STH :: Volume #11

#1038: Holy Blood mark

Chapter 1036 Holy Blood mark 第1036章圣血印记 Immortal Pond, rivers and lakes clear, the delicate fragrance greets the nostrils, the mist winds around, rosy cloud brilliant light, Ruihua is steaming. 仙池,水泽晶莹,清香扑鼻,雾气缭绕,霞光艳艳,瑞华腾腾。 The Immortality Peach old tree takes root in the Immortal Pond bank, 49 meters in height, does not know that grew many for ten thousand years, old tree skin tension crack, rough unadorned, probably piece by piece dragon scales. However, its life-force is very abundant, is shady and luxuriant, the mobile green light, on has several clear peach blossoms to bloom, may seep fragrantly in the bone of person. 蟠桃古树扎根仙池畔,高49米,也不知生长多少万年了,老树皮张裂,粗糙古拙,像是一片片龙鳞。然而,它生机很盛,枝叶繁茂,流动绿光,上有几朵晶莹的桃花绽放,芬芳可沁到人的骨子中。 Ye Fan arrived at the near, the whole body pore closed and opened, turnover Essence Qi, reached balanced with this place, the body surface presented a bright gloss. 叶凡来到了近前,浑身毛孔翕张,吞吐精气,与这个地方达成了一个平衡,体表出现一层剔透的光泽。 Spiritual Energy thick being able to melt of this place, might be considered as side Immortal Earth, even if really has Immortal World, wants to come still only this much. 这个的地方的灵气浓的化不开,堪称是一方仙土,即便真的存在仙界,想来也不过如此 Several Ancient Race Powerhouse have not departed, looks at his several eyes not to say anything, is hard to feel wisp of good intentions, is indistinct has a density, only has Dao Severing person to have a sleep/felt. 几名古族强者并未离去,看了他几眼并未多说什么,难以感受到一缕善意,隐约间有一种森然,唯有斩道者能有所觉。 My family imperial prince really wants to exchange this stone embryo sincerely, Deity ancient scripture may be called heaven defying, if Jade Lake wants, can therefore set up an entrance again, turns into another Holy Land.” A reputation lives the man of antler saying that has a silver gray long hair. “我家皇子真的是诚心想交换此石胎,一本神灵古经堪称逆天,若是瑶池愿意,可以因此再立一个山门,化成出另一个圣地。”一名头生鹿角的男子说道,拥有一头灰色的长发。 This matter stops, Jade Lake has own Inheritance, does not need to cultivate others 's Dao Lineage.” The Queen Mother of the West opens the mouth, she is elegant, the head inserts nine phoenix hairpins, lets fall gold/metal Buyao, a feather robe multi-colored sunlight flashes, the look is gentle, but is very sacred, inviolable. “这件事就此打住,瑶池有自己的传承,没有必要去修他人的道统。”西王母开口,她雍容华贵,头插九凤簪,垂落金步摇,一身羽衣霞光闪动,神色平和,但却很神圣,不可侵犯。 This Ancient Race is not willing to give up, earnest saying: „It is not the hand-written copy, is Undying Heavenly Sovereign originally scripture that casts after by Phoenix Blood Scarlet Gold!” 这位古族不愿放弃,认真的说道:“并非是手抄本,是不死天皇经以凰血赤金铸成的原本经文!” Side, in the Ye Fan heart vibrates, this Heavenly Sovereign's Son looks like does not want to deceive Jade Lake, this is really must exchange, this divine fetus really has the heaven defying price. 旁边,叶凡心中震动,这天皇子看来并不是想诓骗瑶池,这是真的要进行交换,这个神胎果然有逆天的价格。 In his heart secret consideration, if Heavenly Sovereign's Son carries ancient scripture personally come, he really must halfway the impulsion of interception ; first, to remove enemy ; second, to look at Immemorial Myriad Clans does obeisance exceeds Deity's scripture to have what originality. 他心中暗暗思量,若是天皇子携带古经亲来,他真要半路截杀的冲动,一是除掉敌,二是看一看太古万族共拜的超越神灵的经文有何独到之处。 This matter does not do to raise again, this Stone King spiritual wisdom, had been treated as the children by all previous Sage, how can exchange.” Queen Mother of the West rejection. “此事休要再提,这块石王已然通灵,被历代圣贤当作子女,怎能与人交换。”西王母拒绝。 Several Ancient Race strong people looked at one mutually, one of them gives Queen Mother of the West a jade carving, inside has Heavenly Sovereign's Son Five Colors Divine Blood, their look ugly departure. 几名古族强人相互看了一眼,其中一人将一个玉器交给西王母,里面有天皇子五色神血,他们神色难看的离去。 They shot a look at Ye Fan, killing intent flashed not to have, the stride went, left Immortal Pond. Has the Jade Lake's elder to see off, spoke some polite words. 他们瞥了一眼叶凡,杀意一闪而没,大步而去,离开了仙池。有瑶池的长老相送,说了一些很客气的话语。 Queen Mother of the West shows a faint smile, outside abatement Ye Fan, only left behind Saintess, making others leave this place. 西王母微微一笑,除却叶凡外,只留下了圣女,让其他人都离开了此地。 Who Ye Fan True Body is, this matter naturally could not hide the truth from her, Saintess already to her to report, how otherwise blood of casual person can sprinkle on Stone King. 叶凡真身是谁,这种事情自然瞒不了她,圣女已向她禀报,不然随便一个人的血液怎能洒落在石王上。 Congratulates the Fellow Daoist Ye strength to enter greatly, crosses the universe the line, is our generation cultivator yearn for something even in one's dreams miracle.” Queen Mother of the West said, is very polite, is the person of the same generation treats completely. “恭喜叶道友实力大进,横渡天宇而行,是我辈修士梦寐以求的神迹。”西王母说道,很是客气,完全是平辈对待。 Because, to Ye Fan cultivation profound immeasurable, even King of Great Accomplishment sees him at the present, is unable to be excessively proud, so long as understands that his strength, Saints must dread. 因为,到了而今叶凡道行高深莫测,连大成王者见到他,都无法过分自傲,只要明白他的实力,诸圣地都得忌惮。 In her heart was very actually sigh with emotion, thinks back on the past years, Ye Fan was small cultivator that's all, arrived at Jade Lake also to need him to shelter, has not thought these after pasts, has stood erect on Nine Heavens. 她其实心中很是感慨,遥想当年,叶凡不过是一个小修士而已,来到了瑶池还需要他庇护呢,不曾想这些过去后,已屹立在九天上。 Ye Fan naturally cannot pull rank, solemn big Lord of Holy Land, did not say its cultivation base, but her status may talk with Immemorial Ancestral King fully. 叶凡自然不会托大,堂堂一大圣地之主,不说其其修为,只是她的身份就足可与太古祖王对话。 Arrived at the present, him had known the fearfulness of immortal Inheritance, any cannot despise, so-called background is very considerable! 到了而今,他早已知晓不朽传承的可怕,任何一个都不能轻视,所谓的“底蕴”很可观! If really erupts great war, the Ye Fan consideration, has Great Emperor's Inheritance has had the reversal universe mostly contingency plan. 真若是爆发大战,叶凡思量,出过大帝的传承多半有逆转乾坤的“后手”。 Queen Mother of the West grasps the jade carving, the Five Colors blood that holds lives the splendor shiningly, overflows a continuously powerful and fearful fluctuation, formidable. 西王母手持玉器,容纳的五色血液灿灿生辉,溢出一缕缕强大而可怕的波动,让人生畏。 Jade Lake is very discrete, any will drench sprinkles Divine Blood on Stone King will borrow the Empress Mother of West's Tower emperor air/Qi to purify in secret, the bloody water sprinkles, others will unable to see anything, Ye Fan can actually perceive, the tower in space is trembling lightly. 瑶池很谨慎,任何淋洒在石王上的神血都会暗中借西皇塔的帝气来净化一遍,血水洒落,别人看不出什么,叶凡却能觉察到,天上的塔在轻颤。 Under the Immortality Peach old tree, this strange stone clear desire drops, lives Nine Orifices Eight Holes, exquisitely carved, every time voluntarily turnover Sun and Moon essence. 蟠桃古树下,这块奇石晶莹欲滴,生有九窍八孔,玲珑剔透,每时每刻都在自行吞吐日月精华。 After Heavenly Sovereign's Son the blood of sending was absorbed by it completely, its unceasing shivering, expresses the cheerful light cry, magnificent light was more abundant, the life that middle is pregnant will seem like will break the stone momentarily. 天皇子的送来的血液全部被它吸收后,它不断的颤抖,发出欢快的轻鸣,光华更盛了,当中内孕的生命像是随时会破石而出。 For these days, Ye Fan has stayed in this place, only then Queen Mother of the West and Jade Lake Saintess accompanied, the bystander cannot approach. 这几天来,叶凡一直呆在这个地方,只有西王母瑶池圣女相陪,外人不能靠近。 He has opened the Heavenly Eye, divine light is bright, has not winked one to stare at this strange stone, in the past he could not see through, was because was too mystical and powerful at this time, by Ancient Sage lay out ripple. 他早已睁开了天目,神光熠熠,不曾眨动一下盯着这块奇石,当年他看不穿,是因为此时太神秘与强大了,被古之圣贤布下过波纹。 At the present, entirely different, his Source Art great accomplishment, can see all scenes in stone clearly, that is a flesh and blood person is sitting cross-legged, the whole body blooms brilliant appearance. 而今,大不相同,他源术大成,能清晰见到石中的一切景象,那是一个血肉之躯的人在盘坐,浑身绽放宝辉 Is a female.” “是一个女子。” This divine fetus seems like can have ten *** year appearance, closed eyes writings, grace and talent peerless, body flowing immortal light, although as beautiful as peak, but is formidable. 这个神胎看起来能有十***岁的样子,闭目大作,风华绝代,肌体流动仙光,虽然美丽到极致,但却让人生畏。 Her Nine Orifices Eight Holes and strange stone surface is connected, just like put on heavy/thick stone dress for her, has various scripture twinkles on his body, that is Ancient Sage explains religious doctrine, sutras to remain for her. 她的九窍八孔奇石表面相连,宛若为她穿上了一层厚重的石衣,在其身上有各种经文闪烁,那是古之圣贤为她讲道、诵经所留。 Queen Mother of the West and Saintess asked Ye Fan to come ; first, to need his Holy Blood, how two also want to look at divine fetus in stone through her heaven defying Source Art at the present. 西王母圣女叶凡来,一是需要他的圣血,二也是想通过她逆天源术看一看石中的神胎而今到底如何了。 Heaven and Earth hands over safe, raises such a spirit embryo, is really frightening, I felt a continuously immortal machine.” Ye Fan talked to oneself. 天地交泰,养出这样一尊灵胎,真的是让人心惊,我感受到了一缕缕仙机。”叶凡自语道。 Then, he closed the pupil, delimits to carve in Void, under the brand mark the divine fetus appearance as well as that makings, let Queen Mother of the West and Jade Lake Saintess are an astonishment. 而后,他闭上了眸子,在虚空中划刻,烙印下神胎的样子以及那种气质,让西王母瑶池圣女都是一阵惊异。 The female in stone transcends the mortal world, does not need to doubt, her beautiful does not belong to Human World, the body flesh, the internal organs bone have an inexplicable immortal rhyme, magnificent light. 石中的女子超凡入圣,无需置疑,她的美不属于人世间,身体早已血肉化,脏腑骨头等有一种莫名的仙韵,光华点点。 „The great strength of her within the body potential, is unable to imagine, in the flesh accumulated has the desert general strength every inchs, really wants the enter the world words, must picking the stars and seizing the moon!” Ye Fan said solemnly. “她体内潜能之强大,无法想象,每一寸血肉中都蕴有瀚海一般的力量,真要出世的话,必可摘星捉月!”叶凡沉声道 This female spirit not slight defect, such divine fetus if in the future enter the world, few may suppress all over the world, making him have to examine carefully. 这个女灵没有一点瑕疵,这样一尊神胎将来若是出世,普天之下几乎无人可压制,让他不得不细看。 Ye Fan is somewhat scruple, stone tremor is the instinct of spirit embryo, but its Sea of Consciousness is very tranquil, fluctuates not strongly, does not compare with his powerful beautiful body symmetrially. 叶凡有些迟疑,石块颤动似是灵胎的本能,而其识海很宁静,波动不强,与其强大美丽的躯体相比不相称。 This is the result that Ancient Sage purifies.” Queen Mother of the West said. “这是古之圣贤净化的结果。”西王母道。 The Jade Lake past worthies also fear to have the accident/surprise, can preach by the direct access to the highest authorities, purified thoroughly divine fetus Sea of Consciousness, according to their views, divine fetus has the pure feelings at the present, like the Jade Lake's child. 瑶池前贤也怕出现意外,以通天之能讲经,将神胎识海彻底净化了一遍,按照她们的说法,而今神胎有赤子之心,如同瑶池的孩子。 „When true enter the world, her divine sense strength with.” “真正出世时,她的神念力会跟上来的。” Although divine fetus by purification, but potential, once awakens, will be vast like the sea. 神胎虽然被“净化”了,但潜能在,一旦觉醒,将浩瀚如海。 In the following several days, Ye Fan sits under the Immortality Peach old tree, every day nourishes strange stone by blood essence, each he opens the Heavenly Eye observation time. 在接下来的数日里,叶凡都坐在蟠桃古树下,每日都以精血滋养奇石,每一次他都睁开天目观察。 She primitive strength in extraction blood!” Ye Fan observed several days earnestly, in the pupil divine light is inexplicable, the heart palpitates. “她在抽取血液中的原始力量!”叶凡认真观察了几日,眸子中神光莫名,心有悸动。 Are all these instinct? The light of Holy Blood extraction silk threads this formidable beautiful divine fetus, sleek/moist goes, turned into a slightly not obvious symbol, irons in within the body. 所有这一切都是本能吗?这个让人生畏的美丽神胎,润进去的圣血抽取丝丝缕缕的光,化成了一个微不可见的符号,烙在体内。 Well, the Heavenly Sovereign's Son Five Colors Divine Blood extracted several symbols are especially radiant.” Ye Fan has to stand out from the masses Souce Heavenly Eye, to him in the stone does not have secret, he observed this phenomenon. “咦,天皇子五色神血被抽出的几个符号格外璀璨。”叶凡拥有与众不同源天眼,对他来说石中无秘,他观察到了这种现象。 In blood has the primitive strength, has the Archaic ancestor's memory fragment, these symbol type of things?” In his heart astonished. “血液内有原始力量,有远古祖先的记忆碎片,这些符号这种东西吗?”他心中惊异。 If deeply wants to get down, in the middle of this is very complex, in the blood of Heavenly Sovereign's Son must have the Undying Heavenly Sovereign strength, that is Paramount God that Myriad Clans altogether reveres, is very likely throughout the ages most Powerhouse. 若是深想下去,这当中很复杂,天皇子的血液中必有不死天皇的力量,那是万族共尊的至高神,很有可能是古往今来的最强者 This indirect is the brand mark of blood and life of Undying Heavenly Sovereign! How many people have to compare? 这间接是不死天皇的血液与生命的烙印!有几人能相比? Ye Fan pondered over several days not to see that what clue came, finally he clenches teeth, emits no less than the blood of Heavenly Sovereign's Son, in the stone has the shining symbol to be extracted immediately. 叶凡琢磨了几日也没看出什么端倪来,最终他咬了咬牙,放出不少于天皇子的血液,石中顿时有灿灿符号被抽取出。 What does the Heavenly Sovereign's Son bottom want to dare?” Ye Fan does not know, finally drips to drop many Holy Blood, shining symbol compared with it Heavenly Sovereign's Son wants on many some. 天皇子底想敢什么?”叶凡不知,最终淌落下不少圣血,灿灿符号比之天皇子的要多上一些。 The Immortal Pond bank, various ancient medicine large expanse of growth, a ginseng/partake forming, the irises and orchids everywhere, everywhere are, expiration and inspiration essence, delicate fragrance intoxicant, has the Qilin beast to lie to lie, the auspicious beast appears and disappears. 仙池畔,各种古药成片的成长,参株成形,芝兰遍地,到处都是,吐纳菁华,清香醉人,更有麒麟兽趴卧,瑞兽出没。 Ye Fan stayed half a month under the Immortality Peach tree, has not discovered what unusuality, finally he brings one volume of personally written letters to say goodbye to depart. 叶凡蟠桃树下呆了半个月有余,始终没有发现什么异常,最后他带着一卷手札告辞离去。 On the personally written letter recorded Em­press Mother of West to refine Emperor Weapon some secret fuzzily, the myth was nearly ordinary, anything entered the Primal Chaos immortal sea, entered Nine Heavens solitarily, kills him who Divinity offered sacrifice to heaven...... to look at to frown. 手札上模糊的记载了西皇炼制帝兵的一些秘辛,近乎神话一般,什么打进混沌仙海,只身入九天,杀一尊神祇祭天……看的他直皱眉头。 Ok, later ponders over slowly, otherwise with looking at the fairytale is ordinary.” He shakes the head. “算了,以后慢慢琢磨,不然跟看神话故事一般。”他摇了摇头。 Although went out of Jade Lake, is that Nine Orifices Eight Holes strange stone driving in the heart is not loose. Queen Mother of the West once said, Immortal Ascension Road must open, but they have no other choice but to seek for various bloodlines, nourishes divine fetus, must make her catch up in previously enter the world. 虽然走出了瑶池,可是那个九窍八孔奇石却在心中驱之不散。西王母曾说,成仙路要开启了,而她们不得已寻找各种血脉,滋养神胎,一定要让她赶在此前出世 What I stay behind is the Holy Blood mark?” Ye Fan talked to oneself, he thought needs to seek Heavenly Sovereign's Son, cuts it, otherwise always thought that has what improper. “我留下的算是圣血印记吗?”叶凡自语,他觉得有必要寻上天皇子,将其斩掉,不然总觉得有什么不妥。 „, You did not come out finally, we and others you for half a month many months.” “唔,你终于出来了,我们等你半个月多月了。” Jade Lake inside and outside several hundreds, several Ancient Race blocked the way, leader grey hair, even the pupil is the lead grey color, a fresh antler, is Dao Severing person. 瑶池数百里外,几名古族拦住了去路,为首者一头灰发,连眸子都是铅灰色的,头生鹿角,是一个斩道者 You and others did I have the matter?” “你们等我有事吗?” Also no, but wants to ask you to chat.” Several Ancient Race encircled, the corners of the mouth have a wisp of taunt, each and every one murderous intention to reveal completely. “也没什么,只是想找你谈谈。”几名古族围了上来,嘴角带着一缕嘲讽,一个个杀机毕露。 Ye Fan smiled, said: Good, I also just want to ask you to chat.” 叶凡笑了,道:“好啊,我也正想找你们聊聊呢。” You are Central Province's Ascending King, is one of the Twin Kings, or other, such as Netherworld King king and others?” Asking that the antler man is calm and composed even in press of work. “你是中州的羽化王,还是双子王之一,亦或是其他,诸如冥王王等?”鹿角男子好整以暇的问道。 They once obtained the positive news, Central Province's several king should/must is in half a month to is right, therefore does to think that Ye Fan is one person. 他们曾得到确切消息,中州的几位王应该是这半个月到才对,因此做认为叶凡是当中的一人。 „It is not.” Ye Fan shakes the head. “都不是。”叶凡摇头。 „The thing of acting recklessly, hurries from the report name.” One of them shouted. “不知死活的东西,赶紧自报姓名。”其中一人喝道。 The antler grey hair man is earliest possible time take action, picture scroll black fog is dreadful, covered the universe instantaneously, received Ye Fan, said: Careful point for wonderful, received him to interrogate again slowly.” 鹿角灰发男子更是第一时间出手,一张画卷黑雾滔天,瞬间笼罩了乾坤,将叶凡收了进去,道:“还是小心点为妙,收了他再慢慢审问。” This is the rare treasure that Heavenly Sovereign's Son bestows, they have an absolute self-confidence, may be stranded all Dao Severing person, can write off Human Race king level expert. 这是天皇子赐下的秘宝,他们有一种绝对的自信,可困一切斩道者,能抹杀人族王级高手 In the picture the world like a shackles, the person in inside and outside can each other see. 画中世界如同一个牢笼,里面与外面的人能够彼此看到。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son spent so many painstaking care, how to allow grain of mouse excrement to go bad a hopeless mess, searched for his Sea of Consciousness, looks is what status.” 天皇子费了这么多心血,岂容一粒老鼠屎坏了一锅粥,搜他的识海,看一看到底是什么身份。” One group of people overlook the picture scroll, sneers again and again, murderous intention reveals completely. 一群人俯视画卷,冷笑连连,杀机毕露。 „The thing of acting recklessly, appeared in Jade Lake at this time, tedious, first cuts open his body, looks is what blood.” “不知死活的东西,偏偏这个时候出现在瑶池,让人生厌,先剖开他的躯体,看一看到底是什么血液。” These person looks are callous, have absolute power over somebody to grasp in the hand, a person holds a god whip, right in the face draw off to picture scroll. 这些人都神色冷酷,生杀予夺掌握在手,一人持一把神鞭,劈头盖脸向画卷中抽去。 “噗” The blood glittering, this person disintegration, turned into one group of blood mist together at the scene, others in great surprise. 一道血光闪烁,此人当场崩碎,化成了一团血雾,其他人都大惊。 Then, a golden big hand found out, covered Heaven and Earth, covered them, one put in the picture scroll. 接着,一只金色的大手探出,覆盖了天地,将他们所有人都笼罩,一把抓进了画卷中。 This...... how possible?!” They are all frightened. “这……怎么可能?!”他们全都惊悚。 As far as they know, outside this picture scroll abatement Heavenly Sovereign's Son, only has Huang Xudao and Huo Qizi only several people able to break open, but suppress and kill Human Race numerous Dao Severing person, have such matter at the present unexpectedly. 据他们所知,这张画卷除却天皇子外,也唯有凰虚道火麒子仅有的几人能破开,可镇杀人族众多斩道者,而今竟发生了这样的事。 Said that what does Heavenly Sovereign's Son that grain of mouse excrement actually want to make?” Ye Fan sets up in the body picture scroll on a beautiful mountain peak. “说吧,天皇子那粒老鼠屎到底想做什么?”叶凡立身画卷中在一座秀丽的山峰上。 You......” one of them just want to berate. “你……”其中一人刚想喝斥。 In the sky, a big foot falls, stepped on one group of blood mist him at the scene, the bone dregs did not have remaining, scattered in in the air. 天空中,一只大脚落下,将他当场踩成了一团血雾,骨头渣都没有剩下,飘散在空中。 I just want to look for him, you happen to delivered, hurried saying that what he actually does want to make?” Ye Fan cold sound said. “我正想去找他呢,你们正好送上门来了,赶紧说他到底想做什么?”叶凡冷声说道。 Helps the person make an advertisement: A new book of dreadful fat panda, «Dark Judgement», please the interested friend go red-roast, book number 2278933 帮人做个广告:一只猥琐胖熊猫的新书,《暗黑裁决》,请有兴趣的朋友去红烧一下,书号2278933
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