STH :: Volume #11

#1036: Enters Jade Lake

Chapter 1034 enters Jade Lake 第1034章入瑶池 In the hall the cup board in confusion, the people drink wine to the night, all keeled over drunk at the table, getting up that on second Heavenly Sun the late into the day each and every one has a drowsy look. 大厅中杯盘狼藉,众人饮酒至深夜,全都醉倒在桌旁,第二天日上三竿才一个个睡眼惺忪的起来。 Happy, for a long time without has drunk to heart's content.” Dongfang Ye just came together, held wine pot thump thump to drink several. “痛快啊,好久没有这么畅饮过了。”东方野刚一起来,又抱起一个酒坛子咕咚咚喝了几口。 The following several days day, they are celebrating and drinking to heart's content, five will diverge in the future respectively, the agreement comes to day to gather again. 接下来的几日日,他们都在庆祝与畅饮,五日后才各自散去,约定来日再聚。 Anticipates that war!” “期待那一战!” The people have known , how Holy Land well possibly can ruptured. 众人都已知晓,,好好的一个圣地怎么可能会崩开 Also departed in Ye Fan of this day, his some things must process, shortly after possibly did not have the time. 在这一日叶凡也离去了,他有一些事情要去处理,不久后可能没有时间了。 After leaving Village of Celestial Court, in land infertile, scarlet 1 million li (0.5 km), because this is Northern Region, lacking life-force is normal. 离开天之村后,大地上寸草不生,赤地百万里,因为这是北域,缺少生机再正常不过。 The cool breeze blows, goes out of Ye Fan to stand erect on a mountain peak, looks into the dry mountain land, the bare piece, cannot see a wisp of vitality/angry. 清风拂面,走出叶凡屹立在一座山峰上,眺望枯山大地,光秃秃一片,看不到一缕生气。 When passed by Divine City, Ye Fan felt there liveliness, various Blood Qi mixed up, forms a boundless potential, just like Heaven and Earth copper furnace. 路过神城时,叶凡感受到了那里的繁华,各种血气混在一起,形成一股磅礴之势,宛如一座天地铜炉 Only then I alone returned to Earth, at the present successfully comes back, needs to tell them Liu Yiyi and situations of Zhang Wenchang their family member.” “只有我一个人返回了地球,而今又成功回来了,需要将柳依依张文昌他们家人的情况都告诉他们。” Ye Fan has not entered Divine City, but is the choice continues to cross Void, goes to Jade Lake Holy Land directly. 叶凡没有进神城,而是选择继续横渡虚空,径直前往瑶池圣地 Northern Region is withered, lacks life-force, but not every place, Jade Lake naturally is not so one of them, it is grand and elegant. 北域干枯,缺少生机,但并不是每一个地方都如此,瑶池自然也不在此列,它壮丽而秀美。 This Confucianism does not hang in the midair, is situated in the land, on the same day Ye Fan rushed to here. 这一圣门并非悬在半空中,就坐落在大地上,当日叶凡就赶到了这里。 Holy Mountain is palatial, elegant summit is elusive, just like entering in Immortal Domain. The rock cliff drips Divine Spring, spirit herb and cliff lives, in the Swiss beast mountain bends down, not only has Immortal Qi, and has the marvelous sight, magnificent varied. 圣山巍峨,秀峰空灵,宛如走进了仙域中。石岩淌神泉,灵草并崖生,瑞兽山中伏,既有仙气,又有奇景,瑰丽多姿。 Eastern Wilderness famous Divine Soil!” Ye Fan talked to oneself, several years later, he stood outside this place entrance once again. 东荒久负盛名的神土!”叶凡自语,时隔多年,他又一次站在了此地山门外。 Brushes “刷” The azure light flashes, distant place Void Portal opens greatly, goes out of several Ancient Race, descends in the place. They looked at Ye Fan to reveal the color of surprise, but has not cared, at the present no one can look to put on Ye Fan's Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth big law. 青光一闪,远处虚空之门大开,走出几名古族,降落在地。他们看了一眼叶凡都露出诧异之色,不过也没有在意,而今无人能望穿叶凡的改天换地”大法。 Is the person of head is Dao Severing person!” Ye Fan revealed the look of surprise, why can the Ancient Race strong person come Jade Lake Holy Land? The age in Saint, Dao Severing person is the apex strength. “为首之人是一位斩道者!”叶凡露出异色,古族的强人为何要来瑶池圣地?在圣人不出的年代,斩道者便是绝顶战力。 Ye Fan looks at their back thinking, then also takes a step toward the entrance walks, informs to protect to kill mountain expert he to see Liu Yiyi. 叶凡看着他们的背影一阵思索,而后也迈步向山门走去,告知护杀山高手他要见柳依依 All are very smooth, he enters wants in Jade Lake. 一切都很顺利,他进入要瑶池内。 This place Dragon Qi winds around , one continuously, turns into the rosy cloud transpiration on, Purple Qi is magnificent and expensive, each mountain peak more than over ten thousand. 这个地方龙气缭绕,一条条、一缕缕,化成云霞蒸腾而上,紫气华贵,每一座山峰都不下上万道。 In this Northern Region, but can also have such Pure Land, is really a miracle, each piece of cliff stone has the immortal fog to hang the cage, ancient medicine takes root in the pinnacle, is elegant and grand. 在这北域,还能有这样一处净土,实在是一种奇迹,每一片崖石都有仙雾悬笼,古药扎根石峰中,秀美而壮丽。 You are......” Liu Yiyi obtain to report to catch up quickly, met with Ye Fan in guest-quarters between bamboo groves, looking of doubt to him. “你是……”柳依依得到禀报很快赶来,在一片竹林间的客舍内与叶凡相见,狐疑的望向他。 Ye Fan sweeps by divine sense, knew that some people have not peeped, show a faint smile, revealed the appearance/portrait. 叶凡神念扫出,得知并未有人窥视,微微一笑,露出了真容。 The Liu Yiyi delicate hands shake, the teacup almost falls to the ground, on the face wrote all over the startled color, nearly is shivering asking: Is you...... Ye Fan.” 柳依依纤手一抖,茶杯差点落地,脸上写满了惊色,近乎颤抖着问道:“是你……叶凡。” At the present, the world who does not know, Ye Fan rushes to the Central Province ancestral temple in 14 years, the supernaturally brave war, cuts to exile immortal Hua Yunfei, reveres on Five Colored Alter alone, no one dares to rob Teleportation Formation with him in Ancient Desolate Forbidden Land, finally left this piece of Star Domain. 而今,天下谁人不知,叶凡于十四年闯中州祖庙,神勇一战,斩掉谪仙华云飞,独尊五色祭坛上,没有人敢与他在荒古禁地中抢夺传送阵,最终离开了这片星域 So many years passed by, think that he was impossible to appear again, was only in Big Dip­per Star Domain already a spray in passing river, but at the present present. 这么多年过去了,都认为他不可能再出现了,只是北斗星域中已逝长河中的一朵浪花,可而今又现了。 Yiyi is I.” Ye Fan said. 依依是我。”叶凡道。 You returned to Earth, saw our family members, how my parents they?!” The Liu Yiyi chest fluctuates fiercely, stands up, incomparable excitement, in tears, anxious visits him. “你回到了地球,见到了我们的亲人,我的父母他们怎样了?!”柳依依胸口剧烈起伏,站起身来,无比的激动,眼中噙满泪水,焦切的看着他。 Their bodies also be considered well.” Ye Fan spoke the comfort, simultaneously in the heart sighed lightly, although he successfully went back, was own parents actually not. “他们身体还算好。”叶凡出言安慰,同时心中一声轻叹,他虽然成功回去,可是自己的父母却不在了。 Real?” Liu Yiyi eye tumbling of tears cluster, she is modern people, regardless of here again how mysterious, can the immortal, is hard to resist missing of Starry Sky another shore, always wants to go back. “真的吗?”柳依依眼中的泪水成串的滚落,她是一个现代人,无论这边再怎样神奇,就是可以长生,也难以抵挡星空另一岸的思念,无时无刻不想回去。 Ye Fan has not said anything, takes out big bunch of things, has Starry Sky another side perfume, clothing and between-meal snack...... to have the graphic operation terminal computer. 叶凡没有多说什么,取出一大堆东西,有星空另一边的香水、服装、零食……更有触摸屏电脑等。 Liu Yiyi is with the tears, watches clear and warm video recording that Ye Fan pats, inside has her parents to support mutually, his younger brother as well as she has never seen lovable niece. 柳依依含着泪水,观看叶凡拍下的清晰而温馨的录像,里面有她的父母相互扶持,还有他的弟弟以及她从未见过的可爱侄女。 She could not bear at that time, feels sad the incomparable, sob, wishes one could to return to Starry Sky another side immediately. 她当时就忍不住了,心酸无比,不停的哭泣,恨不得立刻回到星空的另一边。 Ye Fan withdrew from the lecture hall, in this region aimless walk, his Source Art great accomplishment, only misses one to become Heavenly Source Master at the present, saw more mysteries. 叶凡退出了精舍,在这片区域漫无目的的行走,而今他源术大成,只差一线就成为了源天师,看出了更多的奥妙。 „, Fifth-generation founder Zhang Lin does not work hard here , a source dense distribution, making the spiritual energy nourish every inchs the rock and land, changed into the supreme spirit earth.” He touches the chin, starts to observe and emulate earnestly. “唔,第五代祖师张林在这里着实下了一番功夫,源阵密布,让灵气滋养每一寸山石与土地,化为了无上灵土。”他摸了摸下巴,开始认真观摩。 He comes this to visit friends, naturally cannot enter some secret location, can only look in the limited range introspection. Suddenly, he felt that some people approach, has not cared , to continue. 他来此访友,自然不能进入一些密地,只能在有限的范围内观看。忽然,他感觉有人靠近,并未在意,继续前行。 Ye Fan.” 叶凡。” Some people summoned like this, a female came lithely, White Clothed danced in the air, the figure was slender and delicate, the black hair was beautiful, the lotus steps leisurely, resembled surging waves Fairy governing spatial, but. 身后有人这样呼唤,一个女子轻盈而来,白衣飞舞,身段纤柔修长,乌发秀丽,莲步款款,似凌波仙子御空而至。 In the Ye Fan heart moves, pretends to turn head curiously, follows seeks so-called Ye Fan, a face astonished color. 叶凡心中一动,装作好奇回头,跟随寻找所谓的“叶凡”,一脸的“惊异”之色。 This female flesh stagnation beautiful jade, the cheeks shining white, forehead pure white bright Ze, a eyes accumulated has the divine elegance poem cyanine, has a wisp of happy expression, in Fairy just like picture walks. 这个女子肌肤似凝滞美玉,脸颊莹白,额头洁白亮泽,一双眼蕴有神秀诗菁,带着一缕笑意,宛如画中的仙子走来。 precisely Jade Lake Saintess, with An Miaoyi and Yan Ruyu compound is the Eastern Wilderness most beautiful female, even Central Province's major Imperial Clan, even Ancient Race wants to marry to be inadequate. 正是瑶池圣女,与安妙依颜如玉并列为东荒最美女子,连中州的各大皇族,甚至连古族都想联姻而不成。 Many years of after past, her change is not very big, beautiful as before, graces beautiful to the extreme, the attractive nature, the white teeth flashing gloss, said: You can deceive the passing away person, actually cannot deceive me.” 多年过去后,她的变化不是很大,美丽依旧,举手投足美到极点,灵秀自然,贝齿闪动光泽,道:“你能骗过世人,却骗不过我。” „Are you...... Jade Lake Saintess?” Ye Fan is puzzled, confusing of face. “你是……瑶池圣女?”叶凡不解,一脸的迷惑。 „When Ye Tong great war Myriad Beginnings Holy Son, I at the scene, saw a person deters various clans, forcing many Dao Severing person.” Jade Lake Saintess comes slim and graceful, figure lithe, the chest is full, haunches several perfect curves the snow clothes, the small waist grasps gracefully, the both legs are slender. 叶瞳大战万初圣子时,我就在当场,看到了一个人威慑各族,力压诸多斩道者。”瑶池圣女袅娜而来,身段婀娜,胸部饱满,将雪衣撑起几道完美的曲线,小蛮腰盈盈一握,双腿修长。 What is Saintess saying?” Ye Fan feigns ignorance. 圣女在说什么?”叶凡故作不知。 I want to say that you are Ye Fan. Just now I see Yiyi by chance, she is agitated, eyes is inflamed, is concealing freely, but actually cannot hide the truth from me. For these years, her only worry wants to return to Starry Sky another shore, the abatement was you came back, brought let her exciting news, but who can also?” “我想说你是叶凡。方才我恰巧见到依依,她情绪激动,双眼红肿,尽管在掩饰,但却瞒不过我。这么多年来,她唯一的心病就是想回到星空的另一岸,除却是你回来了,带来了让她激动的消息,还能有谁?” Ye Fan lets go , indicating unable to understand, walked forward, say/way of smiling: I admire the long time to Saintess, perhaps we are really predestined friends, therefore has the favorable impression, seems to have met before.” 叶凡摊手,表示无法理解,向前走来,笑眯眯的道:“我对圣女仰慕久矣,也许我们真的有缘,所以互相间有好感,似曾相识。” Jade Lake Saintess gathered together beautiful hair, shining white forehead divine shine is reserved, nimble and resourceful pupil twinkle wisdom-radiance, said: You does not need to conceal before me, the truth considers, I have also studied some Source Art, you definitely used the Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth big method.” 瑶池圣女拢了拢秀发,莹白的额头神华内敛,灵动的的眸子闪烁慧光,道:“在我面前你没有必要掩饰,实话相告,我也学过一些源术,你肯定是用了改天换地大法。” Good, since Saintess thinks me is, I and that's the end, I invited Fairy to enjoy looking at the moon by the Ye Fan's status together, discussed the ambitions of some lives whether?” “好吧,既然圣女认为我是,那我就是了,我以叶凡的身份邀请仙子一起去赏月,谈些人生的志向可否?” Jade Lake Saintess red lip bright Ze, simple and beautiful beautiful has a sex appeal, the figure is lithe, having the self-confident vision, the corners of the mouth to curl upwards, faint smile. 瑶池圣女红唇亮泽,清丽绝美中带着一丝性感,身段轻盈柔美,带着自信的目光,嘴角微翘,似笑非笑。
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