STH :: Volume #11

#1040: Fights the world

Chapter 1038 fights the world 第1038章战天下 Chapter 1038 fights the world 第1038章战天下 Before this great palace completely silent, resembles spear body that black gold casts to insert this Ancient Race strong person on the inscribed horizontal tablet, the blood drips to fall, shocking, spear shaft is very long, dark gold/metal gloss ice-cold. 这片巨宫前鸦雀无声,似乌金铸成的枪体将这名古族强人插在匾额上,鲜血淌落,触目惊心,枪杆很长,暗金光泽冰冷。 This place incomparable peace, no one spoke, was Dao Severing person, actually the shot long spear/gun struck to pierce, nails tight in the great palace, making people keep silent. 此地无比的安静,没有一个人说话,身为一个斩道者,却被人掷出的长枪一击刺穿,钉死在了巨宫上,让人们噤若寒蝉。 Sharp lance point twinkle black light, punctures thoroughly the forehead of this person, the white brain fluid will send gray one piece that the silk dyes, the bright red blood splashes everywhere, flows following the dark golden spear pole, falls on the ground, the sound is very light, makes people think that such as the giant stone falls to feel relieved. 锋锐的枪尖闪烁乌光,刺透此人的眉心,白色的脑浆将发丝都染的花白一片,鲜红的血液四处飞溅,顺着暗金枪杆流淌下来,落在地上,声音很轻,却让人觉得如巨石坠落心中。 A scene silence, many people do not dare to leave the atmosphere, this is very fearful, a word does not gather, must kill Heavenly Sovereign's Son, struck conveniently nailed tight a king! 现场一片寂静,许多人连大气都不敢出,这位真的很可怕,一言不合,要杀天皇子,随手一击就钉死了一个王! You......” on remaining several Ancient Race had/left mildew perspiration, startled gets angry and fears, all does not dare to act rashly. “你……”剩下的几名古族身上出了一层白毛汗,又惊又怒又惧,全都不敢轻举妄动。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son where?” Long-drawn-out, another person of took out Purple Gold large bell, bell's sound wave like ocean waves, but clear sight, proliferation, crush Heaven and Earth! 天皇子何在?”悠,另有一人祭出一口紫金大钟,钟波如海浪,可清晰的见到,一圈圈扩散而出,粉碎天地 Various types of ancient weapon bright light, murderous aura is torrential, the sword light fills the air, became great waves to sweep across, attacked fearsome. 各种古兵烁光,杀气滔滔,剑光弥漫,成为一片浪涛席卷了过来,攻伐可怖。 Ye Fan facing several people of attacks, but stepped forward one step, bang, the Great Dao ripple spreads, frontline person of works as, was raided the body by the rusticity, blasted out at the scene, becomes blood rain. 叶凡面对几人的攻击,只是向前迈了一步,砰的一声,大道波纹扩散,最前方的一人首当其中,被地气袭体,当场炸开了,成为一片血雨。 duo!” “咄!” Meanwhile, in the Ye Fan mouth scolds lightly, that centipede blade rain such as the snowflake with the fire, becomes the mist, but that Purple Gold large bell covers entirely the crack, ruptured of bang. 与此同时,叶凡口中一声轻叱,那片蜈蚣刀雨如雪花遇火,成为云烟,而那口紫金大钟则布满裂纹,轰的一声崩开 A both of his hands hauling, that inserted the black long spear/gun in great palace shot, appeared in his hands, then selects forward. 他双手一牵引,那插在巨宫上的黑色长枪倒射了回来,出现在他手中,而后向前挑去。 black light soars to the heavens, several prompt piercings, in the field several Ancient Race all opened the eye, then the snow white bone block departs, brings the big piece blood, disintegrates before the great palace. 乌光冲霄,几下点刺,场中几名古族全都睁大了眼睛,然后雪白的骨块飞出,带着大片的血,在巨宫前解体。 Ye Fan such as an demon Monarch is common, sends the silk to wave, holds a gun touring high sky, then punctures downward, this broad mansion is striking turn into ash, anything does not have remaining. 叶凡如一尊魔君一般,发丝舞动,持枪登临高天,而后向下刺去,这片广阔的府邸在一击下成灰,什么都没有剩下。 Brushes “刷” light flashes, Ye Fan vanishes from Divine City, the disappearing trail, this place static was very long, then a noise! 光影一闪,叶凡神城上空消失,不见了踪迹,此地静了很久,而后一片喧嚣! On this day, Divine City noisy, everywhere is the discussion, people knew huge storm to be going to open, some people challenged like this, Heavenly Sovereign's Son must over. 这一日,神城一片嘈杂,到处都是议论声,人们知晓一场天大的风暴将要开启了,有人这样挑战,天皇子不可能不出头。 Several years, some people sharpened the knife finally, must move god's son, this without doubt is the huge news, lets Ancient Race all parties one vibration. 十几年了,终于有人磨刀霍霍,要动神之子了,这无疑是天大的消息,让古族各方都一片震动。 Divine City boiling, various news through Domain Portal, were transmitted to Continent across, spreads over each corner, many major powers shock. 神城沸腾,各种消息通过域门,被传送到大陆各地,传遍每一个角落,诸多大势力都震惊。 At this time, Ye Fan has not paid attention to these, is sitting in Divine City Heavenly Jade's Stone Plaza, tea with old Saint Wei Yi, said these several years's some experiences earnestly. 此时,叶凡没有理会这些,正坐在神城天璇石坊内,同老圣人卫易饮茶,认真说了这十几年的一些经历。 The old person who this seems like the last years of life nods, occasionally will say several, still like the past, calm, calmly like dead wood. 这位看起来风烛残年的老人点头,偶尔会说上几句,依然如过去,波澜不惊,静如枯木。 Immortal Ascension Road is going to open, must have in a history to be most fearful ***, some immortal Inheritance might vanishes in a puff of smoke.” 成仙路将要开启,必有一场史上最可怕的***,一些不朽的传承也许都要灰飞烟灭。” When leaves, in the Ye Fan's heart was always recalling old Saint these words, making in his heart feel fuzzy, dozens over a million years of waiting , the hope of Immemorial Myriad Clans, Ancient Great Emperor's anticipated, finally presented the dawn. 离开时,叶凡的心中始终回想着老圣人这句话,让他心中发沉,数十上百万年的等候,太古万族的希望,古之大帝的期待,终于出现了曙光。 However, this also means that become a mountain of skeleton, Rivers of Blood, this is a million years of rare big world! 然而,这也将意味着,尸骨成山,血流成河,这是一个数以百万年难得一见的大世! All parties will strive for success, the turning point that in the near future for that becomes an immortal, how refers to killing a frigid position erratically, Foreign Domain Saints will catch up mostly! 各方都将会拼搏,不久的将来为了那成仙的契机,指不定会杀到怎样一番惨烈的境地,域外诸圣多半都会赶来! „Becoming an immortal......” Ye Fan to talk to oneself, then looked at Divine City, goes far away. “成仙……”叶凡自语,回头看了一眼神城,就此远去。 After 1 hour, Ye Fan appears in being away from the Absolute Beginning forbidden zone 100,000 li (0.5 km) scarlet land, stands erect in this stretch of familiar and strange mining area. 半个时辰后,叶凡出现在距离太初禁区十万里的赤色大地上,屹立在这片熟悉而又陌生的矿区。 Outside Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine, circumference ten ten thousand li (5,000 km) is the world most famous picking source area, by the Eastern Wilderness Saints equal division, is piece of treasured land. 太初古矿外,方圆十万里是天下最有名的采源区,被东荒诸圣地平分,是一片宝地 At the present, various Immemorial clan enter the world, naturally must beg this place, because Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine is the immortal place that Myriad Clans pays homage to together, at the present this circumference 100,000 li (0.5 km) are the most region to be controlled by them. 而今,太古各族出世,自然要讨要这个地方,因为太初古矿万族共同膜拜的仙地,而今这方圆十万里有大半区域已经被他们掌控了。 Moreover, they assign/life the juniors to continue to mine, excavate underground treasure, because among the Immemorial years here is famous Divine Soil, some ancient construction vestiges, and there are several Immemorial battlefields. 而且,他们命子弟继续挖矿,采掘地下奇珍,因为太古年间这里是出名的神土,有许多古老的建筑遗迹,且有几处太古战场。 Source to their perhaps not big use, but underground accumulated has Divine Depository, possibly has Immemorial sacred temple wait/etc., that is rare treasure, could have heaven shaking Treasure Depository. 源对他们或许无大用处,但是地下蕴有神藏,可能有太古圣庙等,那才是稀珍,也许能有惊天宝藏 Ye Fan once remembers, in the past he was forced when this mined the quarry, once saw pyramid enter the world that Azure Gold cast, with Era was taken away with Old Woman of Old Lunatic afterward, at the present wants to come definitely is the extraordinary good thing. 叶凡曾记得,当年他被迫在此开采石矿时,曾见到一个青金铸成的金字塔出世,后来被与老疯子时代老妪收走了,而今想来肯定是了不得的好东西。 This he to the Heavenly Sovereign's Son domain, the mining area of here also bright child, as for time the Undying Heavenly Sovereign heir, all parties must have scruples, is a considerable influence. 这一次他是冲着天皇子的地盘来的,这里也有神之子的一块矿区,身为为不死天皇的子嗣,各方都要顾忌,是一股不可轻视的势力。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son is ambitious, does not hesitate to borrow Blood Phoenix Mountain and Fire Qilin Cave's Ancient Sovereign Weapon blood refinement fluid, attempts really in a big way, must have the idea of Jade Lake divine fetus, making Ye Fan feel extremely anxious, wants to compel him to come out, as early as possible solution, will otherwise possibly have the big problem. 天皇子野心勃勃,不惜借血凰山火麟洞的古皇兵炼血液,所图甚大,要打瑶池神胎的主意,让叶凡深感不安,想逼他出来,趁早解决,不然可能会出大问题。 He said that must fighting to spread around the world, wipes out Heavenly Sovereign's Son all footholds is not lies, all base on the above reason, that busy female divine fetus cannot make Heavenly Sovereign's Son bribe. 他说要将战遍天下,将天皇子所有据点都拔除并不是虚言,一切都是基于以上原因,那个无暇的女神胎决不能让天皇子染指。 The Ye Fan sling arms walk when this piece of scarlet land, having mixed emotions, in the past he was small cultivator, sneaked across to come with the aid of Flick­er­ing Light's Domain Portal, once had sold the coolie here, has dug source mine, in a flash so many years passed by. 叶凡背枪走在这片赤色的土地上,百感交集,当年他还是一个小修士时,借助摇光的域门偷渡而来,曾在这里卖过苦力,挖过源矿,一晃眼这么多年过去了。 Various Human Race Holy Land divided part of mining areas to Ancient Race, in the past when the Myriad Clans congress discussed together once had pledged these, at the present this region influence is intriguing. 人族圣地都分割出了一部分矿区给古族,当年万族大会共商时曾承诺过这些,而今这片地带势力错综复杂。 The Heavenly Sovereign's Son domain is very broad, is neighboring with the Ji Family's mining area, for these years when has the friction, only once walked with Ye Fan because of Ji Ziyue near. 天皇子的地盘很广,与姬家的矿区相邻,这么多年来时有摩擦,只因姬紫月曾与叶凡走的过近而起。 Ye Fan went to Purple Tenuity Star Domain during that time, Li Heishui and the others the life was critically-ill, was almost killed, was carried Ji Family ancient cave by Ji Haoyue, had once helped one another Dongfang Ye. 叶凡紫微星域那段时间,李黑水等人性命垂危,差点被杀死,是被姬皓月背回姬家一处古洞的,更曾相助过东方野等。 For these years, Heavenly Sovereign's Son has wanted to remove the Ji Family brother and sister, did to two people to leave this Ancient Star, stepped into the universe deep place, letting him to go well. 这么多年来,天皇子一直想除掉姬家兄妹,奈何两人离开了这颗古星,踏入了宇宙深处,让他不能得手。 But his respective influence aims at Ji Family frequently, if not for dreaded that ancient mirror Void perhaps Emperor Weapon, had suppressed, even still often has the friction. 而他所属的势力则经常针对姬家,若不是忌惮那枚古镜-虚空帝兵,恐怕早已打压了,即便如此也常常有摩擦。 For more than ten years, this piece of mining area very uneasy is naturally static, Ancient Race often looks for Ji Family to be troublesome, often has the bloody conflicts, can say that the Heavenly Sovereign's Son subordinate often lives the right and wrong intentionally. 十几年来,这片矿区自然很不宁静,古族常找姬家麻烦,不时发生流血冲突,可以说天皇子的部下常故意生是非。 Although Ji Family has ultimate Dao Emperor Weapon, but impossible because of these matters but deters, did not need to think as for so-called background that will not arrive at family time in peril not to use. 姬家虽然有极道帝兵,但也不可能因这些事而进行威慑,至于所谓的底蕴那就不用想了,不到家族危亡时刻是不会动用的。 At this time, the Ji Yuande brow deep lock, stands is in this scarlet land, the mining area of not far away had the conflict, had the bloody incidents, this makes him give birth to a powerless feeling and anxiety. 此时,姬元德眉头深锁,立身在这赤色大地上,不远处的矿区又起了冲突,发生了流血事件,这让他生出一种无力感与焦躁。 A person of Heavenly Sovereign's Son department goes too far simply, when really Ji Family is good to bully? When he made an effort to grip tightened the fist, Great Emperor Void was alive, who dares to insult Ji Family. 天皇子一系的人简直欺人太甚,真当姬家好欺负吗?他用力攥紧了拳头,虚空大帝在世时,谁敢欺辱姬家 If not has scruples Myriad Clans, he really wants to suggest that the clan always uses Emperor Weapon, writes off a cleanness Heavenly Sovereign's Son lineage/vein. 若非顾忌万族,他真想建议族老动用帝兵,将天皇子一脉抹杀个干净。 However, god's son status was too sensitive, his father was altogether revered by Myriad Clans, really must start possibly to cause the huge trouble to its troops. 然而,神之子身份太敏感了,他的父亲被万族共尊,真要对其部众下手可能会惹出天大的风波来。 Haha...... Ji Family is one crowd of soft eggs, only this much, but also has had what Great Emperor Void, I look at the nonsense am not!” “哈哈……姬家都是一群软蛋,不过如此,还出过什么虚空大帝,我看狗屁都不是!” The distant place, hears the clamour crazy laughter, reverberates in this piece of Area ancient mine, appears especially grating. 远处,传来嚣狂的笑声,在这片古矿回荡,显得格外的刺耳。 In the mining areas, the juniors of many mining, hearing this all gripped tightened the fist, glowered. 矿区间,有很多采矿的子弟,闻言全都攥紧了拳头,怒目而视。 But, finally they weak loosened the palm, the opposite has Dao Severing person, only if using family background, how otherwise to go to face? 可是,最终他们又无力的松开了手掌,对面有斩道者,除非动用家族底蕴,不然怎么去面对? Heaven and Earth changed, Ji Family has living fossil Dao Severing to succeed immediately, may not be actually able to compare with Ancient Race, they were sealed in Divine Source, lives from Immemorial, the quantity is better than Human Race. 天地变了,姬家活化石在第一时间斩道成功,可却无法与古族相比,他们被封于神源中,是自太古活下来的,数量远胜过人族 In years past, Undying Heavenly Sovereign had Eight Troops Divine General, at the present these eight lineage/vein troops belong to Heavenly Sovereign's Son, was one pivotal, lets the influence that the person dreaded. 昔年,不死天皇八部神将,而今这八脉人马都归于天皇子了,是一股举足轻重、让人忌惮的势力。 In this stretch of mining area, Ji Family already retreat dozens li (0.5 km), but a person of Heavenly Sovereign's Son lineage/vein often crosses the border, spans the number to excavate by hundred li (0.5 km), it may be said that goes too far. 在这片矿区,姬家已经后退数十里,可天皇子一脉的人还是常越界,跨越数以百里进行采掘,可谓欺人太甚。 Today, in Ji Family ancient mine digs out jade essence, although is not big, but is extremely precious, was learned by a person of Heavenly Sovereign's Son lineage/vein, crosses the border to come, unscrupulous take action, robs to go, leaves behind a piece of corpse. 今日,姬家一个古矿中挖出一块玉精,虽然不大,但却极其珍贵,被天皇子一脉的人得悉,越界而来,肆无忌惮的出手,抢夺而去,留下一片尸体。 The Ji Yuande complexion is pale, knuckle pinched blanch, but bore eventually, without take action. 姬元德脸色铁青,指节都被捏的发白了,但终究是忍住了,没有出手 Opposite, these Ancient Race people are more unscrupulous, laugh, saying of one of them quiet dense/woods: „Are you Ji Haoyue biological uncle? only this much.” 对面,那些古族人更是肆无忌惮,哈哈大笑不已,其中一人幽森的说道:“你就是姬皓月的亲叔叔?不过如此啊。” You went too far!” “你们太过分了!” Before ancient mine, presents young men and women, they are the Ji Yuande biological children, sees the father to be insulted, is agitated, wants to overrun a war. 古矿前出现一对年轻男女,他们是姬元德的亲生儿女,见父亲受辱,全都情绪激动,想冲过去一战。 Opposite one crowd of Ancient Race sneer again and again, the leader is taunts: You are the Ji Haoyue younger male cousin and younger female cousin, is not really good, the difference was far.” 对面一群古族冷笑连连,为首者更是嘲讽道:“你们是姬皓月的堂弟与堂妹吧,真的不行,差远了。” You......” this to shivering that the young brother and sister are mad, really cannot swallow this tone, doing to them is young, cultivation base is not profound. “你……”这对年轻兄妹气的颤抖,实在咽不下这口气,奈何他们年龄不大,修为并不是多么高深。 You two also think take action to be inadequate, this, This King does not bully you, makes most good-for-nothing disciple contest with you.” The leaders are sneering, has the look of incomparable contempt. “你们两个还想出手不成,这样吧,本座也不欺负你们,就让最不成器的弟子与你们过招。”为首者冷笑着,带着无比轻视的神色。 These two youngster all gripped tightened the fist, stride stand forth, they were really unwilling to be despised like this, felt name of shame to the ancestor. 这两个年轻人全都攥紧了拳头,大步向前走去,他们实在不甘被人这样蔑视,觉得愧对祖先之名。 When thinks back on Great Emperor Void is alive, all sea altogether reveres, the world is altogether supine, puts down dark turmoil, fights Foreign Domain Deity, was Human Race established the illustrious immortal meritorious military service, who was not admiring. 遥想虚空大帝在世时,四海共尊,天下共仰,平黑暗***,战域外神灵,为人族立下了赫赫不朽战功,谁不钦佩。 At the present, actually falls to so the paddies, was so shamed unexpectedly, making them unendurable. 而今,却落到这般田地,竟被人如此羞辱,让他们难以忍受。 Since refuses to accept to come, making me have a look to look, what difference the so-called Human Race's Great Emperor descendant does have?” Ancient Race goes forward, laughing. “既然不服就过来,让我看看看,所谓的人族大帝后代有什么不同?”一名古族上前,哈哈大笑着。 Brother and sister not Mr. Gu own summon, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, finally steps goes, wants take action. 兄妹二人不顾父亲的呼唤,忍无可忍,终于踏上前去,就要出手 You come back to me!” Ji Yuande shouted angrily, he does not think that oneself two children asked for trouble, opposite several people may live the present age character in Divine Source from Immemorial. “你们给我回来!”姬元德怒喝,他不想自己的两个孩子自讨苦吃,对面几人可都是自太古封在神源中活到当世的人物。 „” “啪” The distant place, that powerful Ancient Race sneers, waved to pull out, this to brother and sister, although obeyed father's order to back up, however on two people faces presented several to be in charge, the slap sound was clear. 远处,那名强大的古族冷笑,一挥手抽了过来,这对兄妹虽然听从父亲的命令倒退了,但是两人的脸上却都出现几道掌印,耳光声清脆刺耳。 Everyone scared stiff, in the past Ancient Race even provokes, will not really begin to the Ji Family direct descendant bloodlines, today is this wants to initiate Ji Family to make war? 所有人都惊住了,往昔古族即便挑衅,也不会真的对姬家嫡系血脉动手,今日这是想引发姬家开战吗? Ji Haoyue biological uncle Ji Yuande is furious, the anger flaming combustion, the pupil blooming cold light, stride stand forth, said: From ancient to present, but also no one dares like this shame my Ji Family!” 姬皓月的亲叔叔姬元德震怒,火气熊熊燃烧,眸子绽放冷光,大步向前走去,道:“自古至今,还没有人敢这样辱我姬家!” Ji Family is great, is not has had Ji Void, what Human Race's Great Emperor, I look to be unworthy of the name, was badly farther than it Immemorial Sovereign!” Opposite one group of people ridicule, then laughs. 姬家了不起吗,不就是出过一个姬虚空吗,什么人族大帝,我看名不副实,比之太古皇差远了!”对面一群人揶揄,而后大笑。 At this moment, in the sky the a beam of black light twinkle, dark gold spear punctures, nailed tight this blustering Ancient Race spear/gun on the ground, the blood spattered in all directions everywhere. 就在这时,天空中一道乌光闪烁,一杆暗金长枪刺下,将这名口出狂言的古族一枪钉死在了地上,鲜血四处迸溅。 Human Race's Great Emperor, your group of clumsy mischief-doers can bring disgrace on can it be that!” 人族大帝,岂是你们这帮跳梁小丑所能辱没的!”
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