STH :: Volume #11

#1039: Goes on a punitive expedition against Heavenly Sovereign's Son

Chapter 1037 goes on a punitive expedition against Heavenly Sovereign's Son 第1037章征伐天皇子 In this picture scroll, Mountains and Rivers is vivid, ancient wood Large expanse, silver-colored waterfall is boundless, is Heavenly Sovereign's Son is the rare treasure that to cope with Human Race Dao Severing person offers a sacrifice , the say/way air/Qi ten thousand wisps, the meteorology is magnificent. 这幅画卷中,山河生动,古木成片,银瀑茫茫,是天皇子为对付人族斩道者而祭成的秘宝,道气万缕,气象壮观。 Ye Fan stands in a blue stone is overlooking several people, the body has faint trace ray of light to flow, the front several people of oppression are sweating profusely, whole body joint in dislocation. 叶凡站在一块青石上俯视着几人,身上有丝丝道光流动,压迫的前方几人满头大汗,浑身的骨节都在错位。 pū tōng 噗通 They cannot bear this pressure, the calf bone nearly are broken by pressing, all kneels to bend down there, reveals color with amazement. 他们承受不住这种压力,小腿骨头近乎被压断,全都跪伏在那里,露出骇然之色。 Who is the present person? Made them nearly desperate depending on this aura, this endures existence with Ancient Sovereign's Son compare, belonged to Human Race unexpectedly. 眼前的人到底是谁?光凭这种气机就让他们近乎绝望了,这是堪与古皇子并论的存在,竟属于人族 Why hasn't seen you?” The grey hair antler man said, he is Dao Severing person, is the person who only has not knelt, however body actually in convulsion. “为何从来没有见到过你?”灰发鹿角男子说道,他是一名斩道者,也是仅有的一个没有跪下去的人,然而身体却在痉挛。 Ye Fan paces forward, the person on Dao Severing Realm first small stair to him was difficult threatening, to compel to press forward one step, the grey hair man spat a blood immediately, although was unwilling, but actually lodging. 叶凡向前踱步,斩道境界第一个小台阶上的人对他难有威胁,向前逼压了一步,灰发男子当即吐了一口鲜血,虽然不甘,但却倒伏了下来。 As the captive, must have the consciousness, I am asking your words, asked me to come on the contrary.” Ye Fan cold Smile. “身为阶下之囚,要有觉悟,我在问你们话,却反倒问起我来了。”叶凡冷哂。 He does not want to speak what idle talk, spreads out a palm, the multi-colored sunlight gushes out, a person will submerge, detained his Divine Consciousness. 他也不想说什么废话,摊开一只手掌,霞光喷薄而出,将其中一个人淹没,把他的神识拘禁了出来。 Several other people change color, now wants to maintain a livelihood the chip does not have, at present this person wants to know anything, performing in Sea of Consciousness that may from their reads. 其他几人都变色,现在想活命连筹码都没有,眼前这个人想知道什么,尽可从他们的识海中读取。 I am willing to say all!” And a person is afraid, shouted loudly, really might as well die shyly. “我愿说出一切!”其中一个人害怕,大声叫了起来,真的怕生不如死。 You said, I am listening.” Ye Fan gentle saying. “你说,我听着呢。”叶凡平缓的说道。 „Do you dare? The betrayal imperial prince, completely extinguishes ten clans!” That grey hair Dao Severing person shouted. “你敢?背叛皇子,将十族尽灭!”那个灰发斩道者喝道。 „” “啪” Ye Fan waved to pull out to fly his slap, the blood sprinkled place, this person hit on a distant place mountain massif, left behind together the human form bloodstain. 叶凡一挥手将他一巴掌抽飞了出去,鲜血洒落一地,这个人撞在远处一座山体上,留下一道人形血迹。 Others all changed the color, preliminary Dao Severing person collapses at the first blow unexpectedly like this, resembles clay chickens and pottery dogs before this person, making their backs cold. 其他人全都变了颜色,初步斩道者竟这样不堪一击,在这个人面前似土鸡瓦狗般,让他们脊背寒冷。 Immediately, the remaining several people all lay to bend down there, scale closed and opened, this was the Ancient Race incomparably frightened performance. 当即,剩下的几人全都趴伏在了那里,身上的鳞片翕张,这是古族无比恐惧的表现。 „Are you...... Emperor's Child?!” One of them flutters to ask. “你是……一位帝子吗?!”其中一人颤声问道。 They as Ancient Race, most dreaded to Human Race's Ancient Great Emperor, once some Immemorial King speculated in this world will have Emperor's Child to appear mostly, may keep pace with Ancient Sovereign's Son. 他们身为古族,对人族的古之大帝最为忌惮,曾有太古王推测这个世上多半会有帝子出现,可与古皇子并驾齐驱。 The Ye Fan corners of the mouth reveal one wisp to sneer, appears the appearance/portrait, the startled these people stare dumbfounded at the scene, then cannot bear yell. 叶凡嘴角露出一缕冷笑,现出真容,当场惊的这些人瞠目结舌,而后忍不住大叫起来。 Human Race's Saint Physique!” 人族圣体!” You came back unexpectedly!” “你竟然回来了!” Then, they are thoroughly scared, is unretentive, all said that how can cross the person of universe to provoke? 接着,他们彻底胆寒,毫无保留,全都说了出来,一个可以横渡天宇的人怎能招惹的起? In this world, refusing stubbornly is most fearful, they feared that Ye Fan makes them ask unable, to the method suffer their Primordial Spirit to the utmost. 这个世上,死不是最可怕的,他们怕叶凡让他们求死都不能,会以极尽手段折磨他们的元神 You said that Heavenly Sovereign's Son these blood refining one year of?” Ye Fan is astonished. “你是说,天皇子将那些血液炼化了一年之久?”叶凡惊异。 Yes, the imperial prince talked to oneself when was heard by me.” And a person trembles to say. “是的,皇子无意间自语时被我听到。”其中一个人哆嗦道。 Person the shadow of famous tree, Ye Fan had cut Yuan Gu in the past, kills the Ancient Race strong person with shearing the wheat, the blood has flowed at the foot of the mountain from the Sky Breaking Mountain Range's flat top, that fights demons weeping, spirits crying, Sun and Moon lost radiance. 人的名树的影,叶凡当年斩过元古,杀古族强人跟割麦子般,鲜血自天断山脉的平顶一直流到了山脚下,那一战鬼哭神嚎,日月无光 At the present, if discussed that Ancient Race rival, floating that the hearts of many people can not control self his silhouette, the slab presses probably together in their hearts. 而今,若谈古族的敌手,许多人的心头都会不自禁的浮上他的身影,像是一块碑石压在他们的心间。 In this year, Heavenly Sovereign's Son once went to Blood Phoenix Mountain, to visit Fire Qilin Cave, practices with the aid of several Ancient Sovereign Weapon after a period of time.” “在这一年来,天皇子曾前往血凰山、访过火麟洞,借助几件古皇兵修行过一段时间。” Another Ancient Race person said like this, the whole body trembles, anything does not dare to conceal under Ye Fan's coercion, all questionable points that will know said. 另一位古族人这样说道,浑身发抖,在叶凡的威压下什么都不敢隐瞒,将所知道的一切疑点都讲了出来。 Ye Fan thinks deeply, this Heavenly Sovereign's Son really schemes big, practices taking advantage of Ancient Sovereign Weapon is false, is building up these Divine Blood mostly, engraved what Inheritance mark by Sovereign Weapon? 叶凡深思,这个天皇子果然图谋不小,借古皇兵修行是假,多半是在炼那些神血,难道以皇兵刻上了什么传承印记? Imperial prince once said that makes us observe closely each to come and go out Jade Lake's cultivator, these days bloodlines strength strong person one one blow will get down, do not go bad his important matter.” “皇子曾说让我们盯住每一个出入瑶池的修士,将这段时间血脉力超强的人都一一记下来,不要坏了他的大事。” And several great person, such as Central Province's Ascending King, Twin Kings wait/etc. was sent people to observe closely by Heavenly Sovereign's Son, keeping them recently from withdrawing, other King's Blood fearless, randomly his plan. 其中几个大人物,如中州的羽化王双子王等都被天皇子派人盯住了,让他们近段时间无法脱身,其他王血无惧,乱不了他的计划。 Another person supplemented, he with once served the Heavenly Sovereign's Son maidservant to know well, she had once said that god's son seclusion metropolis/can chanted sutras each time, might the Deity Scripture writing Laojin anything thing. 另有一人补充,他与曾伺候天皇子的侍女熟识,她曾说过,神之子每次闭关都会诵经,像是要将神灵经文烙进什么东西内。 Ye Fan hear of they said, for a very long time the language, in the pupil magnificent light has not flashed, pondered over long time. 叶凡听他们说完,久久未语,眸子中光华闪动,思忖了很长时间。 What he actually wants to make, don't you really know?” “他到底想做什么,难道你们真的不知道吗?” Does not know, but listens to a half Saint to discuss, anything enters Immortal Domain, but also there is what immortal companion.” Saying of person of trembling with fear, he knows that this is the Heavenly Sovereign's Son archenemy, at the present comes back certainly to raise foul wind and bloody rain . “不知,只是听一位半圣谈过一句,什么同进仙域,还有什么仙侣。”一人战战兢兢的说道,他知道这是天皇子的大敌,而今回来肯定要掀起腥风血雨 Yes, half-Saint had mentioned such, Immortal Ascension Road will open in the future, will have the big harvest, divine fetus will help Heavenly Sovereign's Son.” “是的,半圣提到过那么一句,将来成仙路开启,将有大收获,神胎将助天皇子。” In the Ye Fan hearing this heart vibrates, the head runs out of fresh air, turns into another him, one step takes this picture scroll, not to Jade Lake Pure Land that direction. 叶凡闻言心中震动,头上冲出一股清气,化成另一个他,一步迈出这幅画卷,没向瑶池净土那个方向。 This is really a fearful matter! He can do also knows to tell Jade Lake, is made the decision and protection by them, wants to come to teach to hold to hold Empress Mother of West's Tower, the deterrent force is enormous. 这实在是一件可怕的事!他所能做的也只是将所知告诉瑶池,由她们自己做决定与防备,想来该教持掌西皇塔,威慑力极大。 Ye Fan is impossible to leave behind their lives, these people also had the consciousness of dying, asks is a happiness, finally all the blood splashes seven to perish. 叶凡不可能留下他们的性命,这些人也都有了死的觉悟,所求不过是一个痛快,最终全都血溅七步而亡。 That Dao Severing person has been very unyielding, is not willing to coordinate, at this time wants to commit suicide, actually cannot. Ye Fan one finger points out, Immortal Altar of its forehead then burnt. 那名斩道者一直很硬气,不肯配合,此时想要自杀,却根本不能。叶凡一指点出,其眉心的仙台便燃烧了起来。 „, You cannot like this!” Yelling of his pain. “啊,你不能这样!”他痛苦的大叫。 The Ye Fan careful observation, actually in obtains an important information from its Immortal Altar, making his body shake, five years ago Heavenly Sovereign's Son have entered Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine! 叶凡仔细观察,竟然在自其仙台内得到一则重要信息,让他的身体都是一震,五年前天皇子进过太初古矿 „Did he succeed?” Ye Fan clutched him, drinks to ask loudly. “他成功了吗?”叶凡将他揪了起来,大声喝问道。 I...... do not know!” This person is very stubborn and unyielding. “我……不知道!”这个人很倔强与硬气。 Ye Fan has to search for from its disorderly Sea of Consciousness, oneself seek carefully, discovered the truth. Heavenly Sovereign's Son grasps Gods Writ that” his father stays behind to go, walks is several days, whether successfully enters Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine, is unknown, lives in any case finally is turning over. 叶凡不得不从其杂乱的识海中搜寻,自己细心寻找,发现了真相。天皇子手持他父亲留下的“神明令”而去,一走就是数天,是否成功进入太初古矿,不得而知,反正最后是活着而归。 This lets his sudden headache, Absolute Beginning Ancient Mine absolutely is one of the world's most fearful places! 这让他一阵头大,太初古矿绝对是世上最可怕的地方之一! Actually inside has anything, still does not know. 里面究竟有什么,至今不知。 Monkey had once said that his father has gone, but has not actually spat few words, his uncle Victorious Battle Buddha in Mt. Xumi does not know. 猴子曾说过,他的父亲进去过,但是却并未吐过只字片语,就连他那在须弥山上的叔叔斗战胜佛都不知道。 After 2 hours, Ye Fan appears in Divine City, the revisit, is somewhat sigh with emotion. In the past he once shouldered the boundless wind and cloud by a small cultivator's status here, bet stone great war, broke through the curse, from this place. 一个时辰后,叶凡出现在神城,故地重游,有些感慨。当年他以一个小修士的身份曾在这里挑起无边风云,赌石大战,冲破诅咒,都源自此地。 Bang!” “轰!” In this moment, Divine City people all startled, all felt that boundless Blood Qi, the probably Magic Mountain flew from the distant place, landing under. 在这一刻,神城众人皆惊,全都感觉到了一股磅礴的血气,像是有一片魔山从远方飞来,降落而下。 What had, has half-Saint in great war?” Many people fly high sky, watches to a direction together. “发生了什么,难道有半圣大战?”许多人飞上高天,齐向一个方向观看。 „, That is...... in Fire Spirit Ravine has presented mysterious Powerhouse!” Many people call out in alarm. “啊,那是……在火灵壑出现过的神秘强者!”许多人都惊呼。 This region piece of chaos, innumerable cultivator and many gambling stone flew high sky immediately, looks toward piece of ancient palace. 这片区域顿时一片大乱,数不清的修士、众多的赌石者都飞上了高天,向着一片古殿望去。 cultivator that grasps black spear body, a spear/gun grand heavenly palace selecting, exploded breaks to pieces in in the air, precisely Ye Fan. He comes this not for other, but to kill people, here has a Heavenly Sovereign's Son foothold, is it stops over in Divine City's. 一个手持黑色枪体修士,一枪将一座宏伟的天宫给挑了起来,爆碎在空中,正是叶凡。他来此不为其他,只是为了杀人,这里有天皇子的一个据点,是其在神城的落脚地。 Really is he, on the same day a Fire Spirit Ravine war, vibrated the world, was this person holds black divine spear to kill the four directions greatly, even Ancient Race various have to lower the head!” “真的是他,当日火灵壑一战,震动天下,就是此人持一杆黑色神枪大杀四方,连古族诸强都不得不低头!” Many people had once seen his take action, when next recognized, they are not Heavenly Source Master, naturally cannot completely understand its True Body. 许多人都曾见到过他出手,当下一眼就认了出来,他们不是源天师,自然不能看透其真身 Heavenly Sovereign's Son may, me kill you to come!” 天皇子可在,我杀你来了!” The Ye Fan's sound cuts the expansive sky, such as slating in Divine City sky reverberation, making many ancient building thing vibrate, many people cover the ears, creaky. 叶凡的声音划破长空,如雷鸣般在神城上空回荡,让许多古建筑物都在抖动,很多人都捂着耳朵,摇摇欲坠。 This stretch of region no one does not change color, Heavenly Sovereign's Son what kind of person? For these years rules Eastern Wilderness, overlooks the world, cannot run into the rival, outside abatement Monkey, who dares with him for the enemy. 这片地带没有一个人不变色,天皇子何许人也?这么多年来君临东荒,俯瞰天下,遇不到敌手,除却一个猴子外,谁敢与他为敌。 At the present but a person threatens that must kill him, this without doubt is resounding, this region blasted out immediately probably generally, a babel of voices, in an uproar! 可是而今一个人扬言要杀他,这无疑是轰动性的,这块区域当即像是炸开了一般,人声鼎沸,一片哗然! In this moment, does not know that has many pair of eyes to look, all gazes at to that piece of Palace, looks at that outstanding silhouette. 在这一刻,也不知道有多少双眼睛望来,全都注视向那片宫阙,看着那条英伟身影 Ye Fan holds a gun single-handed, enters this piece of Palace solitarily, a spear/gun wields, the front 28 great palaces all fly the sky, then blasts out, becomes fine powder. 叶凡单手持枪,只身进入这片宫阙,一枪挥出,前方二十八座巨宫全都飞上天空,而后炸开,成为齑粉 People suck in a cold breath, these Palace inscribe Ancient magic formation all, kills off vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, even if general Dao Severing person steps in wants the splashing blood, but at this time actually sticks compared with the paper also frail. 众人无不倒吸冷气,这些宫阙刻有上古法阵,杀光纵横,纵然是一般的斩道者涉足都要溅血,而此时却比纸糊的还脆弱。 magic formation that Heavenly Sovereign's Son carves personally is useless, was selected tribulation ash a spear/gun completely! 天皇子亲手刻成的法阵都无用,被人一枪全部挑成了劫灰 „ Who you are, dares to come this to act unruly?! Last in Palace runs out of more than ten Dao Body shades, each and every one bristles with anger, the scale corner/horn is dense, each ominous ferocious. “你是什么人,敢来此撒野?!最后一座宫阙中冲出十几道身影,一个个怒发冲冠,鳞角森然,各个凶狞。 Ye Fan frowns, Heavenly Sovereign's Son not in this place, but pours is not accidental/surprised. Although so-called god's son invincible tyrannical, but also is very discrete, rarely appears in Divine City. 叶凡蹙眉,天皇子不在此地,不过倒也不意外。所谓的神之子虽然无敌强横,但是却也很谨慎,很少出现在神城 Previous time I killed your imperial prince wisp of Primordial Spirit, he threatened that must kill my ten clans, at the present I come, must kill his True Body!” The Ye Fan cold sound said. “上次我杀了你们皇子一缕元神,他扬言要杀我十族,而今我来了,要杀他真身!”叶凡寒声说道。 Whish!” “哗!” This entire Divine City's person hears, thorough boiling, everyone thought that the blood speed of flow speeds up, gripped none who does not tightened the fist, this lord was really domineering! 这一次全神城的人都听到,彻底沸腾,所有人都觉得血液流速加快,莫不攥紧了拳头,这主真是太强势了! The people were shocked, cut Heavenly Sovereign's Son wisp of Primordial Spirit also to dislike insufficiently, killed here on own initiative, but must True Body executing. 众人无比震惊,斩了天皇子的一缕元神还嫌不够,主动杀到了这里,还要将真身给毙掉。 For 14 years the first person! 十四年来第一人! For these years, outside abatement Ancient Race Saint Sovereign's Son, this is Human Race only one dares such domineering character, must kill Heavenly Sovereign's Son! 这么多年来,除却古族圣皇子外,这是人族唯一的一个敢于这么强势的人物,要打杀天皇子 You boast shamelessly, dares to come this to create a disturbance, leaves behind your inexpensive life!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son the temperament of subordinate exploded at that time, before standing is in the last great palace, all glares angrily, murderous aura fills the entire city. “你大言不惭,敢来此搅闹,留下你的贱命!”天皇子的手下的脾气当时就炸了,立身在最后一座巨宫前,全都怒目圆睁,杀气弥漫全城。 “噗” Ye Fan is simple and direct, the black long spear/gun twinkle cold light in hand, punctures forward, to peak, pierces it quickly, bang a disintegration, turns into one pile of bloody pulp, the blood mist transpiration. 叶凡简单而直接,手中的黑色长枪闪烁冷光,向前刺去,快到极致,将其洞穿,“砰”的一声崩碎,化成一堆血泥,血雾蒸腾。 The people are startled to regret, exude screams, for these years who dares so! When the Heavenly Sovereign's Son servant goes out still makes all mighty Lord dread, does not dare to provoke, all keeps aloof. 众人惊憾,发出一片惊呼声,这么多年来谁敢如此!即便是天皇子的奴仆外出时也让各方雄主忌惮,不敢招惹,皆高高在上。 But at the present, this person holds a gun to come, strikes to kill in the presence of everyone, was decisive and callous, making everyone's blood follow boiling. 可是而今,此人只身持枪而来,当众击杀,果断而冷酷,让所有人的血液跟随沸腾了起来。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son, if, I then the war spreads around the world today, wipes out his all footholds, kills a cleanness!” Ye Fan indifferent saying, in hand black long spear/gun slanting guide day. 天皇子若不出,我今日便战遍天下,将他所有据点都拔除,杀个干净!”叶凡冷漠的说道,手中黑色的长枪斜指南天。 You dare!” Before great palace, that strength most powerful Dao Severing person look is fierce, aims at him by the hand, said: Today leaves behind your inexpensive life!” “你敢!”巨宫前,那个实力最为强大的斩道者神色狰狞,以手指向他,道:“今日留下你的贱命!” Buzz “嗡” Void shivers, radical distortion. Black spear body in Ye Fan hand lets go, delimits a beam of black light, pierces this person, splashes the big piece blood, bringing his body to fly, bang on inscribed horizontal tablet that inserted in the great palace, nailed tight him while still alive there. 虚空颤抖,彻底扭曲了。叶凡手中的黑色枪体脱手而出,划出一道乌光,“噗”的一声将此人洞穿,溅起大片的鲜血,带着他的身体飞去,“砰”的一声插在了巨宫的匾额上,将他活活钉死在了那里。 I have anything not to dare, today kills, all erases his foothold, looks at him to be my what!” Ye Fan indifferent saying. “我有什么不敢的,今日一路杀下去,将他的据点全部抹除,看他能乃我何!”叶凡冷漠的说道。 Blood drips to fall from that inscribed horizontal tablet on a continuously, above Dao Severing person fresh blood dripping, was pierced the forehead by the black long spear/gun, sews one moves there cannot move! 一缕缕鲜血自那匾额上淌落,上面的斩道者鲜血淋淋,被黑色长枪洞穿了眉心,钉在那里一动不能动! The wind and cloud will get up, at the end of the month asked *** support! Summoned dear to drop the brothers and sisters. 风云将起,月底求***支持!呼唤亲爱滴兄弟姐妹。 . . .
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