STH :: Volume #11

#1031: In the way all kills

The blood rain sprinkles, the shining white bone block flies to the four directions, Dao Severing person die, this cause of death is very undignified. 血雨洒落,莹白的骨头块飞向四方,一位斩道者殒落,这种死法真的很不体面。 Four directions, completely silent, no one dares to speak, all was scared by this scene. 四野,鸦雀无声,没有一个人敢说话,全都被这个场景吓呆住了。 That man with Demonic God, only had/left a spear/gun to select to kill the Myriad Beginnings Holy Land king, in their Holy Lord surface fore-runner to become Shikuai, a person of standing erect front, shocked Holy Land. 那个男子跟一尊魔神似的,仅出了一枪就将万初圣地的王挑杀,在他们圣主面前震成尸块,一人屹立前方,震慑了一个圣地 world who dares so? So many years pass by, no one dares to be like this unscrupulous, the black lance point is sharp, almost arrived in the Myriad Beginnings' Holy Lord forehead. 世间谁敢如此?这么多年过去,也没有一人敢这样肆无忌惮,黑色的枪尖锋锐无比,几乎抵在了万初圣主的眉心。 Thump!” “咕咚!” In the crowd, some people swallowed saliva difficultly, almost must suffocate, this such as the man of being an excellent likeness demon passes aura that sends out to make the person whole body want to crack. 在人群中,有人艰难的咽了一口口水,几乎要窒息了,这个如神似魔的男子透发出的气机让人浑身欲裂。 Who are you......?” “你……是谁?” In the Myriad Beginnings Holy Land crowd, a prime elder sound trembles, he has to open the mouth, at present their situation is worrying, is disgraced, this man silent action ratio of killed them to be uncomfortable. 万初圣地人群中,一位元老声音发颤,他不得不开口,眼下他们处境堪忧,名声扫地,这个男子无声的举动比杀了他们所有人都难受。 The Ye Fan look is very tranquil, and does not have any words, the pupil light sweeps the place, the Myriad Beginnings Holy Land person has not dared to face, cannot help but lowers the head. 叶凡神色很平静,并没有任何话语,眸光扫过之处,万初圣地的人不敢正视,不由自主低下了头。 Only the have several person clenches teeth, although has not said anything, but pupil light ice-cold, gripped tightened the fist, they do not dare to act rashly, knows that was not the opponent. 有数人咬牙,虽然没有说什么,但是眸光冰冷,攥紧了拳头,他们不敢妄动,知道不是对手。 Ye Fan looked, black spear body in right hand lifts, selects forward, the sharp lance point projects together immediately. 叶凡望了过去,右手中的黑色枪体抬起,向前点去,锋锐的枪尖顿时射出一道乌芒。 “噗” One of them turned into one group of blood mist immediately, powerful such as the prime elder level character also insufficiently looked, probably a pottery jar broke to pieces equally. 其中一人立时化成了一团血雾,强大如元老级人物也不够看,像是一只瓷罐一样碎掉了。 Then, Ye Fan selected several by black spear body, several other people all yelled, the forehead blood splash blooms, the body turns into one group of bloody pulp, dies a violent death. 接下来,叶凡又以黑色的枪体点了几下,另外几人全都大叫,眉心血花绽放,身体化成一团血泥,死于非命。 „To shut off the talent? I strangle you.” “想扼杀天才?那我就扼杀你们。” The Ye Fan's words no mood fluctuation, is saying an insignificant matter probably, but listens in the ear of people, the feeling is different, just like perilous situation! 叶凡的话语无情绪波动,像是在说着一件微不足道的事,可是听在众人的耳中,感受却不同,宛如惊涛骇浪 whether it is Myriad Beginnings Holy Land, is on various mountain peaks, all cultivator were shocked, is this what kind of character? Overlooks Holy Land, murderous aura is full, formidable. 无论是万初圣地,还是各座山峰上,所有修士都惊呆了,这是何等的人物?俯视一个圣地,杀伐之气盈野,让人敬畏。 Ye Fan arrives with the black lance point in the Myriad Beginnings' Holy Lord forehead, there drips a wisp of bloodstain, the rear person all stopped the heartbeat quickly, this person of brave heaven defying, thinks that level flat Holy Land was inadequate? 叶凡以黑色的枪尖抵在万初圣主的眉心,那里淌出一缕血迹,后方的人全都快停止心跳了,此人胆大逆天,想平掉一个圣地不成? At this time, Ye Fan disregards another's feelings, is hit by the hand compels pressure Holy Lord like this, the looking disdainfully outstanding heroes, making everyone keep silent. 此时,叶凡毫不留情面,以手中枪这样逼压一位圣主,睥睨群雄,让所有人都噤若寒蝉。 Today, could have the earth-shattering important matter! 今日,可能要发生石破天惊的大事! If this Fiendgod existence, kills Myriad Beginnings Holy Land this group of people completely horizontally here, must initiate the huge mighty waves, will conquer the whole world! 若是这位似神魔般的存在,将万初圣地这群人全部横杀在此,必会引发天大的波澜,将席卷天下! No one spoke, even various Immemorial clans turned very quiet, calmly watched this, this person was too strong, was compelling pressure Holy Land. 没有一个人说话,连太古各族都屏住了呼吸,静静观看这一幕,此人太强势了,在逼压一个圣地 Finally, Ye Fan the divine spear direction sky, left the Myriad Beginnings' Holy Lord forehead, under does not have the killer. 最终,叶凡神枪指向天空,离开了万初圣主的眉心,没有下杀手。 A moment ago, cut to kill should teach several prime elder, executing Dao Severing person was also similar, he does not want to Myriad Beginnings Holy Land killing spree (rampage), after all to be Human Race, will otherwise only let the Ancient Race unearned gain. 刚才,斩杀了该教几个元老,毙掉一个斩道者也差不多了,他不想对万初圣地大开杀戒,毕竟都是人族,不然只会让古族渔利。 A Myriad Beginnings' Holy Lord forehead wisp of blood drips, has actually moved, the probably mountain presses on the body, that swift and fierce fighting intent makes him be hard to contend. 万初圣主眉心一缕鲜血淌下,却一动未动,像是有一座大山压在身上,那种凌厉的战意让他难以抗衡。 Until Ye Fan goes far away, he collapsed probably generally, the whole body was moistened by the cold sweat, if not for Supreme Being goes forward to support by the arm him, he must fall down on the ground. 直到叶凡远去,他才像是虚脱了一般,浑身都被冷汗打湿了,若不是一位大能上前搀扶住他,他必栽倒在了地上。 Thorough of very Myriad Beginnings Holy Land losses, abatement Holy Son does not beat outside Ye Tong, what is most pitiful is shocked by this mysterious character, making this Holy Land everyone unable to raise the head. 万初圣地的很彻底,除却圣子不敌叶瞳外,最可悲的是被这位神秘的人物一人震慑,让这一圣地所有人都抬不起头来。 No one makes noise, looks at the Ye Fan's back, looks that he goes far away step by step, being survivor of disaster feelings, later they discover the cold sweat for a long time all over the body, the whole body is icy cold. 没有一个人出声,看着叶凡的背影,看着他一步一步远去,都有一种劫后余生的感觉,好久之后他们才发现冷汗遍体,浑身冰凉。 Bang “轰” Finally, Fire Spirit Ravine and Four directions hills are no longer silent, clamor to soar to the heavens, noisy, after tense atmosphere, everyone cannot bear the discussion. 终于,火灵壑以及四野的群山不再寂静,喧哗冲霄,一片嘈杂,紧张气氛过后,所有人都忍不住议论。 Who is this? Too was really powerful, person suppress Myriad Beginnings Holy Land!” “这到底是谁?真的太强大了,一个人镇压万初圣地!” Is simply ordinary like the gods, why has not seen this man, is really across the sky enter the world!” “简直如同神明一般,为何从来没有见到过这个男子,真可谓是横空出世!” In this matter, no one can be quiet, all the incomparable excitement, no one has thought that presents such expert unexpectedly, domineering unparalleled. 发生了这种事,没有一个人能平静下来,全都无比的激动,谁也没有想到竟出现这样一位高手,强势无双。 Not far away, Ye Tong manipulated Formation Altar, had opened Void Portal, but saw that just now that stopped. 不远处,叶曈阵台都摆弄好了,都已经打开了虚空之门,可是见到方才那一幕又停了下来。 Thanks the uncle.” “谢谢叔叔。” Ye Fan nods, shows a wisp of smile, has not said anything, holds a gun to compel to another direction. 叶凡点头,露出一缕微笑,并没有多说什么,持枪向另一个方向逼去。 There is the observing areas of various Immemorial clans, many tyrannical ancient creatures, at this time he happy fearless, walked with stride, must kill another three Dao Severing person. 那里是太古各族的观战区,有很多强横的古生物,此时他怡然无惧,大步走了过去,显然是要杀另三位斩道者 This action triggers in an uproar immediately, this simply is bold, closed on in various ethnic groups directly, does not care at all. 这种举动顿时引发一片哗然,这简直是胆大包天,径直就逼进了各族群内,毫不在意。 Really is the courage is excellent, dares unexpectedly so!” “真是胆魄过人,竟然敢如此!” Human Race many cultivator stared in a big way the eye, at the present who does not know the major Ancient Race strong trends, are not willing to provoke, does not think that some people did not care. 人族许多修士都瞪大了眼睛,而今谁不知各大古族的强势,都不愿意招惹,不想有人根本就不在乎。 Snort!” “哼!” Ancient Race this region, some people exuded the discontented cold hum/snort immediately, ice-cold pupil light looks. 古族这片区域,顿时有人发出了不满的冷哼声,许多冰冷的眸光望来。 However, Ye Fan all disregards, raises the black war to snatch the stride the line, meets no resistance, gave to neglect everyone radically. 然而,叶凡全都无视,提着黑色的战抢大步而行,如入无人之境,根本就是将所有人都给忽略了。 In his eyes, only then attacked to kill his three Dao Severing person with the Myr­iad Be­gin­nings king a moment ago together, is these people first wants to be disadvantageous to Tong Tong. 在他的眼中,只有刚才与万初王一同攻杀他的三位斩道者,也是这几人最先想对曈曈不利的。 Really is the good guts, rushes to the place of my clan observing, when really we were the air?” Some people agitate, to unite several large clan take action, the hindrance kill Ye Fan together. “真是好胆,闯我族观战之地,真当我们是空气了吗?”有人鼓动,想要联合几大族一起出手,阻杀叶凡 “噗” Ye Fan is simple and direct, lifting the hand is a spear/gun, sharp shot together, that powerful Ancient Race character head blasts out, horizontal corpse at the scene. 叶凡简单而直接,抬手就是一枪,一道锋锐的乌芒射了出来,那个强大的古族人物头颅炸开,横尸当场。 He looked that has not looked at one , to continue to go forward, does not pay attention to nearby various clan Powerhouse, only observed closely the distant place three people. 他连都看都没有看一眼,继续前进,不理会旁边的各族强者,只盯住了远处三人。 You...... everyone you look at Finally, killed him!” “你……诸位你们看到了吗,杀了他!” Some this clan people angry roar, for no reason died super Powerhouse, is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, wants to agitate person also take action of other clans. 这一族有人怒吼,平白死掉了一位超级强者,全都忍无可忍,想鼓动其他族的人也出手 I do not want to kill people, best not to compel me.” Ye Fan sees some people to begin, pupil light instantly flaming, takes a fast look around this group of people. “我不想杀人,你们最好别逼我。”叶凡见有人要动手,眸光刹那炽盛了起来,扫视这群人。 Tread and tread and tread...... “蹬”、“蹬”、“蹬”…… One group of people back up, particularly frontline that several people, by a powerful imposing manner fear, complexion snow white, cannot bear the opens the mouth cough up blood. 一群人倒退,尤其是最前方的那几个人,被一股强大的气势所慑,脸色雪白,忍不住张口咳血。 Everyone showed the inconceivable look, this person was too powerful, is only this type of blazing pupil light makes the person mind almost crack. 所有人都露出了不可思议的神色,此人实在太强大了,光是这种炽烈的眸光就让人心神差点崩裂。 Killing, how to tolerate Human Race to be dissolute!” Has *** called, agitated everyone on neat. “杀,怎能容一个人族放肆!”有***叫,鼓动所有人齐上。 A total of twenty people of take action, they come from two races, is very angry about the Ye Fan this domineering and aggressive feeling, thought that offended their dignity. 共有二十几人出手,他们来自两个种族,对叶凡这种强势与霸气感觉很愤怒,觉得冒犯了他们的尊严。 Suddenly, lightning radiate all around, the Dao treasure impact, various types of light mix up, form a brilliant ocean of the law, many Divine Order Chain interweave. 一时间,闪电四射,道宝冲击,各种光混在一起,形成一片绚烂的法海,许多秩序神链交织。 Ye Fan facing all these direct swing long spear, the Void distortion that black divine spear presses, sends out fearfully wū wū the sound, has at the scene *** the hominization became bloody pulp, cannot receive including a spear/gun. 叶凡面对这一切直接轮动大枪,黑色的神枪压的虚空扭曲,发出可怕的呜呜声,当场就有***人化成了血泥,连一枪都接不下。 The Ye Fan look is calm, forwards with stride, long spear shakes, the black lance point sends out a ripple, such as the great waves same spread. 叶凡神色镇定,大步向前,大枪一震,黑色的枪尖发出一片波纹,如浪涛一样扩散开来。 This is the spear/gun wave! 这是枪波! This is manifestation of Dao Traces, such as the aurora is equally rapid, a pitiful yell sound sends out, the several other people are all killed violently, change into one after another blood mist. 这是道痕的体现,如极光一样迅疾,一片惨叫声发出,剩余的十几人全都毙命,化为一团又一团血雾 People are all frightened, this person is really generally regardless of, is not tasteful, If the Gods block, then kill the Gods, if the Buddhas block, then kill the Buddhas! 人们全都惊悚,这个人真是“概不论”,一点也不讲究,神挡杀神,佛挡弑佛 Enters the Ancient Race observing area solitarily alone, after meeting prevents, still the photo kills does not harm, absolutely does not have a hesitation and scruple, does not care at all. 只身独入古族观战区,遇到阻挡后,依然照杀不误,根本就没有一丝的犹豫与迟疑,毫不在意。 What he faces is two powerful races, with cutting the vegetable/dish same gave to butcher!” “他面对的可是两个强大种族,跟切菜一样都给宰了!” This...... is really aggressive, who this person is, killing Ancient Race Powerhouse with pinching the dead chicken young is generally easy!” “这……真是生猛,此人到底是谁,杀古族强者跟捏死小鸡仔一般容易!” Behind, various Human Race group of cultivator are all in a daze, the incomparable shock, has not seen such fierce person, a face did not say. 后方,人族各路修士全都发呆,无比的震惊,从来没有见过这么猛的人,一点情面都不讲。 As long as keeps off my road, all kills without the amnesty, is this strong person who where braves? 但凡挡我路者,皆杀无赦,这是从哪里冒出来的强人? The Ye Fan's footsteps had not stopped, throughout walks forward, two gunned down dead more than 20 people, making two big strong clans dirty, really subdued other Ancient Race. 叶凡的脚步一直就没有停下,始终向前行走,两枪杀死了二十多人,让两大强族灰头土脸,着实镇住了其他古族 Is this fierce person who where comes? Even oneself are powerful, does not have point scruples, dares so take action, making them become doubtful. 这是哪里来的猛人?即便自身再强大,难道就没有一点顾忌吗,敢如此出手,让他们都犯嘀咕了。 „Who are you?” Among the illustrious royal family some people drink to ask. “你到底是什么人?”赫赫有名的王族当中有人喝问道。 Name is unimportant. I do not want with you for the enemy, but also asked you do not detain me, today I must kill that three people who unable to rescue.” Ye Fan tranquil opens the mouth. “名字不重要。我不想与你们为敌,但也请你们不要拦阻我,今日我要杀那三人谁也救不了。”叶凡平静的开口。 Even the Ancient Race people were scared, this lord raises black long spear only to walk, does not look at people one eyes, fearful aura makes one tremble. 古族的人都发毛了,这主提着一杆黑色的大枪就这样走来,不看众人一眼,可怕的气机让人颤栗。 You rather extremely?” An old Ancient Race cold sound said, sank the face, the look was very unattractive, immediately one group of people encircled. “你未免太过了吧?”一位年老的古族冷声道,沉下了脸,神色很不好看,顿时有一群人围了上来。 Because, this is not general Dao Severing person, the prestige shakes Ancient Race, stands erect on the boundary's of sixth small stair Dao Severing, may overlook all young kings. 因为,这可不是一般的斩道者,威名震古族,屹立在斩道之境第六个小台阶上,可俯视一切年轻的王。 However, Ye Fan is constant, the footsteps keep, has not responded him, the orthoptic front, holds a gun single-handed, aims at another three Dao Severing person, recognized the goal. 然而,叶凡始终如一,脚步不停,没有搭理他,直视前方,单手持枪,指向另三位斩道者,认准了目标。 Dissolute!” “放肆!” Side, the rhombus vertical eye anger of this old man forehead opens the eyes, projects together the flaming light, pierces Void, cuts to the Ye Fan's frontal bone. 旁边,这个老者眉心的菱形竖眼怒睁,射出一道炽盛的光,洞穿虚空,斩向叶凡的额骨。 He light/only has led a pious life for more than thousand years in Dao Severing this Realm, relies on can accomplish all the good fortune, may overlook all young King, at this time was despised by Ye Fan, got angry at the scene. 他光在斩道这一境界就已经修行千余年了,自恃功参造化,可俯视一切年轻的王者,此时被叶凡轻视,当场就怒了。 „” “啪” Ye Fan wields long spear, pulls out on this ray of light bunch, probably destroyed the crystal to disintegrate it generally, then a long and loud cry, plunged the front goal. 叶凡挥动大枪,抽在这道光束上,像是打碎了水晶一般将其瓦解,而后一声长啸,扑向前方的目标。 You......” “你……” These three Ancient Race Powerhouse changed the color, Ye Fan is never so expected that strong, intrudes Area Ancient Race directly, does not kill them not to give up, no one can block. 这三位古族强者都变了颜色,没有想到叶凡这么强势,径直闯入古族,不杀他们不罢休,谁都拦不住。 Gives me on together, killed him!” In the middle of three people people shouted. “给我一起上,杀了他!”三人当中的一人喝道。 I must kill your three, who detains uselessly, dares to keep off my road to kill!” Ye Fan shouted. “我要杀你们三个,谁拦阻都无用,敢挡我路者皆杀!”叶凡喝道。 Buzz!” “嗡!” Void shivers, he black spear body at the scene the sharp sword, only grasping, is standing to divide. 虚空颤抖,他将黑色的枪体当场了利剑,单手持着,立劈了下去。 Clang “锵” The black lance point destroys the hardest defenses, emits the dazzling light, that the weapon that Dao Severing person that drinks the roar chops, such as heavenly sword lowers, delimits together the blood light. 黑色的枪尖无坚不摧,喷吐出刺目的光,将那名喝吼的斩道者的兵器劈断,如天剑降下,划出一道血光。 Everyone was shocked, this Dao Severing person has a bloodstain from the forehead, rapidly spreads to the both legs, then sprinkles a big piece of blood, his body is divided into two halves, reverses to both sides! 所有人都震惊了,这位斩道者自眉心出现一道血痕,快速蔓延到双腿间,而后“噗”的一声洒落一大片鲜血,他的身子分为两半,倒向两旁! Ye Fan such as Demonic God, the black hair dances in the air, turns around, in the hand a divine spear point, bang destroyed dozens magic weapons, the quick charging light, compels nine Law orders, 'pu' sound, the sharp lance point pricks in another Dao Severing person forehead! 叶凡如一尊魔神,黑发飞舞,一个转身,手中神枪一点,轰的一声摧毁了数十件法宝,快过电光,迫开九种法则秩序,噗的一声,锋锐的枪尖刺入另一位斩道者的眉心中! Everyone was silly, Ye Fan kills this King, if pulls up weeds, is not strenuous, blood, drips to fall following spear shaft, on this face wrote all over panic-stricken, look solidification. 所有人都傻了,叶凡杀这位王者如拔草,根本不费力,鲜血点点,顺着枪杆淌落,此人脸上写满了惊恐,神色凝固。 Kills!” “杀!” One group of people flushed a moment ago, in the mouth shouted the killing character that has not fallen, two Dao Severing person died a violent death, making them shock. 刚才一群人冲了过来,口中喊出的杀字还没有落下呢,两个斩道者就死于非命了,让他们震撼。 „” “哧” Ye Fan swing divine spear sweeps away, this crowd of Ancient Race Powerhouse all called out pitifully, the flaming light is the number hundred zhang (333 m) together, has swept this region, everyone cut in two at the waist, pours in the pool of blood. 叶凡轮动神枪横扫,这群古族强者全都惨叫,一道炽盛的光长达数百丈,扫过这片区域,所有人都被腰斩,倒在血泊中。 This you!” Ye Fan is staring at the third person, a spear/gun majestic punctured, no complicated style, return to a natural state. “该你了!”叶凡盯着第三人,一枪大气磅礴的刺了出去,没有什么繁复的招式,返璞归真 This you!” Ye Fan is staring at the third person, a spear/gun majestic punctured, no complicated style, return to a natural state. “该你了!”叶凡盯着第三人,一枪大气磅礴的刺了出去,没有什么繁复的招式,返璞归真 This person bellows, the whole body scales fluttered about, turn into to kill the soldier to cut, and there are various ray of light twinkles, showed oneself most tyrannical Law, promoted the limit cultivation, resisted the archenemy. 这个人大吼,浑身鳞甲纷飞,化成杀兵斩了过来,且有各种道光闪烁,展现出了自己最强横的法则,将道行提升到了极限,对抗大敌。 However, all are unproductive, Ye Fan this spear/gun smashing vacuum, annihilated a big nihility, turned into fine powder all Divine Order Chain as well as dozens ancient treasure. 然而,一切都是徒劳的,叶凡这一枪粉碎真空,湮灭了一大片虚无,将所有秩序神链以及数十件古宝都化成了齑粉 “噗” A Ye Fan spear pierces enters his chest, blood rain sprinkles, when has not fallen to the ground becomes tribulation ash, this Dao Severing person whole person turning into light, evaporated in an instant a cleanness, destroy both body and soul! 叶凡一枪刺进他的胸膛,一片血雨洒落,未落地时就成为了劫灰,这名斩道者整个人光化,刹那间蒸发了个干净,形神俱灭 The Ye Fan look is tranquil, to returning walks, black spear body in hand feints, the life life was harvested one after another, a moment ago to the person were executed. 叶凡神色平静,向回走去,手中的黑色枪体指东打西,一条又一条生命生命被收割,刚才冲过来的人都被毙掉了。 You, when executes!” That practice more than thousand years of established King to be furious in Dao Severing Realm, rhombus vertical eye of forehead was dazzling. “你,当诛!”那个在斩道境界修行了千余年的老牌王者震怒,眉心的菱形竖眼璀璨夺目。 The Ye Fan look is desolate, said: I said that does not want with you for the enemy, but do not compel me!” 叶凡神色冷淡,道:“我说了,不想与你们为敌,但也不要逼我!” All gives on me!” The rear area has *** drinks, orders for the old this established King, one group of people clash. “全都给我上!”后方有***喝,替老这个老牌王者下了命令,一群人冲来。 However, many Ancient Race Powerhouse actually chose the onlooking, has moved, does not dare to go forward. 但是,更多的人古族强者却都选择了旁观,一动未动,不敢上前。 Ye Fan just now performance was too astonishing, subdued most people, all do not dare easily to act rashly, truly goes forward is the joy and sorrow counterparts. 叶凡方才的表现实在太惊人了,镇住了大部分人,皆不敢轻易妄动,真正上前的都是休戚相关者。 Bang “轰” The forehead lives an old man long and loud cry of vertical eye, top of the head above present Treasured Wheel, in the hand holds a dragon blade, cut horizontally. 额头生有竖眼的老者一声长啸,头顶上方现一个宝轮,手中更是握有一把龙刀,横斩了过来。 In the Ye Fan hand the long spear/gun shakes, the potential of first stimulation of movement within the body, spread along spear shaft, that is a peerless incomparable fluctuation! 叶凡手中长枪一抖,第一次催动体内的潜能,沿着枪杆蔓延了出去,那是一种绝世无匹的波动! In this moment, the entire black long spear/gun made a tsunami sound, bloomed the flaming light! 在这一刻,整条黑色的长枪发出了一阵海啸般的声响,绽放出了炽盛的光! At this time meanwhile, spear body just like transforming Dragon Transformation, Black Dragon that has the life recovers, the terrifying aura blots out the sky, probably piece of Star Sea in boiling! 此时此际,枪体宛如在蜕变化龙,一条有生命的黑龙复苏,恐怖气息铺天盖地,像是一片星海沸腾 In the lance point place, tens of thousands of wisp of black light burst out, submerged this place thoroughly, in the world eyes was only left over black divine spear! 在枪尖处,成千上万缕乌光迸发,将这个地方彻底淹没了,世人眼中只剩下了一杆黑色的神枪 Bang!” “轰!” A Ye Fan spear pierces, made the landslide tsunami sound, the ten directions sky is completely broken, a beam of black light projects. 叶凡一枪刺了出去,发出了山崩海啸般的声响,十方天空尽碎,一道乌光射出。 The dragon blade in this Old King hand becomes fine powder at the scene, head Treasured Wheel also blasts out, this spear/gun sewed him in the midair directly! 这个老王手中的龙刀当场成为齑粉,头上的宝轮亦炸开,这一枪直接将他钉在了半空中! “噗” Ye Fan draws spear, then makes an effort to sweep, a head of drop blood flies, crashes from his neck, flew horizontally. 叶凡拔枪,而后用力一扫,一颗滴血的头颅飞起,从其颈项上坠落,横飞了出去。 Ye Fan looked that has not looked at one , to continue stand forth, but there is an impediment spear/gun to be all killed violently, on road that he leads the way, the blood blooms, the skeleton falls to the ground. 叶凡看都没有看一眼,继续向前走去,但有阻挡者全都一枪毙命,在他前行的路上,鲜血绽放,尸骨倒地。 Then, Ancient Race Powerhouse such as the tide backs up generally, a make way path, avoids Fiendgod probably, is pale! 而后,古族强者如潮水一般倒退,闪开一条道路,像是躲避神魔般,全都脸色苍白! This was......” Human Race this side everyone shocked, cannot believe all these simply. “这是……”人族这一边所有人都震撼了,简直不敢相信这一切。 This person for killed that three Dao Severing person, meets no resistance, goes in solitarily, then such domineering killed, just like a Ancient war-god! 此人为了杀那三位斩道者,如入无人之境,只身进去,而后又这样强势的杀了出来,宛如一尊上古战神! The Ye Fan start buddhist commandment against taking life, asking Great Emperor to continue *** support, looks that had the feeling to vote, the present to the end of the month, let us *** in list strong, asking the brothers and sisters to support. 叶凡开动杀戒了,请各位大帝继续***支援,看着有感觉就请投票,现在到了月底了,让我们***榜上坚挺一把,请兄弟姐妹们支持。
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