STH :: Volume #11

#1045: Emperor's Child level contest

Chapter 1043 Emperor's Child level contest 第1043章帝子级较量 Feng Huang black hair dances in the air, each very clear, but magnificent light in pupil is dazzling, turns around to look to Ji Biyue, said: Elder Sister Biyue always aims, how actually wants?” 风凰一头青丝飞舞,每一根都很晶莹,而眸子中的光华更是刺目,转身看向姬碧月,道:“碧月姐姐总是针对,到底想怎样呢?” Younger sister you thought that Elder Sister I was candid, speak thoughtlessly saying that's all, what did you think of?” The Ji Biyue corners of the mouth reveal one wisp to smile pale. “妹妹你多想了,姐姐我只是心直口快,随口一说而已,你想到了什么?”姬碧月嘴角露出一缕淡笑。 Others see that hurry to lower the head, all fears to draw fire to oneself, these two are often in sharp opposition, is not good stubble, no one dares to mix. 其他人见状都赶紧低头,全都怕引火烧身,这两人不时针锋相对,全都不是善茬儿,没有人敢掺和进去。 Calculates carefully, Ye Fan departed has 14 years, thought back on the past years, we same generation of old friend dying wound of casualty, without remaining many.” Flickering Light opens the mouth. “细细算来,叶凡离去已经有十四年了吧,遥想当年,我们同一代的故人死的死伤的伤,没有剩下多少了。”摇光开口。 He has no scruples, regardless of said anything, those present do not dare to refute, powerful such as Feng Huang and Ji Biyue are also difficult to contend. 他并没有什么顾忌,无论说什么,在场的人都不敢驳斥,强大如风凰姬碧月也难抗衡。 Thes river rolls east, one generation of up-and-comers change the early man, how much outstanding dust turn over to the dust and earth to turn over to the earth, cannot reappear.” Li Youyou also nods. “大江东去,一代新人换旧人,多少俊杰尘归尘、土归土,都不能再现了。”李幽幽亦点头。 In these for 14 years, Great Expansion Holy Land, Myriad Beginnings Holy Land, Solitary Dao Holy Land, Purple Mansion Holy Land, Ancient Hua Dynasty, Nine Li Divine Dynasty and other world highest level Inheritance, their Holy Son, imperial prince, Saintess and others were unwilling to fall behind, after Dao Severing, the result is all in the majority dismal! 在这十四年来,大衍圣地万初圣地道一圣地紫府圣地古华皇朝九黎神朝等天下最顶级的传承,他们的圣子、皇子、圣女等不甘落后,皆历经斩道这一关,结果悲凉居多! This is a big world, Saints, goddess was all unwilling, wants to strive to get the upper hand, becomes on the person the person, they see Flickering Light, Central Sovereign and the others one after another Dao Severing, all exerts oneself. 这是一个大世,诸圣子、神女等全都不甘,都想力争上游,成为人上之人,他们看到摇光中皇等人相继斩道,全都奋发。 But is finally brutal! 可结果是残酷的! Their this generation of were almost on the wane more than half, past Saintess, imperial prince and others had not obvious, should tribulation in these several years, by the Dao Severing failure, but finally. 他们这一代人几乎凋零过半,昔日的圣女、皇子等有很多都不可见了,在这十几年来先后应劫,以斩道失败而终。 the remainders are Purple Mansion Saintess, Ji Haoyue, Ascending King, Twin Kings and other special physique as well as Flickering Light this and other characters of shocking eternity, other Holy Son wait/etc. mostly melts tribulation ash, became the past. 余者多是紫府圣女姬皓月羽化王双子王等这些特殊体质者以及摇光这等惊艳千古的人物,其他圣子等大多都化劫灰,成为过去。 As for Mo Xue, the purple clothes marquis, Li Qingzhou and others are the character of next generation, Holy Son that trains wait/etc., one generation of up-and-comers of being worthy of the reputation change the early man. 至于莫雪、紫衣侯、李轻舟等都是下一代的人物,是重新培养起来的圣子等,名副其实的一代新人换旧人。 Naturally, this is a big world, most does not lack is the talent, various King Physique, are not numerous many to the present die King, is crowd of stars is still radiant! 当然,这是一个大世,最不缺的就是人才,各种王体纷呈,到现在殒落的王者并不是很多,依然是群星璀璨! In recent years, whether it is Eastern Wilderness' Dao Embryo, Divine King, Heavenly Monster King wait/etc., Central Province's Blue Sky King, invincible Twin Kings wait/etc. the shocking world, various Kings rises together simultaneously, school of prosperous. 这些年来,无论是东荒的道胎神王天妖王等、还是中州的碧落王、无敌的双子王等都惊艳天下,诸王并起,一派繁盛。 For example Eastern Wilderness' Purple Mansion Saintess, she, although does not have take action, but many people know that this female cannot annoy, is Dao Embryo in legend, with Em­press Mother of West is the same physique, is inborn compatible with Great Dao, magical power is boundless, making anybody probably have a headache. 比如说东荒的紫府圣女,她虽然没有出手,但是很多人都知道这个女子惹不得,是传说中的道胎,与西皇是同一种体质,天生与大道亲和,法力无边,让任何人都要头疼。 But some rumors said, Central Province's Twin Kings about in the same place, may fight any rival, the world does not have to offend the front, is waiting for people to confirm. 而更有传言称,中州的双子王合在一起,可战任何敌手,天下无可撄锋,都在等待人们去验证。 Although many die, but the star splendor does not reduce, in this big world not the deficient having god-given wisdom rare talent, particularly with the Ye Tong this generation of rise, the striving for hegemony path will still be getting more and more intense. 虽然很多人殒落了,但是星辉不减,在这个大世依然不缺乏天纵奇才,尤其是随着叶瞳这一代人的崛起,争雄道路会越来越激烈。 Pitifully, cannot eventually with a Saint Physique war.” Flickering Light said such a few words, making the people look change, but the expression was entirely different. “可惜了,终究是未能与圣体一战。”摇光说出这样一句话,让众人神色都变,不过表情却大不相同。 This grade of character has the regret that the defect fights, lets being scared that a little person listens, many people awe, does not dare to speak irresponsibly anything, majority chose silent. 这等人物有缺失一战的遗憾,让人听的有点发毛,许多人都敬畏,不敢乱说什么,大多数都选择了沉默。 Also there is a small number of people opens the mouth, Human Race's Saint Physique had departed in any case, said that anything did not fear, but Flickering Light at present, is actually worth treating respectful and prudent. 也有少数人开口,反正人族圣体都已离去了,说什么都不怕,而摇光却在眼前,值得恭谨对待。 Flickering Light King is one generation of eccentric, unmatched in the world, I want to be that Ye Fan have not departed, mostly is not the opponent.” 摇光王为一代奇人,天下无敌,我想就是那叶凡没有离去,多半也不是对手。” Good, Flickering Light mighty Lord what kind of, until now, is vertically and horizontally difficult to taste a defeat, was honored as Flickering Light Holy Land since ancient times in Dao Severing person first, Saint Physique definitely did not beat.” “不错,摇光雄主何等了得,纵横至今,难尝一败,被誉为摇光圣地古来斩道者中第一强,圣体也肯定不敌。” One group of people flattered, said that completely beautiful word, naturally wants to be on good terms with Flickering Light lineage/vein, makes the profound impression. 一群人奉承,说尽美词,自然是想与摇光一脉交好,留下深刻的印象。 However, more people actually chose observing calmly, thought that this matter little say to wonderfully, Ye Fan in the past power and influence heyday, moreover he, although departed, Sovereign Black, Ye Tong et al . 然而,更多的人却都选择了静观,觉得这种事还是少说为妙,叶凡当年威势极盛,况且他虽然离去了,还有黑皇叶瞳等人在。 „The fair war, has not been is hard to talk clearly.” Flickering Light stops the person who these thought highly, shakes the head, swept Ji Zi one. “没有公平一战,是难以说清的。”摇光制止了那些恭维的人,摇了摇头,扫了姬子一眼。 The distant place, in the Ye Fan heart moves, Flickering Light is very keen, enter the world will Ji Zi regard him across the sky inadequately? 远处,叶凡心中一动,摇光果然很敏锐,难道将横空出世姬子当成他了不成? Holy Lord what Xu is like this humble, if you take action, what Saint Physique, is the dragon he also the plate, how can fight with you. He does not leave behind disciple Ye Tong, in the future Li Qingzhou Senior Brother take action will go to defeat him, from may determine your invincible prestige truly, through disciple's contrast, may prove you Saint Physique.” A Flickering Light behind young lad said. 圣主何需这样谦逊,您若出手,什么圣体,是龙他也得盘着,怎能与您争锋。他不是留下一个弟子叶瞳吗,将来李轻舟师兄出手去将他战败,自可真正确定您的无敌威,通过门人的对比,也可证明您强过圣体。”摇光身后的一名童子道。 Yes, Flickering Light King is the eternity rare talent, even how that Ye Fan is Saint Physique can, is still mostly difficult to keep off divine might!” “就是,摇光王为千古奇才,那叶凡即便为圣体又能怎样,多半也难挡神威!” Good, in Ancient Great Emperor also has every body, has not ascended the summit, I want even if to be Ye Fan also in also the difficult enemy.” “不错,古之大帝中也多有凡体,还不是登巅了,我想纵然是叶凡还在也难敌。” That person who flattered a moment ago opened the mouth once again. 刚才奉承的那部人又一次开口。 Shut up!” Flickering Light shouted, he not in view of others, but turned around to face the young lad, said: You were getting more and more dissolute, punishes you to face the wall for ten years, the returning at once entrance thinks of faults.” “住口!”摇光喝道,他没有针对其他人,而是转身面对童子,道:“你越来越放肆了,罚你面壁十年,速回山门思过。” Ten years......” young lad was scared at that time, is startled there. “十年……”童子当时就吓傻了,怔在那里。 Teacher, child Er also said in several hearts the words, forgives his one time.” Li Qingzhou plea. “师尊,童儿也不过说了几句心中话,还是饶恕他一次吧。”李轻舟求情。 May not.” Flickering Light shakes the head, his such severe punishment disciple, is more praiseworthy, many people all gasp in admiration. “不可。”摇光摇了摇头,他这样严厉责罚门徒,更加让人钦佩,不少人皆叹服。 In how many hearts said the words? The really big tone, thinks that my master is inferior to your master, your take action gives a try, defeats I in this, proved that who is stronger.” “说几句心中话?真是好大的口气,认为我师不如你师,那你就出手试试看,在此战败我,来证明谁更强。” The sound wave cuts the expansive sky, spreads to the island, a outstanding young man walks, his whole body flesh is shining every inchs, even/including Mei a wisp sends the silk is so, probably a Sun god, making the star moon/month not have gloomily up. 音波划破长空,传入岛中,一个英伟的年轻男子走来,他浑身每一寸血肉都在发光,连每一缕发丝都是如此,像是一尊太阳神,让星月都暗淡无光。 Ye Tong arrives, the eye pupil has swept everyone, observed closely Li Qingzhou, said: Your words are very obvious, that comes a war.” 叶瞳到场,眼眸扫过所有人,盯住了李轻舟,道:“你的话很明显,那就过来一战吧。” Those present are startled, never expected that Ye Fan's disciple rushed at this time, flattered the Flickering Light King person look to be awkward a moment ago , does not dare to face up to with it embarrasedly. 在场的人都吃了一惊,没有想到叶凡的弟子在这个时候赶到了,刚才奉承摇光王的人都神色尴尬,讪讪的,不敢与其正视。 The distant place, Feng Huang sees gallant Ye Tong, immediately is startled, thought that really has his master Bi to have his disciple, is all connected invincibly strongly. 远处,风凰见到英气逼人的叶瞳,顿时一怔,觉得果真是有其师必有其徒,无敌强势一脉相承。 Good, I am think that Saint Physique cannot compare my master, today fights with you why not!” Li Qingzhou said. “不错,我就是认为圣体比不上我师,今天与你一战又何妨!”李轻舟说道。 A all mighty people excitement, the mood fluctuates fiercely, ten thousand have not thought that the north-south two big promising youth meet, might have a big showdown. 诸雄一阵激动,情绪剧烈起伏,万没有想到南北两大后起之秀相遇,很可能会有一场大对决。 bring it on!, today suppress you in this!” Ye Tong said. 放马过来,今日镇压你于此!”叶瞳说道。 The people in an uproar, after a Fire Spirit Ravine war, Ye Tong has the Saint Physique second potential faintly, was really domineering, projects on Southern Region to come. 众人哗然,历经火灵壑一战,叶瞳已隐隐有圣体第二之势,果然是强势,打到南域来了。 Extremely arrogant, today I prove my master before the world your master!” The Li Qingzhou eyebrow is but actually vertical. “狂妄,今天我就在世人面前证明我师强过你师!”李轻舟眼眉倒竖。 Few idle talk, hurry take action, several years later, I will then not begin to you, trades to be another group of people.” Ye Tong sweeps to Flickering Light, Feng Huang. “少废话,赶紧出手,再过几年,我便不会对你动手了,换作另一批人。”叶瞳扫向摇光风凰等。 The people are astonished, naturally knows his what intent, because he had once said that fights the world for the master, several years later the Ye Fan past rivals will be resisted by him. 众人惊异,自然知道他何意,因为他曾说过,代师战天下,再过几年叶凡昔日的敌手都将由他来对抗。 The Li Qingzhou pupil light is fearful, walks step by step forward, the whole body covered Divine Clothes that is cast by holy light, dazzling. 李轻舟眸光慑人,一步一步向前走来,浑身笼罩了一层由圣光铸成的神衣,璀璨夺目。 youngster you rather do not know the immensity of heaven and earth, saw that Flickering Light King does not salute, is too early, hasn't taught you who your teacher departs to honor the teacher and respect his teachings, the ritual respect senior?” Several Southern Region elder character opens the mouth, clearly stand this side Li Qingzhou. 年轻人你未免不知天高地厚,见到摇光王都不行礼,难道是你的老师离去的太早,没有教你尊师重道、礼敬前辈吗?”有几位南域老辈人物开口,显然站在李轻舟这一边。 Makes Ye Tong raid the person of his master to salute to one secretly, your group of old bastard are installs muddled or is taking advantage of own seniority, tired of living!” “让叶瞳对一个暗袭过他师傅的人行礼,你们这帮老王八蛋是装糊涂还是在倚老卖老,都活腻歪了吧!” At this moment, aura of landslide tsunami heads on, big black dog enters in the island, the looking disdainfully four directions, show disdain for the outstanding heroes. 就在这时,一股山崩海啸的气息扑面而来,一只大黑狗进入岛中,睥睨四方,傲视群雄。 Thinks that does not have the child of master quite to bully, when this Sovereign is the ornaments? Your this group of old goods, think, when my human pet, but I cannot have a liking for you!” Sovereign Black coldly smiled and said. “以为没有师傅的孩子好欺负是吧,当本皇是摆设吗?你们这帮老货,想当我的人宠,不过我看不上你们!”黑皇冷哂道 Everyone changed the color, this black dog lets people all big, is for more than ten years the hardest to deal with ruthless role, who meets it whose bad luck, all keeps silent. 所有人都变了颜色,这只黑狗让众人无不头大,为十几年来最难缠的狠角色,谁遇上它谁倒霉,全都噤若寒蝉。 „To bully the person, this Sovereign Killing Formation is not a vegetarian!” big black dog shows disdain for the people. “想欺负人,本皇杀阵可不是吃素的!”大黑狗傲视众人。 The person who spoke a moment ago was all dingy, does not dare to look at each other with him, retreat, for fear that stared at quietly by it. 刚才说话的人全都灰溜溜,不敢与他对视,悄然后退,生怕被它盯上。 Ye Fan, although walked, that dog that but he raises, could not have stirred up.” This is everyone's aspiration, but no one dares saying that otherwise is out surely pitifully. 叶凡虽然走了,但是他养的那只狗还在,也惹不起。”这是所有人的心声,但没人敢说出来,不然必定下场凄惨。 Bone is common “骨碌碌” Suddenly, big black dog shakes the claw, a row of head/number of people tumbles to tumble from Void, becomes place blood bottle gourd, people all suck in a cold breath, unexpectedly is one crowd of Ancient Race. 突然,大黑狗一抖爪子,一排人头滚落自虚空滚落而出,成为一地血葫芦,众人无不倒吸冷气,竟然是一群古族 This repugnant fellows said oneself are what Eight Troops Divine General descendant, added that is any several route army, arrives at this Azure-red Clouds city to dare to keep off the this Sovereign path, all killed a cleanness.” big black dog bare teeth said, the white tooth makes the person bone feel cold. “这帮讨厌的家伙说自己是什么八部神将后裔,还说是什么第几路军,来到这青霞城敢挡本皇的道路,全都杀了个干净。”大黑狗呲牙道,白森森的牙齿让人骨头都发冷。 fuck, Heavenly Sovereign's Son is really bad luck urges, the army who tonight eight lifetime's bloody bad luck, sends out was extinguished!” This is the innermost thoughts of people, but actually does not dare to say. 我戳,天皇子果然是倒霉催的,今夜倒了八辈子血霉,派出的大军又被人灭了一路!”这是人们的心里话,但却不敢说出来。 Everyone knows, the formation marks attainments of this dog are matchless, for these years the pit deceased person does not pay with a life, making many people hate the root itchy, has such victory and being nothing unusual. 谁都知道,这只狗的阵纹造诣举世无双,这么多年来坑死人不偿命,让许多人恨得牙根都痒痒,有这样的战果并不足为奇。 Li Qingzhou goes forward, must face Ye Tong, two people to the same place. 李轻舟上前,要面对叶瞳,两个人将对在一起。 At this moment Flickering Light spoke, said: Light vessel withdraws, the gratitude and grudges of previous generation person, your juniors mix anything.” 就在这时摇光出言,道:“轻舟退后,上辈人的恩恩怨怨,你们小辈掺和什么。” big black dog stares the bronze bell big eye, said: Flickering Light, you may really be when regardless of wants light great to be positive, admire! I do not have so many art, on Ye Tong, in ten moves defeats his disciple, proves the say/way of your master!” 大黑狗瞪起铜铃大眼,道:“摇光,你可真是无论何时都要光伟正,佩服!我则没那么多讲究,叶曈上吧,十招内将他的弟子打败,证你师之道!” „The past gratitude and grudges made these children mix to do, if you intended, I was glad to accompany actually.” Flickering Light said that if gods are unattainable, body overflows the immortal brilliance, making one not be possible to face, walks with stride. “过去的恩怨让这些孩子掺和进来作甚,你若是有意,我倒是乐得奉陪。”摇光说道,如一尊神明般高不可攀,肌体溢出不朽的光辉,让人不可正视,大步走来。 In not far away Ye Fan heart moves, he felt the Holy Ar­ti­fact's aura, Flickering Light True Body not, but this holy light body brings complete Holy Artifact unexpectedly! 不远处叶凡心中一动,他感觉到了圣器的气息,摇光真身未至,可这具圣光身竟带着一件无缺的圣器 He fears Sovereign Black to suffer a loss, the head fresh air appears, manifestation to become another oneself, take a step forward, to Flickering Light, said: Since meets, is predestined friends.” 他怕黑皇吃大亏,头上清气浮现,化生成另一尊自己,向前迈步,对上了摇光,道:“既然相遇,便是有缘。” The people are terrified, who this person is, melts Dao Body, dares to detain Flickering Light King, this is more than ten years has not had the matter, the courage was also too big. 众人悚然,此人是谁,化出一具道身,竟敢拦阻摇光王,这可是十几年未有之事,胆子也太大了。 Some people must fight Flickering Light King, this...... real?” “有人要战摇光王,这……是真的吗?” So many years, Flickering Light King monarch overlooking the world, overlooked Eastern Wilderness, never has the person to dare to offend the front!” “这么多年了,摇光王主君临天下,俯视东荒,可从来没有人敢撄锋啊!” No one not startled regrets, all turned very quiet, observes calmly two people, may have one to be above the showdown that people imagine. 没有人不惊憾,全都屏住了呼吸,静观两人,可能会发生一场超乎人们想象的对决。 Who you are, dares to keep off my master path, ten years of no one can offend the front, can you be good?” Li Qingzhou shouted. “你是谁,敢挡我师路,十年无人能撄锋,你能行吗?”李轻舟喝道。 Ye Fan cold Smile, waves he such as the scarecrow to fly eight hundreds of zhang (333 m) to be far immediately generally horizontally, makes its whole body convulsion, suddenly could not speak. 叶凡冷哂,一挥手他立时如稻草人一般横飞出去八百丈远,令其浑身痉挛,一时间说不出话来。 What?!” “什么?!” This was...... is extremely terrifying!” “这是……太过恐怖了!” People shock, all in an uproar, all observed closely. center 人们震撼,无不哗然,全都盯住了场中央。 The Feng Huang beautiful pupil twinkle, reveals a wisp of startled color, Ji Biyue, Li Youyou, the purple clothes marquis and others is also very surprised, all revealed the look of surprise. 风凰美眸闪烁,露出一缕惊色,姬碧月李幽幽、紫衣侯等也无比吃惊,皆露出异色 Originally you here, dare to kill my Eight Troops Divine General descendant, do not want to walk!” At this moment, the indifferent sound conveys, entire Azure-red Clouds city one that shakes together shivers! “原来你们在这里,竟敢杀我八部神将后裔,一个也别想走!”就在这时,一道冷漠的声音传来,震的整座青霞城都一阵颤抖! If hidden without a gap, Saint Might fills the air continuously, almost makes everyone kneel to bend down, is unbearable. 若隐若无间,一缕缕圣威弥漫而出,几乎让所有人都跪伏下去,难以承受。 half-Saint......” Ji Biyue changes countenance. 半圣……”姬碧月变色。 half-Saint, longs for very much, since came to make me see.” Ye Fan's True Body said like this. 半圣啊,一直很渴望,既然来了就让我见一见吧。”叶凡的真身这样说道。 At the same time, that Dao Body that strand of Purity Qi that his head runs out of turns into made a movement of invitation to Flickering Light Holy Son, said: Walks, we go to another side to compare notes.” 同一时间,他头上冲出的那缕清气所化成的那具道身则向摇光圣子做了一个请的动作,道:“走吧,我们去另一边切磋。” Such remarks, the people are shocked, who this person is, dares to speak like this? By True Body to half-Saint, but another Dao Body must to Flickering Light King! 此语一出,众人无比震惊,这个人是谁,敢这样说话?以真身半圣,而另一具道身则要对上摇光王 The time really flies, in March/three months was only left over last day, good, here under summon this month final ***, under the reminder everyone, was so precious *** wanted expired, if there are please project promptly. 时间真快,三月只剩下最后一天了,好吧,在这里呼唤下本月最后的***,提醒下大家,如此宝贵的***就要过期了,如果有都请及时投出吧。 . . .
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