STH :: Volume #11

#1029: Is all connected invincibly

Fire Spirit Ravine, infertile, deeply worried, before that is the endless years, stays behind, will never abate. 火灵壑,寸草不生,一片焦灼,那是无尽岁月前留下的,永不消退。 The Four directions person's shadow is ample, on the hills of distant place everywhere is cultivator, many people sneer, thinks Ye Tong to be young and impetuous, must suffer a loss. 四野人影绰绰,远处的群山上到处都是修士,许多人冷笑不已,认为叶瞳年轻气盛,必会吃大亏。 In the field, Mo Xue sends by the Purple Gold crown bunch, the face such as the blade truncates, the heroic spirit compels the person, is distinctive, the look such as the cold star lives the splendor shiningly, body each pore has Essence Qi in the turnover. 场中,莫雪紫金冠束发,脸如刀削,英气迫人,棱角分明,眼神如寒星灿灿生辉,肌体每一个毛孔都有精气在吞吐。 Has Great Dao aura to follow the thunder on his body continuously, this was obtained Dao Traces that the Heaven and Earth approval gave birth to path of cultivation to the certain extent, with the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths resonance. 在他的身上有一缕缕大道气息伴随电闪雷鸣,这是修道到了一定程度得到天地认可而生出的道痕,与九天十地共鸣。 Buzz “嗡” Mo Xue in this time take action, arrived quickly inconceivable, the cold light according to the armor, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth was cold Hui, the Void big crack cut to fall together, the vault of heaven trembled. 莫雪在这时出手,快到不可思议,寒光照铁衣,天上地下都是冷辉,一道虚空大裂斩落下,苍穹颤栗。 He refers to like the blade, this strikes the might to be infinite, many Sect Master on the scene change color continually, this speed and strength world are rare, even they thought that is difficult to keep off. 他并指如刀,这一击威力无穷,连在场的许多教主都变色,这种速度与力量天下少见,连他们都觉得难挡。 Ye Tong whole body flame twinkle, in pupil bright such as Yang, the hand pinches Sun Divine Arts, the fingertip projects together golden glow, this is Sun sword qi, sharp incomparable. 叶瞳浑身火光闪烁,眸子中灿烂如阳,手捏太阳神诀,指尖射出一道金芒,这是太阳剑气,犀利无匹。 Clang “锵” In Void sparks flying in all directions, the Void big crack cut Sun sword qi to burst out the large expanse of brilliance to, probably the fireworks is blooming, was beautiful and eye-catching. However, made person everyone change the color, the secret exclamation, these two small age had like this big divine ability, if really grew, this also! 虚空中火花四溅,虚空大裂斩对上了太阳剑气迸发出成片的光辉,像是烟花在绽放,美丽而夺目。然而,却让人所有人都变了颜色,暗暗惊叹,这两人小小年纪就有这样的大神通,真要是成长起来,这还了得吗! shout!” “咤!” In the Mo Xue mouth clear roar, spouts innate essence, turns into waves, that is a 108 wisp of sound wave small sword, attacks to the head of Ye Tong, unusual sudden. 莫雪口中清啸,喷出一口先天精气,化成一片道波,那是一百零八缕音波小剑,冲击向叶瞳的头颅,非常的突然。 Trim Void such as window mullion paper same crash-bang vibration, all air currents clash randomly, various mountain peak flying sand and rocks, ancient wood all becomes fine powder. 整片虚空都如窗棂纸一样哗啦啦抖动,所有气流都乱冲,各座山峰飞沙走石,古木全都成为了齑粉 bo “啵” Said that wave small sword flaws of this Heaven and Earth Void impact, let alone is the flesh and blood person, once were hit is inevitably tattered. 道波小剑将这天地虚空冲击的千疮百孔,更何况是血肉之躯的人,一旦被打中必然破破烂烂。 Ye Tong is unafraid in time of danger, both of his hands paddles, haunches one muddily, if the as if made by heaven golden circle, shakes radiant war air/Qi, covers oneself body. 叶瞳临危不惧,他双手划动,撑起一个浑若天成的黄金圆,震出一片璀璨的战气,将己身笼罩在内。 Said the wave to fluctuate, submerges the golden circle, but is hard the damage, Ye Tong various law did not moisten the body, gave to block that sharp sound wave small sword. 道波起伏,淹没黄金圆,可是难以将之损坏,叶瞳诸法不沾身,将那犀利音波小剑都给挡住了。 Ye Fan past gold circle reappeared!” Some people call out in alarm. 叶凡当年的黄金圆再现了!”有人惊呼。 People will not forget when Ye Fan evolves the Taiji scene, Myriad Laws does not invade the body, the golden circle haunches, once shocked Era in the past. 人们不会忘记叶凡演化太极时的情景,万法不侵身,黄金圆撑起,曾于过去震慑了一个时代 To/Clashes furiously, Sun Essence Fire is turbulent, Ye Tong launched the swift and fierce counter-attack, bathes in the flame, Sun of space seems like lives for him specially, was towed the firepower of Dao Spirit secret by him his shape such as a fire god, Flame overflowing the Heavens from his body , the fever collapsed together Void, forwards turbulently. 光火冲起,太阳精火汹涌,叶瞳展开了凌厉的反击,沐浴在火光中,天上的太阳像是专为他而生,被他牵引来一道道神秘的火力他形如一个火神,滔天火焰从他肌体内冲起,烧塌了虚空,汹涌向前。 Mo Xue has to avoid, takes out jet black treasure fan to Void is being a leaf, destroyed completely the big piece flame unexpectedly instantaneously, the cold air/Qi whiz whiz. 莫雪不得不躲避,取出一个漆黑的宝扇对着虚空就是一扇,竟然瞬间灭掉了大片的火焰,冷气嗖嗖。 Is Supreme Yin Palm-leaf Fan!” Some people call out in alarm. “是太阴芭蕉扇!”有人惊呼。 This fan whole world is difficult to seek, takes growing in the Extreme Yin Land Japanese banana to refine as the material, various joined rare treasure inscriptions on stone tablet and bronze could not count, the consumption is really great, this is a Ancient rare treasure. 这种扇子举世难寻,是以生长在极阴之地的芭蕉为材料炼成,加入的各种稀珍金石等数不过来,耗费甚巨,这是一件上古秘宝。 The Mo Xue fan, the Supreme Yin Palm-leaf Fan black fog is dreadful, probably ice blades cut in the soul of people, the god mortal form wanted broken, cold piercing. 莫雪再扇,太阴芭蕉扇黑雾滔天,像是一把冰刀斩在了人们的灵魂上,神魄欲碎,寒冷刺骨。 People in distant place back up all, the vegetation on various mountain massifs first ice up, then turns into black fine powder, is difficult to keep off the cold air. 远处的人们无不倒退,各座山体上的草木第一时间结冰,而后化成黑色的齑粉,难挡寒气。 A Ye Tong seeing that pupil rapid contraction, the opposite party prepares sufficiently for opposite party his Sun Holy Force, but he does not fear. 叶瞳见状瞳孔一阵急骤收缩,对方为了对方他的太阳圣力可谓准备充足,但是他并不惧。 He aims at Heavenly Sun single-handedly, aims at the rival single-handedly, rumble thunderous lingering on faintly, can in the clear sight sky large expanse of blazing up to fall. 他一手指向天日,一手指向敌手,隆隆雷鸣不绝于耳,可以清晰的见到天空中成片的炽光落下。 This is shocking great generosity! 这是一种让人震惊的大手笔 Ye Tong the red glowing sun of space Great Artifact, the flame that received and instructed obstructed the day to shade directly at the scene, submerged in his top of the skull, then turned into source Holy Force, charged into Mo Xue. 叶瞳直接将天上的红日当场了“大器”,接引下来的火光遮天蔽地,没入他的天灵盖中,而后化成本源圣力,冲向莫雪 “噗” In sharp opposition, the fierce resistance, Mo Xue prevents Sun Essence Fire by Supreme Yin Palm-leaf Fan, between both now hot and now cold, the temperature difference is enormous. 针锋相对,剧烈的对抗,莫雪太阴芭蕉扇阻挡太阳精火,两者间忽冷忽热,温差变化极大。 In the mountainous regions, many giant stone previous quarters turned into the magma, latter the moment and becomes the solid, then cracked as a result of freezing, the scene is scary. 山地间,许多巨石前一刻化成了岩浆,后一刻又成为固体,而后被冻裂,景象吓人。 Said fire and water have no mercy, these two strengths fight in the same place words, absolutely is a catastrophe, two types extreme to bumping, each time scrap vault of heaven. 都说水火无情,这两种力量战在一起的话,绝对是一场大灾难,两种极端的对碰,每一次都炸碎天穹。 Extinguished the world, is going to extinguish the world!” Where many small cultivator have seen such magnificent scene, frightens the complexion snow white, could not bear call out in alarm. “灭世了,将要灭世了!”许多小修士哪里见过这样的大场面,吓得脸色雪白,忍不住惊叫了起来。 This time scene is really scary, Ye Tong regarded the weapon Sun of space, the large expanse of flame blots out the sky , the vault of heaven becomes the sea of fire thoroughly. 此时的景象实在过于骇人,叶瞳将天上的太阳当成了武器,成片的火光铺天盖地而下,天穹彻底成为了火海。 All flaming light, gathered in rivers finally, entered Ye Tong top of the skull, then hit to front Myriad Beginnings Holy Son, the might was dreadful. 所有炽盛的光,最终汇聚成了一道河流,进入叶瞳天灵盖,而后打向前方的万初圣子,威力滔天。 Supreme Yin Palm-leaf Fan this rare treasure was about unable to withstand, made the ka-cha ka-cha sound, on the black fan body presented fissures, being cut off that must be burnt. 太阴芭蕉扇这件秘宝都快承受不住了,发出咔嚓咔嚓的声音,黑色的扇体上面出现了一道道裂痕,要被烧的断掉了。 Ye Fan's this disciple is extraordinary, has big imposing attitude, regarded the palm to refer to Sun, Moon and Stars this grade of heavenly body the weapon, was really impressive!” 叶凡的这个弟子了不得,有大气魄,将日月星辰这等天体都当成了掌指中的武器,实在让人惊叹!” Many elder characters stare dumbfounded, although the front temperature is flaming, turned into the magma more than ten mountains, however their backs actually give birth to cold air. 许多老辈人物都瞠目结舌,虽然面前温度炽盛,将十几座大山都化成了岩浆,但是他们的脊背却生出一股寒气。 The distant place, the Ye Fan smile nods, more than ten years passed by, little fellow who that love cries really grew up, can assume sole responsibility for an important task fully, this power and influence makes him astonished, the future achievement will be limitless. 远处,叶凡微笑点头,十几年过去了,那个爱哭的小家伙真的的长大了,足可以独挡一面了,这种威势让他都惊异,将来的成就不可限量。 Heart has big imposing attitude, the path can be far.” Divine Knight said. “心有大气魄,道路才能远。”神骑士道。 Mo Xue shouts out, put away Supreme Yin Palm-leaf Fan, ten fingers of together open up, projected ten lightning glow unexpectedly, separates the expansive sky. 莫雪一阵大喝,竟收起太阴芭蕉扇,十指齐张,射出十道电芒,割裂长空。 Everyone is astonished, this his put away powerful rare treasure, the bare-handed attack, doesn't this raise unexpectedly evades to be long short? 所有人都惊异,这他竟然收起强大的秘宝,徒手攻击,这不是扬短避长吗? However, Ye Fan actually frowns, in the eyes projects two dazzling light, talked to oneself: No wonder can with having the person of Sun Saint Sovereign bloodlines fights, is very rare physique...... is not simple.” 然而,叶凡却皱起了眉头,双目中射出两道刺目的光,自语道:“难怪能与拥有太阳圣皇血脉的人一战,也是很罕见的体质……不简单。” Only the small number of people perceived that exceptionally, these ten lightning glow are very special, terrifying aura of embodiment silk threads, making one constrain. 只有少数人觉察到了异常,这十道电芒很特别,内蕴丝丝缕缕的恐怖气机,让人压抑。 Bang “砰” Finally, lightning glow blasted out, has the dreadful flame to collide in together, does not drop the wind, even may annihilate the large expanse of Saint flame. 终于,电芒炸开了,有滔天的火光碰撞在一起,不落下风,甚至可湮灭成片的圣焰。 This is anything, Primal Chaos thunder light!” Some people call out in alarm. “这是什么,混沌雷光!”有人惊呼。 But most people opened the pupil, reveals look that does not believe that this did many big ages dare refining Primal Chaos? The elder characters do not dare. 而绝大多数人都睁大了眸子,露出不相信的神色,这才多大的年龄就敢炼化混沌了?连老辈人物都不敢。 Under Ye Tong expression grave, opens greatly gathers greatly, driving all over the sky flame to suppress Mo Xue, Sun of space lets fall tens of thousands of wisp of waterfall magnificent light. 叶瞳神色凝重,大开大合,带动满天的火焰压制莫雪,天上的太阳垂落下成千上万缕瀑布般的光华 This time Mo Xue is quite fearful, probably turned into Divinity, the thunder, each pore is spurting the electric arc all over the body outward. 此时的莫雪极为可怕,像是化成了一尊神祇,通体电闪雷鸣,每一个毛孔都在向外喷电弧。 This is not the common thunder and lightning, unexpectedly is Primal Chaos thunder light, very few saw in Heavenly Tribulation, chops to fall, is shocking attacking! 这并不是寻常的雷电,竟然都是混沌雷光,在天劫中都很少见到,劈落下来,是惊世的攻伐! The people are in a daze, the Mo Xue anything background, can such governing Primal Chaos the line, he raise hand to lift in the feet unexpectedly Primal Chaos thunder light radiate all around, the striking power in the peer absolutely is existence of heaven defying. 众人发呆,莫雪什么来头,竟可以这样御混沌而行,他举手抬足间混沌雷光四射,攻击力在同辈中绝对是逆天的存在。 „Is this that physique that...... Myr­iad Be­gin­nings needs?” “这是……万初所需的那种体质?” How many ten thousand years, Myriad Beginnings Holy Land tracked down with hardship, was don't tell me...... really sought that physique in legend by them?” “多少万年了,万初圣地苦苦追寻,难道说……真的被他们寻到了传说中的那种体质?” Many people are shocked, if guess not wrong 许多人都震惊,猜测若没有错的话 Is unparalleled in the world no ball window 独步天下无弹窗 , Myriad Beginnings Holy Land may really be after the bitter comes the sweet, sought one immortal seedling. ,万初圣地可真是苦尽甘来,寻到了一株“仙苗”。 Right, he very possible is Primal Chaos Physique!” Some person of said solemnly. “没错,他很可能是混沌体!”有人沉声道 Myr­iad Be­gin­nings, by this name established Sect, can explain their some religious doctrines, Heaven and Earth initial Era, the myriad things are newborn, from Primal Chaos. 万初,以这个名字立教,可以阐释他们的部分教义,天地初始时代,万物初生,源自混沌 Their ancient scripture, what tells is some Secret Art in Primal Chaos, complicated mysterious, middle has the secret of beginning of Heaven and Earth extremely. 他们的古经,所讲述的是混沌中的一些秘法,极其繁奥,当中更有天地之始的秘密。 But must refine such scripture, actually very difficult, only if inborn compatible Primal Chaos, agrees with the myriad things initial aura, can achieve the highest achievement. 而要炼成这样的经义,却非常的艰难,除非天生亲和混沌,与万物初始的气息相吻合,才能达到最高成就。 But such person hardly may seek, so many years pass by, they have not seen one, should teach never born Powerhouse of invincible world. 可是这样的人几乎不可寻,这么多年过去,他们就从来没有见到过一个,该教从未诞生过无敌天下的强者 At the present, they as if found! 而今,他们似乎找到了! Really is inconceivable, in the world really has this physique, no wonder, Myriad Beginnings Holy Land is sporty, must by disciple with the Saint Physique's successor showdown.” “真是不可思议,世上竟然有这种体质,难怪啊,万初圣地底气十足,要以弟子圣体的继承者对决。” People cannot bear the discussion. 人们都忍不住议论。 Clang “锵” Mo Xue forehead magnificent light flashes, projects a about 1 inch long small sword, stands chops to Ye Tong, peerless sharp, ten thousand wisps of Primal Chaos Qi let fall, is terrifying. 莫雪的眉心光华一闪,射出一枚寸许长的小剑,立劈向叶瞳,绝世犀利,万缕混沌气垂落,非常恐怖。 A Ye Tong long and loud cry, in the forehead departs fiery red sun bell, hits to the sword, between both erupts the flaming light, swept across all around. 叶瞳一声长啸,眉心中飞出一口火红的太阳钟,撞向道剑,两者间爆发炽盛的光,席卷了四面八方 The Four directions mountain seems like the paper sticks, turns into tribulation ash, everyone has hidden to the distant place, feared that was affected. 四野的大山像是纸糊的一样,化成劫灰,所有人都早已躲向了更远处,怕被波及到。 Works as “当” The sound of resonant voice rings out, clear as a bell resounds through Heaven and Earth, the fiery red bell body ray is flaming, the fast enlargement, hung above the Ye Tong top of the head, the long cry trembled. 黄钟大吕之音响彻天地,火红的钟体光芒炽盛,快速放大,悬在了叶瞳的头顶上方,悠悠鸣颤。 But in the opposite, Mo Xue holds the sword to stand, the big sword in hand is several feets, he seems like deity same divine might to be cold. 而在对面,莫雪持剑而立,手中的大剑长达数十丈,他像是一个天神一样神威凛凛。 This sword is Primal Chaos Stone casts, may attract Primal Chaos Qi inborn, above inscribed to fill rune, turned into a shocking say/way sword! 此剑是混沌石铸成,天生可吸引混沌气,上面铭刻满了符文,化成了一把惊世的道剑! His bellows, grasps the Primal Chaos sword to divide, sweeps away Six Directions all directions, at this time he issues to dance in the air, the eye pupil is fearful, is angry to swallow the potential of Mountains and Rivers unexpectedly. 他一声大吼,手持混沌剑劈来,横扫六合八方,此时他乱发飞舞,眼眸慑人,竟有气吞山河之势。 Works as “当” Ye Tong shakes hardly, head large bell is also the god material, is Great Overarching Silver Essence casts, but is dyed the red by the flame at the present, flaming eye-catching. 叶瞳硬撼,头上的大钟亦是神材,为大罗银精铸成,不过而今被火光染成了红色,炽盛夺目。 Dozens zhang (3.33 m) big sword stands chops on sun bell, spurts several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high furiously, simultaneously bell's sound wave shake, sweeps away the whole wide world, Fire Spirit Ravine becomes a desert at the scene, the far mountain is the unceasing collapse. 数十丈长的大剑立劈在太阳钟上,光火喷起数千丈高,同时有一道道钟波震出,横扫八荒,火灵壑当场成为一片沙漠,远山更是不断的倒塌。 The Mo Xue eye stood, sends the silk and Primal Chaos blends, his body blooms a Primal Chaos light, resisted most terrifying Sun Holy Force, grasps the stone dagger to open greatly gathers greatly, fiercely competes and successfully competes. 莫雪眼睛立了起来,发丝与混沌交融,他的身体绽放出一圈混沌光,抵住了最为恐怖太阳圣力,手持石剑大开大合,越战越勇。 Ye Tong also made True Fire, since enter the world, never meets anything to hinder, when the next round god appears Yang, during he stands is, shines the four directions. 叶瞳也打出了真火,自出世至今,从未遇到过什么阻碍,当下一轮神阳浮现,他立身在当中,普照四方。 Myriad Beginnings Holy Son is the Primal Chaos Physique nature, but this Ye Tong does not drop the wind unexpectedly, even must suppress the rival strongly, what physique is he?” 万初圣子混沌体质,而这个叶瞳竟不落下风,甚至要强势的压制敌手,他到底是什么体质?” This also with saying, looked that he will stimulate to movement Sun Essence Fire such as the arm to pull strings, the whole body flesh shines every inchs, mostly is Sun Divinity the strength of bloodlines!” “这还用说吗,看他将催动太阳精火如臂指使,浑身每一寸血肉都发光,多半是太阳神祇的血脉之力!” At this time, Ye Tong places in golden Sun, just like young gods, turnover whole wide world Essence Qi, every strikes with overpowering momentum, large bell long, there is a splitting heaven and earth apart strength. 此时,叶瞳身处在一个金色的太阳中,宛如一尊年轻的神明,吞吐八荒精气,每一击都气势磅礴,大钟悠悠,有一种开天辟地的力量。 But Mo Xue is also incomparably domineering, the whole body in the Primal Chaos halo, a war-god, grasps dozens zhang (3.33 m) big sword to divide to cut probably vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Heaven and Earth disintegration. 莫雪也是无比强势,浑身处在混沌光环中,像是一尊战神,手持数十丈长的大剑纵横劈斩,天地崩碎。 bell sword collides, the sound is ear-spitting, Primal Chaos Qi fills the air, the flame is dreadful, this place projected on boiling. 钟剑碰撞,响声震耳,混沌气弥漫,火光滔天,这个地方被打到沸腾 Landscape generation has the talent to leave, leads the tease several hundred years respectively!” “江山代有人才出,各领风骚数百年!” Lord of Jiang Family- makes many people unable to find out the depth Jiang Yifei to sigh lightly, his White Clothed like the snow, the look is profound, said such words unexpectedly. 姜家之主-让很多人都摸不清深浅的姜逸飞轻叹,他白衣如雪,眼神深邃,竟说出了这样的话语。 The nod that many people do not control self, present Ye Tong and Mo Xue count by ten thousand years of rare having god-given wisdom rare talent absolutely, their rises, just like Ye Fan and Flickering Light Holy Son, Huang Xudao, Huo Qizi and the others coexisting. 许多人不自禁的点头,眼前的叶瞳莫雪绝对是数以万年难得一见的天纵奇才,他们两人的崛起,犹如叶凡摇光圣子凰虚道火麒子等人的并存。 Really worthily is Saint Physique's disciple, similarly brave crown world, Myr­iad Be­gin­nings uses Holy Son that the painstaking care cultivates unable to do to him.” “真不愧是圣体的弟子,同样勇冠天下,万初倾尽心血栽培出的圣子都不能奈何他。” I saw vaguely second Ye Fan rose!” “我依稀见到第二个叶凡崛起了!” Has the elder character to sigh. 老辈人物叹道。 Works as “当” The Primal Chaos Stone sword and Sun Divine Bell collides, every strikes contains to have the Law strength, interweaves Dao Runes to wind together, brand mark on vault of heaven. 混沌石剑与太阳神钟碰撞,每一击都蕴含有法则的力量,交织出一道道纹络,烙印在天穹上。 After several hundred rounds, Ye Tong clear roar, the flame is dreadful, held large bell single-handed, fast enlargement, such as a mountain generally to lower hood. 数百回合后,叶瞳一声清啸,火焰滔天,单手将大钟持了起来,快速放大,如一座大山一般向下罩去。 Sun Divine Blood boiling of his whole body, sent leave the mountain to collapse the tsunami same sound, the brave crown world, the full hair silk waved. 他浑身的太阳神血沸腾了,发出山崩海啸一样的声响,勇冠天下,满头发丝都舞动了起来。 Mo Xue changes color, lifts the sword to stand chops, several -ten feet big sword wants large bell that resists that to drop, his eyebrow set upright, roar Mountains and Rivers is broken! 莫雪变色,举剑立劈,长达数十丈的大剑想要抵住那落下的大钟,他眼眉都倒竖了起来,一吼山河碎! Buzz “嗡” large bell thunders, bell's sound wave is mysterious ripples, turned into the most terrifying say/way wave, charges into all around, crushes the hills. 大钟轰鸣,钟波是一圈圈神秘的涟漪,化成了最为恐怖的道波,冲向四面八方,粉碎群山。 But in bell body is fearful, bell's sound wave such as the sea like the tide, the flame color ripple was dense and numerous, turns into rune to submerge this large bell. 钟体内则更是可怕,钟波如海如潮,火光色的波纹密密麻麻,化成了符文将此大钟内部淹没。 Mo Xue scolds lightly, the whole body blooms magnificent light, opens Primal Chaos light screen, the stone dagger in hand makes an effort to divide to cut, wants to crush this large bell. 莫雪轻叱,浑身绽放光华,撑开一片混沌光幕,手中的石剑用力劈斩,想要粉碎这口大钟 However, this was too difficult, Ye Tong divine might is cold, sends the silk to fly upwards, Sun holy light shines Heaven and Earth, stands erect in a round of golden scorching sun, shakes the bell unceasingly deeply, cultivation like the sea, the person the bell unites, cannot shake. 然而,这实在太难了,叶瞳神威凛凛,发丝飞扬,太阳圣光普照天地,屹立在一轮金色的骄阳中,不断震钟,道行深如海,人钟合一,不可撼动。 The Mo Xue downward impact, wants to run away from the bell end, but large bell is immeasurable, enlarges unceasingly, throughout will cover in middle, thunders leisurely, as if resounded through the eternal expansive sky! 莫雪向下冲击,想从钟口逃走,但是大钟却无量,不断放大,始终将罩在当中,悠悠轰鸣,仿佛响彻了万古长空! Was too fearful, I as if saw Ye Fan reappears world, his disciple has his invincible elegant demeanor, equally bravely irreversible!” “太可怕了,我仿佛见到了叶凡再现世间,他的这位弟子有他的无敌风采,一样勇不可挡!” People change color, the backs of many Sect Master emitted the cold air, confessed that cannot keep off such attacking. 人们都变色,就连诸多教主的脊背都冒出了寒气,自认挡不下这样的攻伐。 Ye Tong shakes the bell, although pretty tall and straight, but the pupil light is radiant at this time, with if I can't do it who can?, No-One Is Noble But I spirit! 叶瞳震钟,虽俊秀挺拔,但此时却眸光璀璨,用一种舍我其谁,惟我独尊的气概! He full thick sending silk dances in the air disorderly, has a wildness, showed own monarch overlooking the world character initially. 他满头浓密的发丝凌乱飞舞,拥有一种狂野,初步展现出了自己的君临天下的风骨。 ka-cha 喀嚓 In fiery red large bell, a Primal Chaos sword cuns (2.5 cm) break, turned into fine powder under bell's sound wave, everywhere Primal Chaos light is shaken the powder. The Mo Xue having hair dishevelled big mouth coughs up blood, was covered by mountain big bell body, the aid from others used up, shaken mouth and nose overflowing blood, Primal Chaos halo collapse outside body. 火红的大钟内,混沌剑寸寸断裂,在钟波下化成了齑粉,漫天的混沌光都被震散。莫雪披头散发大口咳血,被山岳大的钟体笼罩,他力竭了,被震的口鼻溢血,身体外的混沌光环崩坏。 Bang “砰” Finally he makes a determined effort, a piece in within the body mixes the sea to blast out, shakes high large bell, he flew horizontally, is separated from bell body. 最终他发狠,体内的一片混海炸开,将大钟高高震起,他横飞了出去,脱离钟体 The Mo Xue pupil light is fearful, deeply looked at Ye Tong, charges into the Myriad Beginnings Holy Land people place to flush away fast, just came back to face upward to fall down directly there, the whole body pore is bleeding. 莫雪眸光慑人,深深望了一眼叶瞳,快速冲向万初圣地众人处冲去,刚一回来直接仰天栽倒在那里,浑身毛孔都在出血。 What, Myriad Beginnings Holy Son rout!” “什么,万初圣子大败!” Ye Tong wins, were really the strength are astonishing, worthily was Saint Physique's disciple, this invincible character was all connected!” 叶瞳了,真是实力惊人,不愧为圣体的弟子,这种无敌风骨一脉相承啊!” People cannot bear sigh. 人们都忍不住叹道。 Suddenly, at this moment, several big hands blocked the sky, in Ye Tong toward field presses, wants to shake bloody pulp him, certainly 突然,就在这时,先后有几只大手遮天蔽日,向着场中的叶瞳压去,想要将他震成血泥,将绝 Martial God space no ball window 武神空间无弹窗 The world talent strangles in the cradle. 世天才扼杀在摇篮中。 The distant place, the Ye Fan's straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards stood at that time, pupil light dazzling, such as heavenly sword comes out of the sheath general, hit two cold lightning in Void, talked to oneself: Dares to move my disciple, all does not want to live!” 远处,叶凡的剑眉当时就立了起来,眸光刺目,如天剑出鞘一般,在虚空中打了两道冷电,自语道:“敢动我的弟子,全都不想活了!” ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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