看个究竟,并没有继续出手 Flickering Light a moment ago to this Sovereign take action, some people can not with your showdown, how flinch at the present on the contrary?” Sovereign Black sneers to say. 摇光你刚才不是要对本皇出手吗,而今有人要与你对决了,怎么反倒退缩了?”黑皇冷笑道。 The people are startled, was obvious to all this mysterious Powerhouse to strike Flickering Light King in the expansive sky a moment ago, this does not drop the wind, definitely has strength that shows disdain for the outstanding heroes. 众人都是吃惊,刚才有目共睹这位神秘强者于长空中击摇光王,这可是一点不落下风,绝对有傲视群雄的实力。 Who this person is, says unexpectedly not empty, is not to wrestle the famous high-rank moves, really can fight Flickering Light King unexpectedly!” “此人是谁,所言竟然非虚,并非为了搏出名上位而动,竟真的可以战摇光王!” This makes people think that somewhat is really inconceivable, a enter the world peerless character, can look disdainfully across the sky absolutely Southern Region, pushes 1 million li (0.5 km) not to have the rival horizontally. 这让人觉得实在有些不可思议,横空出世一位绝代人物,绝对可以睥睨南域,横推百万里无敌手。 In people heart rolling mountains, the result of because a moment ago striking shocks. 人们心中大浪滔天,因为刚才一击的结果而震惊。 Feng Huang, Ji Biyue, Li Youyou wait/etc. revealed the look of surprise, which Powerhouse they are all very difficult to imagine in Human Race to contend with Flickering Light, at least after that several people depart, the present age is so. 风凰姬碧月李幽幽等皆露出异色,她们很难想象人族中有哪位强者可以抗衡摇光,最起码那几人离去后,当世是如此。 Thinks of here, in Feng Huang, Ji Biyue and other hearts one vibration, if some people return along Ancient Starry Sky Road, could achieve all. 想到这里,风凰姬碧月等心中都一阵震动,若是有人沿着星空古路回返,也许能做到一切。 Ye Fan's this Dao Body stands erect there, stands one's ground steadfastly, sends the silk to dance in the air, a rock that the whole person such as exists forever through ancient times is steady. 叶凡的这具道身屹立在那里,岿然不动,发丝飞舞,整个人如亘古长存的一块磐石般稳重。 My Flickering Light life is not weak in people, since wants to compare notes, that please have True Body, I accompany.” Finally, Flickering Light said such words. “我摇光一生都不弱于人,既然想切磋,那就请出真身吧,我奉陪到底。”终于,摇光说出了这样的话。 Does not need, Dao Body foot.” Ye Fan by body tranquil saying that the fresh air turns into together, when first left this islands, advances to the horizon end with stride. “无需,道身足矣。”叶凡以一道清气化成的身体平静的说道,当先离开了这座岛屿,大步迈向天际尽头。 „” And „”...... “咻”、“咻”…… Suddenly, in the sky has the dense and numerous light rain, probably flying sword cuts to fall, flaming eye-catching, turns into dazzling divine glow! 突然,天空中出现密密麻麻的光雨,像是一柄柄飞剑斩落,炽盛夺目,化成一道道刺目的神芒 half-Saint appears, this is aura that he drives, turned into Saint rain to sprinkle, crashed just like the Nine Heavens Milky Way, the aura threatening physique wanted to crack. 半圣出现,这是他带动来的气机,化成了一片圣雨洒下,宛如九天银河坠落,气息逼人形体欲裂。 In the island the most person all was soft but actually, many people kneels to bend down, does not want to do this, but this coercion made person divine soul shiver, the body instinct made such choice. 岛上大半人全都软倒,更有许多人跪伏了下去,不想这样做,但是这种威压却让人神魂颤抖,身体本能做出了这样的选择。 Saint's aura!” Audience *** called, showed the panic-stricken look, all innermost feelings with amazement. 圣人的气机!”众***叫,露出惊恐的神色,无不内心骇然。 half-Saint, invincible existence! Because a foot has entered into the Saint domain, from time to time will send out Saint Might, King of Great Accomplishment and other apex existed with it does not have the least bit suspense to, certain death without doubt.” 半圣,不可战胜的存在!因为一只脚已迈入圣人领域,时而会发出圣威,大成王者绝顶存在与之对上也没有半点悬念,必死无疑。” Really came a half Saint!” “真的来了一位半圣啊!” In people heart terrified, this is an important matter, the age in Saint, this absolutely is terrifying existence, whose these years have not heard achievement half-Saint. 人们心中惶恐,这可是一件大事,在圣人不出的年代,这绝对是恐怖的存在,这些年来并没有听说有谁成就半圣 Ancient Race is an exception! 古族除外! This King has arrived, you also want to walk!” In the sky a black big hand by the cloud layer, searched under the vault of heaven directly, grasped to Dao Body that Ye Fan that is going to depart. 本座已到,你还想走!”天空中一只黑色的大手透过云层,直接探到了天穹下,抓向叶凡那将要离去的道身 Bang!” “轰隆!” Landslide tsunami, calamity, this is a aura of crazy tyrant, probably a piece *** blasts out, the great waves swept across trim Heaven and Earth, all living things like the ants, was all submerged, can only struggle desperately. 山崩海啸,天塌地陷,这是一种狂霸的气息,像是一片***炸开,浪涛席卷了整片天地,众生如蝼蚁,全被淹没,只能苦苦挣扎。 Innumerable person submit and fall on the ground, body uncontrolled shivering, facing this Holy Might overflowing the Heavens, no contending strength! 数不清的人伏倒在地上,身体不受控制的颤抖,面对这滔天圣威,没有一丝抗衡的力量! However, at this moment flaming ray of light collapse, Ye Fan's True Body moved together, in the hand presents a black long spear/gun, the slanting guide day, the thorn strikes the expansive sky! 然而,就在这时一道炽盛的道光崩现,叶凡的真身动了,手中出现一杆黑色的长枪,斜指南天,刺击长空! “噗” The black big hand comprised of black light, tenacious immortal, may obliterate King of Great Accomplishment, may actually be pierced under this shocking spear/gun, turns into the black fog, collapse in in the air. 黑色的大手是由乌光组成,坚韧不朽,可磨灭大成王者,可在这惊艳一枪下却被刺穿了,化成黑雾,崩散在空中。 Even that lead cloud was shaken dispersed, reveals everywhere stars, under the bright moonlight, Ye Fan sets up in the island, said: half-Saint how?!” 连那铅云都被震散了,重新露出漫天繁星,在皎洁的月光下,叶凡立身于岛上,道:“半圣又如何?!” But in this process, his Dao Body has not returned continually, from attending to taking a step to go far away, vanishing, has not noticed behind matter. 而在这个过程中,他的道身连头都没有回,自顾迈步远去、消失,根本未睬身后的事情。 People are startled, all opened the mouth, many people fall down, was pressed by Saint Might, is hard to move, but this person blocked half-Saint to strike unexpectedly! 人们吃惊,全都张大了嘴巴,许多人都倒在地上,被圣威所压,难以动弹,而此人竟挡住了半圣一击! So long as moistened a Saint character that is the difference of Heaven and Earth, even King of Great Accomplishment came to cherish hatred, was very difficult to overstep. 要知道,只要沾了一个圣字那便是天地之差了,连大成王者来了都得饮恨,很难逾越。 King of Great Accomplishment stands on the immortal three ninth small stairs, but half-Saint is very subtle, footsteps enter Immortal Altar's Fourth Layer, a foot in immortal three peak, this distance, is actually Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, the disparity has not only been able by the mileage idea. 大成王者站在仙三第九个小台阶上,而半圣则很微妙,一只脚步入仙四,一只脚还在仙三绝巅,仅这一步距离,却是改天换地,差距不能以道里计。 Saint went beyond the category of person, therefore with one Saint character, from the King transformation is Saint, just like Leaping Fish Transforming Into True Dragons, is change fundamentally, it can be said that a qualitative change! 圣人超出了人的范畴,故此冠以一个“圣”字,从王者蜕变为圣人,犹如鱼跃化真龙,是从根本上的改变,可以说是一种质变! Even another Dao Severing person, startled certainly colorful, shows disdain for the past and present, has six to ban, even has seven to ban, spanning 67 small Realm combats is useless, by „the Holy Domain barrier suppression, cannot be broken through. 即便另一个斩道者,惊才绝艳,傲视古今,拥有六禁,甚至拥有七禁,跨越六七个小境界作战都无用,会被“圣域壁垒”压制,突破不进去。 Because has seven to ban even if, is only the stack that a type and quantity changes, throughout was suppressed by Holy Domain! Even if in Dao Severing Realm great accomplishment, the strength of seven banning could not have broken through the Holy Domain barrier in addition, this is a timeless suppression. 因为纵然拥有七禁等,也只是一种量变的堆积,始终受圣域压制!即便是在斩道境已经大成,加上七禁之力也突破不了圣域壁垒,这是一种亘古不变的的压制。 However, Ye Fan is only Dao Severing person, is not half-Saint, a spear/gun cut open that unexpectedly only big hand, broke the common sense, how letting the person not to shock? 然而,叶凡只是一个斩道者,并不是半圣,竟然一枪剖开了那只大手,打破了常理,让人怎能不震撼? Everyone is in a daze, cannot believe that the expression on face solidified, is at a loss for words unable to speak, the heart thump thump the fierce beat, is going to run out of the chest. 所有人都发呆,不能相信,脸上的表情都凝固了,张口结舌说不出话来,心脏怦怦剧烈跳动,将要冲出胸膛。 Saint was separated from the category of human, the Holy Domain barrier separates the Saint and king high and low two Realm for the day and place, having seven ban will be invalid, can only end before this heavenly moat low-spirited, how does he achieve?!” 圣人脱离了人类的范畴,圣域壁垒将圣与王这上下两个境界分隔为天与地,拥有七禁都将无效,于此天堑前只能黯然收场,他怎么做到的?!” Feng Huang is startled to regret to talk to oneself, this is the reason that Saint keeps aloof, if cannot achieve this Realm, again shockingly also useless, will be suppressed by Holy Domain firmly, is unable heaven defying. 风凰惊憾自语,这是圣人高高在上的原因,若是不能达到这个境界,再惊艳也无用,会被圣域牢牢压制,无法逆天 Everyone is shocked, Ji Biyue, Li Qingzhou, the purple clothes marquis and others all revealed the startled color, some unexpectedly people break the myth, may arrive at half-Saint! 每一个人都震动,姬碧月李轻舟、紫衣侯等全都露出惊色,竟有人打破神话,可抵半圣 „Can Flickering Light King achieve?” Some person of lightly said, this mysterious character made one shock, people almost must suffocate. 摇光王能做到吗?”有人轻语,这个神秘人物太让人震撼了,人们几乎要窒息。 At this time, Ji Zi is very tranquil, still a person sits in the corner, silently looks at all these, quiet did not speak. 此时,唯有一个姬子很平静,依然一个人坐于角落里,默默的看着这一切,沉静不语。 I do not believe, wants to go against the flow to cut down half sacred roots is not impossible!” Some people said. “我不相信,想要逆行伐半圣根本不可能!”有人说道。 The Holy Domain barrier, that is a gap, is Dao Spirit words, may not break, all may the person striking back zero point of cross step combat, suppress the expiration, has several to ban uselessly. 圣域壁垒,那是一道鸿沟,是一道神话,根本不可打破,将一切可跨阶作战的人打回原点,压制到失效,拥有“几禁”都无用。 He blocked, can Flickering Light King achieve?” Also some people flutter to say like this. “他挡住了,摇光王能做到吗?”又有人这样颤声说道。 He can achieve, my master Zike achieves!” Li Qingzhou got hold of the fist, does not know that is the piqued and headstrong words, is the truth. “他都能做到,我师自可做到!”李轻舟握紧了拳头,不知是负气的话,还是实情。 The moonlight like light smoke, covers the entire islands, under the Ye Fan True Body standing expansive sky, the moon/month splendor sprinkles on the body, the look is firm and resolute, grasps dark gold spear, points at the vault of heaven, fearless. 月华如薄烟,笼罩整座岛屿,叶凡真身站立长空下,月辉洒落在躯体上,神色坚毅,手持暗金长枪,遥指天穹,无所畏惧。 Is he, selects the Heavenly Sovereign's Son ten eight important location people continually, originally continuously side us!” “是他,连挑天皇子十八重地的人,原来一直在我们身边!” Finally, people recognized him through this Black Gold long spear/gun, all storms because of him, Heavenly Sovereign's Son will lead the Eight Troops Divine General descendant to go south for him. 终于,人们通过这杆黑金长枪认出了他,一切风暴都是因他而起,天皇子将率领八部神将后裔南下就是为了他。 After people learn about the real situation, many people almost faint, this deicide with them in the same place, has been in the islands unexpectedly, they completely ignorant to the present. 当人们得悉真实情况后,很多人差点昏过去,这尊杀神竟一直与他们在一起,身在岛屿上,他们茫然无知到现在。 Bang!” “轰!” Here such as pot boiling water, a piece chirp chaotic, everyone felt relaxed, how dares to the person who Heavenly Sovereign's Son brandishes a sword possibly to be mediocre, no wonder fearless Flickering Light King, must fight half-Saint. 这里如一锅沸水,一片噪乱,所有人都释然了,敢向天皇子挥刀的人怎么可能是凡俗,难怪无惧摇光王,又要战半圣 „When facing half-Saint, regardless of grasps several to ban the cross Realm combat to expire, even if it is said that has Eight Restrictions in legend is very difficult to smash the barrier, at most can protect oneself.” “面对半圣时,无论掌握‘几禁’跨境界作战都会失效,据说即便是拥有传说中的八禁都很难打破壁垒,最多也只能自保。” This person is not half-Saint, then grasps certainly the strength of Eight Restrictions!” “这个人不是半圣,那么一定掌握有八禁之力!” „To break the eternal legend, breaks through the Holy Domain barrier, only has ancient people legends say Divine Restrictions to be good, but that only exists in the myth!” “想打破万古传说,冲破开圣域壁垒,唯有故老相传神禁才行,可那只存在于神话中啊!” In the sky, the lead cloud clears, a person's shadow of medium stature stands there, coincides with Heaven and Earth, is consistent with the Great Dao pulsation, release continuously Saint Might. 天空中,铅云散尽,一条中等身材的人影立在那里,同天地相合,与大道脉动一致,释放出一缕缕圣威 Without a doubt, he is Ancient Race, the semblance seems like forty -year-old appearance, the supernatural might, the black uncombed hair shawl, in the pupil has the scene that Star Domain opens very much, fearful heart and soul! 毫无疑问,他是一个古族,外表看起来四十几岁的样子,很是神武,黑色乱发披肩,眸子中有星域开辟的景象,慑人心魄! half-Saint, true half-Saint. 半圣,一名真正的半圣 His left hand holds Black Gold ancient shield, the right hand holds blood-color Battle Spear, one step stepped, strikes to Ye Fan! 他的左手持着一面黑金古盾,右手持一杆血色的战矛,一步就迈了下来,击向叶凡 dang! 当! Ye Fan happy does not fear, heaven defying on, in the hand the black long spear/gun puts together the mysterious path, black light ruptured, struck with the blood-color Battle Spear junction in one. 叶凡怡然不惧,逆天而上,手中黑色长枪划出一道玄秘的轨迹,乌光崩开,与血色战矛交击在了一起。 sparks ra­di­ate all around, clank the sound is ear-spitting, all mighty people Primordial Spirit almost breaks to pieces, this place storm like sea! 火星四射,铮铮声震耳,诸雄元神差点碎掉,此地风暴如海! Ye Fan resisted half-Saint unexpectedly, with it great war, the black long spear/gun met the approaching enemy Battle Spear, sonorous such as sword cry, resembles the god in Dao Fusion! 叶凡竟抵住了半圣,与之大战了起来,黑色长枪迎击战矛,铿锵如剑鸣,似神在合道
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