STH :: Volume #11

#1032: The storm is unceasing

Ye Fan holds a gun to go out from the Ancient Race observing area single-handed, no one dares to detain again, the sharp lance point is bleeding, shocking! 叶凡单手持枪从古族观战区走出,再也没有一个人敢拦阻,锋锐的枪尖在淌血,触目惊心! He looked like Demonic God, met no resistance, executed five Dao Severing person, all was a spear pierces dies. 他像极了一尊魔神,如入无人之境,前后共毙掉了五位斩道者,全都是一枪刺死。 Black spear body, the bright red blood, both different colors formed the sharp contrast, making everyone heart live the cold air, the bone feels cold. 黑色的枪体,鲜红的血,两者不同的色彩形成了鲜明的对比,让每一个人都心底生寒气,骨头都发冷。 How many Dao Severing person does this have how to be able spear/gun to execute powerful? Myriad Beginnings' king, but that established King stands erect finally on the Dao Severing sixth small stair. 这到底有多么强大才能一枪一个将几位斩道者毙掉?万初的王也就罢了,可最后那个老牌王者屹立在斩道第六个小台阶上。 Actually he is, why hasn't heard?” “他究竟是谁,为何从来没有听闻过?” This is question in each individual heart, is unable to guess, is doomed not to have the answer, where no one knows this to hold the black to fight the person of spear/gun to come from. 这是每一个人心中的疑问,无从猜测,注定没有答案,没有人知晓这个持黑色战枪的人来自何方。 Fire Spirit Ravine boiling, mountain peak noisy of Four directions, everyone was discussing, today has all things to be stirring, lets everyone overwhelmed by emotions. 火灵壑沸腾,四野的山峰一片嘈杂,所有人都在议论,今日所发生诸事震撼人心,让每一个人都心潮澎湃 He dares to kill Ancient Race greatly, goes easily and freely in the Myriad Clans outstanding heroes, such a domineering person is how unknown, actually to have what kind of past?” “他一个人就敢大杀古族,在万族群雄中如履平地,这么一个强势的人怎么不为人知,究竟有着怎样的过去?” This is not the decisive battle, but in Powerhouse domination various clans the shock and awe, lit the people's exciting mood, making this place one piece clamor. 这不是大决战,只是一个强者凌驾诸族上的的震慑,点燃了人们激动的情绪,让这个地方一片喧哗。 Ye Tong and Mo Xue great war dropped the curtain, however this place is not tranquiler, people know, the mighty waves are still continuing. 叶瞳莫雪大战落下了帷幕,然而此地却更加不平静了,人们知晓,波澜还在继续。 Ye Fan observed closely several Dao Severing person of not far away, the look was light, got hold of the war spear/gun of drop blood, he walked step by step. 叶凡盯住了不远处的几个斩道者,神色平淡,握紧了滴血的战枪,他一步一步走了过去。 „Was this must to Heavenly Sovereign's Son two go-getter take action?” People call out in alarm. “这是要对天皇子的两位干将出手了吗?”人们惊呼。 Even Ancient Race is still astonished, all turned very quiet, observing silently, wants to look that this demon is competent anything. 即便是古族也都惊异,全都屏住了呼吸,默默的观战,想看一看这个魔头还能干出什么来。 In the world, Heavenly Sovereign's Son is now rising, hit entire world expert changes colors, the place visited person evades to draw back outstandingly, various clans tremble. 在当今之世,天皇子如日中天,打的全天下高手失色,所过之处人杰避退,各族颤栗。 Can say even in now this big world, Heavenly Sovereign's Son is still difficult the rival, his every word and deed was paid attention, the servants who he dispatches make one dread, does not dare to offend. 可以说即便在当今这个大世,天皇子也难有敌手,他的一言一行都被人关注,就连他遣出的奴仆都让人忌惮,不敢得罪。 The idle talk is two right arms, it is rational for people to believe that these two represented the Heavenly Sovereign's Son will, comes this intentionally, executes the disciple of Saint Physique. 更遑论是两个得力干将,人们有理由相信,这两人代表了天皇子的意志,故意来此,诛圣体之徒。 Do not walk, leaves behind the life.” The Ye Fan opens the mouth, said such words. “你们也别走了,都留下性命吧。”叶凡开口,说出了这样的话。 Everyone is at a loss, in abundance suck in a cold breath, is actually this lord who? Also was too aggressive, this is declaring war to Heavenly Sovereign's Son simply! 所有人都嘬牙花子,纷纷倒吸冷气,这主究竟是谁?也太生猛了,这简直就是在向天皇子宣战! Two people look has not changed, is the words actually also bad, because this person has not placed in them the eye quite the same as, many years have not had such matter. 两人神色未变,可是话语却也不善,因为这个人浑然未将他们放在眼中,很多年未有这样的事情了。 You think that you are Huang Xudao, will regard Huo Qizi? Dares saying that such words, I lord, if came, what Saint Physique, what Human Race first, must write off a cleanness, the idle talk is you!” “你以为自己是凰虚道,还是将自己当成了火麒子?敢说这样的话,我主若是来了,什么圣体,什么人族第一,全都得抹杀个干净,更遑论是你!” Ye Fan is very calm, right hand even Tai, in the hand fought the spear/gun to point , the spear/gun front was cold, flashes the dark gold/metal gloss. 叶凡很从容,右手平抬,手中战枪遥指了过去,枪锋冷幽幽,闪动暗金光泽。 Front, the Demonic God Race small prince complexion is ugly, this mysterious character also included him, this is preparation „a nest end. 前方,魔神族的小王爷脸色难看,这个神秘人物将他也包括了进来,这是准备“一窝端”。 Although he in heart anger, but actually also has more careful, this person of take action was obvious to all a moment ago, absolutely is a fierce ruthless role. 他虽然心中愤怒,但却也不得不倍加小心,刚才此人出手有目共睹,绝对是一个厉害的狠角色。 He even a little suspected, possibly was some Ancient Sovereign's Son runs, how otherwise to have such strength, making him fearful and apprehensive. 他甚至有点怀疑,可能是某一位古皇子跑来了,不然怎么会有这样的战力,让他都心惊肉跳。 Side, Dongfang Ye, Yao Yuekong wait/etc. laughed, is glad Ferocity to enter the stage, seeks bad luck of these people, one and massacring. 旁边,东方野妖月空等都哈哈大笑,乐得有狠人出场,寻这些人的霉头,一并给杀掉。 Ye Fan and black long spear/gun united, penetrated Void, turned into a beam of black light to shoot, the spear/gun front direction front, the ripple also covered three people. 叶凡与黑色长枪合一,穿透了虚空,化成一道乌光射来,枪锋指向前方,波纹将三人同时覆盖。 Depending on extremely heavy divine might, moves mountains, a person of spear/gun about in the same place, drove a universe to pound probably, destroyed to extinguish Void. 挟万钧神威,排山倒海,一人一枪合在一起,像是带动一片天宇砸了下来,摧灭了虚空 Clang “锵” The Demonic God young prince first changes color, the opens the mouth puts out nine flags, flap flap makes noise, such as Immemorial nine Great Demonic God simultaneously appeared, protect him in middle, the black fog is turbulent. 魔神小王爷最先变色,张口吐出九杆大旗,猎猎作响,如太古大魔神齐现,将他护在当中,黑雾汹涌。 However, Ye Fan first looks is he, in the hand the long spear/gun sweeps away, probably a long blade is sharp, mixes with a metal Zheng to call, sparks ra­di­ate all around, nine flags struck off by black spear body completely. 然而,叶凡最先找上的就是他,手中长枪横扫,像是一把长刀般锋锐,夹杂着一阵金属铮鸣,火星四射,九杆大旗全部被黑色枪体击断。 Demonic God Race small prince look snow white, within the body runs out of a ray of magnificent light, turned into another body, this is for the dead puppet body, blocked the front lance front, bang one sound changed became the flying ash. 魔神族小王爷神色雪白,体内冲出一道光华,化成了另一具身体,这是替死傀儡身,挡住了前方的矛锋,砰的一声化成了飞灰。 His main body both hands paddle, rune appear, protects his True Body, and frontal bone magnificent light is flaming, the assorted weapon is concerted from the eyebrow, probably the hundred flowers bloom, flushed together. 他的本体双手划动,一个又一个符文出现,将他的真身护住,且额骨光华炽盛,各色兵器自眉心齐出,像是百花绽放,一起冲了出来。 Clang “锵” Ye Fan vibration black spear body, the spear/gun front vibrates, turns into said surely phantom transforms, selects completely broken the front assorted weapon, becomes one pile of scrap copper and iron. 叶凡震动黑色的枪体,枪锋抖动,化成千万道虚影幻化而出,将前方各色兵器全部点碎,成为一堆废铜烂铁。 This is not the common weapon, is the Demonic God Race rare treasure, but is difficult to escape the destiny of smashing, under strikes to become Chen. 这可不是一般的兵器,都是魔神族的秘宝,可却全都难逃粉碎的命运,在一击之下成尘。 On the Demonic God Race small prince face reveals the panic-stricken color, Dao Severing ten years, always not with a defeat, but is difficult to keep off attacking of opposite party at this time, in the heart is unwilling. 魔神族小王爷脸上露出惊恐之色,斩道十年了,从来未遇一败,可此时却难挡对方的攻伐,心中不甘。 His clear roar, in the mouth puts out together the shield, this is secret weapon, for Ancient King in clan personally for his refining, although is not Holy Artifact, but actually will not be the average person can ruin, with maintain life. 他一声清啸,口中吐出一道盾牌,这是一把秘兵,为族内的古王亲手为他炼化的,虽然不是圣器,但却也不是一般人能会毁掉的,用以保命。 On the shield various Dao Traces interweave, is Immemorial flowers, birds, fish, insects, one plain Great Dao aura, the ray of blooming shining white, protects his fleshly body. 盾牌上各种道痕交织,为太古花鸟鱼虫,有一种古朴的大道气息,绽放莹白的光芒,守护他的肉身 Ye Fan scolds lightly, makes an effort to puncture forward, initially when is blocked, but black spear body black light a big magnificence burst, 'pu' sound passed through afterward, at the same time the blood light flashes before. 叶凡一声轻叱,用力向前刺去,初时受阻,但是后来黑色的枪体乌光大盛,噗的一声穿了过去,同一时间血光闪现。 This spear/gun not only punctured thoroughly ancient shield, pierced the throat of Demonic God Race young prince, then he flew like the scarecrow, turned into piece of tribulation ash in Void. 这一枪不仅刺透了古盾,更是刺穿了魔神族小王爷的喉咙,接着他如稻草人般飞起,在虚空中化成了一片劫灰 Bang “轰” In this moment, the Holy Ar­ti­fact's aura fills the air, attacked fast, under such as piece of Star River lets fall Nine Layers of Heaven, boundless boundless. 就在这一刻,圣器的气息弥漫,快速冲击了过来,如一片星河垂落下九重天,茫茫无边。 Any moving mountains to fill the seas, what sky collapses, cannot compare the present fearful fluctuation! 什么移山填海,什么苍宇崩溃,都根本比不上眼前的可怕波动! The Heavenly Sovereign's Son two right arms do not have take action in the Demonic God small prince attacked process, until this time took out broken Holy Artifact, executed the heavy hand suddenly. 天皇子的两个得力干将在魔神小王爷被攻伐的过程中没有出手,直到此时祭出了残破的圣器,突施辣手。 This is Heavenly Sovereign's Son grants their remnants, the shape, if a bone dagger, incomplete fierce, abatement section lossless outside, front only has ten centimeters dagger blade. 这是天皇子赐予他们的一件残兵,状若一把骨匕,残缺的厉害,除却柄部无损外,前端只有十公分长的匕刃。 Suddenly, the immeasurable light blooms, presents tattered alms bowl before the Ye Fan's body, was only left over bottom of one, the defect degree is on a par with this bone dagger. 突然,无量光绽放,在叶凡的身前出现一个破烂的钵盂,只剩下了一个底部,缺失程度与这骨匕不分伯仲。 Both magnificent light to/clashes, bumps into the same place, blooms a piece of dazzling light, the land of under foot is put down, becomes the dust. 两者光华相冲,相撞在一起,绽放出一片刺目的光,脚下的大地被扫平,成为尘埃。 The Heavenly Sovereign's Son two go-getters back up, look at each other with amazement, this person compared with after them took out Holy Artifact, can actually make the weapon recover fast, resisted their killing, this may really be the important matter is not wonderful. 天皇子的两名干将倒退,相顾骇然,这个人比他们后祭出圣器,却能快速让兵器复苏,抵住了他们的袭杀,这可真是大事不妙。 They back up, is grasping the bone dagger together, wields continuously, shakes one to say the wave piece by piece, truncates to have black hole this Void. 他们倒退,共同握着骨匕,连续挥动,震出一片片道波,将这虚空削出一个有一个黑洞。 However, is difficult to keep off Ye Fan's movement technique, tattered alms bowl like the shield, resisted all attacked, but he held the black war to snatch to press forward steadily. 然而,却难挡叶凡的步法,破烂的钵盂如盾牌,抵住了所有攻伐,而他则持黑色战抢步步进逼。 Who are you?” “你到底是谁?” Delivers the person who you start off.” Ye Fan brutal saying. “送你们上路的人。”叶凡无情的说道。 Two people cried loud and long, vertical eye of forehead opened, alone corner/horn on another frontal bone was radiant, stimulates to movement this/Ben life essence air/Qi, the crazy combustion, the sacrifice to Holy Weapon, prevented Ye Fan. 两人长啸,一个眉心的竖眼睁开,另一个额骨上的独角璀璨,催动本命元气,疯狂燃烧,祭向圣兵,阻挡叶凡 They knew to go bad, the strength of this person really fearful, may strive for hegemony with Ancient Sovereign's Son fully! 他们知道坏了,这个人的实力真的过于可怕,足可与古皇子争雄! “噗” alms bowl shines, breaks Void, attacked the past, they who shake have to let go, the bone dagger falls, two Holy Weapon were all cracked. 钵盂放光,震碎虚空,冲击了过去,震的他们不得不撒手,骨匕落下,两把圣兵皆龟裂了。 Ye Fan does not care, even if damages alms bowl to have nothing, he held the spear pierces in the past. 叶凡根本就不在乎,即便损掉钵盂都没什么,他持枪刺了过去。 Has saying that these two are really expert, will otherwise not call it the Heavenly Sovereign's Son go-getter, Dao Severing many years, cultivation base has reached to the stage of perfection. 不得不说,这两人果然是高手,不然也不会称之为天皇子的干将,早已斩道很多年,修为臻至化境。 Their mouth spits divine shine, controls various types of treasure, shook with Ye Fan unexpectedly hardly several, has not been killed violently immediately. 他们口吐神华,驾驭各种宝器,与叶凡竟硬撼了几下,没有立刻毙命。 However, this is still not able to change anything, Ye Fan feints, black spear body strikes finally, these two called out pitifully, the whole body bone all broke, probably two mud same flew. 然而,这依然无法改变什么,叶凡指东打西,黑色的枪体最终一击,这两人惨叫,浑身骨头全断,像是两团烂泥一样飞了出去。 „” “哧” Suddenly, Divine Flame to/clashes in Void, departs from their within the body respectively, forms together the light beam of human form! 突然,神焰虚空中冲起,分别自他们的体内飞出,汇成一道人形的光束! Who dares to kill my servant?” A chilly sound sends out, a beautiful man appears, the abundant god like the jade, making the world many females envy, the appearance will be pretty, no slight defect. “何人敢杀我的奴仆?”一个清冷的声音发出,一个绝美的男子出现,丰神如玉,让天下众多女子都会嫉妒,容貌俊秀绝伦,没有一点瑕疵。 Is...... Heavenly Sovereign's Son!” “是……天皇子!” People call out in alarm, all changes colors. 人们惊呼,全都失色。 This youngster has an imposing appearance, static standing in Void, the whole body is shining, probably Deity since that Nine Heavens arrives under. 这个年轻人气宇轩昂,静静的站在虚空中,浑身都在发光,像是一尊神灵自那九天降临而下。 Imperial prince saves a life!” Two Dao Severing person yelled. “皇子救命!”两个斩道者大叫。 You walk, I thought that among this world who dares to move my servant!” The Heavenly Sovereign's Son look is indifferent, the intently watch front, making many people shiver, cannot help kneeling to bend down. “你们走,我看这个天下间谁敢动我的奴仆!”天皇子神色冷漠,逼视前方,让许多人颤抖,忍不住要跪伏下去。 Two servant joints make noise, flip-flop , to continue the bone fast, all the look rouses, then backs up fast, wants to leave this stretch of battlefield. 两个奴仆骨节作响,劈劈啪啪,快速接续断骨,全都神色振奋,而后快速倒退,想要离开这片战场。 I, since came, you also do want to walk? Leaves behind the life.” Ye Fan spoke, forwarded with stride. “我既然来了,你们还想走?都把性命留下吧。”叶凡出言,大步向前。 „Do you want with Heavenly Sovereign's Son for the enemy?!” Two Dao Severing person back up, although they know Heavenly Sovereign's Son True Body is not , but also had very big energy. “你想与天皇子为敌吗?!”两个斩道者倒退,他们虽然知晓天皇子真身并不在,但却也有了很大的底气。 This after all is Heavenly Sovereign's Son wisp of Primordial Spirit, he acts, the whether it is how powerful people must dread, must sell a face. 这毕竟是天皇子的一缕元神,他一出面,无论是多么强大的人都要忌惮,要卖一个情面。 So long as there is his a few words, entire world may go, Heavenly Sovereign's Son spoke a life of insurance person, was equivalent lowers one to exempt the dead gold medal. 只要有他的一句话,全天下都可去得,天皇子出言保一个人的性命,就相当于降下了一道免死金牌。 However, all these are obviously invalid to Ye Fan, more than ten years ago, he almost fights a decisive battle with Heavenly Sovereign's Son, is a pair of old enemy, how possibly town/subdues is occupied by him. 然而,这一切显然对叶凡无效,十几年前,他就差点与天皇子决战,是一对宿敌,怎么可能镇的住他。 You have not heard, this is my servant, if dares to move their fine hair, I kill your ten clans by True Body!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son this wisp of Primordial Spirit dense say/way, is strong and overbearing. “你难道没听见吗,这是我的奴仆,若是敢动他们一根汗毛,我以真身杀你十族!”天皇子这缕元神森然道,强势而霸道。 For these years, his monarch overlooking the world, which dares not to revere? Only then past Human Race's Saint Physique dares to do against him everywhere, wants to fight a decisive battle with his Life and Death, but had actually left this world. 这么多年来,他君临天下,哪个敢不尊?只有昔日的人族圣体敢与他处处对着干,想与他生死决战,可是却已离开了这个世界。 At the present, his soldier/weapon front, few dares to offend the front, overlooks entire world expert, in this Saint not enter the world age, his Dharma Decree all mighty people do not dare not obey! 而今,他兵锋所向,几乎无人敢撄锋,俯瞰全天下高手,在这圣人出世的年代,他的法旨诸雄莫敢不从 Especially this stated in the past man not obviously, in his opinion wants manifest, the shock and awe, naturally can obey slightly. 尤其是这个过去声明不显的男子,在他看来只要自身显化,稍加震慑,自然会就范。 However, he made a mistake the object, this is not his monarch overlooking the world these years emergying Dao Severing person, but is one basic on the fearless his person. 然而,他弄错了对象,这不是他君临天下这些年来新出现的斩道者,而是一个根本就无惧他的人。 The Ye Fan corners of the mouth reveal one wisp to sneer, said: You...... Heavenly Sovereign's Son calculates anything, if your True Body dares to appear before me, including your together suppress and kill!” 叶凡嘴角露出一缕冷笑,道:“你……天皇子又算的了什么,若是你真身敢出现在我面前,连你一起镇杀!” !” “噗!” Ye Fan on take action, the black long spear/gun in right hand punctured directly forward, the straight thrust Heavenly Sovereign's Son forehead, the wind and thunder is ear-spitting! 叶凡直接就出手了,右手中的黑色长枪向前刺去,直刺天皇子的眉心,风雷震耳! Obviously, he used the Taboo strength, take action is brutal. 显然,他动用了禁忌的力量,出手无情。 Heavenly Sovereign's Son the wisp of Primordial Spirit is furious, for these years, dares to disobey his will from no one, has not thought that today some people wield the spear/gun to him, this , if defying superiors and murdering the god! 天皇子的这缕元神震怒,这么多年来,从无人敢拂逆他的意志,不曾想今日有人对他挥枪,这等若是在犯上、弑神! The distant place, the people are terrified, for these years prestige of enormous and powerful Five Regions Heavenly Sovereign's Son, few people dare to resist visibly, but this person threatened that must execute, is really stirring. 远处,众人更是悚然,这么多年来天皇子之威浩荡五域,没有几人敢明着对抗,而此人却扬言要毙掉,实在震撼人心。 „” “哧” Heavenly Sovereign's Son Primordial Spirit turns into one group of light, from vanished same place, a Ye Fan spear pierces, has not stayed, submerged within his two go-getters. 天皇子元神化成一团光,从原地消失了,叶凡一枪刺过,根本就不停留,没入了他的两个干将间。 „......” “啊……” The sad and shrill big cry transmits, these two hominizations become bloody pulp, destroy both body and soul, cannot avoid this tribulation. 凄厉大叫声传来,这两人化成血泥,形神俱灭,不能躲过这一劫。 My you are in front of killed your subordinate, how can you?” Ye Fan holds a gun, returns turns around, is looking at Heavenly Sovereign's Son. “我就你当着的面杀了你的手下,你又能如何?”叶凡持枪,回转过身来,望着天皇子 In recent years, you are first offend my person, after my left seclusion, must cut you!” Heavenly Sovereign's Son dense say/way. “这些年来,你是第一个冒犯我的人,我出关后必斩你!”天皇子森然道。 His facial color fair like the jade, the appearance is beautiful, is the look is so fearful, with contradicting that its appearance makings could not say, making the person whole body send coldly. 他面色白皙如玉,长相绝美,可是神色却如此可怕,与其容貌气质说不出的相悖,让人浑身发寒。 Right, was inferior that I first kill your one time!” Ye Fan does not care, wields the long spear/gun to stand forward chops to go, these used the sure-kill time, does not want to make this wisp of Primordial Spirit escape. “是吗,不如我先杀你一次吧!”叶凡并不在意,挥动长枪向前立劈而去,这一次动用了绝杀,不想让这缕元神逃掉。 Clang and ding and bang!” “锵”、“叮”、“轰!” Although Heavenly Sovereign's Son is only wisp of Primordial Spirit, but actually does not want to sit waiting for death, displays supreme Taboo Secret Technique that Undying Heavenly Sovereign handed down, blocked several to strike. 天皇子虽然只是一缕元神,但却也不想坐以待毙,施展出了不死天皇传下的无上禁忌秘术,挡住了几击。 Doing, he eventually is not True Body, finally was pierced the forehead by a Ye Fan spear/gun, high tall, nailed tight in the midair. 奈何,他终究不是真身,最终被叶凡一枪洞穿了眉心,高高挑了起来,钉死在半空中。 You......” he also can only put out such a character, the body could not support. “你……”他也只能吐出这样一个字了,身体就支撑不住了。 Whish!” “哗!” This place thorough boiling, everyone in an uproar, noise sound like tsunami, noisy. 这个地方彻底沸腾,所有人都哗然,喧嚣声如海啸般,一片嘈杂。 People all are startled incomparably, this person selecting to kill Heavenly Sovereign's Son wisp of Primordial Spirit, this must fight a decisive battle Ancient Sovereign's Son, must shake under heaven shaking. 人们全都吃惊无比,此人将天皇子的一缕元神给挑杀了,这显然是要决战古皇子,必会震惊天下。 As we all know, in the near future will definitely have a decisive battle, one a showdown that shocks entire world happened. 所有人都知道,不久的将来必然会有一场大决战,将有一场震惊全天下的对决发生。 Many years, Heavenly Sovereign's Son, outstanding heroes do not dare not obey, must evade to draw back, at the present his incarnation makes a person such spear/gun selecting unexpectedly!” “多少年了,天皇子一出,群雄莫敢不从,全都要避退,而今他的化身竟让人这样一枪给挑了!” „Is this real? Some people really initiated to ancient Sovereign blood lineage/vein challenged, must with Undying Heavenly Sovereign by a descendant war?” “这是真的吗?有人真的对古皇血脉发起挑战了,要与不死天皇的以后人一战?” Who this person is, he dares so to handle affairs unexpectedly, has not feared intent quite the same as, secure!” “这个人到底是谁,他竟然敢如此行事,浑然未有一丝惧意,有恃无恐啊!” This is everyone's aspiration, everyone wants to know the Ye Fan's status none who does not, this character possibly is how obscure, inevitably is extraordinary peerless talent. 这是所有人的心声,每一个人莫不想知道叶凡的身份,这种人物怎么可能默默无名,必然是了不得的绝代天骄 Today a war, who no matter he is, will vibrate the world, kills several Dao Severing person such as to pull up weeds, soon must have a war with Heavenly Sovereign's Son!” “今日一战,不管他是谁,都将震动天下,杀几位斩道者如拔草,不久的将与天皇子必有一战!” It is well known, in recent years Heavenly Sovereign's Son in seclusion, wanted to break through unceasingly, took a No-One Is Noble But I path. At the present has this grade of matter, he may be ahead of time left seclusion. 世人皆知,近年来天皇子闭关,想要不断突破上去,走上一条惟我独尊的道路。而今发生了这等事情,他有可能会提前出关 This is a big world, never has tranquilly, but these might blow an unprecedented big storm time! 这是一个大世,从来就没有平静过,而这一次很可能会刮起一场前所未有的大风暴! The storm is unceasing, please *** continue, thanked everyone powerful support. 风暴不断,也请***继续,感谢大家给力的支持。
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