STH :: Volume #11

#1033: Shocking

Chapter 1031 is shocking 第1031章惊世 The cool breeze has blown, in Fire Spirit Ravine cold and dreary, this place had been razed to the ground, becomes danger zone. 清风吹过,火灵壑中一片凄冷,这个地方早已被夷为平地,成为了一处绝地 However the far mountain actually a babel of voices, piece of noisy is chaotic, some people premonitions, bigger storm may raise, perhaps recently. 然而远山却人声鼎沸,一片嘈乱,人们都有预感,一场更大的风暴可能会掀起,也许就在近日内。 Ye Fan held black divine spear cutting a Heavenly Sovereign's Son wisp of Primordial Spirit mark, have all then been doomed, the Undying Heavenly Sovereign heir who showed disdain for many colleagues will endure this foul odor? 叶凡持黑色神枪天皇子的一缕元神印记给斩了,一切便已经注定,傲视群伦的不死天皇子嗣怎会忍下这口恶气? This is just like Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, the Sun hit land, will obviously have a big storm! 这好比天崩地裂,太阳撞击大地,显然将会有一场大风暴! Ye Fan receives the spear/gun to stand, many people are peeping, want to completely understand that his soul, sees through his essence. 叶凡收枪而立,许多人都在窥视,想要看透他的灵魂,看穿他的本质。 Because, everyone thought that his rise was too sudden, why had not presented this person in the past, it may be said that a dynasty soars to the heavens. 因为,每一个人都觉得他的崛起太突然了,为何过去从来没有出现过这个人,可谓一朝冲天。 The Ye Fan look is light, each and every one took a fast look around the past, the pupil light place visited people lower the head completely, no one and he looks at each other, has a strange strength in his pupil. 叶凡神色平淡,一个个扫视了过去,眸光所过之处众人全部低头,没有人与他对视,在他的眸子中有一种奇异的力量。 Various Immemorial clans mostly choose silent, no one agitates, over no one, the black spear/gun front was really a moment ago fearful, no one dares to act rashly again. 太古各族大多都选择沉默,没有人鼓动,更无人出头,刚才黑色的枪锋实在慑人,没有一个人再敢妄动。 People tranquil, the mountain breeze has blown, many people thought that the body sends coolly, today matchless expert appears, making many people feel that own tiny, the cultivation is without limits. 人们平静了下来,山风吹过,许多人都觉得身体发凉,今日不世高手出现,让许多人都感觉到了自身的渺小,修炼无止境。 Brushes “刷” In the sky pure splendor radiate, Domain Portal was opened together, a slacken man walked, laughs. 天空中清辉闪耀,一道域门被打开,一个邪里邪气的男子走了出来,哈哈大笑不已。 Clever disciple, is really good, did to fall face down Myr­iad Be­gin­nings that boy, should be ruthless, the punched his crying father shouted mother.” “乖徒儿,真是不错,将万初那小子干趴下了,应该再狠一点,揍的他哭爹喊娘。” This man sends the silk to be pitch-black, the eye monster is very evil, looks does not seem like the good person, if the young girl and child will walk with him in the same place will definitely make people not think steadfastly. 这个男子发丝乌黑凌乱,眼睛很妖邪,一看就不像是好人,若是少女与孩童跟他走在一起肯定会让人觉得不踏实。 Severe Heavenly Master Fu.” When Ye Tong shy smiling, did not have the great war eye-catching elegant demeanor, probably the big boys of neighbor are common. “厉天师傅。”叶瞳腼腆的笑着,没有了大战时的夺目风采,像是邻家的大男孩一般。 Is that pervert, founded Human Desire Path, it is said to peep some Ancient Race goddess takes a bath, did not hesitate to be dormant for a half year in some hot spring.” “是那个淫贼,开创了人欲道,据说为了偷看古族某一神女洗澡,不惜在某一处温泉蛰伏了半年。” Right, this is famous first under the heavens pervert, many people want to dig up his bone.” “没错,就这是大名鼎鼎的天下第一淫贼,有不少人想扒了他的骨头。” Several years have not seen, the Li Tian elegant demeanor as before, live moistening, in the hand shakes a folding fan, although the conduct does not seem like a good person, but has saying that the character is unusual. 十几年未见,厉天风采依旧,活的很滋润,手中摇动一把折扇,虽然做派不像是一个好人,但不得不说风骨超凡。 Ok, we should go back, that dog this time remained silent to make a big wealth, came out a stele from the Myr­iad Be­gin­nings belt/bring, some above scripture.” Li Tian said. “好了,我们该回去了,那只狗这次可是闷声发了一笔大财,从万初带出来一块石碑,上面有些经文。”厉天说道。 Whish “哗” The people in an uproar, is surprised, this dog is really bold, in this world does not have the scoundrel matter that it does not dare to do. 众人哗然,全都吃惊,这只狗果然胆大包天,这个世上没有它不敢做的混账事。 Many people have heard, Myriad Beginnings' ancient scripture from nine steles, has the mysterious of Heaven and Earth, has the myriad things initial secret, to practice treasure. 许多人都听说过,万初的古经来自九块石碑,有天地之奥,有万物初始的秘密,是为修行界的瑰宝。 Ye Tong great war, did that dog copy the Myriad Beginnings Holy Land old nest here? Many people make such association, is in a daze. 叶瞳在这里大战,那只狗去抄万初圣地老窝了?许多人都做出这样的联想,全都发呆。 Myriad Beginnings' Holy Lord learned after this news, first glares angrily, a blowout blood, does this loss is then serious, lose face. 万初圣主得悉这则消息后,先是怒目圆睁,而后噗的喷出一口鲜血,这一次损失惨重,丢人丢大了。 No way, magic formation of Sovereign Black research succeeded, captured Myr­iad Be­gin­nings important location, looted there?” Ye Tong eye of light/only. 不会吧,黑皇研究的法阵成功了,攻入了万初重地,洗劫了那里?”叶瞳目露奇光。 The people hear these words, some impulsions of spitting blood, this only wicked dog makes the root that people hate itchy, unexpectedly also made the major breakthrough, how could it not be later to become a super disaster. 众人听到这些话语,都有些吐血的冲动,这只缺德的狗让人恨的牙根都痒痒,居然又有重大突破了,以后岂不会成为一个超级祸害。 Li Tian said with a smile evilly: No, that after all is Holy Land, how it dares to attack the deep place casually, but drove out opening that's all, from underground digs out a stele by chance.” 厉天邪笑道:“没,那毕竟是一个圣地,它怎么敢随便攻进深处,不过是轰开了一个豁口而已,碰巧自地下挖出一块石碑。” Oh, I also think that is the Myriad Beginnings' nine steles, originally not.” Tong Tong is disappointed. “唉,我还以为是万初的九块石碑呢,原来不是啊。”曈曈失望。 Perhaps is never the discovered tenth stele also perhaps, hurries.” Li Tian greeting. Then he to Dongfang Ye and Yao Yuekong and the others summoned, making them drink two cup liquor celebrations together. “说不定是从未被人发现的第十块石碑也说不定,赶紧走喽。”厉天招呼。而后他又冲着东方野妖月空等人呼唤,让他们一起去喝两盅酒庆祝。 They act in a completely informal or uninhibited manner, from attending to the speech, causes a people discussion, the person who complexion only has Myriad Beginnings Holy Land is pale, no matter the genuine and fake, they are disgraced. 他们旁若无人,自顾的说话,引起人们一片议论,唯有万初圣地的人脸色铁青,不管真假,他们都声名扫地。 „, That uncle?” Ye Tong turns head, discovered that Ye Fan has been trace vast however. “诶,那位叔叔呢?”叶瞳回头,发现叶凡早已是踪影渺然。 At this time, others also one startled, only thought that the person's shadow flashed Ye Fan to vanish baseless, does not know where he went, was too quick. 这时,其他人也都一惊,只觉得人影一闪叶凡就凭空消失了,不知道他去了何方,实在太快了。 Ye Fan has not gone forward to speak with the old friend immediately, he has not wanted to expose the status in the presence of everyone, does not know that has many pair of eyes to stare at him. 叶凡没有立刻上前与故人说话,他还不想当众暴露身份,也不知有多少双眼睛在盯着他。 This is not Earth, he did not have rampantly thinks unmatched in the world, here is Big Dipper ancient Star Domain, jumps Immemorial King casually is a catastrophe. 这已不是地球,他还没有嚣张的自认为天下无敌,这里是北斗星域,随便跳出来一个太古王就是一场大祸。 He leaves this Ancient Star twice, then successfully comes back twice, it is estimated that one crowd of Ancestral King have wanted to seize to interrogate and torture an outcome him. 他两次离开这颗古星,而后又两次成功回来,估计早已有一群祖王想将他捉住拷问个究竟。 He does not want just the character who comes back to annoy the Saint level to cope with him, so-called „the Saint not enter the world age can say cannot for, who if really does jump one to be able how? 他不想刚一回来就惹出圣人级的人物来对付他,所谓的“圣人出世的年代”可以说并不能为真,真要是跳出来一尊谁能怎样? So many years passed by, Great Emperor Without Beginning's Dharma Decree it is estimated that was not that miraculous, might as well Ge Jiuyou live long-time effective. 这么多年过去了,“无始大帝的法旨”估计也不是那么灵光了,还不如盖九幽活的更长久管用。 In the horizon, Ye Fan rides to sit on Dragon Horse, has been far away from Fire Spirit Ravine, walks in piece of Great Wilderness. 地平线上,叶凡骑坐在龙马身上,早已远离了火灵壑,行走在一片大荒中。 Dragon Horse grumble, an expecting too much appearance, said: If This King, will certainly be in front of the world person to shout one, Sir I came back, all grandsons worship quickly!” 龙马磨叽,一副恨铁不成钢的样子,道:“要是本座,一定会当着天下人的面喊一声,大爷我又回来了,所有的孙子们快来朝拜吧!” Ye Fan gave him directly slap, said: You want to become the entire world target, does not use this, challenges Ancestral King more convenient directly.” 叶凡直接就给了他一巴掌,道:“你想成为全天下的靶子,也不用这样,直接去挑战一位祖王更省事。” Ancestral King is what, my hoof stamps one row!” Dragon Horse is obstinate argumentative, a face is not convinced. 祖王算老几,我一蹄子跺死一排!”龙马嘴硬,一脸的不服气。 Ye Fan said solemnly: Here is not Earth, I have warned you, expert in your eye insufficiently looks in this Ancient Star radically.” 叶凡沉声道:“这里不是地球,我早就警告过你,你眼中的高手在这颗古星根本不够看。” This flock of mossbacks how live is so long-time, when is one's turn over This King, the horse treads Big Dipper, making them eat the dust.” Dragon Horse heaved a sigh. “这群老乌龟怎么活的这么长久,什么时候轮到本座出头,马踏北斗,让他们吃尘土。”龙马唉声叹气。 When Heavenly Traces City, Ye Fan hears the news that cannot try to prove, making his heart have the worry. 天痕城时,叶凡听到一则未能求证的消息,让他心有顾虑。 It is reported that Central Sovereign and Southern Monster disappear, Flickering Light Holy Son not enter the world, some rumors said that for these years they under the evil behind-the-scenes manipulator by Immemorial Ancestral King were killed. 据传,中皇南妖都不见了,摇光圣子这几年也不出世了,有传言称他们被太古祖王下黑手弄死了。 Before not Dao Severing, regardless of you heaven defying monstrous talent only disciple have unwarranted reputation that's all, Dao Severing that has closed anything is not. 未曾斩道前,无论你是多么逆天妖孽都只徒具虚名而已,过不了斩道那一关什么都算不上。 But once Dao Severing is completely different, had the Sanctification turning point, making Immemorial King feel the threat, if this grade of peerless person the say/way became, can sweep away the world absolutely. 可一旦斩道就完全不同了,有了成圣的契机,让太古的王感受到了威胁,这等绝代人杰若是道成,绝对能横扫天下。 Now many people are discussing in private, peerless Central Sovereign and heaven defying Southern Monster vanishes, because by the violent treachery, was strangled by Immemorial King mostly. 现在许多人都在私下议论,绝世的中皇逆天南妖之所以消失,多半是因为遭了毒手,被太古王扼杀了。 Master, this you are very it seems like dangerous, Immemorial King one has not been good stubble.” Zhang Qingyang said. “师傅,这样看来你岂不是很危险,太古王没有一个是善茬儿。”张清扬道。 He and Long Yuxuan were very excited, some time ago Ye Fan swept away Six Directions all directions, hit Ancient Race cannot raise the head, making their bloodlines spurt to open. 他与龙宇轩原本都很激动,不久前叶凡横扫六合八方,打的古族都抬不起头来,让他们血脉喷张。 However at this time these two actually revealed the worried look, is the Ye Fan's situation worried, feared Immemorial King knew Human Race's Saint Physique to come back, struck a vicious blow. 然而此时这两人却都露出了忧色,为叶凡的处境担忧,怕太古王知晓人族圣体回来了,也下毒手。 Might as well, I do not fear, since dares to come back naturally to have contingency plan. I do not want just to come back with their dui on, after all left for 14 years, first understood that clear made the decision again.” Ye Fan said. “无妨,我并不惧怕,既然敢回来自然有后手。我只是不想刚一回来就跟他们対上,毕竟离开十四年了,先了解个清楚再做决定。”叶凡道。 Several years passed by, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, even Little Tong Tong grew up, has a lot sufficiently, does not know that what kind of change these years this world had. 十几年过去了,斗转星移,连小曈曈都长大了,足以发生很多事情,不知这些年来这个世界有了怎样的变化。 „The Ji Family brother and sister also went into hiding......” Ye Fan to stare blankly, this he once inquired by a wisp of incarnation all the way, learned about such a news. 姬家兄妹也销声匿迹了……”叶凡发怔,这一路上他曾以一缕化身向人打听,得悉了这样一则消息。 Where does master we go to?” Long Yuxuan asked that this world made him surprised, was extremely vast, Mountains and Rivers was grand, Great Wilderness was endless, probably forever did not have the end. “师傅我们去哪里?”龙宇轩问道,这个世界让他惊奇,太过浩瀚了,山河壮阔无边,大荒无疆,像是永远没有尽头。 Went to Celestial Court to see the past old friend.” The Ye Fan smile, in his heart is very excited, so many years passed by, can return to the reunion, let his grade of Realm's person difficult to be calm, overwhelmed by emotions. “去天庭见昔日的老朋友。”叶凡微笑,他心中很激动,这么多年过去了,能够回归重逢,让他这等境界的人都难以平静,心潮澎湃 I want to go to this world to transfer one revolution.” Divine Knight opens the mouth. “我想去这个世界转一转。”神骑士开口。 Ye Fan was startled, looked at his one eyes, said: I, since led this world you, the nature had regarded the friend you, went to Celestial Court with me together, does not need to look on as an outsider.” 叶凡一怔,看了他一眼,道:“我既然将你带到了这个世界,自然早已将你当成了朋友,与我一起去天庭,无需见外。” Divine Knight silent a while, said: Good.” 神骑士沉默了一会儿,道:“好。” This person Ye Fan must stay behind, in Earth that and other under the environment can Dao Severing, arrive forcefully this step, in the future in Big Dipper Sanctification is not an issue. 这个人叶凡是一定要留下的,在地球那等环境下都能斩道,强行走到了这一步,将来在北斗成圣绝不是问题。 And, may not be remote very much, because Divine Knight was suppressed does not know that many years, very likely will have blowout on this Ancient Star phenomenon. 且,很有可能不会太久远,因为神骑士被压制也不知多少年了,在这颗古星上很可能会发生“井喷”现象。 On this day, the Fire Spirit Ravine combat report spreads over the world, all parties all startled, the world vibrates. 这一日,火灵壑的战报传遍天下,各方皆惊,天下震动。 Saint Physique's disciple enter the world, great war Primal Chaos Physique won, making the elder characters terrified, feels ashamed of one's inferiority, spreads over the world. 圣体的弟子出世,大战混沌体都胜了,让老辈人物都悚然,自愧不如,传遍天下。 Ye Fan has departed for more than ten years, was recalled about his all once again, people call out in alarm in abundance, Ye Tong inherited his mantle, simply is second Ye Fan, in the future must be possible to fight the world for the master! 叶凡已离去十几年了,关于他的一切又一次被人忆起,人们纷纷惊呼,叶瞳继承了他的衣钵,简直就是第二个叶凡,将来必可代师战天下! Meanwhile, mysterious expert grasps the black long spear/gun to select to kill various group of Dao Severing person also to spread over Five Regions, and vibrates, it can be said that the whole world is all startled. 同时,神秘高手手持黑色长枪挑杀各路斩道者亦传遍五域,且更为震动,可以说是举世皆惊。 He is in front of the world person, pierced to a spear/gun the Heavenly Sovereign's Son Primordial Spirit mark, nails tight in the midair!” “他当着天下人的面,将天皇子元神印记给一枪刺穿,钉死在了半空中!” Fights under heaven shaking, is really the fantastic story, some people must challenge the ancient Sovereign blood lineage/vein!” “一战惊天下,真是奇闻,有人要挑战古皇血脉了!” Mysterious expert great war Heavenly Sovereign's Son, this is the consensus of people, entire world cultivator was anticipating, people expected must have a shocking big showdown. 神秘高手大战天皇子,这是人们的共识,全天下修士都在期待,人们预料必有一场惊世的大对决。 This is raging tide, swept across entire world, almost all people were guessing, who this strong person is, stirred a great unrest. 这是一场狂澜,席卷了全天下,几乎所有人都在猜测,这个强人到底是谁,引发了一场轩然大波。 After this day, mysterious Powerhouse becomes the hot topic, almost all people were discussing, every day some people guessed, almost said anything has. 自这一日后,神秘强者成为了焦点话题,几乎所有人都在议论,每天都有人猜测,几乎说什么的都有。 This is Emperor's Child, cannot get used to seeing the Ancient Race person to revere alone, to fight to stop the dagger-axe, shocks Myriad Clans!” “这是一位帝子,看不惯古族人独尊,要想以战止戈,震慑万族!” This guessed entire world vibrates greatly, many people are half believing and half doubting, thought that is greatly reasonable. 这则猜测一出全天下都大震动,许多人都将信将疑,觉得大有道理。 On the same day you induced Finally, although his vitality has not been assigned away from the capital, was dormant in within the body, but still such as a desert equally was shivery, I guessed that he possibly was another Saint Physique!” “当日你们感应到了吗,他的气血虽然没有外放,蛰伏于体内,可却依然如一片瀚海一样让人悚然,我猜测他可能是另一尊圣体!” This guessed is causes entire world in an uproar. 这则猜测更是引得全天下哗然。 Immortal Ascension Road soon opened, perhaps trim Big Dip­per Star Domain will be hard to be tranquil, perhaps was the Foreign Domain's person rushes over!” 成仙路快要开启了,也许整片北斗星域都将难以宁静了,说不定是域外的人陆续赶到了!” This guess is to make the person vibrate, because Great Saint Hun Tuo had once said in ten years ago, perhaps some day Foreign Domain's Powerhouse will arrive. 这种猜测更是让人震动,因为浑拓大圣早在十年前就曾说过,也许有朝一日域外的强者会降临。 Master, your take action then made the world wind and cloud turbulent, triggered world's endless suspicion, but actually no one guessed correctly the truth.” Zhang Qingyang said. “师傅,你一出手便让天下风云汹涌,引发了世人无尽的猜想,可却没有一个人猜出真相。”张清扬道。 They know sooner or later was I comes back.” Ye Fan looks far to spatial. “他们早晚会知道是我回来了。”叶凡望向远空。 On this day, they opened Void Portal, across a section of dark and long path, arrived at Village of Celestial Court directly. 在这一日,他们打开了一道虚空之门,穿过一段黑暗而漫长的道路,径直来到了天之村 „, I was dying, really cannot bear!” Just entered Village of Celestial Court, Long Yuxuan with Zhang Qingyang on look at each other in blank dis­may, such sad and shrill cry made their two people be scared. “啊,我要死了,实在受不了啦!”刚一进天之村,龙宇轩就与张清扬面面相觑,这么凄厉的叫声让他们两人直发毛。 The Ye Fan smile, this sound was too familiar, is Silver Blood Twin Sovereigns is drilled, this is their pitiful yell sounds. 叶凡微笑,这个声音太熟悉了,是银血双皇在被操练,这是他们的惨叫声。 woof, but also insufficiently, how depends on the present appearance to give me to destroy completely Heavenly Sovereign's Son?” In the horizon, is setting up one with the small mountain-like giant black dog, unparalleled Demon King roared likely generally. “汪,还不够,就凭现在的样子怎么去给我将天皇子灭掉?”地平线上,立着一只跟小山般巨大的黑狗,像个盖世魔王一般咆哮。 Suddenly, this only big black dog turns around, observed closely Ye Fan stubbornly they, a pair of bronze bell big eye almost must stare. 突然,这只大黑狗转过身来,死死的盯住了叶凡他们,一双铜铃大眼几乎要瞪出来了。 Ye Fan's sits down, Dragon Horse makes an effort to dig by the hoof, in the nostril spurts the white smoke outward, stubbornly is staring at the front. 叶凡的坐下,龙马以蹄子用力刨地,鼻孔中向外喷白烟,也死死的盯着前方。 What kind of spark when Sovereign Black encounters Dragon Horse to collide, haha, please scatter ***, asks respectfully under the subscription the chapter. 黑皇遭遇龙马会碰撞出怎样的火花,哈哈,请撒***,敬请订阅下章。 . . .
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