STH :: Volume #11

#1028: odd/surplus overawes Big Dipper

Should walk, to Fire Spirit Ravine watches the showdown between having god-given wisdom rare talents, after 2 hours, great war must start!” “该走了,到火灵壑去观看天纵奇才间的对决,一个时辰大战就要开始了!” Good, hurries to seek for the position, looks at this Eastern Wilderness in recent years the most noticeable war, who is stronger.” “不错,赶紧寻找好位置,看一看这场东荒近年来最为引人瞩目的一战,到底谁更强。” The person in Longevity Teahouse sets out one after another, almost walked suddenly most probably, flies to the distant place, does not want to miss this talent great war. 长生茶馆中的人陆续起身,几乎眨眼间就走了大半,飞向远方,都不想错过这场天才大战 Really makes one anticipate, doubtful Ye Fan's disciple or descendant wanted take action.” In the sky the person's shadow is ample, many pupil light profound, harness the cloud to hurry to a direction. “真是让人期待,疑似叶凡的弟子或者后人出手了。”天空中人影绰绰,许多人都眸光湛湛,驾云朝一个方向赶去。 When are not many in teahouse then lonely, abatement Divine Knight beyond their several people, almost all people walked a cleanness. 不多时茶馆中便冷清了下来,除却神骑士他们几人外,几乎所有人都走了个干净。 This child...... has grown.” Ye Fan is somewhat sigh with emotion, in the past when left Tong Tong was an immature young boy, frequently cried, a person shed tears alone with some small creature speaks. “这个孩子……已经成长起来了。”叶凡有些感慨,当年离开时曈曈还是一个稚嫩的幼童,常常哭鼻子,独自一个人垂泪与一些小动物说话。 Several years passed by, he has become side talent unexpectedly, can great war various Holy Land's Holy Son, prominence. 十几年过去了,他竟已经成为一方天骄,可以大战圣地的圣子了,声名鹊起。 everyone has not walked, when the time comes may not have the good position to observe.” The waiter's well-meaning reminder of teahouse. 诸位还不走,到时候可没有好位置观战喽。”茶馆的伙计善意的提醒。 Good, we also start off, looks this talent striving for hegemony war.” Ye Fan said. “好,我们也上路,去看一看这场天才争雄战。”叶凡道。 Haha......” Dragon Horse laughs, just arrived at Big Dip­per Star Domain to be able seeing Ye Fan's disciple and person battles, making it very excited. “哈哈……”龙马大笑,刚来到北斗星域就能将见到叶凡的弟子与人激战,让它很兴奋。 Really is...... Little Senior Brother that my has not met wants take action?” Zhang Qingyang eyes lives the splendor sparklingly, this war makes him anticipate. “真是我那未曾谋面的……小师兄出手?”张清扬双眼烁烁生辉,此战让他期待。 They saw large quantities of cultivator all the way, including much is Ancient Race, appearance strange, some dog head people, some live divine wings, if some shapes god of thunder, various. 他们一路上见到了大批的修士,其中有不少都是古族,长相奇异,有的狗头人身,有的生有神翅,有的状若雷公,各不相同。 Several years passed by, Human Race's Saint Physique goes into seclusion, actually disciple enter the world, I must think whether but actually he lives Three Heads Six Arms.” “十几年过去了,人族圣体隐退,却有一位弟子出世了,我倒要看一看他是否生有三头六臂。” Past Human Race's Saint Physique made various my Immemorial clans very distressed, somewhat hoped for him to come back, raised wind and cloud again, I did not believe Heavenly Sovereign's Son unable to cut him! “当年的人族圣体让我太古各族很狼狈,真有点期盼他回来,再掀起一番风云,我就不信天皇子斩不了他! Immemorial Race Powerhouse many are the future is obviously bad, in the past Ye Fan bloody battle Sky Breaking Mountain Range, great war world hero, bloody water incarnadine entire mountain side lineage/vein, does not know that died many heroes, Ancient Race is still unforgettable. 太古族强者许多显然是来者不善,当年叶凡血战天断山脉,大战天下豪雄,血水染红了整片山脉,也不知道死去多少英杰,古族至今难忘。 Ok, Yuan Gu how was powerful in the past, as the Primeval Sovereign eighth grandson, strength of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering bloodlines, exhausted ability did not die in battle finally.” “还是算了吧,元古当年何其强大,身为元皇八世孙,血脉之力惊天动地,竭尽所能最终还不是战死了。” Continuously appear here Ancient Race all parties mighty Lord all the way, spoke and discussed, the decisive battle over the past several years has made them remember profoundly, still has not forgotten. 在这一路上古族各方雄主不断出现,纷纷出言与议论,早已过去多年的大决战让他们记忆深刻,依然未忘。 Fire Spirit Ravine is a Archaic battlefield, west inside and outside hundred situated in Heavenly Traces City. 火灵壑是一处远古战场,位于天痕城西百里外。 This mountain side center has a big gully, is the number by ten li (0.5 km), infertile, what seed regardless of plants, how to water will not take root to germinate. 片山地中心有一条大壑,长达数以十里,寸草不生,无论种下什么样的种子,怎样浇灌都不会生根发芽。 The Fire Spirit Ravine land is the sorrel, the infertile, bare piece, legends say had once presented Fire Spirit, monarch overlooking the world, rules the Central Region endless years. 火灵壑土地呈红褐色,寸草不生,光秃秃一片,相传曾出现过一尊火灵,君临天下,统治中域无尽岁月。 At this time, on the Fire Spirit Ravine surrounding mountain peak is fully occupied, this war has a great influence, all parties pay attention, is honored as the younger generation Heavenly King games. 此时,火灵壑周围的山峰上人满为患,这一战影响很大,各方关注,被誉为年轻一代天王 You believe firmly that Ye Tong and Saint Physique are related, is really his apprentice or the heir?” Asking that some people do not believe greatly. “你们确信,那个叶瞳圣体有关吗,真是他的徒弟或者子嗣?”有人不大相信的问道。 You fell behind, this child I had once personally seen, was being led Smelting Trial in two years ago by that son-of-bitch Sovereign Black, is absolutely related with Saint Physique.” “你落伍了,此子我曾亲眼见过,早在两年前就被那只狗娘养的黑皇领着出来试炼过,绝对与圣体有关。” Many person suck in a cold breath, Ye Fan's Inheritance has not broken, in the past he rushed to the illustrious prestige, the name shook Eastern Wilderness. So many years passed by, his archenemies had not forgotten. 许多人不禁倒吸冷气,叶凡的传承未断,当年他闯下了赫赫威名,名震东荒。这么多年过去了,他的大敌们始终没有忘记。 In the past, but also is really unforgettable, so many shocking decisive battles, entire world shocks.” “当年啊,还真是让人难忘,那么多惊世决战,全天下震撼。” People thoughts constantly welling up, think Ye Fan breaks the curse, the moonlit night resists heaven's might, when starts to show true colors, causes widely-noted, such as yesterday. 人们思绪万千,想到了叶凡打破诅咒,月夜对抗天威,初露峥嵘时,就引得举世瞩目,如在昨日。 Afterward, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends that day after day great war, his world, hit vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, Rivers of Blood, become a mountain of skeleton, the Five Regions earthquake, these years has not gone far away probably. 后来,连天大战,他纵横天下,直打的天崩地裂,血流成河,尸骨成山,五域大地震,这些岁月好像还没有远去。 Came!” Some people called out. “来了!”有人叫道。 The distant place, big fog turn well up to come, thick being able to melt, probably a piece by the cloud that divine gold casts, boundless boundless, above is standing erect over a hundred person's shadows. 远处,一大片云雾翻涌而来,浓的化不开,像是一片以神金铸成的云彩,茫茫无边,上面屹立着上百人影。 Middle, one about 20 -year-old young man, wears the Purple Gold crown, wears the chain armor, stature tall, gallant. 当中,有一个二十岁左右的年轻男子,头戴紫金冠,身穿锁子甲,身材高挑,英气逼人。 „The Myriad Beginnings Holy Land person came, frontline that youngster is their these years uses the having god-given wisdom rare talent who the painstaking care trains, named Mo Xue.” 万初圣地的人来了,最前方那个少年就是他们的这么多年来倾尽心血培养出的天纵奇才,名为莫雪。” The Mo Xue look is tranquil, the black hair hangs loose in the shoulder, valiant, the eye pupil is very profound, stands erect frontline the cloud layer. 莫雪神色平静,黑发披散在肩头,英姿勃发,眼眸很深邃,屹立在云层最前方。 His armor cold light twinkle, head Purple Gold crown is bright, having the Great Dao ripple is mobile, unattainable that he serves as contrast. 他身上的铁衣寒光闪烁,头上的紫金冠灿烂夺目,有大道波纹流动,将他衬托的高不可攀。 Lofty and unyielding character heroic bearing, heard that he has marched into Supreme Being Realm, two years ago defeated more than 500 years ago Myriad Beginnings Holy Son, the strength super terrifying.” “傲骨英姿,听说他早就步入大能境界了,两年前就战败了五百多年前万初圣子,实力超级恐怖。” Mo Xue stands is in the clouds, stands one's ground steadfastly, Great Dao aura from his body overflow, is continuously indistinct has the thunder, he seems like a Heavenly King reincarnation! 莫雪立身在云朵上,岿然不动,一缕缕大道气机自他的肌体溢出,隐约间有电闪雷鸣,他像是一尊天王转世! In it behind, is standing dozens over a hundred person's shadows, each and every one is silent, unemotional. 在其身后,站立着数十上百道人影,一个个都沉默不语,面无表情。 This may really drag in lots of people, Myriad Beginnings Holy Land was only the character of Supreme Being level came more than ten, it can be imagined to this fought attention how!” “这可真是兴师动众,万初圣地光是大能级的人物就来了十几位,可想而知对这一战多么的关注!” People are very surprised, although knows that Myriad Beginnings Holy Land and Ye Fan had enmity in the past, but has not actually thought that such big resentment, suppressed obviously did not know many years. 人们都很吃惊,尽管知道万初圣地叶凡以往有过节,但却没有想到有这么大的怨气,显然憋了也不知多少年了。 This is not clear, Saint Physique executed their Holy Son in the past, killed their Saintess, finally introduced Myriad Dragons Nest...... this enmity to tie Holy Lord of their violent anger in a big way.” “这还不明白吗,圣体当年毙掉了他们的圣子,又杀了他们的圣女,最后更是将他们的那暴怒的圣主引入万龙巢……这仇可是结大了。” „, Low voice, Myriad Beginnings Holy Land living fossil looked, heard us to say anything.” “嘘,小声点,万初圣地的一位活化石望过来了,听到了我们在说什么。” People discussed in a low voice, this mountain side lineage/vein atmosphere immediately anxious, Myriad Beginnings Holy Land to have a foul odor comes, this war can only win! 人们低声议论,这片山脉的气氛当即就紧张了下来,万初圣地是为出一口恶气而来,此战只能胜! Oh, Human Race's Saint Physique was extremely strong in the past, making solemn Great Holy Land suppress a lot of fires, actually could not do.” “唉,人族圣体当年太过强势了,让堂堂一大圣地都憋了一肚子火,却奈何不得。” Many people nod, Ye Fan departed, but Myr­iad Be­gin­nings had/left a peerless talent with great difficulty, naturally must invite the war, the prestige to rise. 许多人点头,叶凡离去了,而万初又好不容易出了一个绝世天才,自然要邀战,声威要重新崛起。 What person of god altogether indignant matter did you do in the past?” Dragon Horse asked. Even Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan look is strange, looked together. “你当年都做了什么人神共愤的事?”龙马问道。连张清扬龙宇轩都眼神怪怪的,一起望了过来。 Ye Fan speechless, shakes the head said: To go on living that's all.” 叶凡哑然,摇了摇头才道:“只是为了活下去而已。” Is impossible, how do they hate you?” Dragon Horse does not believe. “不可能吧,他们怎么这么恨你?”龙马不相信。 That is they brings upon oneself.” Ye Fan thought of many past events, when his say/way has not become is quite pitiful, Saints, various Major Sect chase down him for Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron. “那是他们自找的。”叶凡想到了很多往事,在他的道未成时可是相当凄惨的,诸圣地、各大教都为了万物母气鼎而追杀他。 In these years, he does not dare to show by the true colors, depends on Source Art spiritual wisdom, Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, wanders about destitute from a place to another place. 在那些年里,他不敢以真面目示人,倚仗源术通神,改天换地,从一个地方流落到另一个地方。 In these years, without Source Art he had been added up totals ten over a hundred times, marches the world mighty Lord ranks until his cultivation base, reversed all these. 在那些年里,若是没有源术他早已被杀数十上百次了,直到他的修为进军天下雄主行列,才扭转了这一切。 Bang “轰” The distant place, dreadful Monster Qi surges, Five Colors divine light soars to the heavens, a giant peacock, had illuminated the universe across the sky. 远处,滔天妖气涌动,五色神光冲霄,一头巨大的孔雀横空而过,照亮了天宇。 Radiant Peacock King came!” 孔雀明王来了!” The people call out in alarm, precisely Peacock King of the world, stood erect in the past vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered in the clouds, coming this to observe. 众人惊呼,正是当年纵横天下的孔雀王,屹立在云端,来此观战。 This is a Monster Race's king, before Heaven and Earth has not changed, on almost Dao Severing, at the present is the Daoist magic direct access to the highest authorities, in the past and Saint Physique had the junction, this was holds the attention of the audience for Ye Tong.” “这可是妖族的一尊王,天地未变前就几乎斩道了,而今更是道法通天,当年与圣体有交,这是为叶瞳压场来了。” Between Heaven and Earth, the strong winds angry roar, the god clouds the turbulent, powerful fluctuation same fluctuates like the desert, in this short came many major powers in a minute. 天地间,狂风怒吼,神云汹涌,强大的波动如瀚海一样起伏,在这短暂的片刻间来了诸多大势力 Flickering Light and say/way one, Purple Mansion and Jade Lake Holy Land people came, the lineup is not weak, cannot think that the showdown of younger generation caused Saints unable to sit still.” 摇光、道一、紫府瑶池圣地的人都来了,阵容不弱,想不到年轻一代的这场对决引得诸圣地都坐不住了。” This is natural, now everyone is paying attention, how wants to look at the Saint Physique's successor, can be second Ye Fan reappears world!” “这是自然,现在所有人都在关注,都想看一看圣体的继承者到底如何,会不会是第二个叶凡再现世间!” Rumble “轰隆隆” The distant place, Heaven and Earth vibrates, barbarian beast shouts, a man of White Clothed wins snow rides golden hou to appear, probably a deity same stands in the distant place, he is pretty, but scholarly, pupil light if still stars. 远处,天地震动,蛮兽嘶吼,一个白衣雪的男子骑着一头黄金犼出现,像是一尊天神一样立在远方,他俊秀而儒雅,眸光犹若星辰。 Was Jiang Yifei, Jiang Family's Holy Lord comes unexpectedly personally.” “是姜逸飞,姜家的圣主竟然亲自来了。” For these years, this person is mysterious. From its makes a debut until now never with any peerless mighty Lord great war, no brilliance score, no one knows its cultivation base depth. But, was actually converged present age most fearful and in the most powerful several people by some people.” “这么多年来,此人最是神秘。自其出道至今从来没有与任何一位绝世雄主大战过,没有什么光辉战绩,无人知晓其修为的深浅。可是,却被有些人归为当世最可怕与最强大的几人内。” Roar......” “嗷吼……” dragon roar moved Nine Heavens, the distant place 81 big dragon extrusions filled the sky of West, these Dragon Qi let Heaven and Earth boiling, then nine terrifying Flood Dragon came, draws Emperor's Carriage to stop in the cloud layer. 龙吟九天,远处八十一条大龙挤压满了西方的天空,这些龙气天地沸腾了起来,而后九头恐怖的蛟龙现身,拉着一辆辇车停在云层上。 Was Great Xia's Imperial Lord Xia Yiming to!” The people call out in alarm, has not thought that even Central Plain great person also came one after another. “是大夏皇主夏一鸣到了!”众人惊呼,没有想到连中土大人物也都相继现身了。 At the same time, another direction Monster Qi fills Four directions, the terrifying aura shock world, a person in everywhere Purple Qi is fearless and vertical, only the pair of pupil light penetrates the empty fog, the fearful heart and soul, making many people scared. 同一时间,另一个方向妖气弥漫四野,恐怖气息震惊世人,在漫天的紫气中一个人昂然而立,唯有一双眸光穿透虚雾,慑人心魄,让许多人胆寒。 Was Heavenly Monster King, Heavenly Monster Palace lord Yao Yuekong also to come!” “是天妖王,天妖宫妖月空也来了!” Bang!” “轰!” Other aspect, *** the same fluctuation is turbulent, Ancient Race many expert emit powerful aura, such as 1 million Magic Mountain presses, letting the person must suffocate. 另一面,***一样的波动汹涌,古族许多高手放出强大的气机,如百万魔山压来,让人要窒息。 Everyone changes color, does not know that many Dao Severing person, is among the Immemorial years seals to live present age great person in Divine Source. 所有人都变色,当中也不知道到底有多少位斩道者,全都是太古年间封在神源中而活到当世的大人物 Person many extraordinary, wants to frighten my big nephew, nothing fearful!” The due south presents big silhouette, he seems like a savage to have hair dishevelled, Blood Qi is dreadful, in the hand is carrying great mace. “人多就了不起啊,想吓唬我大侄子,没啥可怕的!”正南方出现一尊高大的身影,他像是一个野人般披头散发,血气滔天,手中拎着一杆狼牙大棒 Divine King Dongfang Ye to!” People change color once again, never expected that comes so many great person today unexpectedly, all fights for this junior. “蛮神王东方野到了!”人们又一次变色,没有想到今日竟来了这么多的大人物,全都为这小辈一战而来。 Obviously, all these are because Ye Tong possibly is Saint Physique's disciple, inspires these great person left seclusion, incomparable attention. 显然,所有这些都是因为叶瞳可能是圣体的弟子而起,引动这些大人物出关,无比关注。 I have never thought that Saint Physique departed so many years, only because of his disciple enter the world, initiated such big mighty waves!” Many people sigh with regret. “真没有想到,圣体离去这么多年了,只因他的弟子出世,就引发了这么大的波澜!”许多人慨叹。 The distant place, Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan are very excited, never expected that Ye Fan has such power and influence in this world unexpectedly, even if the person has gone far away, can make the world vibrate because of his relations! 远处,张清扬龙宇轩都很激动,没有想到叶凡在这个世界竟有如此的威势,即便人已经远去,还是可以让天下因他的关系而震动! Came, Ye Tong came finally!” Some people call out in alarm. “来了,叶瞳终于来了!”有人惊呼。 The distant place only then a person flies, and does not have any Dao Protector, he will draw near peak, turned into a startled rainbow to cut this sky. 远处只有一个人飞来,并没有任何护道者,他快到了极致,化成了一道惊虹划破了这苍空。 Bang “轰” When he stops, in people eyes is the bright god splendor, this is a handsome youngster, is about 20 years old, whole body body is shining every inchs, he seems like round Sun to be equally radiant. 当他停来下来时,人们眼中是熠熠神辉,这是一个英俊的少年,不过二十岁,浑身每一寸肌体都在发光,他像是一轮太阳一样璀璨。 You came finally!” In the Mo Xue eye magnificent light a big magnificence burst, such as two sharp lightnings project, the clouds of under foot were all shaken dispersed, collapses to all directions. “你终于来了!”莫雪眼中光华大盛,如两道犀利的闪电射出,脚下的云朵全都被震散了,崩溃向八方 In addition, others shout out, person from different Major Sect, has Ancient Race, making this place murderous aura soar to the heavens in an instant! 此外,还有其他人呼喝,来自不同的大教,更有古族的人,让此地刹那间杀气冲天! Master your past enemy may really be many.” Ye Tong talked to oneself. “师傅你当年的仇家可真是不少啊。”叶瞳自语。 His body even more dazzling, round of golden Sun raises from his back, this is inherent bloodlines visions, Sun Divine Blood of his within the body sent out the landslide tsunami sound, clear vibration. 他的躯体越发刺目了,一轮金色的太阳自他的背后升起,这是一种与生俱来的血脉异象,他体内的太阳神血发出了山崩海啸的般的声音,清晰震动而出。 My master, although not, but his Inheritance still, is discontented with and has big enmity with him to me to come!” Ye Tong is valiant, the whole body gold ray is flaming, he stands erect in the middle of round of golden Sun, letting the person is unable to face up. “我师傅虽然不在了,但他的传承还在,对他不满、有大仇怨者可冲着我来!”叶瞳英姿勃发,浑身黄金光芒炽盛,他屹立在一轮金色的太阳当中,让人无法正视。 „A baby also dares to boast shamelessly!” “一个小娃娃也敢大言不惭!” Hey, really does not know the immensity of heaven and earth!” “嘿,真是不知天高地厚!” ...... …… Many people berated, all revealed fearful murderous intention. 许多人喝斥,全都露出了可怕的杀机 The field center, the Ye Tong happy fearless, thick long hair hangs loose, is covering dazzling Sun divine shine, said: I will meet his in years past all rivals for the master! At the present, the rival of my master is not you, in high place!” 场中央,叶瞳怡然无惧,浓密的长发披散,笼罩着炫目的太阳神华,道:“我将替师傅迎战他昔年的所有敌手!而今,我师的敌手已不是你们,在更高处!” Asked *** threw, intense, summon support. 求***投来,激烈啊激烈,呼唤支援。 .
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