STH :: Volume #11

#1035: 14 years

Chapter 1033 14 years 第1033章十四年 These said that we first drank.” Ye Fan said. “这些好说,我们先来喝酒。”叶凡道。 Right, first does one cup.” The people raise glass, naturally was the good wine, Qi Luo never stint makes one bring the millennium gods to ferment. “对,先干一杯。”众人举杯,自然都是美酒,齐罗毫不吝惜的让人取来了千年神酿。 I gave everyone to bring some good food.” Ye Fan said with a smile, the dried meat of blooming clear gloss will take out one after another, flowing had strength of the Great Dao. “我给大家带了一些美食。”叶凡笑道,将一块又一块绽放晶莹光泽的肉脯取出,流动有一种大道之力。 This was......” even Saint Killer Qi Luo at the scene scared stiff, said: Monster Saint flesh!” “这是……”连杀圣齐罗都当场惊住了,道:“妖圣的血肉!” Right, this is a Ancient big alligator in Starry Sky, at the present becomes the dishes.” Ye Fan said, reminded them unable to eat, otherwise could not withstand this Essence Qi. “没错,这是在星空中遇到的一条上古大鳄,而今成为了盘中餐。”叶凡道,提醒他们不能多食,不然承受不住这种精气 The people by scared stiff, the Archaic big alligator became the barbecue, was placed on the table, this may really be the different matter, smell sharp aroma, puts the splendor sparklingly. 众人都被惊住了,远古大鳄都成为了烤肉,被摆在餐桌上,这可真是异事,香气扑鼻,烁烁放辉。 „...... Was too astonishing, this is the good thing, in legend super makes up greatly!” One crowd of person move together knives and fork, start to enjoy the Divine Alligator feast. “太……让人吃惊了,这可是好东西,传说中的超级大补!”一群人齐动刀叉,开始享用神鳄大餐。 One group of people inquired the process in detail, felt the incomparable shock, killing a Saint this lets the important matter that Nine Heavens shook three to tremble three to tremble. 一群人详细询问经过,都觉得无比震惊,弄死一个圣人这可是让九天抖三抖颤三颤的大事。 Ye Fan said the past process, the people learned that Immemorial Great Saint take action, the daytime is a god, the night is the demon, but finally sends into exile Starry Sky most deep place, one feeling. 叶凡说出了当年的经过,众人得悉太古大圣出手,白天为神,黑夜为魔,而最终自我放逐进星空最深处,都一阵感慨。 Comes not Tathagata early skillfully, haha, This Poor Daoist may really have the luck of having good things to eat, can eat the Ancient alligator Saint unexpectedly the dried meat?” Duan De arrived, a god stick of face, wears the Purple Gold Daoist robe, beams with health. “来得早不如来得巧,哈哈,贫道可真是有口福,竟然能吃到上古鳄圣的肉脯?”段德到了,一脸的神棍相,穿着紫金道袍,满面红光。 He does not look on as an outsider, touched one glass of liquor with Ye Fan, then comes up on a chopping next bulk meat, wolfed down to eat several jin (0.5 kg). 他一点也不见外,与叶凡碰了一杯酒,而后上来就剁下一大块肉,狼吞虎咽吃了数斤。 Sovereign Black very warm going forward, pours out wine to him, helps him carry several plates of meat, facilitates him to enjoy. 黑皇很热情的上前,给他斟酒,又帮他端过来几盘肉,方便他享用。 Six jin (0.5 kg) alligator meat gets into the stomach, unscrupulous Daoist Priest discovered that everyone put the tableware, revealed the look of surprise was staring at him, his facial skin was very thick, said: Alligator saint meat is fragrant, everyone eats, should not be impolite with me.” 六斤鳄肉下肚,无良道士发现所有人都放了碗筷,露出异色盯着他,他的脸皮很厚,道:“鳄圣肉就是香,诸位吃啊,别跟我客气。” Sovereign Black nods, said: Old Duan, you came late, we ate to the full. You hurry to eat, a while our two add on that stupid horse to make the ticket to be big again together.” 黑皇点头,道:“老段啊,你来晚了,我们都吃饱了。你赶紧吃,一会儿我们两个再加上那头蠢马一起做票大的。” It has the end of good intention several plates of meat, and helps the Duan De but actually liquor, urging him to eat a bit faster, said that the bulk bargains wait to do. 它有好心的端过来几盘肉,并帮段德倒酒,催他快点吃,说是有一个大买卖等着去做。 Duan De immediately whole face red light, eaten enjoyed oneself to the full, but he perceived after a while probably anything, put down the chopsticks, the time is not long starts to be sweating profusely, spurts the multi-colored sunlight from the fine hair hole outward, he leaps stood, shoved open warm Sovereign Black. 段德顿时满脸红光,吃的更尽兴了,可是过了一会儿他像是觉察到了什么,放下筷子,时间不长开始满头大汗,从汗毛孔向外喷霞光,他腾的站了起来,一把推开了热情的黑皇 Duan De starts to jump to jump same place, the whole body is steaming hot, probably was roasted ripe generally, torches from the mouth and nose in outward, but behind does not return flushed, starts to take to one's heels to dash about wildly around Village of Celestial Court. 段德开始原地跳蹦,浑身热气蒸腾,像是被烤熟了一般,自口鼻中向外喷火,而后头也不回的冲了出去,开始绕着天之村撒丫子狂奔。 Old Duan should not be anxious, eats two again.” Sovereign Black warm shouts in behind. 老段别急啊,再吃两盘。”黑皇热情的在后面喊道。 Son-of-bitch Sovereign Black, I said that your how such good intention, wait and see, Dao Grandpa I give you not to end!” Duan De cursed, at this time the energy is excessively abundant, the eaten alligator meat were too many, the whole person must burn, circles mountain Kuangpao. “狗娘养的黑皇,我说你怎么这么好心,等着瞧,道爷我给你没完!”段德大骂,此时精力过盛,吃的鳄肉太多了,整个人要燃烧了起来,绕山狂跑。 And, he runs while takes off the Daoist robe, but in order to Essence Qi of better elimination within the body, because the whole person must blast out, the body seemed lit, turned into a human form big torch. 且,他一边跑一边脱道袍,只是为了能够更好的排除体内的精气,因为整个人都要炸开了,身体仿佛被点燃了,变成了一个人形大火炬。 „...... Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, his motherfucker was hot I!” The unscrupulous Daoist Priest ghost is howling, initiating the Village of Celestial Court people to look askance. “啊……无量天尊,他妈的热死我了!”无良道士鬼嚎,引发天之村众人侧目。 Ha haha......” one crowd *** smiles, drinks wine while to look at his streaking, particularly the big black dog big mouth was quick locates to the root of the ear. “哈哈哈……”一群***笑,一边饮酒一边看他裸奔,尤其是大黑狗大嘴都快咧到耳根处了。 Comes, your I cheer, Daoist Priest Duan so adds to the fun, how could we disappoint his good intent.” One group of people raise glass repeatedly. “来来来,你我都干杯,段道长如此助兴,我们岂能辜负他一番美意。”一群人频频举杯。 The Duan De nose quick air/Qi was crooked, both legs turn over tightly, has no way, energy that the desperate consumption rushes. 段德鼻子都快气歪了,一双腿紧倒腾,根本就没法下来,拼命的消耗澎湃的精力。 Pang Bo where, Ji Family brother and sister at the present how?” Ye Fan saw the dead people about to arrive in full, never saw these three people, then inquired to them. 庞博在哪里,姬家兄妹而今怎样了?”叶凡见故人都快到齐了,始终不见这三人,便向他们询问。 Stepped Ancient Starry Sky Road.” Saint Killer Qi Luo said. “踏上星空古路了。”杀圣齐罗说道。 What?” Ye Fan is stunned. “什么?”叶凡愕然。 You depart for 14 years, had many matters, we drink wine while discussed.” Yao Yuekong said. “你离去十四年,发生了很多的事,我们一边吃酒一边谈。”妖月空道。 They said nothing which is not, mentioned these years matters. 他们无所不说,谈起了这些年的事。 Ye Fan frowns, he in the rumor that on the road hears is not a rumor, more than ten years ago Central Sovereign really almost make one killing! 叶凡蹙眉,他在路上听到的传言并非空穴来风,十几年前中皇真的差点让人给弄死! When Central Sovereign Dao Severing the day falls the auspicious color, wells up the fresh-tasting spring water, presented various strange visions, people said that is the emperor image, ten years ago Immemorial Ancestral King take action, almost let his destroy both body and soul. 中皇斩道时天降瑞彩,地涌甘泉,出现了各种奇诡的异象,人们说那是帝象,十年前一位太古祖王出手,几乎让他形神俱灭 Critical moment, Ge Jiuyou take action, snapped fingers to execute that Ancient King, was almost with the Ancient Race ultimate giant showdown.” “关键时刻,盖九幽出手,弹指毙掉了那头古王,而后更是差点与古族的终极巨头对决。” Has these past events, atmosphere many are somewhat sad, in the past this matter ordinary person does not know, only some minority cultivator understood. 所起这些往事,气氛多少有些沉闷,当年这则事一般的人根本不知,仅有少数修士了解。 Afterward, Ge Jiuyou and Divine King Jiang they made a determined effort, stopped up Heavenly Sovereign's Son, Huang Xudao and Huo Qizi these people directly, wanted to give to write off a cleanness.” “后来,盖九幽姜神王他们发狠,直接去堵天皇子凰虚道火麒子这些人,想要给抹杀个干净。” precisely because, various Immemorial clans is terrified, major Ancestral King restraining, do not have matter of the extinction again, otherwise almost evolution to strangle the tragedy of opposite party rare talent mutually. 正是因为如此,太古各族才悚然,各大祖王收敛,没有再行绝灭之事,不然的话差点演变为互相扼杀对方奇才的惨剧。 This matter in the past shortly, Central Province Eccentric Mansion's Ancient Road opens, Central Sovereign, Southern Monster and Ji Haoyue first set off the journey, started mysterious Smelting Trial, left this world. 这件事过去不久,中州奇士府的古路开启,中皇南妖姬皓月最先踏上征程,开始了神秘的试炼,离开了这个世界。 From ancient to present, each ten thousand years of Eccentric Mansion will have opened a road, no one knows where these people went, has been called in history most Smelting Trial. 自古至今,每过万年奇士府都会打开一条路,没有人知道那些人去了哪里,一直被称作史上最试炼 This Eccentric Mansion made an exception, Ancient Road once opened several times.” “这一次奇士府破例了,古路曾先后开启了数次。” Western Bodhisattva, Pang Bo wait/etc. also set off the journey, enters to the boundless star space, but counted years ago Ji Ziyue also to choose to step this road. 西菩萨庞博等也都踏上了征程,进入到茫茫星宇中,而数年前姬紫月也选择踏上了这条路。 Ye Fan hearing this is lost in thought that this Ancient Road to lead to where, with I, your father | Laozi whether same, should to Immortal Ascension Ancient Star, not be hard to figure out. 叶凡闻言一阵出神,这条古路通向哪里,与老子所走的那条道是否相同,该不会是去往飞仙古星吧,难以确定。 In life stars that in Ye Fan knows, Fire Mul­berry, Heav­enspan, Curved Array and Flying Immortal, four Ancient Star may elect, he is difficult the opportunity to go. 叶凡所知的生命星辰中,火桑、通天、勾陈、飞仙,有四颗古星可选,他难有机会前往。 Pang Bo in the past what's the matter?” He also clear remembers when that will step the return trip, this good friend is unusual, leaves without saying good-bye. 庞博当年怎么回事?”他还清晰的记得那一幕,将踏上归程时,这位好友非常反常,不告而别。 „The monster Divine Blood lineage/vein of his within the body awaken suddenly, race Inheritance makes him almost happen accidentally/surprisingly......” “他体内的妖神血脉突然觉醒,种族传承让他差点发生意外……” This awakening is very dangerous, forcefully change physique, even the energetic thought will be subverted, will have all sorts of terrifying inexplicable matters. 这种觉醒很危险,强行改变体质,甚至精神思维都会被颠覆,会发生种种恐怖莫名的事。 Ancient Great Emperor had once said that the life is the world greatest miracle!” 古之大帝曾说过,生命是世间最伟大的奇迹!” Perhaps according to the view of ancient virtuous person, the immortal is exists, the multiplication of race is manifestation, involved many mysteries. 按照古贤的说法,长生也许是存在的,种族的繁衍就是一种体现,当中涉及到了很多奥秘。 „Did our ancestors really die? Archaic Quasi-Emperor had once said that actually, he has not lived in our blood.” “我们的祖先真的死了吗?一位远古准帝曾说过,其实并没有,他活在我们的血液中。” In some sense, this does not miscalculate to harm, we are extensions of ancestor life, so long as the multiplication is restless, their indestructible, this is an unusual immortal.” “从某种意义上来说,这并不算错误,我们是祖先生命的延续,只要繁衍不息,他们就不灭,这是一种另类的长生。” ancient virtuous person said that right, ancestor's blood flows in our within the body, even their some memory fragments live in our flesh.” 古贤所说没错,祖先的血在我们的体内流淌,连他们的部分记忆碎片都活在我们的血肉中。” Ye Fan hears this view to be first startled, then feels relaxed, pondered that is so, the multiplication and evolution not precisely of life so? All immortal password brand marks in gene. 叶凡听到这种说法先是一怔,而后释然,细想来就是如此,生命的繁衍与进化不正是如此吗?所有长生密码都烙印在基因中。 Ye Fan had once seen the miniature example, when such as with the Yuan Gu showdown the opposite party once summoned Primeval Sovereign phantom from the bloodlines. 叶凡曾见到过具体而微的例子,如与元古对决时对方就曾从血脉中召唤出了元皇虚影 In the past, Pang Bo's Inheritance was very dangerous, almost becomes another person, obtained many memory fragments from the blood, unavoidablily steps secret formation to go far away.” “当年,庞博的传承很危险,差点变为另一个人,从血液中得到了许多记忆碎片,不得已踏上一个秘阵远去。” Ye Fan is speechless, he already in Earth learns about the Ancient years Monster Race and human mixes to occupy, Pang Bo this clan is the Monster God descendant. 叶凡怔怔无言,他早已在地球得悉上古年间妖族与人类混居,庞博这一族妖神后代。 They raise glass to have a drink together, chat these years past events, all had some feeling of being drunk, until moon raises, the banquet has not diverged. 他们举杯对饮,聊这些年的往事,全都有了一些醉意,直到月亮升起,酒席还没散去。 Only has a Duan De person who bad luck urges alone the noisy wail under the night moon/month, the performance hungry wolf legend, has vented the abundant energy, cannot participate. 唯有倒霉催的段德一个人独自在夜月下长嚎,上演饿狼传说,发泄过盛的精力,不能参与进来。 The time is long, the tongue that black Big Dog drinks was big, gathered with Dragon Horse, this pair of thing has not begun, after one chitchatted, a attracting each other appearance, said actually must do big score jointly. 时间一长,黑大狗喝的舌头都大了,跟龙马凑到了一起,这一对混账东西没有动手,一番攀谈后,倒是一副惺惺相惜的样子,说是要联手干一票大的。 Eccentric Mansion that Ancient Road once passed on corner/horn bloodstained battlesuit, that belongs to Ji Haoyue, but above does not have few words......” 奇士府那条古路曾传回来一角染血战衣,那是属于姬皓月的,可上面并无只字片语……” Also precisely because of so, Ji Ziyue sets off the journey, to rescue her Elder Brother went, participates in history in most Smelting Trial. 正是因为如此,姬紫月才踏上征程,是为救她的哥哥而去,参与到了史上最试炼中。 „Before has not departed, she looks up to Starry Sky every night, finally went to Eccentric Mansion low-spirited.” Li Tian when speaking these words, patted feared the Ye Fan's shoulder, somewhat sighed. “没有离去前,她每晚都仰望星空,最终黯然去了奇士府。”厉天在说这些话时,拍了怕叶凡的肩头,有些感叹。 That can Ancient Road also open?” Ye Fan silent a while asked. “那条古路还能打开吗?”叶凡沉默了一会儿问道。 These years have not opened again.” Yan Yixi shakes the head to say. “这些年都没有再开启了。”燕一夕摇了摇头道。 Gu Fei and Gu Lin two Spirit Children run over to respect the Ye Fan liquor, this has grown up to the little brother and sister, at the present the Elder Brother heroic bearing is tall and straight, the younger sister is slim and graceful. 古飞古琳两个灵童跑过来敬叶凡酒,这对小兄妹都已长大,而今哥哥英姿挺拔,妹妹亭亭玉立。 Uncle Ye, why you stand before us, can't calculate about your intravenous drip?” Gu Lin flashes the big eye to ask. “叶叔叔,为何你站在我们面前,也算不到关于你的点滴?”古琳扑闪着大眼问道。 I counter cut Great Dao, chaotic secret.” Ye Fan smile. The fact is not such, he knows definitely because in within the body that broken Immortal Cauldron reason. “我逆斩大道,乱了天机。”叶凡微笑。事实并非如此,他知道肯定是因为体内那口残破仙鼎的原因。 For these years, Flickering Light Holy Son was very low-key, should not leave this Ancient Star, but also some news said, he is last steps the star road.” Sovereign Black said. “这几年,摇光圣子很低调,应该并未离开这颗古星,可也有消息称,他是最后一个踏上星路的。”黑皇道。 It is in cahoots with Sovereign Black, these years have wanted to hit the attention of Flickering Light Holy Land, think that this/should Holy Land establishes on huge Emperor Tomb, wants to dig up. 它与黑皇狼狈为奸,这些年来一直想打摇光圣地的注意,认为该圣地建立在一座巨大的帝坟上,想给挖开。 Most Smelting Trial of Starry Sky deep place, that road actually to lead to where?” Ye Fan drinks the next glass of liquor, looks to Starry Sky. 星空深处的最试炼,那条路究竟通向哪里?”叶凡饮下一杯酒,望向星空 Late at night, Duan De with, whole body sweat that fishes from the water, tired was about to twitch, the skin is still spurting the thin multi-colored sunlight outward, supported finally. 深夜,段德跟从水里捞出来的似的,浑身汗水,累的都快抽搐了,皮肤依然在向外喷薄霞光,总算是撑了过来。 After he comes, first clinked glasses with Ye Fan, sighed with emotion one, then put down the wine glass to rush to Sovereign Black to go, had person dog great war. 他进来后先跟叶凡碰杯,感慨了一阵,而后放下酒杯就奔着黑皇去了,发生了一场人狗大战 Immediately, the drinking desire of people came up, observes while drinks wine. 顿时,众人的酒兴又上来了,一边观战一边饮酒。 „Isn't Brother Monkey your injury affected much?” The Ye Fan palm presents jade bottle, handed over, this is Divine Liquid that brings from Immortal Ascension Land. 猴哥你这伤势无大碍吧?”叶凡掌心出现一个玉瓶,递了过去,这是从成仙地带出来的神液 All right, training was good, after a period of time you go with me together, helping me resist a person, I kill Heavenly Sovereign's Son.” In the Monkey eye divine light is fearful, obviously feels suffocated. “没事,修养一阵就好了,过段时间你跟我一起去,帮我抵住一个人,我自己去杀天皇子。”猴子眼中神光慑人,显然是憋了一口气。 Good, without issue!” Ye Fan is having this intent. “好,没问题!”叶凡正有此意。 Since came back, he definitely is unwilling the deathly stillness with being dormant, after saving to the certain extent needs a release, cuts all sorts of gratitude and grudges of past. 既然回来了,他肯定不甘死寂与蛰伏,当积蓄到一定程度后需要一种释放,去斩掉昔日的种种恩怨。
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