STH :: Volume #11

#1043: In people

In Chapter 1041 person 第1041章人中杰 Heavenly Sovereign's Son already left seclusion, depending on Eight Troops Divine General, but, scared stiff everyone, for these years who with fighting? At the present, he stamps stamps the feet Eastern Wilderness to tremble three to tremble. 天皇子已然出关,将挟八部神将而至,惊住了所有人,这么多年来谁与争锋?而今,他跺一跺脚东荒都要颤三颤。 It is reported that this Deity heir is furious, pledged that must fall the murderer slaughter, is troops avenges a grievance. Hears, he has rubbed heavenly blade, wants the family member to cut the enemy head, holds a memorial service for the dead.” “据传这位神灵子嗣震怒,发誓要将凶手屠掉,为部众报仇雪恨。听闻,他已将天刀磨好,要亲人斩掉敌人头颅,祭奠死者。” „A Heavenly Sovereign's Son anger, must be the corpse on the ground several thousands, great bloodshed, this is a catastrophe!” 天皇子一怒,必是伏尸数万,流血漂橹,这将是一场大祸!” People much discussion, Ancient Sovereign's Son enter the world, own suicide to Southern Region, this is a earth-shattering important matter, definitely will attract worldwide attention, the world altogether discussed. 人们纷纷议论,古皇子出世,亲自杀向南域,这是一件石破天惊的大事,必然会举世瞩目,天下共论。 His hold of prestige, at the present beyond comparison, drags in lots of people and comes vast momentum, will start the boundless mighty waves. 其威之盛,而今无以伦比,兴师动众、声势浩大而来,将掀起无边波澜。 Not far away, Ye Fan cold Smile, this Deity heir really meets first appears, not necessarily, because had once had to do in the past, the above-mentioned person agitated many Powerhouse, oneself actually rarely begin. 不远处,叶凡冷哂,这个神灵子嗣真的会第一时间出现吗,不见得,因为过去曾打过交道,该人鼓动了不少强者,自己却很少动手。 This hanging islands noisy, people cannot bear the discussion, the people on the scene also only have that Ji Zi to be very light, calm, no point expressed. 这座悬空的岛屿一片嘈杂,人们都忍不住议论,在场众人也唯有那个姬子很平淡,波澜不惊,没有一点表示。 When is tranquil, people cannot bear then look at that Li Qingzhou, he also said a shock and awe will of the people news a moment ago, some people cannot bear the inquiry. 当一切平静下来时,人们又都忍不住回头去看那李轻舟,刚才他也说出了一则震慑人心的消息,有人忍不住询问。 Flickering Light King has not really left this world, long ago did not have the hearsay, said that he did step Ancient Starry Sky Road to conduct in history most Smelting Trial?” 摇光王主真的没有离开这个世界吗,早年不是有传闻,说他踏上了星空古路去进行史上最试炼了吗?” I study under not to leave.” Li Qingzhou smile, tooth snow white, body has Xia splendor twinkle, pore overflowing fine splendor, the whole person is very bright. “我师从来没有离开过。”李轻舟微笑,牙齿雪白,肌体有霞辉闪烁,毛孔都在溢精辉,整个人很灿烂。 Some people catch up one after another, mounts this islands, brought many news, almost comes to pass from Northern Region. 陆续有人赶来,登上这座岛屿,带来了不少消息,几乎都来是从北域传过来的。 Everyone you can guess correctly that who that is, dares to execute Ancient Race various unexpectedly like this, the absolute background is really big.” “各位你们能猜到那是什么人吗,竟然敢这样毙古族诸强,绝对来头甚大。” Yes, is Flickering Light King has not done this for these years, who is he?” “是啊,这么多年来就是摇光王主都没有这样做过,他到底是谁?” The people discussed, the above-mentioned person selects to kill ten eight important location in a night, nails tight 13 Dao Severing person, shocks the world, everyone was guessing, actually no one can know. 众人议论,该人于一夜间挑杀十八重地,钉死十三位斩道者,震撼天下,人人都在猜测,却没有人能知晓。 If that person had not departed in the past, I think that he can achieve, dares to do that.” Some people open the mouth, immediately draws many stares. “若是当年那个人没有离去,我想他能够做到,也敢这么做。”有人开口,立时引来不少目光。 You say...... in years past Saint Physique Ye Fan?” “你是说……昔年的圣体叶凡?” Yes, only has him to dare like this such challenge Heavenly Sovereign's Son, but had left this world.” “是的,也唯有他敢这样这么叫板天皇子吧,只是早已离开了这个世界。” Possibly is not he, had half-Saint once to witness him in Fire Spirit Ravine take action, looked at its True Body source by Heavenly Eye, did not have Saint Physique's golden blood energy.” “不可能是他,有半圣曾亲眼目睹他在火灵壑出手,以天眼看其真身本源,根本不具圣体的黄金血气。” The people mentioned that Ye Fan all shakes the head, this domineering character has taken a long journey, becomes the past, is difficult to appear. 众人提到叶凡全都摇了摇头,这个强势的人物早已远行,成为了过去,再难出现。 After 2 hours, Southern Region Sects some different gentlemen came, Powerhouse like the forest, experts as common as the clouds, making one sigh with regret, the landscape generation has the talent to leave, leads the tease several hundred years respectively. 一个时辰后,南域诸教的一些异士都来了,强者如林,高手如云,让人慨叹,江山代有人才出,各领风骚数百年。 Southern Region, Flickering Light, Ji Family, Free & Unfettered Sect wait/etc. are highest level Major Sect, careful people pay attention, outside abatement Supreme Mystery Sect almost young has talent enter the world. 南域,摇光姬家逍遥门等是最为顶级的大教,细心的人们注意,除却太玄门外几乎都年轻的有天才出世 Pitifully, after Supreme Mystery Sect exiles immortal Hua Yunfei, has not presented a shocking character again, at the present no rare talent arrives.” “可惜,太玄门自谪仙华云飞后,就再也没有出现一个惊艳的人物了,而今没有一个奇才到场。” After Flickering Light, has Li Qingzhou, pursued past Holy Son, met to surpass is well-known, looked is the rare talent. 摇光之后有李轻舟,直追当年的圣子,见面胜似闻名,一看就是奇才。 But Free & Unfettered Sect had/left a purple clothes marquis, a night rises, fights all mighty people, has not defeated, people already raise compare the purple clothes marquis and young Era Divine King Bright Moon. 逍遥门则出了一个紫衣侯,一夜崛起,战遍诸雄,未尝一败,人们已将紫衣侯与年轻时代神王皓月相提并论 Thought back on the past years, Hua Yunfei what kind of hero, a person of vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered world, finally actually untimely death, that was not weak in Flickering Light many supreme person is outstanding!” “遥想当年,华云飞何等的英雄了得,一人纵横天下,最终却英年早逝,那可是不弱于摇光多少的无上人杰!” Some people said that in the past when Hua Yunfei practice Demonic Art, once was surrounded by ten directions, but he actually tries to force through the checkpoint to go, more than ten years have not met the anti- hand, making the world person not have the means. 有人说道,当年华云飞修行魔功时,曾遭十方围堵,而他却冲关而去,十几年未逢抗手,让天下人无办法。 Ye Fan is also one sighs lightly, this enemy made the profound impression on him, elegant transcend worldly affairs, pale, if exiles the immortal, a zither music world, ten thousand spend simultaneously burst opened certainly, hundred birds come to towards, is really elusive. 叶凡也是一声轻叹,这个敌人给他留下了深刻的印象,飘逸出尘,淡若谪仙,一曲琴音绝天下,万花齐绽,百鸟来朝,真的是空灵之极。 Finally is a pitiful fish, jumps furiously, but was grasped each time by a big hand, cannot escape the destiny, finally that invariable rivers. 终是一条可怜的鱼儿,奋力跃起,可每次都被一只大手抓回,摆脱不了命运,终于那条不变的河流。 Ye Fan cut so many rivals, this is to make him feel a pity few, opponent who is worth sighing, before thinking of Hua Yunfei just before the end , the true feelings reveal and are willing, turn into the light rain for a naive servant boy who waited on master and played the qin the scene, he shakes the head. 叶凡斩了这么多敌手,这是为数不多让他觉得可惜,值得叹息的对手,想到华云飞临终前真情流露、愿为一天真琴童、化成光雨的场景,他摇了摇头。 Only can say that in the past Saint Physique was too powerful, lets exile the immortal this and other unparalleled rare talents dead with unsatisified regret, but also wrong cultivated Heaven Devouring Demonic Art in him, Heaven and Earth does not accommodate.” “只能说当年圣体太强大了,让谪仙这等盖世奇才都饮恨而终,不过也错在他修炼了吞天魔功,天地不容啊。” People regret and sigh deeply. 人们都不禁惋惜与长叹。 „The death that at the present, these shocking people die outstandingly, departure of departure, is the purple clothes marquis, Li Qingzhou, Primal Chaos Holy Son and contest of Ye Tong this grade of rare talent.” “而今,那些惊艳的人杰死的死,离去的离去,已是紫衣侯、李轻舟混沌圣子叶瞳这等奇才的较量了。” Also right, these shocking talent showdowns continued their disciple this generation, even some people, their Inheritance do not divide high under.” “也对,那些惊世天骄的对决延续到了他们的弟子这一代,即便有的人不在了,他们的传承也要分个高下。” Quick people talked about Myriad Beginnings' Primal Chaos and Ye Tong that war, exclaimed in surprise that the great strength of Ye Fan disciple, simply is Saint Physique second. 很快人们就谈到了万初的混沌子与叶瞳那一战,都惊叹叶凡弟子之强大,简直就是圣体第二。 Myriad Beginnings' Mo Xue is not true Primal Chaos Physique, legends say this physique is not possible, he is also can only hold Primal Chaos Qi that's all inborn. If one day, presents a person who has the Primal Chaos blood, then everyone also has nothing to struggle, in the future must be he reveres Nine Heavens and Ten Earths alone, person of prove the Dao!” 万初的莫雪并非真正的混沌体,相传这种体质是不可能出现的,他也只是天生能容纳混沌气而已。若是有一天,出现一个有混沌血的人,那么大家也没什么可争的了,将来必是他独尊九天十地,一人证道!” Even if this physique had not appeared since old times, cannot suppose like this, the supreme terrifying that it is said. Twenty years ago, Great Empress Ferocity one every body, has not cut completely various Kings, on independent Nine Heavens, Deity cannot keep off its group.” “即便这种体质自古从来没有出现过,也不能这样假设,将其说的过于无上恐怖了。二十几年前,狠***帝不过一介凡体,还不是斩尽诸王,独立九天上,神灵都不能挡其路。” This but actually is also.” “这倒也是。” Words said that Ye Tong is very powerful, this/should meeting not as he said that generation of his masters will fight the world like that in the future, swept away all rivals of Ye Fan past years, raised the Saint Physique invincible prestige.” “话说,那个叶瞳真的很强大,该会不真如他所说的那般吧,将来代其师战天下,横扫叶凡当年的所有敌手,扬圣体无敌之威。” This has possibly, has the disciple so, Saint Physique should also be gratified, disciple swept the past enemy for him, this was its most powerful manifestation, take action had the sense of achievement!” “这不是没有可能,有徒如此,圣体也该欣慰了,弟子代他扫遍昔日敌,这才是其最强大的体现,比自己出手更有成就感!” These people discussed that although the sound presses is very low, but also makes Li Qingzhou frown, Human Race several people left this world outstandingly one after another, at the present takes his master as to revere, has not actually thought that some people comparisons, Saint Physique the strong influence can be inferred like this. 这些人如此议论,虽然声音压的很低,但却也让李轻舟微皱了下眉头,人族几位人杰相继离开了这个世界,而今以他师傅为尊,却不曾想有人这样比较,圣体之强大的影响力可见一斑。 Ji Family's long Princess came, comes in waves with Free & Unfettered Sect Li Youyou.” Some people said that many people do not control self stood , indicating the ritual respect. 姬家的公主来了,与逍遥门李幽幽联袂而至。”有人说道,很多人都不自禁的站了起来,表示礼敬。 Ji Biyue and Li Youyou are very fearful, in Flickering Light, Ji Haoyue and Hua Yunfei this and other group star-studded ages, they do not have gloomy many, is that Era Southern Region strongest several people. 姬碧月李幽幽无比可怕,在摇光姬皓月华云飞这等群星璀璨的年代,她们也没有暗淡多少,为那个时代南域最强的几人。 The Ji Biyue figure is slender, a long hair dances in the air, the red lip is bright, the sex appeal is charming, wears the green rosy cloud clothes, holds a pair of snow white jade foot, the fine dust is not dyeing, one like the past. 姬碧月身段修长,一头长发飞舞,红唇鲜艳,性感妩媚,身穿绿霞衣,持着一对雪白的玉足,纤尘不染,一如过去。 She such as many things around a center were crowded around generally, numerous cultivator to salute upon meeting to her, this is one generation of Divine King older female cousin, at the present may take over Ji Family, who doesn't fear? 她如众星捧月一般被人拥簇进来,众多修士全都对都对她见礼,这可是一代神王的堂姐,而今有可能接掌姬家,谁人不惧? Ye Fan notices, when Ji Biyue has swept Ji Zi, the look on elegant face obviously stagnates, outside abatement his grade of spiritual awareness keen person, other cultivator are certainly difficult to discover. 叶凡注意到,姬碧月扫过姬子时,俏脸上的神色明显一滞,除却他这等灵觉敏锐的人外,其他修士绝难发现。 Li Youyou is very desolate, the people also salute upon meeting to him, she beckons with the hand, sits in the side of Nephew-Apprentice purple clothes marquis, has not said anything. 李幽幽则很冷淡,众人也对他见礼,她摆了摆手,坐在了师侄紫衣侯的身边,没有多说什么。 Said Immortal Ascension Road to open, today everyone gets together, what kind of road might also as well chatted this is, ancient people legends say, possibly in my Southern Region.” “都言成仙路开启,今日大家齐聚,也不妨聊下这是一条怎样的路,故老相传,可能在我南域啊。” On the Ji Biyue face has the happy expression, but in the pupil actually also swift and fierce, she is a desire for power very strong person, the character makes it so, regardless of wants to have the leading power there. 姬碧月脸上带着笑意,但眸子中却也有一种凌厉,她是一个权力欲望很强的人,性格使然,无论在那里都想掌握主导权。 After she said such words, immediately initiated a people hot theory, does not know that is who said that once had observed rare book ancient book, said that Immortal Ascension Road may open in Southern Region. 她说出这样的话语后,顿时引发人们一阵热论,也不知是谁说的,曾观过孤本古册,称成仙路可能将会在南域开启。 What special place does Southern Region have, everyone cannot guess correctly?” Li Qingzhou said with a smile. 南域有什么特别的地方,诸位难道猜不出吗?”李轻舟笑道。 Many people cannot bear reveal the startled color, his can Immortal Ascension Road guess?! 许多人忍不住露出惊色,他连成仙路都能猜测出吗?! „To come is your master made some deduction?” On the Ji Biyue face brings to say with a smile pale. “想来是你师父做出了某种推论吧?”姬碧月脸上带着淡笑道。 Yes, family/home master Renzhen pondered over, thinks Immortal Ascension Road, if invisible, then no one could guess correctly, if visible, if Southern Region, mostly under that Ancient Desolate Abyss.” Li Qingzhou said. “是的,家师认真思忖,认为成仙路若无形,则谁也猜不到,而若有形,且若是南域的话,多半就在那荒古深渊下。”李轻舟道。 Whish “哗” Such remarks, under inference absolutely sufficiently heaven shaking that this Divine Island boiling, Flickering Light makes, letting the person has to shock. 此言一出,这座神岛沸腾,摇光做出的推断绝对足以惊天下,让人不得不震撼。 My master said, this is only a possible road, not necessarily to , the true secret no one be able to completely understand.” Li Qingzhou said. “我师说,这只是一种可能的路,并不一定为真,真正的天机谁也看不透。”李轻舟道。 Flickering Light King was modest, he is what kind of character, rules Eastern Wilderness, must have a sleep/felt to make such judgment.” The people open the mouth in abundance, to the Flickering Light Holy Lord awe. 摇光王自谦了,他是何等的人物,君临东荒,必是有所觉才做出这样的论断。”众人纷纷开口,对摇光圣主敬畏不已。 Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land where? Has entry but no exit, that desolate can compare Ancient Great Emperor, who can kill mostly in the future, only if he occupies there is to wait for Immortal Ascension Opportunity! 荒古禁地那什么地方?有进无出,那个荒多半堪比古之大帝,将来谁能杀进去,除非他占据在那里是为等待成仙契机 But thinks of these, people sudden headache, the thought were many innumerable times, because Eastern Wilderness has Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, what complex secret another six do have?! 而一想到这些,人们则一阵头大,念头多了无数倍,因为东荒七大生命禁区,另外六个又有什么复杂的秘密?! Wind Huang Tiannu came, this is Feng Family one generation of Princess, is the previous generation Central Region first person.” Some people call out in alarm, the large expanse of person stands up, greets this female. “风凰天女来了,这是风家的一代公主,是上一代中域的第一人。”有人惊呼,成片的人起立,迎接这个女子。 Feng Huang clearly Dao Severing, the body had powerful aura, reserved in within the body, but that imposing manner lets being awestruck that the person does not control self. 风凰显然斩道了,身上有一种强大的气机,内敛于体内,但是那种气势却让人不自禁的生畏。 In fact, she seems like is actually the peerless grace and talent, wears the Five Colors mask, five types of color light circle the body, turns into Immortal Phoenix, the plate is attached to the god, clear overflowing color, sacred auspicious. Although she has not revealed the appearance/portrait, but legends say her looks shame the moon and flowers, comes slim and graceful, Lotus Blooming at Every Step, light/only this makings made for no reason press various woman a head. 事实上,她看起来却是绝代风华,头戴五色面具,五种彩光绕体,化成一只仙凰,盘附在神,晶莹溢彩,神圣祥和。她虽然未露真容,但相传她的姿容闭月羞花,袅娜而来,步步生莲,光这种气质让平白压了诸女一头。 Originally is younger sister Feng Huang, many years have not seen, elegant demeanor as before.” Ji Biyue said with a smile. “原来是风凰妹妹,多年未见,风采依旧啊。”姬碧月笑着说道。 Elder Sister Biyue won in the past, after Bright Moon Divine King departed, did you soon become Lord of Ji Family?” Feng Huang said with a smile pale, the whole body flowing Five Colors sparkling stone light, the graceful bearing was moving. 碧月姐姐更胜往昔,皓月神王离去后,你快要成为姬家之主了吧?”风凰淡笑道,浑身流动五色莹光,风姿动人。 The people do not dare to say anything, turned very quiet, obviously felt that two people is a little in sharp opposition, seems the inharmonious past events. 众人都不敢说什么,屏住了呼吸,显然感觉到两人有点针锋相对,似有不睦往事。 Where comparing favorably with younger sister, as Feng Family Holy Lord, Central Region altogether reveres, must say that the only regret was the past engagement, younger sister celestial female may really be excellent, has not placed in Human Race's Saint Physique the eye.” Ji Biyue said with a smile. “哪里比得上妹妹,身为风家圣主,中域共尊,要说唯一的遗憾就是当年的婚约,天女妹妹可真是过人,将人族圣体都未放在眼中。”姬碧月笑道。 This islands all of a sudden peaceful, no one spoke, all kept silent, feared to draw fire to oneself. 这座岛屿一下子就安静了下来,没有人出言,全都噤若寒蝉,都怕引火烧身。 You......” the Feng Huang snow white delicate hands grip the fist, obviously this embarrasses her. “你……”风凰雪白的纤手攥成拳头,显然这让她很难堪。 Who those present do not know, in the past the Feng Clan pearl has made this decision, afterward Ye Fan rose, once caused many people to taunt Feng Huang in secret. 在场的人谁不知道,当年风族明珠做出过这个决定,后来叶凡崛起,曾引起很多人暗中嘲讽过风凰 Ji Biyue brings up an old matter again, obviously is some *** said, makes Feng Clan celestial female feel bad intentionally, nearly is the visible taunt, making her feel ashamed. 姬碧月旧事重提,明显是有些***道,故意让风族天女心中不快,近乎是明着嘲讽,让她脸上无光。 Feng Huang light saying: Exhausted Elder Sister took the trouble, but under the consideration Ji Family, after I once heard Bright Moon Divine King and Sister Ziyue step Starry Sky, the Ji Family power and influence greatly is inferior to the past. In that Northern Region mining area, the direct descendant juniors by the Ancient Race person fan slap, this may really harm the Great Emperor Void prestige continually, then after all has the Great Emperor's blood to the brother and sister within the body class/flow, Elder Sister meets the position to be possible is inferior to Divine King greatly.” 风凰平淡的说道:“劳烦姐姐费心了,不过还是多考虑下姬家吧,我曾听闻皓月神王紫月小妹踏上星空后,姬家威势大不如从前。在那北域矿区,连嫡系子弟都被古族人扇了耳光,这可真的有损虚空大帝威名,毕竟那对兄妹体内流有大帝的血液,姐姐接位可真是大不如神王啊。” The people are startled, this grade of matter they do not know, cannot think clarity of such Feng Huang understanding, said in the presence of everyone attacks Ji Biyue. 众人都是大吃一惊,这等事他们都不知,想不到风凰了解的这么清楚,当众说出来打击姬碧月 Feng Clan celestial female at a moderate pace saying: Hears in the end, was that mysterious Powerhouse holds dark gold spear to execute all Ancient Race, was Elder Sister Ji Family preserved some face countenances.” 风族天女不紧不慢的说道:“听闻到头来,是那位神秘强者暗金长枪毙掉了所有古族,为姐姐姬家保住了些许颜面。” What younger sister wants saying that is guessed that person is Saint Physique Ye Fan is inadequate?” Ji Biyue smile, no matter what her thousand languages, only hold on to this point, makes Feng Huang shame sufficiently angry. “妹妹想说什么,难道是猜测那个人为圣体叶凡不成?”姬碧月微笑,任她千般语,只抓住这一点,就足以让风凰羞恼。 Really, the Feng Huang pupil light/only compels the person, she most does not want to be raised is this past events, cold sound said: „The Eight Troops Divine General descendant has gone south, if Elder Sister Great Emperor Void descendant, how thinks to save the face. The Great Emperor Void all sea altogether reveres, the world is altogether supine, deters Nine Heavens and Ten Earths! His direct descendant descendant, within the body flows has his supreme Emperor blood, even some memory fragments, actually by person such leaf of slap, to Human Race's Great Emperor is a huge shame.” 果然,风凰眸光迫人,她最不想被人提就是这件往事,冷声道:“八部神将后裔已经南下,姐姐若是虚空大帝后人,还是多想想怎么挽回颜面吧。虚空大帝四海共尊,天下共仰,威慑九天十地!他的嫡系后人,体内流淌有他的无上帝血,甚至有的记忆碎片,却被人这样扇耳光,对人族大帝来说是一种天大的耻辱。” Ye Fan discovered, Ji Zi knits the brows, then stood up, left this islands. 叶凡发现,姬子皱眉,而后站起身来,离开了这座岛屿。 His figure is not tall, undistinguished appearance, very ordinary, but actually causes Ye Fan one suspicion and attention, this is the person somewhat is really special. 他身材不高,其貌不扬,非常的普通,但却引得叶凡都一阵怀疑与关注,这个是人实在有些特别。 Ji Zi is quiet, if he will stand in the huge crowd will not pay attention absolutely, will be very ordinary and ordinary, his departure has not caused anything to fluctuate, because the people will regard as important him radically uselessly, will not think him uncommonly how. 姬子沉默寡言,他若站在人海中绝对不会被注意,很平凡与一般,他的离去也没有引起什么波动,因为众人根本就没用看重他,不认为他多么的不凡。 Also there is cultivator to rush, brought many recent news, said: I hear, Heavenly Sovereign's Son subordinate Powerhouse has entered Southern Region one after another, the first group of Eight Troops Divine General descendants are 100000 miles away cloud peak ancient city, drags in lots of people to come.” 又有修士赶到,带来了不少新的消息,道:“我听闻,天皇子麾下的强者已陆续入南域,第一批八部神将后裔正在100000里外的‘云峰’古城,兴师动众而来。” Cloud Peak City, is one of the Southern Region ten big great cities, with the Azure-red Clouds city compound, from ancient to present is important location. 云峰城,为南域十大巨城之一,与青霞城并列,自古至今都为重地 However, in this moment, had an incomparably fearful matter, on that day is collapsing, that wells up Primal Chaos, that Void in bloodstained, that fluctuation went beyond the manpower category probably! 然而,就在这一刻,发生了一件无比可怕的事,那天在崩,那地涌混沌,那虚空染血,那种波动像是超出了人力范畴! Excessively are not when many, a news reaches the Divine Island in Azure-red Clouds city beautiful lake, some people looks are excited, the chest and belly fluctuates fiercely, the enunciation is not agile. 未过多时,一则消息传进青霞城丽湖上的这座神岛,一些人神色激动,胸腹剧烈起伏,口齿都不利索了。 everyone, the huge news, was having an important matter a moment ago!” 诸位,天大的消息,就在刚才发生了一件大事!” Under Heavenly Sovereign's Son the first group of people all died, no one lives, Cloud Peak City had a strange fluctuation, Void fluctuated, Eight Troops Divine General descendant's fleshly body changed into blood mist, only left behind the head to hang in in the air.” 天皇子麾下第一批人全都死了,没有一个人活下来,云峰城起了一种奇异的波动,虚空起伏,八部神将后裔的肉身化为血雾,只留下头颅悬于空中。” Is impossible, middle has Dao Severing person, there are large quantities of expert, died like this?!” “不可能吧,当中有斩道者,有大批的高手,就这样死去了?!” Sudden of very matter, no one knows that what's the matter, that piece of Void as if there is life, cut all Ancient Race expert!” “事情发生的很突然,谁都不知道怎么回事,那片虚空似乎有生命,斩了所有古族高手!” The people dumbfounded, this is some people must be attractive to Heavenly Sovereign's Son, his under first group of people just arrived at Southern Region to give to kill a cleanness, this is what kind of domineering and aggression, this slap hits was too resounding. 众人都呆住了,这是有人要给天皇子好看,其麾下第一批人刚到南域就给杀了个干净,这是何等的强势与霸气,这个耳光打的太响亮了。
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