STH :: Volume #11

#1041: Selects to overturn the heavens

Chapter 1039 selects to overturn the heavens 第1039章挑翻天 A black long spear/gun nails tight this Ancient Race on the ground, dark gold/metal luster spear shaft is shivering, the blood overflows, making one send coldly. 一杆黑色的长枪将这名古族钉死在地上,暗金色泽的枪杆在颤动,鲜血溢出,让人发寒。 In the sky, the fast landing of outstanding, treads together to, brings fresh breeze, lets the scarlet mineral estate flying sand and rocks, the hurricane writings. 天空中,一道英伟的快速降落,向下方踏来,带着一股劲风,让赤色的矿地飞沙走石,飓风大作。 What person does not want to live, dares to come the Deity restricted area to act unruly?” These people altogether revere Undying Heavenly Sovereign are Deity, as the Eight Troops Divine General descendant. “什么人不想活了,敢来神灵禁地撒野?”这些人共尊不死天皇神灵,身为八部神将的后裔。 Unexpectedly is Human Race, you ate the Deity guts, dares in my clan mining area take action, want you by blood sacrificial offering lands!” Usually, they kept aloof, most Human Race must bear patiently to them, was always they stirs up trouble, which had once been attacked this like this on own initiative. “竟是一个人族,你真是吃了神人胆了,敢在我族矿区出手,要你以的血祭祀这片土地!”平日间,他们高高在上惯了,大多数人族都要对他们隐忍,从来都是他们挑事,哪曾这样被人这样主动攻伐过。 Frontline more than ten people of each and every one pupils ice-cold, grasps ancient weapon, to the sky, is wanting to puncture thoroughly the person under that landing, waters this stretch of mining area by the blood. 最前方的十几人一个个眸子冰冷,手持古兵,一齐对着天空,想将那降落下的人刺透,以血浇灌这片矿区。 Clang “锵” light flashes, Ye Fan descends , the right leg sweeps away, probably rubs the world plate to grind the iron slag a row of weapon, then he flies high to cross, arrives quickly inconceivable, treads the top of the head of another person from a top of the head of person. 光影一闪,叶凡降落而下,右腿横扫,像是磨世盘般将一排兵器碾成铁渣,而后他凌空而渡,快到不可思议,从一个人的头顶踏到另一个人的头顶。 He falls in the distant place, the clothes does not dye the dust. 他落于远处,衣不染尘埃。 “噗” In it behind, that more than ten people of both eyes circle opens the eyes, on the face wrote all over panic-stricken, then the skull all to/clashes, more than ten blood waves run out of several meters high, then more than ten corpses fell down. 在其身后,那十几人双目圆睁,脸上写满了惊恐,而后头盖骨全部冲起,十几道血浪冲出数米高,而后十几具尸体倒在了地上。 Behind, that most powerful several people of pupil rapid contractions, felt that terrified aura, poured the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be far. 后方,那最强大的几人瞳孔急骤收缩,感觉到了一阵悚然的气机,不禁倒出了数百丈远。 Human Race's Great Emperor, all sea altogether reveres, the world is altogether supine, Myriad Clans with doing obeisance, you dare to shame like this, act recklessly, today do not want to walk!” The Ye Fan's sound is very indifferent. 人族大帝,四海共尊,天下共仰,万族同拜,你们敢这样羞辱,不知死活,今天一个也别想走!”叶凡的声音无比冷漠。 Behind, Ji Yuande both eyes are radiant, but his pair of children arrive excitedly shiver, they to the extreme, close to on face were in charge a moment ago aggrievedly red, such as the blood-color birthmark, thought that made the ancestor famous metropolis be shamed. 后方,姬元德双目璀璨,而他的的一对子女更是激动到颤抖,刚才他们憋屈到了极点,脸上的巴掌印通红,如血色胎记般,觉得让祖名都蒙羞了。 At this time this all gripped the fist to the young brother and sister, the body nearly convulsion, as if experienced personally, probably oneself in take action, executed the shame and Great Emperor Void's Ancient Race. 此时这对年轻的兄妹全都攥进了拳头,身体近乎痉挛,仿佛身临其境,像是自己在出手,毙掉了辱及虚空大帝的古族 Who are you?” “你是谁?” Opposite several Ancient Race shout a question, their look is very unattractive, for these years is they have been provoking, has not had today's this matter. 对面几名古族喝问,他们神色很不好看,这么多年来一直是他们在挑衅,还没有发生过今天这种事。 Bang “轰” Dao Traces appears continuously, Void twists, probably the day drum is striking at the same time, thunders to make noise, a big hand finds out, grasps to middle that Dao Severing person. 一缕缕道痕出现,虚空扭曲,像是一面天鼓在擂动,轰鸣作响,一只大手探出,向当中那名斩道者抓去。 precisely this Ancient Race waved the arm a moment ago, pulled out that to young brother and sister one blow slap, left behind blood red being in charge. Ye Fan will not let off, wants to seize him. 刚才正是这名古族挥动手臂,抽了那对年轻兄妹一记耳光,留下一片血红色的掌印。叶凡自不会放过,想将他捉过来。 You dare!” “你敢!” This Ancient Race expert is angry, is in this Realm, although seal from the Immemorial years to the present, but True Body is in the prime of life, is always unruly. 这名古族高手大怒,身在这个境界,虽然是从太古年间封印到现在的,但真身却还算年富力强,一向桀骜不驯。 At the present, some unexpectedly people dare to despise like this, probably catches the chicken young to seize him, naturally makes him be angry. His opens the mouth spouts a multi-colored sunlight, middle has a god awl of spiral scoop channel, Swiss brilliant light, shoots at the Ye Fan's palm, wants to pierce. 而今,竟有人敢这样轻视,像是抓小鸡仔般来捉他,自然让他大怒。他张口喷出一片霞光,当中有一个螺旋凹槽的神锥,瑞光艳艳,射向叶凡的手心,想洞穿过去。 However, bloody, the scene of arm disruption has not appeared, this only big hand with forcing, the King god drills the shaken gloss is gloomy, an cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, crashes in the place. 然而,血流如注、手骨碎裂的景象没有出现,这只大手用力压来,王者神锥被震的光泽暗淡,寸寸碎裂,坠落在地。 Bang “砰” Ye Fan seized his collar, led him, eye pupil ice-cold, making the temperature of this place drop rapidly. 叶凡一把揪住了他的衣领子,将他带了过来,眼眸冰冷,让这个地方的温度都急骤下降。 You dare!” “你敢!” This Ancient Race startled anger, heart within grows humiliations, cannot bear shouts out, makes fiercely. 这名古族惊怒,心中生起一种羞辱感,忍不住大喝,剧烈挣动。 „Don't I dare?” Ye Fan sneered, loosened him, then a big slap fan in the past, „” pulled out it flies, the blood sprinkled one from its long stringly. “我不敢?”叶凡冷笑,松开了他,而后一个大耳光扇了过去,“啪”的一声将其抽飞,鲜血从其口中洒落出一长串。 Bang “砰” When he has not fallen, the Ye Fan's big hand searched, caught from the midair him, is caught in the pincers of his collar bone, pours to raise to return. 在他还没有落下时,叶凡的大手探了过去,一把将他从半空中抓了下来,钳住他的锁骨,倒提而回。 You let go to me!” This Ancient Race violent anger, his body blooms flaming purple light, does not hesitate to use the strength of autonomy Taboo, shatters several skeleton, the release potential, wants to destroy the Ye Fan's palm. “你给我松手!”这名古族暴怒,他的肌体绽放出一道道炽盛的紫光,不惜动用禁忌之力自残,震裂几块胎骨,释放潜能,想毁叶凡的手掌。 „The bead of grain of rice also shines the ray!” “米粒之珠也放光芒!” The Ye Fan corners of the mouth hold one wisp to sneer, throws him, then slap covered, looked like plays a ball game chops to cover generally on the ground, the hit his joint made noise, mouth and nose overflowing blood. 叶凡嘴角噙着一缕冷笑,将他抛起,而后一巴掌扇盖了下来,就像是打球一般劈盖在了地上,打的他骨节作响,口鼻溢血。 Naturally, this naturally is the result that he shows mercy, otherwise if where also has any complete body, has been a pair of mud and white bones block. 当然,这自然是他手下留情的结果,如若不然哪里还有什么完整的躯体,早已是一对烂泥与白骨块。 Rear several Ancient Race whole bodies ice-cold, that is Dao Severing person, so cannot withstand in the face of this person unexpectedly, probably scarecrow, how wants to hit how hits. 后方的几名古族浑身冰冷,那可是一位斩道者,在此人面前竟然如此不堪,像是一个稻草人似的,想怎么打就怎么打。 Seizes you, what do I have not to dare?” Ye Fan callous saying, one caught him, no matter what he struggles in every possible way uselessly. “捉你,我有什么不敢?”叶凡冷酷的说道,一把又将他抓了起来,任他百般挣扎都无用。 This Ye Fan carried damned dog to grasp him probably, then made an effort to pinch, his whole body bone was almost torn to pieces, creaks to make noise. 这一次叶凡像是拎死狗般将他抓了过来,而后用力一捏,他浑身骨头差点寸断,嘎吱嘎吱作响。 Bang “砰” Ye Fan his numerous throwing before Ji Family this stretch of mining area, does not know the juniors who how many pick the source are looking, all stares dumbfounded, who is this person? Can suppress Ancient Race Dao Severing person unexpectedly like this. 叶凡将他重重的扔在了姬家这片矿区前,也不知道有多少采源的子弟在看着,全都瞠目结舌,这个人是谁?竟可以这样压制一位古族斩道者 Also wants to shame Great Emperor Void depending on you, now makes reparations.” “凭你也想羞辱虚空大帝,现在赎罪吧。” In the Ye Fan heart has an anger, Ji Ziyue and Ji Haoyue relates significantly with him, their younger male cousins and younger female cousin are insulted, let the ignition that he really looks. 叶凡心中有一股火气,姬紫月姬皓月都与他关系匪浅,他们的堂弟与堂妹受辱,让他实在看的发火。 He kicks up this person, turns into a parabola to fall on this to the little brother and sister's front, said: He stays in close to on your face to be in charge, now can.” 他将此人一脚踢起,化成一条抛物线落在这对小兄妹的面前,道:“他留在你们脸上的巴掌印,现在可以还回来了。” In the Ji Yuande pupil magnificent light projects, surprised uncertain, this person is too at present powerful, is actually , unexpectedly over them. 姬元德眸子中光华射出,惊疑不定,眼前这个人太强大了,究竟是谁,竟他们出头。 But his pair of children, want to know that the status of this mysterious character, but when looks to the person of ground, then the whole body muscle tightens, wants take action. 而他的一对子女则更甚,都想知道这个神秘人物的身份,而看向地上的人时,则浑身肌肉绷紧,想要出手 Doesn't matter, take action.” The Ye Fan smile said. “没关系,出手吧。”叶凡微笑道。 Bang “砰” When the restraint of Elder Brother, kicked a foot instantaneously, trampled to fly the foot have several ten zhang (3.33 m) away this Dao Severing person, with the broken bottle gourd same trundle. 哥哥的克制不住,瞬间就踢出了一脚,将这个斩道者踹飞出去足有数十丈远,跟个破葫芦一样滚动。 „” “啪” This young girl traces bloodstain on the face, wielded the white hands, pulled out, came slap to this Ancient Race Powerhouse, let on his face flushed, this is completely the air/Qi! 这个年轻的女孩摸了摸自己脸上的血印,也挥动出了玉手,抽了过去,给这位古族强者来了一个耳光,让他脸上一阵潮红,这完全是气的! You are anything, shame my Void ancestor , he if living, Immemorial Sovereign does not dare so to boast shamelessly!” “你算什么,辱我虚空先祖,他若活着,太古皇都不敢如此大言不惭!” Fierce that two little brother and sister put in great inconvenience to a moment ago, in the eye is with the tears, at this time Elder Brother waves to divide the palm of the hand, the younger sister lifts the jade foot to kick, flip-flop makes noise. 两个小兄妹刚才委屈的厉害,眼中含着泪水,此时哥哥挥手劈巴掌,妹妹抬玉脚踢,噼啪作响。 This Ancient Race Powerhouse physique is solid, but actually cannot bear the big mouth cough up blood, this is completely the air/Qi, thinks that his solemn Dao Severing person actually by two junior kicking and beating mouths, really exploded with rage the lung. 这名古族强者筋骨结实,但是却忍不住大口咳血,这完全是气的,想他堂堂斩道者却被两个小辈连踢带打嘴巴,实在气炸了肺。 The distant place, one crowd of Ancient Race rebellions, all angry roar, Ye Fan's a series of movements were too a moment ago quick, they prevent without enough time, but at this time saw the Ji Family two young hairy children like this to their Powerhouse, the nature anger. 远处,一群古族暴动,全都怒吼,刚才叶凡的一系列动作太快了,他们来不及阻止,而此时见到姬家两个小毛孩这样对他们的强者,自然怒了。 One group of people cross the border, kills to the front, great war could not avoid shortly, the Ye Fan look was indifferent, took a step forward, a finger/refers found out, the radiant sword wave proliferation went together. 一群人越界过来,杀向前方,眼看一场大战避免不了,叶凡神色冷漠,向前迈步,一指探出,一道璀璨的剑波化扩散而去。 Has no difference from the real great waves, flaming eye-catching, this is sword qi, the person no difference attack to border-crossing, the large expanse of blood light appears, blood mist winds around. 与真实的浪涛没有什么区别,炽盛夺目,这是剑气所化,对越界的人无差别攻击,成片的血光出现,血雾缭绕。 This is a slaughter, no suspense, more than 60 people all turn into the blood and white bones block, sword wave place visited no one may keep off, touches is broken. 这是一场屠杀,没有一点悬念,六十余人全都化成鲜血与白骨块,剑波所过之处无人可挡,一触即碎。 At this time dumbfounded the Ji Family's people, Ji Yuande talked to oneself: Is Bright Moon comes back, Ziyue appears, without this grade of strength.” 此时连姬家的人都呆住了,姬元德自语道:“就是皓月回来,紫月出现,也没有这等战力啊。” But this to the little brother and sister is in the eye with tears, Ji Family pair of talent brother and sister depart, making them feel missing, that is Elder Brother Elder Sister that they most worship and like. 而这对小兄妹更是眼中含泪,姬家一对天骄兄妹离去,让他们倍感思念,那是他们最崇拜与喜欢的哥哥姐姐 That side Ancient Race, completely silent, all was daunted, who is this person? 古族那一边,鸦雀无声,全都被吓住了,此人到底是谁? „Are you that in the madman who Fire Spirit Ravine presents?” “你就是那个在火灵壑出现的狂人?” The distant place walks one person, this stretch of mining area altogether has two Dao Severing person to protect, this is another person, with is the Eight Troops Divine General descendant, usually is conceited, at the present actually encounters this grade of defeat, the vibration in heart can be imagined. 远处走来一人,这片矿区共有两位斩道者守护,这是另一人,同为八部神将的后裔,平日间自视甚高,而今却遭遇这等败仗,心中的震动可想而知。 Clang “锵” That inserts in ground dark gold spear immortal brilliant light, rises straight from the ground automatically, under the stimulation of movement of Ye Fan Primordial Spirit, turned into to puncture Nine Layers of Heaven, turned around under. 那插在地上的暗金长枪光艳艳,自动拔地而起,在叶凡元神的催动下,化成了一道乌芒刺破九重天,掉头而下。 “噗” The blood splashes several feet high, the black long spear/gun penetrates his body, leading him to fly the number hundred zhang (333 m) to be far, sews on a giant stele, dies a violent death. 鲜血溅起数丈高,黑色的长枪穿透他的躯体,带着他飞出去数百丈远,钉在一块巨大的石碑上,死于非命。 Ancient Race that region rushed out of the nest immediately, Dao Severing person was being pressed on the ground pulls out the mouth, does another person die an untimely death like this, how making them resist? 古族那片区域顿时炸窝了,一名斩道者正在被按在地上抽嘴巴,另一人又这样横死,让他们如何抵挡? Some surplus people want to flee, but how Ye Fan possibly to them the opportunity, and will refer to like the blade, a stroke, black ink wave will tumble forward probably, will submerge the front instantaneously. 剩余的一些人想要遁走,可叶凡怎么可能会给他们机会,并指如刀,向前一划,像是一条墨浪翻滚,瞬间将前方淹没。 and ...... “噗”、“噗”…… Blood splash bloom, Ye Fan strikes full power, sweeps away several hundred li (0.5 km), cut to kill a cleanness the front person, as easy as crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, no suspense. 血花一朵朵绽放,叶凡全力一击,横扫数百里,将前方的人斩杀了个干净,摧枯拉朽,没有一点悬念。 Then, he holds a gun to soar, enters the region of deep place, thoroughly selecting to overturn the heavens Heavenly Sovereign's Son this domain, under strikes the land to become tribulation ash. 而后,他持枪腾空而起,进入更深处的地域,彻底将天皇子这个地盘给挑翻了天,一击之下大地成劫灰 Finally, he in all rare treasure the source storehouse gives to take away, clear Source Stone with hill, attains many. 最终,他将源库中所有稀珍都给收走,晶莹的源石跟小山似的,所获甚丰。 When Ye Fan comes back, then also is very but actually simple to the little brother and sister, the hand has the blade to fall, cuts the head of that Dao Severing person, with cutting the watermelon chopped several half. 叶凡回来时,那对小兄妹倒也很干脆,手起刀落,将那位斩道者的头颅切下,跟斩西瓜般剁成了几半。 „......” “啊……” Then sealed Primordial Spirit yelled, filled was unwilling with the humiliation, fierce incomparable. Ye Fan reads the memory in its Sea of Consciousness, then slap pulls out broken, making him turn into the flying ash. 那被封的元神大叫,充满了不甘与屈辱,狰狞无比。叶凡读取其识海中的记忆,而后一巴掌抽碎,让他化成了飞灰。 „Can't the Ji Family's situation withstand?” Ye Fan somewhat sighed, inquired this fathers and sons three people. 姬家的处境这么不堪吗?”叶凡有些感叹,询问这父子三人。 This but is actually not, they do not dare to go to Southern Region to act unruly, only has in this piece of neighboring Area source mine causes trouble the provocation.” Ji Yuande sighed. “这倒也不是,他们不敢去南域撒野,也唯有在这片相邻的源矿生事挑衅。”姬元德叹道。 For these years, is not all Ancient Race is hostile with Human Race, including a large number to be friendly, approving Myriad Clans should coexist. 这么多年来,也不是所有古族都与人族敌视,其中有相当一部分还算友善,认同万族应共存。 However, part of Ancient Race especially are radical, wishes one could to extinguish all Human Race kills a cleanness. 然而,却也有一部分古族格外激进,恨不得将所有人族灭杀个干净。 The clan is many, the respective viewpoint is different, the relations are intriguing, are hard to talk clearly. 族类甚多,各自的观点不同,关系错综复杂,难以说清。 The fathers and sons three people inquired over and over the Ye Fan's name is fruitless, looks that his back vanishes in the horizon end, Ji Yuande is full of talking to oneself of sentiment: Bright Moon, can Ziyue, your life also come back?” 父子三人再三询问叶凡的名字都无果,看着他的背影消失在天际尽头,姬元德饱含感情的自语:“皓月,紫月,你们今世还能回来吗?” He is Ji Haoyue and Ji Ziyue's biological uncle, two people young often pursue in his side, the blood is thicker than water, incomparably loves to the two, at this time saw that later generation Dao Severing person is so invincible, naturally has mixed emotions, misses Ji Family's pair of talent. 他是姬皓月姬紫月的亲叔叔,两人幼时常追在他的身边,血浓于水,对那两人无比疼爱,此时见到一个后辈斩道者如此无敌,自然百感交集,思念起姬家的一对天骄 Ye Fan holds a gun to start off, enters the Heavenly Sovereign's Son next foothold solitarily, started to slaughter one time, brutal cleaning. 叶凡持枪上路,只身杀入天皇子下一个据点,又开始了一次杀戮,无情扫除。 His plough up the enemy's court and destroy his hideouts (annihilate), foothold wiping out of Heavenly Sovereign's Son, wrote off a cleanness Eight Troops Divine General many descendants! 他一路犁庭扫穴,将天皇子的据点一个一个的拔除,将八部神将许多后裔抹杀了个干净! On this day, the news rapid biography to each region, startled Eastern Wilderness, shakes the world, all sea severe tremor, Five Regions all whish, shocking! 在这一日,消息迅速传向各地,惊东荒,撼天下,四海剧震,五域皆哗,举世震惊! Ye Fan changes into one generation of demon Monarch, unfeeling, must compel Heavenly Sovereign's Son, wants to cut to kill him. 叶凡化为一代魔君,冷酷无情,要将天皇子逼出来,想将他斩杀。 One day, like today's so boiling, everywhere has not been the discussion, everyone was guessing, is actually who wants to kill Heavenly Sovereign's Son, so drags in lots of people unexpectedly. 从来没有一天,像今天这般沸腾,到处都是议论声,所有人都在猜测,究竟是谁想杀天皇子,竟如此兴师动众。 The blood and iron slaughters is continuing, Ye Fan great war is ceaseless, kills the world horizontally, used the one day and one night time, gave to select to turn in the Eastern Wilderness' 18 critical localities Heavenly Sovereign's Son! 铁血杀戮在继续,叶凡大战不辍,横杀天下,用了一天一夜的时间,将天皇子东荒的十八个重要据点都给挑翻了! On him is moistening a bloodstain, the long spear/gun drinking to heart's content enemy blood, does not know that killed many people, the whole body brings baleful aura. 他身上沾着点点血迹,长枪痛饮敌血,也不知道杀了多少人,浑身都带着一股煞气 For these years, Heavenly Sovereign's Son rules Eastern Wilderness, overlooks the world, the outstanding heroes evade to draw back, who this is, may really dare to start!” “这么多年来,天皇子君临东荒,俯视天下,群雄避退,这是什么人,可真敢下手啊!” This...... is really the Deity! Dares to resist with the Undying Heavenly Sovereign heir solitarily, must have the dragon wars, the tiger battles.” “这位……真乃神人也!只身敢与不死天皇的子嗣对抗,必有一场龙争虎斗。” Ye Fan sweeps away the world, using one day and one night to wipe out 18 footholds, this news seemed like the startling thunderclap to vibrate world generally, everyone by subdued. 叶凡横扫天下,用了一天一夜拔除十八个据点,这则消息像是惊雷一般震动世间,所有人都被镇住了。 The people think that he selected to turn several places to be extraordinary, has not thought that finally unexpectedly was so aggressive, killed the four directions greatly, turned into the scorched earth 18 places, various Kings suffers extreme penalty! 众人原以为他挑翻几处地方就了不得了,没有想到最终竟然是如此生猛,大杀四方,足足将十八地化成焦土,诸王伏诛! Only one day and one night that's all, he almost selecting to turn the Eastern Wilderness' day! 一天一夜而已,他就差点将东荒的天给挑翻! entire world in an uproar, this victory is dumbfounded stunning, hardly can believe, this is the war-god reincarnation? one day and one night swept across trim Eastern Wilderness. 全天下都哗然,这个战果让人瞠目结舌,几乎不敢相信,这是战神转世吗?一天一夜席卷了整片东荒 Afterward, people count, although 18 important location not every place has Dao Severing person, but puts together, has 13 people fully! 事后,人们统计,十八处重地虽然并不是每处都有斩道者,但加在一起,也足有十三人! This number is frightening, the blood shaded the spatial, bloody fact lets elaborate to the world this fought how fearfully, one day and one night killed 13 Dao Severing person continually! 这个数字让人心惊胆颤,鲜血蔽空,血淋淋的事实让向世人阐述了这一战有多么的可怕,一天一夜连杀十三位斩道者 As for other Realm's Ancient Race, is countless, 18 battlefield blood everywhere, the bone block lies everywhere, shocking. 至于其他境界的古族,则不计其数,十八处战场鲜血遍地,骨块四处横陈,触目惊心。 Under night of heaven shaking, this is raging tide, mixed world, the prestige of vibration world thunder, widely-noted, all cultivator are paying attention, all these extremely shocked with are inconceivable. 一夜惊天下,这是一股狂澜,搅动了世间,雷霆之威震动天下,举世瞩目,所有修士都在关注,这一切太过震撼与不可思议了。 Who is he?” “他到底是谁?” This person seems like has not passed, how suddenly to appear, the one day and one night bloody battle whole wide world, does the invincible world, actually have what status?” “这个人像是没有过去般,怎么突然出现了,一天一夜血战八荒,无敌天下,究竟有什么身份?” This is the answer that entire world wants to know. 这是全天下都想知道的答案。 This mysterious invincible expert triggered everyone's attention and suspicion, wants to know his origin none who does not. 这个神秘的无敌高手引发了所有人的关注与猜想,莫不想知道他的来历。 Ye Fan how ahead of time take action?” 叶凡怎么提前出手了?” So is why sudden, how Ye Fan arises suddenly the prestige of thunder, swept away Heavenly Sovereign's Son many troops?” “为何如此突然,叶凡怎么突发雷霆之威,横扫了天皇子的许多部众?” At this time, do not say the world person, is knows Ye Fan status Li Tian, Dongfang Ye, Li Heishui and the others unable to find out the mind, does not know why he began ahead of time. 此时,不要说天下人,就是知晓叶凡身份的厉天东方野李黑水等人都摸不清头脑,不知他为何提前动手了。 Hurries to inform Saint Sovereign's Son, lets his left seclusion, storm is going to approach, the decisive battle started ahead of time!” “赶紧去通知圣皇子,让他出关,一场暴风雨将要来临了,大决战提前开始了!” Right, that hits, transfers the manpower, prepares to support at any time, thorough detonation!” “没错,那就打吧,调动人手,随时准备支援,彻底引爆!” Ye Fan attacks, involves really broadly, the decisive battle with Ancient Sovereign's Son may open ahead of time, inspires the ten directions wind and cloud, the entire world people was waiting. 叶凡出击,牵连甚广,与古皇子的决战将可能会提前开启,引动了十方风云,全天下人都在等待。 Summoned, asking fellow brothers and sisters to send ***. 呼唤了,请各位兄弟姐妹发***。 . . .
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