STH :: Volume #11

#1027: The Big Dipper wind and cloud begins

The black mountain towers palatially, each is in the mountain the king, in the mountain the sovereign, walks imposingly boundless. 黑色的大山巍峨耸立,每一座都是山中王,岳中之皇,一座走气势雄伟磅礴。 The unique black mountain massif, lets the person palpitation the aura, as well as that never-changing dreariness, making this place seem so aloof, probably outside standing erect samsara. 特有的黑色山体,让人心悸的气息,以及那万古不变的沉寂,让这个地方显得如此超然,像是屹立轮回外。 Ye Fan stares blankly, he believes firmly has not misread, this is Undying Mountain, he returned to Big Dip­per Star Domain! 叶凡发怔,他确信没有看错,这是不死山,他回到了北斗星域 Thinks that will enter the universe deep place, arrives in that named Immortal Ascension Ancient Star, he has completed the worst plan, prepared to go on an expedition with various God Race, has not thought that the mountain heavy water turned round to doubt roadless, every cloud has a silver lining. 原以为将会进入天宇深处,降临在那颗名为飞仙古星,他都已经做好了最坏的打算,准备与各种神族征战了,不曾想山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村 Undying Mountain!” Ye Fan numerous putting out one breaths. 不死山!”叶凡重重的吐出一口气。 We arrived at life-bearing ancient planet!” Dragon Horse shouts, cannot bear the long and loud cry. “我们来到了一颗生命古星!”龙马嘶吼,忍不住长啸。 They have not fallen into the black hills, but outside this mountain, the Four directions large forest, the old tree holds up the day, is piece of boundless large field. 他们并未掉进黑色的群山间,而只是在这片大山外,四野树木狼林,古树擎天,是一片茫茫大野 In their eyes, these branches and leaves vines are the most beautiful marvelous sights, walked more than half a year in universe Starry Sky fully, sees is withered planet, is really wearrisome. 在他们眼中,那些枝叶藤蔓是最美的奇景,在宇宙星空中整整走了大半年,所见都是枯星,实在让人疲倦。 It is not difficult to see, universe how fearful, although there is stars trillion, however true life-bearing ancient planet all sorts of monsters that actually only then such several that's all, they meet attacks the Ancient Saint descendant who Han Valley closes. 从中也不难看出,宇宙多么的可怕,虽有星辰亿万,但是真正的生命古星却只有那么几颗而已,他们一路所遇到的妖魔鬼怪都是攻打函谷关的古圣后裔。 Master...... we to Big Dip­per Star Domain?” Asking that Zhang Qingyang shivers. First, because is excited ; second, because opposite these black mountains make him almost probably suffocate. “师傅……我们到北斗星域了?”张清扬颤抖的问道。一是因为激动的,二是因为对面那些黑色的大山让他几乎要窒息。 Where is this, why...... lets person mind uneasy?” In the Divine Knight pupil lives the splendor shiningly, wrote all over the shock. “这是什么地方,为何……让人心神不宁?”神骑士眸子中灿灿生辉,写满了震惊。 „The wild animal that the place that this bird does not defecate, how even/including head can call does not have This King to trample flat considers as finished.” In the Dragon Horse nostril spits the white smoke, was been very discontented by that aura oppression heart. “这个鸟不拉屎的地方,怎么连头会叫的野兽都没有本座踏平算了。”龙马鼻孔中吐白烟,被那种气息压迫心中很不满。 Ye Fan warned it immediately, ten thousand cannot act rashly, this was one of the Big Dipper Seven Great Life-forbidden Zones, always had entry but no exit, even Ancient Great Emperor has fought here, cannot level flat. 叶凡当即警告它,万不可妄动,这是北斗七大生命禁区之一,向来都是有进无出,连古之大帝都在这里战斗过,未能平掉 Is so terrorist?” Dragon Horse was honest. “这么恐怖?”龙马老实了。 In Ye Fan heart excited incomparable, 14 years later he came back, didn't know the past old friends also well? 叶凡心中激动无比,时隔14年他又回来了,不知道昔日的故人都怎样了是否还安好? He guides before, turns away from Undying Mountain, leads the way toward the primitive virgin forest, after walking a distance finally is to hear the monkey cries & tiger roars sound, saw many Mutant Beast. 他在头前带路,背对不死山,向着原始老林中前行,当走出去一段距离后终于是听到猿啼虎啸声,见到了不少异兽 The Undying Mountain's terrifying aura goes far away, gradually vanishes, they all relaxed, Zhang Qingyang and Long Yuxuan are somewhat dumbstruck, really crossed the universe to succeed just like having a dream general. 不死山的恐怖气息远去,逐渐消失,他们全都放松了下来,张清扬龙宇轩有些发懵,真的横渡天宇成功了宛如做梦一般。 They are in Earth, although is cultivator, but has actually also had the modern education, arrives at another piece of Star Domain from planet, this solid dream makes them not feel. 他们身在地球,虽然是修士,但却也接受过现代的教育,从一颗星球来到另一片星域,这实在梦幻让他们感觉不真实。 We close west to Han Valley enter Starry Sky along Ancient Road unexpectedly, arrived at Big Dipper......” these two jibber jabber, then the corners of the mouth twitch, stupidly keeps laughing. “我们西出函谷关居然沿着一条古路走进星空,来到了北斗……”这两人神神叨叨,而后嘴角抽搐,傻笑个不停。 Haha......” Dragon Horse is laughs wildly, rodomontading to become Sage under this piece of Heaven and Earth in the shortest time, horse treads the world. “哈哈……”龙马更是狂笑不已,大言不惭要在这片天地下于最短的时间内成为一尊圣马,马踏天下。 This line of moods are excellent, is not only Dragon Horse so, fierce that even Ye Fan one mood fluctuates, made an effort to grip tightens the fist, the pupil light looked to the distant place. 这一行人心情都大好,不光是龙马如此,连叶凡都一阵情绪波动的厉害,用力攥紧了拳头,眸光望向远方。 Once Life and Death old friend together I came back! Perhaps everyone archenemy you forgot me, not shortly afterward future you will recall.” “曾经生死与共的故人我回来了!还有诸位大敌也许你们将我遗忘了,不过不久的将来你们会重新忆起。” This King wants dead you, you halt to me!” Dragon Horse acts unruly to pursue hybrid Peng Bird, the horse treads the expansive sky to exude a thunderous sound, on arched stepped from that day actually falls the giant bird that a whole body such as the gold cast. 本座想死你了,你给我站住!”龙马撒野追逐一头混血鹏乌,马踏长空发出一片雷鸣声,硬是从那天穹上踩落下来一只浑身如黄金铸成的巨鸟。 Tonight eats to roast the Péng meat!” Dragon Horse is cocky. “今晚吃烤鹏肉!”龙马神气活现。 The people four, this lord never are all a vegetarian, the fodder looks looks differently, only if counts by millenniums ancient medicine, mostly time in eating meat. 众人皆“四”,这主从来不吃素,草料看都看不一样,除非是数以千年的古药,大多时间都是在“吃荤”。 At night, the bonfire beats, the fragrance of Péng meat fills the air in the entire mountain side forest, enjoying oneself to the full that very one group of people eat. 夜晚,篝火跳动,鹏肉的香气在整片山林弥漫,一群人吃的很尽兴。 Zhang Qingyang takes out several bottles of Maotai, he just before parting Han Valley pass/test before, purchased a lot of tobacco and liquor, feared that does not adapt to here life. 张清扬更是取出几瓶茅台,他临去函谷关前,购买了大量的烟酒,怕不适应这边的生活。 Master...... I thought my mother.” At this moment, child Huahua grinned to cry, this experienced so many grotesque and gaudy matters he not to speak all the way, really actually missed homeland to the destination. “师傅……我想我妈了。”就在这时,孩童花花咧嘴哭了,这一路上经历了那么多光怪陆离的事他没吭声,真到了目的地却想家了。 A Ye Fan headache, such little child had Starry Sky this, but also is not really good to arrange, how to look after? 叶凡一阵头疼,这么小一个孩子被带到了星空这一段,还真是不好安排,怎么照料? Gives one group of Saint monks in Western Desert Mt. Xumi Huahua, sorry, he simply does not have this plan, this good the beautiful nature, in Sea of Consciousness packed the Buddhist literature, does not need to deliver outward. 花花送给西漠须弥山的一群圣僧,对不起,他根本没有这个打算,这种良才美质,识海中装满了佛经,没有必要往外送。 He is Buddhism Starry Sky another end Dao Protector, however here is actually not, completed to the commitment of Ancient Buddhist, and will kindly treat this child, has received for disciple. 他是佛门星空另一端的护道人,然而在这边却不是,完成了对古佛的承诺,且将善待这个孩童,已收为了弟子 Thought of that your parents, can try hard to practice, when you grow up then can cross Star Domain to go back.” Ye Fan also can only say like this. “想念你的父母,可以努力修行,当你长大的时候便能横渡星域回去了。”叶凡也只能这样说了。 Rosy-colored clouds at dawn radiate all around, morning dew blooming color light. 朝霞四射,晨露绽放彩光。 The mountain forest fog winds around, the fresh grass Wood Qi front surface throws, making several people of awakens somewhat stare blankly, some not sense of reality. 山林雾霭缭绕,清新的草木气迎面扑来,让苏醒的几人都有些发怔,有些不真实感 The time of more than half a year lies on withered planet drifts about destitute, with many God Race great war, experience many tribulations, reached the destination finally. 大半年的时间在于一颗又一颗枯星上颠沛流离,与诸多神族大战,经历很多磨难,终于到达了目的地。 Walks, depart!” “走,出发!” Ye Fan transformed an appearance, he does not know that these for 14 years had anything, actually the world how, needed to settle again. 叶凡变换了个容貌,他不知道这十四年来发生了什么,外界的世界究竟怎样了,需要重新去了结。 He warned Dragon Horse earnestly wait/etc., this world was very dangerous, even Dao Severing person still insufficiently looked, above had the Immemorial Ancestral King deterrent, needed the caution and care. 他认真告诫龙马等,这个世界很危险,即便是斩道者也不够看,上面有太古祖王威慑,必须要谨慎小心。 Dragon Horse also put away Dragon Qi, turns certainly into hybrid Dragon Horse, otherwise his enter the world must make the huge trouble absolutely, this is the mount that Ancient Great Emperor can have, this bloodlines have hundreds of thousands years not to see! 龙马当然也得收起一身龙气,化成一头混血龙马,不然的话他一出世绝对得惹出天大的麻烦,这是古之大帝才能拥有的坐骑,这种血脉已经有十几万年未见! In Eastern Wilderness, once the resplendence, led the world wind and cloud, various Inheritance collided the radiant flame, the historical site was numerous. 东荒中部,曾一度辉煌灿烂,引领天下风云,各种传承碰撞出了璀璨的火光,古迹众多。 Heavenly Traces City, time-honored, exists forever world not to know that many ten thousand years, is one of the Central Region ten big ancient city, the city wall is grand, builds by the blue stone, reclines just like such as Azure Dragon. 天痕城,历史悠久,长存世间也不知多少万年了,是中域十大古城之一,城墙雄伟,以青石筑成,宛若如一条青龙横卧。 Ye Fan Their group enters a city, and no one cares, because this great city has various eccentric different gentlemen to appear and disappear every day, they really cannot be regarded conspicuously. 叶凡他们一行人进城,并没有人在意,因为这座巨城每日间都有各种奇人异士出没,他们实在算不得显眼。 You said that must ask us to drink enlightenment tea, said probably very extraordinary appearance, actually does not know how, do not look for a broken teahouse to deceive us casually.” Dragon Horse grumble. “你说要请我们喝悟道茶,说的好像很非凡的样子,不知道究竟如何,你可别随便找个破茶馆糊弄我们。”龙马磨叽。 Longevity Teahouse, five storey high building, antique, passes in and out not mediocre, is the cultivation strong people. Its becoming famous is to have enlightenment tea to sell, every year has to the end such 1-2 times, is the sky-high price. 长生茶馆,楼高有五层,古色古香,进出无凡俗,都是修炼界的强人。它的出名在于有悟道茶可售,每年到头都有那么1-2,皆为天价。 Undying Mountain, one year can only flutter dozens tea leaves, but they can capture every year fully explain uncommonly. 不死山,一年只能飘出几十片茶叶,而他们每年都能有斩获足以说明不凡。 Ye Fan does not know whether to buy, the main goal is to come this inquires some news, after having the primitive virgin forest, they arrived at this ancient city directly. 叶凡也不知能否买到,最主要的目的是来此打探一些消息,出了原始老林后,他们径直就来到了这座古城 The tea aroma fills the air, refreshing, the Divine Knight small feast, exclaimed in surprise the good tea. 茶香弥漫,沁人心脾,神骑士小饮了一口,惊叹好茶。 Finally, they have not bought enlightenment tea, Ancient Race enter the world, this type of rare god tea even more is at the present precious, every year altogether on dozens tea leaves, fierce of competition. 最终,他们并没有买到悟道茶,而今古族出世,这种稀世神茶愈发珍贵了,每年就总共就几十片茶叶,竞争的厉害。 Dragon Horse turned into the human form, tea that at first also puts on airs, finally directly with putting in order a giant jade bowl, making some waiters of feeling dizzy fill to the brim to him, starts the whale to attract drinks like a fish, the people of other tables all laugh in spite of trying not. 龙马化成了人形,起初还装模作样的饮茶,最后直接跟整出一个巨大的玉碗,让有些眼晕的伙计给他倒满,开始鲸吸牛饮,其他桌位的人全都失笑。 Oh, we were old, is really the landscape generation has the talent to leave, leads the tease several hundred years respectively, now younger generation fierce really lets the person lingering fear.” “唉,我们老了,真是江山代有人才出,各领风骚数百年,现在年轻一代的厉害真是让人后怕。” „, The Huang Xudao apprentices cannot even overawe the world, at the present also less than 20 years old.” “可不是吗,连凰虚道的徒弟都可以威震天下了,而今还不足二十岁吧。” Myriad Beginnings Holy Land also trains a peerless talent, this is learns from a painful experience, past Holy Son and Saintess made one cutting, at the present uses cultivates a rare talent full power, wants to come so many years to feel suffocated.” 万初圣地亦培养出一个绝世天才,这是痛定思痛呀,当年的圣子圣女都让人给斩了,而今倾尽全力栽培一个奇才,想来这么多年都在憋着一口气。” Ye Fan tea, calmly listened respectfully, stopped the inquiry of Dragon Horse, making them listen peacefully. 叶凡饮茶,静静聆听,制止了龙马的询问,让他们安静的听着。 The Longevity Teahouse business is very good, passed in and out is travelling frequently and extensively cultivator, people likes discussing here practices various matters, is good place that slightly gathers. 长生茶馆生意很好,进出的都是南来北往的修士,人们喜欢在这里谈论修行界的各种事,是小聚的好地方。 At the present Era changes, Huang Xudao and Heavenly Sovereign's Son this grade of person invincible revering to have 56 years of not take action, even they trained disciple to be possible vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered the world.” “而今时代变了、凰虚道天皇子这等人无敌的尊者都有五六年未出手了吧,连他们调教出弟子都可纵横天下了。” Flickering Light, who fights. You said that Flickering Light Holy Lord did step Ancient Starry Sky Road? Why if had not appeared in this world for these years.” 摇光不出,谁有争锋。你们说摇光圣主到底是否踏上了星空古路?若是还在这个世上为何这几年都没有出现了。” „The age of , in Saint, Flickering Light that fights in eight years ago almost fights all over unmatched in the world, that brilliance score is still unforgettable!” “唔,在圣人不出的年代,摇光于八年前那一战几乎是打遍天下无敌手,那种光辉战绩至今让人难忘!” Ye Fan revealed the look of surprise, Flickering Light Holy Son had become this/should Lord of Holy Land past at the present, unexpectedly as tyrannical as this grade of position, listening to these people saying that stepped Starry Sky, actually what's the matter? 叶凡露出异色,昔日摇光圣子而今已成为了该圣地之主,竟强横到了这等境地,听这些人说踏上了星空,究竟是怎么回事? So many years, number of times world hero, when regards Huang Xudao, Heavenly Sovereign's Son, Flickering Light Holy Son, Saint Sovereign's Son and the others, all has the period of sweeping away the world.” “这么多年了,遍数天下英杰,还是当首推凰虚道天皇子摇光圣子圣皇子等人,全都有横扫天下的一个时期啊。” „, You little do not consider as finished a person, in the past Saint Physique was earthshaking, the peer who also once hit could not raise the head, executes Holy Son, killed divine son, had once had a magnificence.” “唔,你们少算了一个人,当年圣体叱咤风云,也曾打的同辈人抬不起头来,毙圣子,杀神子,也曾有过一段辉煌。” You, if did not say, I forgot, calculates thin, he should leave for 14-15 years, pouring is also a character. Does not know whether at the present cultivation base has the great strides.” “你如果不说,我都遗忘了,细算来,他应该离开14-15年了吧,倒也是一个人物。只是不知而今修为是否有了长足进步。” Whom is master you saying?” A 13-14 young girl inquired one group of elders. “师傅你们在说谁?”一个13-14的少女询问一群长者。 The head of tracing young girl an old person spoils, the state of mind is ease, said: Is named Ye Fan's person, in the past when he left, you had not been born, that may really be unforgettable years.” 一个老人溺爱的摸了摸少女的头,神思悠然,道:“是一个叫叶凡的人,当年他离开时,你还未出生呢,那可真是一段让人难忘的岁月。” „Is he very fierce?” The young girls are asking, the big eye is very bright. “他很厉害吗?”少女偏着头问道,大大眼睛很亮。 In the teahouse many people look, obviously many people were attracted by their talks, remembered the past past events. 茶楼上多人都望来,显然不少人都被他们的谈话吸引了,想起了当年的往事。 Another elder touches the head of young girl, said: Saint Physique in that period, absolutely is being known to everybody Powerhouse, at the present Heavenly Sovereign's Son, Flickering Light Holy Son wait/etc. are his archenemy.” 另一位长者摸了摸少女的头,道:“圣体在那个时期,绝对算是一个无人不知的强者,而今的天皇子摇光圣子等都是他的大敌。” Flickering Light, who with fighting. Heavenly Sovereign's Son manifest, world all mighty people is scared. He once with these was an enemy, but can also live?” Young girl young girl eyes flood light. 摇光一出,谁与争锋。天皇子显化,天下诸雄胆寒。他一个人曾与这些尊者为敌,还能活下来?”少女少女眼泛光。 Child, this you spoke incorrectly, when he was earthshaking in the past, in the peer has not defeated. Is better than Flickering Light, the prestige like Heavenly Sovereign's Son, the brave crown world such as Huo Qizi cannot harm its life, does not dare truly with his dying war.” “孩子,这你就说错了,他当年叱咤风云时,同辈中未尝一败。强如摇光,威如天皇子,勇冠天下如火麒子也都未能伤其性命,没有敢真正与他死战。” Yes, Saints what kind of elegant demeanor, all by his forcing. Thinking back on to think that Yuan Gu is ancient Sovereign blood lineage/vein, but also made him cut, if that exiled immortal Hua Yunfei, shocking world, ended finally low-spirited.” “是啊,诸圣子何等的风采,全都被他一人力压。遥想想那元古为古皇血脉,还让他斩掉了,又如那谪仙般华云飞,惊艳世间,都终黯然落幕。” Where did he go to?” The young girls closely examine. “那他去了哪里?”少女追问。 Left this Ancient Star, does not know the trace, does not know whether is also living, star road danger.” “离开了这颗古星,不知所踪,不知是否还活着,星路危险啊。” At this moment, numerous cold snort/hum transmits, one group of people leave a seat, look ugly going downstairs goes. 就在这时,一声重重的冷哼传来,一群人离座而起,神色难看的下楼而去。 Well, that is the Myriad Beginnings Holy Land person, like this said the Saint Physique past events, they are definitely discontented, in the past Ye Fan cut their Holy Son, their Saintess.” “咦,那是万初圣地的人,这样说圣体往事,他们肯定不满,当年叶凡可是斩了他们的圣子,又了他们的圣女啊。” „, They do not train a fire vertical rare talent at the present finally, serious of treasure, today will have a war with a person named Ye Tong.” “唔,而今他们终于培养出了一个火纵奇才,宝贝的不得了,今日将与一个叫叶曈的人有一战。” Right, today will have the war of having god-given wisdom rare talent, elects in this/Ben city, so many Powerhouse rush comes to watch this widely-noted war finally.” “对啊,今日将有天纵奇才的一战,选在本城,这么多强者赶到终于来就是为了观看这举世瞩目的一战。” You know, hears this person named Ye Tong, was related with past Human Race's Saint Physique, was not his apprentice, was his child, was raised by that scoundrel and damn big black dog 10,000 times.” “你们知晓吗,听闻这个名叫叶曈的人,与当年的人族圣体有关,不是他的徒弟,就是他的孩子,是被那只混账、该死一万次的大黑狗养大的。” Had heard, why otherwise the Myriad Beginnings' rare talent must fight with him, wants to have a foul odor for this/should Holy Land , to continue with the Saint Physique's showdown. “早已听闻了,不然的话万初的奇才为何要与他一战,就是想为该圣地出一口恶气,延续与圣体的对决。 Ye Fan is startled, who Ye Tong is, is own big disciple Tong Tong, his is in a daze, so many years passed by, the little fellow truly should grow up. 叶凡一怔,叶曈是谁,难道是自己的大弟子曈曈,他一阵发呆,这么多年过去了,小家伙确实该长大了。 These time blustery, it is said many Ancient Race Powerhouse came, must watch this war, in the past ate Saint Physique's to owe greatly, how at the present wants to have a look at his disciple.” “这一次可谓风起云涌啊,据说很多古族强者都来了,也要观看这一战,当年都吃了圣体的大亏,而今想看看他的弟子如何。” Obviously, Heavenly Traces City is blustery, all are because the pair of having god-given wisdom rare talents of younger generation cause the showdown! 很显然,天痕城风起云涌,一切都是因为年轻一代的一对天纵奇才将对决所导致的!
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