STH :: Volume #11

#1044: Flickering Light King

Chapter 1042 Flickering Light King 第1042章摇光王 Under Heavenly Sovereign's Son the first group of armies all extinguish, just entered in Southern Region to give the person to execute a cleanness, unexpectedly no one lives, is really shocking. 天皇子麾下第一批大军全灭,刚进入南域内就给人毙了个干净,竟没有一个人活下来,着实让人震惊。 In the islands people are all at a loss for words, long time could not speak, this was what kind of domineering and aggression, clarifying is to die to knock with Heavenly Sovereign's Son. 岛屿上人们全都张口结舌,半晌说不出话来,这是何等的强势与霸气,摆明是要与天皇子死磕到底。 Actually had this grade of matter, that mysterious Powerhouse is take action, going to fight to the death in Southern Region Heavenly Sovereign's Son?” “竟然发生了这等事情,那位神秘强者出手了吗,将要在南域天皇子决一死战?” the dragon wars, the tiger battles is going to start, without a doubt, this is a true peak showdown, is going great war Ancient Sovereign child!” “一场龙争虎斗将要开始了,毋庸置疑,这是一次真正的巅峰对决,将要大战古皇亲子啊!” The people on island could not bear shiver, was especially excited, words that the situation was true one big mighty waves that swept across entire world started, talent decisive battle opening. 岛上的人们都忍不住颤抖了,情绪格外激动,情况属实的话一场席卷全天下的大波澜开始了,天骄决战开启。 Then Cloud Peak City has the news to transmit unceasingly, there cultivator gathers, numerous expert appear at the scene, wants to look at to understand, but is all puzzled. 接下来云峰城不断有消息传来,那里修士聚集,众多高手出现在现场,都想看个明白,但全都不解。 No traces, this absolutely is the character who shakes the world level, elusive, disdains to keep what merit and name, but is pure is to execute these people. 没有任何蛛丝马迹,这绝对是震世级的人物,来无影去无踪,不屑留什么功与名,只是纯粹的为毙掉那些人。 Cloud Peak City has become pot boiling water, although is at night, cultivator that however passes in and out is continuous, people believe that here may evolve is the most fearful battlefield. 云峰城已成为一锅沸水,虽然是夜间,但是进出的修士络绎不绝,人们相信这里可能会演化为一处最可怕的战场。 At this night, the news probably is winged through the Domain Portal biography to Eastern Wilderness, many major powers obtained to report, all Sect Master wait/etc. for a very long time not language. 在这个夜晚,消息像是长了翅膀通过域门传向东荒各地,许多大势力都得到了禀报,各方教主等久久未语。 pā! 啪! Northern Region, in a dense palace, Heavenly Sovereign's Son learned, nine phoenix cup numerous falling that jade essence casts on the ground, the complexion is pale. 北域,一处密宫中,天皇子得悉后将一个玉精铸成的九凰杯重重的摔在了地上,脸色铁青无比。 He by Myriad Clans is Deity, is the Undying Heavenly Sovereign heir, position to stand out from the masses , wants on to plan compared with Saint Sovereign's Son high, at the present has this matter one after another, if in fan his big mouth. 他被万族尊为神灵子,是不死天皇的子嗣,地位与众不同,比圣皇子还要高上一筹,而今接连发生这种事等若在扇他的大嘴巴。 Haha...... ha!” After Li Tian and the others learned of the news, all laughs. “哈哈……哈哈哈!”厉天等人得知消息后,全都大笑不已。 Ye Fan domineering take action, we must coordinate, the Eight Troops Divine General descendant was not divided into several groups of armies to start the rug search, we also killed the troops to be good, making them unable to find out the mind.” Li Heishui said. 叶凡强势出手了,我们怎么也要配合啊,八部神将后裔不是分成几路大军展开了地毯式搜索吗,我们也去杀一路人马好了,让他们摸不清头脑。”李黑水道。 Right, is chased by all, enters Southern Region to kill a cleanness, making Heavenly Sovereign's Son unable to find out the mind, all butchering.” Dongfang Ye nods. “没错,人人喊打,进入南域就杀个干净,让天皇子摸不清头脑,全都给宰了。”东方野点头。 Careful, these had half-Saint to send out time, army to pursue the Ye Fan trail, true trump card was half-Saint in secret!” Yan Yixi reminder. “小心一点,这一次可是有半圣出动了,大军是为追叶凡踪迹,真正的杀手锏是暗中的半圣!”燕一夕提醒。 Their this group of people all sneer again and again, under the preparation starts the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator, Ancient Race Powerhouse that execution with no trace goes south. 他们这一群人全都冷笑连连,准备开始下黑手,不留痕迹的毙掉南下的古族强者 You, on Heavenly Sovereign's Son that bastard have several Great Artifact carefully, a few years ago this Sovereign wants to kill him to be defeated by Killing Formation.” Sovereign Black remembered anything suddenly, complexion some are unattractive, like this reminded. “你们小心一点,天皇子王八蛋身上有几件大器,前些年本皇想以杀阵弄死他都失败了。”黑皇突然想起了什么,脸色有些不好看,这样提醒道。 Blood Phoenix Mountain, towers palatially, great mountain Large expanse, there are various big Dao Traces marks to interweave, main peak seems like the phoenix blood to irrigate, bright red like the blood, this place Myriad Clans is a restricted area. 血凰山,巍峨耸立,巨山成片,有各种大道痕迹交织,主峰像是凰血浇过,鲜红如血,此地于万族来说都是一处禁地。 Usually few people can come this, no one dares to disturb, this was ancient Imperial Clan Dao Field, Blood Pheonix lineage/vein once ruled Immemorial, in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths does obeisance this peak. 平日间没有几人能来此,更无人敢打扰,这是古皇族道场,血凰一脉曾经统治太古,九天十地内共拜此峰。 At this time, longhaired, the eye pupil such as the sea and body bright such as jade Heavenly Sovereign's Son rushed to here, his abundant god like the jade, the appearance is delicate and pretty, lets ascend the sky must envy. 此时,长发披肩、眼眸如海、肌体明净如玉的天皇子赶到了这里,他丰神如玉,容貌俊美,让上天都要嫉妒。 He is a complete man, is slender, the black hair dances in the air, flowing brilliant appearance, mounts peak all over the body, facing a whole body with the man who Heaven and Earth blends. 他是一个无缺的男子,身材颀长,黑发飞舞,通体流动宝辉,登上绝巅,面对一个浑身都与天地交融的男子。 This time comes to ask Dao Brother to go south with me together.” “这次来是想请道兄与我一起南下。” On Blood Phoenix Mountain main peak, the man sits cross-legged, wears the scarlet blood imperial crown, sends the silk one continuously, blends with the Heaven and Earth Great Dao communication, each wisp sends the silk to crush a mountain! 血凰山主峰上,有一个男子盘坐,头戴赤血皇冠,发丝一缕缕,与天地大道沟通交融,每一缕发丝都可以压碎一座大山! Shortly, Heavenly Sovereign's Son descends the mountain, the facial color is indifferent, eye pupil sharp like sword, fearful heart and soul. 不久后,天皇子下山,面色冷漠,眼眸犀利如剑,慑人心魄。 At the foot of the hill, age scary Ancient Race goes forward, said: God's son, that Huang Xudao complied, whether is willing to go south?” 山脚下,一个年岁吓人的古族上前,道:“神之子,那凰虚道答应了吗,是否愿南下?” Heavenly Sovereign's Son nods, the pupil light is dense, said: This time, I, no matter many people want to aim at me, all smashes together, do not want to run!” 天皇子点头,眸光森然,道:“这一次,我不管有多少人都想针对我,全都一起端掉,一个也别想跑!” This Mr. Ancient Race nods, said: At the present, several half-Saint had arrived at that side, only if that person stepped into the Saint domain, otherwise does not die must break off the half-length bone, moistening half Saint character is the difference of Heaven and Earth!” 这名古族老人点头,道:“而今,几位半圣已到了那边,除非那人踏入了圣人领域,不然不死也要折断半身骨,沾半个圣字便是天地之差别!” Walks, goes to Fire Qilin Cave, he does not want the showdown, I accompany!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son said, harnesses magical cloud to fly to another Ancient Sovereign fairyland. “走,去火麟洞,他不是要对决吗,我就奉陪到底!”天皇子道,驾起祥云向另一处古皇仙境飞去。 „Is young lord this must invite Huo Qizi also take action? This lineage/vein are extremely powerful, rumor that Huo Qizi several may want picking the stars and seizing the moon......” 少主这是要去请火麒子出手?这一脉极其强大,传言那火麒子几可要摘星捉月了……” Southern Region, Azure-red Clouds city. 南域,青霞城。 Sky over beautiful lake islands, many cultivator are opening the mouth, the sound is very chaotic, confused and noisy incomparable. 丽湖上空的岛屿,诸多修士都在开口,声音很乱,噪杂无比。 Ye Fan is still very tranquil, at the same time tea, observes all mighty people on the scene, listening to them to discuss chaotically. Perhaps without a doubt, this rotten nomad encampment in his head, the take action person had not thought so many, but everybody thinks that is he does. 叶凡依然很平静,在一边饮茶,观在场诸雄,听他们谈乱。毫无疑问,这笔烂账落在了他的头上,出手的人也许没有想这么多,但是谁都会认为是他做的。 In some sense, this shakes world Powerhouse also to help him, the one breath the invader slaughter a cleanness, omitted his many time. 从某种意义上来说,这位震世强者也在帮他,一口气将来犯者屠了个干净,省去了他不少的功夫。 Soon, a man lands the islands, the body is not very big, naturally is also far from what outstanding, is ordinary and ordinary, precisely Ji Zi, he came back. 不多时,一个男子登陆岛屿,身材不是很高大,自然也谈不上什么英伟,普通而平凡,正是姬子,他又回来了。 The Ye Fan pupil light is reserved, visits him by spiritual awareness, Ji Zi is very silent, almost did not speak, found a lonely place, a person silently sat in the corner. 叶凡眸光内敛,以灵觉看着他,姬子很沉默,几乎都不说话,找了一个冷清的地方,默默的一个人坐在角落里。 Really is Very powerful, this person the power and influence cannot imagine, even in Dao Severing person is still the peak level, I think that Ancient Sovereign's Son met the anti- hand!” “真是好强大,此人的的威势不可想象,即便是在斩道者中也是巅峰级的,我想古皇子们遇到了抗手!” You said that should not be my Human Race's Emperor's Child enter the world, otherwise also has such character in the present age, dares such domineering take action?” “你们说该不会是我人族的帝子出世了吧,不然在当世还有这样的人物吗,敢这么强势出手?” This...... was difficult to say!” “这……难说啊!” People incessantly discussing, made many speculations. 人们议论纷纷,做出了很多推测。 Immortal Ascension Road will open in this, Ancient Sovereign heir seal to this Era, because obtains enlightenment in this piece of Heaven and Earth will be more powerful, breaks through in this big world, then attacks Immortal Domain at one fell swoop. 成仙路将在这一世开启,古皇将子嗣封印到了这个时代,因为在这片天地中得道将更会更强大,于这个大世突破,而后一举冲击进仙域 Human Race's Great Emperor invincible eternal lonely, becoming an immortal is their only hopes, oneself died during meditation, cannot wait for this, perhaps some people seal Emperor's Child to the present age also perhaps.” 人族大帝无敌万古寂寞,成仙是他们的唯一的希望,自己坐化,等不到这一世,说不定有个别人封帝子到当世也说不定。” Many people believe, if that is right, definitely is Ancient Great Emperor and a Immemorial Sovereign's alternative big showdown, cannot the real clash, then launch among the heir! 许多人坚信,若是如此,肯定是古之大帝太古皇的一场另类的大对决,不能真相击,便在子嗣间展开! Perhaps Ancient Great Emperor, Immemorial Sovereign, who is weak and who is strong, needs Emperor's Child and Ancient Sovereign's Son compares!” 古之大帝,太古的皇,孰弱孰强,也许需要帝子古皇子来比较!” This viewpoint, naturally triggers the big vibration, many people exclaim in surprise and nod, this possibly has. Until now Emperor's Child not obvious, perhaps really this/should enter the world. 这个观点一出,自然引发大震动,许多人都惊叹与点头,这不是没有可能。至今帝子都不可见,也许真的该出世了。 Bang “轰” Suddenly, far transmits boundless aura spatially, stream of light flies, turns into a Dao Body shadow above beautiful lake, then ascends to heaven on. 突然,远空传来一股磅礴气息,一道流光飞来,在丽湖上方化成一道身影,而后登天而上。 Powerful aura collects fast, this Dao Body shadow returns to original condition lightly, but actually startled Li Qingzhou stands up fast, moves forward to meet somebody, shouts: Teacher!” 强大气机快速敛去,这道身影平淡归真,可是却惊的李轻舟快速站起,迎了上去,呼道:“师尊!” Audience *** is startled, Flickering Light King really came unexpectedly! 众***吃一惊,摇光王主竟然真的来了! Is that Ji Biyue, Li Youyou and Feng Huang also look changes, this person of name vibration world, with their same Era having god-given wisdom character, looks at boldly the whole wide world, stands erect on at the present Human Race peak. 就是那姬碧月李幽幽风凰也都神色一变,此人之名震动天下,是与他们同一时代的天纵人物,雄视八荒,屹立在而今的人族绝巅上。 Present age, outside abatement Saint, who dares to disrespect to it, the startled fear, even/including number/count insufficiently looked by thousand -year-old character none who does not, does not dare to offend. 当世,除却圣人外,谁敢对其不敬,莫不惊畏,连数以千岁的人物都不够看,不敢得罪。 Has seen Flickering Light King!” “见过摇光王!” Pays a visit Flickering Light Holy Lord!” “拜见摇光圣主!” Almost all people stood, has the incomparably respectful and prudent look, to leading the way gift, shakes Human Race's one generation of talent facing this name. 几乎所有人都站了起来,都带着无比恭谨的神色,向前行大礼,面对这位名震人族的一代天骄 Even Ji Biyue and Feng Huang still have to forward several steps, at the present the Flickering Light all sea all knows, Five Regions Human Race altogether reveres, being regarded as king among men that may meet as an equal to Ancient Sovereign's Son. 即便是姬碧月风凰也不得不向前走了几步,而今摇光四海皆知,五域人族共尊,被视为可与古皇子分庭抗礼的人中之王。 Flickering Light is very humble, saying does not need so, making everyone get up, he such as Immortal King is born, the bearing Saint bone, the look is auspicious, making one bathe in fresh air, who dares to puncture greatly doesn't salute? 摇光很谦逊,言称不必如此,让所有人都起来,他如仙王降世,神姿圣骨,神色祥和,让人如沐春风,谁敢大刺刺的不施礼? Well, but also some really people are like this impolite, saw Flickering Light King not to set out?” “咦,还真有人这样无礼,见了摇光王都没有起身?” Some people found, Ye Fan tiny bit has not moved, another side Ji Zi is also silently silent, has not set out, appears with the person in surroundings is incompatible. 有人发现,叶凡纹丝都未动,还有另一边的姬子也是默默无声,没有起身,与周围的人显得格格不入。 Flickering Light Holy Lord has arrived, they do not set out, arrogance was also too big.” People vision neat sweeps, many people are very naturally discontented, because these two seem like so young, is not the rank high scary generation. 摇光圣主驾到,他们都不起身,架子也太大了吧。”众人目光齐刷刷的扫来,自然有不少人都很不满,因为这两人看起来都是如此的年轻,并非辈分高的吓人之辈。 Named Ji Zi, did not say that he and Li Qingzhou, the purple clothes marquis with are the Southern Region promising youth, so to be how dare impolite, even Bright Moon Divine King came not to dare to pull rank like this!” “其中一个名为姬子,不是说他与李轻舟、紫衣侯同为南域后起之秀吗,怎敢如此无礼,即便皓月神王来了也不敢这样托大吧!” Everyone looks, just now Ji Biyue welcomed, how this does Ji Zi dare to pull rank like this? Many person looks are not very friendly. 所有人都望来,方才姬碧月都迎了过去,这个姬子何以敢这样托大?不少人神色都不是很友好。 Was courteous.” Ji Zi sees people to look, stands up said like this, then sits in the one side, looks silently to the nighttime sky, probably world all are hard to make him pay attention. “有礼了。”姬子见人们望来,站起身来这样说道,而后坐于一旁,默默望向夜空,像是世间一切都难以引他注意。 Another side, Ye Fan still has not moved, naturally made some lives leave discontentedly, all stared. 另一边,叶凡依然未动,自然让一些人生出了不满,全都凝视。 „Who you are, was too arrogant, did not set out in front of Flickering Light Holy Lord, really not heart of the respect?” A person cannot bear say. “你是什么人,也太自大了吧,在摇光圣主面前都不起身,真的没有一点敬重之心吗?”一人忍不住说道。 cultivation base to the Ye Fan so position, all rounds the conscience, how may salute to Flickering Light, even said that courteous did not need. 修为到了叶凡这般境地,一切发乎本心,怎么可能会对摇光施礼,即便说一声有礼了都没必要。 In the past this was an archenemy, when he left this world finally, Flickering Light once pinched dragon mark Golden Cauldron to block in the Central Province ancestral temple, has opposed, at this time has not made war immediately is polite. 当年这是一位大敌,在他最终离开这个世界时,摇光曾挟龙纹金鼎中州祖庙阻击,早已对立,此时没有立刻开战已算是客气了。 My family Holy Lord comes this, you do not spare a glance, was extremely impolite?” Flickering Light behind following a man and a woman two young lads, one of them reprimanded. “我家圣主来此,你都不屑一顾,也太过无礼了吧?”摇光身后跟着一男一女两名童子,其中一人斥道。 Yes, who this person is, actually does not know the immensity of heaven and earth, saw Flickering Light King not to salute upon meeting?” Other person incessantly discussing, have the hostility. “就是啊,这个人到底是谁,竟然这么不知天高地厚,见了摇光王都不见礼?”其他人都议论纷纷,带有敌意。 He thinks that who oneself is, really considers Ancient Sovereign's Son, regarded itself past Saint Physique, wants to meet as an equal to Flickering Light King?!” “他以为自己是谁,真当是古皇子吗,还是把自己当成了昔日的圣体,想与摇光王分庭抗礼?!” Ye Fan swept their one eyes, but shakes the head, anything had not said. 叶凡扫了他们一眼,只是摇了摇头,什么都没有说。 So the action naturally initiates the mighty waves, even Feng Huang and Ji Biyue cannot bear look, present age dares to be like this unscrupulous, this is disdains aloofly, is wildly arrogant? Perhaps only had that person to dare in the past so. 如此举动自然引发波澜,连风凰姬碧月都忍不住望来,当世敢这样肆无忌惮,这是超然不屑,还是过于骄狂?或许唯有过去那个人敢如此。 Child does not get impolitely!” Flickering Light berated the young lad, then arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest to the people, his grade of status does not need to haggle over anything. “童儿不得无礼!”摇光喝斥童子,而后对众人拱了拱手,他这等身份没有必要计较什么。 But, Holy Lord he too did not place in the eye...... young lad to be discontented you, they followed Flickering Light these years, at the present who does also dare to pull rank? “可是,圣主他也太不把您放在眼中了……”童子不满,他们追随摇光这些年,而今还有谁敢这么托大? Li Qingzhou also knits the brows, shows a discontented look, his teacher what kind of status, actually also some people dare to face at the present like this. 李轻舟也是皱了皱眉,露出一丝不满的神色,他的师尊何等的身份,而今却还有人敢这样面对。 Flickering Light swept their one eyes, the young lad does not dare to speak immediately, peaceful, the people also take a seat in abundance. 摇光扫了他们一眼,童子顿时不敢说话了,安静了下来,众人也纷纷落座。 Flickering Light King, hears you to speculate that Immortal Ascension Road will open in Southern Region Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land ?” Some people have the respect to ask. 摇光王,听闻您推测出成仙路将在南域荒古禁地开启,是真的吗?”有人带着敬意问道。 This is only one type guesses that's all, cannot take seriously, actually how very difficult material.” Flickering Light said, said the reason of deduction. In years past, how did Heavenly Jade Holy Land use the strength of entire teaching to attack this restricted area? Perhaps only has to become an immortal to make their not count the price. “这只是一种猜测而已,当不得真,究竟如何很难料。”摇光说道,说出了推论的理由。昔年,天璇圣地何以举全教之力攻打这处禁地?也许唯有成仙可让他们这样不计代价。 Flickering Light, is this holy light body that you cultivate/repair?” Ji Biyue asked. 摇光,这是你修出的圣光身吧?”姬碧月问道。 People hearing this is startled, this is not Flickering Light True Body, but seems like and no difference, really the strength is shocking. 众人闻言都是大吃一惊,这并非摇光真身,可是看起来并没有什么区别,果然实力惊世。 Flickering Light nods, said: True Body painstaking cultivation, is hard left seclusion, can only come out to take a walk by the holy light body.” 摇光点头,道:“真身苦修,难以出关,只能以圣光身出来走动。” People have to be startled, Flickering Light really powerful to shocking situation, shivery. 人们不得不惊,摇光实在强大到了骇人听闻的地步,让人悚然。 In this process, Ye Fan can discover, Flickering Light observes him and Ji Zi in by spiritual awareness, obviously has perceived their great strength and uncommonness. 在这个过程中,叶凡可以发现,摇光在以灵觉观测他与姬子,显然早已觉察到了他们的强大与不凡。 Flickering Light King has no qualms is under Human Race Saint no.1 expert, is really immeasurably deep, formidable!” Some people said. 摇光王无愧为人族圣人第一高手,实在深不可测,让人敬畏!”有人说道。 Others echo, all nods, all for praise. 其他人纷纷附和,全都点头,皆为溢美之词。 Ji Biyue casts a sidelong glance Feng Huang, said with a smile lightly: Actually, Human Race's Saint Physique can also reach this altitude, what a pity does not return departed, his heart in Starry Sky another shore.” 姬碧月瞟了一眼风凰,轻笑道:“其实,人族圣体也可以达到这个高度,可惜头也不回的离去了,其心在星空另一岸。”
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