STH :: Volume #11

#1030: Shock and awe

And a azure big hand is swiftest and fiercest, above has silk threads Yin Qi, probably a ghost emperor comes back to life, first searches, grasps to the body of Ye Tong. 其中一只青色的大手最为凌厉,上面带有丝丝缕缕的阴气,像是一位鬼帝复生,第一个探来,抓向叶瞳的躯体。 This azure hand is the number hundred zhang (333 m), fell with a mountain but actually got down general, letting the person must suffocate, absolutely was the Dao Severing King, and was exceptionally tyrannical. 这只青手长达数百丈,跟一座山岳倒落了下来一般,让人要窒息,绝对是斩道王者,且异常强横。 Like this is quite extreme to later generation take action, clarifies to be the good extinction matter, buries the talent in the cradle of growth, does not give him the opportunity to rise. 这样对一个后辈出手可谓极为极端,摆明就是要行绝灭事,将天才葬在成长的摇篮中,不给他机会崛起。 Ye Tong responded rapidly, the under foot Sun Essence Fire twinkle, cultivates certain crucial moment 'Travel' Character Secret Art that Ye Fan handed down, unified with own source, such as Golden Crow across the sky. He did not allow to send in the middle has avoided Dao Severing person must kill strikes! 叶瞳反应迅速,脚下太阳精火闪烁,将叶凡传下的行字诀修炼到了一定火候,与自己的本源相结合,如一只金乌横空。他在间不容发间躲避过了斩道者的必杀一击! Void seems like a piece of window mullion paper, was pulled rottenly by several big hands, 45 Dao Severing person take action, are unidentified, traverses the universe, launched the sure-kill. 虚空像是一片窗棂纸,被几只大手扯烂,前后共有四五位斩道者出手,身份不明,横断天宇,展开了绝杀。 Nine Heavens and Ten Earths simultaneously shake, Heaven and Earth Great Dao and cry, the method of everyone involved the strength of order, the Dao Spirit chain pierced Void together, interwove a brilliant Dao Principle world. 九天十地齐颤,天地大道和鸣,每一个人的手段都涉及到了秩序的力量,一道道神链洞穿虚空,交织成一片绚烂的道则世界。 Dares!” “敢尔!” The distant place, transmits shouts out, Dongfang Ye take action, he stands on the mountain has not moved, the opens the mouth puts out Barbarian King Blood Qi, turned into a mountain to crash, pounded in the midair. 远处,传来一声大喝,东方野出手,他站在山上未动,张口吐出一口蛮王血气,化成一堵山坠落了下来,砸在半空中。 Just likes the landslide tsunami, a innate essence blood that in Divine King Physique is beyond comparison, blasted out with stars generally, shakes to say the current ripple mark surely, sweeps across all around. 犹如山崩海啸,蛮神王体内的一道先天精血那是无以伦比的,跟一颗星辰炸开了一般,震出千万道波痕,席卷四面八方 Dares to move my big nephew, your tired of living!” Divine King bellows, True Body arrives, sends the silk to fly upwards, probably savage to become God. “敢动我大侄子,你们都活腻歪了吧!”蛮神王大吼,真身降临,发丝飞扬,像是野人成神 He wields the fists and feet, the ten directions wind and cloud is shocked, even if were separated by dozens over a hundred li (0.5 km) many mountain massifs to blast open, he such as a war-god was born. 他挥动拳脚,十方风云震动,即便相隔数十上百里的许多山体都炸裂了,他如一尊战神降世。 The distant place, the Ye Fan corners of the mouth show a wisp of happy expression, he knows that has these old friend here, has no need for his take action mostly. 远处,叶凡嘴角露出一缕笑意,他知道有这些故友在此,多半用不着他出手 Since Tong Tong dares to come this place, was the branch society some uncle, the little fellow had definitely grown up, knows that using the personal connection resources, was not swayed by personal feelings with joint forces for a while. 既然曈曈敢来此地,肯定是支会了一些叔伯,小家伙已经长大了,知道合力利用人脉资源,并非一时意气行事。 Divine King take action, in the past and Ye Fan, but the junction of Life and Death, these Dao Severing person want to strangle the rare talent to have the difficulty.” “蛮神王出手了,当年与叶凡可是生死之交,这几位斩道者想要扼杀奇才有难度。” South­ern Moun­tains' games Divine Blood lineage/vein are next to Human Race's Saint Physique, at the present the firmness of fleshly body, strength, is difficult to seek the rival!” 南岭的神血脉仅次于人族圣体,而今肉身之坚,战力之强,难寻敌手!” People shouted lightly, the showdowns of two young rare talents triggered confrontation of Dao Severing person unexpectedly, the tense atmosphere of scene to the extreme. 人们轻呼,两个年轻奇才的对决竟引发了斩道者的对峙,现场的气氛紧张到了极点。 Roar......” “吼……” A long and loud cry, distant place Monster Qi is dreadful, purple fog filled the air to come, to come up to launch the attack, together fuzzy silhouette hidden in middle, only had a pair of pupil sharply like the electricity, divine light shoots by the fog! 一声长啸,远处妖气滔天,一片紫雾弥漫而来,上来就发动了攻击,一道模糊的身影隐在当中,唯有双眸子犀利如电,神光透过雾霭射出来! Heavenly Monster King also take action, he is also the Saint Physique's old friend, at the present illustrious prestige heavenshaking, who dares to offend the front?” 天妖王出手了,他也是圣体的故友,而今赫赫威名震天下,谁敢撄锋?” Past Heavenly Monster Physique Innate was insufficient, when had not been born was the victim in the parent body, spends dozens years of painstaking effort to restore aptitude, at the present Dao Severing simply such as Monster God reincarnation!” “当年的天妖体先天不足,还未出生时在母体中就遭人暗算,费了数十年苦功才恢复资质,而今一斩道简直如妖神转生!” Yao Yuekong take action, coming up is one blow Heavenly Monster slaughter god, the whole person turned into a monster blade, cuts the world horizontally. 妖月空出手,上来就是一记天妖屠神式,整个人化成了一把妖刀,横斩天下。 “噗” The blood light splash, he gives to cleave in two a big hand together, the blood splash, the great hand breaks falls in the expansive sky. 一道血光飞溅,他将一只大手给劈成了两半,鲜血飞溅,巨手断落在长空中。 Angrily roars to transmit, the arm that simultaneous/uniform wrist breaks retreated fast, vanishes in Void, ate violent to owe, the blood dyed Heaven and Earth. 一声怒吼传来,那齐腕而断的手臂快速退去,消失在了虚空中,吃了一个暴亏,血染天地 Brushes “刷” Five Colors divine light flashes, Peacock King appears, the rosy cloud soars to the heavens on, several big hand Master- set up the fuzzy body in Void to sweep to fly. 五色神光一闪,孔雀王出现,霞冲霄而上,将几只大手的主人-立在虚空中的模糊身体都扫飞了出去。 The distant place, people suck in a cold breath, Heavenly Monster Physique, Dongfang Ye of the world wait/etc. had become a side King in years past vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, in addition Peacock King established Monster King, so protects like this, who dares to move Tong Tong? 远处,人们都倒吸冷气,昔年纵横天下的天妖体东方野等都已成为了一方王者,再加上孔雀王这样的老牌妖王,如此相护,谁敢动曈曈 Even if Saint Physique had departed, however his disciple cannot humiliate, his group of old friends are rule a side at the present Dao Severing person.” “即便圣体已经离去了,但是他的的弟子也不是可以欺凌的,他的这帮故人而今都是君临一方的斩道者。” Did not say others, only in these three standing standpoints, must make many strong people have a headache and fear, any can the prestige near a side. 不说其他人,单是这三位屹立场中,就得让众多强人头疼与惧怕,任何一个都可以威临一方。 Big power and prestige, three king Linshi, together is over a junior, but is Saint Physique's disciple that's all, is worth?” Far spatial, transmits cold Chi, the tone is bad, two walk to here. “好大的威风,三王临世,一起为一个小辈出头,不过是一个圣体的弟子而已,值得吗?”远空,传来一声冷嗤,语气不善,有两人向这里走来。 Yao Yuekong cold sound said: Some people are not self-possessed, is the showdown of junior, must insert one, strangles the rare talent, feels all right to blame others.” 妖月空冷声道:“有些人不自重,原本是小辈的对决,偏偏要插上一手,扼杀奇才,也好意思责怪别人。” „In the world always has the person who some are not concerned about face, the matter of junior must mix, compelling us to take action.” Dongfang Ye said is very direct, unusual impolite. “世上总有一些不要脸的人,小辈的事非要掺和进去,逼得我们都不得不出手。”东方野说的很直接,非常的不客气 Tong Tong you first go back, making your uncle come and with them talking about old days.” Peacock King said. 曈曈你先回去,让你这些叔伯来和和他们‘叙叙旧’。”孔雀王说道。 Many thanks Grandpa Peacock King, all right, I in side looked that the little while walks.” Ye Tong shy saying with a smile. “多谢孔雀王爷爷,没事的,我就在旁边看会儿就走。”叶瞳腼腆的笑道。 He does not fight time looks very delicate, a human and animals harmless appearance, with just now wild and aggressive widely divergent. 他不战斗的时候看起来很清秀,一副人畜无害的样子,与方才的狂野与霸气大相径庭。 Hey, among Dao Severing person talking about old days, a kid also dares to mix, acts recklessly.” Comes the person to sneer. “嘿,斩道者间‘叙旧’,一个小屁孩也敢掺和进来,不知死活。”来人冷笑。 This is two man who seems like the supernatural might, Essence, Qi and Spirit is abundant, in the forehead has steaming Divine Flame to beat, but on one of them 's frontal bone lives an alone corner/horn, probably is setting up Divinity. 这是两个看起来很神武的男子,精气神充沛,眉心间有腾腾神焰跳动,而其中一人的额骨上更是生有一支独角,像是立着一尊神祇 They are Heavenly Sovereign's Son two great war, the age in this Saint, various place visited clans all respect, the world is difficult to seek the opponent.” “他们是天皇子的两大战将,在这圣人不出的年代,所过之处各族皆敬,天下难寻对手。” Unexpectedly is these two, they represented the Heavenly Sovereign's Son will, is powerful, these years sweep away all mighty people, do not know that killed many overlords!” “竟是这两人,他们代表了天皇子的意志,实力强大,这些年来横扫诸雄,也不知杀了多少霸主!” People all changed the color, person who this is two has the background greatly, is in Ancient Race illustrious expert, went to Heavenly Sovereign's Son, at the present few dares to annoy. 人们全都变了颜色,这是两个大有来头的人,是古族中赫赫有名的高手,投奔了天皇子,而今几乎无人敢惹。 Any Dao Severing person, Sovereign Black said that sooner or later will seize you, when combat pet.” Ye Tong ridicules, is in sharp opposition, in the outstanding people facing two Dao Severing does not fear. “什么斩道者,黑皇说了,早晚去捉你们当战宠。”叶瞳揶揄,针锋相对,面对两个斩道中的佼佼者也不惧。 Mentioned big black dog, one group of people were full the forehead to brave the heavy line, these two Ancient Race Powerhouse were the look is more callous, projects the murder vision. 提到大黑狗,一群人都满脑门子冒黑线,这两名古族强者更是眼神冷酷,射出杀人般的目光。 Sooner or later will butcher it!” One of them's indifferent saying. “早晚宰了它!”其中一人冷漠的说道。 These two come, just now take action several people walk, is tough, both sides play out. 这两人一现身,方才出手的几人又都走来,形势严峻,双方剑拔弩张。 Hey, for these years was peacefully static, no fight fervor, does not have the love affair to compromise, today is finally interesting.” “嘿,这几年太平静了,没有什么战斗激情,也无风花雪月来调和,今日总算有趣了。” Wears silver white battlesuit, slender, to shoulder the Comparable To Heaven Painted Halberd man to walk, looks very gentle, occasionally light that but the eye pupil will project the fearful heart and soul! 一个身穿银白战衣、身材颀长、背负方天画戟的男子走来,看起来很文静,但是眼眸偶尔间会射出慑人心魄的光! This is the Demonic God Race young prince, was the outstanding person in Dao Severing in the past few years, makes a debut has not defeated, invincible.” “这是魔神族的小王爷,是近几年来斩道中的佼佼者,出道至今还未尝一败,所向无敌。” Not only Human Race numerous many Powerhouse change color, is the Ancient Race person also changes countenance, has not thought Dao Severing person that another could be called the number wanted take action. 不仅人族众诸多强者变色,就是古族的人也都动容,没有想到又一尊叫得上号的斩道者出手 Demonic God Race is a resplendence strong clan, does not dare not to dare to take this nomen. Although once declined, but the association/will rises again, the Dao Severing King of this/should clan makes one not dare to belittle. 魔神族是一个辉煌灿烂的强族,不敢也不敢取此族名。虽然曾一度衰落,但总会再一次崛起,该族的斩道王者都让人不敢小觑。 In addition the Heavenly Sovereign's Son two right arms arrived, three people walk in the forefront, immediately blocked Dongfang Ye and Yao Yuekong they. 再加上天皇子的两名得力干将到了,三人走在最前面,当即就挡住了东方野妖月空他们。 The rear four people are sporty immediately, places goes forward in dim fog within large strides, must scold Ye Tong they, shuts off the talent. 后方的四人立时底气十足,身处在朦胧的雾霭中大步上前,要责难叶瞳他们,扼杀天才。 Big nephew goes back.” Dongfang Ye said, then definitely will have a Dao Severing person showdown, if some people of took out Holy Artifact, is not wonderful the important matter. “大侄子回去吧。”东方野道,接下来肯定会有一场斩道者的对决,万一有人祭出圣器,那将大事不妙。 Good, I walk immediately.” Ye Tong replied. “好的,我马上就走。”叶瞳答道。 Yao Yuekong they pour are not Tong Tong worried, because this is the child who big black dog raises, has numerous number fragmentarily, casual Formation Altar may break through, perhaps can also instead kill some people. 妖月空他们倒也不为曈曈担心,因为这可是大黑狗养大的孩子,身上的零零碎碎多不胜数,随便一座阵台就可突围出去,说不定还能反杀一些人。 They too understood that the personality of that dog, dares to move its root hair, it will gnaw off your ten meat, will not make Tong Tong come out to suffer a loss absolutely. 他们太了解那只狗的性情了,敢动它一根毛,它会咬掉你十口肉,绝对不会让曈曈出来吃大亏。 Said that Saint Physique how, I looked that has unearned reputation, what a pity he walked early for more than ten years, otherwise Heavenly Sovereign's Son cuts tribulation ash him!” “都说圣体如何了得,我看不过是浪得虚名,可惜他早走了十几年,不然天皇子将他斩成劫灰!” Two powerful Dao Severing person laugh was saying, they said a word frivolous, in the eye only then Heavenly Sovereign's Son, these years followed loyally in his side. 两名强大的斩道者大笑着说道,他们言语轻狂,眼中只有一个天皇子,这些年来忠心追随在他的身边。 They fully realized, Heavenly Sovereign's Son past and Human Race's Saint Physique long standing grudge was quite deep, today wants to provoke, finds the opportunity to execute Ye Fan's disciple. 他们深知,天皇子昔日与人族圣体旧怨颇深,今日就是想挑衅,找机会毙掉叶凡的弟子 Two people spoke like this, the abatement small number of people echoed outside, most people chose silent, who dares to say like this? 两人这样说话,除却少数人附和外,大多数人都选择沉默,谁敢这样说? In the past, prestige that Ye Fan may really kill, before departure, a Sky Breaking Mountain Range war, bloody water directly incarnadine mountain massif, killed Sun and Moon lost radiance. 当年,叶凡可真是杀出来的声威,在离去前,天断山脉一战,血水直接染红了山体,杀的日月无光 Even Yuan Gu such ancient Sovereign blood lineage/vein and Hua Yunfei exiled the immortal characters to give to cut like this, the illustrious prestige, depended entirely on the actual combat. 元古这样的古皇血脉、华云飞这样谪仙般的人物都给斩了,赫赫威名,全靠实战而成。 Ye Tong coldly smiled and said: My master departed for more than ten years, you dare to say this words, how in the past does not dare to jump, killed your cleanness!” 叶瞳冷哂道:“我师父离去十几年了,你们才敢说出这种话,当年怎么不敢跳出来,杀你们一个干净!” These two sneer again and again, pours has not haggled over at the argument, the stride compels forward. Dongfang Ye and the others the complexion sank, immediately blocks their way. 这两人冷笑连连,倒也没有在口舌上计较,大步向前逼去。东方野等人脸色沉了下来,立刻挡住了他们的去路。 Only takes five years, I can fight the world for my master, among you anybody came me to receive!” Ye Tong said that spoken language simply and ear-spitting. “只需五年,我便可替我师战天下,你们当中的任何人来了我都接下!”叶瞳道,言语干脆与震耳。 One group of people changed the color, looked was more abundant to Tong Tong vision murderous intention, wants to execute the heavy hand, strangled it. 一群人都变了颜色,望向曈曈的眼光杀机更盛了,都想施辣手,将其扼杀。 The distant place, people look at each other in blank dis­may, is none who does not surprised, fights the world for the master, lets everyone mind severe tremor. 远处,众人面面相觑,莫不吃惊,代师战天下,让每一个人都心神剧震 Saint Physique, although departed, but trained good disciple, continued his power and influence.” Many people sighed. 圣体虽然离去了,但是去培养出了一个好弟子,延续了他的威势。”许多人叹道。 Bang “轰” The astonishing aura sends out, has probably silk threads Archaic Saint Might, people are startled, both sides may use Holy Artifact. 惊人的气息散发出,像是有丝丝缕缕的远古圣威,人们吃惊,双方可能会动用圣器 Dongfang Ye and Yao Yuekong they and Heavenly Sovereign's Son two go-getter as well as Demonic God Race young prince confronts, no one dares to act rashly, really wants took out Holy Artifact, that matter was big. 东方野妖月空他们与天皇子的两位干将以及魔神族的小王爷对峙,谁都没有敢轻举妄动,真要祭出圣器,那事情就大了。 However, side that four people have not actually stopped, goes to Tong Tong killing. 然而,旁边那四人却没有停下,一齐向曈曈扑杀而去。 Uncle grandfather, I first went back, today thank you.” Ye Tong they said goodbye to Dongfang Ye and Peacock King, prepared to open Void Portal to depart by the altar. “叔伯爷爷,我先回去了,今天谢谢你们。”叶瞳东方野孔雀王他们告辞,准备以祭坛打开虚空之门离去。 The distant place, the Ye Fan pupil god splendor flashes, these Dao Severing person go too far, bullies the weak, compelling oneself disciple to escape. 远处,叶凡眸子神辉闪动,这几位斩道者欺人太甚,以大欺小,逼得自己的弟子远遁。 At this time, Dongfang Ye and Yao Yuekong they and person confront, alert the Holy Ar­ti­fact's attack, without rash action. 此时,东方野妖月空他们与人对峙,戒备圣器的攻击,没有妄动。 In the Ye Fan palm magnificent light flashes, black spear body appears, his stand forth, went to the battlefield center with stride step by step. 叶凡掌心中光华一闪,一杆黑色的枪体出现,他大步向前走去,一步一步来到了战场中心。 Presents such a person inexplicably, lets many cultivator one astonishment, does not know that which side he is, to whose take action. 莫名出现这样一个人,让许多修士都一阵惊异,不知他属于哪一方,将会对谁出手 You leave behind the life to come.” The Ye Fan light words have a strong deterrent force, takes a fast look around front four Dao Severing person. “你们都留下命来吧。”叶凡平淡的话语带着一种强大的威慑力,扫视前方的四位斩道者 People heart startled, this obviously for another person who Ye Tong raises one's head, but why has not seen, unexpectedly no one can recognize. 众人心惊,这明显是为叶瞳出头的又一个人,可是为何从来没有见到过,居然没有一个人能认出。 Who you are, is anything, dares so to boast shamelessly!” “你是谁,算什么东西,敢如此大言不惭!” Even if Ye Fan came back, forgives him still not necessarily to dare to speak like this!” “即便是叶凡回来了,谅他也不见得敢这样说话!” Human Race's Saint Physique is gone, in dust that its buries in the history, you actually for its disciple over, do not understand the onset and retreat forcefully!” 人族圣体已成为过去,其名葬在历史的尘埃中,你却强行为其弟子出头,不懂进退!” Four Dao Severing person each and every one looks are callous, on the face filled was indifferent and brutal. 四位斩道者一个个神色冷酷,脸上充满了冷漠与无情。 Ye Fan not many languages, a spear/gun punctured, this spear/gun return to a natural state, the simple nature, without Great Dao and cry, does not have extremely heavy divine force, but made four people change the color at the scene. 叶凡不多语,一枪就刺了出去,这一枪返璞归真,朴实自然,没有大道和鸣,没有万钧神力,但是却让四人当场都变了颜色。 They know that met terrifying expert! 他们知道遇上了恐怖的高手 These four people all exhaust ability take action, wants to strike to kill Ye Fan with joint forces, however situation quick not as everyone expected. 这四人全都竭尽所能出手,想要合力将叶凡击杀,然而形势变化之快出乎所有人的意料。 A spear/gun! 一枪! Merely one spear/gun that's all! 仅仅一枪而已 The sonorous sound shakes Heaven and Earth, the blood light blooms, a sad and shrill pitiful yell sound spreads, making everyone be scared. 铿锵之音震天地,血光绽放,一声凄厉的惨叫声传出,让所有人都发毛。 Black spear body in Ye Fan hand pierced Dao Severing person, its high nail in the midair, fresh blood dripping, this King makes above, actually did not get rid. 叶凡手中的黑色枪体刺穿了一位斩道者,将其高高的钉在半空中,鲜血淋淋,这位王者在上面挣动,却摆脱不了。 This scene scared stiff everyone, each cultivator scared god trembled, is this what kind of character?! 这个场景惊住了所有人,每一个修士都胆寒神颤,这是何等的人物?! When spear/gun took out, initially light plain, but the final flash makes Mountains and Rivers change colors, Sun and Moon lost radiance, merely one spear/gun selecting to kill a Dao Severing tyrannical King! 一枪祭出,初时平淡无华,可是最终的一刹那却让山河失色,日月无光,仅仅一枪就将一位斩道的强横王者给挑杀了! Ye Fan seems like Demonic God the same as stand there, several other Dao Severing person chill down the spine, are trembling backing up, was really daunted. 叶凡像是魔神一样立在那里,另外几个斩道者毛骨发寒,颤栗着倒退,真的被吓住了。 Is he, unexpectedly is Myriad Beginnings Holy Land that living fossil, at the present Dao Severing, the promotion is a King! “是他,竟然是万初圣地的那位活化石,而今已经斩道,晋升为一个王者了! Some people called out in alarm, recognize this to be pierced and revealed expert of true colors by a spear/gun. 有人惊呼,认出了这个被一枪洞穿、露出了真面目的高手 Ye Fan is unemotional, holds a gun single-handed, is selecting this Dao Severing King like this, walks toward Myriad Beginnings Holy Land people there, making these person of bodies all over the body icy cold. 叶凡面无表情,单手持枪,就这样挑着这位斩道王者,向万初圣地众人那里走去,让这些人身体通体冰凉。 His spear/gun probably is extremely heavy the heavy mountain to be common, presses in the heart of this Holy Land everyone, as he walks step by step, the people mind must crack. 他的枪像是万钧重山一般,压在这一圣地每一个人的心头,随着他一步一步走来,众人心神都要崩裂了。 Ye Fan met no resistance, holds up the spear/gun to go forward, arrived at the front of this group of people, the look indifferently to the extreme, is staring at everyone. 叶凡如入无人之境,擎枪上前,来到了这群人的面前,神色冷漠到了极点,盯着每一个人。 In this moment, completely silent, Myriad Beginnings Holy Land people cold sweat long class/flow, after never expected that their prime elder take action, encountered such fate. 在这一刻,鸦雀无声,万初圣地的众人冷汗长流,没有想到他们的一位元老出手后遭遇了这样的下场。 Ye Fan holds up long spear high, is sewing that King, but the sweptback direction front, almost arrives before should teach the Holy Lord's body. 叶凡大枪高高举起,钉着那位王者,而后斜指向前方,几乎抵在了该教圣主的身前。 He has no spoken language, in the pupil indifferent, took action to make the best response, is in front of entire world person, is selecting their kings, this was one blow fills killing intent hitting slap resoundingly! 他没有任何言语,眸子中只是冷漠,以行动作出了最好的回应,当着全天下人的面,挑着他们的王,这是一记响亮而充满杀意的打耳光 The people keep silent, no one spoke, even the atmosphere does not dare to leave, all intense attention. 众人噤若寒蝉,没有一个人说话,甚至大气都不敢出,全都紧张的关注。 This is shocks Holy Land in by one's effort. 这是在以一己之力震慑一个圣地 Bang “砰” Black spear body in Ye Fan hand trembles, this Dao Severing living fossil ruptured, the blood splashed at the scene, turns into a big piece of broken bone block and blood rain, incarnadine sky. 叶凡手中的黑色的枪体一颤,这位斩道活化石当场崩开了,鲜血溅起,化成一大片碎骨块与血雨,染红了天空。 This is the naked deterrent, is selecting a Holy Land's king, in their Sect Master front suppress and kill! 这是赤裸裸的威慑,挑着一个圣地的王,在他们的教主的面前镇杀 Ye Fan returns to the first small war. Wiped away tears saying that for was not painful, asking everyone to scatter ***. Does not want to summon also to summon, will otherwise explode. 叶凡回归第一次小战。挥泪说,为了不痛,请大家撒***。不想呼唤也得呼唤,不然会爆掉了。
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