STH :: Volume #11

#1037: divine fetus

Chapter 1035 divine fetus 第1035章神胎 Under the stone valley, the Qilin beast lies in the blue stone alone, among the escarpments ancient medicine takes root in the growth, the high virtue associated, Purple Qi fills the air, auspicious. 石谷下,麒麟兽在青石上独卧,崖壁间古药扎根生长,兰芝伴生,紫气弥漫,一片祥和。 The cool breeze blows, Jade Lake Saintess beautiful hair fluttered, the snow white skirt clothes dances in the air, graceful varied, probably the Nine Heavens goddess that her stature outlined arrived at the world. 清风吹来,瑶池圣女的秀发飘了起来,雪白裙衣飞舞,将她的身材勾勒的曼妙多姿,像是九天神女降临人间。 Her beautiful is without a doubt, the shocking world, major immortal Holy Land and Central Province's ancient Divine Dynasty and Ancient Race many royal families and others once discussed marriage, but was turned down. 她的美毋庸置疑,惊艳天下,各大不朽的圣地中州的古老神朝古族诸多王族等都曾提亲,不过都被婉拒了。 Ye Fan smiled, since were seen through not to need to conceal, Jade Lake to him from harmless, pours does not need to be worried. 叶凡笑了,既然被识破也没有必要掩饰下去了,瑶池对他从无恶意,倒也不用担心。 What seal fee/spent do you have?” The Jade Lake Saintess smile, outstanding beauty, making various Divine Flower gloomy. “你有什么封口费吗?”瑶池圣女微笑,国色天香,让各株神葩都暗淡了下去。 I can have anything, the abatement silences the witnesses outside , can only pledge yourself outside, other also really takes not take action.” Ye Fan teased. “我能有什么,除却杀人灭口外,也只能以身相许外了,别的还真拿不出手。”叶凡调侃道。 Jade Lake Saintess shot a look at his one eyes, a wisp of shiny black show posts on the shining white cheeks, simple and beautiful transcend worldly affairs is nimble and resourceful, said: brother Ye can come back is really a miracle, should congratulate you to be right.” 瑶池圣女瞥了他一眼,一缕黑亮的秀发贴在莹白的脸颊上,清丽出尘而灵动,道:“叶兄能够回来真的是一个奇迹,该恭喜你才对。” Lucky that's all.” “侥幸而已。” I want to ask brother Ye to help busy.” Jade Lake Saintess said. “我想请叶兄帮一个忙。”瑶池圣女说道。 „, Fairy behind is Em­press Mother of West Inheritance, the place of what also there is feeling embarrassed?” Saying that Ye Fan shows neither approval nor disapproval. “哦,仙子身后是西皇传承,还有什么为难之处吗?”叶凡不置可否的说道。 This matter cannot be regarded anything regarding brother Ye, may easily achieve, however is of far-reaching influence on my Jade Lake, therefore please help certainly one another.” Jade Lake Saintess said. “这件事对于叶兄来说算不得什么,可轻易做到,然而对我瑶池却影响深远,所以请你一定相助。”瑶池圣女道。 She more said like this, Ye Fan more feels the surprise, the tracing chin that does not control self, said: Actually is what matter?” 她越是这样说,叶凡越觉得诧异,不自禁的摸了摸下巴,道:“究竟是何事?” „To borrow several wisps of Holy Blood to brother Ye.” Jade Lake Saintess peerless fragrant flower, the flesh flowing multi-colored sunlight, the look visits him seriously. “想向叶兄借几缕圣血。”瑶池圣女绝代芳华,肌肤流动霞光,神色郑重的看着他。 so that's how it is!” Ye Fan knows immediately they want to make anything, hesitated, this is an important matter, will not do well will pierce the day. 原来如此!”叶凡立刻知道他们想做什么了,不禁沉吟了起来,这可是一件大事,弄不好会将天捅破。 brother Ye is scatheless in you, several wisps of Holy Blood calculate that in you unobstructive, really wishes sincerely you can help one another.” Jade Lake Saintess words leisurely saying. 叶兄于你并无损伤,几缕圣血算于你无碍,真心希望你能相助。”瑶池圣女话语轻缓的说道。 My blood is not difficult to ask, but you use to make me worry.” Ye Fan looks forward, wants to look straight ahead her conscience. “我的血没那么难求,但是你们所用却让我担忧。”叶凡向前望去,想要直视她的本心。 Jade Lake has several strange stone, mysterious immeasurable, four are all previous Queen Mother of the West seeks, three are fifth-generation Heavenly Source Master Zhang Lin gives to them, previous time Jade Lake congress because of these strange stone. 瑶池有几块奇石,神秘莫测,有四块是历代西王母寻来的,还有三块是第五代源天师张林送给她们的,上一次的瑶池大会就是因这几块奇石而起。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son is then in together in strange stone, was given to see by Ye Fan, at that time was pregnant pure white in one such as in the egg of jade, the divine marks fluctuation is shocking, finally Ancient Race visits, carries off it. 天皇子便身在其中一块奇石中,被叶凡给看出,当时孕在一枚洁白如玉的蛋内,神纹波动惊世,最终古族上门,将其带走。 Another strange stone lives Nine Orifices Eight Holes together, specially, Jade Lake incomparably attaches great importance, from ancient to present, all previous Sage had said to it the law, has spoken. 另有一块奇石生有九窍八孔,更为特别,瑶池无比重视,自古至今,历代圣贤都对其说过法、讲过经。 Initially, Monkey came this to ask the Immortality Peach wondrous medicines, Jade Lake was makes him to fight to fight the Divine Blood exchange, nourished that quick immortal stone moon/month with his blood, the Ye Fan memory was profound. 当初,猴子来此求蟠桃圣药,瑶池便是让他以斗战神血交换,用他血滋养了那快仙石月余,叶凡记忆深刻。 At the present Jade Lake Saintess requests, definitely and for that strange stone, in the past his say/way also has not become, the Holy Blood effect is not that big, then at the present was greatly different. 而今瑶池圣女相求,肯定又是为了那块奇石,当年他的道还未成,圣血效果不是那么大,而今则大不同了。 Fairy, looks at your think three times, divine fetus that Heaven and Earth gives birth to existed forever to be difficult saying that was the luck is the calamity, did this somewhat risky.” Ye Fan frowns to say. 仙子,望你们三思,天地生养出的神胎长存下去难说是福是祸,这样做真的有些冒险。”叶凡蹙眉道。 Said things just to frighten people the words that he had not said that perhaps once Nine Orifices Eight Holes divine fetus enter the world, can be a catastrophe, outside abatement Ancient Great Emperor, was very difficult some people to surrender. 更为危言耸听的的话他没说,九窍八孔神胎一旦出世,也许会是一场大灾难,除却古之大帝外,很难有人降服。 brother Ye said is really.” Jade Lake Saintess nods, spoke frankly that she has also had the anxiety, but felt relaxed afterward, has the Sage old age to use painstaking care convert, this stone embryo already and they were interlinked. 叶兄所言甚是。”瑶池圣女点头,坦言她也有过忧虑,不过后来释然了,有圣贤晚年倾尽心血度化,此石胎早已与她们相通。 Saint is how powerful, the person view and preaching, have made divine fetus change from generation to generation, becomes Jade Lake's part, be hard to wickedly. 圣人何其强大,一代又一代人说法、讲经,早已让神胎发生变化,成为了瑶池的一部分,难以为恶。 Ye Fan is silent, what without said again, Jade Lake decided that his how many words can change can it be that this is their painstaking care crystallizes, even Ancient Sage thinks to be all right, but how can also? 叶凡默然,没有再多说什么,瑶池决定岂是他几句话能改变的,这是他们的心血结晶,连古之圣贤都认为没事,还能怎样? He knows, this divine fetus not enter the world by, in the event of definitely will be very powerful, since all so many years, have been listening respectfully to Sage and famous elder saying that have thoroughly understood entire Empress Mother of West's Scripture mostly. 他知道,这个神胎出世则以,一旦出现必然会无比强大,毕竟这么多岁月以来,一直在聆听圣贤、名宿讲道,多半都已通晓了整部西皇经 „Did brother Ye comply?” Jade Lake Saintess asked. 叶兄答应了吗?”瑶池圣女问道。 I want to consider.” Ye Fan replied. “我想考虑一下。”叶凡答道。 brother Ye or heart have the worry.” Jade Lake Saintess said. 叶兄还是心有顾虑呀。”瑶池圣女道。 I think that you still remember Sovereign Black has spoken words, it, although very scoundrel, but said not empty, after all has followed Great Emperor Without Beginning.” Ye Fan said. “我想你还记得黑皇说过的话,它虽然很混账,但所言非虚,毕竟追随过无始大帝。”叶凡道。 When Jade Lake congress Sovereign Black had once said that hundreds of thousands years ago powerful Holy Land had once done the similar matter, finally Holy Spirit enter the world, making that Holy Land vanishes in a puff of smoke, if not the Great Emperor Without Beginning's say/way becomes, its powerful crush to death, what kind of enormous disaster is very difficult to imagine can have. 瑶池大会时黑皇曾说过,十几万年前曾有一个强大的圣地做过相似的事,结果圣灵出世,让那一圣地灰飞烟灭,若非无始大帝的道成,将其强力镇死,很难想象会有怎样的弥天大祸。 Jade Lake Saintess nods, said: Did not have the time, Immortal Ascension Road must open, by Human Race at the present strength, several people can rush?” 瑶池圣女点头,道:“没有时间了,成仙路要开启,凭人族而今的力量,有几人能闯进去?” She did not have to say anything, but Ye Fan can actually realize that various world Great Holy Land's senses of urgency, all immortal Inheritance diligently, are wanting to lift rosy cloud Immortal Ascension at the present for this reason. 她没有多说什么,但是叶凡却能体会到天下各大圣地的紧迫感,而今所有不朽传承都在为此努力,都想举霞飞仙 Ye Fan returned to the lecture hall, accompanied Liu Yiyi to mention many things of Starry Sky another shore, making her have mixed emotions, often cried, incomparably missed that native land. 叶凡回到了精舍,陪柳依依谈起了星空另一岸的很多事,让她百感交集,不时落泪,无比思念那片故土。 Relax, has very high hope to go back!” Ye Fan comfort, but had not said in this aspect. “放心吧,有很大的希望可以回去!”叶凡安慰,不过没有在这方面多说。 Next day, Jade Lake Saintess came, asked Ye Fan consideration how, he is not really good to reject, Jade Lake has the good intentions to him, in the past was to assist. Even if he feels strange, does not have the means to shirk, nods assent, said: Really has problems, does not have Ancient Race, making them also follow rain and dew to moisten.” 次日,瑶池圣女又来了,问叶凡考虑的怎样了,他实在不好拒绝,瑶池对他有善意,过去更是相助过。他即便觉得不妥,也没有办法推脱掉,点头同意,道:“真出问题,不是还有古族吗,让他们也跟着‘雨露均沾’。” Jade Lake Saintess smiles to lean the person city, making Sun of space lose the brilliance, said: brother Ye is willing to assist, that best, but, we will not make you lose blood in vain, you have anything to be completely possible to open the mouth.” 瑶池圣女一笑倾人城,让天上的太阳都失去了光彩,道:“叶兄肯相助,那最好不过,我们自不会让你白白失血,你有什么所需尽可开口。” What Ye Fan in the thing that Jade Lake most is interested is? Naturally is Empress Mother of West's Scripture Forbidden Chapter, last page of scripture recorded insight, Secret Technique, Inheritance Em­press Mother of West life most essence. 叶凡瑶池最感兴趣的东西是什么?当然是西皇经禁忌篇,最后一页经文记载了西皇一生最精华的感悟秘术传承等。 What a pity, he knows that this is impossible, no one will give this Secret Art, Ancient Great Emperor last Secret Technique is rarely displayed, the idle talk was obtained by the bystander. 可惜,他知道这是不可能的,没有人会授出这种秘法,古之大帝最后一篇秘术很少被人施展出,更遑论被外人得到。 I want to understand how Em­press Mother of West casts the Immortal Tears Emerald Gold tower.” After Ye Fan seriously thinks, set such a request. “我想了解西皇是怎样铸仙泪绿金塔的。”叶凡认真思索后,提出了这样一个要求。 „After hammering of Emperor Weapon casts...... these , the world knows not entire, but we can seek in Scriptures Pavilion for you with every effort.” Jade Lake Saintess said that in the eye has the extraordinary splendor to flash through. 帝兵的锻铸……这些后世人所知不全,不过我们可以尽力为你在藏经阁中寻找。”瑶池圣女道,眼中有异彩闪过。 Emperor Weapon is how difficult to cast, regarding Great Emperor was in the life the incomparably significant matter, Great Emperor died, Emperor Weapon wait/etc., if extension of their life, may protect descendant for them. 帝兵何其难铸,对于大帝来说是一生中无比重大的事,大帝死去了,帝兵等若他们生命的延续,可替他们守护后人 Present age, what most precious? Is the Ancient Great Emperor's weapon! 当世,什么最珍贵?自是古之大帝的兵器! The vault of heaven deep place, Primal Chaos Qi fills the air, Empress Mother of West's Tower is partly visible, under the ups and downs, suppress at the beginning of splitting heaven and earth apart, lets fall faint trace Immortal Qi to protect trim Pure Land probably. 天穹深处,混沌气弥漫,西皇塔若隐若现,沉沉浮浮,像是镇压开天辟地之初,垂落下的丝丝仙气守护着整片净土 Ye Fan and Jade Lake Saintess vanguard, walks toward the heaviest place together, when this, he opened the Heavenly Eye looked up to the Immortal Tears Emerald Gold tower saw a small log cabin, was not far from the emperor tower. 叶凡瑶池圣女前行,一起向最重之地走去,在此其间,他睁开天目仰望仙泪绿金塔时见到了一个小木屋,距离帝塔不远。 Female desolate standing in the clouds, looks into the distance, the sadness that the facial expression could not say. 有一个女子落寞的站在云端,眺望远方,神情说不出的哀伤。 The Ye Fan facial expression shakes, his eyes recognize, this is fifth-generation Heavenly Source Ancestral Master Zhang Lin female friend Yang Yi, is ten thousand years ago Jade Lake Saintess. 叶凡神情一震,他一眼认出,这是第五代源天祖师张林的红颜知己杨怡,是万年前瑶池圣女 He did not have to say anything, in the heart sighed, Zhang Lin fought town/subdues Northern Region, destroyed completely Deity Valley, actually buried oneself body in the rosy-colored clouds at dawn, can never return. 他没有多说什么,心中一叹,张林一战镇北域,独自一人灭掉了神灵谷,却将己身葬在了朝霞中,永不能归来了。 When can Road of Immortal Ascension open?” Ye Fan asked suddenly. 成仙之路到底什么时候能够开启?”叶凡突然问道。 Jade Lake Saintess was startled, looked at his one eyes, said: No one said certainly, but should not be remote, even Ancient Race could not sit still, is preparing.” 瑶池圣女一怔,看了他一眼,道:“谁也说不准,但应该不会太久远,连古族都坐不住了,都在准备。” I have the incident to be very curious, has wanted to ask to understand, but always thought that somewhat takes the liberty......” Ye Fan to say. “我另有一事很好奇,一直想问个明白,只是总觉得有些冒昧……”叶凡说道。 What matter?” Jade Lake Saintess said. “何事?”瑶池圣女道。 I once heard, the Jade Lake original address here, does not move from another place, does not know the genuine and fake, actually why?” Ye Fan once went to that place with Sovereign Black, Empress Mother of West's Scripture Dao Palace has obtained from there, but he cannot say, otherwise greatly troublesome. “我曾听人说,瑶池原址不在此,是自另一个地方搬来的,不知真假,究竟为什么?”叶凡曾与黑皇去过那个地方,西皇经道宫篇就是从那里得到的,但他绝不能说出来,不然有大麻烦。 Jade Lake former home grounds life-force does not have certainly, a deathly stillness, very strange. And, whenever thinks that Immortal Pond, his one have one's hair stand on end, pool bottom have several unclear corpse, each young beautiful, is Jade Lake disciple, does not know why buries there. 瑶池故地生机绝无,一片死寂,非常的诡异。且,每当想到那个仙池,他就一阵毛骨悚然,池底有数不清的尸体,各个年轻美丽,都为瑶池弟子,不知为何葬于那里。 According to Sovereign Black, the Empress Mother of West's Tower material discovered from that pool bottom deep place. 黑皇说,西皇塔的材料就是自那池底深处发现的。 Jade Lake Saintess hears this word, the look is serious, shakes the head, said: That is a past event, too, in Jade Lake few person clear(ly) understood long ago, I also do not know.” 瑶池圣女闻听此言,神色郑重,摇了摇头,道:“那是一件旧事,太久远了,瑶池内没有几人明晓,我亦不知。” Front, the mist is hazy, Immortal Qi winds around, various multi-colored sunlight turnovers, they arrived at the Jade Lake heaviest place. 前方,水雾迷蒙,仙气缭绕,各种霞光吞吐,他们来到了瑶池最重之地-仙池 This name of teaching because of Immortal Pond, the former home grounds has one, here also has one, it is said from same pond root. 该教的名字就是因仙池而起,故地有一口,这里同样存在一口,据说源自同一池根。 This region just like Immortal World, the unusual dream, the average man must halt, is unable to approach. 这片地域宛如仙界,非常梦幻,常人必须止步,根本无法靠近。 Here, various auspicious beasts appear intermittently, the auspicious bird dances in the air, takes the form of Three-legged Golden Crow, Fire Phoenix and Qilin same rare bird Mutant Beast to appear and disappear in the nearby. 在这里,各种瑞兽隐现,祥鸟飞舞,形似三足金乌火凤凰麒麟一样的珍禽异兽在附近出没。 An old tree branch extends to high sky, very big, resembles horned dragon, precisely illustrious Immortality Peach Holy Tree, it takes root in the Immortal Pond bank, derives the essence, the medicine greets the nostrils fragrant. 一株古树枝桠伸展向高天,非常的高大,似一条虬龙,正是赫赫有名的蟠桃圣树,它扎根在仙池畔,汲取精华,药香扑鼻。 Moreover, this stretch of region was covered with the irises and orchids, such as weed bunches and clumps, everywhere all are. 而且,这片地带长满了芝兰,如杂草般一簇簇、一丛丛,遍地皆是。 This grade of Divine Soil, the world is difficult to seek, is nourishes the Heaven and Earth spirit embryo wonderfully, is a weed long must here spiritual wisdom, do not say that was different. 这等神土,天下难寻,是滋养天地灵胎的妙地,就是一株杂草长在这里都得通灵,更不要说是异株了。 In the Ye Fan pupil the pupil glittering, he saw that several Ancient Race that previously saw, is the person of head is Dao Severing person, accompanied by Jade Lake great person, the erect before Immortality Peach Holy Tree, sprinkles the mysterious blood to strange stone together. 叶凡瞳孔中眸光闪烁,他见到了早先看到的那几名古族,为首的人是一个斩道者,在瑶池大人物的陪同下,正立在蟠桃圣树前,向一块奇石洒神秘的血液。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son aura!” In the Ye Fan pupil divine light is flaming, he felt aura of enemy from that brilliant Five Colors blood. 天皇子的气息!”叶凡瞳孔中神光炽盛,他自那绚烂的五色血液中感受到了敌人的气机 Jade Lake Saintess nods, said: They firmly are the Heavenly Sovereign's Son subordinates.” 瑶池圣女点头,道:“他们确为天皇子的手下。” You also to Heavenly Sovereign's Son seeking blood?” Ye Fan asked. “你们也向天皇子求取血液了?”叶凡问道。 No, is he sends on own initiative, he once wants by Undying Heavenly Sovereign ancient scripture with we exchange Nine Orifices Eight Holes strange stone.” Jade Lake Saintess said. “没有,是他主动送来的,他曾想以不死天皇古经同我们交换九窍八孔的的奇石。”瑶池圣女说道。 What?” Ye Fan is startled, Undying Heavenly Sovereign scripture of staying behind is known as Deity ancient scripture, he shocked entire Immemorial Era, was altogether revered by Myriad Clans, Supreme Existence. “什么?”叶凡吃惊,不死天皇的留下的经文号称神灵古经,他震慑了整个太古时代,被万族共尊,至高无上 Such a character may show disdain for eternally, the world reveres alone, the scripture nature is mysterious, he regards as by Myriad Clans exceeds Deity's to exist! 这样的一位人物可傲视万古,天下独尊,所著的经文自然玄妙无比,他被万族视为超越神灵的存在! We are impossible to comply, Immortal Ascension Road is going to open, Immortal Scripture puts at present, cannot be as good as this divine fetus.” Jade Lake Saintess said. “我们不可能答应,成仙路将要开启,一部仙经摆在眼前,也抵不上这个神胎。”瑶池圣女道。 The Ye Fan look moves, said: Jade Lake's several strange stone, the past were to put together?” 叶凡神色一动,道:“瑶池的几块奇石,过去是放在一起的吗?” Although has contacted, but has not sealed in a place.” Jade Lake Saintess said. “虽有接触过,但并未封在一个地方。”瑶池圣女道。 Ye Fan is staring at that Stone King under Immortality Peach old tree, looks to the brilliant Five Colors blood of Heavenly Sovereign's Son, thought deeply about the moment silently. 叶凡盯着蟠桃古树下的那块石王,又看向天皇子的绚烂的五色血液,默默思索了片刻。 At the end of the month, autumn ***. Thank everyone! 月底,秋***。感谢大家! . . .
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