STH :: Volume #11

#1042: Rare talent meeting

Chapter 1040 rare talent gets together 第1040章奇才聚会 Eastern Wilderness, in the land east, acquires fame because of wild forest great lake, the region is endless, vast does not know that many ten thousand li (0.5 km), the mortal stepped onto a lot of th unable to arrive at the end. 东荒,地处大地东边,因多荒林大泽而得名,地域无疆,浩瀚也不知多少万里,凡人走上千百世都到不了尽头。 Ye Fan selects Heavenly Sovereign's Son 18 important location continually, a night shakes under heaven shaking, Five Regions chaos, widely-noted, all cultivator all focus Eastern Wilderness! 叶凡连挑天皇子十八处重地,一夜间震惊天下,五域大乱,举世瞩目,所有修士全都聚焦东荒 Opens for more than ten years not to have the magnificent feat, this type violent and decisive impressive, the blood and iron slaughters, puts down large quantities of Eight Troops Divine General descendants, making Ancient Race one be in a daze, but behind big. 开十几年未有之壮举,这种暴烈与果断让人惊叹,铁血杀戮,扫平大批八部神将的后裔,让古族都一阵发呆,而后头大。 Who this is, the courage was too big, wants to pierce the day? 这到底是谁,胆子太大了,想将天捅破吗? Undying Heavenly Sovereign once monarch overlooking the world, had Eight Troops Divine General in years past, shows disdain for Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, any can put down the world, to fight Foreign Domain Deity, sweeps away all obstacles. 不死天皇君临天下,昔年有八部神将,傲视九天十地,任何一部都可以平天下、战域外神灵,所向披靡。 After this Divine Venerate died during meditation, Eight Troops Divine General buries along with him together, but their descendants were dormant in each region, although obliterated in the long years was similar, but was still a not allow to neglect strength. 当这位神尊坐化后,八部神将随他一同下葬,而他们的后裔都蛰伏在了各地,虽然在漫长的岁月中磨灭的差不多了,但依然是一股不容忽视的力量。 At the present, some unexpectedly people challenge this strength, making Ancient Race be surprised, Heavenly Sovereign's Son is not a loner, even the remnants of defeated troops descendants may still deter Eastern Wilderness. 而今,竟有人挑战这股力量,让古族都大感意外,天皇子可不是孤家寡人,即便是残部后裔也可威慑东荒 Ye Fan one step, a hundred kills, the matter flicked the sleeve, at this time he stands on a light vessel, along the river, cross-strait monkey cries & tiger roars, the mountain stands tall and erect, his look is auspicious, no point slaughters the air/Qi. 叶凡一步百杀,事了拂衣去,此时他站在一叶轻舟上,顺江而下,两岸猿啼虎啸,大山高耸,他神色祥静,没有一点杀戮气。 That one day and one night, he does not know that killed many Eight Troops Divine General descendants, the blood was incarnadine his body, even that dark gold spear cruel, winds around to kill off. 一天一夜,他也不知杀了多少八部神将后裔,鲜血将他的身体都染红了,连那个暗金长枪都暴戾了起来,缭绕杀光。 The under foot corpse on the ground several hundreds and over a thousand, making he himself kill to be sick, the bleeding world, dispersing of white bones block, in people in self were a nightmare. 脚下伏尸数百、上千,让他自己都杀到厌烦了,流血的世界,白骨块的飞散,于人于己都是一场噩梦。 At this moment, he finally was the bracelet, expected that Heavenly Sovereign's Son met rampage like the thunder, the exploding with rage chest cavity, 13 Dao Severing person this were the inestimable losses. 此刻,他终于是跳脱了出来,料想那天皇子一定会暴跳如雷,气炸胸腔,十三位斩道者这是不可估量的损失。 The cross-strait ape sound cannot cry, the light vessel has crossed Mt. Wanzhong. This page of small boats are only a simple bamboo raft, above has a wine pot, several plates of side dishes, Ye Fan drinks with flies. 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。这页扁舟只是简单的一个竹筏,上面有一个酒坛,有几碟小菜,叶凡自斟自饮。 This great river water current is rapid, winds through from the mountain big gully, forwards, passes through endless Great Wilderness, the number by ten thousand li (0.5 km) rare habitation, ashore some are only the birds and beast of prey. 这条大江水流湍急,从高山大壑中流过,一路向前,穿越过无尽的大荒,数以万里罕见人烟,岸上有的只是飞禽与猛兽。 At this time has arrived at Southern Region, the water current had also slowed down slowly, left left Great Wilderness, entered has the region that human appeared and disappeared, often may see that the steamship navigated in the rivers and streams. 此时已经到了南域,水流也慢慢放缓了,出离了大荒,进入有人类出没的区域,不时可见到大船于江河中航行。 Ye Fan goes south, he knows that Heavenly Sovereign's Son must certainly explode, is planning mostly, thinks world chases down the wicked enemy, his happy to see opposite party violent anger, therefore free and unfettered swims. 叶凡一路南下,他知道天皇子肯定要炸了,多半正在谋划,想满世界的追杀恶敌,他乐见对方暴怒,因此逍遥而游。 Just experienced one to slaughter, he wants to adjust, static and other opposite party sent out, at crucial moments the thunder struck, if can execute the present trace Heavenly Sovereign's Son that to be good at one fell swoop. 刚经历过一番杀戮,他想调整,静等对方出动,于关键时刻雷霆一击,若是能一举毙掉现踪的天皇子那就再好不过了。 Southern Region, the Azure-red Clouds city, the scenery is magnificent, poetic and beautiful, this is place of outstanding people and magical soil, multi- talented men and beautiful women, the immortal poems come from here. 南域,青霞城,景色瑰丽,如诗如画,这是一处人杰地灵之地,多才子佳人,许多不朽的诗章都源自这里。 Has a beautiful lake in the city, at night will be brilliantly illuminated, the gorgeous boat is many, the young talent lingers, the place of fireworks, the talented person is loose, good life posture, many edifying anecdotes. 在城中有一个丽湖,每到夜晚都会灯火通明,画舫甚多,多年轻才俊流连,烟花之地,才子风流,佳人生姿,有许多美谈。 Naturally, middle so-called outstanding also included cultivator, the Azure-red Clouds city is one of the Southern Region ten big great cities, is to cultivate sacred land, many path of cultivation people wander. 当然,当中所谓的俊杰也包括了修士等,青霞城为南域十大巨城之一,为一修炼圣土,有很多修道人徘徊。 Also is a night, gorgeous boat Large expanse , such as in each and every one lake fortress, brilliantly illuminated, the sound of string and woodwind instruments is lingering on faintly, the singing sound, the toasting sound, laughter often transmitted. 又是一个夜晚,画舫成片,一条条、一座座,如一个个湖中堡垒,灯火通明,丝竹之音不绝于耳,歌声、祝酒声、笑声等不时传来。 This is a red light district, is a striving for hegemony field, common outstanding comes this, naturally must have the alternative the showdown. 这是一片温柔乡,也是一片争雄场,常有俊杰来此,自然少不了另类的对决。 Ye Fan along the river, when meeting a small branch turned, enters the Azure-red Clouds city, the bamboo raft drives into this extremely rich, magnificent, and reputable beautiful lake, saw a flickering phoenix ship. 叶凡顺江而下,在遇到一条小支流时拐了进来,进入青霞城,竹筏驶入这个极富盛名的丽湖,见到了一幢幢凤船。 We will not come late.” Some cultivator go on a trip in a hurry, flies to a distant place great ship, seems a very important meeting. “我们不会来晚了吧。”一些修士行色匆匆,向远处一座巨船飞去,似有一场很重要的聚会。 For these years, my Southern Region cultivator is very low-key, has a small-scale grand meeting rarely, not fault-tolerant.” Some people were discussing in a low voice, rushes to the same place. “这么多年来,我南域修士都很低调,难得有个小型盛会,不容错过。”有人在低声议论,赶往同一个地方。 Ye Fan is astonished however, revealed the look of surprise, in the front great city multi-colored sunlight, in the islands of its above unexpectedly float, many cultivator after on the ship registers, all soars, falls into the above. 叶凡讶然,露出异色,前方巨城上霞光点点,在其上方竟有一座漂浮的岛屿,不少修士自船上登记后,全都腾空而起,落入上方。 Azure-red Clouds city moves Southern Region, has a big fame in Eastern Wilderness, beautiful lake is a wonderful scenery, naturally must have the cultivator operation, has such hanging islands also to be but actually fair. 青霞城名动南域,在东荒都有不小的名气,丽湖是一处妙景,自然也少不了修士经营,有这样悬空的岛屿倒也合情合理。 The Ye Fan rejection bamboo raft, mounts this hanging Divine Island smoothly, above ancient building are many, the magnificently decorated building, spring water gurgling, the pavilion displays, the strange stone stack, the fine wood is luxuriantly green. 叶凡舍弃竹筏,顺利登上这座悬空的神岛,上面古建筑不少,雕梁画栋,泉水汩汩,亭台罗列,奇石堆积,佳木葱茏。 This islands under the moonlight are very auspicious, probably covers the pure white fine gauze, many people present. 在月光下这座岛屿很祥和,像是笼罩有一层洁白的轻纱,有不少人在座。 A meeting of this not time desirably organization, but will slightly gather because of several rare talents, finally the news passed on, brings in many cultivator. 这并非一次刻意组织的聚会,只是因几位奇才将小聚而起,最终消息传了出去,引来很多修士 Purple clothes Hou passed/lived came, in recent years rose, sweeps away Southern Region, to looking disdainfully, might be second Divine King in the future.” “紫衣侯过果真来了,近年来崛起,横扫南域,所向睥睨,未来有可能是第二个神王。” People call out in alarm, looks together to front stone platform, there has a purple clothes man, the age is about twenty years old, does not get angry, but the prestige, has special makings. 人们惊呼,一起向前方一座石台望去,那里有一个紫衣男子,年龄不过二十几岁,不怒而威,带着一种很特别的气质。 He was Free & Unfettered Sect disciple, the rise quick went beyond everyone's expectation, at the present Southern Region absolutely is one generation of rare talents!” Some people acclaimed. “他是逍遥门弟子,崛起之快超出了所有人的预料,在而今的南域绝对是一代奇才!”有人赞叹。 Ye Fan hearing this is startled, Free & Unfettered Sect is really pivotal Sect, is ordinary with Supreme Mystery Sect that Hua Yunfei is, leaves outside Holy Land, for strongest one is Major Sect. 叶凡闻言一怔,逍遥门确是一个举足轻重的教门,与华云飞所在的太玄门一般,舍去圣地外,为最强的一系大教 In the past, outside younger generation abatement Ji Haoyue, Hua Yunfei and Flickering Light Holy Son, Southern Region also had Ji Biyue and Free & Unfettered Sect Li Youyou and other expert. 当年,年轻一代除却姬皓月华云飞摇光圣子外,南域还有姬碧月逍遥门李幽幽等几位高手 Has not thought that these years in the past, another generation of up-and-comers rose, this purple clothes marquis he has not heard. 不曾想,这些年过去后,又一代新人崛起了,这个紫衣侯他从来没有听说过。 Some people call out in alarm said: Li Qingzhou also came, this might become Flickering Light future first Holy Son, for these years the momentum shocked Southern Region fiercely, sweeps away all obstacles.” 有人惊呼道:“李轻舟也来了,这很可能会成为摇光未来的第一圣子啊,这几年来势头之猛震惊南域,所向披靡。” In pavilions, on a look bright young man face brings gentle smiling, the whole body seems like holy light to wind around, wears the lunar white clothing, under moon/month splendor incomparable unusual refined. 在一座亭台间,一个神色灿烂的年轻男子脸上带着柔和的笑,浑身都像是一层圣光缭绕,身穿月白色的衣衫,在月辉下无比的超凡脱俗。 This person was powerful, defeated Flickering Light one generation of everyone, had no time to let compared with it past Flickering Light Holy Son.” “这个人强大无比,战败了摇光一代所有人,比之当年的摇光圣子不遑多让。” Many people are whispering, particularly some females, are the beautiful pupil twinkle extraordinary splendor, looks at Li Qingzhou. 许多人都在低语,尤其是一些女子,更是美眸闪烁异彩,看着李轻舟 It is reported that he is disciple that Flickering Light Holy Lord teaches personally, you looked that even the charm looks like very much, deep mishap, even if in the future will not be the Eastern Wilderness first person still similar.” “据传,他可是摇光圣主亲手教出来的弟子,你们看连神韵都很像,深不测啊,未来即便不是东荒第一人也差不多。” Obviously, people pay attention to Li Qingzhou especially, because his teacher is famous, the world altogether knows. 很显然,人们对李轻舟格外关注,因为他的师尊负有盛名,天下共知。 Ye Fan carefully watches, discovered that this child looked like in years past Flickering Light Holy Son makings extremely, has the aura of transcending the mortal world, launched in salvos the silk to shine, cultivation base this ages sufficiently shocking. 叶凡仔细观看,发现此子与昔年的摇光圣子气质极像,有超凡入圣的气息,连发丝都在发光,修为在这个年龄段来说足以惊世。 „It is not really simple, Flickering Light taught a good apprentice.” He talked to oneself in a soft voice. “真是不简单啊,摇光教出了一个好徒弟。”他轻声自语。 His powerful nature is without a doubt, does not think that who his master is, is Human Race can only with supreme that Ancient Sovereign's Son contends with, in the Saint not manifest age, it can be said that unmatched in the world!” Some people sighed. “他的强大自然毋庸置疑,也不想想他的师傅是谁,是人族仅有的能与古皇子抗衡的无上尊者,在圣人显化的年代,可以说是天下无敌啊!”有人叹道。 Yes, past Flickering Light Holy Son, at the present Flickering Light Holy Lord, is really the eternal rare talent, practice so Realm, the looking disdainfully world love, can meet as an equal to everyone Ancient Sovereign child, was really a miracle!” Everyone does not endure sigh with emotion. “是啊,昔日的摇光圣子,而今的摇光圣主,真乃是万古奇才,修行到这般境界,睥睨天下爱,能与诸位古皇亲子分庭抗礼,实在是一种神迹!”所有人都不忍感慨。 Since the ancient times, he is dares only in the name of the Flickering Light person, the road of become Emperor, never vacillates, heart firm like iron.” People discussed. “自古以来,他是唯一敢以摇光为名的人,成帝之路,从不动摇,心坚如铁。”人们议论。 Past Flickering Light Holy Son, at the present Flickering Light Holy Lord, changes name in ten years ago, called Flickering Light! 昔日的摇光圣子,而今的摇光圣主,于十年前易名,就此叫摇光 If others can only trigger the taunt, this/should Holy Land other prime elder wait/etc. must strongly oppose, but he makes such decision, no one dares to say anything, all thinks that matches very much. 若是别人只能引发嘲讽,该圣地其他元老等必会极力反对,可是他做出这样的决定,没有一人敢多说什么,皆认为很相配。 Flickering Light!” Ye Fan drinks the next glass of liquor, sits on the stone block, in moonlit night pine forest, listens respectfully to the running water murmur, observes calmly various people. 摇光!”叶凡饮下一杯酒,坐在石墩上,于月夜松林间,聆听流水潺潺,静观诸人。 He has not thought that the past archenemy had this grade of power and influence unexpectedly, not only has rectified names, and there is monarch overlooking the world, to overlook major powers of trim Eastern Wilderness, pushed Five Regions not to have the rival horizontally. 他没有想到昔日的大敌竟有这等威势了,不仅已正名,且有君临天下、俯视整片东荒大势,横推五域无敌手。 How I heard that Flickering Light goddess Yao Xi escaped in twelve years ago, left Flickering Light Holy Land, does not know the genuine and fake.” At this moment, some people said such a few words. “我怎么听说摇光神女姚曦十二年前逃掉了,离开了摇光圣地,不知真假。”就在这时,有人说出这样一句话。 Yes, I also heard, this Southern Region pearl does not know that in the past was charmed many people outstanding, countless people were willing to prostrate oneself under her pomegranate skirt, does not know why must flee.” “是啊,我也听说了,这位南域明珠当年也不知道迷倒了多少人杰,无数人甘愿拜倒在她的石榴裙下,不知为何要遁走。” Thinks that Flickering Light prestige moves the world, becomes teaches Holy Lord, Yao Xi goddess rejoice is right, does not know why made this step.” “想那摇光威名动天下,成为一教圣主,姚曦神女该高兴才对,不知为何闹到了这一步。” I once heard, when Yao Xi Saintess runs away once word, Flickering Light Holy Land such as that old tree is withered, the god secret sect gate takes root on, but manifestation...... will subvert this/should Holy Land!” “我曾听闻,姚曦圣女逃走时曾言,摇光圣地如那老树干枯,有一神秘教门扎根在上,化生而出……将颠覆该圣地!” , right, has these secrets, it is said Dragon Marked Black Gold Emperor Cauldron is born in a night of disaster after disaster and thunder has secret, is not the Flickering Light Saints virtue sacrifice refining up and pays homage to for 50,000 years is so simple.” “唔,没错,却有这些秘闻,据说龙纹黑金帝鼎诞生于一个风雨交加、电闪雷鸣的夜晚都是有秘辛的,并非摇光诸圣贤祭炼与膜拜五万年那么简单。” „, Keeps silent, this words do not speak irresponsibly, otherwise there is a catastrophe!” “嘘,噤声,这种话不要乱说,不然有大祸!” Several people discussed simply several, then fast peaceful, does not dare to say anything, Ye Fan is actually in the heart that listens to moves greatly. 只有几人简单议论了几句,便快速安静了下去,没有敢多说什么,叶凡却是听的心中大动。 „, You did not look, Ji Zi came, this is now the Southern Region most mystical person, some people once saw that Ji Family prime elder once saluted to him, may seem like him is about twenty years old that's all, beyond comprehension.” “唔,你们看,姬子来了,这可是当今南域最神秘的人,有人曾见到姬家一位元老都曾对他行礼,可看起来他不过二十几岁而已,让人费解。” The distant place, a man walks, returns to original condition lightly, no special place, even the look is very ordinary, after having looked , makes one unable to make what impression. 远处,一个男子走来,平淡归真,没有一点特别之处,连相貌都很普通,看过之后都让人留不下什么印象。 However, Ye Fan is actually in the heart shakes, this person was not very simple, making him have to deeply look at several, was not mortal flesh! 然而,叶凡却是心中一震,这个人很不简单,让他都不得不深看了几眼,绝非凡胎 His name may be really strange, is what Ji Zi, no score, really does not know why he can posts with the purple clothes marquis and Li Qingzhou such person. “他的名字可真怪,叫什么姬子,也没有什么战绩,真不知他为何能与紫衣侯与李轻舟这样的人并列。 This person of undistinguished appearance, not extraordinary place, the root bone seems like not excellent, how some people saw that living fossil is polite to him?” Some people are surprised. “此人其貌不扬,并无出奇之处,根骨看起来也不是绝佳,怎么有人见到一位活化石对他客客气气呢?”一些人惊疑不定。 precisely Ji Family living fossil is polite to him, made him be able with the purple clothes marquis and character of posture of Li Qingzhou such having god-given wisdom posts in one, otherwise who knows that he was.” Some person of cold Smile. 正是姬家一位活化石对他客客气气,才让他得以与紫衣侯与李轻舟这样的天纵之姿的人物并列在了一起,不然谁知道他是谁。”有人冷哂。 Ye Fan has not paid attention to these people's discussions, sizes up Ji Zi secretly, has to the heart vibrate, is not an average man, the cultivation base terrifying of this person, seemingly is light, actually had integrated in Void, this is understands to the utmost the performance of sublimation Void Scripture! 叶凡没有理会这些人的谈论,暗自打量姬子,不得不心中震动,绝非常人,此人的修为恐怖之极,看似平淡,其实已经融入了虚空中,这是将虚空经理解到极尽升华的表现! Legend real, really had such character enter the world?!” He cannot bear in the heart talk to oneself. “难道传说是真的,真有这样的人物出世了?!”他忍不住心中自语。 Brushes “刷” At this moment, Ji Zi turns the head, swept one to here, is still ordinary, but Ye Fan actually saw an astonishment in its pupil deep place. 就在这时,姬子转过头来,向这边扫了一眼,依然平淡无奇,但叶凡却在其眸子深处看到了一丝惊异。 Really, this is not mortal flesh!” Ye Fan believed firmly, so powerful and keen spiritual awareness shakes the world level absolutely. “果然啊,这不是凡胎!”叶凡更加确信了,如此强大与敏锐的灵觉绝对是震世级的。 The arrival of Ji Zi has not aroused the interest of person on the scene, almost few people size up, does not regard as important him. 姬子的到来并没有引起在场人的关注,几乎没有几人打量,都不怎么看重他。 „, I did not hear, two great person Ji Biyue and Li Youyou will also come, even Central Region great person wind Huang Tiannu will also possibly rush.” “唔,我听说,有两位大人物姬碧月李幽幽也会来,甚至中域的一位大人物凰天女也可能会赶到。” Who knows the genuine and fake, I also hear, Flickering Light Holy Lord must come, but there is a rumor, said that he had left this world.” “谁知真假,我还听闻,摇光圣主也要来呢,可是有传言,说他早已离开了这个世界。” My master will arrive.” Li Qingzhou opens the mouth suddenly. “我师会到场。”李轻舟忽然开口。 People with amazement, inconceivable looking to him, cannot believe words that simply he spoke, can overlook the world Flickering Light also in this world?! 人们不禁骇然,不可思议的望向他,简直不敢相信他说的话,可俯视天下的摇光还在这个世界?! Suddenly, outside chaos, some cultivator fly Divine Island, the chest and belly under the pure white moonlight fluctuated fiercely, brought the incomparably important news. 突然,外面一阵大乱,有一些修士飞上神岛,在洁白的月华下胸腹剧烈起伏,带来了无比重要的消息。 everyone, you should hear, the mysterious invincible person night selects Heavenly Sovereign's Son ten eight important location, sweeps away the Eight Troops Divine General descendant. At the present, had/left the big sound, had the half-Saint Namtu, the oath must kill this person!” 诸位,你们都应该听说了吧,神秘无敌人士夜挑天皇子十八重地,横扫八部神将后裔。而今,又出大动静了,有半圣南渡,誓要击毙此人!” Ancient Race Heavenly Sovereign's Son got down death warrant, he investigated the trail, this person in Southern Region, he must cross to come, to cut to kill this shocking character.” 古族天皇子下了必杀令,他探查到了踪迹,此人就在南域,他要亲身横渡而来,斩杀这位惊世的人物。” Immediately, on Divine Island piece of chaos, people know, Southern Region boiling, many great person got together, catches up in one. 顿时,神岛上一片大乱,人们知道,南域沸腾了,诸多大人物齐聚,赶在了一起。 Several years later, Flickering Light and Heavenly Sovereign's Son this grade of great person must come unexpectedly! 时隔多年,摇光天皇子这等大人物竟然都要现身了!
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