STH :: Volume #11

#1034: Old friend reunion

Chapter 1031 old friend has a reunion 第1031章故人重逢 Several years have not seen, Sovereign Black with hill, the best pupil was dozens zhang (3.33 m), the whole body is sturdy, scary of overwhelming power, Blood Qi rushes, pitch-black fur / superficial knowledge luminous like silk fabrics. 十几年未见,黑皇跟一座小山似的了,高足有几十丈,浑身粗壮,威猛的吓人,血气澎湃,乌黑的皮毛光亮如绸缎。 Roar!” “嗷吼!” Its bellows, is ordinary with the stuffy thunder, just an show/unfolds leaving shape, immediately strong winds writings, flying sand and rocks. 它一声大吼,跟闷雷一般震耳欲聋,刚一展动身形,顿时狂风大作,飞沙走石。 Ye Fan has discontinued, knows that this Big Dog has not only suppressed the fart, naked provocative Dragon Horse, is not the earliest possible time welcome him, but is comes up to fight. 叶凡早已下马,知道这只大狗没憋好屁,赤裸裸的挑衅龙马,不是第一时间欢迎他,而是上来就要掐架。 Really is the luck, today can make mixed blood Dragon Horse to have a sumptuous meal!” big black dog clamored. “真是运气,今天可以弄头杂血龙马打牙祭!”大黑狗叫嚣道。 Dragon Horse naturally is not good stubble, very direct, prances on Void, the person stands, big horse's hoof raised high, rushes to the face of big black dog to tread. 龙马自然不是一个善茬儿,非常的直接,腾跃上虚空,人立而起,大马蹄子高抬,奔着大黑狗的脸就踏了下去。 I step on your brazen person with a pockmarked face!” “我踩你一脸大麻子!” Their two meet this to really be diamond cut diamond, is not the good kind, comes up to think who strikes the first blow has the advantage, knocks down the opposite party. 它们两个遇上这可真是针尖对麦芒,都不是什么善类,上来皆想先下手为强,撂倒对方。 Bang “轰” Sovereign Black opened blood gate big, at the present its physique with making black hill, scarlet lisper have several zhang (3.33 m), the tooth likely shutter and extravagant blade, want Dragon Horse one swallowing down. 黑皇张开了血门大口,而今它的体格跟做黑色的小山似的,猩红的大舌头都有数丈长,牙齿像门板与阔刀,想将龙马一口给吞下去。 Zhang Qingyang feels dizzy, this dog was too terrifying, comes up to swallow Dao Severing Monster King, that aura lets his fearful and apprehensive. 张清扬眼晕,这只狗太恐怖了,上来就想吞掉斩道妖王,那种气机让他一阵心惊肉跳。 Ye Fan is startled, more than ten years have not seen Sovereign Black cultivation to progress by leaps and bounds, the opens the mouth evolves a side universe, general Dao Severing person cannot escape, will be integrated. 叶凡一怔,十几年未见黑皇道行突飞猛进,张口演化一方乾坤,一般的斩道者根本逃不掉,会被纳入进去。 Dragon Horse is very simple, without using what magical power, saw that the big mouth must give to swallow down it, it makes an effort liao to kick, billowing black qi from it behind. 龙马很干脆,没有动用什么法力,眼看血盆大口就要将它给吞下去了,它用力一尥蹶子,滚滚黑气自它后面冲起。 big black dog has almost not spat the bitter guts, the person stands, brings evil wind, shifting eight hundreds of zhang (333 m) is far, lies on a mountain top, on forehead blue veins jumps. 大黑狗差点没将苦胆吐出来,人立而起,带起一股妖风,横移八百丈远,趴在一座山头上,额头上青筋暴跳 These two fellow good things, Dragon Horse not to have used pats the horse Qi Art directly, superficial, odor swallows the potential of Mountains and Rivers to disintegrate the Sovereign Black air/Qi. 这两个家伙没有一个好东西,龙马直接动用了拍马气功,轻描淡写,一股恶臭将黑皇的气吞山河之势瓦解。 Fuck!” big black dog rampage like the thunder, it threw into a below great lake to rinse mouth from the mountain peak crazily, almost did not have annoying dead, has not thought that met such top grade, was equally matched with it. 尼玛的!”大黑狗暴跳如雷,它从山峰上一头扎进了下方的一个大湖中狂漱口,差点没膈应死,没有想到遇上这样一个极品,与它不相上下。 Even the corners of the mouth of Divine Knight twitched, is suppressing the happy expression, Ye Fan is unscrupulous, laughs to continue. 神骑士的嘴角都抽搐了,强忍着笑意,叶凡则是肆无忌惮,哈哈大笑不止。 Sovereign Black was angry, turns into a beam of black light to clash, is yelling the bootlicker, in the mouth put out a thunder and lightning, probably went wild fiercely attacked generally. However Ye Fan notices, this damned dog eye divine essence light radiate all around, in the heart is very obviously calm, without the imagination is so hot tempered. 黑皇大怒,化成一道乌光冲了过来,大叫着马屁精,口中吐出一片雷电,像是抓狂了一般猛攻。但是叶凡注意到,这死狗的眼神精四射,显然心中很镇定,没有想象中那么暴躁。 I, your father | Laozi One Qi becomes Three Sovereigns!” Sovereign Black is yelling, it once listened to Ye Fan to say the Yin Tiande matter, knows to have this wonderful technique. 老子一气化三皇!”黑皇大叫着,它曾听叶凡说过尹天德的事,知晓有这种妙术。 Dragon Horse fully realized, personally sees Ye Fan to display, therefore in the heart jumps, great care. 龙马更是深知,亲眼见叶凡施展过,因此心中一跳,格外谨慎。 Rumble “隆隆” In this moment, everywhere is the dog shadow, has tens of thousands of only black Big Dog fully, gave to submerge Heaven and Earth, all in dog's bark. 就在这一刻,到处都是狗影,足有成千上万只黑色的大狗,将天地都给淹没了,全都在犬吠。 Dragon Horse was at that time ignorant, it is indelib, has been pondering over One Qi Becomes Three Purities this wonderful technique, has not thought of this only Big Dog the number by ten thousand. 龙马当时就懵了,它先入为主,一直在琢磨一气化三清这种妙术呢,没有想到这只大狗化出了数以万只。 At this time, all Big Dog all people stand, each wears big flowered underpants, has not attacked, told the water to it together, must dreadfully dreadful. 此时,所有大狗全都人立而起,各个都穿着一条大花裤衩,没有进行攻击,一起对它吐口水,要多猥琐有多猥琐。 The Dragon Horse temperament exploded at that time, this goes too far simply, this dog is replying in kind, intentionally annoying it. 龙马的脾气当时就炸了,这简直是欺人太甚,这只狗在以其人之道还治其人之身,成心膈应它。 Pony foal you were too tender!” Over ten thousand Sovereign Black yelled together, spits the saliva, attacks forward. “小马驹子你太嫩了!”上万只黑皇一起大叫,吐完口水,向前攻去。 Bang “砰” Dragon Horse chaotic discretion, always fought with the fists a eyelet to be blue by big black dog one, flew horizontally, it knew to be swindled, One Qi Becomes Three Purities of nonsense, it astrayed in magic formation Illusory Territory the say/way. 龙马乱了分寸,被大黑狗的一顿老拳打了个乌眼青,横飞了出去,它知道上当了,狗屁的一气化三清,它只是误入法阵幻境中着道了。 This King has not ended with you!” In the Dragon Horse nostril the emitting supercilious look, makes an effort to dig earth with claws by the hoof in the distant place, flinging tail ruthlessly. 本座跟你没完!”龙马鼻孔中喷吐白眼,在远处以蹄子用力刨土,狠狠的甩尾巴。 Ye Fan speechless, this may really be pair of top grade, same, is not the kindhearted generation, meets in certainly to collide together brilliant spark. 叶凡哑然,这可真是一对极品,半斤八两,都不是什么良善之辈,相遇在一起肯定要碰撞出“绚烂的火花”。 Really, did to adjust them to gather slightly, a bright hoof, another one searched to extend the claw, one pinched ruthlessly. 果然,稍作调整它们又凑到了一起,一个亮蹄子,另一探伸爪子,一顿狠掐。 They are incompatible in character inborn, probably previous life has a grudge, just met to hit. 它们天生犯相,像是前世有仇,刚一见面就打了起来。 Stop!” Ye Fan stops, the domineering involvement, separates them with a black long spear/gun. “住手!”叶凡喊停,强势介入,以一条黑色的长枪将它们分开。 The distant place, hears the howl, many 's shadows fly, thinks that has the archenemy to invade, Village of Celestial Court many expert clash. 远处,亦传来啸声,许多道人影飞来,以为有大敌入侵,天之村很多高手冲来。 This nature had no way to hit, Sovereign Black jumped to leap up to Ye Fan here, with a body actually incomparable vigor of hill, the big eye such as the lantern stared was very round. 这场架自然没法打了,黑皇一纵身向叶凡这里蹿来,跟一座小山似的躯体却无比的矫健,大眼如灯笼瞪的很圆。 Long Yuxuan as Monster Race feels deeply, skeleton is trembling, this black Big Dog is Monster Venerate, the blood in within the body exudes the slating sound absolutely, scary. 龙宇轩身为妖族感受最深,胎骨都在发颤,这只黑色的大狗绝对是一个妖尊,体内的血液发出雷鸣般的响声,骇人之极。 The eye of Sovereign Black spurts thin Glowing Flame with the torch outward, in the eye has excitedly has the fearful wild nature, several feet big claw racket to coming. 黑皇的眼睛跟火炬般向外喷薄光焰,眼中有兴奋更有可怕的野性,数丈长的大爪子拍向前来。 damned dog, do you welcome me like this?” Ye Fan somewhat is also excited, on the face has the happy expression, found out a golden big hand to welcome. 死狗,你就这样欢迎我吗?”叶凡也有些激动,脸上带着笑意,探出一只金色的大手迎了过去。 Boy you are also living, roar!” At the present Sovereign Black is aggressive, the build is huge, the blood washes out the sound of blood vessel wall rumble to make noise. “小子你还活着啊,嗷吼!”而今的黑皇霸气无边,体形巨大,血液冲刷血管壁的声音隆隆作响。 The regards of two worlds are very special, strikes layer on layer/heavily, the rock tumbles, the ground splits, the vegetation breaks off, earth-shaking power. 两人间的问候很特别,重重一击,岩石翻滚,地面裂开,草木折断,山摇地动。 Comes back to come back, has no need for itself bringing the game, this meat horse is very difficult to cook rottenly.” Sovereign Black negligent saying. “回来就回来呗,也用不着自己带野味啊,这肉马很难炖烂。”黑皇大咧咧的说道。 Not far away, the eye of Dragon Horse air/Qi stared, raises the hoof to make war, however did not have this opportunity, many Dao Body shades fell on the scene, surrounded them. 不远处,龙马气的眼睛又瞪了起来,扬起蹄子又要开战,然而却没有这个机会了,很多道身影落在现场,将他们包围。 Ye Fan!” 叶凡!” People almost petrify, all dumbfounded, has not thought that can also see him, cannot believe this scene. 众人几乎石化,全都呆住了,万万没有想到还能见到他,不敢相信这个情景。 „Is master really you?” Tong Tong yelled. “师傅真的是你吗?”曈曈大叫。 How Ye Fan...... do you come back?” The screams continuously, then this mountain side boiling, one group of people flushed. 叶凡……你怎么回来啦?”惊呼声此起彼伏,而后这片山沸腾,一群人冲了上来。 Yan Yixi, Li Tian, Dongfang Ye wait/etc. here, in eye excited, the pupil light is radiant, laughs, to made an effort to beat him. 燕一夕厉天东方野等都在这里,眼中兴奋,眸光璀璨,哈哈大笑,到了近前用力捶他。 everyone lightly, our body, although is good, but cannot support gangs up on.” Ye Fan also laughs. 诸位轻点,咱这身体虽然还不错,但也架不住群殴啊。”叶凡也大笑。 Several years passed by, can see that the feeling of this group of people is very good, the people pat his shoulder, beats his chest, filled the laughter, everyone is very excited. 十几年过去了,能够见到这群人的感觉真的很好,众人拍他肩头,捶他的胸膛,充满了笑声,每一个人都很激动。 damned dog, what you ate for these years, long such big does, want to run over me?” Ye Fan said. 死狗,这么多年来你吃了什么,长这么大个,想压死我吗?”叶凡道。 big black dog was bigger than several hundred before, after yelled, was quiet the face to want the gift to him, said: Crosses the universe, after coming back, must deliver me one point of gift.” 大黑狗比以前大了几百圈,一番嗷嗷大叫过后,恬着脸向他要礼物,道:“横渡宇宙,回来后怎么也要送我一分大礼吧。” Master, that does hold the black to fight the mysterious person of spear/gun is you?” Ye Tong said suddenly, in the eye was full of the exciting color. “师傅,那个持黑色战枪的神秘人是你吗?”叶瞳突然说道,眼中充满了兴奋之色。 Dongfang Ye also recovers, the appearance of having hair dishevelled really with savage, laughs saying: I was still wondering at that time, had/left Saint Physique second, originally is brother Ye!” He lives year to year in the primitive virgin forest, the intuition is very keen. 东方野亦回过神来,披头散发的样子真跟个野人似的,哈哈大笑道:“我当时还在纳闷,难道出了一个圣体第二,原来是叶兄弟!”他常年生活在原始老林中,直觉很敏锐。 Today must be stewed to the gills, goes to look all old friends, happy shouts out.” Li Tian said with a smile. “今天要大醉,去将所有故人都找来,痛快的大喝一场。”厉天笑道。 Ye Fan suddenly appears, making people almost some unable to believe, this is the pleasant surprise, has not thought that can also have a reunion. 叶凡突然出现,让众人几乎都些不敢相信,这是意外的惊喜,根本就没有想到还能重逢。 brother Ye you depart so many years, may really make us think of.” Yao Yuekong said, Purple Qi rushes, Innate has complemented insufficient, at the present as the Heavenly Monster Palace lord overawes Eastern Wilderness. 叶兄你离去这么多年,可真是让我们甚是想念。”妖月空道,一身紫气澎湃,先天不足早已补全,而今身为天妖宫主威震东荒 Walks to.” The Yan Yixi smile said, so many years his elegant demeanor transcend worldly affairs, White Clothed was freer and easier in the past, loose clean. “向里走呗。”燕一夕微笑道,这么多年过去他更加风采出尘了,白衣洒脱,风流倜傥。 Ye Fan walks while to the people reported that Divine Knight, Dragon Horse and Zhang Qingyang they, many people in this process welcomed. 叶凡一边走一边向众人介绍神骑士龙马张清扬他们,在这个过程中许多人迎了出来。 Miserable Wang Shu and Doofus whole body in rags, is known as Silver Blood Twin Sovereigns, actually undergoes the Sovereign Black Hell training daily, saw that Ye Fan is especially excited, almost cries. 惨兮兮的王枢二愣子浑身衣衫褴褛,号称银血双皇,却天天接受黑皇地狱般的训练,见到叶凡格外激动,差点哭出来。 Village of Celestial Court, the mountainous region fluctuates, many short mountains, the peak are not many, but has the spiritual energy very much, is very suitable to live in seclusion with path of cultivation. 天之村,山地起伏,有很多矮山,高峰不多,但却都很有灵气,很适合隐居与修道 divine son......” a distant place young girl runs, lithe is slender, the figure is slender, the snow white long skirt drags, such as surging waves Fairy. 神子……”远处一个少女跑来,婀娜窈窕,身段修长,雪白长裙摇曳,如凌波仙子而来。 This is a 16 or 17-year-old young girl, bright eyes and white teeth, the flesh like the snow, the black hair like the waterfall, very pretty, lively active, probably a lark same comes trippingly. 这是一个十六七岁的少女,明眸皓齿,肌肤如雪,青丝如瀑,非常的靓丽,活泼好动,像是一只百灵鸟一样翩然而至。 „Is this...... Xiao Qiao'er?” Ye Fan is surprised. “这是……小雀儿?”叶凡惊讶。 Her pretty cheek brings blushing, makes an effort to nod, said: Is I.” 她娇俏的脸蛋带着红晕,用力点头,道:“是我。” A Ye Fan feeling, 14 years passes, that limped, bites pacifier and big eye is very bright, the darling little fellows to grow up. 叶凡一阵感慨,十四年过去,那个步履蹒跚、咬着奶嘴、大眼睛很亮、憨态可掬的小家伙都长大了。 Side, Long Yuxuan is awkward, in the past he also named Young Sparrow Dragon, was the one reputation of Dragon Sparrow clan reveres, Ye Fan told him this side also to have Xiao Qiao'er, he then changed the old name. 旁边,龙宇轩尴尬,过去他又名龙小雀,是龙雀族的一种誉尊,叶凡告诉他这一边还有个小雀儿,他便又改回了原名。 Before arriving at Village of Celestial Court, under an old locust tree, an old fogy leads the person and others there, in the surface has the smile, in his eye socket is very empty, probably the universe black hole is profound. 当来到天之村前,一株老槐树下,一个老家伙带人等在那里,面上带着微笑,他的一只眼窝内很空洞,像是宇宙黑洞般深邃。 Saint!” Divine Knight revealed the look of surprise. Dragon Horse quickly grasps the meaning of something, was more honest. 圣人!”神骑士露出异色龙马更是一个激灵,老实了很多。 Ye Fan has expected this result, old assassin chief Qi Luo definitely meets Sanctification, but saw truly has a feeling, making his heart thoroughly steadfast. 叶凡早已料到这个结果,老杀手头子齐罗必然会成圣,但真正见到又是别有一番感受,让他的心彻底踏实了下来。 For these years, regardless of this world became how complex and fearful, had such murder Saint keeping watch, wants to come the old friends very is not bad. 这么多年来,无论这个世界变得如何复杂与可怕了,有这样一尊杀圣坐镇,想来故人们都不会很糟糕。 Today must be stewed to the gills, invited the person quickly, drank a happiness.” “今天要大醉,快去请人,喝个痛快。” Right, Li Heishui and Wu Zhongtian with Northern Region first Great Bandit this Saint there study the Dao, are hurrying to inform.” “对,李黑水吴中天在与北域第一大寇这位圣人那里学道,赶紧通知过来。” Who knows Saint Sovereign's Son where seclusion, hurries to invite.” “谁知道圣皇子在哪里闭关,也赶紧请来。” People happy talks and laughters, inquired Ye Fan these years experience, asked how he comes back, said their some conditions. 人们欢声笑语,询问叶凡这些年来的经历,问他是如何回来的,也说了他们这些人的一些状况。 Li Tiandao: Duan De this bastard best look, these year and Sovereign Black is in cahoots, so long as makes Sovereign Black go out to roar a throat, said that must make the bulk bargain, he will definitely run.” 厉天道:“段德王八蛋最好找,这些年与黑皇狼狈为奸,只要让黑皇出去吼一嗓子,说要做大买卖了,他肯定会屁颠屁颠的跑来。” woof, we turn over to ripe ripe, but you, if slandered again, this Sovereign was anxious with you!” big black dog bare teeth, the body has changed is small at this time, is similar to Dragon Horse. “汪,咱熟归熟,但你要是再诽谤,本皇跟你急!”大黑狗呲牙,此时身体已经变小,与龙马相仿。 Li Heishui is first rushes, the look rouses, sees Ye Fan's instantly, laughing, the eye somewhat was moist, is unforgettable two people to bet the source years in Divine City, as well as afterward vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered Life and Death games of the world. 李黑水是第一个赶到的,神色振奋,见到叶凡的刹那,哈哈大笑,眼睛都有些湿润了,难忘两人在神城赌源的岁月,以及后来纵横天下的生死 Shortly, Monkey appears, Lei zui, Golden Fire Eyes, yellow golden hair is splendid, within the body Blood Qi rushes , the strength is without a doubt shocking! 不久后,猴子出现,雷公嘴、火眼金睛,一身黄金色的毛发熠熠生辉,体内血气澎湃,毫无疑问,战力惊世! Brother Monkey, how does your within the body have the internal injury?” Ye Fan asked. 猴哥,你体内怎么有暗伤?”叶凡问道。 Might as well, this is the minor matter, later I will tidy up their, today you came back, was really happy, was not drunk does not turn over.” Monkey beckons with the hand to say. “无妨,这是小事,以后我会收拾他们的,今天你回来了,真是太高兴了,不醉不归。”猴子摆手道。 How can be the minor matter, for these years, Heavenly Sovereign's Son, Huang Xudao and Huo Qizi that group of people domineering was excessive, after Ye Fan comes back, happen to may attack with Saint Sovereign's Son hand in hand, sweeps away them!” “怎么能是小事,这么多年来,天皇子凰虚道火麒子那帮人强势的过分了,叶凡回来后正好可与圣皇子联袂出击,横扫他们!” The people seem excited, is somewhat indignant, all gripped the fist. 众人似乎很激动,也有些气愤,全都攥进了拳头。 Right, was always pressed a head by them, this tone I suppressed for more than ten years, wants to wait for Little Tong Tong to grow up, crosses for ten years to exit|to speak the foul odor again. At the present Ye Fan comes back, but also fears anything!” “没错,总被他们压一头,这口气我憋了十几年了,原本还想等小曈曈长大,再过十年才能出口恶气呢。而今叶凡回来了,还怕什么!” Right, when the time comes on, withers them together!” Burns with rage, obviously they feel suffocated. “对,到时候一起上,干死他们!”群情激愤,显然他们都憋了一口气。
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